Interview Protocol

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Title: “Preparing for the Real Classrooms: A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Online

Teaching Practicum on Student Teachers’ Readiness for Teaching”


Interview Questions
How old are you?
What year and course are you currently enrolled in?
May I confirm if you have already experienced your teaching practicum via online learning?
What grade and subject did you teach in your Teaching Practicum (TP)?
Can you elaborate more on the two levels of your TP?
How would you describe your online teaching experience?
Research Question Interview Question
1. How would you describe your online practice teaching

 What did you feel the first time you were told your
teaching practicum will be conducted online?
 Can you elaborate further on what you just shared?
 Have you encountered challenges in performing your
teaching practicum online?
 What were these challenges?
1. How has distance  How did you overcome them?
learning affected the 2. How different do you think your practice teaching experience
practice teaching would have been if it were conducted in a physical classroom?
experiences of the student
teachers? Probe:
 What made you say so?
 Do you think online practice teaching can adequately
prepare you to teach in a real classroom? Why?
3. Do you think your online TP has helped you in gaining the
needed skill to become a teacher?

 What were these skills?
 With these skills, do you feel confident in teaching a class
1. Given that you had your practice teaching online, how do you
feel about your readiness to enter the teaching field?
2. How do the pre- Probe:
service teacher, who
 What made you say so?
performed online practice
2. In what ways do you think online practice teaching prepared
teaching, perceive their
you in your future teaching career?
readiness for their future
teaching career? Probe:
 Can you give an example on how online TP prepared you
for your future teaching career?
3. Would you say that the online practice teaching will help you
put what you have learned about teacher planning and
implementation into practice in a real classroom?

 What made you say so?

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