Reilly - Ell Culture Lesson Reflection
Reilly - Ell Culture Lesson Reflection
Reilly - Ell Culture Lesson Reflection
Please be
specific and provide examples where necessary.
1. Since the culture lesson was in a virtual environment, what was your biggest challenge while
planning the lesson?
Since the lesson was virtual, I think the biggest challenge was just grasping how long it was going to
take students to complete the assignment and knowing how hard to make it. When you are teaching a
lesson in person, it’s easier to grasp how long it’s going to take as you can plan out what to say and
give the students a specific amount of time to do an activity. We also didn’t want to make the material
too easy where the students aren’t paying attention, but we didn’t want to make it too hard so that they
would be struggling. I think planning a virtual lesson takes a lot of practice and requires a lot of trial
and error.
2. In the planning the lesson, how did you accommodate for students since they were going to
complete the lesson independently?
Since the lesson was being completed individually by the students, we made sure to provide as much
explanation as possible. As the students went through the PowerPoint learning about Italy, they were
also filling out a virtual worksheet to go along with the slides. To make sure the students didn’t miss
anything, we added highlighted reminders at the bottom of the slides to tell the students what slides
corresponded with what questions on the worksheet. We also made sure the students knew we were
available to talk if they had any questions or confusion.
4. How different would your lesson have been if it was taught live in the classroom? What is at
least one aspect that would have been completely different?
If our lesson was taught live in the classroom, it would have been a lot more interactive. First, instead
of the students going through and reading the PowerPoint on their own, we would have gone through
each slide and explained everything to the students. We also would have gotten the opportunity to
have class discussions after watching the two videos in the presentation, rather than the student
watching independently and answering questions. Lastly, instead of the students completing a virtual
worksheet independently, they would have either completed the worksheet with their shoulder partner
or we would’ve had a class discussion based on the questions.
5. If you were to plan this lesson again for a virtual environment, what is one thing you would do
differently? Why?
If I were to plan this virtual lesson again, I would definitely do more screencasts talking with my face
in the corner of the screen. I think this is a very effective tool and can help students understand the
material better. Sometimes I forget how boring a PowerPoint can be to students especially when they
are just reading it on their own, so next time I would definitely provide some screencasts or videos of
me talking about the PowerPoint instead of just providing the PowerPoint for students to work
independently. I think this can help students learn the material a lot better.
6. Did you achieve your objectives? How can you be sure? Looking back, was your assessment
effective? What is one thing you would do differently with assessment if you had another
opportunity to teach this lesson virtually?
Yes, I believe we did achieve our objectives. I know this because we looked back at the students
google responses, and all of them understood the lesson and used that knowledge to answer the
questions. I believe our assessment was very effective because everyone did very well, and I like how
our assessment was an ongoing assessment throughout the whole presentation, not just a bunch of
questions at the end. If I had another opportunity to teach this lesson virtually, I would keep the same
type of assessment, but maybe I would just change the format of some of the questions. For example, I
would add some true/false questions or some multiple choice instead of all short answer questions.