As 24 TTL2 Task 1

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AS 24 CAED 104 TTL 2

Name: Jadjurie, Kyla Michelle B. Date: 01-20-2023

Course/ Year/ Section: BSED 3-C

TASK 1: Types of Graphic Organizers

Name of Definition/ When to use this? Example
the Description (Attach picture)
The KWL chart is used They can be used to pique
to gather information students' interest in a new
KWL chart from prior knowledge topic, activate prior
or experience of knowledge, share unit
students. This three- objectives, and track
column chart depicts students' progress.
the stages of reading:
before (what the reader
already knows), during
(what the reader wants
to learn), and after
(what the reader
This is a tool that can The biography graphic
help you better organizer tool can be used
Biography understand a character to outline information for
graphic from a novel, character, autobiography,
organizer autobiography, or film, and other research
or a historical figure. It purposes.
draws attention to a
variety of important
aspects of a person's

Hierarchy charts depict This is a system in which

the elements of a people are "ranked," usually
Hierarchy system, organization, or based on their job roles and
chart concept in descending "status" within an
order of importance. organization. It is used to
Students can use this represent a hierarchy or
tool to understand the process by depicting the
relationship between a top-down modular
topic's superordinate breakdown of an entire
and subordinate organization into individual
categories. boxes.
A popular web graphic When two or more objects,
organizer is the Venn events, people, or concepts
Venn diagram. This diagram are compared and
Diagram illustrates the contrasted, the term
distinctions and "compare and contrast" is
similarities between the used. It is frequently used to
two concepts. In this organize differences and
diagram, two large similarities in language arts
circles intersect at the and math classes.
AS 24 CAED 104 TTL 2
point where you will
mention the main topic
of the study.
A story map can be It is used during and after
used to identify reading a text. You can
Story Map different elements in a create a story map to plot
book that students are the experience for a new
reading, such as product, after initial
characters, character discovery work, or for an
plots, themes, existing product, after
techniques, and so on. usability testing.
It's a useful tool that
teachers can
incorporate into their
lessons to help students
understand more.
A sequence graphic It can be used to plan
organizer is a tool for lessons or take notes during
Sequence visualizing the order of a lesson, as well as to
Chart steps in a process or a graphically represent the
timeline of events, for order of steps in a process, a
example. It can also be timeline of events, and so
used to take notes, plan on.
lessons, and write
The persuasion map is It can be used by students
an interactive graphic to prepare their arguments
Persuasion organizer that assists for persuasive essays and
map students in becoming debates.
acquainted with the
persuasive writing
process. It aids them in
outlining and preparing
arguments for essays,
speeches, debates, and
other assignments.
This type of graphic It can be used to structure a
organizer depicts an brainstorming session. It
Cause and event's causes and immediately sorts ideas into
effect effects. The cause is the useful categories.
graphic reason why something
organizer occurred, and the effect
is the result of what
occurred. Visualization
aids in the
understanding of
various cause and effect
Timeline diagrams are a It is useful when you have a
type of graphic long trail of events and your
organizer that depicts a chronological order is based
chronological sequence on years. It is used to
of events. describe the sequence in
which events occurred.
They are useful when
studying history
AS 24 CAED 104 TTL 2
graphic because they can be
organizer used to display major
historical events that
occurred over a period
of time, as well as
important details such
as dates and locations.

Furthermore, timeline
charts can be used to
show the progression of
something (for
example, the growth of
a business) or changes.

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