Oral Com Week 4

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LOG Inclusive Dates SEPTEMBER 27 - 29, 2022 Learning Area ORAL COMMUNICATION IN
SCHOOL Scheduled Time 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Topic


A. Content The learner understands the nature and elements of oral The learner values the functions/ purposes of oral communication.
Standard communication in context.
B. Performance The learner designs and performs effective controlled The learner writes a 250-word essay of his/her objective observation
Standards and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on and evaluation of the various speakers watched and listened to.
C. Learning Uses various strategies to avoid communication breakdown Examines sample oral communication activities.
Competencies /
(Write the LC
A. References
1. Teacher’s Sipacio P. F., Balgos A. G. Oral Communication in Context:
Guide pages Techer’s Manual. C &E Publishing, Inc. Department of Education.
Page 4 - 9
2. Learners’
3. Textbook Sipacio P. F., Balgos A. G. Oral Communication in Context:
pages Textbook. C &E Publishing, Inc. Department of Education.
Page 9 - 13
4. Additional • Division of Negros Oriental Learning Resource Portal, Oral
Materials Communication in Context SLMs
from • Division of CALABARZON Learning Resource Portal, Oral
Learning Communication in Context SLMs
B. Other Learning Google.com
A. Revising The teacher reviews the students their previous lesson by The teacher reviews the students their previous lesson by asking the
previous lesson giving an activity to the students. following questions:
or presenting  What is communication breakdown?
the new lesson Directions: In page 9 of your Oral Communication in Context  What are the barriers to communication?
Textbook, complete the semantic web below with a group or  Why does breakdown of communication occur?
group of words relevant to communication. Write it in a 1 whole
sheet of paper.

B. Establishing a The teacher will play a video where communication breakdown The teacher will play a video where a reporter failed to
purpose for the takes place because of excessive use of non-verbal disseminate information to the audience and then the teacher will ask
lesson communication. the following questions.
• Do you remember the meaning of communication?
• Was communication exemplified in that video, yes, or no? • What did you observe about the video?
• What do you think cause the communication breakdown in • What was the function of communication used in the video?
that situation? • Did he deliver the message correctly
C. Presenting The teacher will play a short clip of a movie drama. The teacher will introduce an oral communication activity
examples/ • What is the video all about? through an example of the said oral communication activity.
instances of the • How do the actors deliver their message?
new lesson  What do you think is the function of communication used in
the oral communication activity? 
 How does this oral communication activity happen?
D. Discussing new The teacher will introduce and discuss oral Verbal The teacher will introduce an oral communication activity to the
concepts and Communication to the students using a PowerPoint students using a PowerPoint presentation.
practicing new presentation.
skills #1 One-on-One Speaking
Verbal Communication  Conversation between two friends, employees or with
one’s manager. This could be personal, professional, or
Verbal Communication refers to an interaction in which just sharing motivational quotes between each other.
words are used to relay a message. For effective and successful  This can range from moments punctuating a lecture,
verbal communication, use words to express ideas which can be where students are asked to discuss or explain some
easily understood by the person you are talking to. Consider question or problem with the person next to them, to
appropriateness, brevity, clarity, ethics, and vividness when formal student conferences with their instructor.
engaging in this type of communication.  Face-to-face conversation is the most common form of
1. Appropriateness one-on-one communication. Conversation consists of
The language that you use should be appropriate to the talk about various matters of common interest to both
environment or occasion (i.e.,whether formal or informal). people involved. Conversations, unlike many other
types of communication are usually not planned or
2. Brevity rehearsed beforehand.
Speakers who often use simple yet precise and powerful
words are found to be more credible. Try to achieve brevity by Rules in One-on-One Speaking
being more direct with your words. Avoid fillers and insubstantial
expressions which do not add to the message, such as “uh,” “you There are a few rules you should be aware of if you want to be
know,” “I guess,” and others. an interesting person to talk with.
3. Clarity
The meanings of words, feelings, or ideas may be  Send and Receive Messages Accurately:
interpreted differently by a listener; hence, it is essential for you to  It is important that when you are conversing that you
clearly state your message and express your ideas and feelings. send and receive accurate messages. Choose words
you are sure your receiver will understand. Your word
4. Ethics
choices should largely depend on who your listener is.
Words should be carefully chosen in consideration of the
You should also consider your listener's age and
gender, roles, ethnicity, preferences, and status of the person or
experience when communicating. For example, you
people you are talking to. should not use technical words to describe an
5. Vividness automobile engine to someone who's not familiar with
Words that vividly or creatively describe things or feelings the terms. Finally, pay close attention to the feedback
usually add color and spice to communication. Hence, you are you receive to make sure the listener understands you.
encouraged to find ways to charm your audience using vivid words.  Be Courteous:
 Good conversation involves taking turns. Each person
should take turns speaking and then listening. You
must be willing to "yield the floor" regularly when
conversing. Avoid interrupting to express an idea of
your own while the other person is speaking.
 Be Able to Speak on a Number of Topics:
 Conversation deals with topics of interest to both
people involved. In order to develop stimulating
conversations, you should try to develop a variety of
interests. When you switch to a new topic of
conversation, be sure to relate the new topic to the
previous one. This allows the conversation to flow
 Learn to Enjoy Conversation:
 Good conversation is an art you can develop. During
periods when you are the speaker, speak dynamically
and enthusiastically. No one wants to converse with
someone who's conversation is flat, full monotone with
a deadpan face and no gestures of any kind. Make sure
you develop your conversation with enthusiasm for
your topic. It should show in your voice and body

E. Discussing The teacher will introduce and discuss oral Verbal YES or NO
concepts and Communication to the students using a PowerPoint
practicing new presentation. Directions: In your notebook, identify the following communication
skills #2 activities. Write YES if it is not an example of a one-on-one speaking
Nonverbal communication oral communication activity. If it is not, write NO.
Barrier. Write your answer on your notebook.
Nonverbal communication refers to an interaction 1. You talking to a friend in a pub about why you still live at home
where behavior is used to convey and represent meanings. All with your mother.
kinds of human responses that are not expressed in words are 2. You are sending emails to an old friend from school who
classified as nonverbal communication. Examples of nonverbal always had a crush for your cousin.
communication are stares, smiles, tone of voice, movements, 3. Your colleague from the next cubicle talking to your friend
manners of walking, standing, and sitting, appearance, style from the pub about the conversation he overheard between
of attire, attitude towards time and space, personality, you and your boss.
gestures, and others. 4. A speaker trying to explain the advantages of going through a
comprehensive medical exam through his/ her speech.
Mastery of nonverbal communication is important for 5. The teacher reads several samples of speeches to the students.
several reasons:
1. It enhances and emphasizes the message of your
speech, thus making it more meaningful, truthful, and
2. It can communicate feelings, attitudes, and perceptions
without you saying a word.
3. It can sustain the attention of listeners and keep them
engaged in the speech.
4. It gives the audience a preview to the type of speaker
you are.
5. It makes you appear more dynamic and animated in
your delivery.
6. It serves as a channel to release tension and
7. It helps make your speech more dramatic.
8. It can build a connection with listeners.
9. It makes you a credible speaker.
10. It helps you vary your speaking style and avoid a
monotonous delivery.
F. Developing The teacher will give tips in delivering a speech. The teacher will play a video of a councilor to show how to
mastery examine sample oral communication activities
(Leads to Tips in delivering a speech The teacher will guide the student in examining oral
Formative 1. The ideas in your speech should be organized. communication activities by answering the questions below.
Assessment 3) 2. The message should be expressed clearly. 1. Did the speaker clearly convey the function of their message?
3. There are sufficient supporting ideas. 2. What was the primary message delivered by the speaker?
4. The choice of words is appropriate for the audience. 3. Was the objective achieved by the speaker?
5. Biases are avoided. 4. What where the lessons learned from the oral communication
6. Speech is free from grammatical mistakes. activity? Did you find practical applications?
7. Ideas are communicated vividly and meaningfully. 5. Add observations and evaluations using your knowledge
8. Nonverbal cues are appropriate. about various strategies to avoid communication breakdown.
G. Finding practical The teacher will show practical application of the concept The teacher will show practical application of the concept and
applications of and skills in daily life by asking the student a question. skills in daily life by asking the student a question.
concepts and
skills in daily Question: By knowing verbal and nonverbal communication; Question: By knowing the function of communication you want to
living how does it help you become a better public speaker? communicate with the person you are talking to; how does it help you
become a better communicator?
H. Making The teacher leads the students to fully understand the lesson by The teacher leads the students to fully understand the lesson by asking
generalizations asking the following questions: the following questions:
and abstractions  Differentiate verbal and nonverbal communication.  What is the type of oral communication activity we discussed
about the lesson  Enumerate the things you need to consider when today?
engaging in verbal communication.  What are the rules you should be aware of if you want to be an
 Give several reasons of having mastery in using interesting person to talk with?
nonverbal cues.  How does knowing the function of communication helps you
 By knowing verbal and nonverbal communication, how become a better communicator?
does it help you become a better public speaker?
I. Evaluating Writing My Speech Directions: Watch the job interview. Write a 250-word essay
learning (Individual Activity) describing your objective and evaluation of the speakers you watched
Directions: Imagine you are addressing a group of parents and and listened to.
teachers in an assembly on understanding your generation Be guided by the following questions:
known as “Mellennial Generation.” 1. Did the speaker clearly convey the function of their message?
2. What was the primary message delivered by the speaker?
 Prepare a two-minute speech that communicates your 3. Was the objective achieved by the speaker?
ideas about the topic. 4. What where the lessons learned from the oral communication
 Your speech should highlight who the “mellennials” are activity? Did you find practical applications?
and how they are different from other generations. 5. Add observations and evaluations using your knowledge about
 Write the manuscript of your speech in a short bond various strategies to avoid communication breakdown.
 Your speech will be delivered at our next meeting.
J. Additional Agreement:
activities for  Memorize your speech.
application or  Apply appropriate nonverbal cues when delivering your
remediation speech.
 Practice breeds confidence, so practice your speech at

A. No. of learners
who earned
80% in the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did it
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared By: Reviewed by: Noted By:


SHS Teacher II SHS Master Teacher II Principal I

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