Comp B 60 DLDA Ex3 Shashank Rai

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Experiment 03: Build Even & Odd parity Generator

Learning Objectives: Illustrate the function of basic logic gates using universal gates & build even &
odd parity Generator
Instruments: Circuit Verse digital circuit simulator


⮚ What is a Parity Bit?

A parity bit is an extra bit in any binary message to make the total number of 1’s either odd or
even. We need to add the parity bit to a signal. This is done by the Parity generator. This parity
inclusive binary message then transmits from transmitter to receiver end.
❖ Even parity mechanism: The target is to make the total number of 1s even. For example, if
you have a message signal “010”, you can clearly see that it has just one 1. So we add a parity
bit to make it two 1s. Now the number of 1s is even.
❖ Odd parity mechanism: Here, the target is the make the total number of 1s odd. For example,
consider the same message signal from above. “010”. The parity bit here will be….complete
the sentence. 0! That’s right. There’s already an odd number of 1s in the message signal.

While transmitting the data over long distances, there is a possibility of one of the bits changing due
to electrical noise or some spurious event. To detect such errors, a parity generator/checker pair is
used, generator at transmitting end and checker at receiving end. The parity of a binary number
indicates the number of 1’s in it. If the number of 1’s in the word is odd, it is said to have an odd
parity and if the number of 1’s in it are even, it is said to have an even parity. For e.g. the binary
number 1010101 is said to have an even parity whereas the number 1011011 is said to have an odd
parity. At the generating end, a parity bit is attached to a number to make it in an odd or an even
parity number as desired. At the receiving end, the number with its parity bit is checked to see if the
parity is maintained. Parity checker shown in the fig. given below is useful in detecting the single bit
errors. For odd parity, P=1 and for even parity of the number along with the parity bit P=0. The truth
table is shown next to the circuit diagram.
Observation Tables:

Truth Table:
1. 3 Bit Even Parity Generator

⮚ Truth Table

⮚ K-map

⮚ Boolean Expression

⮚ Circuit Diagram
2. 3 Bit odd Parity Generator

⮚ Truth Table

⮚ K-map

⮚ Boolean Expression
⮚ Circuit Diagram

Learning Outcomes: Students will able to

LO3.1 Describe the process of parity code generation
LO3.2 Give Examples for even parity and odd parity
LO3.3 Derive a code word from the data bits by introducing parity bits

Course Outcome: After completion of this experiment the students will be able build different number
systems forms and Illustrate the design of Combinational circuits

Conclusion: In this experiment we have learnt how to construct 3 bit odd and even parity
generator with help of gates. We have also simplified in form of expression and K map
variable and drawn circuit diagram with help of Circuitverse tools.



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