DAIS Year 1 Term 1

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies


DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 1

Learning Objective
Common greetings and introducing oneself: Student will be able to apply greetings and
introductions using acquired vocabulary to interact in daily routine. Student will enrich his
vocabulary through dealing with simple Arabic texts (Qisas Annabiyyeen).

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PLEASE NOTE: Only the exercises stated for the assignment will be marked. Please do
additional exercises in order to support your progress.

Need To Know:
• Review the vocabulary words has been covered in all contexts ( in both textbooks:
Al'Arabiyyah li'Nnash'in & Qisas A'nnabiyyin).
• Review the vowels (‫ حركات التشكيل‬: ‫ الكسرة‬، ‫ الضمة‬، ‫)الفتحة‬.
• Review the three types of the words in arabic ( ‫ الحرف‬، ‫ االسم‬،‫)الفعل‬.
• Difinite and indefinite nouns (‫)المعرفة و النكرة‬.
• Review the detached pronouns in both genders male and female ( ‫الضمائر المنفصلة في المذكر‬
‫)و المؤنث‬

Assignment – Week 1:
1. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 34 (PDF 46) - Exercise 1
2. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 42 (PDF 54) - Exercise 1
3. Make your own new sentences based on the words given on Flipchart 04

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4

Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 1:

Read Introduction [Page 1 to 13] 12 pages.

Further Reading:
Extend your knowledge about Greeting Expressions in Arabic:
‫" ””السالم عليكم‬Peace be upon you". This traditional Islamic greeting is an expression that is
used at all times of the day in all settings.
‫ السَّالم" "و‬. ‫علَ ْي ُكم‬
َ " Peace be upon you, too" is the appropriate response to“"‫السالم عليكم‬
If a person initiates a greeting in the morning or evening, it should take the following forms:
“Good morning“‫صَبا ُح ال َخيْر‬
“Good evening“‫َمسا ُء ال َخيْر‬
A person responding to a greeting in the morning or evening should say the following:
“Good morning “‫صَباح النور‬
“Good evening“‫َمساء النو ر‬
” Hello” ‫مرحبا‬, this expression can be used by the initiator of the greeting at any time in an
informal situation.
‫ " "أهال‬or " ‫ ”أهال و سهال‬Welcome.” These two expressions are used as a response to the
" greeting َّ ‫ َمرْ حَبا‬.in informal situations "

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Grammar Notes:

The Definite Article

Words are made definite in Arabic by attaching ‫ أل‬to the beginning of the word. For
ْ The only difference
example, ‫ ُمدَرس‬means "a teacher". "The teacher" is rendered by ‫ال ُمدَرس‬.
is that we have attached the definite article ‫ ال‬to the noun. The definite article is always
attached to the noun. Note that there is a sukuun over the ‫ ل‬of the definite article and that
the ‫ ل‬is written in medial form.
If a word begins with the letters :‫ ب ج ح خ ع غ ف ق ك م ه و ي‬or with a hamza (which will be
seated on an alif), we place a sukuun on the ‫ ل‬of the definite and pronounce the ‫ل‬. Thus
‫ ْال ُمدَرس‬is pronounced "almudarris". If a word begins with any of the remaining letters of the
alphabet it has a different outcome.
Let's take the Arabic word for sun, ‫ ش َْمس‬and make it definite. We add ‫ ال‬to ‫ ش َْمس‬just as we
would to any other word and we get ‫شمس‬ َّ ‫ ال‬. Can you see what the difference is? First of all,
there is no sukuun on the ‫ ل‬of the definite article. Secondly, there is a shadda over the ‫ش‬
which is the first letter of the indefinite noun.
The ‫ ل‬has been assimilated into the ‫ ش‬and will not be pronounced. Consequently ‫شمس‬ َّ ‫ ال‬is
pronounced ash-shams. In this situation you can tell that the word is definite by the sound
of the hamza and the fatha, and by hearing the shadda on the ‫ش‬. You will not hear the ‫ ل‬at
all. However, the ‫ ل‬must be written. The letters which cause the ‫ ل‬to be assimilated are: ‫ت‬
‫ث د ذ ر ز س ش ص ض ط ظ ل ن‬. This group of letters is known as the "sun letters "" ‫حروف شمسية‬
. because they all assimilate the ‫ ل‬just as the ‫ ش‬does in the word ‫ شمس‬The first group of
letters, those which require that a sukuun be placed on the ‫ ل‬, are known as "moon letters"
"‫ حروف قمرية‬because the word for moon ‫ قمر‬begins with ‫ ق‬which does not require
assimilation of the ‫ل‬.
Students usually hesitate when they first learn of this phenomenon. They often try to
memorize which letters are sun letters and which are moon letters. It is not recommended
that students do so. Instead, under normal circumstances, a student can learn when to
assimilate the ‫ ل‬and when not to by listening to the instructor, to the tapes that usually
accompany the standard Arabic text books, and by speaking Arabic in class.
However, if you are reading this book it is likely that you are not studying Arabic under
normal circumstances and you may wish to memorize the sun and moon letters. One thing
that may help you a lot (and also facilitates learning which letters are which when you
practice speaking and listening) is that the sun letters are all pronounced near the front of
the mouth, while the moon letters, with the exception of the ‫ ج‬and ‫و‬, are pronounced
further back. Since Arabic texts are virtually never vocalized, you will not see the shadda on
the first letter of a definite word beginning with a sun letter, nor will you see the sukuun on
the ‫ ل‬when a word begins with a moon letter. You will already have to know what to do
every time you see a word with the definite article.
Lest you think that Arabic is a tough language and that even making a word definite entails
quite a hassle, be aware that the definite article in Arabic does not show gender, number, or
case, unlike other languages supposedly easier than Arabic.

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

‫الضمائر المنفصلة‬: Detached Pronoun

The Arabic Language has twelve personal pronouns, divided into three categories; 1st
person, 2nd person and 3rd Person. They are considered nouns and stand alone. Pronouns in
Arabic " ُ‫ض َماْئِر‬ ْ belong to the category of "nouns." Therefore, everything that applies to
َّ ‫"ال‬
nouns will apply to them. Pronouns have genders, numbers, and grammatical case.
Pronouns are always definite nouns.
The following table contains all categories of the detached Pronouns.

‫ضمير الغائبة‬ ‫ضمير الغائب‬ ‫ضمير المخاطبة‬ ‫ضمير المخاطب‬ ‫ضمير المتكلم‬ ‫الضمائر‬
3rd 3rd 2nd 2nd 1st
( person ‫المنفصلة‬
(person (person (person being (person being speaking
being spoken being spoken spoken to spoken to Masculine & Pronouns
about about Feminine) Masculine) Feminine)
Feminine) Masculine)

)She( ‫هي‬
َ )He( ‫هو‬
َ )You( ‫ت‬
ِ ‫أن‬ ) You( َ‫أنت‬ )I( ‫أنا‬ ‫المفرد‬

)They( ‫هما‬ )THey( ‫هما‬ )You( ‫أنتما‬ )You( ‫أنتما‬ )we( ‫نحن‬ Dual ‫المثنى‬

)They( ‫هن‬ )They( ‫هم‬ )You( ‫أنتن‬ )You( ‫أنتم‬ )we( ‫نحن‬ ‫الجمع‬

‫ – أَيْنَ ْال َو َلدُ؟‬Where is the boy?
‫ – أَيْنَ ْال ِكتَابُ ؟‬Where is the book?
‫ – ُه َو ف ِْي ال َفصْل‬He is in a class.
ِ ‫ – ُه َو ف ِْي البَ ْي‬It is in the house.
‫طالب‬ ُ ‫ – ُهم‬They are (male) students.

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Examples from the Qur’an:

(a) Use of ‫ ُه َو‬for Allah:
Allah says in the Qur’an in (Surah 112 verse 1):
ْ ‫ٱَّللُ أ َ َحد‬
‫قل ُه َو‬ َّ – “Say He is Allah (the) One”
(b) Use of ‫ هُ َو‬for non human thing :
Allah says in the Qur’an in (Surah 3 verse 78) referring to the false claims of the Jews and
the Christians about things in their scriptures which they added themselves:
ِ ‫“ – مِنَ ْال ِكت َا‬and it is not from the book…”
‫ب و ما هو‬
Allah says in the Qur’an in (Surah 35 verse 31):
ِ ‫“ – ْالحَق ُه َو َوالَّذِي أَوْ َح ْينَا ِإلَيْكَ مِ نَ ْال ِكتَا‬And what We have revealed to you (O Muhammad
SAW), from the Book (the Qur’ân), it is the truth”

‫ ُه َّن‬and ‫ِي‬
َ ‫ه‬
A feminine noun is referred to by the pronoun ‫ِي‬ َ ‫ ه‬whether it denotes a human being, an
animal or a thing, and feminine plurals whether human beings or animals are referred to by
the pronoun ‫ ُه َّن‬e.g:
‫ِي بِ ْنت‬
َ ‫ – ه‬She is a girl.
َ ‫ – ه‬She is in the house (or at home).
ِ ‫ِي ف ِْي ال َب ْي‬
‫ – ُه َّن طالِبات‬They are (female) students.

Important Rule: For 3rd person non-human plural we use the 3rd person feminine singular
(‫ )هي‬as a pronoun. i.e. when we use “They” to refer to non-humans, like books, pens etc, we
use ‫ِي‬
َ ‫ه‬.

‫ ( أَيْنَ ْال ُكتُبُ ؟‬Where are the books?).
‫س ِة‬ َ ‫ِي ف ِْي ْال َم‬
َ ‫در‬ َ ‫( ه‬They are in the school).
‫( َه ِل القرى في مكةَ ؟‬Are the villages in Makkah?).
َ‫ِي في مكة‬
َ ‫( نَعَ ْم ه‬Yes, they are in Makkah).

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Examples from the Qur’an:

(a) Use of ‫ِي‬
َ ‫ ه‬for Allah’s punishments (3rd person Non-Human Plural) –
Allah says in the Qur’an in (Surah 11 verse 83) referring to His punishments:
َّ َّٰ َ‫( مِ ن‬and they (Allah’s vengeance / punishments) are not far from the
‫ٱلظلِمِ ينَ ِببَ ِعيد وما هي‬
Zâlimeen (polytheists, evil-doers,).
(b) Use of ‫ ُه َّن‬for Women (feminine plural).
Allah says in the Qur’an in (Surah 2 verse 187) referring to the women:
‫( ِلبَاس لَّ ُكمۡ َوأَنتُمۡ ِلبَاس لَّه َُّن" " ُه َّن‬They (women) are Libas (body cover or clothing) for you and you
are Libas (body cover or clothing) for them….).


Arabic has two genders, masculine and feminine. Most nouns not referring to people are
arbitrarily assigned a gender. For example, ‫ كتاب‬is masculine, but ‫ سيارة‬is feminine. You can
usually spot a feminine word, because, it has a feminine suffix attached to it. The suffix is a ‫ة‬
(called a "taa marbuuta"). The ‫ ة‬is always preceded by a fatha. Since the ‫ ة‬will often not be
pronounced, you will hear only the fatha which precedes it when someone says a word
which is feminine - it will sound feminine word.

With words referring to human beings such as ‫طالب‬, we add the feminine ending in order to
indicate that we are talking of the feminine variety of such creatures. Thus a female student
is ‫طالبة‬. Every word that looks feminine will not necessarily be feminine, e.g ‫"خليفة‬Caliph" is
an example. These words are few and far between. Additionally, some words which do not
end with ‫ ة‬are feminine; e.g ‫" "حرب‬war" is feminine while its opposte "Peace" " "‫ سالم‬is

When a word ends in a ‫ ة‬we will pronounce the ‫ ة‬only if we wish or need to pronounce the
case ending on the word. For example, "a student" is written ‫طالبة‬. If we wish or need to
pronounce the entire word, we will say "taalibatun", pronouncing the ‫ ة‬as a regular ‫ت‬. But, if
we wish to read the word without the case ending, we do not pronounce the ‫ ة‬at all; we only
pronounce the fatha which precedes the ‫ة‬. Thus the word can also be pronounced

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

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My sentences:

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Notes – Week 1

• Use the Greeting and Introduction phrases as much as possible.

• Chat with your classmates, and participate whenever as much as you can.
• You may not feel like you know much, but by using what you do know, you will add to
that knowledge.
• Put up vocabulary relates to the lesson around your house.
• When you study vocabulary words, repeat them out loud, record them, then listen to
them to assess your pronunciation.
• Use new vocabulary in sentences and write the words down.
• Enhance your reading abilities by reading repeatedly the first lesson (‫ )من كسر األصنام‬in
the book "Stories of the Prophets" (‫)قصص النبيين‬.

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 2

Learning Objective
Student will be able to introduce him/her self (introducing the name and the nationality).

Need to Know:
• How to introduce yourself in the Arabic language.
• Greeting others.
• How to introduce your nationality.
• How to ask another person about his/her nationality.

Assignment – Week 2
1. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 56 (PDF 68) - Exercise 1
2. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 62 (PDF 74) - Exercise 1
3. Make your own new sentences based on the words given on Flipchart 08

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 2:

Read Chapter-1 Types of Water [Page 16 to 21] 5 pages.

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Further Reading:

‫ياء النسبة‬
Try to figure out what these words have in common in terms of structure and meaning.
‫ مصرية‬- ‫ مصري‬: ‫مصر‬ ‫ أمريكية‬-‫ أمريكي‬: ‫أمريكا‬
The ‫ ي‬in Arabic is a suffix that has a meaning similar
to an in American and Mexican which derives the adjectives from America and Mexico.
The suffix ‫ ي‬is used to make adjectives that indicate nationalities e.g., Egyptians, Greek,
and Canadian. It is also used to indicate belonging to a profession, ideology and many
other things, as it has the meaning of ic in democratic and alin medical. To add ‫ ي‬to a
a- remove the definite article
b- if the noun ends with or remove it to avoid having a sequence of two long
c- if the noun ends with remove it
d- if the adjective is feminine add the after the ‫ي‬.



Egyptian Egypt

Sudanese Sudan

Saudi Saudi Arabia

American America

British Britain

Mexican Mexico

Canadian Canada

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Memorize the following numbers:

The numerals associated with the numbers are summarized in the following chart:
0 sifr ‫صفر‬ 1 wahid ‫واحد‬
٠ ١
2 ithnan ‫إثنان‬ 3 thalatha (th as in ‫ثالثة‬
٢ ٣ bath)
٤ 4 arba’a ‫أربعة‬ ٥ 5 khamsa ‫خمسة‬
٦ 6 sitta ‫ستة‬ ٧ 7 sab’a ‫سبعة‬
٨ 8 thamaniya (th in thin) ‫ثمانية‬ ٩ 9 tis’a ‫تسعة‬
١٠ 10 ‘ashra ‫عشرة‬ ١١ 11 ahada ‘ashar ‫إحدى عشر‬
١٢ 12 ithna ‘ashar ‫إثنا عشر‬ ١٣ 13 thalatha ‘ashar ‫ثالثة عشر‬
14 arba’a ‘ashar ‫أربعة عشر‬ 15 khamsa ‘ashar ‫خمسة‬
١٤ ١٥ ‫عشر‬
١٦ 16 sitta ‘ashar ‫ستة عشر‬ ١٧ 17 sab’a ‘ashar ‫سبعة عشر‬
١٨ 18 thamaniya ‘ashar ‫ثمانية عشر‬ ١٩ 19 tis’a ‘ashar ‫تسعة عشر‬
20 ‘ishrun ‫عشرون‬ 21 wahed wa-’ishrun ‫واحد و‬
٢٠ ٢١ ‫عشرون‬
22 ithnane wa-’ishrun ‫إثنان وعشرون‬ 23 thalatha wa-’ishrun ‫ثالثة و‬
٢٢ ٢٣ ‫عشرون‬
24 arba’a wa-’ishrun ‫أربعة و عشرون‬ 25 khamsa wa-’ishrun ‫خمسة و‬
٢٤ ٢٥ ‫عشرون‬
26 sitta wa-’ishrun ‫ستة و عشرون‬ 27 sab’a wa-’ishrun ‫سبعة‬
٢٦ ٢٧ ‫وعشرون‬
28 thamaniya wa-’ishrun ‫ثمانية و عشرون‬ 29 tis’a wa-’ishrun ‫تسعة و‬
٢٨ ٢٩ ‫عشرون‬
30 thalathun ‫ثالثون‬ 31 wahid wa-thalathun ‫واحد و‬
٣٠ ٣١ ‫ثالثون‬
40 arba’un ‫أربعون‬ 42 ithnan wa-arba’un ‫إثنان و‬
٤٠ ٤٢ ‫أربعون‬
50 khamsun ‫خمسون‬ 53 thalatha wa-khamsun ‫ثالثة و‬
٥٠ ٥٣ ‫خمسون‬
60 sittun ‫ستون‬ 64 arba'a wa-sittun ‫أربعة و‬
٦٠ ٦٤ ‫ستون‬
70 sab’un ‫سبعون‬ 75 khamsa wa-sab’un ‫خمسة و‬
٧٠ ٧٥ ‫سبعون‬
80 thamanun ‫ثمانون‬ 86 sitta wa-thamanun ‫ستة و‬
٨٠ ٨٦ ‫ثمانون‬
90 tis’un ‫تسعون‬ 97 sab'a wa-tis’un ‫سبعة و‬
٩٠ ٩٧ ‫تسعون‬
١٠٠ 100 mi'a ‫مائة‬ ١٠٠٠ 1000 alf ‫ألف‬
١٠٠٠٠٠ 100000 mi'at alf ‫مائة ألف‬ ٢٠٠٠ 2000 alfaan ‫ألفان‬
١٠٠٠٠٠٠٠ 10000000 Million ‫مليون‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Forming numbers in Arabic is quite easy, from 13 to 19 you just place

a number before ten for example 13 = three ten, instead of thirteen in English, 17 is seven
ten in Arabic. From 21 to 99 you just need to reverse the numbers and add (wa- between
the two numbers) 36 would be six wa- thirty instead of thirty six (sitta wa-thalathun),
(wa means and).

0 is sifr in Arabic, from which the word cipher came. For 11 and 12 they’re irregular, so just
remember how to write them by now (11 = ehda ‘ashar, 12 = ithna ‘ashar).

So in general, numbers standing alone are easy to use, or say. The hard part is that numbers
3 to 10 have a unique rule of agreement with nouns known as polarity: A numeral in
masculine gender should agree with a feminine referrer and vice versa (thalathatu awlaad =
three boys), boys are masculine plural, so the feminine form of number 3 should be used
(which is thalathatu, and not thalathu which is the masculine form, the u at the end of
numbers is used when a number is followed by another word to make an easy jump to the
next word) (thalathu banaat = three girls) banaat = girls, which is feminine plural, therefore
a masculine form of number 3 should be used (thalathu). That may sound complicated but
once you get used to it, it will not be as hard as it seems now.

Grammatical Gender of the Numbers:

The table below explains what the gender of a cardinal number will be given the word being
counted. The ordinals have not been included because, in most cases, they act as adjectives
for the counted word. So they will match in gender. For example: ‫ الرجل الثالث‬and ‫المرأة الثالثة‬.
To facilitate the understanding of these rules, let’s consider a rule of thumb: Consider the
gender of the singular form of the word being counted. When the ones place is 1 or 2, the
ones place will match that singular in gender. And when the ones place is a number
between 3 and 9, it will mismatch.

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Group Numbers Gender of Cardinals Example

A 1, 2 There is no number, the counted word is ‫ رئيسان‬،‫رئيس‬

used either as singular or dual as needed
‫ امرأتان‬،‫امرأة‬

B 3..10 Ones place: gender opposite of the counted (sing. ‫ثالثة امتحانات )امتحان‬
word (sing. ‫ثالث مباريات)مبارة‬

C 11, 12 Ones place: gender same as the counted ‫أحد عشر بلدا‬
‫إحدى عشرة والية‬

Tens place: gender same as the counted


D 13..19 Ones place: gender opposite of the counted ‫أربعة عشر سبيال‬
‫أرب َع ع ْشرة معجزة‬

Tens place: gender same as the counted


E 20, 30, 40, 50, Tens place: always masculine ‫خمسون مصحفا‬
‫خمسون ورقة‬

F 21, 22, 31, 32, Ones place: gender same as the counted ‫اثنان وستون مرابطا‬
... word
‫اثنتان وستون زوجة‬

Tens place: always masculine

G 23..29, 33..39, Ones place: gender opposite of the counted ‫سبعة وسبعون ركنا‬
... word
‫سبع وسبعون صدقة‬

Tens place: always masculine

H 100, 200, 300, Hundreds place: always masculine since the ‫ثمانمائة وخمسة وعشرون بيتا‬
... word ‫مائة‬is feminine
‫ثمانيمائة وخمس وعشرون دارا‬
The word ‫ مائة‬is always feminine

I 1000, 2000, ... Thousands place: always feminine since the ‫تسعة آالف جالّد‬
word ‫الف‬is masculine
‫تسعة آالف هرة‬
The word ‫ الف‬is always masculine

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB-V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Exercise: Translate the following phrases into Arabic. The translations of the counted
words have been provided. Where you see two words, you must use the underlined plural;
the singular is there to help you figure out the gender.

a. a dog (‫ كالب‬،‫)كلب‬
b. 7 kittens (‫ هريرات‬،‫)هريرة‬
c. 10 masc. students (‫ طالب‬،‫)طالب‬
d. 11 mice (‫)فأرة‬
e. 12 masc. classmates (‫)زميل‬
f. 14 windows (‫)شباك‬
g. 18 caravans (‫)قافلة‬
h. 32 dates (‫)تمرة‬
i. 51 journalists (‫)صحافيون‬
j. 96 frogs (‫)ضفدع‬
k. 99 nicknames (‫)كنية‬
l. 307 stars (‫ نجوم‬،‫)نجم‬
m. 411 telephones (‫)هاتف‬
n. 789 beds ( ‫)سريرة‬
o. 1,718 apples (‫)تفّاح‬

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My Sentences:

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Notes – Week 2

• Memorize and practice in speaking and writing the new vocabulary dealt with in all
contexts of this lesson.
• Record the phrases with your voice and assess your pronunciation.
• Focus on the use of the interrogative particles "‫ "هل‬and ‫" "أ‬, and the use of both ‫ نعم‬and
‫ ال‬in answering these types of interrogative forms .
• Make the interrogative sentences using: ‫؟‬..... ‫ ما هذه‬،‫؟‬......‫ما هذا‬
• Review the 1st, 2nd and 3rd singular pronouns, and use them in different sentences.
• Keep practicing the Arabic numbers in your speaking and writing.

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 3

Learning Objective
Students will be able to make simple sentences (interrogative and affirmative forms) using
the singular demonstrative pronouns in both genders, male and female ( ، ‫ هل هو‬،‫ما هذه‬، ‫ما هذا‬
‫) هل هي‬.

Need To Know:
• Recap from the previous lessons.
• Memorize the vocabulary words have been dealt with in all contexts ( Al arabiyyah
li'nnashi'in & Qisas al' Nnabiyyeen).
• How to make interrogative sentences using ( ‫ هل هي‬، ‫ هل هو‬،‫ما هذه‬، ‫)ما هذا‬,
• How to answer to these types of interrogative forms using either ‫ نعم‬or. ‫ال‬
• How to distinguish between male and female in using the interrogative tools above.
• Understand the possessive pronouns and their uses: (s ee the follwing section for more
details with this respect).

Assignment – Week 3

Part 1
1. Rewrite Flipchart 01 with everything changed to ‫ مؤنث‬form. Please make sure to show
the ‫ حركات‬in your writing. (10 marks)
2. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 70 - Exercise 1 (5 marks)
3. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 77 - Exercise 1 (5 marks)
4. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 83 - Exercise 1 (5 marks)
5. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 84 - Exercise 1 (5 marks)
Part 2
Write a summary of what you have learnt so far in Qisas Al-Nabiyyeen under the title:
‫( من كسر االصنام؟‬Who broke the idols?)

Summarise the story of Ibrahim breaking the idols in your own sentences. You can see an
explanation of this homework on Video 3 at 45 minutes.

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 3:

Read Chapter 2 Najasah and purification from it [Page 22 to 28] 6 pages

(Up to & including "Najasah khafifah")

Further Reading:

Read the following for more detail on Arabic "Determinative Possessive Pronouns" ( ‫ضمائر‬
Arabic uses pronoun suffixes as another way to indicate possession. In English we say “my
house,” “his house,” etc., to indicate that something belongs to someone. In Arabic the
same thing is done but the possessive pronouns are suffixed to the noun instead of written
as independent words before the noun.
Below is a chart of the possessive pronoun suffixes along with their corresponding
independent pronouns.

Arabic Determinative Possessive Pronouns

Singular Dual Plural
You (dual male or female):
Me: noun+i ‫ي‬ We: noun+naa ‫نا‬
noun+kumaa ‫كُما‬

You (masculine): Them (dual male or You (plural masculine):

noun+k َ‫ك‬ female): noun+humaa ‫هُما‬ noun+kum ‫كُم‬

You (feminine): You (plural feminine):

noun+ki ِ‫ك‬ noun+kun ‫كُن‬
Him: Them (plural
noun+h ، ‫ـه‬ ‫ه‬ noun+hum ‫هُم‬
Them (plural
Her: noun+ha ‫ها‬
noun+hun ‫هُن‬

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In Arabic you have to use the possessive pronouns above as a suffix, meaning that they
should be ending the word (noun), here are some examples:
Book = Kitab ‫كتاب‬
My book = Kitabi ‫كتابي‬
Your book = kitabuk ‫كتابك‬
Your book (singular female) = Kitabuki ‫كتابك‬
His book = Kitabuh ‫كتابه‬
Her book = Kitabuha ‫كتابها‬
Your book (dual male or female) = Kitabukumaa ‫كتابكما‬
Their book (dual male or female) = Kitabuhumaa ‫كتابهما‬
Our book = Kitabuna ‫كتابنا‬
Your book (plural masculine) = Kitabukum ‫كتابكم‬

Your book (plural feminine) = Kitabukunn (a) ‫كتابكن‬

Their book (plural masculine) = Kitabuhum ‫كتابهم‬
Their book (plural feminine) = kitabuhunn (a) ‫كتابهن‬
So it’s very easy to use the possessive pronoun in Arabic, you just need to add the suffixes
on the table above to the word, and that’s it.

Example 1
Practice the possessive pronouns by following the same pattern shown in the first sentence.
To solidate your information with this respect, make other sentence by using all other
categories of these pronouns ( singular, dual & plural in both genders).

‫← اسمه أحمد‬ ‫اسم أَبي أحمد‬

....................... ← ---- ‫اسم أمي‬
....................... ←--------- ‫اسم أخي‬
....................... ←-------- ‫اسم أختي‬

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Plurality of the Counted Words

The final task is to understand whether the word following the number will be singular or
plural. This is a relatively simple topic summarized in the table below.

Plurality Example
Group Numbers
of Word
A 1, 2 single or
‫ ثعلبان‬،‫ثعلب‬
B 3..10 plural ‫ثعالب‬
َ ‫خمسة‬
C 11, 12
‫عشر ثعلبا‬
َ َ‫احد‬

D 13..19
‫عشر ثعلبا‬
َ َ‫خمسة‬

E 20, 30,
40, 50, ... ‫خمسون ثعلبا‬

F 21, 22,
31, 32, ... ‫واحد وخمسون ثعلبا‬

G 23..29,
33..39, ... ‫خمسة وخمسون ثعلبا‬

H 100, 200,
300, ... ‫خمسمائ ِة ثعلب‬

I 1000, ‫آالف ثعلب‬

ِ ‫خمسة‬
2000, ...

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Exercise: Correct the following phrases in terms of gender and grammatical case, as

a. ‫أحدَ عشرةِ فناد َق‬

b. ‫اثنتا عشرة َ درهما‬
c. ‫تسعةَ عشر ِة كتاب‬
d. ‫خمسو قضاة‬
e. ‫ثالثةُ مائة وإحدى وتسعين طاوالت‬
Please see table below for addition information on demonstrative pronouns (‫)أسماء اإلشارة‬:
Demonstratives in English are "this," "that," "these," and "those."
In Arabic, demonstratives are nouns, thus they have the characteristics of gender, number,
and case. There are so many demonstratives in classical Arabic; I am going to try to put
them all, but I will indicate which are used in daily conversation.
Demonstratives are called in Arabic the "nouns of pointing " ‫شار ِة‬ ِ ‫أَسْما ُء‬.
َ ‫اإل‬

‫أسماء اإلشارة‬

This (masc. sing.) َ‫هَذا‬

This (fem. sing.) ‫َه ِذه‬

‫َهذَاْ ِن‬
These (masc. dual)

‫َهذَي ِْن‬

‫َها ْتَا ْ ِن‬

These (fem. dual)
‫َها ْتَي ِْن‬

These (plu.) ِ ‫َه ُؤ‬


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‫َهذَاْ يَوْ م َج ِميْل‬
This is a beautiful/nice day.

‫َه ِذ نَ ِص ْي َحة َج ِيدَة‬

This is a good advice

َِ ‫ِصادُِق ِْو‬
َ ‫َه ُؤالءَِِق ْوٌم‬
These are honest people

According to the noun after the demonstrative we have the following three situations:

This is a teacher ‫َهذَاْ ُم َع ِلم‬

This teacher ‫َهذَاْ ْال ُمعَ ِل ُم‬

This is the teacher ‫َهذَاْ ُه َو ْال ُمعَ ِل ُم‬

‫لم ْيذَتَا ْ ِن‬ ِ ْ ‫َهاْتَا ْ ِن ُه َما‬

ِ ‫الت‬
These are the two students

‫ هما‬is necessary here to distinguish the sentence "these are the two students" from "these

two students."
َ ‫َهذَاْ ُه َو‬
‫ص ِد ْي ِق ْي‬
This is my friend

‫هو‬here is not necessary like in the previous examples. The phrase without the pronoun
could not mean anything other than "this is my friend."
َ ْ‫َهذَا‬
‫ص ِد ْي ِق ْي‬
This is my friend

Because there was no ambiguity here, the usage of a separation pronoun was optional.

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ِ‫َم َّكةُ َهذه‬

This is Mecca

ِ‫يِ َم َّك ُة‬

ِ ‫َهذهِِه‬
This is Mecca

‫ هي‬here is optional (emphatic).

َ ‫َهذهِ ِه‬
This is her / here she is

‫هي‬ here was a predicate but not a separation pronoun. A separation pronoun must be
used after demonstratives only if the predicate is a noun attached to the definite article
" "‫ ال‬. Otherwise it is optional (emphatic).

Interrogative words (‫ هل‬، ‫ ما‬،‫ من‬، ‫) أين‬

Read the following for more information about the use of some very common interrogative
tools in Arabic.
Arabic, like English, adds words to sentences in order to form questions. Here we will deal with
some of the most common interrogative words used in Arabic, ‫ َمن‬,‫ ما‬, ‫ه ْل‬َ and ‫أيْن‬.
‫ َه ْل‬is an interrogative used in sentences such as "Are you a student?". In this kind of sentence in
English, we take the appropriate form of the verb "to be" and place it at the beginning of the
sentence. In Arabic, we just put ‫ هل‬as the first word of a statement in order to make that
statement into a question. For example, ‫" أنتَ طالب‬You are a student" is made into a question by
placing ‫ هل‬first, so we get ‫ انتَ طالب؟ هل‬.
Note that ‫هل‬, like all questions words, does not affect the case of any word in the sentence For
example: "‫ " "المدير غائب‬The director is absent" we make it into question by putting ‫ هل‬first and
getting : ‫المدير غائب؟‬
ُ ‫"هل‬Is the director absent?"

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Translation Answer Translation Question

Yes, the book is Is the book ‫ هل الكتاب ُمفيد؟‬.١

beneficial. ‫ الكتاب مفيد‬،‫ نعم‬beneficial?
Yes, the newspaper Is the newspaper ‫ هل الجريدة جيدة؟‬.٢
good. .‫ الجريدة ُ جيدة‬،‫ نعم‬good?
Yes, I am the Are you the ‫ هل انت األستاذ؟‬.٣
professor. .ُ‫ أنا األستاذ‬،‫ نعم‬professor?
Yes, I am the Are you (f.) the ‫ت األستاذة؟‬
ِ ‫ هل ان‬.٤
professor (f.). .ُ‫ أنا األستاذة‬،‫ نعم‬professor?
Yes, I am a Are you a professor? ‫ هل انتَ أستاذ؟‬.٥
professor. .‫ انا أستاذ‬،‫نعم‬
Yes, I am a Are you (f.) a ‫ت أستاذة؟‬
ِ ‫ هل أن‬.٦
professor (f.). .‫ أنا أستاذة‬،‫ نعم‬professor?
Yes, He is a Is he a director? ‫ هل هو مدير؟‬.٧
director. .‫ هو مدير‬،‫نعم‬
Yes, She is a Is she a teacher? ‫ هل هي مدرسة؟‬.٨
teacher. .‫ هي مدرسة‬،‫نعم‬
Yes, She is the Is she the teacher? ‫المدرسة؟‬
ِّ ‫ هل هي‬.٩
teacher. .ُ‫ هي المدرسة‬،‫نعم‬
Yes, This teacher Is this teacher (f.)
(f.) is new. ‫المدرسة‬
ِّ ‫ هذه‬،‫ نعم‬new? ‫المدرسة‬
ِّ ‫ هل هذه‬.١٠
.ُ‫جديدة‬ ‫جديدة؟‬

The table above consists of interrogative sentences with the use of "‫ "هل‬associated with
affirmative answers preceded by "‫"نعم‬.

‫ ما‬has many uses in Arabic. One of them is as the question word "what," used to refer to things.
For example, ‫ما هذا؟‬means "What is this?" ‫ما‬is not used to refer to people.

‫من‬means "who" and is used to refer to people. ‫من هذا؟‬means "Who is this?" ‫ من أنتَ ؟‬means, "Who
are you?" Do not get the question word "‫" = " َم ْن‬who" confused with the preposition "‫"مِن‬which
means "from". When these two words are unvoweled (i.e. always) they look alike and new
students tend to read them incorrectly.

‫ أين‬means "where" and is only used in a question. ‫المدير؟‬ُ ‫ أين‬means "Where is the director?" If you
want to know where someone is from, you use the preposition ‫مِن‬ ْ along with ‫أين‬. For example,
"Where are you from?" is rendered in Arabic ‫مِن أين انت؟‬. ْ Note that ‫مِن‬ ْ comes before ‫ أين‬and that it
will look just like ‫ َمن‬since it will not be vocalized. Therefore it is the CONTEXT that tells you what
the word is. Context is going to play a big role in your study of Arabic in future lessons.

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‫هذا ولد رشيد جدا‪ ،‬هو يقرأ القرآن‬

‫اسمه عبد الرحمن و هو مصري‪.‬‬
‫هذا رجل مشهور جدا‪ ،‬هو يلعب كرة القدم‪ ،‬اسمه حامد‪ ،‬و هو والد‬
‫عبد الرحمان‪.‬‬
‫قال حامد لولده‪ :‬يا عبد الرحمن أال تأكل أال تشرب؟ مالك ال تنطق؟ هل‬
‫تعال يا عبد الرحمان‪ ،‬العب كرة السلة‪.‬‬
‫ثم نذهب إال المسجد‬

‫‪Re write Text (changed to‬‬ ‫‪ form):‬مؤنث‬

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Summary of ‫( من كسر االصنام؟‬Who broke the idols?)

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Notes - Week 3

• Memorize the new vocabulary words that have been covered in all contexts of this


• Create as many questions as you can using demonstrative pronouns in both genders;
masculine and feminine.

• Create other sentences using same pronouns taking into account the number they
denote (singular, dual & plural.

• Create as many sentences as you can by using the new vocabulary words have been dealt

with in this lesson. (This activity would be more effective if you do it within a group or
with another partner, and it is recommended to let him/her assess your work).

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 4

Learning Objective
Student will be able to use new common communication phrases related to different places
and facilities, and able to make simple sentences accordingly .

Need To Know:
• Memorize and use the new vocabulary words in you speaking and writing.
• Imperative form of the very common verbs in the daily communication: ( ،‫ انتظر‬، ‫تعال‬
‫)أسرع أنظر‬.
• Asking questions using the Interrogative particle (‫)أين‬.
• Deep understanding of the cardinal numbers with proper use in speaking and writing.

Assignment – Week 4
1. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 89 - Exercise 1 (10 marks)
2. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 90 - Exercise 1 (10 marks)
3. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 95 - Exercise 1 (10 marks)
4. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 96 - Exercise 1 (10 marks)

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 4:

Read Chapter 2 Najasah and purification from it [Page 28 to 36] 8 pages

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Further Reading:

Helping Vowels and the Elidable Hamza (‫)همزة الوصل‬

We have now covered the definite article in Arabic - ‫ ال‬. The first letter of the article is
actually the (‫)همزة الوصل‬. The hamza is seated on an alif. The alif has no phonetic value when
it is a seat for the hamza. The vowel on the hamza is a fatha. Whenever a definite word
begins a sentence we always pronounce hamza and its fatha. However, look at this: ‫أنتَ المدير‬
"You are the director" will be "Antalmudir."

The hamza, when written on the definite article, and on some other words, none of which
have been introduced yet, will disappear when it is preceded by another word. In the
sentence above َ‫ أنت‬comes before ‫المدير‬. The final fatha of the word َ‫ أنت‬kicks out the hamza
(elides the hamza) completely along with the fatha written over the hamza. Thus instead of
having "fatha -hamza - fatha" followed by the‫ ل‬, we now have only the first fatha and the ‫ل‬.
The first fatha followed by the ‫ ل‬make the Arab's pronunciation of our sentence above
sound like one word. The hamza and fatha of the definite article will always be replaced by
the final vowel of the preceding word, e.g ‫ت المديرة‬
ِ ‫أن‬.

Arabic Prepositions (‫)حروف الجر‬

• Prepositions (‫ )حروف الجر‬are very important words in any language. Arabic prepositions are
Mabni words ‫ كلمات مبنية‬which means that they mostly have a fixed pronunciation
regardless of their position in the sentence.
• These particles also inflect the noun that follows them and cause it to end in a Kasrah or

another sign which plays the role of the genitive case depending on the category of the
• There are about twenty one prepositions mentioned by the famous Arab grammarian; Ibn

Maalik in these two grammar verses:

‫ على‬, ‫ عن‬, ‫ في‬, ‫ عدا‬, ‫ حاشا‬, ‫ خال‬, ‫حتـى‬ ‫ إلى‬, ‫ ِمـِن‬: ‫هــاك حــروف الـجـــر و هــــي‬
‫ و مـتـى‬, ‫ و لعــل‬, ‫ و الــبـــاء‬, ‫و الــكــاف‬ ‫ و تا‬, ‫ واو‬, ‫ كي‬, ‫ الالم‬, ‫ ُرب‬, ‫ مـُـنذ‬, ‫مـُـذ‬

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Now, we are going to discuss the meanings and uses of some common ones:
1) ‫( = مِ ــن‬from or some of or one of)
– This prepositions refers to initiating an action from some place or it can mean “some of“.
– It can also refer to the gender or species meaning “one of“.
:Ex‫مشيت من بيتي إلى المدرسة‬ .I walked from my home to school = .
Ex: ‫أنفقت‬ ‫ = مِ ـن مدخراتي‬I spent from (= some of) my savings.
2) ‫( = إلى‬to or at)
– This preposition refers to the destination.
:Ex ‫ وص َل القطارُ إلى المحط ِة‬.The train arrived at (got to) the station =
3) ‫( = عـَـن‬about)
– This preposition means about or away from something or someone.
Ex: ‫قرأت كتابا ً عن ابن المقفع‬
ُ = I read a book about Ibn l'Muqaffa'.
– ً ‫مشيت بعيدا‬
ُ ‫ =عن الحشائش‬I walked away from grass.
4) ‫( = على‬on)
– This preposition refers to the top place of something and means on.
Ex: ‫ب الكتابُ على‬
ِ ‫ = المكت‬The book is on the desk.
5) ‫( = في‬in)
– This preposition refers to something happening inside.
:Ex ‫ب في الفص ِل‬
ِ ‫ يوجد القليل من الطال‬.There are a few students in the classroom =
6) ‫( = الباء‬by or with or in or at)
– This preposition can refer to the reason meaning “by” or it can mean “with“.
– It can also refer to the place meaning “in or at“.
:Ex ‫ تنج ُح بالعم ِل الجاد‬.You succeed by working hard =
Ex: ‫بالعلم تبنى العقول‬
ِ = With science, you build the minds.
Ex: ‫ت‬
ِ ‫ = محمد بالبي‬Mohammad is at home.
:Ex‫ يجتمع األصدقا ُء بالنادي‬.The friends meet in the club =

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Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Notes – Week 4

• Foster your speaking and listening abilities by practicing repeatedly the phrases which
the text consists of.
• Keep listening to audios contain similar content and structures.
• Memorize the imperative forms of the verbs mentioned above and use them in your
communication as possible with emphasis on the use of the interrogative particle (‫)أين‬
Visit the following link for more information about the use of (‫)أين‬:
https://www.madinaharabic.com/Arabic_Language_Course/Lessons/L042_003.html (
Lesson 42, Part 3 )
Make sure you use both verbs properly ( ‫ دخل‬، ‫)ذهب‬. The verb "‫ "دخل‬in the context of the
text doesn't need to be followed by any preposition, whereas, the Verb "‫ "ذهب‬needs to
be followed by the preposition "‫"إلى‬.
• Enrich your vocabulary by memorizing words of places, utilities and facilities such as:
(‫ النادي‬، ‫ المكتبة‬، ‫ المسجد‬، ‫ المطعم‬، ‫ المقصف‬، ‫ المعمل‬، ‫ الملعب‬، ‫ الفصل‬، ‫ المكتبة‬........) and others.

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 5

Learning Objective
Student will be able to communicate using Arabic phrases:‫ أنا ذاهب إلى‬and ‫ ( = أنا قادم من‬I am
going to ….. & I am coming from…..), and able to make interrogative sentences using ( ‫)أين من‬
indicating places.

Need To Know:
• Distinguish between the two forms: The form of the verb "‫ "أفعل‬and the form of the
active participle "‫"فاعل‬.
• "‫ "ذاهب‬should be followed by the preposition"‫ "إلى‬whereas "‫ "قادم‬should be followed by
the preposition "‫"مِ ْن‬
• How to make interrogative sentences using The interrogative pronouns ( ، ‫ َم ْن‬، ‫من أين‬
،‫ لماذا‬، ‫ )هل ماذا‬.
• How to make interrogative sentence using "‫ "هل‬and how to answer using either the
affirmative sentence starting with "‫ "نعم‬or the negative one starting with "‫"ال‬.

Assignment – Week 5
1. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 101 - Exercise 1 (6 marks)
2. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 101 - Exercise 2 (10 marks)
3. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 102 - Exercise 1 (14 marks)
4. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 108 - Exercise 1 (16 marks)

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 5:

Read Chapter 3 Wudu [Page 37 to 45] 8 pages

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Further Reading:

• Today we are going to learn about the question particles in Arabic.

• The particles of today are equivalent to the Wh-question particles; (Interrogative Adverbs)
in English.
• These particles are considered Mabni words (or Mabni Nouns) as they don’t change
• Question particles should always start the question sentence and can only be preceded by
a preposition.
• These particles are as follows :

‫ = مـَــن‬Who. This particle is used to ask about people whether they are subject or object.
‫?من كان أول امرأة مسلمة؟‬Who was the first Muslim woman =
‫? َمـن هو أفضل صديق لك؟‬Who is your best friend =
‫? َمـن الذي بني الكعبة؟‬Who built the Ka'bah =
‫? َمـن زاركم باألمس؟‬Who visited you yesterday =
‫? َمع َمـن تناولت العشاء باألمس؟‬With whom did you have dinner yesterday =
‫? عَـن َمـن تتحدث؟‬Who are you speaking about =
* ‫ َمـاذا‬/ ‫ = َمـا‬What. This particle asks about things only.
‫? َمـا رياضتك المفضلة؟‬What is your favorite sport =
‫? َمـا الذي أعجبك في هذا الكتاب؟‬What did you like about this book =
‫? َمـاذا تحب أن تأكل؟‬What would you like to eat =
‫? عَـن َماذا تتحدثون؟‬What are you talking about =
* ‫ = َمـتى‬When. This particle asks about time.
‫? َمـتى تذهبُ إلى العمل؟‬When do you go to work =
‫? مُـنـذُ َمـتى تنتظر؟‬Since when are you waiting =
* َ‫ = أيْـن‬Where. This particle asks about the place.
‫? أينَ تعيش؟‬Where do you live =
‫? مـِـن أينَ يُمكن أن نبدأ؟‬From where can we start =
* ‫ = كــ َ ْم‬How many. This particle asks about the number.
‫? كـَم العبا َ في فريق كرة القدم؟‬How many players are there in a football team =
* ‫ْـف‬
َ ‫ = كــَـي‬How. This particle asks about the way you do something or the weather or
the adverb.
َ ?How are you =
‫كيف حالكَ ؟‬
َ ?How is the weather like today =
‫كيف حا ُل الجو اليوم؟‬
َ ?How do you go to school =
‫كيف تذهبُ إلى المدرسة؟‬
َ ?How do you cook macaroni =
‫كيف تطبخ المكرونة؟‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

* ‫ = أي‬Which. This particle is used to ask about all of the above; (persons, things, time, place,
number, .. etc.) depending on what comes after it.
‫? أي طالب فاز بالسباق؟‬Which student won the race =
ِ ‫? أي كتا‬Which book do you prefer =
‫ب تفضـل؟‬
‫? أي وقت تريد أن نتقابل؟‬Which time do you want us to meet =
‫? في أي مدينة ولدتَ ؟‬In which city were you born =

Prepositions (Part 2)

7) ‫( = الكاف‬like or as)
This preposition expresses simile ‫ التشبيه‬meaning “like” or “as“.
ِ ‫ األماني الخادعةُ كالسرا‬.False hopes are like mirage =
.‫ هو يعمل كاآلل ِة‬. .He works like a machine =
.‫ هي تعمل كطبيبة‬.She works as a doctor =

8) ‫( = الالم‬to or for)
This preposition can refer to the reason or the possession.
ِ ‫ت و ما فى‬ ِ ‫لـل ِه ما فى السماوا‬. = to Allah belongs all what is in heaven and what is in earth.
.‫ النجا ُح ِللمجتهدين‬.Success is for the hard-working =
ِ ‫ يذهب الطالبُ للمدرس ِة ل‬.Students go to school to learn (for learning) =
9) ‫( = واو القسم‬I swear to / by)
This (‫" ) و‬Waw" is used for swearing.
‫ و الليل إذا سجى‬. ‫ و الضحى‬.By the morning hours. And by the night when it is stillest = .
10) ‫( = تاء القسم‬I swear to / by)
This (‫" )تا‬Ta’a" is only used for swearing by Allah (God) and is used only with Allah.
‫ = تاهللِ ألساعِدنك‬I swear to / by God that I will help you.
11) ‫( = حتى‬till / until)
This preposition refers to finishing something or the end of something.
.‫الناس حتى يموتون‬
ُ ‫ يتعلم‬.People learn till they die =
12) ‫( = خال = عدا = حاشا‬except for).
These three prepositions mean the same and are used to make exceptions.
.‫ حاشا إبراهيم و أحمد‬/ ‫ خال‬/ ‫ب عدا‬
ِ ‫ = جميع الطال‬.All students attended except Ibrahim and Ahmed

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Notes – Week 5

• Memorize the new vocabulary related to all contexts dealt with.

• Make sure you use that vocabulary properly when talking about activities taking place in
different places.
• Make sure you use the interrogative nouns mentioned above properly.
• To enhance your listening and speaking abilities, communicate with a partner using the
questions in the text book al'Arabiyyah l'in nashi'in, page 108.

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 6

Learning Objective
To describe and relate more specifically one's hobbies in written texts and to be able to
handle information, vocabulary and situations about personal matters and tastes.

Need To Know:
• The past tense of the common verbs conjugated with singular and plural personal
pronouns for both genders, male and female.
• Recognize the future tense (the verb usually starts by the prefix " ‫ فعل‬+ ‫ ( س‬."‫ ( =)س‬will +
• How to use the interrogative particle "‫ "كم‬and how to answer properly using Arabic
• Enrich your vocabulary by memorizing the new words in this context.

Assignment – Week 6
1. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 115 - Exercise 1 (8 marks)
2. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 116 - Exercise 1 (12 marks)
3. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 123 - Exercise 1 (12 marks)
4. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 128 - Exercise 1 (14 marks)
5. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 129 - Exercise 1 (16 marks)
6. Read the story of Ibrahim (AS) in the Qur'an and try to compare with what you read in
the class. Try to figure out the words and the word endings. Please confirm that you
have done this by listing the ayaath you have read in the Qur'an. Please list at least 14
references. (14 marks)

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 6:

Read Chapter 3 Wudu [Page 46 to 51] 5 pages

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Further Reading:

Read the following for more details about the past tense in Arabic.

• A verb is a part of speech that refers to an action happening at a certain time.

• Tense is the word used when speaking about the time of an action (verb).
• The form of the verbs depends on which tense it is.
• A verb must agree with its subject in both number and gender.
• Arabic verbs fall into Three main tense (time) categories: past, present and imperative.

)1( ‫) الزمن الماضي‬The Past Tense(

• A verb in the past tense refers to an action that was finished some time in the past
(before speaking); e.g. ‫ذهب إلى المدرسة‬
َ ‫ = محمد‬Mohammad went to school.
• The root verb in Arabic is always in the past tense; e.g. ‫ب‬ َ َ ‫ = َكت‬he wrote.
• Verbs are categorized according to their minimum root number of letters.
1 – A Threefold Verb ‫ الفعل الثالثى‬: that which has three letters as its root; ‫كتب‬ َ = He wrote
2 – A Fourfold Verb ‫ الفعل الرباعى‬: that which has four letters as its root; َ‫ = أطلق‬He launched.
(These two types are called Mojarrad Verbs ( ‫) األفعال المجردة‬.
3 – A Fivefold Verb ‫ الفعل الخماسى‬: that which has five letters as its root; ‫ = تعلَّ َم‬He learnt.
4 – A Sixfold Verb ‫ الفعل السداسى‬: that which has six letters as its root; ‫ = استخر َج‬He took/dug
(These two types of Verbs belong to the Mazeed Verbs (‫) األفعال المزيدة‬.
• Since a verb must agree with its subject in gender and number, the shape of the above
verbs changes in the past tense as follows:

Personal Pronouns
‫الضمائر‬ VERBS :‫أفعال‬

Third Person (= ‫)هو‬

‫َكت َ َب‬ ْ
َ‫أطلَق‬ ‫تَعَلَّ َم‬ َ ‫اِ ْست َْخ َر‬
First Person ُ‫كَتبْت‬ ُ‫أطل ْقت‬ ُ‫تعلَّمْ ت‬ ُ‫اِستخرجْ ت‬
( I= ‫) أنا‬
First Person ‫كت َ ْبنَا‬ ‫أطل ْقنَا‬ ‫تعلَّمْ نَا‬ ‫اِستخرجْ نَا‬
ُ )
(We = ‫نحن‬
Second Person َ‫كت ْبت‬ َ‫أطل ْقت‬ = َ‫تعلَّمْ ت‬ َ‫استخرجْ ت‬
(You = َ‫) أنت‬
Second Person ِ ‫كت ْب‬
‫ت‬ ِ ‫أطل ْق‬
‫ت‬ ِ ْ‫تعلَّم‬
‫ت‬ ِ ْ‫اِستخرج‬
(You = ‫ت‬
ِ ‫) أن‬
Second Person ‫كتَبت ُ َما‬ ‫أطلقت ُ َما‬ ‫تعلَّمْ ت ُ َما‬ ‫استخرجْ ت ُ َما‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

(You = ‫) أنتما‬
Second Person ‫كتبتُم‬ ‫أطلقتُم‬ ‫تعلَّمتُم‬ ‫استخرجتُم‬
(You = ‫) أنت ُم‬
Second Person َ‫كت ْبتُن‬ َ‫أطلقتُن‬ َ‫تعلَّمْ تُن‬ َ‫استخرجْ تُن‬
(You = ‫) أنت ُن‬
Third Person َ َ ‫كت‬
‫ب‬ َ‫أطلق‬ ‫تعلَّ َم‬ ‫استخر َج‬
(He = ‫) هو‬
Third Person ‫كتبَ ْت‬ ‫أطلقَ ْت‬ ‫تعلَّ َم ْت‬ ‫استخر َج ْت‬
(She = ‫) هى‬
Third Person ‫كتَبَا‬ ‫أطلقَا‬ ‫تعلَّ َما‬ ‫استخر َجا‬
(He Both = ‫) هما‬
Third Person ‫كتَبَتَا‬ ‫أطلقَتَا‬ ‫تعلَّ َمتَا‬ ‫استخر َجتَا‬
(She Both = ‫) هما‬
Third Person ‫كتبُوا‬ ‫أطلقُوا‬ ‫تعلَّ ُموا‬ ‫استخرجُوا‬
(They = ‫) هم‬
Third person (They َ‫كتَبْن‬ َ‫أطل ْقن‬ َ‫تعلَّمْ ن‬ َ‫استخرجْ ن‬
= ‫) هُن‬

In Arabic, there are not any distinct forms used to distinguish the present simple, present
continuous, or present perfect, as the case in English. There is only one form used for the
present, and it is marked with prefixes and suffixes that differ from one pronoun to another.
The following table gives the appropriate suffixes used to mark the present or imperfect in

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Example Present Pronouns

‫الفعل المضارع‬ prefixes & ‫الضمائر‬

‫أدرس‬ .....‫أ‬ ‫أنا‬ 1st person sing.

‫تدرس‬ ......‫تـ‬ َ‫أنت‬ 2nd person sing. Masc.
‫تدرسين‬ ‫ ين‬.....‫تـ‬ ‫ت‬
ِ ‫أن‬ 2nd person sing. Fem.
‫يدرس‬ ........‫يـ‬ ‫هو‬ 3rdperson sing. Masc.
‫تدرس‬ .........‫تـ‬ ‫هي‬ 3rdperson sing. Fem.
‫تدرسان‬ ‫ ـان‬.......‫تـ‬ ‫أنتما‬ 2nd person dual.
‫يدرسان‬ ‫ ـان‬......‫يـ‬ )m( ‫هما‬ 3rdperson dual. Masc.
‫تدرسان‬ ‫ ـان‬......‫تـ‬ )f( ‫هما‬ 3rdperson dual. Fem.
‫ندرس‬ ........‫نـ‬ ‫نحن‬ 1st person pl.
‫تدرسون‬ ‫ ـون‬......‫تـ‬ ‫أنتم‬ 2nd person pl. Masc.
‫تدرسن‬ ‫ ـن‬.......‫تـ‬ ‫أنتن‬ 2nd person pl. Fem.
‫يدرسون‬ ‫ ـون‬......‫يـ‬ ‫هم‬ 3rdperson pl. Masc.
‫يدرسن‬ ‫ ـن‬......‫يـ‬ ‫هن‬ 3rdperson pl. Fem.

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies


The present is used for both continuous and habitual actions or states, where in English we
might use a different tense:
ْ َ ‫َي ْل َعبُ األ‬
The children play football on Friday(s). ‫طفَال الك َّرة َ َي ْو َم الج ُْم َعة‬
Your friend is sitting in my chair! ‫ي َم ْقعَدِي‬
ْ ِ‫ص ِد ْيقُكَ ف‬ ُ ‫!يَجْ ل‬
َ ‫ِس‬
As with the past, the vowel on the second root letter varies in the present. If the middle
vowel on the past is a kasra, then it usually changes to a fatHa in the present:

َ ‫ش َِر‬ (he drank)
ُ‫يَ ْش َرب‬ (he drinks/ he is drinking)

However, the majority of verbs have fatHa as the middle vowel of the past and, for these
verbs, there is no rule to follow in the present. If you need to know the vowel, you can look
in a dictionary where you will find the middle vowel written after the entry.

• Remember that in most cases the middle vowel will not affect the meaning of the
text or your understanding of it. Most Arabic is written without vowels and you will
probably learn the more common middle vowels over time. Don’t worry too much
about this aspect. Native speakers will usually understand you as long as the root
letters and the patterns are correct.

The Future:
If you want to talk about the future in Arabic, you also use the present tense. Often the
word (sawfa) or the prefix (sa) are added to the front of the verb to indicate the future.

َ ‫حف‬
‫غدَا‬ ُ ‫سنَ ْذه‬
ِ ْ‫َب اِلى ال َمت‬ َ
We are going to the museum tomorrow.

ِ ‫س فِ ْي الخ َِري‬ َ َ‫ف يَ ْز َر ْع الف ََال ُح الب‬
َ ‫طا ِط‬ َ ‫س ْو‬
The farmer will plant potatoes in the Fall.

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Summary of basic tenses

• There are only three basic tenses in Arabic:

- The past
- The present
- The imperative

• The past stem is formed from the three root letters with a fatHa after the first root and
a fatHa (or sometimes a kasra) after the second root letter (katab/sharib). Endings are
added to the stem to show the subject of the verb.
• The present stem is formed from the three root letters with a vowel after the second
(ktub/shrab/jlis). Prefixes, and sometimes also endings, are added to the stem to show the
subject of the verb.
• The future may be made by adding (‫ )سوف‬or (‫ )س‬to the present. But in Arabic classic texts
it is common that the present tense could be used for both; present and future tenses.

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Notes – Week 6

• To foster your speaking and understanding abilities, read the dialogue of this lesson (
in the textbook: Al A'Arabiyyah l'in nashi'in) and communicate with a partner using
its content ( emphasis on the use of the following interrogative nouns( ، ‫ هل‬، ‫ ماذا‬، ‫من‬
‫ لماذا‬، ‫)أين‬.

• Make sure you know how to answer to these types of interrogation forms.
• Make sure you understand how to use the particle " ‫"هل‬, and how to answer using
either "‫ "نعم‬or "‫"ال‬.
• Practise in speaking and writing using the interrogative noun "‫ "كم‬and provide
answers using Arabic cardinal numbers properly.
• Conjugate the following verbs in the past and present tenses: ‫ نظر‬، ‫ طلب‬، ‫ دخل‬، ‫ كتب‬، ‫ذهب‬
‫ سأل‬، ‫ عرف‬، ‫ لعب‬، . (conjugate the verbs with all pronouns in both genders; masculine
and feminine).

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 7

Learning Objective
Student will extend his/her communication and writing skills by discussing nature of exams'
questions in various subjects using Arabic adjectives, cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Need To Know:
• Increase your vocabulary by memorizing the new words and adjectives in all contexts.
• How to use adjectives taking into account the gender they refer to, such as: ( ، ‫ صعبة‬:‫صعب‬
‫ سهلة‬:‫)سهل‬
• How to use the number in Arabic, and how to convert them from their cardinal form to
the ordinal one, such as: (‫ ثالثة = الثالث\ الثالثة‬، ‫ اثنان = الثاني\ الثانية‬، ‫واحد = األول\ األولى‬..........)
• How to use the common prepositions in Arabic language (‫ في‬، ‫ إلى‬، ‫ مع‬، ‫) من‬, and how to
use them properly in interrogative and affirmative sentences. ( see the lesson provided
previously with this respect).

Assignment - Week 7

1. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 136 - Exercise 1 (12 marks)

2. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 143 - Exercise 1 (14 marks)

3. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 149 - Exercise 1 (20 marks)

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 7:

Read Chapter 3 Wudu [Page 51 to 58] 7 pages

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Further Reading:

Read the following for more details about the use of adjectives in Arabic:
Adjectives in Classical Arabic

In English, adjectives come before the nouns they modify. However, the opposite is true for
adjectives in Classical Arabic; they follow the nouns. Examples of adjectives in Classical Arabic
include kabeer “big,” taweel “tall” and jadeed “new.”
In Classical Arabic, adjectives must agree with the nouns they modify in terms of gender
(masculine or feminine), number (singular, dual or plural), grammatical case (subject, direct
object or prepositional) and state of definiteness (whether the noun is definite or indefinite).

Masculine and Feminine Singular Adjectives in Classical Arabic

Most adjectives in Classical Arabic are made feminine by adding /ta/ ‫( ة‬taa marbouta) to the
base form of the adjective. The following table demonstrates adjectival agreement with singular
nouns. For illustration purposes, only indefinite examples are shown:

Masculine Nouns Adjectival Agreement Feminine Nouns Adjectival Agreement

Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English

‫كتاب‬ A book ‫كتاب كبير‬ A big book ‫سيارة‬ A car ‫سيارة كبيرة‬ A big car

‫رجل‬ A man ‫رجل وسيم‬ A handsome man ‫فتاة‬ A girl ‫فتاة جميلة‬ A beautiful girl

Masculine and Feminine Plural Adjectives in Classical Arabic

Plural adjectives are formed slightly differently than singular adjectives in Classical Arabic. If a
plural noun refers to something that is not human (such as a cat or book), then the adjective
modifying it must be in the feminine singular form. The following table demonstrates adjectival
agreement with plural, non-human nouns:

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Masculine Nouns Adjectival Agreement Feminine Nouns Adjectival Agreement

Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English

‫كتب‬ books ‫كتب كثيرة‬ many books ‫سيارات‬ cars ‫سيارات كبيرة‬ big cars

‫أقالم‬ pens ‫أقالم جديدة‬ new pens ‫بيوت‬ houses ‫بيوت جميلة‬ nice houses

Plural nouns referring to humans are modified by the plural form of the adjective:

Masculine Nouns Adjectival Agreement Feminine Nouns Adjectival Agreement

Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English

‫طالب‬ Students(m) ‫طالب جدد‬ New students (m) ‫طالبات‬ Students (f) ‫طالبات جديدات‬ New students (f)

‫أطباء‬ Doctors (m) ‫ أطباء مخلصون‬sincere doctors (m) ‫طبيبات‬ Doctors (f) ‫ طبيبات مخلصات‬Sincere doctors (f)

Masculine and Feminine Dual Adjectives in Classical Arabic

Unlike English, Classical Arabic has three numbers: singular, plural and dual. Dual numbers refer to
two, and more than two is a plural. Dual nouns are modified by dual adjectives. Adjectives are
made dual by adding /aani/ ‫ان‬ ِ (for masculine nouns) or /taani/ ‫تان‬
ِ (for feminine nouns) to the base
form of the adjective:

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Masculine Adjectival Agreement Feminine Nouns Adjectival Agreement


Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English

‫ طالبان‬Students ‫جديدان طالبان‬ Two new students ‫ طالباتان‬Two students ‫طالباتان جديدتان‬ Two new students
(masculine dual) (masculine dual) (feminine dual) (feminine dual)

‫ طبيبان‬Doctors ‫ طبيبان مخلصان‬Two sincere ‫طبيبتان‬ Two doctors ‫ طبيبتان مخلصتان‬Two sincere doctors
(masculine dual) doctors (masculine dual) (feminine dual) (feminine dual)

The Predicate Adjective in Classical Arabic

A predicate adjective is an adjective that functions as the predicate of an equational sentence. In

the sentence, “The book is old,” “old” is the predicate adjective. In Classical Arabic, predicate
adjectives are always indefinite even if the nouns they modify are definite:

Adjective of Predicate Adjective Adjective of Definite Predicate Adjective

Definite Singular Singular Noun

Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English Arabic English

‫الكِتابُ القَدي ُم‬ ‫“ الكِتابُ قَديم‬The book is old.” َ ‫“الغُرفَةُ الك‬The big room”
ُ‫َبيرة‬ َ ‫الغُرفَةُ ك‬
“The old book” “The room is big.”

‫الكَوكَبُ الصَّغي ُر‬ ‫الكَوكَبُ صَغير‬ ُ‫الوا ِلدَةُ ال َجميلَة‬ ‫الوالِدةُ َجميلَة‬
“The small planet” “The planet is small.” “The beautiful mother” “The mother is beautiful.”

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Enrich your vocabulary by referring to the following list of adjectives:

able ‫قادر‬ dirty ‫وسخ‬ difficult ‫صعب‬

acid ‫حامض‬ dry ‫جاف‬ dirty ‫وسخ‬
active ‫نشيط‬ early ‫باكر‬ dry ‫جاف‬
angry ‫غاضب‬ light ‫خفيف‬ early ‫باكر‬
awake ‫مستيقظ‬ easy ‫سهل‬ light ‫خفيف‬
bad ‫سيء‬ electric ‫كهربائي‬ easy ‫سهل‬
beautiful ‫جميل‬ equal ‫مساو‬ electric ‫كهربائي‬
bent ‫مطوي‬ false, ‫غلط‬ equal ‫مساو‬
best ‫األفضل‬ fat (person) ‫بدين‬ false, ‫غلط‬
better ,‫أحسن‬ female ‫أنثى‬ fat (person) ‫بدين‬
bitter ‫مر‬ fertile ‫خصب‬ female ‫أنثى‬
black ‫أسود‬ first ‫أول‬
َ fertile ‫خصب‬
blue ‫أزرق‬ friendly ‫لَطيف‬ first ‫أول‬
boiling ‫يغلي‬ full ‫ممتلئ‬ friendly ‫لَطيف‬
bright ‫المع‬ general ‫عام‬ full ‫ممتلئ‬
broken ‫مكسور‬ good ‫جيد‬ general ‫عام‬
brown ‫بنَي‬ great ‫عظيم‬ good ‫جيد‬
certain ‫متأكد‬ greater ‫أعظم‬ great ‫عظيم‬
cheap ‫رخيص‬ green ‫أخضر‬ greater ‫أعظم‬
cheerful ‫مبهج‬ grey ‫رمادي‬ green ‫أخضر‬
clean ‫نظيف‬ hanging ‫معلَق‬ grey ‫رمادي‬
clear ‫صافي‬ happy ‫فرحان‬ hanging ‫معلَق‬
clear ‫واضح‬ hard (difficult) ‫صعب‬ happy ‫فرحان‬
clever ‫ذكي‬ hard (stiff) ‫ صلب‬hard (difficult) ‫صعب‬
cold ‫بارد‬ healthy ‫صحَي‬ hard (stiff) ‫صلب‬
common ‫عادي‬ heavy ‫ثقيل‬ healthy ‫صحَي‬
complete ‫كامل‬ High ‫عال‬ heavy ‫ثقيل‬
complex ‫معقد‬ ill ‫مريض‬ High ‫عال‬
correct ‫صحيح‬ important ‫مهم‬ ill ‫مريض‬
cruel ‫قاسي‬ kind ‫لطيف‬ important ‫مهم‬
dark ‫مظلم‬ Large/wide ‫واسع‬ kind ‫لطيف‬
dead ‫ميَت‬ last ‫أخير‬ Large/wide ‫واسع‬
deep ‫عميق‬ late ‫متأخر‬ last ‫أخير‬
different ‫مختلف‬ dead ‫ميَت‬ late ‫متأخر‬

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Notes – Week 7

• Enrich your vocabulary by using in writing and speaking the Arabic adjectives provided
• Continuously use (in speaking and writing) the common verbs that have been dealt with
in all contexts in the past, present tenses.
• To foster your communication and writing abilities, you need to incorporate cardinal and
ordinal numbers as well as various prepositions through various activities.
• Try to use the new grammatical concepts in your conversation and writing as much as
you can.

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DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 8

Learning Objective
Student will be able to provide information about where he/she lives, to introduce the
members of his/ her family, and be able to talk in basic sentences about daily activities that
take place on a certain day or time.

Need To Know:
• The new vocabulary words related to the context.
• How to use the proper interrogative particle to ask someone where does he/she live.
(‫ أين تسكنين؟‬، ‫)أين تسكن ؟‬
• How to use ordinal numbers indicating time such as (‫ الساعة الخامسة‬، ‫الساعة الواحدة‬.......).
• How to use the proper interrogative particle to ask about a particular time or day ‫))متى‬
= (When).
• How to use the demonstrative pronouns for both genders, male and female.

Assignment – Week 8
1. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 157 - Exercise 2 (10 marks)

2. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 158 - Exercise 4 (12 marks)

3. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 162 - Exercise 3 (15 marks)

4. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 167 - Exercise 2 (10 marks)

5. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 168 - Exercise 4 (14 marks)

6. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 170 - Exercise 2 (12 marks)

7. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 171 - Exercise 4 (12 marks)

8. Al-Arabiyyah Lin-Nashi'een - Page 180 - Exercise 4 (12 marks)

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 8:

Read Chapter 4 Ghusl [Page 59 to 66] 7 pages

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Further Reading:

Read the following to increase your information about how to say "What time is it" and the
relevant answer using the ordinal numbers:

‫ = كم الساعة؟‬What time is it?

‫ = الساعة العاشرة والنصف‬It is half past ten.
Telling the time in Arabic is very easy. We use ordinal numbers with hours, except one
o’clock, as follows:

One O’clock ‫الساعة الواحدة‬

Two O’clock ‫الساعة الثانية‬
Three O’clock ‫الساعة الثالثة‬
Four O’clock ‫الساعة الرابعة‬
Five O’clock ‫الساعة الخامسة‬
Six O’clock ‫الساعة السادسة‬
Seven O’clock ‫الساعة السابعة‬
Eight O’clock ‫الساعة الثامنة‬
Nine O’clock ‫الساعة التاسعة‬
Ten O’clock ‫الساعة العاشرة‬
Eleven O’clock ‫الساعة الحادية عشرة‬
Twelve O’clock ‫الساعة الثانية عشرة‬

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To say ‘past’ in Arabic, we use ‘‫ ‘و‬which comes after the hour, so half past two in Arabic
would literally be ‘two o’clock and a half’ ‫الساعة الثانية والنصف‬

past ‫و‬
Five past ‫وخمس دقائق‬
Ten past ‫وعشر دقائق‬
Quarter past ‫والربع‬
Twenty past ‫والثلث‬
Half past ‫والنصف‬

To say ’to’ in Arabic, we use ‫ إال‬which comes after the hour, so ‘quarter to three’ in Arabic
would literally be ‘three o’clock less a quarter’ ‫الساعة الثالثة إال الربع‬

To ‫إال‬
Five to ‫إال خمس دقائق‬
Ten to ‫إال عشر دقائق‬
Quarter to ‫إال الربع‬
Twenty to ‫إال الثلث‬

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Notes – Week 8

• Keep practicing by using the new vocabulary and grammatical concepts covered in this


• For a proper use of language, a continuous review/memorization of verbs in the past and
present tenses is needed.

• Use (in writing and speaking) interrogative sentences using (‫ )أين‬to ask about a particular

place, and (‫ )متى‬to ask about a particular time or day.

• Make sure you are able to distinguish the demonstrative pronouns when dealing with
both genders male and female.

• Keep in mind that the "composite numbers" in Arabic need an intensive practice. So, try
not to take all information related to this concept at once, rather, it is recommended to
study it in steps to avoid any potential confusion.

• Keep practicing phrases indicating times in your writing and speaking.

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DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 9

Learning Objective
Student will be able to write grammatically correct sentences and summarize small passages
related to different topics (such as family, school and other topics) using the vocabulary
words and grammatical concepts that have been studied.

Need To Know:
• Relevant vocabulary words needed to make meaningful sentences.
• Grammatical material needed in a certain context to properly fulfil the intended
• The verbs in correct tenses and consider the categories of personal pronouns and the
gender they refer to.
• Use adjectives correctly taking into account the gender they refer to.
• Use proper prepositions, particles and pronouns that are suitable to make correct

Assignment – Week 9

Exercises for the week: (100 marks)

1. ‫ اكتبي خمس جمل عن أسرتك‬/ ‫اكتب‬
Write 5 sentences about your family. (20 marks)
2. ‫ اكتبي خمس جمل عن مدرستك‬/ ‫اكتب‬
Write 5 sentences about your school. (20 marks)
3. (‫ كلمة‬٥٠( ‫ لخصي قصة يسف من بئر في كنعان إلى سجن في مصر‬/ ‫لخص‬
Summarise the story of Yusuf from the well in Kan'an to the prison in Egypt (minimum 50
words) (60 marks)

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 9:

Read Chapter 4 Ghusl [Page 66 to 70] 4 pages

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Further Reading:

List of Family member terms in Arabic.

Arabic English Arabic English

Uncle (Mother
‫والد‬/‫أب‬ Father ‫خال‬

‫ والدة‬/ ‫أم‬ Mather ‫عمة‬

‫ابن‬ Son ‫خالة‬ Aunt (Mother side)

‫ابنة‬ Daughter ‫إبن العم‬ Cousin (male) – (Father side)

‫أخ‬ Cousin ‫إبن الخال‬ Cousin (male) – (Mother side)

‫أخت‬ Sister ‫بنت العم‬ Cousin (female) – (Father side)

‫جد‬ Grandfather ‫بنت الخال‬ Cousin (female) – (Mother side)

‫جدة‬ Grandmother ‫إبن األخ‬ Nephew )brother’s son(

‫حفيد‬ Grandson ‫إبن األخت‬ Nephew )sister’s son(

‫حفيدة‬ Grand daughter ‫إبنة األخ‬ Niece )brother’s daughter(

‫أحفاد‬ Grand children ‫إبنة األخت‬ Niece )sister’s daughter(

‫عم‬ Uncle ( father side)

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Refer to the following list to enrich your Quran vocabulary. The lexicon below
has been extracted from Surat Yusuf.

To eat: ‫أكل‬ Woman: ‫امرأة‬

Believer: ‫مؤمن‬ Keep him honourably: ‫أ َ ْك ِر ِمى‬
Shirt: ‫قميص‬ Stay: ‫مثوا‬
Blood: ‫دم‬
Perhaps: ‫عسي‬
ْ َ‫سوَّ ل‬
Made up: ‫ت‬ َ
Benefit us: ‫يَن َفعَنَآ‬
Patience/endurance: ‫صبر‬
We take him: ُ‫نَت َّ ِخذَه‬
Beautiful ‫جميل‬
We established: ‫َم َّكنَّا‬
Patience is most fitting: ‫ج ِميل‬ َ َ‫ف‬
َ ۭ‫صبْر‬
The one whose help is sought:
Having power over: ‫غا ِلب‬
‫مستعان‬ His affair: ‫أَمْ ِر ِه‬
You describe: َ‫صفُون‬
ِ َ‫ت‬ To reach ‫بلغ‬
Water drawer: ‫وارد‬ Maturity ‫أشد‬:
To let down: ‫ادلي‬
Reward: ‫نجزي‬
Bucket: ‫دلو‬
ِ ْ‫ْٱل ُمح‬
Those who do good: َ‫س ِنين‬
Good News: ‫بشري‬
Sought to seduce him: ‫راَّٰ َ َودَتْ ُه‬
Boy ‫ غالم‬:
To close: ‫غلق‬
To hide: ‫اسر‬
Doors: ‫ابواب‬
Merchandise: ‫بضاعة‬
Come You: َ‫َه ْيتَ لَك‬
Evil ‫شر‬:
ِ َّ َ‫َم َعاذ‬
Allah’s refuge: ‫ٱّلل‬
Price: ‫ثمن‬
Residence: ‫مثواي‬
Low ‫ بخس‬:

Dirham: ‫درهم‬ Succeed: ‫يفلح‬

wrongdoers َ‫ٱلظ َّٰـ ِل ُمون‬
Few ‫ معدود‬:

َّٰ َّ
Those who attach no value: َ‫ٱلزا ِه ِدين‬ To incline towards‫همم‬

To buy: ‫اشترى‬ Clear: ‫برهان‬

Egypt: ‫مصر‬ To turn away: ‫صرف‬

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Evil: ‫سوء‬ ْ
Come out: ‫ٱخ ُر ْج‬
Immorality: ‫ْٱلفَحْ شَآ َء‬ Couch: ‫متكأ‬
Our chosen slaves: َ‫ِعبَا ِدنَا ْٱل ُم ْخلَ ِصين‬ To be astonished: ْ‫أ َ ْكبَر‬
They met: ‫أ َ ْلفَ َيا‬
Tore: ‫قَدَّ ْت‬
Back: ‫دبر‬
To want: ‫أرادت‬
Family: ‫أهل‬
To be imprisoned: َ‫س َجن‬
ْ ُ‫ي‬
Painful: ‫أ َ ِليم‬
To witness‫شهد‬:
Plan: ‫َك ْي ِد‬
ْ ‫أ َ ْع ِر‬
Turn away/ignore: ‫ض‬
Sin: ‫ذنب‬
ِ ‫ْٱل َخ‬
Sinful ones: َ‫اطـِين‬
Women: ‫نِس َْوة‬
To Love passionately: ‫شغَفَ َها حُب‬
To seek to seduce: ُ‫ت ُ َرا ِود‬
To see‫نرى‬:
Her slave boy: ‫فَت َ َّٰى َها‬
To trick: ‫مكر‬
Knife: ‫س ِكينًا‬
She prepared: ‫أ َ ْعتَد َْت‬

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5 sentences about family:

• 2 .
3 .

4 .

5 sentences about school:

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• 2 .
3 .

4 .

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Summary of the story of Yusuf from the well in Kan'an to the prison in Egypt:

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DAIS – Year 1 Term 1 Week 10

Learning Objective
Student will be able to write small paragraphs using acquired vocabulary and grammatical
Need To Know:
• Keep enriching your vocabulary by listening to Arabic audios and news, and keep reading
short stories and articles.
• Keep practicing conjugation using verbs in different tenses.
• Review all grammatical concepts that has been studied so far.

Fiqh al Islami Reading – Week 10:

Read Chapter 5 Tayyamum [Page 71 to 77] 6 pages

Further Reading:
• Keep refreshing your information and enhance your language skills by referring to all
grammatical materials provided previously.

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• Strengthen your listening, reading and speaking skills by reading loudly and repeatedly all texts
have been studied during Term 1.
• Use the lexicon and grammatical concepts and structures have been dealt with in your writing
and speaking.

Notes – Week 10

• All materials and concepts that have been covered during Term 1 need to be understood.

• All materials and concepts covered during Term 1 are the foundations for Term 2.

• If a student struggles with some basic concepts to avoid confusion that might prevent
the sought progress, he/she can contact the assigned tutor for help.

Final Note for Term 1

You have now covered quite a number of basics which are essential to learning this
language properly. If you have had Arabic before, the above lessons should prove helpful
and should be very easy to absorb. If you have not had Arabic for a very long time, it may
take you a little time to absorb them. That will be normal. But you should be able to see
that nothing here is intellectually difficult. Take the time to learn all of these things. Make
a plan and study constantly in steps. If you still have problems understanding what is
going on, contact your tutor for help.

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Regardless of whether or not you have studied Arabic before, you must know the
material provided in this Term which will allow you to join Term 2 successfully, and keep
pace with upcoming course confidently.

Vocabulary Words for the Book "Al'Arabiyyah l'Nnashi'in", Part 1

(The words are in the Alphabetic order).

‫"مفــــــــرادات كتـــــــاب "اللغــــة العربيــــة للناشئيـــــن‬

‫الجزء األول‬
‫))المفردات مرتبة ترتيبا الفبائيا‬

Sorry ‫آسف‬
Father ‫أب‬
Elementary ‫ابتدائي‬

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Pot ‫إبريق‬
White ‫أبيض‬
Twelve ‫اثنا عشر‬
Forty Two ‫اثنان واربعون‬
Thirty Two ‫اثنان وثالثون‬
Twenty Two ‫اثنان و عشرون‬
Monday ‫االثنين‬
Love ‫ يحب – أحب‬- ‫أحب‬
Need ‫ يحتاج إلى‬- ‫احتاج‬
Sunday ‫األحد‬
Eleven ‫أحد عشر‬
Bring ‫ يحضر –أحضر‬-‫أحضر‬
Red ‫أحمر‬
Brother ‫أخ‬
Sister ‫أخت‬
Take ( Took ) ‫ خذ‬- ‫ يأخذ‬- ‫أخذ‬
Green ‫أخضر‬
Call for the prayers ‫أذان‬
He Wanted – He Wants ‫ يريد‬- ‫أراد‬
Wednesday ‫األربعاء‬
Four ‫أربعة‬
Fourteen ‫أربعة عشر‬
Four hundred ‫أربعمائة‬
Forty – four ‫أربع وأربعون‬
Thirty- four ‫أربع وثالثون‬
Twenty-four ‫أربع وعشرون‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Forty ‫أربعون‬
Earth ,ground ‫أرض‬
Blue ‫أزرق‬
Questions ‫أسئلة‬
Week ‫أسبوع‬
Teacher ‫أستاذ‬
Break - Rest ‫استراحة‬
He Listen, He Listens, Listen ‫ يستمع – استمع‬- ‫استمع‬
Family ‫أسرة‬
Hurry ‫ أسرع‬- ‫ يسرع‬- ‫أسرع‬
Name ‫اسم‬
Black ‫أسود‬
Participate ‫ يشترك – اشترك‬- ‫اشترك‬
Bought ‫ اشتر‬- ‫ يشتري‬- ‫اشترى‬
Things ‫أشياء‬
Yellow ‫أصفر‬
Preparation ‫إعداد‬
Hold, held ‫ أقم‬- ‫ يقيم‬- ‫أقام‬
Pencils ‫أقالم‬
A thousand ‫ألف‬
Colors ‫ألوان‬
To ‫إلى‬
Goodbye ‫إلى اللقاء‬
Mother ‫أم‬
In front of ) ‫أمام ( ظرف‬
Prayer leader ‫إمام‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Test ‫امتحان‬
America, American ‫أمريكا – أمريكي‬
Yesterday ‫أمس‬
I ‫أنا‬
You (male) َ‫أنت‬
You (female) ‫ت‬
ِ ‫أن‬
Waiting ‫انتظار‬
Wait(ed) ‫ انتظر‬- ‫ ينتظر‬-‫انتظر‬
Indonesia, Indonesian ‫أندونيسي‬-‫أندونسيا‬
God willing ‫إن شاء هللا‬
Nice meeting you ‫أهال‬
You are welcome ‫أهال و سهال‬
Or ‫أو‬
First ‫أول‬
Boys, sons ‫أوالد‬
Days ‫أيام‬
Also, too ‫أيضا‬
Where ‫أين‬

By, with ‫بــــ‬
Seller ‫بائع‬
Door ‫باب‬
God bless you ‫بارك هللا فيك‬
Pakistan, Pakistani ‫باكستان – باكستان‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Remaining ‫باقي‬
Searched, Searches -I Search for ‫ يبحث – ابحث عن‬- ‫بحث‬
After ‫بعد‬
Some ‫بعض‬
How Much ‫بكم‬
Daughter – Girl ‫بنت‬
Home ‫بيت‬
White ‫بيضاء‬

Pronoun ) ‫ت ( ضمير‬
Merchant ‫تاجر‬
Ninth ‫التاسعة‬
Thailand, Thai ‫ تايالندي‬/ ‫تايالند‬
Preparation ‫تدبير‬
Training ‫تدريب‬
Nine ‫تسعة‬
Nineteen ‫تسعة عشر‬
Thirty-nine ‫تسع وثالثون‬
Nine hundred ‫تسعمائة‬
Twenty-nine ‫تسع وعشرون‬
Ninety ‫تسعون‬
Getting to know each other ‫تعارف‬
Come on ‫تعال‬
Apple ‫تفاحة‬
Here you are – Please, Come in ‫تفضل‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Television ‫تلفزيون‬
Students ‫تالميذ‬
Student ‫تلميذ‬
Take, took – Eat, ate ‫ يتناول – تناول‬- ‫تناول‬
Arrangement ‫تنظيم‬
Take Ablution, Took Ablution ‫توضأ – يتوضأ‬
Tunisian, Tunisia ‫ تونسي‬- ‫تونس‬

)‫( ث‬
Third ‫الثالث‬
Eighth ‫الثامنة‬
Second ‫الثاني‬
Twelfth ‫الثانية عشر‬
Tuesday ‫الثالثاء‬
Three ‫ثالثة‬
Thirteen ‫الثالثة عشر‬
Three hundred ‫ثالثمائة‬
Forty- Three ‫ثالث وأربعون‬
Thirty-three ‫ثالث وثالثون‬
Twenty-three ‫ثالث وعشرون‬
Thirty ‫ثالثون‬
Then ‫ثم‬
Eight hundred ‫ثمانمائة‬
Thirty- Eight ‫ثمان وثالثون‬
Twenty-Eight ‫ثمان وعشرون‬
Eighty ‫ثمانون‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Eight ‫ثمانية‬
Eighteen ‫ثمانية عشر‬

Ready ‫جاهز‬
New ‫جديد‬
Bell ‫جرس‬
Geography ‫جغرافيا‬
Sitting ‫جلوس‬
Group ‫جماعة‬
Addition ‫جمع‬
Friday ‫الجمعة‬
Camel ‫جمل‬
Nice, beautiful ‫جميل‬
Citizenship ‫حنسية‬

)‫( ح‬
Wall ‫حائط‬
Eleventh ‫الحادية عشر‬
Present, ready ‫حاضر‬
Right away ‫حاال‬
Ink ‫حبر‬
Rope ‫حبل‬
Room ‫حجرة‬
Garden ‫حديقة‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Mathematics ‫حساب‬
Counted, Count ‫ يحسب – احسب‬- ‫حسب‬
(were) was present ,or came , come ‫ احضر‬- ‫ يحضر‬-‫حضر‬
Bag ‫حقيبة‬
Sweets ‫حلوى‬
Red ‫حمراء‬
Carried, Carry ‫ يحمل – احمل‬- ‫حمل‬
Animal ‫حيوان‬

)‫( خ‬
Aunt ‫خالة‬
Fifth ‫خامس‬
Map ‫خريطة‬
Cabinet ‫خزانة‬
Wooden ‫خشبية‬
Green ‫خضراء‬
Mistake ‫خطأ‬
Five ‫خمسة‬
Fifteen ‫خمسة عش ر‬
Five hundred ‫خمسمائة‬
Forty –five ‫خمس وأربعين‬
Thirty-Five ‫خمس وثالثون‬
Twenty-Five ‫خمس وعشرون‬
Fifty ‫خمسون‬
Thursday ‫الخميس‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Tents ‫خيام‬
Tent ‫خيمة‬

Chicken ‫دجاج‬
He enter, He enters, enter ‫ يدخل – ادخل‬- ‫دخل‬
Drawer ‫درج‬
Lesson – Class ‫درس‬
Note – Book ‫دفتر‬
Level (‫)طابق‬ ‫دور‬

Going ‫ذاهب‬
He went, He goes, Go ‫ يذهب – اذهب‬- ‫ذهب‬

Fourth ‫الرابع‬
He arranged, He arranges, arrange ‫ يرتب – رتب‬- ‫رتب‬
He returned, He returns, return ‫ ارجع‬- ‫ يرجع‬- ‫رجع‬
Journey, Flight ‫رحلة‬
He drew, He draws, draw ‫ يرسم – ارس م‬- ‫رسم‬
Picture ‫رسم‬
Shelf ‫رف‬
Number ‫رقم‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Sports ‫رياضة‬
Athlete ‫رياضي‬

He visited, He visits, visit ‫ زر‬-‫ يزور‬-‫زار‬
Bottle, Glass ‫زجاجة‬
Blue ‫زرقاء‬
Wife ‫زوجة‬
Visit ‫زيارة‬
Oil, cooking fat ‫زيت‬

)‫( س‬
Future ) ‫ســ ( المستقبل‬
He asked, He asks, ask ‫سأل – يسأل – اسأل‬
Question ‫سؤال‬
Seventh ‫السابعة‬
Sixth ‫السادسة‬
Watch – Clock ‫ساعة‬
He helped, He helps, Help ‫ يساعد – ساعد‬-‫ساعد‬
Saturday ‫السبت‬
Seven ‫سبعة‬
Seventeen ‫سبعة عشر‬
Seven hundred ‫سبعمائة‬
Thirty – seven ‫سبع وثالثون‬
Twenty – seven ‫سبع وعشرون‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Seventy ‫سبعون‬
Six ‫ستة‬
Sixteen ‫ستة عشر‬
Six hundred ‫ستمائة‬
Thirty – six ‫ست وثالثون‬
Twenty – six ‫ست وعشرون‬
Sixty ‫ستون‬
Saudi Arabia, Saudi ‫السعودية – سعودي‬
Become silent, be quiet ‫ أسكت‬- ‫يسكت‬- ‫سكت‬
Sugar ‫سكر‬
Reside(d) ‫يسكن –اسكن‬- ‫سكن‬
Peace be upon you ‫السالم عليكم‬
Basket ‫سلة‬
Year ‫سنة‬
Years ‫سنوات‬
Easy ‫سهل‬
Black ‫سوداء‬
Sudan - Sudanese ‫السودان – سوداني‬
Syria ( n ) ‫سوريا – سوري‬
Market ‫سوق‬
Car, Vehicle ‫سيارة‬

Street ‫شارع‬
He saw, He sees, see ‫شاهد – يشاهد –شاهد‬
Tea ‫شاي‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Trees ‫شجر‬
Tree ‫شجرة‬
Tie ‫ شد‬-‫شد – يشد‬
Tied ‫شد‬
Company ‫شركة‬
Apartment ‫شقة‬
Thank You ‫شكرا‬
Sun ‫شمس‬

Good morning ‫صباح الخير‬
Good morning ‫صباح النور‬
The Press ‫صحافة‬
Newspaper ‫صحيفة‬
Friend ( Girl Friend) ‫صديقة‬
Difficult ‫صعب‬
Little - Small ‫صغير‬
Class ‫صف‬
Yellow ‫صفراء‬
Prayer ‫صالة‬
He prayed, He prays, pray ‫ يصلي‬- ‫صل – صلى‬
Box ‫صندوق‬
Sound – Voice ‫صوت‬
Pictures ‫صور‬
Picture ‫صورة‬
Somalia, Somalese ‫صومال – صومالي‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

He laughed, He laughs, laugh ‫ اضحك‬- ‫ يضحك‬- ‫ضحك‬

Stamp ‫طابع‬
Table ‫طاولة‬
Chalk ‫طابشير‬
Student ‫طالب‬
Food ‫طعام‬
Students ‫طالب‬
He asked for, He asks, ask ‫ اطلب‬- ‫ يطلب‬- ‫طلب‬
Stamps ‫طوابع‬

Appeared ‫ظهر‬

)‫( ع‬
Tenth ‫عاشرة‬
Swim ‫ عم‬- ‫ يعوم‬- ‫عام‬
Strange ‫عجيب‬
Iraq, Iraqi ‫العراقي – عراقي‬
Arab ‫عرب – عربي‬
Knew, Know ‫ اعرف‬- ‫عرف – يعرف‬
Meal, Supper ) ‫عشاء ( وجبة‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Ten ‫عشرة‬
Twenty ‫عشرون‬
At ‫عند‬
Sorry ‫عفوا‬
Box ‫علبة‬
Sciences ‫علوم‬
Over , On ‫على‬
At Supper ‫على العشاء‬
Uncle ‫عم‬
Age ) ‫عمر ( سن‬
Work – Act ‫عمل‬
Work ( ed ) ‫ عمل – اعمل‬- ‫عمل‬
About ‫عن‬
Address ‫عنوان‬

)‫( غ‬
Absent ‫غائب‬
Gambia ‫غامبيا – غامبي‬
Ghana, Ghanaian ‫غانا – غاني‬
Tomorrow ‫غدا‬
Food ‫غذاء‬
Boil ( ed ) ‫ يغلي – اغل‬- ‫غلى‬

)‫( ف‬
Fruit ‫فاكهة‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Open ( ed ) ‫ افتح‬- ‫ يفتح‬- ‫فتح‬

Team ‫فريق‬
Class – Season ‫فصل‬
Breakfast ‫فطور‬
Cookies ‫فطير‬
Do – Did ‫ افعل‬- ‫ يفعل‬- ‫فعل‬
Preferred, Prefer ‫ يفضل – فض‬- ‫فضل‬
Philippine ‫فلبين – فليبيني‬
Money ‫فلوس‬
Yard ‫فناء‬
Cup ‫فنجان‬
In ‫في‬
Waiting for ‫في انتظار‬

Coming ‫قادم‬
Said, Say ‫ يقول – قل‬- ‫قال‬
Stood, Stand ‫ يقوم – قم‬- ‫قام‬
Presented ‫قدّم‬
Foot ‫قدم‬
Read ‫ اقرأ‬- ‫ يقرأ‬- ‫قرأ‬
Quran ‫قرآن‬
Reading ‫قراءة‬
Cent ‫قرش‬
Cents ‫قروش‬
Close to ‫قريب من‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Story ‫قصة‬
Pieces ‫قطع‬
Piece ‫قطعة‬
Pencil ‫قلم‬

)‫( ك‬
Your (for male) َ‫ك‬
Your ( for female) ‫ِك‬
Big – Large ‫كبير‬
Book ‫كتاب‬
Writing ‫كتابة‬
Wrote, Write ‫ يكتب – اكتب‬- ‫كتب‬
Books ‫كتب‬
My note book ‫كراستي‬
Ball ‫كرة‬
Earn, win ‫ اكسب‬- ‫ يكسب‬- ‫كسب‬
Scouts ‫كشافة‬
Cake ‫كعك‬
How many, How much? ‫كم‬
What time is it ‫كم الساعة؟‬
Swept, Sweep ‫ اكنس‬- ‫ يكنس‬- ‫كنس‬
Kuwait ‫كويت – كويتي‬
How ‫كيف‬


Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

For – to ِ ‫لــ‬
Not, No ‫ال‬
Put on, Wore, Wear ‫ يلبس – البس‬- ‫لبس‬
Lebanon – Lebanese ‫لبنان – لبناني‬
Delicious ‫لذيذ‬
Play(ed) ‫لعب – يلعب – العب‬
Game ‫لعبة‬
Language ‫لغة‬
Person ‫الواحد‬
Why ‫لماذا؟‬
For whom – Who for ‫لمن ؟‬

)‫( م‬
What ‫ما‬
Water ‫ماء‬
A hundred ‫مائة‬
Two hundred ‫مائتان‬
Table ‫مائدة‬
Marine, aquatic, nautical ‫مائية‬
What ‫ماذا ؟ما؟‬
Malaysia ( n ) ‫ ماليزي‬-‫ماليزيا‬
Match ‫مباراة‬
Early ‫مبكرا‬
Late ‫متأخر‬
When ‫متى؟‬
Magazines ‫مجالت‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Coach – Trainer ‫مدرب‬

Teacher ‫مدرس‬
Teacher ‫مدرسة‬
Ships ‫مراكب‬
Ship ‫مركب‬
Sick – ill – Patient ‫مريض‬
Matter – Question ‫مسألة‬
Evening ‫مساء‬
Mosque ‫مسجد‬
Ruler ‫مسطرة‬
Participant ‫مشترك‬
Customer – Buyer ‫مشترى‬
Supervisor ‫مشرفة‬
Walk ‫مشي – يمشي – امش‬
Egypt, Egyptian ‫مصر – مصري‬
Rackets ‫مضارب‬
Airport ‫مطار‬
Kitchen ‫مطبخ‬
Restaurant ‫مطعم‬
Wanted ‫مطلوب‬
With ‫مع‬
Exhibition – Show – fair ‫معرض‬
Camp ‫معسكر‬
Good bye ‫مع السالمة‬
Factory ‫معمل‬
Morocco, Moroccan ‫المغرب – مغربي‬

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Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Shop ‫مقصف‬
Study ‫مكتب‬
Library ‫مكتبة‬
Clothes ‫مالبس‬
Stadium ‫ملعب‬
Nurse ‫ممرضة‬
Who ‫من؟‬
From ‫من‬
Home ‫منزل‬
My home, domestic ‫منزلي‬
Please ‫من فضلك‬
Engineer ‫مهندس‬
Banana ‫موزة‬

)‫( ن‬
Our ‫نـــا‬
Club ‫نادى‬
Window ‫نافذة‬
Succeeded, Succeed ‫ ينجح – انجح‬- ‫نجح‬
We ‫نحن‬
Glasses ‫نظارة‬
Look at ‫ ينظر – انظر‬- ‫نظر‬
Yes ‫نعم‬
Sleep ‫نوم‬
Nigeria, Nigerian ‫نيجيريا – نيجيري‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

His ‫ــــه‬
Her ‫ـــها‬
Bring ‫هات‬
Gift ‫هدية‬
This (for male) ‫هذا‬
This (for female) ‫هذه‬
Here ‫هنا‬
There ‫هناك‬
He ‫هو‬
Hobby ‫هواية‬
She ‫هي‬
Let’s go – let’s ‫هيا‬

And ) ‫و ( العطف‬
Duty –Homework ‫واجب‬
One ‫واحد‬
Forty – one ‫واحد وأربعو ن‬
Thirty – one ‫واحد وثالثون‬
Twenty – one ‫واحد وعشرون‬
Father ‫والد‬
Paper ‫ورق‬
Paper ‫ورقة‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Arrived, Arrive ‫وصل – يصل‬

Found, Find ‫وجد – يجد‬
Peace be on you ‫وعليكم السالم‬

My ‫ـــي‬
Oh, God! !‫ يا إلهي‬،‫يا ساتر‬
Hand ‫يد‬
Today ‫اليوم‬

Glossary – Term 1

The Noun ‫االسم‬

The Verb ‫الفعل‬
The Preposition ‫الحرف‬
The Definite Article "The" "‫أداة التعريف "ال‬
Sequential Sentence (Nominal) ‫جملة اسمية‬
Verbal Sentence ‫جملة فعلية‬
Definite ‫معرفة‬
Indefinite ‫نكرة‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Actor, (The doer of the verb (comes ‫فاعل‬

only after the verb.
An Accusative Object. ‫مفعول به‬
Adjective ‫نعت| صفة‬
The subject of a Sequential (Nominal) ‫المبتدأ‬
The Predicate ‫الخبر‬
Separate Subject Pronouns ‫الضمائر المنفصلة‬
Attached Subject Pronouns ‫الضمائر المتصلة‬
Attributive Form ‫النسبة‬
Male and female ‫المذكر و المؤنث‬
Interrogative Nouns ‫أدوات اإلستفهام‬
Question Mark (?) (‫عالمة استفهام )؟‬
The past Tense ‫الفعل الماضي‬
The Present Tense ‫الفعل المضارع‬
The Future Tense ‫الفعل في المستقبل‬
Numbers ‫أألعداد‬
Ordinal Numbers ‫أألعداد الترتيبية‬
The Word ‫الكلمة‬
Singular ‫المفرد‬
Dual ‫المثنى‬
Plural ‫الجمع‬
The Prepositions ‫حروف الجر‬
Demonstrative Pronouns ‫اسماء اإلشارة‬
…In nominative Case ‫مرفوع‬
…In accusative Case ‫منصوب‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

…in Genitive Case ‫مجرور‬

Absence of Vowels ‫ساكن‬
It Holds ( the letter) Fat'hah (َ) ‫مفتوح‬
It Holds ( the letter) Kasrah (َ) ‫مكسور‬
It Holds ( the letter) Dammah (َ) ‫مضموم‬
It Holds ( the letter) "Nunation" (َ), ‫من َّون‬
(َ) or (َ)

Term 1 - Mock Exam

Please answer the following questions:

‫أفراد عائلتي‬
!‫ عائلتك كبيرة ما شاء هللا‬:‫أحمد‬
.‫ عائلة والدتي أكبر‬،‫ ش ْكرا‬: ‫طارق‬
‫ كم أ ْختا لدى والدتك؟‬:‫أحمد‬
.‫ لدى والدتي تسْع أخوات‬: ‫طارق‬
ْ ‫ لديْك تسْع خاالت‬:‫أحمد‬
ْ ‫ وسبْعة‬، ‫ نعم‬: ‫طارق‬
.‫ لدى والدتك سبْعة إخوة وتسْع أخوات‬:‫أحمد‬
‫ وخالتي الكبيرة متز ِّوجة من‬،‫ خالي الكبير طبيب م ْشهور‬: ‫طارق‬

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
‫‪Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies‬‬

‫أحمد‪ :‬هل عائلة والدك كبيرة أيْضا؟‬

‫طارق ‪ :‬عائلة والدي صغيرة ‪ ،‬ع ْندي عم واحد و ْ‬
‫أربع ع ِّمات‪.‬‬
‫أحمد‪ :‬لدى والدك خ ْمسة أخوة إذن‪.‬‬

‫‪Comprehension‬‬ ‫أوال‪ :‬أسئلة الفهم‪:‬‬

‫‪Answer the following questions‬‬ ‫أجب على األسئلة اآلتية‪:‬‬
‫‪ – ١‬أي العائلتين أكبر‪ ،‬عائلة والدة أحمد أم عائلة والده ؟‬
‫‪ – ٢‬كم أختا لدى طارق؟‬
‫‪ - ٣‬هل لدى طارق عشر خاالت؟‬
‫‪ – ٤‬ماذا يعمل خال طارق؟‬
‫‪ – ٥‬هل خالة طارق متزوجة من طبيب؟‬
‫‪Vocabulary‬‬ ‫ثانيا‪ :‬المفردات‪:‬‬
‫‪What are the meanings of the following words in‬‬ ‫ما معنى المفردات اآلتية باللغة اإلنجليزية؟‬

‫القواعد‪Grammar :‬‬ ‫ثالثا‪:‬‬
‫‪Nahw‬‬ ‫‪ -1‬النحو‪:‬‬
‫ضع دائرة حول الفاعل ‪ ،‬و سطرا تحت المفعول به في الجمل اآلتية؟‬
‫‪" in the following sentences:‬المفعول به" ‪" and underline the‬الفاعل" ‪Circle the‬‬

‫كتب الطالب رسالة إلى والده‪.‬‬ ‫–‬

‫جنى الفالح فواكه كثيرة‪.‬‬ ‫–‬

‫ركب المسافر قطارا سريعا‪.‬‬ ‫–‬

‫عاد الحجاج من مكة المكرمة‪.‬‬ ‫–‬

‫اشترى طالب العلم كتبا مفيدة‪.‬‬ ‫–‬

‫‪Conjugation‬‬ ‫الصرف‪:‬‬ ‫‪-1‬‬

‫صرف فعل "ذهب" في الماضي مع ضمائر المفرد (المذكر و المؤنث)‪.‬‬ ‫•‬

‫‪Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College‬‬ ‫‪DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4‬‬
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

Conjugate the verb "‫ "ذهب‬in the past tense with the singular personal pronouns
(male & female).

.)‫صرف فعل "عمل" في المضارع مع ضمائر المثنى (المذكر والمؤنث‬ •

Conjugate the verb "‫ "عمل‬in the past tense with the singular personal pronouns
(male & female).

Expression : ‫ التعبير‬:‫ثالثا‬
.‫اكتب خمس جمل حول ما تعلمته في اللغة العربية خالل الدورة األولى‬
Write five sentences about what you have learnt in Arabic language during Term 1.

Copyright © 2016-2017 Cambridge Islamic College DAIS-B3Y1-WB V1.4
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies

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