MET 1 My Portfolio Jan 2023-Juan Navarro
MET 1 My Portfolio Jan 2023-Juan Navarro
MET 1 My Portfolio Jan 2023-Juan Navarro
By: Juan
OBSERVATION TASK 1 Classroom snapshot
Ask permission to go into a colleague’s class for just five minutes. Your aim is to gain a
‘snapshot’ image of what is happening. Persuade the teacher not to prepare any special activity
for this time.
For the first questions, aim to describe factually as far as you can (rather than
interpreting or finding positive or negative aspects). Add your more subjective impression in
answering the last question.
1 Describe how the learners are seated/standing in the room.
I can't describe that because we are in virtual classes and everyone is at home, so I guess everyone is sitting
their chair and table.
2 Describe generally what is happening (example “A tape is being played and learners are writing
answers to printed questions”).
At the beginning of the class, the teacher starts giving the students a little feedback on what they did
yesterday and tries to tie it back to today's topic.
But before fully entering the teacher tells a student to read the objectives after, the teacher begins to explain
the objectives.
In addition, the teacher explains all the news for that day, exams, and homework they have for the weekend.
After all that, the teacher begins to explain the class for that day.
Almost the entire introduction to the class had the teacher speak, some students participated in the reading
and questions and while the teacher explained the student’s paid attention when the students ask questions th
teacher paid attention to them, and there is always respect for both parties when speaking.
4 Describe (a) the atmosphere; and (b) levels of engagement in the room.
(a): Talking about the atmosphere I can say that is very good is comfortable, free and with the exact measur
of authority. Also is an atmosphere in which you don't feel scared if you want to participate and you feel fre
to ask the teacher about the exams or any inconvenience you have either with your note or with other things.
Likewise, the atmosphere is appropriate, and the teacher didn't need to rise the tone of voice for not at a
because students did everything with only one instruction.
(b): The levels of engagement in the room were the best I think in every moment.
On the one hand, the level of engagement of the teacher was total I could appreciate the level of engagemen
of the teacher in every word and activity. Sometimes some students couldn't answer by various factors, bu
this did not discourage the teacher. I didn't see at no time discouragement or anything similar on the part o
the teacher. The students every moment showed their engagement with the teacher and with their teaching.
I could appreciate that some students asked the teacher about things that they didn't understand, things a
some words that they didn't know how to pronounce. Also, other students that didn't understand all th
instructions said the teacher to repeat them again and the teacher did. The engagement was mutual, th
teacher motivated the students, and they did not stop being active in class.
The classroom
Make notes on seating, sight lines, space, air, warmth, light, whiteboard, equipment, etc.
The activities
Make notes on the kind of activities used, the nature of student involvement, balance of students doing things and
teacher doing things, etc.
- It is difficult to explain this also because we are in a pandemic but from what I could observe in the class is that the
teacher makes a general participation, he makes everyone participate, the teacher is always monitoring the
students through the cameras at all, she always tries to solve doubts to all students when she sees that they have
difficulties or feel confused, so she gets the whole class to be active and connected to the topic.
The teacher
What personal qualities does the teacher have (i.e. not teaching techniques)? What kind of rapport does this
teacher have? What is the personal psychological atmosphere generated by this teacher? What is it like to be a
student in this classroom?
- The teacher is someone cheerful and dynamic, she is the first to speak when starting the conversation always, from
the beginning of the class she is always very cheerful, attentive, she seeks to engage in a fluent conversation with
all her students, in the activities she always tries to explain clearly and if It is necessary to explain it to you several
times so that you can understand, likewise she tries to attend to all her students and former students, this makes her
a very loved teacher by all those she teaches.
- The teacher has a good rapport with all the students although it is most likely that she does not know
them in person or has not been their teacher before, the teacher always tries to create good relationships
with her students and is always willing to help her students either inside or outside the classroom, but if
you change this month as a teacher and you need help you can ask him she will always try to help you.
- As I mentioned, it is a good environment, a great study atmosphere and psychologically it helps a lot. It
is not a tedious class where students are afraid. It is a very favourable environment for students to
express themselves freely without fear. They are not like the old classrooms where all students must be
quiet and only listen to the person saying these feelings are not felt in this classroom, the teacher ensures
that the environment is the most appropriate for everyone.
- The truth is that the teacher creates a good environment where all the students can speak freely, likewise
as an observer several times I wanted to be able to join with the other students and be able to participate
in the classes since it is an atmosphere that invites everyone I believe to participate, so I think that the
students feel very comfortable and happy with everything that the teacher provides them.
The learners
How motivated are the learners? Why? To what extent are they taking an active part in their own learning? To
what extent are they expecting the teacher to do the work for them?
- The students are always motivated, I think this is due to the good atmosphere that the teacher has created
from the first day because I was able to find a very good relationship between everyone in the class and I
think that this is built the first week and is strengthened with the days that pass At the same time, they
were motivated because the teacher was also inspiring. She always showed a smile and never showed an
impatient or desperate character. This created the students to be always motivated.
- I could see that everyone was active they always showed interest in their own learning, which is why
they also always sought to question the things they did not understand, they did not remain silent for a
long time, and most of the students sought to participate and test their skill in various activities that the
teacher carried out with the same freedom that she gave him. the teacher gave to the students caused the
students to become more interested in their learning.
- The students try to do everything by themselves, they look for the teacher when they are confused or did
not understand well what is going to be done, the teacher is there as a guide who helps them in what they
cannot, but for the most part the protagonists are the students, not the teacher.
OBSERVATION TASK 3 Teachers and learners
For each line, decide if the statement on the left or right fits best as a description (or somewhere in the middle).
You could use the chart to:
- Think back to a language lesson you can recall from your past.
- Use the chart as an observation task the next time you go into a class to watch someone else teaching.
- Review your own teaching style, perhaps in a specific lesson.
The teacher
The teacher is unnaturally loud or quiet. x The teacher speaks at a natural, conversational
The teacher behaves and interacts as he/she might outside the x The teacher behaves and interacts in a
classroom. distinctively ‘teacherly’ way.
The teacher asks mainly open questions. x The teacher asks mainly questions with
expected/fixed answers.
The teacher has good characteristics and aptitudes that make her always perform as a good teacher, she demonstrates
her mastery of the class and the subject she is talking about, but at the same time, she shows her empathy with some
students who cannot function well, whenever they consult the teacher. teacher obtained a clear and very well-structured
The learners
The students are always participatory in class, they are very interested in their learning, but at the same time they seek to
do the exercises alone and the teacher gives them that option, so they gradually always increase their command of the
language, they are participatory and eager to learn.
OBSERVATION TASK 5 Options and decisions
The term ‘classroom management’ refers to the moment-by-moment decisions made, and actions taken by
the teacher in class, e.g. writing on the board, giving instructions, organising the class into pairs, etc. For every
decision made, there will have been other options that the teacher did not choose.
For each of the following headings:
1 . - Note one example of a classroom situation in the lesson you are observing. What does the teacher do?
2.-Note one or two other options that the teacher had at that point in the lesson but did not choose.
Action: Teacher said ‘hello’ politely. (The student then sat down quietly and found out what was going on from his
Other options: Teacher could have asked why the student was late. Teacher could have pointed out the time to the
Situation: I was able to observe that there were 2 students who were the ones who spoke the language the most in the cla
and almost always sought to participate above others.
Action: the teacher on several occasions let them intervene because there were also other participants
Other options: I would look for the one who participates the least and to make the idea come true I would let one of the
students who dominate speak.
Arrangement of s eating
Action: I could not observe any situation like the topic
Other options:
Situation: Some students did not understand the instructions very well
Action: The teacher repeated the instructions once more and made an example
Other options: Ask a student to explain the instructions to see if the others have the same problem of understanding.
Encouragement and The teacher can provide positive, realistic support and
support; promoting encouragement to take an active role.
Promoting guided The teacher can elicit answers, construct questions, offer partial
discovery examples, encourage hypotheses, etc. that lead the students to work
out answers for themselves.
Presenting content The teacher can explain, lecture, answer questions, etc. on areas of
information the learning content.
Provision of samples Instructions, comments, questions, stories, etc. in the target
of language language provide language exposure for the learners.
Materials and tasks The teacher can propose, suggest or select what work is done in
class and the texts and other materials used.
Informative feedback The teacher can offer objective information that may help the learning
process; for example, information about errors made, information
about how language is formed or used, information about how a task
was performed, suggestions for future work, etc.
The teacher can notice and help to draw attention to progress made,
problems encountered, etc.
Habit of learning As part of a regular timed lesson, the teacher can help provide a
sense of form, regularity and concreteness to an otherwise more
formless learning process.
Selecting, packaging The teacher can plan that new material is met and worked with in
and grading ways that students may find more manageable than if they had to
deal with the entire language in one go.
Structuring and The teacher can suggest or help select what to study and how to
sequencing organise the programme of learning and the shape of individual
Authority The teacher can use her authority where appropriate, e.g. to make decisions, to close
activities or discussions, to require certain actions from individuals, etc.
Raising awareness The teacher can ask questions, give information or do other things that help learners to
notice areas they may otherwise not have been aware of.
These may be to do with the subject being studied or about other things, e.g. about
themselves and their way of learning, their relationships with other students or their
Guidance and direction The teacher can use her knowledge and experience where appropriate to counsel, guide and
direct individuals.
Learner training The teacher can raise learners’ awareness about their own process of learning and can suggest
ways they could become more efficient and effective learners.
Democracy and personal The teacher can help ensure that all students are equally respected and their views and
responsibility working styles equally valued and catered for. The teacher can make efforts to allow
students to stay at the centre of their own learning and not resign ownership to the teacher or
other members of the class.
Natural motivation The teacher can work to allow natural motivation to flower – and especially take care
not to get in its way or otherwise prevent it!
During the observed class, the organization always was observed to be well planned and not
improvised, this gave absolute control to the class teacher. She complied with everything
established for that day's class, which suggests that she organized the time very well for each
activity that she had in class.
Likewise, the materials that she had on hand, such as Drive and the course book, among others,
were very well managed so that they did not consume unnecessary time, which is always why the
teacher demonstrated total control and total organization.
In the class I was able to observe who had control and the authority of the class was the teacher
Authority and with that authority she managed the class giving orders and instructions at the beginning
almost 100 percent of what she said was fulfilled because some students had problems with the
internet but with the passing of the class this improved and everyone complied with what the
teacher requested, likewise the teacher was the one who chose who was going to work with whom
and the students did not protest because the teacher had the authority but she imparted it fairly to
everyone .
I believe that during the month the teacher did many things so that the students feel a natural and
not forced motivation. I believe that the teacher used many methods so that the students felt more
motivated day by day and the teacher, seeing this, did not get in the way In addition, the teacher
Natural motivation
has all the necessary control of the language to let the students pay for themselves since she will be
able to solve all their doubts and thus little by little give them more challenges and that the
students advance more in their learning.
In this room, the teacher was always monitoring the whole class and was always watching the
Monitoring cameras you could see that they covered everything, when the breakrooms have created the
teacher was always monitoring I was in a room with 2 other students, and on 3 occasions the
teacher entered To observe how the students were progressing, at no time did she interrupt the
students' conversation, she only observed for 1 minute and left, so with that demonstration, I
would say that the teacher is always monitoring her class.
Well, my last comments would be that it was a very interactive dynamic class difficult to
get bored, always the teacher seeks the participation of all although by the number of
students it was complicated, it shows the great skill that the teacher has to teach and be
empathic with His students while still being the maximum authority in the classroom also
is not afraid to leave the post to his students every time that students can express
themselves to share their ideas and similar things for the last one would say that it is a good
Model to follow class because it has a warm instruction that generates an atmosphere of
trust and also has exercises and dynamic activities and to the conclusion of the class you
inform you everything you have to do and some pending activities that you have to develop
in the end it is very difficult to bore In such a class.
1. What approaches, methods and techniques did you find useful
from the book? Why? (Support them with personal experiences)
Here are some of the many I found in the book.
I think this is very useful and much more so when you are teaching basic courses because you
give the student the opportunity to interpret with your gestures if they do not understand the
word while you build confidence in them so that they do not get confused. Also, the use of
gestures helps when giving instructions when giving instructions such as repeating after the
partner or similar things, gestures are very important.
The different techniques that exist to define the way in which the students will sit is also a
very good method and it gives us the option of seating form that we can do according to the
type of teaching that we want to give. Each method will have a lot to do with the type of
methodology you have.
As a student, I preferred when we sat in the shape of a crescent because it was easier to
observe the blackboard and hear the instructions, and in other rooms when they were one
after the other it was very difficult for me because sometimes the person in front of you
prevents you from seeing or distracts.
There are different types of interactions between everyone in the classroom but I think the
most important interaction that can be is between the student and the teacher because this will
make the students feel more like a friend to the teacher and have confidence with him, but
also the interaction between the students themselves is good because this could be a
motivation in the future because you are alone that month but they will be together for several
Here I learned that it is important to give clear instructions to the students but also the
different ways in which you can give instructions, as well as the ways in which you could see
if the students understood your instructions and many things that help.
2. Why do you think important Classroom Management?
I think it is very important because it helps to know how much we can manage our class; I
think it is something that even how much we should be a teacher to review to try to improve
is something that I would do. Because over time it is something that we can forget but I also
believe that we can find other methods if we use our creativity I think that Classroom
Management is like a guide that shows you a map but it is your decision if you use the advice
of the book or if you look for advice or advice or new in your creativity
Classroom Management show you many strategies you can use many of these strategies even
much of the teachers do not know, so it also shows you the parts that you must manage in
your class, in other words it gives you everything for you can start making a learning route
for Your students
3. How did your perspectives change through the view about the
learners and the teachers?
Sometimes many of us think that teachers do not have much preparation and just improvise,
but the image of that changes when you see all the preparation that a teacher requires to be
able to teach. That is something that I personally realized when I started studying at ICPNA.
Before, I had another perspective.
Regarding students, student behaviour at ICPNA is very different from other places. In my
experience of face-to-face classes, I saw that the students were very active in the classes, this
made the classes dynamic, and it was not like in other places where the student only listens
and that is a methodology that I must accept, it is very efficient and personally I would like to
teach it.