Final Term Syllabus 2022-23
Final Term Syllabus 2022-23
Final Term Syllabus 2022-23
1. Unseen Comprehension passage 2. Note Making 3. Grammar- Editing /gap filling, jumbled,
sentences etc 4. Short writing skills
a. For Sale b. To Let c. Situation Vacant d. Educational and Hobby Courses
Posters 5. Speech Writing 6. Debate Writing 7. Literature
a. A Photograph B. The Laburnum Top C. Childhood d. Father to Son e. Voice of the Rain f.
Portrait of a Lady g. Discovering Truth. The Adventure i. Silk Road j. We are not afraid to die.
a. Mother’s Day b. Summer of a Beautiful White Horse C. Birth d. The Address e. Tale of Melon
The physical world and Measurement Need for measurement: Units of measurement; systems of
units; SI units, fundamental and derived units. Significant figures. Dimensions of physical quantities,
dimensional analysis and its applications.
Kinematics Frame of reference, Motion in a straight line, Elementary concepts of differentiation and
integration for describing motion, uniform and non- uniform motion, and instantaneous velocity,
uniformly accelerated motion, velocity - time and position- time graphs. Relations for uniformly
accelerated motion. Scalar and vector quantities; position and displacement vectors, general vectors
and their notations; equality of vectors, multiplication of vectors by a real number; addition and
subtraction of vectors, Unit vector; resolution of a vector in a plane, rectangular components, Scalar
and Vector product of vectors. Motion in a plane, cases of uniform velocity and uniform acceleration-
projectile motion, uniform circular motion.
Laws of Motion Newton’s laws of motion, momentum, impulse, Law of conservation of linear
momentum and its applications.
Static and kinetic friction, laws of friction.
Dynamics of uniform circular motion: Centripetal force, examples of circular motion (vehicle on a
level circular road).
Work, Power and Energy Work one by constant and variable force, Kinetic energy, Work energy
theorem, Potential energy of spring, Power
System of Particles and rigid Body Centre of mass (definition and expression only), Motion of
centre of mass, Moment of inertia, torque and angular momentum. Conservation of angular
Gravitation Universal law of gravitation, Variation of acceleration due to gravity with depth and
Properties of Bulk matter Pressure, Pressure due to a fluid column. Viscosity, Stoke’s law, Terminal
velocity. Streamline and turbulent flow. Equation of continuity, Bernoulli’s theorem and its simple
Thermo dynamics Zeroth law of thermodynamics, First law of thermodynamics (statements only)
Kinetic theory of gases Degrees of freedom and equipartition theorem, Relation between two
principle specific heats of a gas, Ratio of two specific heats of a gas.
Waves and oscillations SHM and its equation of motion. Displacement, velocity and acceleration of
a particle executing SHM. Energy of a particle executing SHM.
Wave motion, transverse and longitudinal waves, Equation of plane progressive wave.
1. Basic concepts in chemistry
2. Atomic structure
3. periodic table
4. chemical bonding
5. Redox reactions
6. chemical equilibrium without ionic equilibrium
7. some basic concepts in organic chemistry
8. Hydrocarbons
9. Thermodynamics
1. Relation and Functions
2. Trigonometric Functions
3. Sequence and Series
4. Straight lines
5. Conic Sections
6. Introduction To 3 D
7. Limits and Derivatives
8. Probability
1. Cell structure and function
2. Cell cycle and cell division
3. Biomolecules (lipids proteins and amino acids)
4. Breathing and exchange of gases
5. Body fluids and circulation
6. Excretory products and elimination
7. Locomotion and movement
8. Chemical control and coordination
9. Neural control and coordination
10. Photosynthesis in higher plants
11. Plant respiration
12. Plant growth and development
13. Animal kingdom
14. Plant kingdom
15. Plant morphology
16. Plant anatomy
17. Structural organization in animals
18. Biological classification
Computer Science
I Computer Systems and Organization
II Computational Thinking and Programming - 1(Python)
III Society, Law, and Ethics (15)
Unit 1: Entrepreneurship: Concept and Function.
• Entrepreneurship – Concept, Functions and Need
• Why Entrepreneurship for You (Need for entrepreneurship)
• Myths about Entrepreneurship
• Advantages and Limitations of Entrepreneurship
• Process of Entrepreneurship
• Entrepreneurship – The Indian Scenario
Unit 2: An Entrepreneur.
• Why be an Entrepreneur
• Types of Entrepreneurs
• Competencies and characteristics
• Entrepreneurial Values, Attitudes and Motivation ( Maslow's and McClelland's Theory)
• Intrapreneur: Meaning and Importance
Unit 3: Entrepreneurship Journey.
• Idea generation and methods.
• Feasibility Study (including contents) and opportunity assessment
• Business Plan: meaning, purpose and elements
• Execution of Business Plan
Unit 4: Entrepreneurship as Innovation and Problem Solving.
• Entrepreneurs as problem solvers
• Innovations and Entrepreneurial Ventures – Global and Indian
• Role of Technology – e-commerce and Social Media
• Social Entrepreneurship - Concept
Unit 5: Understanding the Market.
• Market: Concept, Types
• Micro and Macro Market Environment
• Market Research -Concept, Importance and Process
• Marketing Mix (in detail)
Unit 6: Business Finance and Arithmetics.
• Unit of Sale, Unit Price and Unit Cost -for single product or service
• Types of Costs - Start up, Variable and Fixed
• Break Even Analysis - for single product or service (Graphical as well as formula method)
Unit 7: Resource Mobilization Resource Mobilization
• Types of Resources – Physical, Human, Financial and Intangible.
• Selection and utilization of human resources and professionals like Accountants, Lawyers,
Auditors, Board Members, etc.
Introduction to Accounting
1. Accounting- concept, meaning, as a source of information, objectives, advantages and limitations,
types of accounting information; users of accounting information and their needs. Qualitative
Characteristics of Accounting Information. Role of Accounting in Business.
2. Basic Accounting Terms- Entity, Business Transaction, Capital, Drawings. Liabilities (Non-Current
and Current). Assets (Non-Current, Current); Expenditure (Capital and Revenue), Expense, Revenue,
Income, Profit, Gain, Loss, Purchase, Sales, Goods, Stock, Debtor, Creditor, Voucher, Discount (Trade
discount and Cash Discount)
Theory Base of Accounting
Fundamental accounting assumptions: GAAP: Concept
Basic accounting concept: Business Entity, Money Measurement, Going Concern, Accounting Period,
Cost Concept, Dual Aspect, Revenue Recognition, Matching, Full Disclosure, Consistency,
Conservatism, Materiality, and Objectivity
System of Accounting. Basis of Accounting: cash basis and accrual basis Accounting Standards:
Applicability in IndAS. Goods and Services Tax (GST): Characteristics and Advantages.
1. Collection of source documents, preparation of vouchers, recording of transactions with the help
of vouchers.
2. Preparation of Bank Reconciliation Statement with the given cash book and the pass book with
twenty to twenty-five transactions.
3. Comprehensive project of any sole proprietorship business. This may state with journal entries
and their ledgering, preparation of Trial balance. Trading and Profit and Loss Account and
Balance Sheet. Expenses, incomes and profit (loss), assets and liabilities are to be depicted using
pie chart / bar diagram.
Business Studies
Part A: Foundation of Business
Concept includes meaning and features
Unit 1: Evolution and Fundamentals of Business
History of Trade and Commerce in India: Indigenous Banking System, Rise of Intermediaries,
Transport, Trading Communities: Merchant Corporations, Major Trade Centers, Major Imports and
Exports, Position of Indian Sub-Continent in the World Economy. Business – meaning and
Business, profession and employment-Concept
Objectives of business Classification of business activities - Industry and Commerce
Industry-types: primary, secondary, tertiary
Meaning and subgroups
Commerce-trade: (types-internal, external; wholesale and retail) and auxiliaries to trade; (banking,
insurance, transportation, warehousing, communication, and advertising)–meaning
Business risk- Concept
Unit 2: Forms of Business organizations
Sole Proprietorship- Concept, merits and limitations.
Partnership- Concept, types, merits and limitation of partnership, registration of a partnership firm,
partnership deed. Types of partners
Hindu Undivided Family Business: Concept
Cooperative Societies-Concept, merits, and limitations.
Company- Concept, merits and limitations; Types: Private, Public and One Person Company–Concept
Formation of company - stages, important documents to be used in formation of a company.
Choice of form of business organization
Unit 3: Public, Private and Global Enterprises
Public sector and private sector enterprises– Concept
Forms of public sector enterprises: Departmental Undertakings, Statutory Corporations and
Government Company.
Global Enterprises–Feature.
Public private partnership–concept
Unit 4: Business Services
Business services – meaning and types.
Banking: Types of bank accounts -savings, current, recurring, fixed deposit and multiple option deposit
Banking services with particular reference to Bank Draft, Bank Overdraft, Cash credit.
E-Banking - meaning, Types of digital payments
Insurance–Principles. Types– life, health, fire and marine insurance – concept
Postal Service- Mail, Registered Post, Parcel, Speed Post, Courier-meaning
Unit 5: Emerging Modes of Business
E-business: concept, scope and benefits
Unit 6: Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics
Concept of social responsibility
Responsibility towards owners, investors, consumers, employees, government and community.
Role of business in environment protection
Business Ethics- Concept and Elements
Part B: Finance and Trade
Unit 7: Sources of Business Finance
Concept of business finance
Owners’ funds- equity shares, preference share, retained earnings Borrowed funds: debentures and
bonds, loan from financial institution and commercial banks, public deposits, trade credit, Inter
Corporate Deposits (ICD).
Unit 8: Small Business and Enterprises
Entrepreneurship Development (ED): Concept, Characteristics and Need. Process of Entrepreneurship
Development: Start-up India Scheme, ways to fund start-up. Intellectual Property Rights and
Small scale enterprise as defined by MSMED Act 2006 (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
Development Act)
Role of small business in India with special reference to rural areas.
Government schemes and agencies for small scale industries: National Small Industries Corporation
(NSIC) and District Industrial Centre (DIC) with special reference to rural, backward areas
Unit 9: Internal Trade
Internal trade - meaning and types services rendered by a wholesaler and a retailer
Types of retail-trade- Itinerant and small-scale fixed shops retailers
Large scale retailers-Departmental stores, chain stores-concept GST (Goods and Services Tax):
Concept and key- features
Unit 10: International Trade
International trade: concept and benefits
Export trade–Meaning and procedure
Import Trade- Meaning and procedure
World Trade Organization (WTO) meaning and objectives
Applied Mathematics
1. Sets
2. Sequence and Series
3. permutation and Combination
4. Financial Math’s
5. Derivatives
6. Statistics
7. Probability
1. Writing and city life
2. An empire across the three continents
3. Nomadic empires
4. The three orders
5. Changing cultural traditions
6. Diaplacing indigenous peoples
7. Paths to modernization
Political Science
Part A: Indian Constitution at Work
1. Constitution: Why and How, The Making of the Constitution, Fundamental Rights and Duties,
Directive Principles of State Policy, constitutional Amendments.
2. Election and Representation Elections and Democracy, Election System in India, Electoral Reforms.
3. Legislature Why do we need a Parliament? Unicameral / Bicameral Legislature. Functions and
Power of the Parliament, Parliamentary committees. Parliamentary Officials: Speaker, Deputy
Speaker, Parliamentary Secretary.
4. Executive
What is an Executive? Different Types of Executive. Parliamentary Executive in India, Prime
Minister and Council of Ministers. Permanent Executive: Bureaucracy.
5. Judiciary Why do we need an Independent Judiciary? Structure of the Judiciary, Judicial Review,
Judicial Activism, Judicial Over-reach.
6. Local Governments Why do we need Local Governments? Growth of Local Government in India,
73rd and 74th Amendments, Working and Challenges of Local Governments.
7. Rights in the Indian Constitution.