Ieee Guide For SVVP
Ieee Guide For SVVP
Ieee Guide For SVVP
Abstract: Guidance in preparing Software Verification and Validation Plans (SVVPs) that comply
with IEEE Std 1012-1986 are provided. IEEE Std 1012-1986 species the required content for an
SVVP. This guide recommends approaches to Verication and Validation (V&V) planning. This
guide does not present requirements beyond those stated in IEEE Std 1012-1986.
Keywords: baseline change assessment, life cycle phases, master schedule, V&V tasks
IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the
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does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard.
Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is
subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and
comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to
review at least every ve years for revision or reafrmation. When a document is
more than ve years old and has not been reafrmed, it is reasonable to conclude that
its contents, although still of some value, do not wholly reect the present state of the
art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any
IEEE Standard.
Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party,
regardless of membership afliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a proposed change of text, together with appropriate
supporting comments.
Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions
of standards as they relate to specic applications. When the need for interpretations
is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all concerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence
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Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to:
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(This introduction is not a part of IEEE Std 1059-1993, IEEE Guide for Software Verication and Validation Plans.)
The purpose of this guide is to provide guidance in preparing Software Verication and Validation Plans
(SVVPs) that comply with IEEE Std 1012-1986* (referred to throughout as the Standard). The Standard
species the required content for an SVVP. This guide recommends approaches to Verication and Validation (V&V) planning. This guide does not present requirements beyond those in the Standard.
When describing specic information to be placed in sections of an SVVP, this guide quotes extensively
from the Standard. Not all of the Standard is reproduced. The Standard is a prerequisite for the use of
this guide.
This guide does not provide a comprehensive view of the verication and validation process itself. It does
provide an overview of the process of creating an SVVP. For each section in a plan, it presents a list of topics
that could be addressed when preparing that section. The guide is not specic to any application area.
This guide includes the following:
a) Recommended planning procedures (e.g., criticality analysis) to aid in selecting specic V&V tasks
for each phase
b) General guidance on the topics that shall be addressed in the life cycle phase sections of a plan (e.g.,
task descriptions, methods and criteria, and inputs and outputs)
c) Specic guidance in planning the V&V tasks required by the Standard
d) Samples of V&V planning based on the elevator system, which is described in annex A
As with the Standard, this guide is directed at the development and maintenance of critical software
software in which a failure could affect personal or equipment safety, or could result in a large nancial or
social loss. The guidance may also be applied to noncritical software. Determination of criticality should be
carefully considered.
The Standard and this guide employ a specic life cycle model of the software development process,
although plans written in the Standard may make use of a different model.
This guide may be used where software is the system or where software is part of a larger system. When
software is part of a larger system, software V&V should be integrated into a system-level V&V effort covering critical hardware, software, and interfaces to operators.
This guide is primarily directed to those preparing SVVPs. This guide may be used by project management,
system and software developers, quality assurance organizations, purchasers, end users, maintainers, and
those performing V&V.
Neither the Standard nor this guide assumes that the V&V effort is necessarily independent of the development effort. V&V tasks may be performed by personnel doing development tasks, by a separate team within
a single organization, by a completely independent organization, or by some combination as assigned within
the SVVP.
At the time this guide was completed, the P1059 working group had the following membership:
Jerome W. Mersky, Chair
Dolores Wallace, Co-chair
Kirby Fortenberry, Secretary
Franois Coallier
Cora Carmody
Michael S. Deutsch
Michael P. Dewalt
David C. Doty
Caroline L. Evans
Robert V. Ebenau
Eva Freund
Jack Leavenworth
George Lee
Dennis E. Nickle
S. J. Pasquariello
Lee Perkins
Andrew Vaughan
Natalie C. Yopconka
John Harauz
John W. Horch
Peter L. Hung
Myron S. Karasik
Judy S. Kerner
Robert Kosinski
Thomas Kurihara
Renee Lamb
Robert Lane
Ben Livson
Joseph Maayan
Jukka Marijarvi
Roger Martin
Scott D. Matthews
Ivano Mazza
Michael McAndrew
Sue McGrath
Jerome W. Mersky
Dennis E. Nickle
John D. Pope
Patricia Rodriguez
Hans Schaefer
Gregory D. Schumacher
Robert W. Shillato
D. M. Siefert
A. R. Sorkowitz
Vijaya Srivastava
David Terrell
Richard Thayer
George D. Tice
Leonard L. Tripp
Dolores Wallace
William M. Walsh
Natalie C. Yopconka
Janusz Zalewski
When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on December 2, 1993, it had the following
Wallace S. Read, Chair
Gilles A. Baril
Jos A. Berrios de la Paz
Clyde R. Camp
Donald C. Fleckenstein
Jay Forster*
David F. Franklin
Ramiro Garcia
Donald N. Heirman
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE Standards Board liaisons:
Satish K. Aggarwal
James Beall
Richard B. Engelman
David E. Soffrin
Stanley I. Warshaw
Rachel A. Meisel
IEEE Standards Project Editor
Don T. Michael*
Marco W. Migliaro
L. John Rankine
Arthur K. Reilly
Ronald H. Reimer
Gary S. Robinson
Leonard L. Tripp
Donald W. Zipse
Overview.............................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Scope............................................................................................................................................ 1
References............................................................................................................................................ 2
SVVP guidance.................................................................................................................................. 16
Purpose....................................................................................................................................... 16
Referenced documents ............................................................................................................... 17
Definitions.................................................................................................................................. 17
Verification and validation overview......................................................................................... 18
Life cycle verification and validation ........................................................................................ 20
Reporting.................................................................................................................................... 43
Verification and validation administrative procedures .............................................................. 44
Annex A (informative) Extracts from a sample Software Verification and Validation Plan...................... 53
A.1 Overview.................................................................................................................................... 53
A.2 Elevator system reference material............................................................................................ 54
A.3 Extracts from a sample SVVP ................................................................................................... 59
Annex B (informative) Critical software and criticality analysis ............................................................... 79
Annex C (informative) The seven planning topics ..................................................................................... 81
1. Overview
This guide is the explication of IEEE Std 1012-19861 (referred to throughout as the Standard). This Standard
specied the required content of a Software Verication and Validation Plan (SVVP). This guide provides
the guidance and background discussion that a user of the Standard may need in order to write a plan.
This guide is divided into four clauses. Clause 1 provides the overview and scope of this guide. Clause 2
lists references to other standards. Clause 3 denes the terms, conventions, and acronyms used in this guide.
Clause 4 provides an overview of software V&V, general planning guidance, and a description of the major
V&V activities that continue across more than one life cycle phase (e.g., traceability analysis, evaluation,
interface analysis, and testing). Clause 5 provides a sequential review of each of the sections of the SVVP,
providing specic guidance for each section. In many cases, the guidance for a section or task is in the form
of a list of questions or activities to consider. Note that these lists are not complete because for any given situation there will be other questions or activities that can be addressed. Also, all items in a given list may not
be applicable to any given situation.
This guide also contains three annexes. Annex A describes the elevator example that was used to develop
sample plan extracts. These sample extracts are also presented in this annex. Annex B describes and overviews software criticality planning analysis. Annex C provides guidance for the seven planning topics that
are aimed at V&V tasks in an SVVP.
1.1 Scope
This document provides specic guidance about planning and documenting the tasks required by the Standard so that the user may write an effective plan. Some guidance is in the form of checklists, questions, or
activities to consider.
This guide does not present requirements beyond those found in the Standard. Mention of certain methods or
activities in this guide does not mean that the user of the Standard must include these in a plan in order for
that plan to comply with the Standard. There may be other methods or activities that are relevant to a specic
software project or product. The user of this guide is encouraged to survey the standards referenced in clause
2 for additional guidance, particularly guidance for specic tools or techniques.
Std 1059-1993
2. References
This guide shall be used in conjunction with the following publications:
IEEE Std 610.12-1990, IEEE Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology (ANSI).2
IEEE Std 730-1989, IEEE Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans (ANSI).
IEEE Std 828-1990, IEEE Standard for Software Conguration Management Plans (ANSI).
IEEE Std 829-1983 (Reaff 1991), IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation (ANSI).
IEEE Std 830-1993, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specications.
IEEE Std 1008-1987, IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing (ANSI).
IEEE Std 1012-1986, IEEE Standard for Software Verication and Validation Plans (ANSI).
IEEE Std 1016-1987, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Design Descriptions (ANSI).
IEEE Std 1042-1987, IEEE Guide to Software Conguration Management (ANSI).
IEEE publications are available from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, P.O. Box 1331, Piscataway,
NJ 08855-1331, USA.
Std 1059-1993
3.2 Denitions
This guide is consistent with other IEEE standards in its use of terms. For a complete list of denitions, refer
to IEEE Std 1012-1986.
Note that denitions for the terms verication and validation may be used differently by other
standards organization.
Quality assurance
To be determined
Std 1059-1993
The objectives of the V&V effort are to nd defects and to determine if required functions and attributes are
built into the software system. The activities of V&V operate on the products of software development and
support the following:
A V&V effort is typically applied in parallel with software development and support activities. Some V&V
tasks may be interleaved with the development and support process. A V&V effort consists of management
tasks (e.g., planning, organizing, and monitoring the V&V effort) and technical tasks (e.g., analyzing, evaluating, reviewing, and testing the software development processes and products) to provide information about
the engineering, quality, and status of software products throughout the life cycle.
Std 1059-1993
Planning for a V&V effort begins early in the project so as to aid in assessing the scope of the V&V effort as
part of the total effort. This is necessary in order to ensure that V&V resource needs are included in the total
project planning. The initial SVVP may provide insights to the nancial sponsor of the project concerning
development or support plans. It also provides enough information for the sponsor to approve the plan and to
monitor its implementation.
It is important on each project to clarify how V&V ts into the overall project life cycle and relates to all
project entities (e.g., user, developer, buyer, software conguration management, software quality assurance,
etc.). Sometimes the V&V effort will be performed by an entirely different organization, often directly for
the buyer of the software. This situation is referred to as Independent Verication and Validation (IV&V).
V&V tasks may be performed internally by a completely separate organization within the company or perhaps by the systems engineering group or product assurance group. Selection of some tasks may depend on
how a project is organized (e.g., consider not only how the V&V tasks serve immediate V&V objectives, but
also how they serve the total project).
The rst V&V tasks begin early, with concept documentation evaluation, requirements analysis, and acceptance test planning. Planning the V&V should be closely coupled to the planning of the rest of the project.
The planner should anticipate and schedule regular updating of the SVVP to reect changes in the overall
development effort.
Software verication and validation tasks support one another and combine to become a powerful tool that
does the following:
Std 1059-1993
Identify the V&V scope. Dene a set of software tasks as early as possible. The tasks should be tailored and take into consideration several software factors (e.g., criticality, complexity, available
resources including development environment and tools). Determining which V&V tasks to perform
requires a decision-making methodology. One such methodology, criticality analysis, is presented in
annex B.
Before beginning the next step, the recommended V&V tasks should be reviewed by all participants,
especially the user and customer. The next step should begin only after agreement is achieved.
Establish specic objectives from the general project scope. Detailed, measurable, and achievable
objectives establish the conditions of satisfaction with the V&V effort. These conditions of satisfaction provide the basis for assessing and enforcing V&V performance. Measurable criteria, such as
dened load limits and response time, are desirable because of the objectivity they afford. Also, the
discipline and effort required to formulate measurable objectives reveal ambiguities and differences
of expectations early in the V&V effort.
It is important to identify only achievable objectives. The presence of unachievable objectives
reduces the credibility of a plan, and of the V&V effort itself, before the execution of the plan
begins. A realistic plan enhances the motivation of all parties in a project and increases the value of
the V&V effort.
Analyze the project input prior to selecting the V&V tools and techniques and preparing the plan.
Input analysis identies all the specic products, information, and other documentation that will be
available during the project phases. Examples of such products are given in gure 1 of the Standard
and are reproduced here in gure 1. Input can be divided into two typesthe products and information available at project start and the products and information that will become available in the later
phases of the development cycle. The items that are available during the planning stage are either
project- or product-related. Project-related information includes the budget, manpower and other
resources, development schedules and milestones, and any other project-specic considerations,
such as contractual requirements. Product-related information includes concept documentation,
requirements specications, or other formal specications for the product being developed. Note
that terminology for these products varies according to the user or developer environment.
Historical defect data from previous versions of the same or similar software, if available, can be a
great aid. Such historical data will be available only if planned for (e.g., by archiving and analyzing
anomalies). When planning the V&V effort, prediction and analysis of the nature and number of
expected defects aid in the selection of V&V tasks and help to determine the resources required to
perform the tasks.
Select techniques and tools. Identify those tools and techniques (such as those that support traceability analysis) that are available and applicable to the project, and gather sufcient information in
order to choose among alternatives. For techniques, this information includes input needed, range of
applicability, and resources and skills needed. For tools, this information includes availability of tool
and associated documentation, applicability, and resource requirements including cost of operation
and training.
Specic information about the software development environment, methodology, and tools should
be considered when selecting the tools and techniques to be used in V&V. Techniques and tools need
to be selected with the format, structure, and schedule of the development products in mind. Also,
while in some cases it is appropriate to have separately developed and qualied tools, it may be
more cost effective to use a common set of tools for similar functions.
Obtain a subset of tools and techniques that are tailored to the particular constraints and needs of the
project. When doing so consider the skills and training of the personnel and the availability of the
other necessary resources.
Develop the plan. Review the results of the previous steps and prepare a detailed set of tasks
(addressing the seven topics discussed in 3.5 of the Standard and annex C of this guide) to meet the
V&V goals, objectives, and constraints.
Std 1059-1993
Identies critical
features for tracing.
Identies critical
areas for evaluation.
Identies critical
priorities for testing.
Identies where
interfaces are
required between
components, and the
information to be
Traces test
documents. Assists
in developing a test
strategy by
determining how
functions are
Establishes that
interfaces are
appropriate and are
Identies attributes
that require
dynamic validation,
and the extent of
testing that will be
Interface Analysis
Assures the
structural validity
of the distribution of
Establishes the
need for traceability,
and assures that
dependent elements
can communicate.
Identies explicit
between elements,
and their input and
Conrms the
traceability and the
distribution of
Conrms the
Interface Analysis
Establishes the
framework for
integration test
Conrms that
interfaces are
Std 1059-1993
thread that links one element to another. When an element is traced to another, and that element is traced on
to another, a chain of cause and effect is formed.
Traceability allows verication of the properties set forth in the concept and that requirement specications
have been
Traceability, with the aid of forward and backward tracing, facilitates the construction of efcient test plans
and permits verication that the resulting test cases have covered the permutations of functional and design
When the trace from all software requirements back to the concept documentation and system requirements
is veried, then successive traceability analysis occurs, beginning from the software requirements through
all the development representations, user documentation, and test documentation. Each trace is analyzed for
consistency, completeness, and correctness to verify that all software requirements are implemented in the
software and are associated with the correct design, code, and test information.
In the course of performing traceability analysis, some errors are readily apparent, such as a requirement
with no design element, or a design element with no source code, or the converse of these. The analyst
examines each trace path to ensure that the connected pieces are the proper ones. To be able to do this the
analyst has to understand the intent of both requirements and design.
Traceability analysis can be used to support conguration management, test coverage analysis, analysis of
V&V results, regression testing, criticality assessment, and V&V management decisions. Also, traceability
analysis is useful in evaluating the software development effort for good software engineering practices.
Traceability analysis is performed to assure that
4.2.2 Evaluation
Evaluations ascertain the value or worth of an item and help to assure that a system meets its specications.
Evaluations are performed by many persons across all life cycle phases, on both interim and nal software
products, and may be either a comprehensive or selective assessment of a system.
Evaluations uncover problems in the different products and their relationships. These problems relate to the
basic user need for the system to be t for use in its intended setting. For a product to be t for use, an evaluation may be used to assure that
Std 1059-1993
Evaluations not only identify problems, but may help to determine the progress of software development by
recommending that the project
Evaluations are used through all phases and for all types of software products, including user documents,
manuals, and other project documents. These may be of many forms, such as text or graphic representations,
and in various media, such as paper, magnetic tape, diskette, and computer les. This range of product types
and forms requires a large variety of techniques for performing and managing software evaluations.
When evaluating system products, there will be a change in emphasis from one development stage to the
next. As the product progresses from a concept to a nal product, its functional requirements are rst
dened. Next, the organization and structure of design elements are established. Then, all executable procedures are prepared. Questions of what and why, what-if, alternatives, and better-or-best will predominate during the earlier development stages, while issues of how, correctness, and conformance
will be more frequent in the later development stages.
When selecting evaluation strategies, the V&V planner rst uses the features and characteristics of the
system as a guide in the selection of the evaluation techniques. The planner shall question the systems
functions, how they will be addressed, and what types of problems might be encountered. Second, the
V&V planner derives additional evaluation techniques from quality attributes that may be specied for the
system. Third, the V&V planner considers other evaluation methods, based on special V&V concerns
and experience.
It may be helpful for the V&V planner to consider these three approaches when selecting techniques for
evaluating the product:
All these evaluation types can be used in conjunction with one another to provide a powerful
synergism. Selection of a particular type of evaluation depends on the results required, tool availability, and
cost trade-offs.
Static analysis detects deciencies and errors through the examination of the software product, manually or
automatically, without executing the software code. For example, static analysis can be applied to evaluate
the form and content of the specication. It is usually straightforward. It frequently employs various types of
reviews. Applicable to all levels of specication, it is able to detect aws that could preclude or
make meaningless the other forms of analysis, or prevent inadequate testing of the product. Static analysis
focuses on the form, structure, and content of the product; its interfaces and dependencies; and on the
environment in which it is to be used. Static analysis may be applied at all phases of development, and to all
documented deliverables.
Dynamic analysis requires the execution of the software itself, or a model or simplied version of the software, to determine the validity of some of its attributes. Dynamic analysis can produce results that are not
Std 1059-1993
available or are more time consuming with the other techniques. Dynamic analysis may also be more tractable than formal analysis, as there are a variety of tools expressly designed to support it.
Formal analysis uses rigorous mathematical proof techniques to analyze the algorithms or properties of the
software. It can provide a strong conclusion regarding certain properties of an approach, but it is limited by
the difculty of its application and the general scarcity of automated support. Formal techniques generally
require both a formal specication and a formal implementation. For example, the correctness of a natural,
English-language requirement could not be proven. Certain assertions could be drawn from the requirement
though, and proved to satisfy a set of conditions, thereby increasing the condence that could be placed in
the requirements for those conditions. Formal analysis is frequently used to verify sections of a specication
that handle security requirements.
4.2.3 Interface analysis
When information is passed across a boundary (e.g., hardware to software, software to software, software to
user) there is always the possibility of losing some information or altering the information content. The task
of interface analysis serves to ensure the completeness, accuracy, and consistency of these interfaces. Interface requirements at the design and implementation phases should be identied and analyzed at the functional, physical, and data interface level. The goal of interface analysis is to evaluate the specic software
deliverable (e.g., requirements, design, code) for correct, consistent, complete, and accurate interpretation of
the interface requirements.
Interface analysis is concerned with data that ows from one part of the system to another. The sources
of this information are important in assuring that the intended ow is feasible. Information about the
recipient of the interface data is needed to assure that each interface is indeed necessary and sufcient. The
correctness of the interface will rely on the use to which it is put, and its form and content will be part of
the analysis.
Interface analysis should focus on three interface areas:
User interface. This should analyze what the human interfaces to the software product are, such as
required screen format, protection mechanisms, page layout and content of the reports, relative timing of inputs and outputs, etc.
Hardware interface. This should analyze what the logical characteristics of each interface are
between the software product and the hardware components of the system. Identify electronic
devices, rmware, communication devices, and output devices. Then identify applicable standards
for these interfaces and verify the current applications interface.
Software interface. This should analyze what the interfaces to other required software products are
(e.g., data management system, operating system, or a library package), and interfaces with other
application systems. Identify applicable standards for any other software products and interfaces to
other application systems. Verify correct software interfaces to them.
Std 1059-1993
4.2.4 Testing
Testing is the process of analyzing a software item to detect the differences between existing
and required conditions (that is, bugs) and to evaluate the features of the software item.
In the context of software verication and validation, testing can be dened as the testing that is performed
in support of the V&V objectives. These objectives may differ from those of the developer. For example,
V&V testing may focus on a narrow or critical area or on ensuring compliance to planned testing by the
The scope and organizational responsibilities for the testing dened in an SVVP will depend on project-specic considerations. Once V&V objectives are established, the testing performed is in support of those
objectives. Recognize there may be other testing activities beyond those of software verication and validation and there may be other organizations involved. Testing performed as part of V&V may be performed by
personnel who generated the software or by personnel independent of the original developers.
The remainder of this subclause provides a description of testing activities performed during software verication and validation. It is not meant to be a guide to testing, but to clarify the concepts and terminology of
the Standard, and to be a basis for V&V test planning. Levels of testing
Testing is performed at several points in the life cycle as the product is constructed component by component into a functioning system. These points in the life cycle can be viewed as levels of capabilities that need
to be tested. The levels progress from the smallest or single component through combining or integrating the
single units into larger components or stages. The Standard describes these levels as component, integration,
system, and acceptance. Table 2 further describes these levels of testing. Test planning
V&V test planning is a continuing activity performed throughout the life cycle, starting from the requirements phase up to the test phase. Test plans are developed for each level of testing. These plans correspond
to the developed products of the phase. The requirements phase produces the system requirements specication and acceptance and system test plans. The design phase produces the system design document and the
component and integration test plans. The implementation phase produces the software product and test
cases, test procedures, and component level execution. In the test phase, acceptance test procedures are produced and integration system and acceptance tests executed. An additional benet of test planning is the
additional review of the requirements, design, and interface descriptions.
The Standard provides for the creation of the test plan components in stages at appropriate points and times
in the life cycle. Table 3 shows the stages and sequences. Following the table is an explanation of the various
test activities.
Std 1059-1993
Denition in the
Component Testing
Integration Testing
An orderly progression of
testing in which software
elements, hardware
elements, or both are
combined and tested until
the entire system has been
System Testing
Acceptance Testing
- System
- Acceptance
- Component
- Integration
- Component
- Integration
- System
- Acceptance
Test Case
- Component
- Integration
- System
- Acceptance
Test Procedure
- Component
- Integration
- System
- Acceptance
Test Execution
- Component
- Integration
- System
- Acceptance
Std 1059-1993
The testing tasks performed during the requirements phase involve planning for and generating the system
and acceptance test plans. Since these tests attempt to demonstrate that both the operational concept and the
requirements are satised, planning may begin as soon as the requirements are written, although completion
of the test plans shall await nishing other requirements phase V&V tasks. More detailed levels of preparation of test procedures and test cases will be performed in later phases.
The system design document is a key input to planning for component and integration test in the design
phase. By developing the test plans early, there is adequate time to put test resources in place and to ensure
that any untestable design features are identied prior to implementation.
Identifying methodologies, techniques, and tools is part of planning for testing. Methodologies are derived
from the overall testing strategy. Techniques and tools are identied according to the specied methodologies. The specic methodologies, techniques, and tools selected will be determined by the type of software
(e.g., application, operating system) to be tested, the test budget, the risk assessment, the skill level of available staff, and the time available.
In planning for verication and validation testing, the V&V planner should answer the following questions:
Who is responsible for generating the different levels of test designs, cases, and procedures?
Who is responsible for executing the different levels of tests?
Who is responsible for building and maintaining the test bed?
Who is responsible for conguration management?
What are the criteria for stopping test effort?
What are the criteria for restarting test effort?
When will source code be placed under change control?
Which test designs, cases, and procedures will be placed under change control?
For which level of tests will anomaly reports be written?
It is often difcult to determine when to stop testing or when a reasonable number of defects have been
detected. In fact, it may be unreasonable to expect that all defects will be detected. Therefore, completion
criteria should be provided as a guideline for test completion. There are at least two common types of completion criteria. One criterion, test case completion, requires that all resultant test cases are executed without
observing defects. A second criterion is fault prediction. For example, since the objective of testing is to nd
defects, the second criterion might be to test until a predened number of defects have been found (or, conversely, a number of successful tests has been executed). Test design
The test plan is followed by the development of test designs in the design phase. Test designs rene the test
plans approach, identify specic features to be tested by the design, and dene its associated test cases and
procedures. Whenever possible, tests should be designed to be suitable for regression testing; that is, tests
Std 1059-1993
previously executed and veried can then be repeated at a later point in development or during maintenance
of the installed system.
Consider the following when developing test designs:
Std 1059-1993
5. SVVP guidance
The following provides detailed information about each section of an SVVP. The information here is organized in the same order as an SVVP and written in accordance with the Standard. In most cases, the following subclauses begin by quoting the requirements of the Standard for that section. Immediately following is
the section number or subsection number where this quote can be found in the Standard.
The Software Verication and Validation Plan (also referred to as the Plan) shall include the
sections shown below to be in compliance with this standard. If there is no information pertinent to a section or a required paragraph within a section, the following shall appear
below the section or paragraph heading together with the appropriate reason for the exclusion: This section/paragraph is not applicable to this plan. Additional sections may be
added at the end of the plan as required. Some of the material may appear in other documents. If so, reference to those documents shall be made in the body of the Plan. [3]
When preparing an SVVP, include the following additional information prior to the rst section of the plan,
when appropriate to the particular project.
Cover or title page. This will typically include the title of the plan, a document or conguration control identier, the date, and the identication of the organizations by whom and for whom the SVVP
is prepared.
Signature lines or page. In many cases, the SVVP will require the signature or signatures of the persons responsible for writing or approving the plan.
Revision history. If the SVVP is updated by issuing change pages, it is helpful to include a list of
such pages at the front of the SVVP. A brief history of the document and change bars or some other
form of attention to changed material are useful regardless of the distribution method.
Preface or foreword. This will typically include a brief description of the project and identication
of related documents (e.g., project management plan, software quality assurance plan, conguration
management plan).
Table of contents. A table of contents is required if the reader is to make efcient use of the plan.
Lists of gures, tables, or illustrations. If there are more than a few gures, tables, or illustrations, or
if these are referenced at widely-scattered points in the text, reference lists similar to a table of contents should be included. These items are typically listed separately.
Assumptions. Indicate any assumptions on which the plan is predicated, such as anticipated deliveries, availability of input, or intermediate products.
Include the following material after the last section of the SVVP, when appropriate to the project:
5.1 Purpose
(Section 1 of the Plan.) This section shall delineate the specic purpose and scope of the
Software Verication and Validation Plan, including waivers from this standard. The software project for which the Plan is being written and the specic software product items covered by the Plan shall be identied. The goals of the verication and validation efforts shall
be specied. [3.1]
Std 1059-1993
Identify the project to which the SVVP applies and describe why the plan is written.
State the goals to be satised by the SVVP. For example, a specic V&V effort may intend to validate that all security requirements are satised. Another plan may be concerned only with validating
performance requirements.
Clearly summarize the V&V effort and the responsibilities conveyed under this plan.
Dene the extent of the application of the SVVP to the software. Explicitly cite each part of the software to which the SVVP applies and each part not covered by the SVVP. For example, perhaps only
two of three subsystems of a computer system will fall under the SVVP (the third component may be
unchanged from a previous system), or the SVVP may be invoked only for design verication.
Identify waivers and changes if the Standards requirements have been tailored for this SVVP.
Examples include items such as addition or removal of sections or use of a different life cycle model.
Sufcient detail should be included to demonstrate compliance with the Standard if the SVVP
is audited. Descriptions of extensive changes may be placed in an appendix or a separate
tailoring document.
5.3 Denitions
(Section 3 of the Plan.) This section shall dene or provide a reference to the denitions of
all terms required to properly interpret the Plan. This section shall describe the acronyms
and notations used in the Plan. [3.3]
For this section of the SVVP
Std 1059-1993
Assigning specic responsibility for each task (e.g., accepting the input, performing the task, analyzing the results, reporting the results, making decisions based on the results) where responsibility may
be shared
In the case of overlapping responsibilities, being precise about these assignments
Using diagrams to show the control and data ow of V&V efforts to clarify responsibilities
Std 1059-1993
Use graphs and tables as an effective means of presenting resource use. Graphs of resource use versus calendar time or life cycle phase give a quick grasp of the relative amounts of effort involved in
the different tasks or phases. Tables of resource use, again by calendar time or life cycle phase, aid in
comparing resource use with a budget or with the requirements of other project efforts.
Include in the equipment and laboratories summary the type of equipment needed, duration needed,
particular congurations, and other peripheral facilities that will be needed to perform the total
V&V operations.
In the tools section of the summary list the various tools that are to be used throughout the V&V
effort. The tools can be subdivided into software and hardware.
In the budget and nancial requirements, take all the resources into account and allow for additional
tools and staff to cope with contingencies.
5.4.4 Responsibilities
(Section 4.4 of the Plan.) This section shall identify the organizational element(s) responsible for performing each V&V task. It shall identify the specic responsibility of each element
for tasks assigned to more than one element. This section may be a summary of the roles and
responsibilities dened in each of the life-cycle phases. [3.4.4]
See annex A, table A.1.
There are two levels of responsibility for the V&V tasksgeneral responsibilities assigned to different organizational elements throughout the project and specic responsibilities for the tasks to be performed. A summary of the general responsibilities may be described in this section of the SVVP or in another project-level
plan (e.g., a project management plan). If described in another document, this section should contain a summary and a reference to the other document. The specic responsibilities may be described in this section, or
this section may summarize the responsibilities dened in the life cycle phase sections of the SVVP.
5.4.5 Tools, techniques, and methodologies
(Section 4.5 of the Plan.) This section shall identify the special software tools, techniques,
and methodologies employed by the V&V effort. The purpose and use of each shall be
described. Plans for the acquisition, training, support, and qualication for each shall be
included. This section may reference a V&V Tool Plan. [3.4.5]
Describe the V&V approach, tools, and techniques and their roles in the V&V effort. This may be in narrative or graphic form. References to technique or tool descriptions should be included. A separate tool plan
Std 1059-1993
may be developed for a software tool acquisition, development, or modication. In this case this section of
the SVVP should refer to the tool plan. If a tool is to be acquired or developed, its acquisition or development schedule should be included in the V&V schedule. Determine whether sufcient time and appropriate
tasks are allowed for tool acquisition or development.
When planning the use of tools, techniques, and methodologies, consider the following:
A description of, or reference to, the methodology selected for the V&V approach
Staff experience and training needed
Special tools and specic techniques for the methodology
How each tool and technique enhances the methodology
Risks associated with a tool or technique
Status of each tool
1) Is it a new acquisition?
2) Are changes needed or is it completely ready for use?
3) Is the required quantization available?
4) Is its documentation acceptable?
5) Is the tool proprietary?
Acquisition or development schedule
Necessary support (hardware, other software)
Alternate approach for a high-risk tool
Std 1059-1993
The primary tasks of V&V management are planning, review, and control. The Standard maps these responsibilities into four fundamental tasks for V&V managementSVVP Generation, Baseline Change Assessment, Management Review, and Review Support. Conceptually, managements responsibility is to ensure
the positive, successful interaction between the V&V activities and other software development activities to
ensure the creation of defect-free software. The planning of the management tasks shall recognize the iterative nature of V&V tasks (e.g., determining when to reanalyze amended software products, when to revise
V&V plans to reect changes in the development process). Software Verication and Validation Plan (SVVP) generation
Generate SVVP (during Concept Phase) for all life cycle phases in accordance with the
standard based upon available documentation Include estimate of anticipated V&V activities for Operation and Maintenance Phase. Update SVVP for each life cycle phase, particularly prior to Operation and Maintenance. Consider SVVP to be a living document, and
make changes as necessary. A baseline SVVP should be established prior to the Requirements Phase. [Table 1, 5.1 (1)]
See annex A, A.3.4.
The Standard species the required content and format for an SVVP. From this starting point, V&V planners
should tailor these requirements to the operating environment and the development environment. Tailoring
considerations include the following:
V&V planners may be dependent on things outside of their control. As a consequence, the plan may need to
be able to respond to occasional, controlled changes to support the overall project milestones and objectives.
At the same time it should remain constant in its quality goals and V&V objectives. Some of the uncertainties that should be considered include the following:
V&V planning is most effectively performed in conjunction with the overall software development
planning. Revisions to the plan are prepared regularly throughout the software development life cycle,
usually at the completion or initiation of each life cycle phase. The plan, to be effective as a complete specication of the tasks required to achieve the established V&V objectives, shall be thorough, comprehensive,
and specic.
The SVVP is often best developed incrementally. An SVVP will start small, based on an early, perhaps
incomplete, view of the project. The SVVP will grow and incorporate changes as the software is developed.
Eventually, the SVVP will be completed and serve as a record of the complete and detailed plan for the
projects V&V activities.
Std 1059-1993
This should not be taken to mean that the plan should be continually revised throughout the life cycle
phases. Only those changes needed to provide further or more detailed task management for the future or
to make corrections should be made. Revisions to the plan should not be made retrospectively; that is, as
a way of removing deviations from the plan. Deviations that arise during the execution of the plan, necessary for project changes or external factors, are addressed in the Software Verication and Validation
Reports (SVVRs).
Incremental planning may be prudent for at least two reasons.
It allows for a more realistic view of what is possible in planning in the early stages of a project. Too
often, much time and attention is spent overplanning future life cycle phases when there is the likelihood of signicant changes in those phases. For example, certain design and implementation questions may be unanswerable in the concept phase and, as a consequence, precise planning for design
and implementation of V&V may not be possible. As decisions are made and results and products
obtained throughout the life cycle, more careful planning of subsequent phases is meaningful.
If a plan is to be effective (e.g., if people are to use it to identify responsibilities, to prepare for future
tasks, to measure past performance) it should be realistic and achievable. It should reect the
changes that are inherent in the other development process activities. It cannot be a static view of the
desires of management at the outset of the V&V effort without regard to actual developments. The
plan should represent reasonable and achievable objectives.
The SVVP is thus referred to as a living document because it may undergo changes and expansion over
time. At its rst publication (in most cases at the beginning of the life cycle) it will contain detailed plans
about the near-term activities and only cursory descriptions of the later phases. When generating input for
the SVVP, be prepared to revise and update the SVVP at xed points. Most effectively, plan for review and
revision at the end of each life cycle phase.
Additionally, during life cycle phases it sometimes may be advisable to incorporate revisions to the plan in
response to signicant changes in other project plans, and to include references to those revised plans. Plan
for the maintenance of the SVVP under conguration identication and control. This can be accommodated
by maintaining the SVVP on electronic media or in a hard copy format that can be easily updated.
The SVVP should be an item under conguration management. Plan to establish the baseline SVVP prior to
the Requirements Phase if V&V begins early enough. In other cases, baseline the SVVP no later than at the
end of the current life cycle phase. The use of a conguration identier and change notations (such as
change bars) will allow effective control of the conguration and status of the document. Baseline change assessment
Evaluate proposed software changes (for example, anomaly corrections, performance
enhancements, requirements changes, clarications) for effects on previously completed
V&V tasks. When changes are made, plan iteration of affected tasks which includes reperforming previous V&V tasks or initiating new V&V tasks to address the software changes
created by the cyclic or iterative development process. [Table 1, 5.1 (2)]
Baseline change assessment may be the most dynamic task performed during a V&V effort. Any change
proposal could affect an unknown amount of previously completed development and V&V work. A V&V
task should examine the change to determine the nature and extent of the V&V rework required by the
change. Because changes will be proposed asynchronously, the SVVP cannot, before the fact, contain
detailed planning for any given change assessment; rather, it shall contain general guidance for allocating
resources to change proposals as they occur.
The request for baseline change assessment should be documented in a change proposal. The change proposal should indicate the perceived severity of the anomaly (if any), the immediacy of the change, and the
systems affected so that the criticality of the software can be determined.
Std 1059-1993
Prepare summary documents to make them as useful as possible to development and acquiring organization
management. When organizing the results, consider the following:
Summary assessment
Itemization of critical outstanding problems and the impact of their not being resolved
Recommendations about corrective course of action
Summary of rescheduling impact, V&V, and resource requirements
Distribution of anomalies according to some predened categorization scheme and the signicance
of this distribution
Std 1059-1993
Reviewing documentation packages for compliance with specied review requirements; completeness, consistency, and traceability; and identication of open items
Developing agenda items to cover unresolved anomalies, deciencies; unresolved open items; and
technical alternatives and trade-off studies
Participation in reviews by personnel performing V&V tasks may involve the following:
Note that where an independent V&V agent is used, the developers contract may need to contain provisions
to ensure the availability of necessary materials and access to those performing IV&V.
5.5.2 Concept phase V&V
(Section 5.2 of the Plan.) This section of the Plan shall address the seven topics identied in
section 3.5 of this standard. For critical software, Concept Phase V&V shall include the following minimum V&V task: Concept Documentation Evaluation. [3.5.2]
The concept phase establishes the reason for the system. The concept denes the nature of the system that
will be developed and enumerates its goals and its risks within technical and business constraints.
Evaluation in the concept phase should establish that the objectives of the system dene the user needs to
be addressed and the technical and business advantages that are expected. These objectives may be stated
in a variety of ways, and may include a statement of need, a business case, feasibility studies, and a
system denition.
V&V establishes that risks and constraints enumerate any technical, business, or policy considerations that
may impede development of the system. Initial planning should be included and should outline the stafng,
time, and cost expected for each alternative. In addition, any regulations and policies that govern the system
and its development will be stipulated. Alternative approaches may be included, with their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Std 1059-1993
The requirements phase is the period of time in the software life cycle during which the requirements, such
as functional and nonfunctional capabilities for a software product, are dened and documented. The main
product of the requirements phase, the Software Requirements Specication (SRS), should accurately state
the software mission, that is, what the software is intended to do. The SRS should be traceable back to the
user needs and system concept, as dened in concept documentation. It should be traceable forward through
successive development phases and representations, into the design, code, and test documentation. It should
also be compatible with the operational environment of hardware and software. The requirements should
provide both qualitative and quantitative constraints on subsequent design and implementation options.
There are ve types of requirementsfunctional, external interfaces, performance, design constraints, and
quality attributes.
An SRS typically describes or species several of the following:
The system boundary. What is within the required software and what is outside.
The software environment. Conditions of the surroundings that are imposed on the software (e.g.,
interfaces, response times, availability, size).
The software functions. What the software is to do and how the software should respond to
its environment.
The software constraints. Imposed limits that are placed on the software and its stimulation
and responses.
The software interfaces. The nature of the information ow across software boundaries, where this
information is found, and under what conditions.
The software data. The contents of the information ows with their formats, and relationships.
Std 1059-1993
The software algorithms. Detailed descriptions of the software algorithms and their conditions in the
most applicable terms.
The software states. Stable modes that the software may assume, under which conditions, and with
what actions.
The software error conditions. What constitutes a departure from the norm, under which conditions,
and what actions to take.
The software standards. Those forms of representation and content of the requirements that are
required by the development and user organizations.
The hardware interfaces. What the software must do to transfer data across hardware boundaries and
The software quality attributes. The conditions that the software must meet in order to be considered
t for use in its intended application. The attributes will always include conformance to specications, correctness, and compliance with standards. There may be other quality attributes (e.g., reliability, safety) depending on the type of system and its use.
Requirements verication is concerned with assuring that each item in the SRS conforms to what is
wanted, correct, complete, clear, consistent, and, as appropriate, measurable and testable. See also IEEE
Std 830-1984. Software requirements traceability analysis
Trace SRS requirements to system requirements in concept documentation. Analyze identied relationships for correctness, consistency, completeness, accuracy. [Table 1, 5.3 (1)]
See annex A, A.3.6. See also 4.2.1.
One goal of the requirements traceability analysis is to establish that the SRS completely satises all of the
capabilities specied in the concept document(s). A second is to determine which requirements satisfy each
need in the concept. Another goal is to establish that the SRS is structured so that the requirements may be
traced through subsequent development stages. The SRS traceability analysis makes sure that all of the necessary parts of the software system are specied. Further, it determines where those parts are so that they can
be followed in later development steps, and that there are no untraceable requirements.
The plan should identify the following:
The format of the concept, SRS, interface documentation, and their releasing organizations
Indexing and cross-reference schemes that are established as part of the requirements specication to
facilitate traceability analysis
Criteria for extracting and identifying discrete requirements from narrative documents
Acceptance conditions for the SRS, including the criteria for release to conguration control
There may be some requirements that are not directly traceable to other documents. It can be expected that
each succeeding development phase will present new information that must be traced to following phases,
but are not explicitly present, or only hinted at, by preceding specications (e.g., concurrence of tasks, standard error recovery procedures). Some of these may be called for by the SRS, but may not be present in the
concept documents. All derived requirements should be identied and included in the traceability matrix.
Plan to establish the traceability of the SRS prior to completing the other V&V tasks for this phase. If the
traceability analysis is incomplete it is inconclusive to evaluate the SRS, or to perform an interface analysis,
or to plan testing. Although these other V&V tasks may be performed concurrently with traceability analysis, they cannot be considered nished until assurance is provided that all of the SRS has been traced.
Std 1059-1993
In addition to the SRS, the documents describing the external interfaces, such as interface denition documents, data dictionaries, and related SRS documents, should be included. Techniques for analyzing internal
interfaces between individual requirements should also be included.
The acceptance criteria for the interface documents should be specied, including release to conguration
control. Criteria include compliance to format guidelines to ensure traceability, complete resolution plans for
all incomplete requirements (TBDs), and notice of completion of interface analysis.
Std 1059-1993 System test plan generation and acceptance test plan generation
Plan System testing to determine if the software satises system objectives. Criteria for this
determination are, at a minimum: (a) compliance with all functional requirements as complete software end item in system environment (b) performance at hardware, software, user,
and operator interfaces (c) adequacy of user documentation (d) performance at boundaries
(for example, data, interface) and under stress conditions. Plan tracing of system end-item
requirements to test design, cases, procedures, and execution results. Plan documentation of
test tasks and results. [Table 1, 5.3 (4a)]
Plan acceptance testing to determine if software correctly implements system and software
requirements in an operational environment. Criteria for this determination are, at a minimum: (a) compliance with acceptance requirements in operational environment (b) adequacy of user documentation. Plan tracing of acceptance test requirements to test design,
cases, procedures, and execution results. Plan documentation of test tasks and results.
[Table 1, 5.3 (4b)]
See annex A, A.3.9 and A.3.10. See also 4.2.4.
The V&V testing tasks performed during the requirements phase involve planning for and generating the
system and acceptance test plans. Since these tests attempt to demonstrate that both the operational concept
and the requirements are satised, planning may begin as soon as the requirements are written, although
completion of the test plans will generally await nishing the other requirements phase V&V tasks. More
detailed levels of preparation of test procedures and test cases will be performed in later phases.
System and acceptance test plans will benet from any matrices or other organized sets of information
that are used for traceability and interface analysis. This information should be designed to include
references to test plans and test procedure elements. Test plans should be evaluated and veried to assure
that all planned conditions and features of the software under development are tested sufciently to meet the
V&V objectives.
For system testing, the primary goal is to validate that there are no defects among and omissions from the
software, the concept document, and the system requirements specication. Specic areas of testing (e.g.,
performance, security, reliability, availability) may need to be planned.
For acceptance testing, the primary goal is user validation that the software complies with expectations, as
reected by the operational concept functional requirements, and quality attributes. Additional goals of
acceptance testing are to establish that the software can be successfully installed and operated by the
intended user, is appropriately documented, and that it can be maintained. Wherever possible, it is
recommended that the user or user representatives be involved in establishing appropriate acceptance
test plans. Both the system and acceptance test plans should identify the following, in addition to general
testing requirements:
All the input documentation required for system testing as well as the protocol for transferring these
documents to the V&V staff. These documents should include system requirements specications,
interface requirements documents, operational scenarios, and users manuals.
The stopping criteria for testing. These could include the fraction of requirements covered, number
of errors remaining metrics, statistical reliability goals, etc.
Provisions for witnessing tests.
Std 1059-1993
Tracing the requirements through all design levels, and ensuring that there are no omissions
or additions
Structuring the design so that it is appropriate to the system objectives and the desired product
quality attributes
Describing all hardware, operator, and software interfaces
Documenting that the design conforms with all applicable standards, practices, and conventions
Establishing that the design will satisfy the requirements when fully integrated
Documenting the design so that it is understandable to those who write the source code and later
maintain the product
Including sufcient information in the design to plan, design, and execute tests
Controlling the design conguration and ensuring that all documentation is completed and delivered,
especially when mixed media are used (e.g., graphic charts, text specications)
Std 1059-1993
Meeting these objectives provides assurance that all the requirements are represented in the design, that the
design will satisfy the requirements, and that the design is testable and will lead to testable code. The responsibility of the V&V planner is to select V&V tasks for the design products, including intermediate specications, to ensure that these objectives are in fact met.
The V&V planner selects the V&V tasks and their accompanying methods that are appropriate for each level
of design for the specied features. While the V&V tasks are repeated through each design level, the V&V
methods or techniques used may change. For example, where evaluation of the choice of an algorithm may
be appropriate at high-level design, mathematical analysis of the algorithm may be more appropriate at
detailed design.
The scope of the V&V effort will be determined by the complexity of the design effort. When planning the
V&V tasks for the design phase, consider the following:
Responsibilities levied by the project plan (e.g., to support the critical design review)
Design methodology
Design standards
Critical or difcult sections of the design
Design assumptions that require proofs (or references to proofs)
The presence of complex algorithms that may require extensive analysis
Resource restrictions (e.g., available computer hardware, timing limitations) requiring sizing and
performance analysis
Database privacy and access requirements needing security analysis
The level of the design (i.e., different V&V tasks and methods may be appropriate for high-level and
detail design)
The different approaches that will be needed for component and integration testing
The organization performing the design V&V tasks
The media and format of the design
V&V schedules should accommodate comments and anomalies emerging from the design V&V tasks that
will be addressed. Additionally, potential risks may emerge. An updated list of these identied risks should
be maintained, and they should then be reected by the developing test plans. Software design traceability analysis
Trace SDD to SRS and SRS to SDD. Analyze identied relationships for correctness, consistency, completeness, and accuracy. [Table 1, 5.4 (1)]
See annex A, A.3.11. See also 4.2.1.
Whether manual or automated procedures are used, perform the physical trace in both directions between
requirements and design. Analyze the trace to ensure that
Evaluate each of the relationships for correctness, consistency, completeness, and accuracy. Ensure that
Std 1059-1993
Is the use of the data items (i.e., the inputs and outputs) consistent and complete?
Is the interface correct, complete, and necessary?
Are the data items used correctly in the design element where sent?
Are system resources being used properly in the data transfer (e.g., are calls being made by value
that should be made by reference)?
For user interfaces, is the interface design understandable? Will the software provide appropriate
help? Will the software detect user errors and provide clear error responses?
Has a prototype been built for a critical interface (particularly the user interface)? If so, has it been
thoroughly and independently evaluated? Does it demonstrate the critical features properly?
Are the interfaces designed for effective conguration management?
Is an interface needed where there is none? Component test plan generation and integration test plan generation
Plan component testing to determine if software elements (for example, units, modules) correctly implement component requirements. Criteria for this determination are, at a minimum: (a) compliance with design requirements (b) assessment of timing, sizing and
accuracy (c) performance at boundaries and interfaces and under stress and error conditions (d) measures of test coverage and software reliability and maintainability. Plan tracing
of design requirements to test design, cases, procedures, and execution results. Plan documentation of test tasks and results. [Table 1, 5.4 (4a)]
See annex A, A.3.14. See also 4.2.4.
Plan integration testing to determine if software (for example, subelements, interfaces) correctly implements the software requirements and design. Criteria for this determination are,
at a minimum: (a) compliance with increasingly larger set of functional requirements at
each stage of integration (b) assessment of timing, sizing, and accuracy (c) performance at
boundaries and under stress conditions (d) measures of functional test coverage and soft-
Std 1059-1993
ware reliability. Plan tracing of requirements to test design, cases, procedures, and execution results. Plan documentation of test tasks and results. [Table 1, 5.4 (4b)]
See annex A, A.3.15.
Use the SDD to plan for component and integration test. A benet of test planning in the design phase is that
adequate time is allowed to put test resources in place and to ensure that any untestable design features are
identied prior to implementation.
Component testing demonstrates the adequacy of the functions and quality attributes of each component of
the software design. The focus is on software ow patterns and functionality of individual components. The
tests could target on accuracy of solutions, data handling, etc. The coverage of the test cases should be analyzed to determine level of coverage of tests to code statements and paths.
The approach taken for integration testing depends on the system design. Integration testing validates the
structure of the design, or how well the components perform with other components and t into the developing system structure. Once the design has been determined, integration test planning should begin to ensure
readiness of all test materials and the adequate allocation of testing resources. Test design generation
Design tests for: (a) component testing (b) integration testing (c) system testing (d) acceptance testing. Continue tracing required by the Test Plan. [Table 1, 5.4 (5)]
See annex A, A.3.16A.3.19.
All of the functional, performance, and user interface tests can now be designed, but not yet executed.
Resulting test designs should be traceable from the concept documentation to the system requirement specication, to the system design document, or to other user documentation as appropriate.
5.5.5 Implementation phase V&V
(Section 5.5 of the Plan.) This section of the Plan shall address the seven topics identied in
3.5 of this Standard.
For critical software, Implementation Phase V&V shall include the following minimum
V&V tasks:
Std 1059-1993
The implementation phase is the period of time in the software life cycle during which a software product is
created from design documentation and then debugged. In the implementation phase, the V&V tasks are
focused on the code and the determination of how well it conforms to the design specications and coding
standards. The objective of V&V in this phase is to determine the quality of the code.
The quality of the code can be determined in several ways. The design specications are traced to the corresponding code in the program. Code is traced back to the design requirements. These steps are performed to
ensure that no requirements have been added, modied, or missed. The program interfaces are analyzed and
compared to the interface documentation. A detailed program evaluation is performed to analyze the program for the correct translation of the design specication and conformance to program coding standards.
Another activity in the implementation phase is the generation of test cases and test procedures for the various levels of testing (e.g., component, integration, system, and acceptance). The test procedures for the component level of testing will be executed. Source code traceability analysis
Trace source code to corresponding design specication(s) and design specication(s) to
source code. Analyze identied relationships for correctness, consistency, completeness, and
accuracy. [Table 1, 5.5 (1)]
See annex A, A.3.20. See also 4.2.1.
The goal of traceability analysis from source code to design components and from design components to
source code is to identify possible inconsistencies between design and code. This comparison identies
anomalies such as, source code without antecedent design components, design components that do not
clearly associate with the source code, or any other issues or abnormalities that emerge from this process.
This forward and backward tracing identies completeness and accuracy of the code. Plan to perform the
physical trace in both directions between design components and code.
Analyze the trace to ensure that:
Using criticality analysis of the code components to determine which code to evaluate
Ensuring that the coding standards understood
Ensuring that coding standards are available to staff before coding begins
Determining how to evaluate code quality attributes
Identifying code analysis tools that could be used
Std 1059-1993
Reviewing for user functionality in addition to technical accuracy, completeness, and consistency
Making sure the documentation is written at the appropriate level for the audience
Making sure usability issues (such as index, table of contents, glossary, heading, format, etc.)
are correct
Seeing if a new user can use the documentation to perform the task/job
Making sure the documentation can handle error correction processes
Making sure there is follow-up to complete the draft documents
Std 1059-1993
Component test cases exercise as many paths through the code as are feasible. The V&V
planner shall determine and plan for coverage analysis. A tool may be needed to aid in
determining coverage.
Integration test cases focus on testing the interfaces and interdependencies of the components that
have been combined.
System test cases focus on the combination of tests of the computer programs, manual controls, and
procedures as they will exist in the new system environment. System test cases will focus on areas
such as performance, security, reliability, and human factors.
Acceptance test cases demonstrate to the user that the system meets the objectives and performance
expectations agreed upon by the developers and users of the system.
Refer to 4.2.4 of this guide for general discussion of test cases. Also, refer to IEEE Std 829-1983 for further
discussion of test case generation. Test procedure generation
Develop test procedures for: (a) component testing (b) integration testing (c) system testing.
Continue tracing required by the Test Plan. [Table 1, 5.5 (6)]
See annex A, A.3.28A.3.30.
Refer to 4.2.4 of this guide for general discussion of test procedures. Also, refer to IEEE Std 829-1983 for
further discussion of test procedure generation. Component test execution
Perform component testing as required by component test procedures. Analyze results to
determine that software correctly implements design. Document and trace results as
required by the Test Plan. [Table 1, 5.5 (7)]
See annex A, A.3.31.
The component test should demonstrate the internal integrity and correctness of the component. The tests
should exercise paths dened between components, and should exercise the data interfaces supported
through shared database elements and components.
The planner needs to consider the following:
Std 1059-1993
Planning for the test phase V&V activities should be accomplished within the context of 4.2.4 of this guide.
Thus, the planning for test procedures generation, test performance, and results analysis is highly dependent
on such factors as organization, schedule, resources, responsibilities, tools, techniques, and methodologies.
The nature of the organization and how verication and validation tasking is performed within the organization may determine how successful the test phase will be.
The overall software development schedule will determine when the test phase will begin and approximately
how long the test effort will take. The schedule should be evaluated periodically to ensure that enough time
is allocated to the test phase. Some practitioners suggest, as a rule of thumb, that enough time includes time
to run each test at least three timesthe rst time the test itself is tested, the second time the source code is
tested, and the third time is for regression testing.
Proper coordination and adherence to deadlines are important during this phase. Large projects may involve
many people and various organizations. For example, the development organization or third-party vendors
may be providing hardware or rmware. Additionally, the client may be providing required information,
data, or software. All of them may be working simultaneously, and independently, on complex, interrelated
tasks. Because of the interdependencies, it is essential that deadlines be met. It is also important that the
entire effort be coordinated through such control mechanisms as change control, conguration management,
and reporting. Acceptance test procedure generation
Develop test procedures for acceptance test. Continue tracing required by the Test Plan.
[Table 1, 5.6 (1)]
See annex A, A.3.32.
Acceptance test procedures specify the steps for executing a set of test cases or, more generally, the steps
used to analyze a software item in order to evaluate a set of features. Refer to 4.2.4 of this guide for general
discussion of test procedures. Also, refer to IEEE Std 829-1983 for further explanation of test procedures.
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After the acceptance test has been executed, a test report may be written. The test report may include a summary of the acceptance test, an evaluation of the status of the application (pass/fail), a statement of the
results of each test, and conclusions and recommendations.
5.5.7 Installation and checkout phase V&V
(Section 5.7 of the Plan.) This section of the Plan shall address the seven topics identied in
Section 3.5 of this standard.
For critical software, Installation and Checkout Phase V&V shall include the following minimum V&V tasks:
(1) Installation Conguration Audit
(2) Final V&V Report Generation. [3.5]
The installation and checkout phase is the period of time in the software life cycle during which a software
product is integrated into its operational environment and tested to ensure that it performs as required. Characteristics of installation include the installation staff, the duration of the installation process, the number of
installation sites, the number of system versions, and the adequacy of their congurations.
Installation procedures place a completed and tested application into an operations environment in a manner
that satises user requirements for using the system. Sometimes this process is separate from development
and is performed by an organization different from that which developed and tested the application (e.g., by
eld or customer support engineers). In some cases, installation and its checkout are performed by the software end user. This is typically the case in the personal computer software industry. In many cases, installation occurs in a very short span of time, sometimes in an hour or in a few hours. At that time operation of the
software in its production environment is expected to commence. Installation sometimes occurs in installments where one or more subsystems are added to the initial delivery, with a user acceptance testing period
occurring after each installation. Each subsystem should be appropriately integrated with previous subsystems before release for acceptance testing.
Installation may be repeated an indenite number of times, once for each site for each software version.
There may be considerable tailoring of a product for each site (e.g., setting site-dependent parameters, building site-dependent command tables); each site may have different installation procedures.
Installation and checkout V&V procedures can ensure that:
Responsibility for installation and checkout V&V may be split between the development and user organizations. The users may take a large role in the installation. Any V&V activities assigned to the user organization should be well dened and documented. Pre-installation V&V establishes and veries the procedures
for user V&V at installation.
Scheduling installation and checkout V&V may be difcult, for all the reasons listed above. If the software
is to be installed at a large number of sites, it may be necessary to develop a schedule for a generic installation in advance, to be tailored to each specic installation as required by time or resources. A procedural
owchart or checklist may be valuable.
Std 1059-1993
When planning for installation and checkout V&V, consider the following:
Verifying accuracy and completeness. Ensure the integrity of the data before, during, and after installation with accuracy and completeness controls. For example, if a data le is to be reformatted, plan
a test to demonstrate that the integrity of the le is preserved by reformatting. If control totals are
maintained, verify the nal controls against the initial controls.
Maintaining and verifying an installation audit trail. Verify that all processes and changes that occur
during installation are recorded.
Assuring the integrity of a previous system. In many cases, the software being installed is a
replacement for an existing system. Verify that the installation process allows the existing system to
continue operation until the new system is formally accepted and declared operational. It may be
necessary to operate the two systems in parallel for some period of time, or to maintain the old system in case the new system fails.
Verifying compliance to installation or checkout standards. Ensure that the installation and checkout
is performed in accordance with appropriate standards, procedures, and guidelines.
Frequently used optional tasks for installation and checkout V&V include, but are not limited to,
the following:
Regression analysis and testing. Changes occurring from installation and test are reviewed. Regression analysis and testing veries that basic requirement and design assumptions affecting other areas
of the program have not been violated.
Simulation. Operator procedures are tested. Simulation tests also help to isolate any installation
problems. This technique may be especially useful before delivery when many site-dependent versions of the software will be delivered.
Test certication. Test certication is used, especially in critical systems, to demonstrate that the
software product is identical to the software product that was subjected to V&V.
It is important that the results of any installation tests be available prior to the completion of installation. The
objective of this testing (or checkout) is to determine whether or not the installation is successful. As with
other tests, this frequently means that the test results should be predicted before the test starts. Installation conguration audit
Audit installation package to determine that all software products required to correctly
install and operate the software are present, including operations documentation. Analyze
all site-dependent parameters or conditions to determine that supplied values are correct.
Conduct analyses or tests to demonstrate that installed software corresponds to software
subjected to V&V. [Table 1, 5.7 (1)]
This task can be divided into three smaller tasks:
Conguration audit. This determines that all software products required to correctly install and
operate the software are present in the installation package. The installation package typically consists of an installation plan with its checkout procedures, cases, and predicted results, source code
listings and other development documentation, operator instructions, and end-user documentation.
Site-dependent parameter analysis. This veries that the software has been properly tailored for the
installation site. This may require analysis and verication of parameter values, command tables,
conguration les, or other means of tailoring the software to the site. If site-dependent code is
developed, either for installation or as part of the operational system (e.g., device drivers), that software should be veried and validated during its development.
Corroboration analysis. This veries that the installed software corresponds to that software
subjected to V&V during development. This may require inspection of audit trails, le comparison,
or other means of demonstrating that the delivered software matches the veried and
validated software.
Std 1059-1993
It serves as the starting point for V&V of the maintenance of the system.
It can be a vehicle for lessons learned, or a way for project personnel to improve the development or
V&V process for the next project.
It can call attention to outstanding unresolved anomalies from development, installation,
or operation.
The nal report can typically be written by reviewing and summarizing the task reports, anomaly reports,
and phase summary reports, written during the course of the V&V effort.
5.5.8 Operation and maintenance V&V
(Section 5.8 of the Plan.) This section of the Plan shall address the seven topics identied in
Section 3.5 of this standard.
Any modications, enhancements, or additions to software during this phase shall be treated
as development activities and shall be veried and validated as described in 3.5.1 through
3.5.7. These modications may derive from requirements specied to correct software errors
(that is, corrective) to adapt to a changed operating environment (that is, adaptive), or to
respond to additional user requests (that is, perfective).
If the software was veried under this standard, the standard shall continue to be followed
in the Operation and Maintenance Phase. If the software was not veried under this
standard, the V&V effort may require documentation that is not available or adequate. If
appropriate documentation is not available or adequate, the SVVP shall comply with this
standard within cost and schedule constraints. The V&V effort may generate the missing
For critical software, Operation and Maintenance Phase V&V tasks shall include the following minimum V&V tasks:
(1) Software Verication and Validation Plan Revision
(2) Anomaly Evaluation
(3) Proposed Change Assessment
(4) Phase Task Iteration [3.5.8]
The operation and maintenance phase is the period of time in the software life cycle during which a software
product is employed in its operational environment, monitored for satisfactory performance, and modied,
as necessary, to correct problems or respond to changing requirements.
Operation and maintenance is sometimes not so much a phase as sequence of repetitions of subsets of
the life cycle. Multiple versions of a software product may be available and supported simultaneously. Each
Std 1059-1993
version may be found at several sites, each with installation-specic parameters, device drivers, or other
code. Different installations may upgrade versions at different times. The operations and maintenance phase
may be further complicated by other considerations that depend strongly on the software product and its
application and users.
Given this complexity, it is difcult to provide specic guidance for the V&V tasks of this phase, which are
often repetitions of previously described tasks. Instead, guidelines are offered here for V&V planning during
operation and maintenance.
There are two primary cases to consider:
The software was veried and validated (possibly under the Standard) when originally developed.
The software was not adequately or formally veried or validated when originally developed.
Planning for V&V during operation and maintenance shall reect which of these two cases holds true for the
software of interest.
The V&V planner has a number of advantages when the software under maintenance was veried and validated during its original development. Complete and current documentation should exist. Verication and
validation procedures should be in place and effectively used. Finally, there should be an historical record to
use as the basis of future planning.
These advantages can help the V&V planner offset some of the common pitfalls faced during maintenance.
Many key development personnel may have left the project, leaving perhaps a reduced maintenance cadre.
There may have been a formal transfer from a development organization to a maintenance organization with
no connection to the original development. Users will be reporting problems and requesting new functions
simultaneously, each with his or her own priority for implementation.
Where the software was not veried or validated before maintenance, the planner faces the above pitfalls
as well as some new ones. Documentation may not exist or may not be up to date (this is possibly worse
than no documentation at all). Developers and management may not welcome verication and validation.
When V&V are being performed for the rst time, there may be no basis for planning other than
engineering judgment.
Critical software should be veried and validated during maintenance whether or not it was veried or validated during development. If it was veried during development, maintenance is the time where the investment in V&V provides further signicant payback. If the software was not previously veried, V&V may be
able to bring some order to the possibly perceived chaos, thus easing the lives of the maintenance personnel.
The Standard requires four taskssoftware verication and validation plan revision, anomaly evaluation,
proposed change assessment, and phase task iterationspecically for the operation and
maintenance phase.
Note that verication and validation without complete, up-to-date documentation can no more be performed
in operation and maintenance than in any other phase. Considerable effort in operation and maintenance
may be spent in preparing or updating inadequate documentation. When planning V&V for software with
missing or inadequate documentation, either include resources for developing necessary documents or
ensure that management, developers, and users are aware that the effectiveness of the V&V effort may be
seriously compromised. Developing the missing documentation is most worthwhile if extensive new development or thorough understanding of the existing system is required.
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such a system is in place, plan V&V participation on the board. If such a system is not in place, consider
having V&V act as conguration management. V&V is very difcult and very expensive in an environment
of uncontrolled change.
Evaluate proposed changes to
This is one area where V&V may perform a systems engineering role for the software development to prevent the uncontrolled growth of the software. Change evaluation is, in many respects, identical to the V&V
evaluation of the concept phase, since many of the same planning and execution considerations apply.
Changes may be proposed as object-level patches to existing software, rather than as redesign and recode at
the source level. These changes are particularly difcult to evaluate and debug. Where patching is unavoidable, the patches should be tracked (possibly with an automated database) and the source-level redesign and
recode undertaken as soon as practical. Phase task iteration
For approved software changes, perform V&V tasks necessary to ensure that: planned
changes are implemented correctly; all documentation is complete and up to date; and no
unacceptable changes have occurred in software performance. [Table 1, 5.8 (4)]
The implementation of each change may be thought of as following its own life cycle. This life cycle will
include a subset of the full life cycle, depending on the nature of the change. In each phase of this reduced
life cycle, plan and execute the V&V tasks required by the Standard for that phase (e.g., if the change modies design documentation, trace and evaluate the design changes and plan appropriate tests).
5.6 Reporting
(Section 6 of the Plan.) This section shall describe how the results of implementing the Plan
will be documented. V&V reporting shall occur throughout the software life cycle. This section of the Plan shall specify the content, format, and timing of all V&V reports. These V&V
reports shall constitute the Software Verication and Validation Report (SVVR). [3.6]
V&V reporting communicates the status of the V&V effort and its ndings among all interested parties.
Those concerned with the results of the V&V activities might be quite diverse as a variety of different persons and organizations may be assigned responsibility for performing V&V. The diversity of the audience
requires tailoring the distribution, format, and content of the reports. V&V reports can provide added visibility into the development process and more complete understanding of the product, but only to the extent that
the participants in the V&V process share the V&V information.
The timing of the V&V reports is geared to their function and audience. The great cost multiplier
for software errors is their latency period, the time between the introduction of a defect into a software
product and its identication and subsequent removal. The greatest benet of V&V in being performed in
parallel to the development of the software comes from prompt notication to the developers of any problems identied by V&V.
All V&V activities need to be reported. Planning for V&V requires that sufcient time be allocated
for reporting, although specic reporting requirements will vary with the activity. V&V reports may have a
Std 1059-1993
variety of names and formats, such as memos, presentations, marked-up copies of reviewed documents,
minutes of meetings, action items, status reports, assessment and analysis reports, review notations, audit
reports, inspection reports, test reports, anomaly reports, failure reports, etc. All of these fall into the broad
categories of either being required by the Standard or optional.
5.6.1 Required reports
The hierarchy of the four types of required V&V reports ranges from individual ndings about specic deciencies in the software (anomaly reports) to a comprehensive evaluation of the entire development project
(nal V&V report). The four types of required V&V reports are as follows:
Anomaly reports. These reports should be promptly forwarded to developers. Quick turnaround
requires established procedures to record and characterize identied anomalies, and then to provide
the relevant information to the developers. Details of the anomaly reports include descriptions of
each anomaly, a severity scale for each, rework approval mechanics, and required administration of
the anomaly. (See also 5.7.1 of this guide.)
V&V task reporting. These reports follow the performance of each well-dened V&V task. Task
reports may be viewed by V&V project management as proof of the progress of the V&V effort.
Task reports also provide key insights into the need for any mid-course corrections to the development or V&V plans and are put into the V&V management review (see 5.5.1). The relative efciencies and difculties of certain V&V tasks may lead to tactical adjustments, such as choice of
methodologies and tools. Further, the actual task results may call for strategic changes as well,
including reallocation of V&V resources or alteration of schedules. Task reporting, its content and
scheduling, should address the needs of one task requiring the outputs of another as input (for example, when test planning requires the results of traceability analysis), and be scheduled to allow an
orderly and timely progression of the V&V tasks.
V&V phase summary reports. These reports serve to summarize and consolidate the results of the
V&V activities performed by different organizations for each life cycle phase. The phase summary
report may be an extensive formal document or a brief informal notication, depending on the span
and depth of the V&V activities performed within a particular phase. The report may also be a briefing delivered as part of a phase review such as a preliminary design review. If the information is too
critical to await reporting at the conclusion of the entire phase, interim reports may be generated in a
more timely fashion.
V&V nal report. This report summarizes and consolidates the results of the software anomalies,
V&V tasks, and all V&V phase reports. The V&V Final Report is prepared at the conclusion of the
V&V effort and will provide an assessment of overall software quality and any recommendations
for the product and/or the development process.
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situations. Clear, well-dened administrative procedures are an essential ingredient of a successful V&V
plan. This section of the SVVP should specify such procedures in sufcient detail to allow for their successful implementation.
At a minimum, the administrative procedures shall address anomaly reporting and resolution, task iteration
policy, deviation policy and control procedures, as well as standards, practices, and conventions. The necessary procedures can often be adopted, or tailored for the specic V&V effort, from established procedures,
policies, standards, conventions, and practices.
This section of the SVVP should identify any existing administrative procedures that are to be implemented
as part of this V&V plan, and any procedures that are to be written and implemented as part of the V&V
effort. Existing procedures will also be identied as references in 2 of the SVVP. This section provides the
opportunity to interpret the use of the referenced procedures, and to describe any new ones that may be
planned or under development.
This section should identify the life cycle phase(s) and V&V task(s) to which each procedure will be
applied. The degree of implementation of each procedure should be stated. This section should also indicate
which individual or organizational element will be responsible for the enforcement, evaluation, and maintenance of each procedure, and specify how compliance will be monitored and assured.
Diagrams may be provided to show the relationships among the various responsible organizations. To be
effective, the administrative procedures should be consistent with the organization and responsibilities
dened elsewhere in the SVVP.
A V&V effort consists of both management and technical tasks, and at least three audiences can be identied
for the information generated during the projectpersonnel performing V&V tasks, personnel performing
development tasks, and management. In order to assure that the different information needs of each audience
are satised, the administrative procedures may include one or more distribution lists. Information ow
can be facilitated, and many misunderstandings avoided, if the appropriate distribution of development
documentation, formal V&V documentation, memos, meeting minutes, status reports, etc., is established
in advance.
5.7.1 Anomaly reporting and resolution
(Section 7.1 of the Plan.) This section shall describe the method of reporting and resolving
anomalies, including the criteria for reporting an anomaly, the anomaly report distribution
list, and the authority and time lines for resolving anomalies. This section shall dene the
anomaly criticality levels. Each critical anomaly shall be resolved satisfactorily before the
V&V effort can formally proceed to the next life-cycle phase. [3.7.1]
The Standard denes an anomaly as anything observed in the documentation or operation of software that
deviates from expectations based on previous veried software products or reference documents.
The SVVP should describe clear and unambiguous procedures for anomaly reporting and resolution, so that
each participants can determine their roles in the process. Reporting and resolving anomalies as early in the
development process as possible is one obvious benet. Specic methods for documenting anomalies and
their resolution, including the use of anomaly report forms, should be provided.
In addition to anomaly reporting and resolution tracking, the anomaly reporting process can be a primary
means of data collection for the software verication and validation effort. The number and criticality level
of the anomalies may determine whether the effort can formally proceed to the next life cycle phase.
Data for process monitoring activities such as root-cause analysis also rely on data from the anomaly
reporting process.
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The form in which the informal comments should be (e.g., memo, telephone call)
When to use informal comments (e.g., for early notication, with anomaly reports to follows)
The classes of problems (e.g., minor or out of current scope) for which informal comments are sufcient and formal notication is not required
While informal comments are often useful, care should be taken to assure that all signicant problems are
documented formally and brought to the attention of the appropriate personnel. All anomalies should be documented and reported.
V&V planning should specify
Who is responsible for recording anomalies and analyzing their impact, criticality, etc.
Who has the responsibility and authority for approving anomaly reports for issue
In some cases, V&V activities are performed in conjunction with software quality assurance activities, e.g.,
V&V personnel provide audit support, attend review meetings, monitor tests. In these cases, the SVVP
should specify whether V&V anomaly reports are required to duplicate reporting of problems by other
groups. For example, if V&V personnel monitor tests and nd the testing organizations test incident reports
to be adequate, there may be no need for separate V&V anomaly reports for the testing. Any instances of
inadequate reporting by the testers would, however, be the subject of V&V anomaly reports in this case. Anomaly report distribution
According to the Standard, the SVVP is to include an anomaly report distribution list. The planned distribution of anomaly reports should be clearly dened, including specication of who gets each report, under
what circumstances, and for what reasons.
Reports should be distributed where needed for information and for tracking, as well as for action. If reports
are to be distributed on a priority basis, the priority levels should be dened and the distribution criteria
The distribution list will depend on the organization and degree of independence of the V&V effort. For
example, if the personnel performing V&V tasks are independent of the development group, anomaly
reports should be distributed to both the development group and the user (or the development groups higher
level management). Methods and criteria for anomaly resolution
The resolution of an anomaly may result in a change to documentation, software, or hardware. The
resolution of an anomaly can be a complicated, subjective, and resource-consuming task. The Standard
requires that
Each critical anomaly shall be resolved satisfactorily before the V&V effort can formally
proceed to the next life cycle phase.
Std 1059-1993
The plan shall specify the procedures for determining the criticality of the anomaly, determining the impact
of the anomaly, and for resolving differences between the originator of the anomaly report and personnel
responsible for resolving the anomaly.
Responsibility and authority with respect to anomaly reporting should be specied in the SVVP. These
should include the following:
To be effective, the specication of responsibility and authority in this area shall be consistent with the organization and responsibilities dened elsewhere in the SVVP. (See also 5.4.1, 5.4.4, and C.7 of this guide.) Timing
V&V planning should address timing considerations for reporting anomalies, as well as for their resolution.
As indicated in 5.6 of this guide, anomaly reports should be forwarded promptly. Daily or even more frequent reports may be provided in some instances. Early identication and correction of defects is one obvious benet of timely notication. Early notication of V&V results should be balanced against possible
disruption of the development process.
Effective procedures are needed to assure that anomaly reports are valid and necessary as well as timely. The
SVVP may require that anomalies be grouped and held for distribution according to some predened categorization scheme, so that relationships among anomalies are more easily seen. If so, the maximum allowable
hold time should be specied, which may be different for the different categories.
According to the Standard, the SVVP is to include time lines for resolving anomalies. A normal assumption
is timely response to informal comments (if applicable) and anomaly reports. The SVVP should indicate the
time frame that can be considered to be timely.
5.7.2 Task iteration policy
(Section 7.2 of the Plan.) This section shall describe the criteria used to determine the extent
to which a V&V task shall be reperformed when its input is changed. These criteria may
include assessments of change, criticality, and cost, schedule, or quality effects. [3.7.2]
The software products that are input to the V&V effort are often changed as, for example, the results of
anomaly corrections, performance enhancements, requirements changes, and clarications. When changes
are made, V&V tasks are iterated by repeating previous tasks or initiating new ones. V&V task iteration is
needed to ensure that planned changes are implemented correctly, all documentation is complete and up to
date, and no unacceptable changes in software performance have occurred.
Administrative procedures should include criteria for appropriate allocation of V&V resources as changes
are evaluated. Without such procedures resources might be overextended in one or more areas, to the detriment of the project as a whole.
The criteria used to determine the extent to which V&V tasks are to be repeated when their inputs change
may include assessments of change; criticality; and cost, schedule, or quality effects. Historical data may
also be helpful in this planning.
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Well-dened procedures are necessary for effective control of the software products (inputs for V&V
evaluation) and the results of the software V&V efforts (V&V outputs). These procedures, especially those
used in software quality assurance and conguration and data management, are similar to those used in
software development. In many cases, the same procedures can be employed here. If so, those procedures
may be incorporated by reference. The degree to which they are to be implemented should be identied,
along with any necessary amendments. New procedures that are planned or under development should also
be identied.
The set of procedures should describe how software products and results of software V&V shall be
congured, protected, and stored. At a minimum, they should describe how SVVP materials shall comply
with existing security provisions, and how the validity of V&V results shall be protected from accidental or
deliberate compromise.
The Standard lists conguration management as an optional V&V task. Ideally, effective software conguration management procedures for development will have already been implemented. If not, their implementation as part of the V&V is recommended. Conguration management of the V&V products is also important
if the validity of V&V results is to be protected. Additional guidance on effective control procedures can be
found in IEEE Std 828-1990 and IEEE Std 1042-1987.
In order to ensure valid results, control procedures should include methods for identifying software items
(including documentation), controlling and implementing changes, and recording and reporting change
implementation status. These conguration management processes are needed if the V&V results are to be
correctly linked with the products that were evaluated and the V&V tasks that were performed. Reviews and
audits may be useful in assuring that these processes are effective. Code and media control are also needed,
and may be part of conguration management. Finally, records collection, maintenance and retention should
be addressed.
The rst step in control is the identication of the items to be controlled. The various V&V inputs and
outputs should be listed, along with provisions for unique identication of each (e.g., name, version/revision, date). Annex C.3 of this guide discusses V&V inputs and outputs. As is pointed out in annex C, V&V
inputs include the V&V plan and procedures as well as the development products that are to be veried
and validated.
Items to control include the following:
Identication of the V&V inputs and outputs includes the form (e.g., paper, 5.25 in oppy disk) and format
(e.g., pure ASCII text, IEEE Std 1012-1986). The state (e.g., draft or ofcial releases only, TBDs) should be
considered. Criteria for release of input documents to V&V, and for release of V&V results, should
be dened.
The procedures should specify the means of controlling and implementing changes to the computer les and
documentation. Effective change control is needed to avoid attempting V&V on a moving target. Considerations include the following:
Std 1059-1993
Status accounting procedures are needed, for recording and reporting change implementation status. Information on the current status of each item should be known, and periodic reports may be issued. Examples of
information that may be collected are
Reviews and audits should be considered, to monitor the effectiveness of the control procedures. Organizational roles in such reviews and audits should be dened. The points in the life cycle at which the reviews
and audits will occur, and the items to be covered in each, should be specied. Methods for identifying and
resolving problems should be stated.
Code control can be interpreted as the ways and means necessary to protect or ensure the validity of a completed code. Code control may be performed as part of the conguration management process. The procedures described above can be used to cover many of the elements of code control such as specication of
code to be controlled, code identication, use of a software library, and code change control. In order to
comply with existing security provisions, procedures may also be needed to describe the physical location of
the software under control; the requirements for obtaining copies; and the location, maintenance, and use of
backup copies.
Media control is concerned with protection of the physical media on which computer les are stored, including storage and retrieval (including off-site storage), access restrictions, and environmental control to avoid
physical degradation. Here, as in code control, existing security provisions should be addressed.
Provisions for records collection, maintenance, and retention should include identication of records to be
retained, specication of the manner in which they will be maintained (e.g, hard copy, microche), and specication of the length of retention for each type of record addressed. Organizational responsibilities in this
area include originating, collecting, maintaining, sorting, and protecting records. Authority for accessing,
changing, purging, or destroying records should also be considered.
5.7.5 Standards, practices, and conventions
(Section 7.5 of the Plan.) This section shall identify the standards, practices, and conventions that govern the performance of V&V tasks, including internal organizational standards, practices, and policies. [3.7.5]
This section of the plan identies the standards, practices, and conventions that govern the actual performance of the V&V tasks. New and existing standards, practices, and conventions are to be identied here.
These may include documents that direct the V&V tasks and documents against which software products are
to be evaluated during those tasks. Both internal and external documents should be considered.
The following are general examples of standards, practices, and conventions that may be applicable.
Standards for software requirements, design, implementation, test, and documentation, against
which the software is to be evaluated
Detailed procedures for V&V tasks
Detailed checklists for use in software evaluation
Standards for reviews and audits
Quality assurance requirements for the V&V program
Any standards, practices, and conventions required by the contract
Std 1059-1993
Depending on the project environment, specic standards, practices, and conventions like the following may
be required
Industry standards
Professional standards
Government standards
Regulatory standards
Std 1059-1993
Std 1059-1993
Annex A
The rest of this annex is divided into two sectionselevator reference material and extracts from a sample
The extracts from the sample SVVP are presented in a format that explicitly identies the following seven
topics the Standard requires (see also annex C):
It is important to understand the timing of writing this SVVP in context with the timing of a software development project supporting the elevator example.
The rst set of extracts for the sample plan were developed as if the SVVP was being written at the end of
the concept phase. These extracts address the V&V effort as a whole as well as specic tasks for the requirements and design phases.
The extracts from 3.5.5 of the SVVP were written as if the plans were being updated and expanded at the
end of the design phase. Similarly, the extracts from 3.5.6 of the SVVP represent updates made at the end of
the implementation phase.
NOTEThe extracts illustrate a few of the components of an SVVP but are not complete, nor do they represent the only
approach to the development of an SVVP.
Std 1059-1993
A. Identification
The concept document establishes the computer software and hardware conguration items of the
U&D Elevator Control System, UDC.100.
B. Purpose
The U&D Elevator Control System, UDC.100, is a distributed system of computer hardware and
software, operating as a local area network (LAN) for the control and scheduling of a modular,
large-scale elevator installation. It handles all operator control, user requests, elevator scheduling,
event logging, monitoring, reporting, maintenance, and security. The Elevator Control System will
control up to 16 banks of elevators, with each bank having up to 16 elevators. Up to 256 vertical
levels can be served by the UDC.100 elevator system.
Master control
Bank control
Motion control
Elevator database
There is a control computer, UDC.HS1100, for each elevator in the system, providing backup and
redundancy. The bank control subsystem software, UDC.S1101, and motion control software,
UDC.S1102, are both resident in each elevators control computer. Only one bank controller, though,
will be active at any time for each bank. The other idle bank controllers are in standby mode, and can
each assume control of their respective elevator banks upon command from master control. The master
control computer will be duplexed and the database will be mirrored for backup. These elements and
their data relationships are illustrated in gures A.1 and A.2.
A. Elevator master control subsystemUDC.S110
The master control subsystem will initiate and terminate all operations of the elevator system, and
will allow the system operator to direct any elevator to a specic level and to set its mode to either
in-service or out-of-service. The master control subsystem will set the scheduling of each bank controller independently, with either predetermined (e.g., morning arrivals, evening departures, etc.) or
custom scheduling scripts (e.g., skip oors 610). The master control subsystem will report status
information for the operator about all elevators, and log all activity into the elevator database. The
master control subsystem will produce analysis reports of elevator activity on request. In addition,
the master control subsystem will assist maintenance by controlling diagnostic services for any
bank controller and/or motion controller in the system.
Std 1059-1993
bank n
bank 3
bank 2
Elevator Bank Control Subsystem
Elevator Control Computer
Elevator Motion Control Subsystem
Elevator Bank Control Subsystem
bank 1
Hard Disk
Std 1059-1993
Std 1059-1993
The master control subsystem will direct each elevator bank controller, UDC.S1101, and will issue
scheduling and operating commands, will request real-time operating status, and will receive and
log all elevator command and operating history into the elevator system database, UDC.D110.
The master control subsystem will designate which will be the active bank control subsystem for
each bank. This designation can be either directed by the operator, or occur in response to a timeout condition between the master control subsystem and the current bank control subsystem. The
operator will be notied if a change of bank controller occurs in response to a time-out condition.
In all cases, the change will be logged.
The master control subsystem will include the necessary operator support for entering and updating
all elevator system database les. This will include the preparation of scheduling scripts, status
reports, and analytical and historical reports.
B. Elevator bank control subsystemUDC.S1101
Each elevator will have a microcomputer, UDC.HS1100, that will house both the bank control subsystem program, UDC.S1101, and the elevator motion control subsystem program, UDC.S1102.
The bank control subsystem of only one of the elevators in a bank will be active at a time and will
control the entire bank of elevators, comprising all of their individual motion controllers.
Each in-service elevator control unit will be able to take over as the bank controller, that is, activate
its dormant bank control subsystem program, UDC.S1101, if the original bank controller does not
respond to a transmission with the master controller in a specied period of time. The master control subsystem will assign the new bank controller from one of the dormant bank controllers within
that bank of elevators.
The bank control subsystem will schedule each elevator in the bank according to the scheduling
script provided to it by the master control subsystem. It keeps current information on the status of
all elevators in the bank and determines which car will respond to each summons.
The bank controller will do the following:
The bank control subsystem will respond to all master controller commands, such as:
Provide status information
Update scheduling scripts
Initiate maintenance procedures
In addition, the bank control subsystem will detect, notify the master controller, and remove from
service any failing motion controller. In the event of the failure of a motion controller, the associated elevator will be stopped at the next oor and placed out of service.
C. Elevator motion control subsystemUDC.S1102
There is one motion control subsystem for each elevator car, resident in the elevator control unit,
UDC.HS1100, which is the same microcomputer used by the bank control program. The motion
controller receives commands for its elevator cars operation from passengers, from its bank controller, and from sensors for the elevator position, door status, and weight. A motion controller will
be active concurrently for each in-service elevator, and will do the following:
Std 1059-1993
If a motion controller fails, the elevator car will revert to a fail-safe mechanical operating mode and
stop at the next level in its direction. The car can be further directed by the bank controller, if one is
serviceable, to perform other operations.
D. Elevator system databaseUDC.D110
The database will maintain les for elevator operations, scheduling, status, history, maintenance,
and security.
The operating parameters of each elevator, such as its velocity and acceleration characteristics,
door open/close specications, weight limits, and manual control modes are individually determined. The operating parameters are provided to each elevators motion controller by the master controller (through the bank controller) during an elevator initialization procedure.
Scheduling Files
These les contain the various scheduling scripts that are supplied by the master controller to
the bank controller. Scheduling les are generally used by all of the elevators of a bank,
although they can be targeted to individual elevators.
Status Files
The current elevator system operating environment is recorded, such as assigned schedules, inservice/out-of-service elevators, operators, and timed events (e.g., schedule changes).
History Files
They record a history of all elevator movements, schedule changes, and operating modes by
date, time, bank, and elevator for a period of up to one year. These les are continuously
recorded, and are purged by command. Analysis routines will produce operational history
reports for determining scheduling and use patterns.
Maintenance Files
A record of the maintenance status and history of every elevator and system component will
be recorded.
Security Files
Std 1059-1993
Keyboard, printer, and display may be connected for maintenance, but are not normally present.
There is an elevator control computer for each elevator, and both the bank control subsystem and
motion control subsystem will be resident.
C. Elevator hard disk
A mirrored set of hard disks, each with 1 GB (1 000 000 000 B) of storage, and 12 ms access time,
UDC.H110. This disk subsystem will be accessible from each of the duplexed master control computers, UDC.H4000. Backup will be via streaming tape, and be performed each 24 h. All operating
software, utilities, and databases will be stored on-line on this disk.
A development environment is outlined in which the V&V plan examples are dened.
The software is being produced by a ctitious manufacturer, the U&D Elevator Company. Software
development is governed by the manufacturers standards, which are tailored versions of the IEEE software standards. Tailoring of these standards has incorporated the requirements of the different regulatory agencies controlling the licensing and certication of elevator systems. (Note that ctitious
standards and references will be cited by the examples as they are needed.)
The software development methodology can be characterized as being an iterative waterfall process
employing real-time structured design methods, using data ow diagrams, data relationship diagrams,
module hierarchy diagrams (structure charts), and state transition diagrams. There will be two levels of
design, high level and detail. It is assumed that the resulting program code will be written in C language,
and will be approximately 250 000 lines of source code. A signicant part of this code will be available
from reused modules, or commercial sources (e.g., door control, hoist motor control). The schedule
calls for software development to be completed in 12 months.
Software testing will be divided into these four categories:
Quality assurance has the responsibility dening system testing of hardware and software, and for writing the SVVP. Portions of the plan may be generated by software development. Final approval for the
SVVP will reside with project management. There is assumed to be monthly project management meetings, and that marketing will attend for concept and user representation.
The plan will be administered and executed by quality assurance. Specic tasks within the plan may
also be executed by other organizations. Hardware development will participate in the execution of the
SVVP for interfaces with the hardware components during systems and acceptance testing. Similarly,
quality assurance will develop a hardware verication and validation plan (HVVP), and hardware
development and systems engineering will assist with its execution.
Std 1059-1993
The scope of this SVVP is to verify and validate all UDC.100 developed software and to validate all packaged and embedded software components for conformance to requirements for safety factors, response time,
expandability, and external interfaces. Until a customer is under contract, the acceptance testing activities
will not be included.
The objectives of this SVVP are to verify and validate all developed software and interfaces for conformance with UDC.100 requirements for response time, expandability, and safety factors.
This SVVP applies to the products of the requirements, design, implementation, and test phases of the
UDC.100 software development cycle.
This SVVP deviates from IEEE Std 1012-1986 in that it will not be applied to the following phases:
Concept phase
Installation and checkout phase
Operation and maintenance phase
This SVVP has been developed during the concept phase and applies to subsequent phases. The V&V planning for the installation and checkout phase, and the operation and maintenance phase will be deferred until
a customer installation has been identied for UDC.100.
Leader UDC.100
Software V&V
Sr. Quality Engineer #1
Coordinator UDC.100
Implementation V&V
Quality Engineer #2
Coordinator UDC.100
Requirements V&V
Sr. Quality Engineer #2
Coordinator UDC.100
Test V&V
Sr. Quality Engineer #1
Coordinator UDC.100
Design V&V
Quality Engineer #1
Std 1059-1993
CoordinatorSoftware V&V
CoordinatorTest V&V
Acceptance Test Plan Generation
Acceptance Test Design Generation
CoordinatorRequirements V&V
Criticality Analysis
Requirements Traceability Analysis
Quality Engineer #1
CoordinatorDesign V&V
Design Traceability Analysis
Acceptance Test Procedure Generation
Quality Engineer #2
CoordinatorImplementation V&V
Requirements Evaluation
System Test Plan Generation
Design Evaluation
System Test Design Generation
Source Code Traceability Analysis
Acceptance Test Case Generation
Acceptance Test Execution
Quality Engineer #3
Associate Quality
Engineer #1
Software Engineer #1
Software Engineer #2
Software Engineer #3
Systems Engineer #1
Std 1059-1993
Task: Trace the functions for the Elevator Master Control Subsystem that are specied in the concept for U&D UDC.100 to the requirements for component UDC.HS1100, and trace backward to
the concept for UDC.100. Identify the response time, safety factors, and expandability requirements.
Method: Perform a manual trace, both backward and forward, to determine functional and data relationships, and any functions and data not dened in the UDC.100 concept or requirements for
Std 1059-1993
UDC.HS1100. Indicate where either functions or data cannot be traced from the concept to the
requirements, or back from the requirements to the concept for UDC.HS1100.
1) Inputs
i) UDC.100 concept document
ii) UDC.HS1100 requirements
2) Outputs
i) Trace table of the requirements for UDC.HS1100
ii) Traceability discrepancy report for UDC.HS1100
Schedule: Initiate at the completion of the requirements for UDC.HS1100, planned for three months
after project initiation and complete within three weeks.
Resources: The traceability analysis will require ten staff-days to perform. Reproduction facilities
and clerical support are required for three days.
Risks: The traceability analysis must be completed prior to the initiation of the design
of UDC.HS1100.
Roles: The traceability analysis will be performed by senior quality engineer # 2.
Task: Evaluate that the specied response time requirements for service of an elevator bank do not
exceed the capabilities of the specied equipment parameters.
Method: Use the Lipoff-Craig queuing model, tailored for the UDC development workstation.
1) Inputs
i) Distribution and maximum service wait times
ii) Specied by the requirements for UDC.HS1100
iii) Conguration of the UDC.100 elevator bank (operational parameters are included within
the model)
iv) Distribution of the expected service requests
2) Output: Expected service distribution report produced by the model
Schedule: Initiate at the completion of the requirements for UDC.HS1100, planned for three months
after project initiation, and complete within four weeks.
Resources: The Lipoff-Craig queuing model software is required, and a quality engineer for one
staff week has been allocated for this task. Access to an engineering workstation with the standard
network capabilities will be required for 40 hours.
Risks: The Lipoff-Craig model has not been validated for the Ockerman hoist motor, UDC.H2620
door retractor, and requests greater than 25 per minute.
Roles: Quality engineer # 2, trained in the use of the Lipoff-Craig model.
Task: Analyze the interfaces between the Bank Control, UDC.S1101, and Motion Control,
UDC.S1102, subsystems.
Method: The interfaces between UDC.S1101 and UDC.S1102 will be veried by an interface
Std 1059-1993
i) UDC.100 data dictionary
ii) Data ow diagrams for the UDC.HS1100 Control Computer
iii) The interface between UDC.S1101 and UDC.S1102
iv) Elevator motion timing parameters
2) Outputs
i) Series of inspection defect lists
ii) Summary reports
iii) Inspection report detailing the inspection ndings
Schedule: Initiate at completion of the requirements for UDC.HS1100, planned for three months
after project initiation, and complete within two weeks.
Resources: Assigned moderator (16 staff hours), inspectors (one other beside the author for 5 hours
each), and inspection meeting room and clerk (4 hours) are also required.
Risks: There are no identied risks, except that the interface inspection and the resolution of all
identied anomalies must occur prior to design of the two components.
Roles: Associate quality engineer # 1, trained in the inspection technique, as moderator, with the
participation of the author of the UDC.HS1100 requirements, and an experienced systems engineer
as one of the inspectors.
Task: Generate the system test plan for the Elevator Control System UDC.100.
Method: Cast the operations for the Elevator Control System UDC.100 as a series of matrices of
operations, one matrix for each operational state. These matrices will be used to dene test conditions for UDC.100. Test will focus on elevator response and safety features.
1) Inputs
i) Concept document
ii) SRS
iii) Trace analysis (from the software requirements traceability analysis task in A.3.6)
iv) Interface data ow diagrams for UDC.100
2) Output: Elevator Control System UDC.100 system test plan
Schedule: Initiate at the completion of the SRS for UDC.100 and complete before initiating integration test design.
Resources: A quality engineer for two months.
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: Quality engineer # 2, experienced in system test planning for U&D software control systems.
Task: Generate a draft acceptance test plan for the Elevator Control System UDC.100 to be installed
in a large ofce building for a customer not yet specied.
Method: Cast the operations for the Elevator Control System UDC.100 as a series of matrices of
boundary values, one matrix for each operational state. These matrices will be used to dene acceptance test conditions for UDC.100. Develop an operation suite reecting expected customer usage
and special conditions. Test will focus on elevator response and safety features.
Std 1059-1993
1) Inputs
i) Concept document
ii) SRS
iii) Trace for the SRS
iv) Interface analysis
v) Expected customer usage patterns and conditions
2) Outputs
i) Acceptance test plan matrices
ii) Plans for providing the input conditions for the UDC.100 customer installation
Schedule: Integrate at completion of the SRS for UDC.100 and complete before initiating acceptance test design.
Resources: A senior quality engineer for two months.
Risks: The Elevator Control System UDC.100 is new, without an identied customer. Specic customer demands may require changes to the draft plan.
Roles: Senior quality engineer # 1 trained in acceptance test planning.
Task: Trace requirements in the SRS to each of the high level design components of the SDD for the
Elevator Master Control, UDC.S110; Bank Control, UDC.S1101; Motion Control, UDC.S1102; and
Elevator Database, UDC.D110. The reverse trace, from each high level design component of the
SDD back to the SRS, shall also be performed. Identify the response time, safety factors, and
expandability requirements.
Method: The U&D Trace Tool 1 analytic tracing program shall associate each high level design
component with the appropriate requirements to identify any possible inconsistencies between
requirements and design. Anomalies will be identied.
1) Inputs
i) SRS for the Elevator Master Control, UDC.S110; Bank Control, UDC.S1101; Motion
Control, UDC.S1102; and Elevator Database, UDC.D110
ii) Draft software high level design description
iii) UDC.S110 requirements trace table (from the software requirements traceability analysis
task in A.3.6)
[Both the requirements and high level design shall be in standard ASCII format, written
respectively to requirements standard REQ-1.2 and high level design standard HLD-1.4.]
2) Outputs
i) Design traceability table
ii) Anomalies list produced by U&D Trace Tool 1
Schedule: Initiate at the release of the draft high level design descriptions and complete within
ve days.
Resources: The U&D Trace Tool 1 support tool is required, and 16 staff hours for a quality engineer
have been allocated for this task. Access to an engineering workstation with the standard network
capabilities will be required for 8 hours.
Risks: U&D Trace Tool 1 is a newly released tool offering improved capabilities, but has not yet
been qualied on an operational project. Should unforeseen problems arise, the proven U&D
TRACER tool can be utilized, but with more limited capabilities.
Roles: This task will be performed by quality engineer # 1.
Std 1059-1993
Task: Evaluate that the response time for service for each elevator bank will not exceed the
specied limit.
Method: Use the UDC Elevator System Simulator. Verify that the scheduling algorithms provide
designed response times.
1) Inputs
i) Hardware response times of the UDC.100 components (motor acceleration and deceleration characteristics, car door open and close times, etc.)
ii) Expected request patterns for each scheduling mode (maximum up, maximum down, normal, etc.)
iii) Scheduling algorithms
iv) State transition diagrams
2) Outputs
i) Response time report
ii) Service time distributions
iii) Anomalies report
Schedule: Initiate at the receipt of high level SDD and complete within six weeks.
Resources: The UDC Elevator System Simulator is required, and one staff month for a quality engineer (with previous UDC Elevator System Simulator experience) has been allocated for this task.
Access to an engineering workstation with the standard network capabilities will be required for
160 hours.
Risks: The updated parameters for the UDC Elevator System Simulator shall have been calibrated
and certied.
Roles: Quality engineer # 2 familiar with the use of the UDC Elevator System Simulator will perform the analysis. Results will be provided to the UDC.100 project manager. Any modications to
the scheduling algorithms will be re-evaluated.
Task: Analyze the interfaces between the high level design of the Bank Control Subsystem
UDC.S1101, and the Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102.
Method: The specications for the interface formats, parameters, queuing, tasking, timing, and
expected responses will be veried by design interface inspections.
1) Inputs (for both subsystems UDC.S1101 and UDC.S1102)
i) Design traceability table (from the software design traceability analysis in A.3.11)
ii) Subsystem data ow diagrams
iii) Data entity charts
iv) Subsystem message lists
v) SDD interface standards and conventions
b) Outputs
i) Inspection defect lists
ii) Inspection database reports
iii) Inspection management reports
iv) Anomaly reports
Std 1059-1993
Schedule: Initiate at completion of both UDC.S1101 and UDC.S1102 high level design interface
specications and complete within two weeks.
Resources: Each inspection will consist of a team of four persons, including the developer of the
specication. It is estimated that there will be two high level design interface inspections of two
hours each. Thirty staff hours are estimated for the inspections, expected rework, and inspection data
analysis and reporting.
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: Associate quality engineer # 2 as moderator for each interface inspection. The moderator will
certify inspection of the interface specications for UDC.S1101 and UDC.S1102. The UDC.100
project manager and a lead software engineer will receive the inspection management reports and
the inspection database summaries.
Task: Generate the component test plan for the Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102 components.
NOTEThere will be a series of four component test plans for each of the subsystems.
Method: Develop a plan for testing each component of the Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102,
using IEEE Std 1008-1987 and document according to IEEE Std 829-1983. Specify use of U&D
Code Coverage analyzer to achieve 100% statement coverage for each component. The test will be
conducted with hardware and software simulators in the UDC Elevator Testing Lab. The test results
will be compared to the expected results for each test case.
1) Inputs
i) SRS
ii) SDD
iii) Design traceability table (from the software design traceability analysis in A.3.11)
iv) Interface design specications
v) Hardware and software simulators users guide
vi) Draft user documentation
vii) UDC code coverage analyzer specications
2) Output: UDC.S1102 component test plan
Schedule: Initiate at completion of interface analysis and complete prior to nal design approval.
Resources: The component test plan will be prepared by a UDC.100 software engineer and is estimated as requiring two staff weeks of effort.
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: Software engineer # 1 will prepare the component test plan. A lead software engineer will
approve it.
Task: Generate the Elevator Control System UDC.100 Integration Test Plan.
Method: Develop an integration test plan for UDC.100, which will comprise integrating test plans
for the four individual subsystems integration test plans as well as a integration test plan for the
total UDC.100 system.
1) Inputs
Std 1059-1993
i) SDD
ii) Design traceability table (from the software design traceability analysis in A.3.11)
iii) Interface design specications
iv) Interface analysis report
v) Criticality analysis report
vi) Draft operating documentation
vii) Draft maintenance documentation
2) Output: UDC.100 integration test plan
Schedule: Initiate one month following the start of the design and complete within four weeks.
Resources: Integration test planning is estimated as requiring three staff weeks of effort.
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: Systems engineer # 1 will prepare the integration test plan. The manager of quality assurance
will approve the integration test plan.
Task: Design component tests for the Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102.
NOTEIt is expected that the component test plan will specify that the generation of test designs be done for
each subsystem.
Method: Develop test designs in accordance with the Component Test Plans for the Motion Control
System. In addition, design the necessary interfaces and support for the use of the UDC code coverage analyzer.
1) The inputs are:
i) Component test plans
ii) SDD
iii) Interface design specications
iv) Draft operating documentation
v) Hardware and software simulators setup procedures
vi) UDC code coverage analyzer operations manual
2) Output: Test designs for the Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102
Schedule: Initiate two weeks after the component test plan is started, and complete within four
Resources: Three staff weeks are estimated for a software engineer.
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: Software engineer # 1 will design the Motion Control Subsystem tests.
Task: Design integration tests for the four subsystems and integration of the four subsystems into the
Method: Develop the test designs for the four subsystems and integration of the four subsystems into
the UDC.100. Design for the recording of the test results.
1) Inputs
Std 1059-1993
Task: Design system tests for the Elevator Control System UDC.100.
Method: Develop test designs in accordance with UDC.100 system test plan (from the system test
plan generation task in A.3.9). Test Elevator Tower will be used. Design for the recording of the
test results.
1) Inputs
i) UDC.100 system test plan
ii) SDD
iii) Interface specications
iv) Draft operating documentation
v) Maintenance documentation
vi) Test elevator tower congurations
2) Output: UDC.100 system test designs
Schedule: Initiate two weeks after the system test plan is started and complete within six weeks.
Resources: A staff month is estimated for a software engineer for the design of system test for the
UDC Elevator Control System.
Risks: System tests havent been designed before for distributed systems such as UDC.100. Estimates for the schedule are tentative. A margin of 100% schedule and resource overrun needs to be
considered for this activity. System test design may be critical to the UDC.100 project.
Roles: Quality engineer # 2 will design system tests. The design must be approved by the manager
of quality assurance.
Task: To be developed when a customer is identied and when the acceptance test plan generation
task in A.3.10 is completed.
Method: Pending
1) The inputs are pending.
2) The outputs are pending.
Schedule: Pending
Resources: Pending
Std 1059-1993
Risks: Pending
Roles: Pending
(ReminderThe extracts from 5.5.5 of the SVVP were written as if the plans were being updated and expanded at the
end of the design phase.)
Task: Trace each of the design requirements in the SDD to the Bank Control Subsystem UDC.S1101
source code. The reverse trace shall also be performed. Identify the response time, safety factor, and
expandability design requirements.
Method: The U&D Trace Tool 1 analytic tracing program shall associate the design requirements to
the individual section of source code where they are implemented to identify any possible inconsistencies between design and code. Anomalies will be dened and categorized.
1) Inputs
i) SDD for Bank Control Subsystem UDC.S1101
ii) The source code from conguration controlled libraries
iii) Design Traceability Table for UDC.S1101
2) Outputs
i) Source code traceability table
ii) List of anomalies
Schedule: Initiate at the acceptance of components by conguration management and complete
within ve calendar days of acceptance of last component.
Resources: A quality engineer for 10 staff days.
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: This task will be performed by quality engineer # 2.
Std 1059-1993
Task: Analyze the source code interfaces for the Bank Control Subsystem UDC.S1101 and Motion
Control Subsystem UDC.S1102.
Method: The source code for the interface formats, parameters, timing, and expected responses will
be veried by interface inspections. The analysis will focus on the complete and correct transfer of
data across the interfaces.
1) Inputs
i) Interface design specication for UDC.S1101 and UDC.S1102
ii) The program specication for UDC.S1101 and UDC.S1102
iii) The UDC.S1101 and UDC.S1102 source code
2) Outputs
i) Inspection defect lists
ii) Inspection database reports
iii) Inspection management reports
iv) Anomaly reports
Schedule: Initiate at acceptance of code by conguration management and complete within
two weeks.
Resources: Each inspection will consist of a team of three persons, including the developer of the
code. It is estimated that there will be two code inspections of two hours each. Thirty staff hours are
estimated for the inspections, expected rework, and inspection data analysis and reporting.
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: Associate quality engineer # 1 will be moderator for each interface inspection. The lead software engineer will receive a copy of inspection reports.
Task: Evaluate operating manual documentation to ensure consistency with the UDC.S110 Master
Control Subsystem specications.
Method: Use a document walkthrough to ensure the operating documentation to the source code of
the UDC.S110 Master Control Subsystem. Evaluation of the procedures for entering and updating
all elevator system database les will be emphasized. Consistency of the operating documentation
instructions and error messages will be checked.
1) Inputs
i) UDC.S110 source code
ii) UDC.S110 operating documentation
iii) UDC.S110 specication
2) Output: List of discrepancies
Schedule: Initiate at receipt of the UDC.S110 source code and the draft of the operator manual. Prior
review of documentation is expected. Complete within two weeks.
Resources: The evaluation process will include author of documentation and representatives from
quality engineering and systems engineering. Estimated that three walkthrough sessions of
four hours each will be scheduled. Fifty staff hours are estimated for the walkthroughs and
expected rework.
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: Associate quality engineer # 1 will be moderator for each walkthrough session.
Std 1059-1993
Task: Generate test cases for component testing of the Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102.
NOTEIt is expected that the component test plan will specify that the generation of test cases be done for
each subsystem.
Method: Develop test case specications to support the test designs previously dened for the
Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102. Cases will state actual input and expected results of each
test to be run.
1) Inputs
i) Component test plan
ii) Test design document for Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102
iii) Hardware interface specications
iv) Hardware and hardware simulators documentation
v) Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102 source code
vi) UDC code coverage analyzer manual
2) Output: Test case specications documents
Schedule: Initiate after the component test designs are started and complete within four weeks.
Resources: Three staff weeks are estimated for a software engineer for developing test cases for
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: Software engineer # 2 will develop the component test cases.
Std 1059-1993
Task: Generate test cases for system testing of the Elevator Control System UDC.100.
Method: Develop system test case specications in accordance with UDC.100 test designs from the
test design generationsystem testing task in A.3.18. Cases will state actual input and expected
results of each test to be run.
1) Inputs
i) System test plan document
ii) System test design document
iii) UDC.100 subsystems source code
iv) Operating manuals
2) Output: System test case specications
Schedule: Initiate after the system test designs are started and complete within fourteen weeks.
Resources: Two staff months are estimated for a quality engineer for developing test cases for
Risks: System test cases for distributed architecture such as UDC.100 have not been developed
before. Schedule estimates are based on past experience. Earlier system test activities and initial test
case generation development times will be monitored to validate the schedule estimates.
Roles: Quality engineer # 3 will develop the system test cases.
Task: Generate test cases for acceptance testing of the Elevator Control System UDC.100.
Method: Pending
1) The inputs are pending.
2 The outputs are pending.
Schedule: Pending
Resources: Pending
Risks: Pending
Roles: Pending
Task: Generate test procedures for component test cases developed for Motion Control Subsystem
Method: Develop steps and actions required to execute each test case dened for component testing
of the Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102. Procedures are needed for hardware and software
simulators and monitors.
1) Inputs
i) Component test plan designs
ii) Component test cases for Motion Control Subsystem UDC.S1102
Std 1059-1993
Task: Generate integration test procedures for Elevator Control System UDC.100.
Method: Develop steps and actions required to execute each test case dened for the four subsystems and the integration of the four subsystems into the UDC.100.
1) Inputs
i) Integration test plan designs
ii) Integration test cases specications
iii) Hardware interface specications
iv) Hardware set-up procedures
v) Hardware simulators operating procedures
vi) UDC.100 source code
2) Output: Integration test procedures
Schedule: Initiate one week after integration test case generation starts. Complete within two weeks
after receipt of nal integration test cases.
Resources: One staff month is estimated for a systems engineer.
Risks: Integration test procedures for distributed architecture such as UDC.100 have not been developed before. Schedule estimates are based on past experience. Earlier integration test activities and
initial test procedure development times will be monitored to validate the schedule estimates.
Roles: Systems engineer # 1 will develop the integration test procedures.
Task: Generate test procedures for system testing of the Elevator Control System UDC.100.
Method: Develop test procedures required to execute each test case dened for system test of the
Elevator Control System UDC.100.
1) Inputs
i) System test designs
ii) System test case specications for Elevator Control System UDC.100
iii) Test elevator tower set-up procedures
Std 1059-1993
Task: Execute test procedures and cases for Motion Control components.
Method: Follow the test procedures for Motion Control components test. Procedures dene the
equipment set-up, initialization procedures, and execution steps. Analyze the results of testing to
determine success or failure for each test.
1) Inputs
i) Component test designs
ii) Component test cases
iii) Component test procedures
iv) User documentation and the source code
2) The outputs are:
i) Component test reports
ii) Anomaly reports
Schedule: Initiate after completion of component test procedures and acceptance of code by conguration management. Complete within two weeks.
Resources: One staff week is estimated for a software engineer.
Risks: There are no identied risks.
Roles: Software engineer # 3 will execute the component tests.
(ReminderThe extracts from 5.5.6 of the SVVP represent updates made at the end of the implementation phase.)
Task: Generate test procedures for acceptance testing of the Elevator Control System UDC.100.
NOTEThis is to be developed when a customer is identied and the test case generationacceptance testing
task in A.3.27 is completed.
Method: Pending
1) The inputs are pending.
2) The outputs are pending.
Std 1059-1993
Schedule: Pending
Resources: Pending
Risks: Pending
Roles: Pending
Task: Execute integration test procedures and cases for Elevator Control System UDC.100.
Method: Follow the integration test procedures for UDC.100. Procedures dene the equipment setup, initialization procedures, and execution steps. The test execution will be for the four subsystems
and integration of the four subsystems into UDC.100. Analyze the results of testing to determine
success or failure for each test.
1) Inputs
i) Integration test designs
ii) Integration test cases
iii) Integration test procedures
iv) User documentation
v) Source and executable code
2) Outputs
i) Integration test reports
ii) Anomaly reports
Schedule: Initiate at completion of integration test procedures, component test execution and acceptance of the code by conguration management. Complete within ten weeks.
Resources: Two staff months are estimated for a software engineer.
Risks: Integration test execution for distributed systems such as UDC.100 has not been performed
before. Schedule estimates are based on past experience. Earlier integration test activities and initial
integration test execution times will be monitored to validate the schedule estimates.
Roles: Software engineer # 1 will execute the integration tests.
Task: Execute system test procedures and cases for Elevation Control System UDC.100.
Method: Follow the system test procedures for UDC.100. Procedures dene the equipment setup,
initialization procedures, and execution steps. Analyze the results of testing to determine success or
failure for each test.
1) Inputs
i) System test designs
ii) System test cases
iii) System test procedures
iv) User documentation
v) Source and executable code
2) Outputs
i) System test reports
ii) Anomaly reports
Std 1059-1993
Schedule: Initiate after completion of system test procedures, completion of integration test execution and acceptance of the code by conguration management. Complete within six weeks.
Resources: One staff month is estimated for a software engineer.
Risks: System test execution for distributed systems such as UDC.100 has not been performed
before. Schedule estimates are based on past experience. Earlier system test activities and initial system test execution times will be monitored to validate the schedule estimates.
Roles: Software engineer # 2 will execute the system tests.
Task: Execute acceptance test cases for Elevator Control System UDC.100.
NOTEThis is to be developed when a customer is identied and the acceptance test procedure generation
task in A.3.32 is completed.
Method: Pending
1) The inputs are pending.
2) The outputs are pending.
Schedule: Pending
Resources: Pending
Risks: Pending
Roles: Pending
Std 1059-1993
Std 1059-1993
Annex B
Establish criticality levels to be applied to the system under development. Criticality levels may be
assigned values of High and Low; High, Medium, and Low; or one of a range of numerical values
from 1 to N. In most cases the use of two or three levels is sufcient for planning purposes.
There are frequently several different types of criticality relevant to a given system. Impact on
safety, impact on the system mission, nancial risk, and technical complexity are examples of types
of criticality.
Develop denitions for each level and type of criticality. For example, in the case of safety, the level
High may be assigned if failure could result in personal injury, loss of life, or loss of property;
Medium if failure would result merely in damage to equipment; and Low if failure would impact
neither persons nor property. Similar levels are developed for each criticality type. These levels
should be dened clearly and unambiguously, so that different analysts would reach the same criticality assignment independently. This goal is sometimes difcult to achieve.
Identify a set of requirements sufcient to characterize the system. This step should be part of the
development process. Sometimes, however, a complete or useful set does not exist and must be
developed. Agreement on what comprises a complete and faithful high-level representation should
be reached with the developers, users, V&V agents, and overall program management. The actual
level of detail will depend on the complexity of the system. Each identied requirement is then
assigned a number and is cross-referenced to the paragraph number within a requirements specication document in which it is found.
For each criticality type, assign a criticality level to each requirement, resolving multiple ratings
into a single criticality level. If the requirements are ambiguous or not quantitative, there may be different assessments of criticality level by separate analysts. This may indicate that the requirements
need renement or revision. In the case of simple differences, a conservative approach (especially
for designated critical software) is to assign a higher (more critical) value.
When there are multiple types of criticality, different ratings may be assigned for the different types.
For example, suppose there are several criticality types including technical complexity, safety, and
nancial risk. In this example, suppose the criticality level for technical complexity is Low, safety is
Medium, and nancial risk is High. These different ratings may be resolved into a common rating in
one of two ways.
The rst method is the more conservative and is recommended for systems designated critical. In
this case, the criticality level of the requirement is the highest of the criticality levels for the different
Std 1059-1993
types. The second approach is to average the ratings for the different types. Weighted averages can
also be used. Rounding up is the conservative approach to resolve fractional averages. In the example above, straight averaging would result in a rating of Medium. If technical complexity were twice
as important as each of the other two, Medium would again result because of rounding.
Use the criticality level of each requirement to determine the V&V method and level of intensity
appropriate for that requirement. Depending on the criticality of a requirement, more thorough analysis may be required. For a high-criticality requirement, for example, an exhaustive technique might
be selected and a specialized software tool developed for this technique. A low-criticality requirement may receive only low-level analysis, or none at all if resources are severely limited.
V&V planning is a subjective process. Criticality analysis is a methodology that guides the planner through
this process in a way that allocates the most thorough analysis to the most critical requirements. It reduces
the chance that signicant requirements will be overlooked or insufciently analyzed. Because of the stepwise nature of the process the decisions and trade-offs made in the planning process are more visible. This
visibility allows review and critique of the plan to be made in a constructive way since individual planning
assumptions and decisions may be identied and analyzed.
Std 1059-1993
Annex C
The scope of each task. Determine whether the entire software system is addressed or some subset of
that system (i.e., identify to what products it applies and the selection criteria, if application is less
than 100%).
The V&V objective(s) served by each task. Determine whether verication, validation, or some
combination of these is to be addressed. Each task selected should demonstrably satisfy (in whole
or in part) a project-level V&V or quality assurance goal. V&V tasks customarily have the
following objectives:
1) To verify that the software specications and the outputs of each life cycle activity are complete, correct, clear, consistent, and accurately represent the prior specication
2) To evaluate the technical adequacy of the products of each life cycle activity (e.g., assessing
alternate solutions), and to cause iteration of the activity until a suitable solution is achieved
3) To trace the specications developed during this life cycle phase to prior specications
4) To prepare and execute tests to validate that the software products fulll all
applicable requirements
The dependency relationships between the V&V tasks and other tasks (e.g., from what task does this
task take input or to what task does it provide output).
The criticality of the software. Determine the level of criticality of the software. The Standard
denes a set of minimum tasks for critical software (see annex B for more detailed guidance on
this consideration).
Std 1059-1993
The project environment. Review and evaluate project plans, including schedule, change control,
conguration management, and resources. These resources may be a limiting factor in choosing
tasks that require the development of new tools or methods.
The complexity of the product and development activity. Estimate or evaluate product complexity,
product risks, and development complexity (e.g., project size and organization).
The number and types of expected defects. If possible, estimate the number and types of expected
defects. This information can often be determined theoretically or empirically. This information can
be used to evaluate the feasibility and benet of a V&V task.
The experience and expertise of the staff. An important factor to consider is the time and training
required to competently execute V&V tasks.
Describe each method and its procedures. State how the method satises all or part of the goals of a V&V
task required by the SVVP. State any unique information contributing to the selection of the method (e.g.,
the method is known to uncover a specic type of error common in such engineering problems.) If the
method is applied only to some of the input required for the V&V task, identify the appropriate sections.
When several methods will be applied to a task, describe the relationships between the methods and the procedures to be followed to ensure that the entire task is performed.
Identify the criteria for evaluating task results. These could include criteria for considering the execution of
a task complete (e.g., unit structural testing will continue until 75% of the paths and 100% of the decisions
have been tested).
Std 1059-1993
The source of each input. That is, the specic organizational element or person.
The delivery schedule for each input. If V&V planning is not integrated with other planning, inputs
may not be received in a timely fashion. The schedule shall include sufcient time for reproduction
and distribution as needed.
The temporal or logical relationships between the inputs when several inputs are required for a given
task or method. For example, a task may begin without product A, but absolutely require product B
and product C.
The state of the inputs (e.g., draft or ofcial releases only). The evaluation of draft material is sometimes recommended to detect and correct errors early. This may not always be possible (e.g., for
contractual or political reasons) and may often be undesirable (the material may change too rapidly).
The form (e.g., paper, 5.25 in oppy disk) and format (e.g., pure ASCII text) of the input. As with
any other software specication, this must be unambiguous (e.g., oppy disks may be 3.5 in, 5.25 in,
or 8 in, and may be in a large number of recording and word-processing formats).
Identify the outputs from each task. The outputs of a V&V task will be used by (at least) three audiences personnel performing other V&V tasks (including tasks in other phases of the life cycle), personnel performing
other development tasks, and management. These audiences require technical feedback on the status of the
products to determine how development should proceed. These audiences may have different specic information requirements to be satised.
Personnel performing other V&V tasks need detailed technical information to perform those tasks.
Development personnel require feedback about the development products veried or validated.
Management requires summary information about schedule, resource usage, product status, and
identied risks.
V&V outputs include task reports, anomaly reports, test documentation, plans, and phase summary reports.
V&V outputs are the tangible products of the V&V effort, and should be planned with care.
When specifying the outputs from the V&V tasks, consider the following:
The form and format of each output (The same criteria may apply to output as to input, e.g., standards, media.)
The destination of each output (specic personnel or organizational elements)
The delivery schedule for each output (Output shall be provided in a timely fashion.)
The state of each output (i.e., will drafts of an output or only ofcial versions be released)
The lifetime of each output (i.e., will a given report be used by later phases as input, or will it be an
archived document for reference)
The requirements for the conguration management of the output
Std 1059-1993
C.4 Schedule
Identify the schedule for the V&V tasks. Establish specic milestones for initiating and completing each task, for the receipt of each input, and for the delivery of each output. [3.5, (4)]
This section shall describe the project life cycle and milestones, including completion dates.
describe how V&V results provide feedback to the development process to support project
management functions. When planning V&V tasks, it should be recognized that the V&V
process is iterative. [3.4.2]
The purpose of scheduling is to establish and organize resources to meet dened objectives under the specied constraints of time and events. To be successful, the plan writer shall recognize that the schedule for
V&V tasks is part of a larger schedule for an entire project. The available resources and constraints of time
and events from the other interfacing parts of the project shall be determined prior to starting the scheduling.
After the external environment has been established, the specic requirements for the V&V tasks shall be
determined. Any resulting conicts with the overall schedule shall then be resolved. The iterative nature of
the schedule is a factor in planning during initial schedule creation as well as during the lifetime of the
project. Most projects involving software encounter substantial change activity prior to release of the initial
products. Although the extent of this change is rarely known at project initiation, the schedule should have
mechanisms to respond to changes.
The V&V tasks are involved with all life cycle phases. The V&V planner should establish what organizational, schedule, and documentation interfaces are required with the organization responsible for each life
cycle phase. Keep in mind at all times that the V&V tasks will be synchronized with the respective project
activity (e.g., requirements analysis cannot begin until the requirements documents have been produced).
When scheduling a V&V task with an organization responsible for a specic life cycle phase, consider
the following:
Due dates for required inputs, such as specication, detailed descriptions, source code, or other data
1) Establish completion criteria for each input (e.g., requirements released to conguration control) as well as the media and format for transmittal
2) Schedule for any conversion required (e.g., entering requirements into electronic format, transferring between different formats)
Scheduling of participation in internal reviews of particular life cycle phases to ensure that V&V
concerns, such as testability, are addressed during product creation
Due dates of the results of each task to project management to be responsive to program needs
Access to key personnel from the interfacing organization for consultation
Once the requirements from other organizations have been established, the specic V&V tasks for each of
the life cycle phases should be determined. For each V&V task selected, the completion criteria should be
specied before the resources required for that task can be determined. Estimating required resources can be
accomplished by using results of previous projects, various automated tools based on product and project
parameters, or outside consultants. These estimates can be effected by the use of tools. Although these estimates will have a degree of uncertainty at the beginning of the project, they can and should be updated
throughout the project as better information is available.
When scheduling V&V tasks within a specic life cycle phase, consider the following:
Scheduling of V&V outputs and reports to provide timely and effective feedback to
development personnel
Allowing for the evaluation and internal review of results by V&V management
Dening explicit V&V task stopping criteria
Dening criteria for establishing the amount of regression testing required due to changes
Std 1059-1993
As with general project scheduling there are many formats for schedule presentation (e.g., Gantt Charts,
PERT, CPM) and in some cases analysis of schedule ow. The approach used should be consistent with
other project elements. Use of automated tools is encouraged. The criteria and approval process for implementing schedule changes should be specied.
C.5 Resources
Identify the resources for the performance of the V&V tasks. Specify resources by category
(for example, stafng, equipment, facilities, schedule, travel, training). If tools are used in
the V&V tasks, specify the source of the tools, their availability, and other usage requirements (for example, training). [3.5 (5)]
Resources may be dened as sources of supply or support, in (perhaps articial) contrast to inputs, which are
the objects of verication or validation. Resources typically required for V&V tasks are personnel, manual
or automated tools, and nances. Other resources may be required for specic projects (e.g., security controls, travel resources).
Specify stafng resources by identifying the people who are responsible for the given task, either by name or
in more general terms (e.g., by job title or classication). In the latter case, provide sufcient detail to insure
the selection of personnel capable of adequately performing the task.
When planning the staff for the V&V tasks, consider the following:
The number of persons or full-time equivalents (e.g., two people half-time). Where staff support is
readily available, this may be a statement of expected personnel use. Where staff is in short supply,
this may be a key constraint on the tasks and methods selected, or on the schedule or coverage of the
selected tasks.
The required skill level and specic experience. Clearly identify unique requirements (e.g., senior
analyst with experience using method X to perform requirements tracing for secure operating
systems). Consider staff experience and expertise when predicting the effectiveness of V&V tasks,
and when evaluating the relevance of historical data. An inexperienced staff can be expected to
introduce (or fail to detect) more defects than a staff of experts. Exercise care not to overspecify skill
levels; descriptions should specify the minimum levels necessary to perform the tasks. This allows
maximum exibility in stafng each task. If individuals with requisite experience are likely not to
be available, plan for training (or acquiring) skilled staff. Indicate the lead time required for
staff development. Identify other credentials (e.g., security clearances, bonding) required, and
plan appropriately.
Identify any manual or automated tools that are to be used in performing a task. Checklists and documented,
standardized V&V procedures are examples of manual or nonautomated tools. When planning for the use of
a manual tool, consider the following:
The tool should be sufciently applicable to the task that it produces meaningful, specic results.
Otherwise the adaptation of the tool to the project should be planned. For example, generic checklists
should be tailored to the needs of the project.
The tool should either have been qualied or evaluated prior to its use in the given task.
Automated tools include software tools, simulations (hardware, software, or hybrid), test environments, test
beds, and the use of electronic communications. As with manual tools, explicit description of their use is
essential to good planning and to obtain their benet to the project.
Std 1059-1993
Identifying the specic tool (including version identier, if available) and any actions necessary to
prepare for its use (e.g., development, tailoring, adaptation, qualication)
Identifying special resources needed for its use, including computers and other hardware, databases,
test beds, facilities and access to them, training, and maintenance
Planning for licensing or other contractual arrangements necessary for use
Planning for achieving task objectives if usable tools are not available
Financial resources may be addressed, although this is usually not done on a task-by-task basis within the
SVVP. Special nancial considerations, such as trade-offs that might be made during the execution of a
given task, could be included.
Include travel requirements for a task (e.g., to attend design review meetings), and cross-reference travel
plans to the schedules. Other resources that could be addressed are special procedures, such as security controls. In general, these and other topics should be included at the task level only when they are specic to the
task and differ from the procedures in place for the project as a whole.
The software project schedule. A normal assumption is that all software or system components and
deliverables will be delivered on schedule and that the deliverables will be complete, controlled, and
up-to-date. By documenting which tasks depend on other tasks for input or for resources, the potential disruption of the project because of late deliveries may be minimized.
The software project complexity. When the software architecture, components, or deliverables are
technically complex, there is a risk that the software will be insufciently evaluated in early phases,
leading to increased errors in later phases. When the software project organization is complex, there
is a risk of miscommunication between the elements, leading to interface and documentation errors.
When the V&V tasks are complex, particularly in relation to available personnel and other
resources, there is a risk that the schedule will not be met.
The availability of adequate resources. When there are insufcient human resources (e.g.,
skills, experience) or inadequate material resources (e.g., computing resources, test beds, load
generators, code exercisers, code static analyzers), there is a risk that the V&V tasks will be
performed inadequately.
The presence of adequate product development processes (e.g., conguration management, reviews,
standards). This affects the number of expected defects, which will affect any V&V effort prediction. A normal assumption is that there will be timely response to informal comments (if applicable)
and anomaly reports.
Std 1059-1993
Additional risks possibly present in software verication and validation efforts include