Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

1 Consider figure A2.1a, in which the waveform is triangular and symmetrical about
the t-axis, so we need only consider the positive part.

0 0

(a) (b)
Figure A2.1

The shift along the t-axis is immaterial and we might as well start from the origin as in
figure A2.1b. The equation of the straight line from the origin is Vmt/aT and the square
of the first part of the waveform is

T [ V 2t 3 ] aT V 2aT
I "(Vt/aT)
2 dt = _m_ = m
0 m 3a2T2 -3-

The second part can be shifted to the origin so that the time span is from 0 to (1 - a)T
and the square is

I (1 -

[Vmt/(1 - a)T]Zdt =

Thus the r.m.s. value is

The r.m.s. value is independent of a. The rectified time-averaged value is

-1 [I"TVmtd
o aT
t + f<1-a)T
Vmt dt
(1 - a)T
= ~
V [[
t2] aT + [- t2 ] a)Tl(1 - V
= ~[a+ (1 -a)] =
2P a 0 1- a 0 2
So the FF is



L. A. A. Warnes, Solutions to Problems

© L.A.A. Warnes 1994
Solutions to problems 17

2 The reactance of the inductance of 50 mH at 2000 rad/s is j50 x 10- 3 x 2000 =

j 100 0. This is in series with 10 0 for a impedance of (10 + j 100) 0. The reactance of
the 5 ILF capacitance is -j /(5 X 10- 6 X 2000) = -j 100 0, which is in parallel with (10
+ j 100) 0, so that the combined impedance is
z= -j100 X (10+j100) = 100L-90° X 100.5L84.29° = 1005L-5.710 0
-j100 + 10 + j100 10

In rectangular form this is 1000 - j 100 and is in series with 1 kO, for a combined
impedance of 2000 - j 100 0 or in polar form 2002.5 L -2.86° 0.
Since the r.m.s. voltage across this impedance is 24J 2/ J 2 = 24 V, the current, I,
I = 24 L 30 o = 11.985 L 32.86° rnA
2002.5 L -2.86°

Thus Va = IR = 11.985L32.86° V. Then Vc + Va = 24L30°V, so that

Vc = 24L30°- 11.985L32.86° = 20.785 + j12- 10.067- j6.503

= 10.718 + j5.491 = 12.045L27.15° V

= 12.045L27.15o = 120.45L 117.150 rnA
100L -90°
Next we find
12.045 L 21.15°
= = 119.85 L 57.14° rnA
100.5 L 84.29°
The phasor diagram is shown in figure A2.2.

lc 100mA r-
1DV ~

____________ l ___________________ l _________ _

SOmA 20V axis

Figure A2.2

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