Iec 62153-4-6-2017-08

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IEC 62153-4-6

Edition 2.0 2017-08


Metallic cables and other passive components test methods –

Part 4-6: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Surface transfer impedance –
Line injection method
IEC 62153-4-6:2017-08(en)
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IEC 62153-4-6
Edition 2.0 2017-08


Metallic cables and other passive components test methods –

Part 4-6: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Surface transfer impedance –
Line injection method


ICS 33.120.10 ISBN 978-2-8322-4748-8

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® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission

–2– IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017


FOREWORD ........................................................................................................................... 3
1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 5
2 Normative references ...................................................................................................... 5
3 Terms and definitions ...................................................................................................... 5
4 Physical background ........................................................................................................ 5
5 Test set-up ...................................................................................................................... 6
5.1 General ................................................................................................................... 6
5.2 Equipment .............................................................................................................. 7
5.3 Injection feature ...................................................................................................... 7
5.4 Impedance of inner circuit ..................................................................................... 10
6 Preparation of the test sample ....................................................................................... 11
6.1 General ................................................................................................................. 11
6.2 Sample length ....................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Screened symmetrical cables ................................................................................ 13
6.4 Screened multi-conductor cables .......................................................................... 13
7 Measurement ................................................................................................................. 13
7.1 General ................................................................................................................. 13
7.2 Measurement precautions ..................................................................................... 14
7.2.1 Reduced primary current ............................................................................... 14
7.2.2 Uncontrolled currents .................................................................................... 14
7.2.3 Inhomogeneities of cable screens around the circumference ......................... 14
7.3 Calibration ............................................................................................................ 14
7.4 Measuring procedure ............................................................................................ 15
7.5 Evaluation of the test results ................................................................................. 17
8 Expression of test results .............................................................................................. 18
8.1 Expression ............................................................................................................ 18
8.2 Normalised screening attenuation ......................................................................... 18
8.3 Temperature correction ......................................................................................... 19
8.4 Test report ............................................................................................................ 19
9 Requirement .................................................................................................................. 19
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 20

Figure 1 – Complete installation .............................................................................................. 7

Figure 2 – Assembled injection feature for the transmission type line, Injection method
– Parts list .............................................................................................................................. 8
Figure 3 – Upper part of injection feature – Position 1 ............................................................. 9
Figure 4 – Lower part of injection feature – Position 2 ............................................................. 9
Figure 5 – Impedance matching part of injection feature – Position 3 .................................... 10
Figure 6 – Insert for adapting the different sizes of the cables under test – Position 4 ........... 10
Figure 7 – Preparation of the cable under test (CUT) ............................................................ 12
Figure 8 – Additional screening of connectors on the cable under test (CUT) ....................... 12
Figure 9 – Preparation of symmetrical samples ..................................................................... 13
Figure 10 – Calibration set-up ............................................................................................... 15
Figure 11 – Far end measuring set-up .................................................................................. 16
IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017 –3–





Part 4-6: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –

Surface transfer impedance – Line injection method

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International Standard IEC 62153-4-6 has been prepared by subcommittee 46A: Coaxial
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and accessories for communication and signalling.

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2006.
–4– IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017

The text of this International Standard is based on the following documents:

FDIS Report on voting

46/650/FDIS 46/654/RVD

Full information on the voting for the approval of this International Standard can be found in
the report on voting indicated in the above table.

This document has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

A list of all parts in the IEC 62153 series, published under the general title Metallic
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IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017 –5–



Part 4-6: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –

Surface transfer impedance – Line injection method

1 Scope

This part of IEC 62153 determines the screening effectiveness of a shielded metallic
communication cable by applying a well-defined current and voltage to the screen of the cable
and measuring the induced voltage in order to determine the surface transfer impedance.

Measurements in the frequency range from a few kHz up to and above 1 GHz can be made
with the use of normal high frequency instrumentation.

2 Normative references

There are no normative references in this document.

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following

• IEC Electropedia: available at

• ISO Online browsing platform: available at

inner circuit
circuit consisting of the conductor(s) and the screen of the CUT and is denoted by the
subscript 2

outer circuit (line injection circuit)
circuit consisting of the screen surface of CUT and the injection wire and is denoted by the
subscript 1

transfer impedance
quotient of the longitudinal voltage induced in the inner circuit of the electrically short cable
under test to the current in the outer circuit (line injection circuit) – or vice versa – related to
unit length

4 Physical background

One important element in the determination of the screening effectiveness of cables is the
transfer impedance Z T of its screen.
–6– IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017

Most cables have a negligible capacitive coupling. But for loose single braided cables,
capacitive coupling cannot be neglected. The coupling through the holes in the screen is
described in terms of the through capacitance C T or the capacitive coupling admittance Y C .
For an electrically short uniform cable, Y C is defined as the quotient of the current induced in
the inner circuit to the voltage developed in the outer circuit – formed by the screen under test
and the injection wire – or vice versa related to the unit length.

In case of a non negligible capacitive coupling, the screening effectiveness is described by

the equivalent transfer impedance Z TE :

Z TE = max Z F ± Z T (1)

Z F = jωC T Z 1Z 2 = YC Z 1Z 2 (2)

ω is the radian frequency;
± + refers to near end, – refers to far end measurement;
CT is the through capacitance;
YC is the capacitive coupling admittance;
Z1 is the characteristic impedance of the outer circuit (line injection circuit);
Z2 is the characteristic impedance of the inner circuit (cable under test);
ZF is the capacitive coupling impedance;
ZT is the transfer impedance;
Z TE is the equivalent transfer impedance.

For more information, see the respective parts of IEC 62153-4-1.

5 Test set-up

5.1 General

As shown in Figure 1, the injection circuit is constructed as a transmission line using one or
more parallel wires, a corrugated ribbon cable or a flat copper braid with the outer conductor
of the cable under test. The injection circuit is connected to the coaxial line at each end via an
injection feature. The injection wire shall be fitted tightly to the cable sample along the
coupling length (e.g. with an adhesive tape). The characteristic impedance of the injection
circuit shall be equal to the generator output resistance and the load resistance R 1 ; this is
achieved by choosing an appropriate conductor size and the type of insulation of the injection

The reflection coefficient of the injection feature and the injection circuit along the coupling
length shall be less than 0,1 related to the generator output resistance, i.e. the return loss
should be higher than 20 dB.
IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017 –7–


g i g

b b

k e x
g b a a b d

c c

a injection feature
b ferrite
c brass/copper tube for additional screening
d screening box for the matching resistor of the cable under test
e screening box for connecting the cable under test to the receiver
f screened-room wall with screened coaxial feed-through (if needed)
g connector (SMA, N, etc.)
h feeding cable from the generator
i feeding cables for injection wire
k connecting cable to receiver
x cable under test
z injection line
Lc coupling length

Figure 1 – Complete installation

5.2 Equipment

The measuring equipment consists of

a) a vector network analyser or alternatively

• a signal generator with the same characteristic impedance as the line injection circuit
and with a power amplifier if necessary for very low transfer impedance,
• a receiver with a calibrated step attenuator and complemented with a low noise
amplifier for very low transfer impedance,
b) a time domain reflectometer (TDR) with a rise time of less than 350 ps or vector network
analyser (at least 3 GHz) performing a return loss measurement transformed into the time

5.3 Injection feature

The design of the injection features is adjusted to allow an optimum matching of the
symmetrical TEM in the coaxial feeding and terminating cables to the asymmetrical field along
the parallel line whilst maintaining good mechanical strength for repeated use. Details of a
possible injection features are given in Figure 2 to Figure 6 (the figures are related for a
coaxial cable connection of RG223). Fine tuning of the discontinuity can be made by varying
the foam insert, item 8 of Figure 2.
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Alternatively, a suitable injection features can be made with a small connector (solder spill
type) strapped to the CUT, or more easily by strapping the outer conductor of a small coaxial
cable of appropriate characteristic impedance to the bared sheath of the CUT. In the test
section itself, the centre conductor of the coaxial cable is continued using two or four parallel
wires, corrugated ribbon cable or flat copper braid. Fine tuning of an injection feature
discontinuity can be achieved by strapping the joint and the injection wire more closely onto
the sheath of the CUT in the test section.

10 8 3
11 J

1 6 7





Quantity Part Pos. Remarks, material

4 Metric screw M3 x 10mm 11
2 Metric screw M3 x 6mm 10
1 Pin: dia. 2mm length 8mm 9
1 Foam dielectric 8 er close to 1
1 Injection wire 7
1 50 Ω coaxial cable 6 Impedance as required
1 Cable under test (CUT) 5
1 Insert for CUT 4 Brass
1 Impedance matching part 3 Brass
1 Lower part 2 Brass
1 Upper part 1 Brass
Test injection feature
(two required)

Figure 2 – Assembled injection feature for the transmission type line,

Injection method – Parts list
IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017 –9–


8 A
2,5 ø2
0,9 M3
45° 1 × 45°


3 8°

ø3,5 30
56 25


B 4 B-B




Figure 3 – Upper part of injection feature – Position 1







Figure 4 – Lower part of injection feature – Position 2

– 10 – IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017

ø3,5 10


30 A



Figure 5 – Impedance matching part of

injection feature – Position 3




29,8 ø2,2



Figure 6 – Insert for adapting the different sizes of

the cables under test – Position 4

5.4 Impedance of inner circuit

It is not necessary to match the impedance of the receiver with the impedance of the inner
circuit (cable under test). However, the load resistance R 2 shall be equal to the characteristic
impedance of the (quasi) coaxial line of the prepared cable sample (inner circuit) (see 6.2).

If the impedance Z 2 of the inner circuit (coaxial or quasi coaxial) is not known, it may be either
determined with a time domain reflectometer or by using the following method:

One end of the prepared sample is connected to a network analyser, which is calibrated for
impedance measurements at the connector interface reference plane. The test frequency
should be at least 10 MHz and shall be the approximate frequency for which the length of the
sample is 1/8 λ, where λ is the wavelength.
IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017 – 11 –

f test ≈ (3)
8.Lsample . e r1

f test is the test frequency in Hz;
c is the velocity of light, 3 . 10 8 m/s;
L sample is the length of sample;
ε r1 is the resulting relative permittivity of the line injection circuit.

The sample is short-circuited at the far end. The impedance Z short is measured.

The sample is left open at the same point where it was shorted. The impedance Z open is

Z 2 is calculated as:

Z 2 = Z short ⋅ Z open (4)

6 Preparation of the test sample

6.1 General

The recommended test length between the two injection features is 0,5 m for frequencies up
to 1 GHz (see also 6.2). For an injection feature as described in 5.3, the CUT should be
shielded with brass or copper tubes outside its test length (see items h 1 and h 2 in Figure 7).
The shielding tubes shall make contact with the cable screen S at E by soldering or crimping.
If soldering is used, care shall be taken not to overheat the cable dielectric. A good practice is
to choose the tube diameter such that the CUT can be inserted with the outer sheath removed
and fixed by a standard crimping tool. The advantage of this method is that the cable braid S
is prevented from unravelling near the test length of the CUT by the close positioning of the
tube. Another possibility is the use of wedges to contact non-solder able aluminium foil/braid

One end of the CUT is prepared with a suitable RF connector (e.g. N (IEC 61169-16), SMA
(IEC 60169-15) to make the connection to the receiver. The other end is matched with a well-
screened resistor, the value of which is equal to the characteristic impedance of the CUT
(coaxial or quasi coaxial system, see 6.4). For bigger cables, it is recommended to use
several resistors in parallel. All connections shall be made so that the contact resistance can
be neglected with respect to the results. For coaxial RF cables with standard values for the
characteristic impedance (i.e. 50 Ω or 75 Ω), it is recommended to mount suitable RF
connectors (N, SMA) on both ends of the CUT and to use standard highly screened coaxial

The load resistor and the connection to the receiver cable are mounted in screening boxes
(Figure 8). The completed CUT and the injection circuit shall be tested with a TDR for the
electrical quality of the test set-up. Bending forces shall be avoided at the joints between the
tubes and the test section of the CUT to prevent mechanical damage.

To reduce the influence of unwanted coupling of electromagnetic energy into the free ends,
the sum of both l 1 and l 2 shall not exceed the length of the test section of the CUT (Figure 7).
– 12 – IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017

I1 I I2

h1 S S h2


Figure 7 – Preparation of the cable under test (CUT)



Cable under test with

additional brass tube

Cable under test with

To screened
additional brass tube




Figure 8 – Additional screening of connectors on

the cable under test (CUT)

6.2 Sample length

The coupling length depends on the highest frequency to be measured. The coupling length
shall be 0,5 m if not other specified, but not less than 0,3 m.

The relation between coupling length and highest test frequency is given by:

Lc,max ≤ (5)
π ⋅ f max ⋅ ε r 2 ± ε r1
IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017 – 13 –

e r1 is the resulting relative permittivity of the line injection circuit;
e r2 is the resulting relative permittivity of the cable under test;
± + refers to near end , – to far end measurement;
c is the velocity of light, 3 . 10 8 m/s;
f max is the highest frequency to be measured in Hz;
L c , max is the maximum coupling length in m.

The ideal conditions for the test circuits are as follows:

a) the characteristic impedance of the line injection circuit is equal to the generator output
resistance and the load resistance R 1 ;
b) the characteristic impedance of the line injection circuit does not vary along the coupling
length (reflection coefficient less than 0,1);
c) the reflection coefficient of each injection feature is less than 0,1, i.e. the return loss
should be higher than 20 dB;
d) the characteristic impedance of the quasi coaxial line of the prepared cable sample is
equal the load resistance R2;
e) same propagation velocity in the inner and outer circuit.

For any mismatch in the test set-up, the highest frequency to be measured with a defined
coupling length will be less than calculated. In this case, the highest frequency may be
derived at the 6 dB deviation of the linear progress of the curve in a diagram where the x-axis
is the frequency in the logarithmic scale and the y-axis is the logarithmic voltage ratio
U generator /U receiver .

6.3 Screened symmetrical cables

Screened symmetrical cables are treated as a quasi coaxial system, see Figure 9. Therefore
all conductors of all pairs shall be connected together at both ends. All screens, also those of
individually screened pairs or quads, shall be connected together at both ends. The screens
shall be connected over the whole circumference.


R2 Well screened
Connector Pairs/quads load resistor R 2


Figure 9 – Preparation of symmetrical samples

6.4 Screened multi-conductor cables

Screened multi-conductor cables are prepared as screened symmetrical cables.

7 Measurement

7.1 General

The test set-up shall be assembled in accordance with Figure 1.

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7.2 Measurement precautions

7.2.1 Reduced primary current

When making far-end measurements with conventional coaxial instruments, the receiver is
usually earthed. At low frequencies where resistive effects may dominate over inductive ones
or due to resonance in the high kHz range, a part of the injection current may pass directly
over the ground without returning along the screen of the CUT. This leads to a reduced
sensitivity and even to measurement errors if the current in the screen is not directly
monitored over the test section. The problem may be solved by:

a) avoiding far-end measurements at the lower frequencies (mainly in the kHz range);
b) using common mode choke (absorbers, ferrites) on the coaxial feed of the injection wire
(effective in the higher kHz and beyond);
c) using an isolating transformer either for the generator or receiver mains supply (if not in
the same frame) or for the coaxial feed of the injection wire. (These measures are
effective from the lowest frequency ranges but care should be taken to avoid longitudinal

7.2.2 Uncontrolled currents

Special care is required concerning low frequency earth currents not returning through the
coaxial feeding circuit. Such currents pass through parts of the set-up that are not under test
and especially through the frame of the receiver. Therefore the required sensitivity may not be
obtained when measuring very low transfer impedance. The best method is the use of
isolating transformers as discussed in 7.2.1. Another possibility is to avoid far-end
measurements at the lower frequencies (mainly in the kHz range).

7.2.3 Inhomogeneities of cable screens around the circumference

The injection wire doesn’t cover the whole circumference of the cable screen. Thus for
inhomogeneous cable screens (e.g. screens containing longitudinal tapes), the test results
may depend on the position of the injection wire. Therefore for a sufficient coverage of the
circumference, at least four measurements 90° apart shall be taken. In the case of cable
diameters larger than 10 mm, more measurements may be necessary.

7.3 Calibration

The (Betriebs-) attenuation of the injection circuit including the connecting cables
(see Figure 10) shall be measured in a logarithmic frequency sweep over the frequency
range, which is specified for the transfer impedance in the relevant cable specification. The
calibration data has to be saved, so that the results may be corrected.

P1 U gen, cal
acal = 10 ⋅ lg = −20 ⋅ lg S21 = 20 ⋅ lg (6)
P2 U rec, cal

P1 is the power fed to the injection circuit during the calibration procedure;
P2 is the power at the receiver during the calibration procedure;
S 21 is the scattering parameter S 21 , forward transmission coefficient during the
calibration procedure;
U gen, cal is the output voltage of generator during calibration procedure;
U rec, cal is the input voltage at the receiver during calibration procedure.
IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017 – 15 –


k h

g i g

b b

g e b a a b d

c c


a injection feature
b ferrite
c brass/copper tube for additional screening
d screening box for the matching resistor of the cable under test
e screening box for connecting the cable under test to the receiver
f screened-room wall with screened coaxial feed-through (if needed)
g connector (SMA, N, etc.)
h feeding cable from the generator
i feeding cables for injection wire
k connecting cable to receiver
x cable under test
z injection line
Lc coupling length

Figure 10 – Calibration set-up

7.4 Measuring procedure

In the triaxial measuring method to determine the transfer impedance (IEC 62153-4-3) the
through capacitance is short-circuited by the short circuit at the near end of the outer circuit.
In the line injection circuit, both the transfer impedance Z T and the capacitive coupling
impedance Z F act on the cable at the same time, and result in the equivalent transfer
impedance Z TE . Thus a near and far end measurement shall be performed (see Figure 11).

The attenuation shall be measured over the whole frequency range in a logarithmic frequency
sweep at the same frequency points as for the calibration procedure.

Because the cable screen cannot be considered homogeneous around the circumference, at
least four measurements 90 ° apart shall be taken (see 7.2.3).
– 16 – IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017


Load resistace R1

g i g

b b

k x
g e b a b d

c c


a injection feature
b ferrite
c brass/copper tube for additional screening
d screening box for the matching resistor of the cable under test
e screening box for connecting the cable under test to the receiver
f screened-room wall with screened coaxial feed-through (if needed)
g connector (SMA, N, etc.)
h feeding cable from the generator
i feeding cables for injection wire
k connecting cable to receiver
x cable under test
z injection line
Lc coupling length

Figure 11 – Far end measuring set-up

P1n U gen, meas n

f f
ameas n = 10 ⋅ lg = −20 ⋅ lg S21n = 20 ⋅ lg (7)
P2 n f U rec, meas n
IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017 – 17 –

P1n is the power fed to the injection circuit during the measurement procedure at
f near end (n) respectively far end (f);
P2 n is the power at the receiver during the measurement procedure at near end
f (n) respectively far end (f);
S 21n scattering parameter S 21 , forward transmission coefficient during the
f measurement procedure at near end (n) respectively far end (f);
U gen, meas n output voltage of generator during the measurement procedure at near end
f (n) respectively far end (f);

U rec, meas n input voltage at the receiver during the measurement procedure at near end
f (n) respectively far end (f).

7.5 Evaluation of the test results


Z TE = max (Z TEn ; Z TEf ) (8)

− ATn
1 (R1 + Z G )(R2 + Z R ) f
Z TEn = 10
Lc 2 Z G ZR

with Z G =Z R =R 1 =Z 0 (9)

− ATn
Z TEn = (R2 + Z 0 ) ⋅ 10 20

AT n = ameas − a cal (10)

f f

Z TE n is the equivalent transfer impedance of near end (n) or far end (f)
f measurement;

ameas n is the attenuation measured at near end (n) or far end (f) during the
f measuring procedure in dB;
a cal is the attenuation measured at calibration procedure in dB;
Lc is the coupling length in m;
R1 is the load resistance of the line injection circuit in Ω (50 Ω);
R2 is the load resistance of inner circuit (coaxial or quasi coaxial circuit of the
cable under test);
Z TE is the equivalent transfer impedance;
ZG is the impedance of the generator;
ZR is the impedance of the receiver;
Z0 is the system impedance when using a system having the same impedance
for the generator and receiver (e.g. vector network analyser).
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8 Expression of test results

8.1 Expression

The values of the equivalent transfer impedance are expressed as Z TE per unit length at the
frequencies for which requirements are specified in the relevant cable specifications.

Mismatches and structural variations, resulting in poor return loss, in the primary and
secondary circuit may create for the measured transfer impedance at higher frequencies
deviations from or oscillations around the monotonous behaviour of the real transfer
impedance. In this case, the transfer impedance measured below 100 MHz may be
extrapolated by a straight line in a double logarithmic presentation of the transfer impedance.
The straight line shall have the same increase as the curve in the frequency range between
10 MHz to 100 MHz. The extrapolation is valid up to the cut-off frequency of the test set-up.
The cut-off frequency is obtained from:

c 1 1
fc = = = (11)
π ⋅ Lc ⋅ ε r1 − ε r 2 1 1 π ⋅ t1 − t 2
π ⋅ Lc ⋅ −
v1 v2

e r1,2 is the resulting relative permittivity of the outer (1) and inner (2) circuit
c is the velocity of light, 3 . 10 8 m/s
v 1,2 is the propagation velocity in the outer (1) and inner (2) circuit respectively
fc is the cut off frequency
Lc is the coupling length in m
t 1,2 is the propagation time of the signal for the length L in the outer (1) and inner
(2) circuit respectively.
NOTE The propagation time may be measured by TDR techniques. In this case – depending on the test
equipment – the measured time may correspond to the round trip propagation, i.e. twice the propagation time.

8.2 Normalised screening attenuation

For homogenous screens – i.e. screens having no variations along the length – and screens
having a transfer impedance increasing proportionally to frequency, the transfer impedance
may be converted to a normalised screening attenuation (for details, see IEC 62153-4-0). The
normalised conditions are an impedance of 150 Ω in the outer circuit and a velocity difference
between the inner and outer circuit of 10 %.

 ω Z Z   
a sn (150Ω ;10% ) = 20 ⋅ lg
2 s  = 20 × lg ω Z 2 Z s ⋅ ε r 2  (12)
 Z TE ⋅ 11 ⋅ v 2   Z TE ⋅ 11 ⋅ c 
   
IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017 – 19 –

a sn (150 Ω;10 %) is the normalised screening attenuation with normalised conditions of an
impedance of 150 Ω in the outer circuit and a velocity difference between
the inner and outer circuit of 10 %;
Zs is the normalised impedance of the outer circuit of 150 Ω;
Z2 is the impedance of the inner circuit, i.e. of the impedance of the coaxial
or quasi coaxial system of the cable under test;
ν2 is the propagation velocity of the signal in the inner circuit, i.e. of the
coaxial or quasi coaxial system of the cable under test;
Z TE is the equivalent transfer impedance;
c0 is the velocity of light.
ε r2 is the resulting relative permittivity of the inner circuit, i.e. of the coaxial
or quasi coaxial system of the cable under test.

8.3 Temperature correction

A temperature correction is not necessary.

8.4 Test report

For each frequency point, the highest value per unit length of the equivalent transfer
impedance – obtained from at least four measurements either at near or far end – shall be
recorded for the frequency range specified by the relevant cable specification.

9 Requirement

The results of the maximum equivalent transfer impedance shall comply with the value
indicated in the relevant cable specification.
– 20 – IEC 62153-4-6:2017 © IEC 2017


IEC TR 62153-4-0, Metallic communication cable test methods – Part 4-0: Electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) – Relationship between surface transfer impedance and screening
attenuation, recommended limits

IEC TS 62153-4-1, Metallic communication cable test methods – Part 4-1: Electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) – Introduction to electromagnetic screening measurements

IEC 62153-4-3, Metallic communication cable test methods – Part 4-3: Electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC) – Surface transfer impedance – Triaxial method

IEC 60169-15, Radio-frequency connectors – Part 15: R.F. coaxial connectors with inner
diameter of outer conductor 4.13 mm (0.163 in) with screw coupling – Characteristic
impedance 50 ohms (Type SMA)

IEC 61169-16, Radio-frequency connectors – Part 16: Sectional specification – RF coaxial

connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor 7 mm (0,276 in) with screw coupling –
Characteristics impedance 50 ohms (75 ohms) (type N)


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