Ed Esrs E2
Ed Esrs E2
Ed Esrs E2
This Exposure Draft has to be read in conjunction with the cover note for ESRS public consultation.
It has been prepared under the sole responsibility of the EFRAG PTF-ESRS and is submitted to
public consultation by EFRAG SRB to inform the upcoming standard-setting steps. It therefore does
not reflect the EFRAG SRB’s position at this stage, nor the position of the European Union or
European Commission DG Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union (DG
FISMA), nor the position of organisations with which the EFRAG PTF-ESRS has cooperated. The
final version of the [draft] Standard will be produced by the EFRAG SRB starting from this Exposure
Draft, taking into consideration the outcome of the public consultation and the requirements of the
final CSRD.
[Draft] ESRS E2 Pollution is set out in paragraphs 1–52 and Appendices A: Defined terms and B:
Application Guidance. All the paragraphs, including those in Appendices A and B, have equal
authority. Each Disclosure Requirement objective is stated in a bold paragraph, followed by a
paragraph that illustrates the principle to be followed in the preparation of the respective disclosures.
The [draft] Standard also uses also terms defined in other [draft] ESRS and should be read in the
context of its objective.
Table of content
Objective 4
Disclosure Requirements 6
General, Strategy, Governance and Materiality assessment 6
Policies, targets, action plans and resources 6
Disclosure Requirement E2-1 – Policies implemented to prevent and control pollution
Disclosure Requirement E2-2 – Measurable targets for pollution 7
Disclosure Requirement E2-3 – Pollution action plans and resources 8
Performance measurement 9
Disclosure Requirement E2-4 – Pollution of air, water and soil 9
Disclosure Requirement E2-5 – Substances of concern and most harmful substances 10
Taxonomy Regulation for pollution prevention and control including enabling activities 11
Disclosure Requirement E2-6 – Pollution-related incidents and deposit impacts and
risks, and financial exposure to the undertaking 11
Disclosure Requirement E2-7 – Financial effects from pollution-related impacts, risks
and opportunities 12
Appendix A: Defined terms 13
Appendix B: Application Guidance 17
General, Strategy, Governance and Materiality assessment 17
Pollution-related specific application guidance on ESRS 2 Disclosure Requirement SBM
4 Business model and strategy, paragraph 47 (d) on the resilience of the strategy and
business model 17
Pollution-related specific application guidance on ESRS 2 Disclosure Requirements IRO
1 and IRO 2 on materiality assessment 17
Policies, targets, action plans and resources 18
Disclosure Requirement E2-2 – Measurable targets for pollution 18
Disclosure Requirement E2-3 – Pollution action plans and resources 19
Performance measurement 19
Disclosure Requirement E2-4 – Pollution of air, water and soil 19
Disclosure Requirement E2-5 – Substances of concern and most harmful substances 22
Disclosure Requirement E2-6 – Pollution-related incidents and deposits impacts and
risks, and financial exposure to the undertaking 22
1. The objective of this [draft] Standard is to specify disclosure requirements which will
enable users of the sustainability statements to understand:
(a) how the undertaking affects pollution of air (both indoor and outdoor), water
(including groundwater) and soil, living organisms and food resources (referred to
in this [draft] Standard as “pollution”), in terms of positive and negative material
actual or potential impacts;
(b) any actions taken, and the result of such actions, to prevent, mitigate or remediate
actual or potential impacts;
(c) the plans and capacity of the undertaking to adapt its strategy, business model(s)
and operations in line with the transition to a sustainable economy concurring with
the needs for prevention, control and elimination of pollution, thereby creating a
toxic-free environment with zero pollution also in support of the EU Action Plan
“Towards a Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil”;
(d) the nature, type and extent of the undertaking’s material risks and opportunities
related to the undertaking’s pollution-related impacts and dependencies, as well
as from the prevention, control, elimination or reduction of pollution (including from
regulations) and how the undertaking manages them; and
(e) the effects of risks and opportunities, related to the undertaking’s pollution-related
impacts and dependencies, on the undertaking’s development, performance and
position over the short, medium and long term and therefore on its ability to create
enterprise value.
2. This Standard derives from the [draft] CSRD stating that the sustainability reporting
Standards shall specify the information that undertakings are to disclose about
environmental factors, including information about “pollution”.
3. This Standard sets out disclosure requirements related to pollution of air (both indoor
and outdoor), water (including groundwater), soil, substances of concerns, most
harmful substances and enabling activities in support of prevention, control and
elimination of pollution.
10. Specific implications from pollution on water related aspects, including water
consumption, water use, water discharge, etc. are addressed in ESRS E3 Water and
marine resources, while the measurement of pollution to water, caused by discharges
of pollutants from undertakings, is addressed through this [draft] Standard. The
possible impact from pollution on Biodiversity is addressed in ESRS E4 Biodiversity
and ecosystems. Aspects of waste, its reduction and avoidance are addressed in
ESRS E5 Resource use and circular economy.
11. Elements regarding pollution in a context that refers to, but is not limited to human
rights, the workforce, “just transition”, etc. are covered under the respective social
Standards from ESRS S1 Own workforce, ESRS S2 Workers in the value chain, ESRS
3 Affected communities and ESRS S4 Consumers and end-users.
12. The content of this [draft] Standard on Strategy and business model, Governance and
organisation and Impacts, risks and opportunities, as well as Policies, targets, action
plans and resources shall be read in conjunction respectively with ESRS 1 General
Principles and ESRS 2 General, strategy, governance, and materiality assessment.
screening criteria for the four remaining environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy, March 30, 2022 and
its Annex
3 To be issued at a later stage
Disclosure Requirements
14. The provisions of this [draft] Standard shall be read in conjunction with and reported
alongside the Disclosure Requirements of ESRS 2.
(a) the resilience of the strategy and business model to pollution-related risks,
including transition and physical risks, referring to ESRS 2 Disclosure
Requirement SBM 4; and
(b) the process to identify material pollution-related impacts, risks and opportunities
and the outcome of this process, referring to ESRS 2 Disclosure Requirements
IRO 1 and IRO 2.
16. This topical Standard does not include additional pollution-specific disclosure
17. The undertaking shall disclose its policies related to pollution prevention and
19. The description of the pollution prevention and control policies shall follow the
principles defined in ESRS 1 Disclosure Principle 1 On policies adopted to manage
material sustainability matters. If the undertaking does not disclose the information
required by paragraph 17, because it does not believe it has material impacts, risks or
opportunities in relation to pollution or it has not adopted a policy and/or objectives as
outlined in ESRS 1 General Principles, it shall disclose this to be the case, shall provide
reasons for not having adopted a policy or objectives, and may report a timeframe in
which it aims to have such policy or objectives in place.
20. The undertaking shall in particular provide a description of the policies implemented in
order to:
(a) mitigate its negative impacts and maximise its positive impacts related to pollution
prevention and control in its own operations and throughout the upstream and
downstream value chain;
(b) avoid incidents and emergency situations, and if and when occurred to control and
limit their impact on the environment and/or society, in line with the Directive
2012/18/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on the
control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances;
(c) take account of actual and possible upcoming regulations; and
(d) where relevant, expand its enabling activities, and/or enhance their effectiveness,
to enable other undertakings to prevent, control and eliminate pollution.
i. pollution of air;
v. enabling activities; or
vi. other;
iv. remediation of pollution of both from regular activities and from incidents;
v. other.
22. The undertaking shall describe the pollution-related targets it has adopted.
24. The description of the pollution prevention and control targets shall follow the principles
defined in ESRS 1 Disclosure Principle 2 On targets, progress and tracking
25. The undertaking shall provide information on how the targets support the strategy of
the undertaking in support of the EU Action Plan “Towards a Zero Pollution for Air,
Water and Soil” on the reduction and substitution of production and use of substances
of concern and most harmful substances.
26. For its material pollution-related impacts, risks and opportunities, the undertaking shall
disclose its targets set related to:
(a) pollution to air in terms of total volume of emitted pollutants as per the classes
defined in paragraph AG15 and respective specific loads in a defined time period;
(b) pollution to water in terms of total volume of emitted pollutants as per the classes
defined in paragraph AG15 and respective specific loads in a defined time period;
(c) pollution to soil in terms of total volume of emitted pollutants as per the classes
defined in paragraph AG15 and respective specific loads in a defined time period;
(d) substances of concern in terms of:
i. total amounts generated and/or used by the undertaking split into main
classes of substances as per Appendix A: Defined terms;
ii. absolute turnover and share of total turnover of the undertaking realised
with products and services that are or that contain substances of concern;
iii. absolute raw material cost and share of total raw material cost of the
undertaking when substances of concern are procured to produce other
products and services.
i. total amounts generated and/or used by the undertaking split into main
classes of substances per Appendix A: Defined terms;
ii. absolute turnover and share of total turnover of the undertaking realised
with products and services that are or that contain most harmful
substances; and
iii. absolute raw material cost and share of total raw material cost of the
undertaking when most harmful substances are procured to produce other
products and services.
(a) whether targets are mandatory (based on legislation, including future legislation)
or voluntary;
(b) a clarification on which emissions data and information the undertaking is required
to report under the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) 4 and the BAT frameworks
(BREFs; BAT Conclusions)5;
(c) a presentation in 5-year periods including a set date in 2030, detailing the scope
covered in terms of total volume and/or specific loads. The undertaking shall
choose a representative baseline of the undertaking’s typical profile. The baseline
shall be chosen within the 3 years preceding the date of setting the first targets.
The baseline may also be an average of these three years if this allows a more
faithful representation and if this is specified; and
(d) where relevant, the geographical scope of the target: a description of the
geographies covered by the target and, where appropriate, an explanation of why
geographies identified as relevant were not included.
28. The undertaking shall disclose its pollution-related action plans and the
resources allocated to their implementation.
on the collection of data and on the drawing up of BAT reference documents and on their quality-assurance
referred to in Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions
30. The description of the pollution-related action plans and resources shall follow the
principles defined in ESRS 1 Disclosure Principle 3 On actions, action plans and
resources in relation to policies and targets. In particular, the undertaking shall include
the related allocation of resources established and communicated in financial terms.
31. The disclosure required by paragraph 28 shall include for each key action plan or
(a) a description of whether the reported key actions are planned or implemented to
achieve compliance with environmental legislation, including:
(b) a list of the stakeholders involved in the actions or action plan and how they are
involved, and/or a list of stakeholders impacted negatively or positively by the
actions or action plan and how they are impacted. An explanation whether the
action is intended to be a one-time initiative or a systematic practice;
(c) the outcome of its assessment whether key actions may induce significant
sustainability impacts, related to other environmental topics beyond pollution
and/or related to social topics;
(d) a description of whether the action is individual or collective: for a collective action,
the undertaking shall explain its role and contribution; and
(e) a description of whether the success of the action depends on similar or supporting
actions by other undertakings, and to what degree.
Performance measurement
32. The undertaking shall disclose the list of pollutants that are generated or used
during production processes or that are procured, and that leave its facilities as
emissions, as products, or as part of products or services.
34. The pollutants to be disclosed by the undertaking shall comprise those listed in Annex
II of the E-PRTR Regulation6, to be grouped in accordance with paragraph AG 15 if
the undertaking meets or exceeds the threshold for releases stipulated in Annex II of
January 2006 concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
the E-PRTR Regulation within the reporting period. This threshold shall be assessed
at the level of the undertaking, and not individually for each facility.
35. The disclosure required by paragraph 32 shall include emissions to air, emissions as
effluents or other entries to water and pollutants to soil resulting from its operations,
products and services all along the value chain and product life-cycle.
36. For the pollutants to air, water or soil, the undertaking shall disclose:
(a) the total amount of emissions in a defined period, using standard measures such
as tons, kilograms, cubic meters,;
(b) the specific loads of emissions put in relation to production outputs (e.g. activity
level, production volumes);
(c) where defined, the targets as described under ESRS E2 Disclosure
Requirement 2 above; and
(d) where relevant, the land or water affected (in km 2).
37. The undertaking shall put its disclosure into context with:
(a) the local air quality indices (AQI) for the area where the undertaking’s pollution to
air occurs;
(b) the degree of urbanisation (DEGURBA)7 for the area where pollution to air occurs;
(c) the undertaking’s percentage of the total emissions of pollutants to water and soil
occurring in areas of high-water stress [as defined in the ESRS E3, Appendix A].
38. Where the undertaking’s activities are subject to the Industrial Emission Directive (IED)
and relevant Best Available Techniques Reference Documents (BREFs), irrespective
on whether the activity takes place within the European Union or not, the undertaking
shall disclose:
(a) a list of installations operated by the undertaking that fall under the IED and EU
BAT Conclusions;
(b) a list of any non-compliance incidents or enforcement actions;
(c) the actual performance, as specified in the BAT BREF/BAT conclusions for
installations, of the undertaking against the BAT-AEL conclusions.;
(d) the actual performance of the undertaking against BAT-AEPLs as applicable to
the sector and installation; and
(e) a list of any compliance schedules or derogations associated with the
implementation of BAT-AEL.
7 https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/degree-of-
41. The disclosure required by paragraph 39 shall present separately the information
related to (i) substances of concern and (ii) most harmful substances:
(a) total amounts generated and/or used by the undertaking split into main classes of
substances as per the definitions of “substance of concern” and “most harmful
substances” in Appendix A: Defined terms;
(b) net turnover and share of total net turnover of the undertaking made with products
and services that are or that contain the above-mentioned substances; and
(c) absolute raw material cost and share of total raw material cost of the undertaking
that relate to the procurement of the above-mentioned substances to produce
other products and services.
42. The undertaking shall disclose information required by Article 8 of Regulation (EU)
2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation) in conjunction with the Commission Delegated
Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 and in conjunction with upcoming technical screening
criteria for determining the conditions under which an economic activity qualifies as
contributing substantially to pollution prevention and control.
43. Article 8(2) of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 requires undertakings subject to the
[Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive] to disclose information on the proportion
of the net turnover, capital expenditure (‘CapEx’) and operating expenditure (‘OpEx’)
or on their green asset ratio associated with economic activities that qualify as
environmentally sustainable.
45. The undertaking shall disclose the impact of and its financial exposure to
pollution-related incidents and deposits.
47. The disclosure required by paragraph 45 shall include a description of major incidents
and deposits, based on double-materiality assessments, whereby pollution had
negative effects on the environment and/or on the undertaking’s financial performance
in the past reporting year, e.g. through interruptions of production and/or in supply
chain as a result of pollution, or through pollution prevention and control measures.
48. The undertaking shall disclose its operational and capital expenditures occurred in the
reporting period in conjunction with these major incidents and deposits.
49. If not already disclosed as part of the undertaking’s financial statements, the
undertaking shall disclose its provisions for environmental protection and remediation
costs, e.g. for rehabilitating contaminated sites, recultivating landfills, removal of
environmental contamination at existing production or storage sites and similar
measures. When the information is provided in the undertaking’s financial statements,
a clear reference shall be included in the sustainability statements.
50. The undertaking shall disclose the potential financial effects of the risks and
opportunities arising from pollution-related impacts and dependencies.
52. The undertaking may include an assessment of the market size of related products
and services at risk over the short-, medium-, and long-term, explaining how these are
defined, how financial amounts are estimated and which critical assumptions are
11 Source: Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), Article 3
12 Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on Industrial
Emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control), at Article 3(4)
2020 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, and amending Regulation
(EU) 2019/2088), at Article 16
14 Source: Platform on Sustainable Finance: Technical Working Group, report with recommendations on
technical screening criteria for the four remaining environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy, March 30,
15 https://ozone.unep.org/treaties/montreal-protocol/montreal-protocol-substances-deplete-ozone-layer
2020 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment, and amending Regulation
(EU) 2019/2088), at Article 2(10)
17 Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on Industrial
Emissions (integrated pollution prevention and control), at Article 3(2)
18 Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 on Industrial
on the collection of data and on the drawing up of BAT reference documents and on their quality, assurance
referred to in Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions,
page 36
ii. those which hamper recycling for safe and high quality secondary
raw materials; and the most harmful substances as listed in the
Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.
This appendix describes how to apply the disclosure requirements, has the same authority as the
disclosure requirements and is an integral part of the proposed [draft] ESRS E2 Pollution.
AG 1. The description of the resilience of the undertaking’s strategy and business model(s)
shall cover all material impacts, risks and opportunities identified and shall include:
(a) the resilience of the strategy and business model(s) to risks related to pollution
and to pollution prevention and control measures and regulations; and
(b) a description of opportunities arising from pollution prevention and control
measures and regulations, and/or from enabling activities.
AG 2. When assessing its strategy to mitigate negative impacts arising from, and risks to, its
business model(s), the undertaking shall include the value chain and identify:
(a) both actual and future impacts, risks and opportunities; and
(b) where in the value chain pollution-related impacts, risks and opportunities are
AG 3. When disclosing information required by paragraph AG1, the undertaking shall provide
an understanding of its strategy for and contribution to the EU Action Plan “Towards a
Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil” and in particular:
(a) the extent to which it is or may be affected by the targets and measures of the EU
Action Plan “Towards a Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil”, including the
revision of existing directives (e.g., the Industrial Emissions Directive);
(b) how it intends to reduce its pollution footprint to contribute to the targets of the EU
Action Plan “Towards a Zero Pollution for Air, Water and Soil”; and
(c) thus, how the EU Action Plan does or might impact the undertaking’s strategy and
business model.
AG 4. When disclosing information under paragraph AG1, the undertaking shall provide an
understanding, where relevant, of how it might be impacted by, and contribute to, the
intention of the EU that “substances of concern are minimised and substituted as far
as possible and phasing out the most harmful ones for non-essential societal use, in
particular in consumer products”22.
AG 5. The description of the processes to identify and assess material sustainability impacts,
risks and opportunities shall include:
Toxic-Free Environment, Brussels, 14.10.2020
(a) all sub-subtopics covered in this [draft] Standard: pollution to air, pollution to water,
pollution to soil and the production, distribution, commercialisation and use of
substances of concern including most harmful substances and enabling activities
in support of prevention, control and elimination of pollution;
(b) environmental and human health impacts related to pollution and pollution
prevention and control measures and regulations, including accidental impacts;
(c) risks and opportunities related to pollution and to pollution prevention and control
measures and regulations.
AG 6. When disclosing the information required under paragraph AG5(a), the undertaking
shall explain how it conducts its due diligence process including how it:
(a) screens its activities and plans in order to identify actual and potential future
impacts in own operations and along the value chain;
(b) assesses the materiality of the actual and potential impacts based on severity
(scale, scope, remediability), likelihood or other criteria;
(c) covers all sub-subtopics: pollution to air, pollution to water, pollution to soil and the
production, distribution, commercialisation and use of substances of concern
including most harmful substances;
(d) assesses the resilience of the strategy and business model(s) to risks related to
pollution and to pollution prevention and control measures and regulations; and
(e) assesses opportunities arising from pollution prevention and control measures and
regulations, and/or enabling activities.
AG 7. The undertaking shall also describe, how it has applied the Commission
Recommendation (EU) 2021/2279 of 15th December 2021 on the use of the
Environmental Footprint methods to measure and communicate the life cycle
environmental performance of products and organisations.
AG 8. The undertaking shall disclose the outcome of its processes to identify and assess
pollution-related impacts, risks and opportunities, i.e. disclose separately:
(a) pollution impacts, risks and opportunities related to regular activities (e.g.
emissions to air and water that regularly originate from a production process and
need to be controlled); and
(b) incidents or emergency situations that are likely to lead to pollution and the issue
of domino effects, or that have led to pollution with subsequent effects on the
environment and society.
AG 9. When disclosing targets under Disclosure Requirement E2-2, the undertaking shall
clarify when a target addresses shortcomings related to the Do No Significant Harm
(DNSH) criteria for Pollution Prevention and Control while assessing the Substantial
Contribution to one of the other environmental objectives of Regulation (EU) 2020/852.
AG 10. Where those targets are subject to EU BREFs or other voluntary benchmarks (incl.
EMAS), the disclosure shall be provided in a format that enables:
(a) benchmark and progress measures against the relevant pollution prevention
regulation or standard; and
(b) assessment of the level of compliance with the strict performance benchmarks or
the less strict performance benchmarks of the relevant pollution prevention
regulation or standard.
AG 11. The undertaking shall specify when an action meets enforcement requirements or
future compliance needs, such as meeting BAT requirements in the future, or any
phase out of materials/compounds that could have a material impact.
AG 12. Where an action plan extends to upstream or downstream value chain engagements,
the undertaking shall provide information on the typology of actions reflecting these
engagements, including:
Performance measurement
AG 13. The information provided under this Disclosure Requirement shall refer, if relevant, to
information the undertaking may already be required to report under existing legislation
(i.e. IED, E-PRTR…).
AG 14. The undertaking shall describe its measurement processes for collecting data for
pollution related accounting and reporting, the type of data needed, the information
sources typically connected to desired objectives, outcomes or outputs.
v. Heavy metals;
iii. oil;
i. inorganic pollutants;
iv. other (physical) pollutants (vibrations, micro plastics and plastic particles).
AG 16. In order to meet financial market participants needs, the undertaking shall ensure that
it discloses separately, if not already addressed through the disclosure according to
paragraph AG15:
23This information supports the information needs of financial market participants subject to Regulation (EU)
2019/2088 as reflecting an additional principal adverse impact as set out by indicator #1 in Table 2 of Annex
1 of the related Delegated Regulation with regards to disclosure rules on sustainable investments.
(b) the total volume of air pollutants in tons24 according to the following definition:
AG 17. For each one of the group of pollutants, the undertaking shall disclose the source of
pollution factors used, as well as standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or
calculation tools used.
AG 18. When preparing the information on pollutant performance measures, the undertaking
shall apply the following approaches for quantification of its pollution-related
performance measures, in the following order of priority:
(a) direct measurement of emissions, effluents or other pollution through the use of
recognised continuous monitoring systems (e.g. AMS Automated Measuring
(b) periodic measurements;
(c) calculation based on site-specific data;
(d) calculation based on published pollution factors; and
(e) estimation.
(a) whether its monitoring is carried out in accordance with EU BREF Standards or
another relevant reference benchmark; and
(b) whether and how the calibration tests of the AMS were undertaken and the
verification of periodic measurement by independent labs were ensured.
AG 21. The undertaking may provide a breakdown of its emissions by type of source, by
economic activity and/or by geographic areas. Where an undertaking reports segment
data in its financial statements, the use of the same segments for pollution disclosures
is encouraged.
24 This information supports the information needs of financial market participants subject to Regulation (EU)
2019/2088 as reflecting an additional principal adverse impact as set out by indicator #2 in Table 2 of Annex
1 of the related Delegated Regulation with regards to disclosure rules on sustainable investments.
25 Available here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-
26 This information supports the information needs of financial market participants subject to Regulation (EU)
2019/2088 as reflecting an additional principal adverse impact as set out by indicator #3 in Table 2 of Annex
1 of the related Delegated Regulation with regards to disclosure rules on sustainable investments.
AG 22. For each group of pollutants, for which disclosures are required, total amounts and
specific load disclosures may be presented in a tabular format. Each row may include
current and (where applicable) comparative values, alongside associated base line
values, targets and target dates where set, and the respective calculation methodology
of the pollutants as proposed in the example below:
Pollutant Pollution Measure type Actual Unit Reporting Reporting Base Base Target Target Calculation
to air, reported Year N Comparative line line Date methodology
water or value year
AG 23. For substances of concern and most harmful substances, the undertaking shall
disclose the substances as grouped in the lists defined in Appendix A: Defined terms
in the following tabular format:
KPIs Reporting Absolute Comparative Share in % Reporting Base line Base Target Target
Comparative net of Comparative line net Share in %
turnover total net year turnover of total
202x of turnover 202x of Turnover
products 202x of the products 202x of the
and reporting and reporting
services, undertaking, services undertaking
Reporting Reporting
Year N Year N
AG 24. When disclosing information related to incidents and deposits under ESRS E2
Disclosure Requirement 6, the undertaking shall include:
(a) a description of all the cases of occurred incidents, clarifying the material
environmental and societal impacts, based on a materiality assessment;
(b) monetary costs incurred as a consequence of these incidents, for example but not
limited to:
iv. cost for eliminating and remediating the respective pollution of air, water
and soil;
AG 25. When disclosing its provisions for environmental protection and remediation costs, the
undertaking shall disclose, preferably in tabular format: