Spill Prevention Plan
Spill Prevention Plan
Spill Prevention Plan
January 2015
Employees – full time and part time employees of Yara Dallol BV (i.e. –
salaries paid directly to individuals by Yara Dallol BV).
Site – refers to the area in which the Yara Dallol Potash Project operates,
including processing plant, evaporation ponds, tailings management area,
solution mining area, staff living quarters, haul road through to the Port of
Tadjoura, Djibouti, the Port of Tadjoura.
The development of this SPCCP has been guided by the Yara Dallol BV
Health, Environment, Safety, Quality and Product Stewardship Policy, as set
out in Box 1.1. This Policy is a high-level corporate statement of intent and
Box 1.1 Health, Environment, Safety, Quality and Product Stewardship Policy
Yara Dallol BV’s aim is to establish sustainable growth and the creation of shareholder and
societal value. Yara Dallol BV affirms to their stakeholders, including employees, customers and
the public, it’s commitment to continuously improve and reach standards of excellence in
Health Environment, Safety, Quality and Product Stewardship through their operations.
Yara Dallol BV will manage their business in a life cycle perspective. In its operations, Yara
Dallol BV will contribute to eco-efficiency by continuously improving energy consumption and
reducing waste, emissions and discharges. Waste that is generated will be handled and
disposed if safely and responsibly.
Yara Dallol BV will design their products and develop product applications to have the
minimum adverse effect on the environment throughout their lifecycle.
Injuries and occupational illnesses, as well as safety and environmental incidents, are
preventable, and Yara Dallol BV’s goal for each of these is zero. Yara Dallol BV will encourage
their employees to adopt a healthy, safe life-style for themselves and their families.
Yara Dallol BV will be prepared for emergencies and cooperate with local authorities to
establish and improve their emergency preparedness.
1.1.2 Objectives
Yara Dallol BV has existing procedures that deal with response management
to incidents and/or risks associated with the environment, and more
specifically with the accidental release of hazardous material, liquid or gas to
air, water or ground. In addition to response management, Yara Dallol BV has
procedures that set out the actions required for incident reporting,
investigation and follow-up (these are described in further detail in Section 4).
These existing procedures will be documented within the overall
Environmental and Social Management System (ES-MS), and will be updated
to include detailed spill prevention, control and containment.
Given that the detailed design of the Project is underway and not complete at
this time, this SPCCP presents conceptual measures for spill prevention and
control and outlines the framework for developing a more comprehensive
SPCCP, which is to be completed prior to various stages of construction,
operation and decommissioning/closure. The final SPCCP will require
consultation with mine engineers and contractors and will be led by the Yara
Dallol BV management team.
This SPCCP should be read in the context of the Environmental and Social
Management System (ES-MS) (discussed in Chapter 13 of Part I of the ESIA),
which has been structured to provide a vehicle for the integrated management
of the suite of management plans described in Part III. These plans have been
designed to address a broad range of social and environmental risks.
Specifically, this plan ties in closely with the Community Health, Safety and
Security Management Plan (CHSSMP), (Annex J in Part III), the Waste
Management Plan (WMP) (Annex G in Part III), the Integrated Mine Closure
Plan (IMCP) (Annex E in Part III), the Water Management Plan (WAMP)
(Annex H in Part III) and the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) (Annex D in
Volume III). This is discussed in further detail below -
In addition to the above, this SPCCP links with Yara Dallol BV’s existing
TOPS 0-01 and TOPS 0-02 procedures. Yara Dallol BV’s TOPS 0-01 procedure
describes the requirements for registration and reporting of incidents and near
misses associated with accidental release of hazardous material, liquid or gas
to air, water or ground. The TOPS 0-02 procedure describes the requirements
for investigation and follow-up of environmental incidents and near miss
A summary of the legal requirements and standards relevant to the SPCCP are
presented below.
IFC PS 4 aims to avoid adverse impacts on the health and safety of affected
community during the project life from both routine and non-routine
circumstances. Furthermore, the standard ensures that the safeguarding of
personnel and property is carried out in accordance with relevant human
rights principles and in a manner that avoids or minimises risks to the affected
Emergency resources.
With respect to this SPCCP, Yara Dallol BV has the responsibility to ensure
that adequate measures are developed and implemented by parties, including
third parties, to prevent, control and contain spills associated with their
The roles and responsibilities within Yara Dallol BV for the implementation of
the SPCCP are presented in Table 3.1.
Yara Dallol BV will maintain a register of spill hazards associated with all
activities during all phases (construction, operation and
decommissioning/closure) of the Project.
Moreover, the study will include an up-to-date plan or map of the Project site
and the locations of all managed chemical products.
Part of the process of developing the detailed spill hazard identification will
be to assess the risk of spills. Risk will be evaluated based on –
Use of transfer equipment that is compatible with and suitable for the
characteristics of the materials transferred and designed to ensure safe
Use of dripless hose connections for vehicle tank and fixed connections
with storage tanks.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all contaminants on-site will be
readily available. These will include human health effects of chemicals
handled and will be included in the required chemical environmental and
safety training for all employees handling or otherwise exposed to the
contaminants. All appropriate personal protective equipment, handling
and response procedures will also be identified in the MSDS or otherwise
recommended by the suppliers/manufacturers and will be incorporated
into a Spill Prevention Control and Containment Plan and followed by the
Project staff.
The Project will retain a qualified third-party to review and audit chemical
storage and distribution systems, including appropriate testing every five
The following spill control and countermeasures will be followed in the event
of a spill incident:
Maintenance of spill response kits on all Project fuel and lubrication sites
and vehicles.
Roles in the event of a spill including: spill coordinator (the person on the
ground at the spill site, who is responsible for immediate actions taken to
contain the spill, respond to immediate dangers, notify necessary
responders) and the rest of the mine site and personnel.
Reporting requirements at the time of the spill and after the spill.
The transportation of certain substances (viz. diesel) presents the potential for
spills due to traffic accidents or other accidents or incidents en-route to or
from the Project site. Precautions that will be followed include:
Contractors will use transportation vehicles and tanks suitable for the
materials and transportation routes used. These vehicles and tanks will be
maintained in adequate condition to insure proper handling and safety of
Truck drivers will be required to notify the site of their departure time and
arrival time and maintain a log of travel.
All vehicles will be equipped with spill response kits appropriate to the
materials being transported. The contractor will be required to maintain
these in good condition and working order.
Drivers will be trained in spill and emergency response and will have a
means of communicating with the site, their administrative offices and
emergency personnel for the entire transportation route.
Vehicle ignition or any power supply where the hazardous spill occurred
must be immediately switched off.
If possible, all drains and valves in the vicinity of the hazardous spill must
be closed.
The application and use of hazardous spill kits must be used ONLY by
those trained to do so.
Major Severity 1 –
Major Severity 2 –
Major Severity 3 –
Major Severity 4 –
Major Severity 5 –
As per Yara Dallol BV’s existing procedure (TOPS 0-01), the following
incidents (as set out above) must be reported without delay by the Dallol
General Manager to the Yara International Head Office –
All spill incidents will be registered by using Yara’s Synergi database. Details
of this process are provided in the TOPS 0-01 procedure. Moreover, all spill
incidents will be investigated for identification of causes and preventative
actions. All investigations must be organised and carried out in accordance
with Yara Dallol BV’s procedure on investigation and follow-up of
environmental spill incidents and near miss incidents (as detailed in TOPS 0-
The actions resulting from any formal or informal investigations will be used
to update this SPCCP.
Chemical environmental and safety, spill response and first aid training will
be delivered to all relevant employees. Training will be provided within one
month of an employee’s start-date. Chemical environmental and safety and
first aid training will be provided by certified instructors. Spill response
training will be provided by a competent persons and environmental, health
and safety staff as necessary. Key personnel will be identified to receive
preliminary hazard analysis training. The training will be conducted on a
regular basis. The frequency and timing of training is at the discretion of the
Dallol General Manager, Health and Safety Manager and Environmental and
Social Manager, but is recommended to take place at least once a month.
The Health and Safety Manager shall distribute the SPCCP (together with the
ERP and associated Emergency Evacuation Plan) to all parties in charge of
ensuring the plans implementation. All relevant information in the SPCCP
(and the ERP and associated Emergency Evacuation Plan) will be
communicated to employees and contractors. This information will include
The cost for auditing and verification of contracting third party performance
will be included in operational budgets by Yara Dallol BV.
The costs associated with decommissioning and closure, as well as any post-
closure, is covered by the amount accrued annually for the life of the Yara
Dallol Potash Project.
Bi-weekly inspections;
Spill reporting at the time of the incident and monthly spill reporting
developed by Health and Safety department;
The spill response drills and spill reporting will provide information
regarding required revisions to training, the spill response plan or other
aspects of the SPCCP. Each spill reported will be reviewed by Health and
Safety Manager and actions identified where possible to improve the site’s
overall planning. Updates/revisions will be made on a bi-annual basis or
sooner if the deficiency identified is considered urgent. On a bi-annual (twice
annually) basis the Key Performance Indicators will compared against past-
performance and analyzed for trends to determine if there are areas the can be
The following Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are suggestions and can be
measured and used to evaluate the Project’s performance with respect to its
stated objectives and commitments:
Annual and monthly number of major spills occurring at the site of the