Group Oral Presentation Instructions

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Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica

Vicerrectoría de Docencia
Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje
Programa CONARE-Fortalecimiento del Inglés
Prof. Mariela Jiménez Romero

Group Oral Presentation Instructions

1. You must work with the groups created for the final project.

2. Think about a topic all of you know and want to discuss (Example: music,
movies, places, education, books, etc.)
3. Prepare an oral presentation or a group discussion talking about differences
and similarities of topic you chose.
4. Use comparatives and superlatives.
5. You must meet virtually and organize the presentation.
6. Then, record a video giving the presentation and send it to my mail today
before 9:00 p.m.
7. You can prepare visual aids for the presentation including only headlines,
images, and key words. Visual aids are optional.
8. You are not allowed to read.
9. Please turn on your camera while you are speaking.
10. The whole video must last 10 minutes.
This is the rubric that will be used to evaluate the quiz:

Good (10-7 pts) Average (6-4 pts) Poor (3-1 pts)

Content The speaker clearly The speaker conveys the main The main idea is
expresses main ideas idea but is unable to provide unclear. Cannot
and some details that details and support them. provide information or
are relevant and information is
interesting irrelevant or not
related to the topic.
Comprehensibility Comprehensible. The Generally comprehensible. The Incomprehensible.
speaker uses message is unclear at times and The message cannot
appropriate language language use is inadequate to be understood. Too
to convey the make the message clear. much interference
message. from native language.
Vocabulary The student uses The vocabulary chosen is related The vocabulary used is
enough vocabulary to the topic; however, there are very basic or limited.
about the topic. some mistakes related to the
vocabulary the student chose.
Fluency The student speaks The student speaks with some The student hesitates
very clearly. The hesitation. The message is frequently. Very long
message is delivered with long pauses. pauses in discourse.
understood. It sounds Pronunciation and intonation Problems with
smooth and fluent. mistakes prevent pronunciation distort
communication. meaning and inhibit
Student reads from 50 to 80% of communication often.
the information. Student reads more
than 50% of the
Pronunciation The student can The student pronounces from The student has
communicate a 50% to 70% of the vocabulary serious problems
message pronouncing correctly. pronouncing the
the vocabulary vocabulary. The
appropriately. student pronounces
less than 49% of the
vocabulary incorrectly.

Grammar Functions, grammar Minor problems in language Problems in usage of

and punctuation are usage but meaning and functions, grammar
used correctly. communication is not distorted and vocabulary
studied inhibit

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