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Table of contents
Rumusan Masalah
01 Latar Belakang 02 Dan Tujuan
It’s the key to unlocking your Feel more comfortable
language potential! speaking the language!

03 Pembahasan 04 Penutup
Dive into the world of Learning a new language can
grammar to ensure efficiency! present benefits and
Tujuan dibuatnya makalah ini selain untuk meme
Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan
nuhi tugas yang diberikan juga untuk Menambah
puji dan syukur kehadirat ALLAH SWT
pengetahuan tentang matakuliah “Pembangkit T
Tuhan yangmaha esa, karena berkat
enaga Listrik”.
rahmat dan karuniaNya maka tugas
Kami Menyadari bahwa masih banyak kekuranga
ini dapat dikerjakan tepat waktu.
n dalam makalah ini, untuk itu kami mengharapk
Kamiingin mengucapkan terima kasih
an kritik dan saran positif dari rekan mahasiswa
kepada dosen pembimbing. Atas
maupun dosen demi perbaikan dihari mendatang
dukungan dan arahan-
. Semoga makalah ini bermanfaat bagi kita khus
arahannya,kami mendapat
usnya bagi para penyusun dan pembaca sekalia
pengetahuan tentang tugas ini yang
berjudul “Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga
Uap (PLTU)”.
Learning vocabulary is your
passport to communication!
Master the
words, unlock a
new world!
A rich vocabulary allows for more precise
and effective communication and it helps
expressing your ideas in another language.
Today we’ll learn:

● How to set goals

● The use of flashcards
● How to review regularly

Remember, vocabulary learning is a

marathon, not a sprint! Consistency and
patience are key!
Pronunciation practice

Listen and repeat Record yourself

Listen to native speakers, Use your phone or computer to
whether that's through songs, record yourself speaking. Then,
movies, podcasts, or language play it back and listen for any
learning apps. Repeat after them errors and to see if your
to mimic their accent and pronunciation matches native
pronunciation speakers
Grammar rules

Correct tense Pronoun usage Adjective order

Let’s learn about It’s important to use the There is often a specific
the right tense correct pronoun order in which adjectives
for each depending on the noun must appear in sentences
sentence! it's replacing
Use of Sentence
prepositions structure Punctuation
They show the What’s the correct Punctuation marks clarify
relationship of a noun or sentence structure in this the meaning of
pronoun to another word language? Stay tuned to sentences. Let’s master
in a sentence find out! them all!
master this
Broaden horizons, one word at
a time
Show how many people
speak this language to
encourage your students!
Where is this language spoken?

Country A Country B Country C

This language was This country was This country has the
originated in this country influenced by this largest number of
language in the past speakers
Here are some steps to
Start with simple Learn more complex
vocabulary words and sentence structures and
basic grammar grammar rules

Introduction Intermediate

Basic Advanced
Continue expanding your Start participating in
vocabulary and practicing conversations and
speaking and listening discussions in the new
skills language
Skills acquired at each level

Speakin Listenin
g g

Reading Writing

Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here. For more info, click here
Criteria Proficient (3) Basic (2) Limited (1)
Deep understanding, Solid understanding, Basic understanding,
Content understanding, very
advanced vocabulary, effective use of limited vocabulary,
mastery basic vocabulary,
minimal errors vocabulary noticeable errors
frequent errors
Clear and fluent Effective Struggles to
Communicati Limited fluency, basic
expression, wide communication, communicate,
on skills vocabulary
range of vocabulary varied vocabulary frequent errors

Language use Consistent use of Generally correct Significant errors,

Basic language skills,
and correct grammar, grammar and hindering
noticeable errors
conventions pronunciation pronunciation understanding

Limited Little to no
Engagement Active involvement, Active participation,
engagement, engagement,
and consistent enthusiastic
minimal minimal
participation contribution contribution
contribution participation
Short answer questions
The students should read the following questions and answer them in their
paper in the target language. They should use two words from the word list for
each answer
Word list
What is a memorable experience or
Word 1 1 event in your life, and why was it
Word 2
Word 3
What is a skill or hobby that has
Word 4 2 positively impacted your life?
Word 5
Word 6
Word 7 What is a movie that has left an
3 impression on your and why did it
Word 8
resonate with you?
Group discussion
Divide the class into small groups of 3-5 students. Assign each group a discussion
topic or question. In their groups, they should discuss the topic in the target
language Adaptability in
Communication the face of
styles change

Intersection of
Innovation and art and
its impact Topics technology

exchange and Evolution of
understanding education
Select a topic for the essay and provide
students with a list of vocabulary words.
Students should research the topic, outline
the structure and write a well-constructed


● The Impact of Curiosity on Personal Growth:

Discuss how curiosity drives learning, shapes
perspectives, and contributes to individual

● The Influence of Technology on Human

Relationships: Explore both positive and
negative aspects, considering how technology
has changed the way people connect,
communicate, and maintain relationships
Cultural understanding
Studying a foreign language can create more positive
attitudes and reduce prejudice towards people who are
Cognitive and social benefits
It can improve problem-solving or attention span and it
also enhances social interaction with diverse groups

We must take into account that some students can find
learning a foreign language frustrating
Do you have any questions?
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Alternative resources
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● Gradient world population day horizontal banner template with planet and peopl
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template? Get them on these websites:
● Gradient world population day instag
Photos ram posts collection
● Gradient world population day horizo
● Multiracial people stacking hands ntal banner template with people
● Group of friends planning together
● Male making plans for the community


● Icon Pack: Business Cooperation | Fla

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Task 1

Task 2


Task 1

Task 2



Task 1

Task 2
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