TR 03 2020

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Policies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic

Design Basis (HDB), Hydrostatic Design Stresses
(HDS), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength
Design Basis (SDB), Minimum Required Strength
(MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength
(CRS) for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...........................................................................................................................................2
FOREWORD .............................................................................................................................................................5
SUMMARY OF CHANGES .....................................................................................................................................6
NOTES TO THE READER ..................................................................................................................................... 10
ACRONYMS ........................................................................................................................................................... 13
DEFINITIONS......................................................................................................................................................... 14
COMMON PLASTICS ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................... 18
A.1 GRADE OF RECOMMENDATIONS AND RENEWALS ......................................................................... 19
A.1.2.2 Renewal Requirements for Standard Grade Independent Listings ...................................................... 20
A.2 REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADES AT 73F (23C): .................................................................................. 22
A.2.1 Experimental Grade ............................................................................................................................... 22
A.2.2 Standard Grade ....................................................................................................................................... 23
A.3 REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADES AT 140F (60C): ................................................................................ 23
A.3.1 Experimental Grade ............................................................................................................................... 23
A.3.3. Standard Grade ...................................................................................................................................... 24
A.4 REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADES AT 180F (82C): ................................................................................ 24
A.4.1 Experimental Grade ............................................................................................................................... 24
A.4.3 Standard Grade ....................................................................................................................................... 25
A.5 REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADES AT 200F (93C): ................................................................................ 25
A.5.1 Experimental Grade ............................................................................................................................... 25
A.5.3 Standard Grade ....................................................................................................................................... 26
A.6 RECOMMENDED HDB FOR NEW MATERIALS: .................................................................................. 27
A.7 RECOMMENDED PDB RATINGS FOR COMPOSITE PIPES ................................................................. 28
A.7.1 General ................................................................................................................................................... 28
A.7.2 Pressure Design Basis ............................................................................................................................ 28
PIPE CONSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 31
A.10 RECOMMENDED HDB AND PDB RATINGS USING ASTM D2992 ................................................... 33
B.1 Grades of Recommendation and renewal ...................................................................................................... 34
B.2 Protocol for Determination of MRS and CRSΘ,t............................................................................................ 34
C.1 Grades of Recommendation and renewal ...................................................................................................... 36
PART D. GENERAL POLICIES, PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES ................................................................. 37
D.1 POLICY ON COLORANT CHANGES ....................................................................................................... 37
D.1.1 Permitted Colorant Changes Without Need for Additional Testing ....................................................... 37
D.1.2 Colorant Changes Which Require Additional Testing ........................................................................... 38

INTERPOLATION .............................................................................................................................................. 39
D.3 POLICY ON DEPENDENT LISTINGS ...................................................................................................... 40
D.3.1 Establishing Dependent Listings: ........................................................................................................... 40
D.3.2 Duration and Level of Recommendation for Dependent Listings: ......................................................... 41
D.3.3 Substitutions in Dependent Listings: ...................................................................................................... 42
D.5 MEASUREMENT VARIABILITY .............................................................................................................. 43
D.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR MOLDING MATERIALS .................................................................................... 43
PART E. PVC SPECIFIC POLICIES, PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES .......................................................... 45
E.1.1. Equipment.............................................................................................................................................. 45
E.1.2 Single Batching ...................................................................................................................................... 45
E.1.3 Double Batching ..................................................................................................................................... 45
COMPOSITION .................................................................................................................................................. 46
ANALYZING STRESS - RUPTURE DATA FOR PVC .................................................................................... 47
E.5.1 Allowable formulation variation for a fixed composition formulation: .................................................. 51
E.5.2 To establish a range with greater component variability: ....................................................................... 51
F.1.1 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB up to 140°F ....................................................................... 54
F.1.2 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB at 180°F ............................................................................ 54
F.2.1 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB up to 140°F ....................................................................... 55
F.2.2 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB at 180°F ............................................................................ 55
PLASTICS PIPE COMPOUNDS ........................................................................................................................ 55
F.3.1 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB up to 140°F ....................................................................... 55
F.3.2 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB at 180°F ............................................................................ 55
POLYETHYLENE PIPING MATERIALS ......................................................................................................... 56
F.4.1 Standard Method - Validation of HDB ................................................................................................... 56
F.4.2 Rate Process Method (RPM) Validation of the HDB ............................................................................. 57
F.4.3 ISO 9080 Based Method for Validation of 140F (60°C) HDB ............................................................. 58
F.4.4 Determination of Elevated Temperature HDB When Brittle Failures Occur Before 10,000 hours. ....... 60
F.4.5 ISO 9080 Based Method for Validation of 180°F (82°C) HDB ............................................................. 61
F.5 HYDROSATIC DESIGN BASIS SUBSTANTIATION FOR PE MATERIALS......................................... 62
F.6.1 Minor Modification(s) in PE Compounds .............................................................................................. 63
F.6.2 Other Modifications ................................................................................................................................ 63
F.6.3 Test requirements to establish equivalence ............................................................................................. 64
FACTOR .............................................................................................................................................................. 65
PART G. PEX SPECIFIC POLICES, PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES ........................................................... 66
G.1 POLICY FOR PEX MATERIAL DESIGNATION CODES........................................................................ 66
G.2 POLICY ON FORMULATION MODIFICATIONS FOR PEX HDB LISTINGS ...................................... 66
G.2.1 Modifications Not Requiring Long-term Strength Data......................................................................... 66
G.2.2 Colorant Changes: .................................................................................................................................. 66
G.2.3 Thermal Stabilizers: ............................................................................................................................... 67
G.2.4 UV Light Stabilizers: ............................................................................................................................. 67
G.2.5 Catalyst Changes: ................................................................................................................................... 68
G.2.6 Carrier Resin Changes: .......................................................................................................................... 68
PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................................................................... 70
COMPOUND....................................................................................................................................................... 70
H.1.1 Equipment .............................................................................................................................................. 70
H.1.2 Single Batching ...................................................................................................................................... 70
H.1.3 Double Batching .................................................................................................................................... 70
COMPOSITION .................................................................................................................................................. 70
FORMULATIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 73
H.5.1 Allowable formulation variation for a fixed composition formulation: ................................................. 75
H.5.2 To establish a range with greater component variability:....................................................................... 76
APPENDIXES ......................................................................................................................................................... 78
APPENDIX X.1 TEST DATA REPORT REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 79
APPENDIX X.2 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION ON LISTINGS ............................................................. 89
X.2.1 Additional Information........................................................................................................................... 89
X.2.2 Release of Recommendations ................................................................................................................ 89
X.2.3 Appeals of HSB Actions ........................................................................................................................ 89
X.2.4 Confidentiality ....................................................................................................................................... 89
X.2.5 Request Templates ................................................................................................................................. 89
APPENDIX X.3 CONVERSION OF PHR TO WEIGHT PERCENT .................................................................... 90

This report presents the policies and procedures used by the HSB (Hydrostatic Stress Board) of PPI
(Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc.) to develop recommendations of long-term strength ratings for
commercial thermoplastic piping materials or pipe. Recommendations are published in PPI TR-4,
"PPI Listing of Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB), Pressure Design Basis (PDB), Strength Design
Basis (SDB) and Minimum Required Strength MRS) Ratings for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or
Pipe", a regularly updated document.

PPI is a trade association dedicated to promoting the effective use of plastics piping systems. Since
the 1950s, the PPI HSB has worked as a volunteer group under PPI's auspices to issue listings and
continually evaluate and update procedures for long-term strength forecasting.

Listings are developed from stress rupture data submitted to the PPI HSB by the manufacturer. The
general method used to evaluate the data is given in ASTM D2837, "Standard Test Method for
Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials," for HDB, SDB and PDB
listings. For MRS listings, the data is evaluated using ISO 9080 Plastics piping and ducting systems –
Determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials in pipe form by
extrapolation and classification is in accordance with ISO 12162 Thermoplastics materials for pipes
and fittings for pressure applications – Classification, designation and design coefficient. All design
basis must comply with the additional requirements delineated in this report. Many important
national and international thermoplastic pipe standards, including those issued by ASTM
International (American Society for Testing and Materials), ISO (International Standards
Organization), NSF International (National Sanitation Foundation), AWWA (American Water
Works Association), ANSI (American National Standards Institute), ASME (American Society of
Mechanical Engineers) and the API (American Petroleum Institute), reference the long-term
strength recommendations listed with the PPI HSB.

This report was prepared by PPI HSB as a service to the industry. The information in this report
is offered in good faith and believed to be accurate at the time of its preparation, but is offered “as
is” without any express or implied warranty, including WARRANTIES OF
manufacturer that lists compositions with the PPI HSB does so voluntarily and with the express
agreement that PPI assumes no liability in regard to the lists, and that it will hold PPI harmless
from any claims or liability in connection with its listed pipe compositions.

Additional information may be needed in some areas, especially with regard to unusual or special
applications. Consult the manufacturer or material supplier for more detailed information. PPI
does not endorse the proprietary products or processes of any manufacturer, and assumes no
responsibility for compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Questions, comments, and problems of interpretation should be referred to the the PPI HSB Chair,
Plastics Pipe Institute, 105 Decker Court, Suite 825, Irving, TX 75062. Copies of this report, as well
as other publications, are available from the PPI website:

This report was first published in 1976. This report was updated October 2020.

© Copyright, The Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. 2020

2012 Version
Document title Title – Added “CRS”
Addition of Part A.10 Recommended HDB AND PDB Ratings
Using ASTM D2992
- Part B.2 was removed.
- Sections were renumbered.
PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES Edits to clarify TR-3 language related to Colorant Ranges:
- D.1 POLICY ON COLORANT - Parts D.1.1.12: D., D. and D.
Addition of Part E.2.1
PROCEDURES - F.6.2: MRS Equivalence
Addition of
- G.1: Protocol for PPI Listing of PEX Pipe in PPI TR-4
PART G. PEX Specific Policies, Practices - G.2: Policy on Formulation Modifications for PEX HDB
and Procedures Listings
- G.3: Policy on Establishing Equivalence of Modified PEX
Pipe Compositions
Addition of Part H.2.1
2016 Version
EQUIVALENCE OF MODIFIED PE Language clarified in Part F.6
APPENDIX X.1 Language clarified in X.1.1 Checklist

2017 Version
Updated to include the Five Year Renewal Policy for PPI TR-4
HDB and PDB Independent Listings at Standard Grade.
Updated to include the Five Year Renewal Policy for PPI TR-4
MRS and CRS Independent Listings at Standard Grade.
Updated to include the Five Year Renewal Policy for PPI TR-4
SDB Independent Listings at Standard Grade.
2017a Version

PART A. Hydrostatic pipe testing for Updated to explicitly state validation as a requirement for PE
any HDB or PDB listed product compounds holding a HDB listing.

2018 Version
- Added a definition for solid wall pipe.
- Removed the previous definition for Multilayer pipe based on
Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3.

Replaced previous definition of composite pipe with the new

- Group 1 (Helically Wrapped Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe
- Group 2 (Dispersed Reinforcement)
- Group 3 (Multilayer (non-helically wrapped)) which comprises:
i. Barrier; ii. Reinforced; iii. Coextruded thermoplastic
ALTERNATE METHOD OF New language to state that one lot of pipe is needed to qualify a
- Part E.
Hydrostatic design stress was revised to HDB
- Part E.4.2.1
The previous regression requirements were revised to a full E2
in accordance with Part A.1.2.1. Note, E.4.3.2 was removed and
Note 3 was revised.
- Part E.4.3.1
Part F.6.3.2 MRS Equivalence Corrected typo in second bullet to reference F.6.3.1


This is now a policy for PEX material designation codes.


The percentages in Parts G. and G.2.3.2 were revised to
state as a weight percent.

2020 Version
All pages, where needed Editorial revision: Added headers throughout the document.
Editorial revision: Reformatted “5 year” to “5-year” to match
All pages, where mentioned
the formatting elsewhere in the document.
Editorial revision: Reformatted “50 year” to “50-year” to match
All pages, where mentioned
the formatting elsewhere in the document.
Editorial revision: Editorial revision: “Chairman of the HSB” to
All pages, where mentioned
“PPI HSB Chair”.
Table of Contents Editorial revision: Added all marked headers and page numbers.
FOREWORD Editorial revision: Updated the foreword
SUMMARY OF CHANGES Editorial revision: Moved after the Foreword.
NOTES TO READER Editorial revision: Corrected typo “insure” to “ensure”.
DEFINITIONS Editorial revision: Formatted into a table.
ACRONYMS Editorial revision: Formatted into a table.
Part A.1.2. Duration and Renewal of
Editorial revision: Part A. Separated the two provisions.
Part A. HDB Requirements Editorial revision: Formatted to tables.
POLY (VINYL CHLORIDE) PVC Editorial revision: Formatted resin properties into a table.
VARIABILITY FOR PVC PIPE AND Editorial revision: Formatted allowed variations into a table.
Editorial revision: Formatted resin properties into a table.
Editorial revision: Separated from Appendix X.1 and placed in
X.2.1 Additional Information
APPENDIX: X.1.2, X.1.3, X.1.4, X.1.5
X.2.2 Release of Recommendations
X.2.3 Appeals of HSB Actions
X.2.4 Confidentiality
X.2.5 Request Templates
Editorial revision: Removed the older request templates and
APPENDIX: request letter templates added mention in new X.2.5 Request Templates, that these are
available online.
Editorial revision: Added title "CONVERSION OF PHR TO
WEIGHT PERCENT" and reformatted.

Editorial revision: Removed PPI membership information as

APPENDIX X.4 PPI Membership the PPI HSB provides a service to the industry. Also, a PPI
membership is not required to list with the PPI HSB.

EQUIVALENCE OF MODIFIED PEX Editorial revision: Formatted test requirements into a Table.

Existing policy is now labeled for PE compounds with a

recommended HDB up to 140F:
- Part F.1.1: Substitution of Thermal Stabilizers
- Part F.2.1: Variation in the Amount of Stabilizer
- Part F.3.1: Substitution of Ultraviolet Light Stabilizers in Non-
Black PE Compounds

- NEW policy is included for PE compounds with a

recommended HDB up to 180F:
PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB - Part F.1.2: Substitution of Thermal Stabilizers
at 180°F - Part F.2.2: Variation in the Amount of Stabilizer
- Part F.3.2: Substitution of Ultraviolet Light Stabilizers in
Non-Black PE Compounds
- Part F.4.5: ISO 9080 Based Method for Validation of 180°F
(82°C) HDB

- New language is added to direct the reader to policies

applicable to the 180F HDB PE compounds in these parts:
- Part F.4: PE Validation (2nd paragraph).
- Part F.5: PE Substantiation (1st paragraph).
- Part F.6: PE Modifications (1st paragraph).

Part F.6.3 Test requirements to establish Editorial revision: Formatted test requirements using bullet
equivalence points.


1. Processing Techniques: It is stressed that these policies and procedures are for development
of recommended ratings for thermoplastics piping compounds or pipe based on test data from
good quality pipes (extruded or molded) made by specific processing techniques. These
recommended ratings may or may not be valid for products made by differing processing

2. Definitions and Acronyms: Definitions and Acronyms are shown in the next section. The
terminology of this report is in accordance with the definitions given in ASTM Standards D883,
"Standard Definition of Terms Relating to Plastics," and F412, "Standard Terminology Relating
to Plastic Piping Systems.

3. Adjusting Recommended Ratings for Application-Specific Environments:

HDB/PDB/MRS/CRS/SDB recommended ratings issued by PPI are for conditions equivalent
to those under which the test data were obtained, e.g., constant pressure, temperature and
specific test environment. Various industry standards or regulations provide appropriate design
factors or design coefficients to calculate the corresponding maximum allowable operating
pressure for the piping system used in the desired application. Under some conditions, such as
pressure cycling, higher temperature, more aggressive environment, or handling and installation
quality, all of which may significantly reduce pipe durability, a more conservative design factor or
design coefficient should be chosen.

4. The term maximum HDS (Hydrostatic Design Stress) refers to the maximum allowable working
circumferential or hoop stress for a given set of end use conditions, from which is computed the
maximum sustained working pressure of a plastic pipe. The HDS is determined by reducing the
HDB by a design factor (DF), a multiplier less than 1.0, that takes into consideration variables
and degrees of safety involved in thermoplastics piping installation.

HDS recommendations issued by PPI are maximum recommended values for conditions
equivalent to those under which the test data were obtained, e.g., constant pressure, temperature
and specific test environment. Maximum HDS values are arrived at in this report by multiplying
the HDB by a design factor of 0.50 unless otherwise stated in this report. Under some
conditions, such as pressure cycling, higher temperature, or more aggressive environment, all of
which may significantly reduce pipe durability, a more conservative (i.e., smaller) design factor
should be chosen. More information on design factors is given in PPI TR-9, "Recommended
Design Factors for Pressure Applications of Thermoplastic Pipe Materials". The HDB and
HDS recommendations in this document are made for the 73ºF (23ºC) listings only. At higher
temperatures, only the HDB is listed. Prior to calculating the HDS at temperatures above 120ºF
(50ºC), the thermal and oxidative stability of these materials must be independently determined.
This stability should be considered in selection of an appropriate DF. Sustained pressure
testing at elevated temperatures in accordance with ASTM D1598 and evaluated per
ASTM D2837 may not be sufficient to fully evaluate either the thermal or oxidative
stability performance of plastic materials.

It is the opinion of the HSB that our current policy is to provide listings of HDB’s and HDS’s at
73°F and elevated temperature HDB’s for water for thermoplastic piping compounds. The
application of any design factor to elevated temperature HDB’s is an issue that is best addressed
in the product standards and/or codes. However, we do not see any reason to not utilize the
application of a given design factor to an elevated temperature HDB provided that other
relevant design considerations such as, but not limited to, thermal stability, live and dead loads,
notch sensitivity of the buried pipe, etc., are thoroughly considered.

5. Product Standards: An HDB/HDS/PDB/SDB/MRS/CRS recommended rating has been

shown, through both scientific procedures and historical experience, to be a useful indicator of
the relative long-term strength of a thermoplastic material when tested under the conditions set
out in test method ASTM D2837 or ISO 9080. The performance of a material (or a piping
product made with that material) under actual conditions of installation and use is dependent
upon a number of other factors and conditions, which are not addressed in this report. These
other factors and conditions are properly governed by the relevant product standard. The
usefulness and adequacy of an HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS/CRS as an indicator of the strength of a
material or pipe for use in any particular application is reflected in its incorporation in the
applicable product standard, along with other appropriate performance parameters for the
product and its component material. The appropriateness of an HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS/CRS
for a specific application is also determined by the decision of a private or governmental entity to
adopt such a standard as part of its own requirements for the product. The term “50-year
strength value,” as used in ASTM D2837, is a mathematical extrapolation that is useful in the
context of developing an HDB. It does not necessarily constitute a representation that any
material with such a value will perform under actual use conditions for that period of time.

6. Sunlight (UV) Exposure: These policies do not take into consideration the adequacy of a
plastic composition's protection against sunlight exposure. Manufacturers may include in plastic
pipe compositions suitable ingredients for the protection of properties against possible
degradation by sunlight radiation during normal storage and use. The user should ensure that
sufficient protection has been incorporated into the selected piping composition should the
application involve extended sunlight exposure during storage and/or use.

7. Recommended Ratings are Formulation Specific: Each

HDB/HDS/PDB/SDB/MRS/CRS issued by PPI is specific to that particular thermoplastic
piping material formulation, including the procedure for mixing, which is represented by the data
submitted to the HSB. Any changes in the mixing procedure, in the formulation, or in its
ingredients, outside those permitted in TR-3 are considered to result in a new composition,
which may have different long-term strength properties. The listed
HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS/CRS does not apply to this new composition, unless the changes have
been made, or validated, in accordance with one or more of the policies presented in this report;
or have been ruled upon by the HSB as acceptable based on information provided to the HSB.

8. Resin Changes: An inherent assumption in the development of these policies and procedures
is that the commercial pipe resin will be of equivalent chemical and molecular composition,
insofar as these parameters influence long-term strength and durability, to the resin used in the
composition on which the original long-term data supplied to PPI were obtained. Any
modification of the resin composition is considered to result in a different material from the one
on which the original HDB and HDS listings were based. The PPI HSB Chair should be
notified of such modifications and the applicable policy followed to maintain the listing. In the

case of a change in manufacturing location of the resin used in a listed compound, the PPI HSB
Chair should be notified and any applicable policy followed to maintain the listing. Also, in the
case of any deviation or circumstance not covered by a specific policy, a disposition will have to
be made by the HSB in consultation with the manufacturer.

9. Disclaimer: While every effort has been made by the Plastics Pipe Institute to assure that these
policies are sound, reasonable and prudent, PPI expressly disclaims any guarantee or warranty
regarding their application. Each manufacturer who lists compositions in accordance with the
procedures in TR-3 does so voluntarily and with the express agreement that PPI assumes no
liability in regard to the listed compositions, and that the manufacturer will hold PPI harmless
from any claims or liability arising in connection with its listed pipe compositions.

10. Manufacturer’s Responsibility: The manufacturer is responsible to ensure that his product is
continually manufactured in such a manner as to maintain the long-term strength and durability
consistent with the long-term data supplied to the HSB. In the case of a deviation or
circumstance not covered by a specific policy, a disposition will have to be made by the HSB in
consultation with the manufacturer.

11. Adoption of Policies and Procedures: These policies and procedures have been adopted using
standard letter ballot methods.

12. Interpretations: Questions pertaining to the interpretation of any policies in this report should
be referred to the PPI HSB Chair, Plastics Pipe Institute, 105 Decker Court, Suite 825, Irving,
TX 75062.

13. Maximum Temperature for Listings: The maximum temperature for which PPI will list an
HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS/CRS for a material in accordance with the policies and procedures in
TR-3 is 200oF (93oC). PPI listing for temperatures above 200oF may be requested as a “Special
Case” (See Note 14) for consideration by the HSB.

14. Special Case Listings: The policies and procedures in TR-3 are intended to cover
HDB/HDS/PDB/SDB/MRS/CRS listings for most thermoplastic piping materials. PPI
recognizes there may be unusual cases, issues or circumstances that are not covered in TR-3,
and that may justify an exception to the standard policies. To allow manufacturers an
opportunity to have their material(s) listed by PPI when this occurs, the HSB has provided a
“Special Case” system. The manufacturer may present its “Case” to the HSB at one of their
two annual meetings, usually in February and August, using the approved “Checklist for HSB
Submissions” form in TR-3 Appendix X.1. All information provided to HSB in these special
cases will be made available for review only by HSB members and PPI staff, and will be held
by them in strict confidence, in accordance with PPI’s written confidentiality procedures
(available from the PPI HSB Chair). There is a PPI fee for each special case. You must
contact the PPI HSB Chair well in advance of each meeting to arrange for your special case.
A completed HSB submission form must be received at least two (2) weeks prior to the HSB
meeting to permit HSB consideration at that meeting.


ANSI American National Standards Institute

1430 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
API American Petroleum Institute
211 North Ervay
Suite 1700
Dallas, TX 75201
ASTM ASTM International
100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, PA 19428
AWWA American Water Works Association
6666 West Quincy Avenue
Denver, CO 80235
CSA CSA International
178 Rexdale Boulevard
Toronto, ON
HSB Hydrostatic Stress Board
c/o Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc.
105 Decker Court, Suite 825
Irving, TX 75062
ISO International Organization for Standardization.
Secretariat: Nederlands
Normalisatie-instituut (NNI)
P. O. Box 5059
2600 GB Delft, Netherlands
USA Contact:
American National Standards Institute
1430 Broadway
New York, NY 10018
NSF NSF International
789 Dixboro Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48113-0140
PPI Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc.
105 Decker Court, Suite 825
Irving, TX 75062

A failure mode which exhibits no visible (to the naked eye) material
Brittle deformation (stretching, elongation, or necking down) in the area of the
This pipe is defined by the following Groups 1, 2 and 3.
NOTE: The regression must have a negative slope.

Group 1: Helically Wrapped Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe

(RTP): The case in which the reinforcement elements are applied
such that they have the shape or form of a helix (spiral) and
additional non-helical elements are acceptable.

Group 2: Dispersed Reinforcement: Solid wall pipe with

reinforcement dispersed by compounding in the polymer matrix.

Composite pipe Group 3: Multilayer (non-helically wrapped): A pressure rated

pipe having more than one layer and does not rely exclusively on a
reinforcement for its strength.
i. Barrier: a pipe identified with distinct layers of dissimilar materials
such as polymer/metal/polymer (PEX/AL/PEX) or polymer/non-
stress rated polymer/polymer (PEX/EVOH/PEX).
ii. Reinforced: a pipe identified with distinct layer(s) such as metal mesh,
foamed or a layer with dispersed fillers.
iii. Coextruded thermoplastic compounds: a pipe identified with distinct
layers of thermoplastic compounds such as MDPE with a HDPE, PP
with PE, natural plastic with a pigmented layer or others other
coextruded structure.

The Categorized Required Strength, CRSq,t, is the categorized lower

prediction limit (LPL) of the long-term hydrostatic strength at a
temperature (q) and a time (t) as determined in accordance with ISO
9080 and ISO 12162. CRSq,t at 20°C and 50-years equals MRS.
Design Coefficient - a number greater than 1.00 that takes into
consideration the variables and degree of safety involved in a properly
(C) installed thermoplastic pressure piping installation. For purposes of this
document, a design coefficient recommended for use with an MRS
category is designated C.
Design Factor - a number less than 1.00 that takes into consideration
the variables and degree of safety involved in a properly installed
(DF) thermoplastic pressure piping installation. For purposes of this
document, a design factor recommended for use with an HDB category
is designated DF.

A separate listing of a formulation that has previously been established
Dependent listing as an independent listing under another owner's designation. Refer to
Part D.3 of TR-3.
A failure mode which exhibits material deformation (stretching,
elongation, or necking down) in the area of the break.
The data level of an experimental grade listing where 'X' is the number
E-X of the grade level. e.g.: E-2 covers data out to at least 2,000 hours, E-8
covers data out to at least 8,000 hours, etc.
A PPI HSB recommended rating that is valid for a limited duration,
given to those materials covered by data that do not yet comply with the
full requirements of the Standard Grade, but satisfy the applicable
Experimental Grade minimum preliminary data requirements that are detailed in TR-3. The
owner of an experimental listing must understand there is a potential
risk in commercial sale of an experimental product in case it does not
meet all the TR-3 requirements for a standard grade.
The term HDB (Hydrostatic Design Basis) refers to the categorized
long-term hydrostatic strength (LTHS) in the circumferential or hoop
direction, for a given set of end use conditions, as established by ASTM
Test Method D 2837, "Standard Test Method for Obtaining
HDB Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials."
Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB) — one of a series of established stress
values (specified in Test Method D 2837) for a plastic compound
obtained by categorizing the long-term hydrostatic strength determined
in accordance with ASTM Method D 2837.
Hydrostatic Design Stress – the recommended maximum hoop stress
HDS that can be applied continuously with a high degree of certainty that
failure of the pipe will not occur.
A listing that has been established by a formulation owner under the
Independent listing
provisions of Part A of TR-3.
The ratio of LCL expressed as a percentage. This ratio is a measure of
the amount of scatter in the data and must be at least 85%.
Lower Confidence Limit - The lowest value of the LTHS, based on a
LCL statistical analysis of the regression data that can be expected at 100,000
Long-term hydrostatic strength - the estimated tensile stress in the wall
of the pipe in the circumferential orientation that when applied
continuously will cause failure of the pipe at 100,000 hours. This is the
intercept of the stress regression line with the 100,000-h coordinate.

Minimum Required Pressure — one of a series of established pressure
values for a plastic piping component (multilayer pipe, fitting, valve,
etc.) obtained by categorizing the long-term hydrostatic pressure
strength in accordance with ISO 9080.
The term MRS (Minimum Required Strength) refers to the categorized
long-term hydrostatic strength in the circumferential, or hoop direction,
for a given set of end use conditions, as established by ISO 9080,
"Determination of Long-Term Hydrostatic Strength of Thermoplastic
Materials in Pipe form by Extrapolation." Minimum Required Strength
— one of a series of established stress values for a plastic compound
obtained by categorizing the long-term hydrostatic strength determined
by hydrostatic testing in accordance with ISO 9080 and ISO 12162.
The term PDB (Pressure Design Basis) refers to the categorized long-
term pressure strength for multilayer pipes or other complex piping
components, as established by ASTM Test Method D 2837, "Standard
Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic
Pipe Materials." Pressure Design Basis – one of a series of established
pressure values for a plastic piping component (multilayer pipe, fitting,
PDB valve, etc.) obtained by categorizing the long-term hydrostatic pressure
strength determined in accordance with an industry test method that
uses linear regression analysis. Although ASTM D 2837 does not use
“pressure values”, the PPI Hydrostatic Stress Board uses the principles
of ASTM D2837 in plotting log pressure vs. log time to determine a
“long-term hydrostatic pressure strength” and the resulting “Pressure
Design Basis” for multilayer pipe that is listed in PPI TR-4
Parts by weight of a specified ingredient per hundred parts by weight of
PHR the base resin. (See Appendix X. 3)

The estimated maximum pressure that the medium in the pipe can exert
continuously with a high degree of certainty that failure of the pipe will
not occur.
PR = 2 (HDB) x (design factor) / (SDR-1)
Pressure Rating SDR = Standard Dimension Ratio
= average outside diameter/ minimum wall

PR = (PDB) (design factor)

Manufacturer’s listing that is held privately within PPI and is not
Private listing
published in PPI TR-4.

Strength Design Basis – one of a series of established stress values
(specified in Test Method D2837) for a plastic molding compound
obtained by categorizing the long-term strength determined in
accordance with ASTM Test Method F 2018. The term SDB (Strength
SDB Design Basis) refers to the categorized long-term strength for a plastic
molding compound obtained by ASTM F2018, “Standard Test Method
for Time-to - Failure of Plastics Using Plane Strain Tensile Specimens.”
NOTE: The SDB is used only for a material intended for molding
applications. The SDB shall not be used for pipe applications.
The pipe wall is composed entirely of a single extruded layer of a
Solid Wall Pipe
single compound
A PPI HSB recommended rating that is valid for a five-year period,
Standard Grade (S) given to those materials that comply with the full data requirements
of TR-3.
A requirement of ASTM D2513 for PE materials to show that
Substantiation extrapolation of the 73°F stress regression curve is linear to the
438,000-hour intercept.
A plastic that repeatedly can be softened by heating and hardened by
cooling through a temperature range characteristic of the plastic,
and that in the softened state can be shaped by flow into articles by
molding or extrusion.
TR Technical Report
A PPI Technical Report where 'X' is the number of the report. e.g.:
TR-3/2011 is the 2011 edition of TR-3, "Policies and
Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis (HDB),
TR-X Hydrostatic Design Stresses (HDS), Pressure Design Basis
(PDB), Strength Design Basis (SDB), Minimum Required
Strength (MRS) Ratings, and Categorized Required Strength
(CRS) for Thermoplastic Piping Materials or Pipe”
Upper Confidence Limit - The highest value of the LTHS, based on
UCL a statistical analysis of the regression data that can be expected at
100,000 h.
UV Ultra-Violet radiation from solar exposure.
The process of ensuring that, for those materials that exhibit a
Validation transition from ductile to brittle failure mode, this transition occurs
after 100,000 h at the rated temperature.

CPVC Chlorinated Poly (vinyl chloride)
PA Polyamide (aka nylon)
PB Polybutylene
PE Polyethylene
PEX Crosslinked polyethylene
PFA Perfluoro (alkoxy alkane)
POM Polyoxymethylene (aka polyacetal)
PP Polypropylene
PVC Poly (vinyl chloride)
PVDF Poly (vinylidene difluoride)



A.1.1 Three grades of recommended hydrostatic design basis (HDB), hydrostatic design stress
(HDS) and pressure design basis (PDB) are issued by PPI. These recommended grades are
either publicly listed in PPI TR-4 or privately listed within PPI:

A.1.1.1 The Standard Grade recommendation is for a five-year period for those
materials that comply with the full data requirements of "Standard Test Method
for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials",
ASTM D 2837, and all the pertinent additional data requirements which are
detailed in Sections that follow.
A.1.1.2 The Experimental Grade recommendation is for a limited duration and is
for those materials covered by data that do not yet comply with the full
requirements of the Standard Grade, but satisfy the applicable minimum
preliminary data requirements that are detailed in the Sections that follow.
The owner of an experimental grade listing must understand there is a
potential risk in commercial sale of an experimental product in case it
does not meet all theTR-3 requirements for a standard grade. The 85%
LCL requirements, and all other requirements in D 2837 applies to
experimental grades except as noted in TR-3.

A.1.2 Duration and Renewal of Recommendations

A.1.2.1 An Experimental Grade recommendation must be periodically advanced

through certain specified data levels until the full data requirements of the
Standard Grade are satisfied. Failure to make a required advance of an
Experimental Grade recommendation will cause the recommendation to
expire. The recommendation level and temperature determine the data
requirements. The experimental point distribution requirements for each test lot
vary according to the test data level as follows:


Experi- Covers Total Min. Less Over Over 1000- Over Over
mental Data for number of than 2000 4000 6000 6000 8000
Data at Least test points 1000 (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs)
Level (hrs) (hrs)
E-2 2,000 10 6 1 --- --- --- ---
E-4 4,000 10 6 1 1 --- --- ---
E-6 6,000 12 6 --- --- 3 1 ---
E-8 8,000 15 6 --- --- 3 1 1
E-10 10,000 18 (Consult latest issue of ASTM D2837 for data distribution

A.1.2.2 Renewal Requirements for Standard Grade Independent Listings
The Standard Grade recommendation is for a five-year period. The owner of such
recommendations may request a continuation for another five-year period within 4 1/2 and
5-years after the initial listing. This renewal procedure may be repeated. (PPI TR-3 Parts
A. – A. details the Five-Year Renewal Policy for Independent Listings at
Standard Grade level).

A. The Five-Year Renewal shall apply only to Independent Listings at Standard
Grade level. Dependent Listings which are covered by PPI TR-3 Part D.3, are excluded
from this requirement.

A. Any data submission must be on a current lot of the compound produced
within the most recent 5-year listing period and not from any previously listed lot of the

A. All Independent Listings must verify that all the compound cell classification
requirements of the originally listed compound are met on one lot per A., in
accordance with the current version of the appropriate ASTM, ISO or other appropriate
product standard.

A. Hydrostatic pipe testing for any HDB or PDB listed product requires the
testing of the same lot of the compound as per A.;
a. To the initial experimental grade level for the maximum temperature in the original
listing per PPI TR-3 Part A.
b. Submission of the hydrostatic test data using the PPI TR-3 submittal checklist in
appendices X as was done for the initial listing. Please see applicable sections in TR-3.
c. Hydrostatic test data on either laboratory or commercially made pipe may be
d. PE compounds listed with an HDB shall include validation requirements.

A. Hydrostatic pipe testing for any MRS listed products requires the testing of
the same lot of the compound as per A. by the MRS equivalence procedure in F.6.2
or as follows:
a. For PE-100 products: 20°C @ 12 MPa for ≥ 100 hours and 11.1 MPA for ≥ 2,500
hours and 80°C @ 5.4 MPa for ≥ 165 hours and 4.9 MPa for ≥ 2,500 hours.
b. For PE-80 products: 20°C @ 10 MPa for ≥ 100 hours and @ 9.1 MPa for ≥ 2,500
hours; @80°C @ 4.5 MPa for ≥ 165 hours and @ 3.9MPa for ≥ 2,500 hours.
c. Three pipes at each condition shall meet or exceed the time requirement.
d. Hydrostatic test data on either laboratory or commercially made pipe may be

A. If a product has both an HDB and MRS listing, the listing holder can choose
which test to conduct from A. or A.

A. SDB listed products requires the testing of the same lot of the compound as
per A. as follows:
a. SDB data of E-2 at 73°F, and E-6 at the highest listed temperature is needed to the
same SDB level as the original listing.

A. Material Specific Requirements

a. PEX pipe including those with barrier layers must confirm that the gel level per
ASTM D2765 is not lower than the original listed compound.
i. ASTM D2765 testing shall include testing of colored PEX with barrier layer at
maximum thickness, if such a pipe is manufactured.
ii. In the instance, that no colored pipe with a barrier layer is manufactured, then
a colored PEX construction may be tested.
iii. In the instance that neither barrier layer piping nor colored piping is
manufactured, then a natural piping material may be tested.
b. Multilayer pipes: Specimens of one structure representing the severe case pipe
size are to be tested. The severe case pipe size is that size with the highest strain
energy in the pipe wall. Rationale must be presented with the listing request to
support the “severe case” analysis.
c. Hydrostatic pipe testing for any thermoplastic pipes with barrier layers
different from above requires the testing of the same lot of the compound as per
A. as follows:
i. The specific construction of the product shall be supplied and verified to have
not changed from the originally submitted product.
ii. Submission of stress rupture data of E-2 at 73°F, and E-6 at the highest listed
temperature and the thinnest wall manufactured (i.e. the pipe which has the
barrier layer at the highest percentage of the overall wall thickness). The total
thickness of the barrier layer shall be the same, ± 10 %, for all pipe sizes to be
manufactured under this listing. Data must result in the same HDB as the
original thermoplastic stress rupture data.

A. In cases where the same base resin is used in multiple Independent
a. The Listing Owner may satisfy the renewal requirements for all these listings by
submitting test data from just one of these compounds, provided all of the common
listings are of the same HDB(s). Thus, all Independent Listings shall be considered
either by testing or by association to a family of products which has had a
representative lot of compound tested.
NOTE: For example, listings established via equivalency are considered part of the
family of products based on the “parent listing”.
b. It is the responsibility of the Independent Listing Owners to communicate the
product family to the PPI HSB Chair in this regard.
c. The renewal is not base resin manufacturing location specific.

A. Standard Grade Recommendations are renewed if they meet or exceed the
minimum performance capability in the original listing.

A. This renewal policy is not compound manufacturing location specific.

A. Products that are not renewed or not in the process of renewal will be
delisted from PPI TR-4 in the subsequent year. Companies may appeal to the PPI HSB
Chair or provide a special case to the HSB until the appeal is resolved.

a. The HSB Chairman shall have the authority in situations where most or all of the
5-year renewals are in a single year or in only a 2-year period to stagger the
workload over the 5-year time period.
b. The Chairman shall also have the authority to waive the 5-year renewal testing of
compounds based on the same base resin in the case where said base resin has
undergone full standard grade level testing for a new listing in the 5-year period.


A.2.1 Experimental Grade
The Experimental Grade shall meet the requirements of the latest revision of "Standard Test
Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials", ASTM D 2837,
except that the submitted test data need only meet the requirements given in the following table:
Minimum Data
Level of Time of Data Submission Lots At Level
E-2 Initial One E-2
E-4 Initial or, Within 6 months after level 2 One E-4
E-6 Initial or, Within 6 months after level 4 One E-6
E-8 Initial or, Within 6 months after level 6 One E-8

An additional requirement for the Experimental Grade for polyethylene (PE) pipe compositions is
successful validation of at least one test lot in accordance with Part F.4 of this document.

A.2.2 Standard Grade
The requirements of the Standard Grade shall be met within six months after those of E-8 Level
Experimental Grade are met.
A.2.3 The Standard Grade shall meet the requirements of the latest revision of "Standard Method
for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials", ASTM D 2837,
for at least one lot and the minimum requirements of the E-2 level of the Experimental
Grade for each of at least two additional lots. At least one of these three lots of pipe shall be
made by a pipe producer on commercial production equipment.
An additional requirement for the Standard Grade for PE compositions is successful
validation, in accordance with Part F.4 of this document, which is to be established on each
of two lots of pipe, one of which is to be the same as that tested through at least 10,000
hours for the purpose of determining the LTHS. A pipe producer shall make one of the two
tested lots on commercial equipment.
A.2.4 The Standard Grade recommendation listing will expire five years after the initial listing date.
The owner of the listing may request a continuation within 4 1/2 and five years after the
initial listing date for another five years. This renewal procedure may be repeated.


A.3.1 Experimental Grade
The Experimental Grade shall meet the requirements of the latest revision of "Standard Test
Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials", ASTM D 2837,
except for the following requirements:
A.3.1.1 The pipe material shall have a PPI recommended hydrostatic design stress at 73oF
(23oC) at the E-2 level or higher.
A.3.1.2 Not less than the following test data shall be available at 140oF (60oC):
Level of
Recommendation Time of Data Submission Lots At Level
E-6 Initial One E-6
E-8 Initial or, Within 6 months after One E-8
level 6

A.3.2 An additional requirement for the Experimental Grade for Polyethylene (PE) pipe
compositions is successful validation of at least one test lot in accordance with Part F.4 of
this document.
The requirements of the Standard Grade shall be met within six months after those for the
E-8 level are met.
A.3.2.1 PPI will grant an E-2 Experimental Grade at 140F (60C) based on presentation
to the PPI HSB Chair of acceptable E-2 stress rupture data at both 140F (60C)
and 176F (80C). The owner of this E-2 listing shall submit E-6 stress rupture
data at 140F (60C) to PPI within six months to retain this special listing.
A.3.3. Standard Grade
The Standard Grade shall meet the requirements of the latest revision of "Standard Test Method
for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis of Thermoplastic Pipe Materials," ASTM D 2837, except
for the following requirements:
A.3.3.1 The pipe material shall have a PPI recommended hydrostatic design stress at 73oF
(23oC) at the Standard Grade.
A.3.3.2 Test data shall be available at 140oF (60oC) for at least one lot, meeting the
requirements of the test method (10,000 hours minimum).
A.3.3.3 Test data shall be available at 140°F (60°C) on at least two additional lots of
pipe meeting the E-6 level.
A.3.3.4 At least one of the lots in items 3.3.2 or 3.3.3 shall be made by a pipe producer on
commercial production equipment.
A.3.4 The Standard Grade recommendation listing will expire five years after the initial listing date.
The owner of the listing may request a continuation within 4 1/2 and five years after the
initial listing date for another five years. This renewal procedure may be repeated.

An additional requirement for the Standard Grade for PE compositions is successful

validation, in accordance with Part F.4 of this document, which is to be established on each
of two lots of pipe, one of which is to be the same as that tested through at least 10,000
hours for the purpose of determining the LTHS. A pipe producer shall make one of the two
tested lots on commercial equipment.


A.4.1 Experimental Grade
The Experimental Grade shall meet the requirements of the latest revision of "Standard Test Method
for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials", ASTM D 2837, except for
the following requirements:
A.4.1.1 The pipe material shall have a PPI recommended hydrostatic design stress at 73oF
(23oC) at the E-2 level or higher.
A.4.1.2 Test data shall be available at 180oF (82oC) as follows:
Level of
Recommendation Time of Data Submission Lots At Level
E-6 Initial One E-6
E-8 Initial or, Within 6 months after level 6 One E-8
E-10 Initial or, Within 6 months after level 8 One E-10 and
two E-6
A.4.1.3 PPI will grant an E-2 Experimental Grade at 180F (82C) based on presentation
to the PPI HSB Chair of acceptable E-2 stress rupture data at both 180F (82C)
and 200F (93C). The owner of this E-2 listing shall submit E-6 stress rupture
data at 180F (82C) to PPI within six months to retain this special listing.
A.4.2 The requirements of the Standard Grade shall be met within 18 months after those for the E-
10 level.

A.4.3 Standard Grade
The Standard Grade shall meet the requirements of the latest revision of "Standard Test Method for
Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials", ASTM D 2837, except for the
following requirements:
A.4.3.1 The pipe material shall have a PPI recommended hydrostatic design stress at 73ºF
(23ºC) at the Standard Grade.
A.4.3.2 a. Test data shall be available at 180oF (82oC) for at least one lot for not less
than 16,000 hours, or:

b. Test data shall be available (1) at 180oF (82oC) for at least one lot for not less
than 10,000 hours, and (2) at 200oF (93oC) for at least one lot for not less
than 4,000 hours.
A.4.3.3 Test data shall be available at 180oF (82ºC) on at least two additional lots which
meet the full requirements of test method ASTM D 2837.

A.4.4 The Standard Grade recommendation listing will expire five years after the initial listing date.
The owner of the listing may request a continuation for another five-year period within 4 1/2
and 5-years after the initial listing date.


A.5.1 Experimental Grade
The Experimental Grade shall meet the requirements of the latest revision of "Standard Test
Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials", ASTM D 2837,
except for the following requirements:
A.5.1.1 The pipe material shall have a PPI recommended hydrostatic design stress at 73oF
(23oC) at the E-2 level or higher.
A.5.1.2 Test data shall be available at 200oF (93oC) as follows:
Level of
Recommendation Time of Data Submission Lots At Level
E-6 Initial One E-6
E-8 Initial or, Within 6 months after One E-8
level 6
E-10 Initial or, Within 6 months after One E-10 and
level 8 two E-6

A.5.2 The requirements of the Standard Grade shall be met within 18 months after those for the
E-10 level.

A.5.3 Standard Grade
The Standard Grade shall meet the requirements of the latest revision of "Standard Test Method for
Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials", ASTM D 2837, except for
the following requirements:
A.5.3.1 The pipe material shall have a PPI recommended hydrostatic design stress at 73ºF
(23ºC) at the Standard Grade.
A.5.3.2 a. Test data shall be available at 200oF (93ºC) for at least one lot for not less
than 16,000 hours, or:
b. Test data shall be available at 200°F (93°C) on at least two additional lots of
pipe meeting the full requirements of the test method ASTM D 2837, i.e. E10.
A.5.3.3 Test data shall be available at 200°F (93°C) on at least two additional lots of pipe
meeting the full requirements of the test method ASTM D 2837, i.e. E10.
A.5.4 The Standard Grade recommendation listing will expire five years after the initial listing date.
The owner of the listing may request a continuation for another five years within 41/2 and
5-years after the initial listing date. This renewal procedure may be repeated.

A.6.1 The following are the requirements for the development of recommended hydrostatic design
basis for new plastic pipe materials which, for this purpose, are those for which there is no
standard pipe material designation included in the latest edition of ASTM specifications that
cover plastic pressure pipe (for example, PVC 1120 is not a new material, but PVC 1125
would be a new material):
A.6.1.1 Material Classification: The base material or compound shall be identified by
classification in an ASTM material specification or in a proposed ASTM
specification that has been submitted to at least an ASTM Committee letter ballot.
A.6.1.2 Time-Strength-Creep Characteristics
A.6.1.2.a Experimental Grade: Satisfactory hydrostatic E-6, or higher level test
data for at least one lot, and E-2, or higher level, test data for each of
two or more additional lots shall be supplied. This recommendation
shall be limited to one year, after which period the requirements for
the Standard Grade shall be met to continue the recommendation.
A.6.1.2.b Provisional Standard Grade: Satisfactory hydrostatic E-10 or higher
level for at least one lot, and E-2 or higher level test data for each of
two or more additional lots shall be supplied. At least one of these
lots of pipe shall have been made by a commercial pipe extruder. This
provisional Standard Grade recommendation shall be limited to one
year after which the recommendation will be reviewed in depth by the
HSB in conjunction with a representative of the manufacturer. After
this review the Board will take one of the following actions:
• extend for another year the Provisional Standard Grade
• change the recommendation to the regular five-year Standard
Grade; or,
• withdraw the recommendation.
A.6.2 Additional information: Data and information on the aging characteristics and on any
unusual properties that may be helpful in evaluating the time-stress behavior of the material
in pipe form in service shall be submitted to the Board for study before the Standard Grade
recommendation is made.

A.7.1 General
TR-4 Section II lists recommendations for the Pressure Design Basis (PDB) for Composite pipe as
defined in TR-3.
For Composite pipe the analysis of the regression data by D2837 must show a negative slope.
Because the long-term strength of pipes of such construction is determined not only by the
properties of each of the materials used but also by the specific combination of materials and layer
thicknesses, these PDB ratings differs from HDB ratings in two important respects:
• The long-term strength recommendations are presented in terms of a pressure design basis (PDB)
which represents the pipe’s estimated long-term hydrostatic pressure strength; and
• Each PDB recommendation is specific to the particular wall construction and pipe diameter
that are represented by the data upon which the PDB recommendation was established.

A.7.1.1 Exception: When Multilayer Type I pipes incorporate one or more discrete layers of non-
stress-rated material, dissimilar to the stress-rated polymer, they may be considered non-
composite pipes comprised of a single stress-rated material with a single Hydrostatic Design
Basis at each listed temperature, provided all of the following are met:
• The total thickness of the non-stress-rated layers is the same for all pipe sizes;
• The stress-rated polymer is separately listed with a PPI HDB, based on data generated
from samples comprised of the stress-rated polymer only;
The HDB calculated from data generated on samples including the layer(s) of non-stress-
rated material shall be the same as that of the listed stress-rated polymer (material stress to
be calculated from the full sample dimensions with no correction for the non-stress-rated
The HDB so obtained may not be applied to pipe with thinner walls than that tested per the
provision above.

A.7.2 Pressure Design Basis

The PDB is the categorized estimated long-term hydrostatic pressure strength of a pipe. The
procedures for the estimating of the long-term hydrostatic pressure strength, and for its
categorization into preferred values, are the same as those used for the establishing of a material’s
hydrostatic design basis (HDB).
The maximum pipe pressure ratings (PR’s) are obtained by multiplying the PDB by a 0.5 design
factor. The design factor is intended to take into consideration all the variables and degree of safety
involved on a particular application. The 0.5 value is without consideration to conditions such as
aggressive environments, cyclic stressing, localized stress concentrations, and temperature
fluctuations which were not present in the testing of the pipes but which could significantly affect
long-term durability. Smaller design factors (effectively, larger safety factors) should be considered to
compensate for conditions not adequately represented by the test protocol upon which the PDB’s
have been established. The pipe manufacturer, appropriate pipe standards and codes, and relevant
technical information should be consulted for guidance.

The PDB’s listed in TR-4 Section II have been developed under the same PPI TR-3 protocol as is
used for the establishing of the HDB’s that are listed in Section I of TR-4. The use of this protocol,
including the use of ASTM method D2837, Obtaining Hydrostatic Design Basis for Thermoplastic
Pipe Materials or Pressure Design Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Products was deemed as appropriate
for each of the listed pipe constructions because their pressure versus time-to-rupture behavior
exhibits the same kind of regression with duration of loading as is exhibited by thermoplastic pipes
of homogenous wall construction. The Hydrostatic Stress Board excludes wall constructions that
cannot be evaluated and analyzed in accordance with ASTM D2837 from consideration.
For a Standard grade rating, the PPI Hydrostatic Stress Board requires three pipe lots for the "worst
case" pipe size at the highest listed temperature and at the lowest listed temperature. The "worst
case" pipe size is that size with the highest strain energy in the pipe wall. Rationale must be
presented with the listing request to support the “worst case” analysis.
Table A.7.1 shows the requirements for Provisional and Standard Grade listings of a composite pipe.
For piping constructions that have been previously evaluated and listed, and that are constructed
only with thermoplastic materials that have a Standard Grade HDB in TR-4, and for which an
ASTM product standard is published, the reduced requirements in Table A.7.2 may be followed in
order to establish a Provisional and Standard Grade listing for the composite pipe. At this time,
these reduced requirements are limited to the PE/AL/PE, PE-RT/AL/PE-RT, and PEX/AL/PEX
multi-layer type composite piping products. Other products will be considered for evaluation with
these reduced requirements on a Special Case basis.
Provisional listings will expire after one year unless additional data is provided to move the listing to
the Standard Grade.
There are indications that the long-term strength of a pipe of multilayer construction could be
expressed as some function of the tensile strength properties and relative thickness of each of the
separate material layers (Reference #1 and #2). Should this be confirmed for any of the listed
material combinations, then the recommended strength for each such combination will be reported
in terms of a material strength (i.e., and HDB), rather than a pipe strength (a PDB). This design
methodology and rationale must presented to the HSB as a special case for consideration.
Reference #1 – Frank Furno, A New Concept in Plastics Piping, Proceedings of the Eleventh Plastic Fuel Gas Pipe
Symposium (October 1989, San Francisco, CA), American Gas Association.
Reference #2 – Jeremy Bowman, The Influence of Time and Temperature on the Strength of Multilayered Pressure Pipe,
Plastics Pipe VII Proceedings (September, 1992, Koningshof, The Netherlands) The Plastics and Rubber Institute.

Table A.7.1
Requirements for Listing Composite Pipes

Grade Temperature Worst Case Size Other Sizes

23 °C 1 x E2 1 x E2
1 x E6 1 x E6
Provisional Intermediate and and
1 x E2 @ 23 °C 1 x E2 @ 23 °C
1 x E6 1 x E6
Highest and and
1 x E2 @ 23 °C 1 x E2 @ 23 °C
1 x E10
23 °C 2 x E2 1 x E10

Standard Intermediate 1 x E10 1 x E6

1 x E16
Highest 2 x E10 1 x E16

Table A.7.2
Requirements for Listing Composite Pipes Constructed using only thermoplastic material(s) with a Standard Grade
HDB in TR-4

Grade Temperature Worst Case Size Other Sizes

23 °C 1 x E2 1 x E2
1 x E6, 1 x E6
and and
1 x E2 @ 23 °C 1 x E2@23 °C
1 x E6 1 x E6,
and and
1 x E2 @ 23 °C 1 x E2@23 °C
Standard 1 x E10
23 °C 1 x E2

Intermediate 1 x E10 1 x E6

1 x E16
Highest 1 x E6

Polymeric (oxygen) barrier layers composed of non-stress related polymers are often used in
thermoplastic piping intended for hydronic heating and other related applications. If the barrier
layer is either on the OD or ID see TN-23 section 4. If the barrier layer is contained within the pipe
wall, an equivalency rating is required to affirm the HDB of the parent thermoplastic material is not
negatively affected by the presence of the subject barrier material. In order to establish an
equivalency to the original material listing, the following shall apply:

A.8.1 The parent thermoplastic material must have a Standard Grade listing.
A.8.2 The specific construction of the product shall be supplied with the listing request.
A.8.3 An equivalent listing for a thermoplastic barrier pipe may be granted upon submission of
stress rupture data of E-2 at 73F, and E-6 at the highest listed temperature and the thinnest
wall manufactured (i.e. the pipe which has the barrier layer at the highest percentage of the
overall wall thickness). The total thickness of the barrier layer shall be the same, ± 10 %, for
all pipe sizes to be manufactured under this listing. Data must result in the same HDB as
the original thermoplastic stress rupture data.


A.9.1 General – Section A.9 details the requirements for substituting ingredients in
Polyolefin/Aluminum/Polyolefin Composite Pipe Constructions. Pipe of this type of
construction typically consists of ingredient layers of polyolefin compound, adhesive,
aluminum, adhesive and polyolefin compound.
A.9.2 A manufacturer who has Polyolefin/Aluminum/Polyolefin Composite Pipe with a PPI
Standard Grade recommended PDB for 73 °F (23 °C) may substitute a like ingredient
provided that:
A.9.2.1 the construction is the same as those sizes that have the PPI Standard Grade
recommended PDB;
A.9.2.2 test data are provided as stipulated in Table A.9;
A.9.2.3 the 100,000-hour hydrostatic pressure strength is not less than required to give the
same pressure design basis as that recommended for the Standard Grade
A.9.2.4 the 50-year pressure strength value (LTHP50) is not less than 85% of the 100,000-
hour hydrostatic pressure;
A.9.2.5 the 50-year pressure value is not less than 85 percent of the 50-year pressure value
of the Standard Grade construction (to assure that the slope for the substituted
construction is approximately the same as that for the Standard Grade

A.9.3 Test data requirements at temperatures other than 73ºF (23ºC) shall be as stipulated in Table
A.9.4 The manufacturer shall make available to the PPI HSB Chair, on a confidential basis,
justification for a particular size being considered the “Worst Case Size” and the results of
the evaluation studies undertaken to show apparent material identity.
Table A.9
Requirements for Substitutions in Listed Composite Pipes

Grade Substituted Temperature Worst Case Other Sizes

Ingredient Construction Size

23 °C 1 x E2 1 x E2

Highest 1 x E6 and 1 x E4 and

1 x E2 @ 23 °C 1 x E2 @ 23 °C

23 °C
on one additional
1 x E2
Aluminum size:
or 1 x E2
on one additional
Highest 1 x E6, and size:
1 x E2 @ 23 °C
1 x E6, and
1 x E2 @ 23 °C

23 °C 1 x E10 1 x E2
Highest 1 x E16 1 x E6

23 °C
on one additional
1 x E6
Aluminum size:
or 1 x E6
on one additional
Highest 1 x E10, and
1 x E6 @ 23 °C
1 x E10, and
1 x E6 @ 23 °C

In those cases where it is determined to be appropriate, the HSB may grant an HDB or PDB based
on ASTM D2992 analysis on a special case basis.
A.10.1 Analysis of the regression data of fiber-reinforced thermosetting and thermoplastic-resin for
composite pipe constructions by ASTM D2992, Obtaining Hydrostatic or Pressure Design
Basis for “Fiberglass” (Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Thermosetting-Resin) Pipe and Fittings,
Procedure B (static) is permitted under the following conditions:
• All the requirements of Article A.7 must be complied with, except that the analysis of
the regression data is performed per ASTM D2992, Procedure B instead of ASTM
D2837. Other exceptions may be proposed on a Special Case basis.
• Any granting of an HDB or PDB listing of pipe analyzed under this Section is on a
Special Case request basis. As more experience and precedent is established based on
this methodology, additional policy will be developed.



B.1.1 Only the Standard Grade is recommended for the MRS and CRSΘ,t at this time.
B.1.2 The Standard Grade recommendation is for a five-year period for those materials that
comply with the full data requirements of ISO 9080 "Determination of Long-Term Hydrostatic
Strength of Thermoplastic Materials in Pipe form by Extrapolation."
a. Reference PPI TR-3 Part A.1.2.2 for the requirements of renewal for a recommendation
of an Independent Listing at a Standard Grade level.
It is preferable that the test data is generated from one lot of material. If more than one lot
of material is used to develop the required data, the data from each lot must be evenly
distributed over all temperatures and time ranges tested. All data points from each lot
included in the analysis must be reported. Any data excluded from use in the analysis must
include an explanation and justification for its exclusion.
B.1.2.1 For polyolefin materials, and other thermoplastic materials that exhibit a knee,
test data must be submitted for at least three temperatures meeting the data
requirements of ISO 9080 for one lot of material with the pipes tested being the
same dimensions and made from the same batch of material and come from the
same production run. One test temperature must be either 20C or 23C. One
test temperature must be 80C, or higher. The other temperature must be
between 40C and 70C, inclusive.
NOTE: If 23C is used as a test temperature the MRS forecast will be at 20C.
B.1.2.2 The report must state the method of manufacture of the pipe specimens tested -
such as whether the pipe specimens were produced on commercial or laboratory
production equipment, and whether the material was a pre-compounded resin or
a resin blend (i.e. natural compound and color masterbatch) at the extruder.
Data points are to be identified by material lot.


B.2.1 The data and submission report must meet all the requirements of ISO 9080 and TR-3,
Part B.1.2.
B.2.2 The SEM (standard extrapolation method) software is available from Becetel and Pipeson
for determination of the long-term hydrostatic strength and 97.5% lower prediction limit
(LPL) in accordance with ISO 9080.
B.2.3 Determine the LPL at 50-years and the standard listing temperature (20, 60, 80, 82C, or
93C) from the SEM calculation. The LPL must meet the extrapolation time limits which
are based on the ke extrapolation factors table in ISO 9080.
Other temperatures and times will be considered on a Special Case Basis for listing in TR-
4 if a current published consensus based product standard requires an alternate CRSΘ,t. be

B.2.4 The calculated LPL of the long-term strength shall be categorized according to ISO 12162.
If the temperature forecast is 20°C, the categorized value is called the Minimum Required
Strength, or MRS. For other temperatures, the categorized value of the LPL is called the
Categorized Required Strength, or CRSΘ,t.



C.1.1 The Strength Design Basis (SDB) is a method of obtaining a long-term strength rating for
thermoplastic materials intended for molding applications. This method is not applicable for
fiber-filled thermoset materials.
C.1.2 Only the Standard Grade is recommended for the Strength Design Basis (SDB) at this time.
The experimental grade may also become available through a special case hearing of the
Hydrostatic Stress Board.
The Standard Grade recommendation is for a five-year period for those materials that
comply with the full data requirements of ASTM F 2018 “Standard Test Method for Time-
to-Failure of Plastics Using Plane Strain Tensile specimens”. These SDB ratings are listed in
a. Reference PPI TR-3 Part A.1.2.2 for the requirements of renewal for a recommendation
of an Independent Listing at a Standard Grade level.
C.2 At this time changes to the composition of a material with an SDB listing are not allowed,
except through a special case hearing of the Hydrostatic Stress Board. As PPI gains more
experience with this rating method, substitutions that are permitted for various ingredients as
outlined in the different parts of TR-3 for HDB listings may also be allowed for SDB
C.3 The SDB rating for a molding material may not be used to determine the pressure rating of a
fitting. This rating is for the material only and is intended to satisfy industry requirements
for a molding material to have an established long-term strength rating.



D.1.1 Permitted Colorant Changes Without Need for Additional Testing

D.1.1.1 Compounds With a Recommended HDB Which Has Been Established Based on a
Specified Colorant Content
D. The amount of colorant in a plastic pipe compound with a PPI
recommended HDB may be changed from the amount specified for
the base composition by as much as 0.5 PHR without the need to
submit additional hydrostatic strength data, provided the colorant is
neither a liquid nor includes a liquid component at ambient
temperature conditions.
D. Any type inorganic colorant that is used in the base composition may
be substituted in part or in whole, by any other inorganic colorant
provided the substituted colorant is limited to a maximum of 0.5
PHR. Organic colorants that are used in the base composition may
be substituted in part or in whole, by any other organic colorant
provided the substituted colorant is limited to a maximum of 0.5
PHR. provided that the substituted organic colorant is equivalent to
the original organic colorant. Colorants for compounds are
considered equivalent only if they are of the same chemical nature,
same particle size classification, exhibit the same distribution or
mixing properties, exhibit the same non-reactive properties with the
base resin, remain solid over the intended application range and the
petitioner for the organic colorant change has established that
detrimental effects will not result due to the substitution.
D. The compound with a colorant change does not become a new base
compound to which additional formulation changes can be made.

D.1.1.2 Compounds With a Recommended HDB or PDB That Have Been Established
Based on a Specified Range of Colorant Content
D. A listing holder may establish a colorant range for a compound upon
having established an equivalent HDB or PDB for two compounds
that differ in the level of colorant and may obtain additional HDB or
PDB listings for any colorant level within the range without further
hydrostatic testing. For PE compounds, one of the range limits may
be qualified by conducting hydrostatic testing in accordance with the
requirements of Part F.6 of this report.
Note: The colorant level of zero (natural resin data set) can be
considered as one end point in the colorant range.
D. Any type colorant that is used in the colorant range may be
substituted in part or in whole by any other colorant provided the
total content of colorant remains within the minimum/maximum
limits specified in the colorant range and provided that the
substituted colorant is equivalent to the original colorant. See
D. for definition of colorant equivalency.
D. The compound with a colorant change does not become a new base
compound to which additional composition changes can be made.

D.1.2 Colorant Changes Which Require Additional Testing

D.1.2.1 For all colorant changes not permitted under Section D.1.1.1above, or that fall
outside the range limits established under Section D.1.1.2 above, satisfactory test
data developed in accordance with Part F6 (for PE pipe compositions) or in
accordance with Part E5 (for PVC pipe composition) are required.
D.1.2.2 General – Acceptance of colorant changes that do not meet the above criteria
may sometimes be obtained by making a petition to the HSB. Sufficient data are
+required to provide adequate assurance that the contemplated change will not
compromise the HDB (or HDB’s if they have been issued for more than one
temperature) of the original formulation. The HSB may be consulted in advance
to establish an acceptable test protocol.

NOTE 1: The manufacturer should make adequate tests to assure users that the colorant changes
do not adversely affect performance properties other than long-term hydrostatic
strength, such as aging and weather resistance.

D.2.1 The HDB (Hydrostatic Design Basis) for a PPI standard listing temperature (73, 100, 120,
140, 160, 180, or 200F) may be established on the basis of an LTHS that has been
interpolated from LTHS values obtained for one higher and one lower temperature. The
data used for this interpolation method must be in compliance with the applicable Parts of
PPI TR-3. Strength prediction above highest listed temperature is not allowed. The
following additional policies shall also apply in such cases:
D.2.1.1 The Grade of the HDB recommendation established from the interpolated
LTHS shall be based on the minimum Grade for which the higher or lower
temperature data would qualify.

D.2.1.2 The higher temperature data shall also be sufficient to qualify the subject material
for at least the minimum Experimental Grade at that temperature. If this higher
test temperature is not one of the PPI standard listing temperatures, then the
minimum data requirements of the higher PPI standard listing temperature shall
D.2.1.3 Data sets used in determining an interpolated LTHS do not need to be from the
same lot. However, these lots used to determine an interpolated LTHS may not
be used again for subsequent lots required by PPI TR-3.
Use the following equation to determine a temperature interpolated LTHS:
 1 
(S L − S H )
T −

 L TT 
ST = S L −
 1 1 

T − T 

 L H 

Where: ST = LTHS at interpolation temperature (psi)

SL = LTHS at the lower temperature (psi)
SH = LTHS at the higher temperature (psi)
TT = interpolation temperature (K)
TL = lower temperature (K)
TH = higher temperature (K)


D.3.1 Establishing Dependent Listings:

A PPI listing for a recommended HDB or MRS that has been established under the provisions of
Part A and Part B (henceforth known as the independent listing) may be used to establish a
separate listing for the same formulation but under another owner's designation (hence known as
the dependent listing). The value of the HDB or MRS for the dependent listing is, but for the
exception given in this Part, the same as that for the independent listing. A dependent listing may
be established when the following requirements are satisfied (See the PPI HSB web section for
suggested information transmittal letters):

D.3.1.1 By the owner of the Independent Listing: The owner of an independent listing
wishing to establish thereupon a dependent listing shall provide the PPI HSB
Chair with the following information in writing:
D. The identification of the compound with the independent listing and
the identification by which the formulation is to be listed as a
dependent compound;
D. Identification of the organization receiving the formulation and the
HDB or MRS dependent listing;
D. An assertion that the organization receiving the formulation has been
provided with the names of suppliers of the ingredients, and all
pertinent information and know-how required to produce, mix, and
process the dependent formulation as an equivalent to the independent
formulation, or, for cases in which there may be some reason to
question complete equivalence (see Note 1) the recommended
reduction, if any, of the level of the HDB or MRS for the dependent
listing from that assigned to the independent listing.
NOTE 1: It is generally recognized that the equipment and conditions employed in the
mixing and processing of a thermoplastic pipe composition will influence the
composition's long-term strength characteristics. For example, the same pipe
formulation that in one case is premixed prior to pipe extrusion, but in another
depends entirely on the extrusion process for proper dispersion of its
ingredients, may not yield the same long-term strength under both conditions.
Accordingly, it is considered prudent for those cases in which there might be
some reason to question complete equivalence to limit the duration and the
level of the HDB or MRS recommendations until more definitive data have
been obtained on pipe made under the different sets of processing conditions.
It is the responsibility of those presenting requests for establishing dependent
listings to ensure, as best as possible, the equivalence of the processing
conditions under the independent and dependent listings.

D. That permission has been given to the recipient of the formulation to
reference the test data supplied on behalf of the independent listing.
D.3.1.2 By the intended owner of the Dependent Listing: The intended owner of the
dependent listing shall provide the PPI HSB Chair with the following
information in writing:
D. The identification by which the independent formulation is listed;
D. The identification by which the resultant dependent formulation is to
be listed;
D. Confirmation that the owner of the independent formulation has
made available the names of the ingredient suppliers, and all
pertinent information and know-how required to prepare, mix and
process the dependent compound as an equivalent to the
independent formulation; or, if this is not the case, in accordance
with the recipe established by the owner of the independent
D. A statement that it is intended to prepare, mix and process the
dependent compound in accordance with the above;
D. That permission has been received from the owner of the
independent listing to use test data supplied on behalf of the
independent formulation;
D. That any limitation on the HDB or MRS that may have been
recommended by the owner of the independent listing is an
acceptable condition for obtaining the dependent listing.

D.3.2 Duration and Level of Recommendation for Dependent Listings:

D.3.2.1. Unless otherwise requested by the owner of the independent listing and except
when the listing is covered by the provision in 2.C of this Part, a
recommendation for a dependent listing will be for the same level as that of the
referenced independent listing.
D.3.2.2. But for the exception presented in 2.C of this Part, a recommendation for a
dependent listing will have the same expiration date as that of the referenced
independent listing.
D.3.2.3. In the case of dependent pipe formulations that are to be mixed and converted
into pipe by different processing than that represented by the pipe on which the
independent listing was obtained (e.g., as when the dependent formulation
essentially relies on the extrusion process for homogenization of ingredients
whereas the independent formulation was pre-compounded prior to pipe
extrusion), or with any processing conditions by which the quality of
homogenization may be suspect (See Note 1 on previous page), the
recommended HDB or MRS shall be set in accordance with the
recommendation of the holder of the independent listing and be in effect for
only six months unless one of the following occurs prior to the end of the six-
month period:
D. Test data obtained in accordance with Part A and B shall be
presented on at least one lot of pipe that has been made in the
commercial production equipment of the owner of the dependent
listing. The data that are developed in accordance with Part A shall
cover not less than the E-2 data level and shall support the
recommended HDB or MRS assigned the dependent formulation.
Continuance of the recommendation requires that it be advanced
through the progressive steps outlined in Part A until a Standard
Grade recommendation is established.
D. The holder of the dependent listing advises the PPI HSB Chair that
he accepts a permanent recommended HDB or MRS of 80 percent
of the value established for the referenced independent formulation.

D.3.3 Substitutions in Dependent Listings:

A formulation change accepted for the independent listing is also acceptable for the dependent
listing. This may be explained by a general example as follows:
EXAMPLE: Company A has a compound listed and gives the formulation, the suppliers
of the ingredients, and the mixing and handling know-how to Company B along with
permission for Company B to use the test data submitted by Company A. Company B
agrees to follow strictly the information supplied by Company A to mix the equivalent that
they designate under another name. When Company A has a formulation, change
accepted for this listing, then this formulation change is also acceptable for the equivalent
compound under the Company B listing.

The percent of a specific compounding ingredient may be varied without further testing over the
range between the percentages given in two listings that differ only in the percent of this ingredient
so long as both listings are maintained. In the case of stabilizers, both referenced listings shall be at
the Standard Grade level. If it is desired that a compound with an intermediate percentage be listed,
it will be at the grade level of the lower of the two listings.


Because of the differing precisions of measuring devices and the normal variations inherent even in
good handling techniques and processing equipment, the small variations in the amount of an
ingredient in a compound are not considered to be changes in the formulation provided (a) the
norm is set at the percentage given in the formulation and (b) variations over a reasonable number
of batches are small and about equal on the average on the plus and minus side of the norm.


D.6.1 Materials intended for molding only must be evaluated in accordance with this part.
Materials intended for both extrusion and molding may be evaluated in accordance with this
Part or Part A.

D.6.2 The test specimens shall be injection-molded tubes with knit lines that result from either a
side gate or an end gate. The tube wall of each specimen should be as uniform in thickness
as is technically possible.
NOTE 1: For some materials this molding process can have an effect on the long-term
hydrostatic strength. The molding conditions used to mold these pipe specimens
should be consistent with molding conditions used for that material in actual end use
D.6.3 These specimens shall be tested in the same manner as extruded pipe specimens. The
exposed length of the specimen between end enclosures shall be at least five times the
specimen outside diameter.
D.6.4 The policies and procedures shall be the same as those used for developing recommended
hydrostatic design stresses for thermoplastic pipe materials except that the report shall
include complete information about the specimen configuration.

D.6.5 The resultant HDB recommendations for molding materials shall identify whether the data
were obtained on extruded or molded specimens and, if molded, the gating design.

D.7.1 The hydrostatic design stress (HDS) at 73F (23°C) is derived by multiplying the HDB of
the material by a design factor (DF). The Hydrostatic Stress Board will recommend a design
factor for each material which has a HDB listed in TR-4.
D.7.2 The recommended design factor shall not exceed 0.50, unless material-specific policies and
requirements are developed and are included in the appropriate Part(s) of TR-3. The HDS
calculated using this design factor will be used in establishing the thermoplastic pipe material
designation code.
D.7.3 Policies and requirements specific to polyethylene are listed under Part F.7 of TR-3.
D.7.4 Policies and requirements specific to other materials will be added to TR-3 as they are
considered and developed by the HSB.



E.1.1. Equipment
High Intensity Mixers: Characterized by a closed bowl or vessel containing motor driven
plows or blades. The blades typically run between 500 and 800 rpm, with a tip speed of 30 to
40 meters per second. These blades are designed to homogenize the resin and other
ingredients through intensive mixing and frictional heat that they develop.
Low Intensity Coolers: Characterized by a closed bowl or vessel containing motor driven
plows or blades. The blades typically run between 50 and 100 rpm with a tip speed around 6
meters per second. These blades are designed to assist in the cooling of the compound
though aeration and the action of throwing the compound against the walls of the cooler.
Coolers can be water-jacketed and/or air injected.
E.1.2 Single Batching
Resin is dumped into the mixer with the blades turning. The other ingredients are added to
the resin at the same ratio as specified by the formulation. The material is mixed until an
approximate temperature between 190F and 245F is reached. The blended compound is
dumped into the cooler and cooled. The material is transferred to storage.
E.1.3 Double Batching
Resin is dumped into the mixer with the blades turning. The other ingredients are added to
the resin at a higher ratio than specified by the formulation. This ratio does not exceed 2:1.
The material is mixed until an approximate temperature between 190F and 245F is
reached. The blended concentrate is dumped into the cooler and resin is added to make a
blended compound with proportioned ingredients at the ratios specified by the formulation.
The blended compound is cooled and then transferred to storage.
NOTE: Words like "typical" and "approximately" were chosen intentionally, as this procedure
does not pretend to be perfectly precise, but only describes common industry practice.
It should also be noted that the description is as concise as possible and limited to
variables that are likely to have the potential to impact HDB results. For example, a
cooler dump temperature range was intentionally omitted because this temperature is
more of a material-conveying question than a HDB question.
It is recognized that the method of mixing affects dispersion of ingredients in
compounds and potentially the quality of pipe. Therefore, when qualifying new
chemically equivalent ingredients to the current PPI Range Formula the method of
mixing is to be described.
It is recognized that the method of mixing affects dispersion of ingredients in
compounds and potentially the quality of pipe. Therefore, when qualifying new
ingredients that are not chemically equivalent to currently listed ingredients or extending
a range in the PPI Range formulation the first data set submitted for qualification must
be derived from pipe made from compound that was doubled batched at a 2:1 ratio per
the Standard Industry Practice of High Intensity Mixing of PVC pipe Compounds.

E.2.1 A manufacturer having a PVC compound with a PPI Independent Standard Grade
recommended HDB at 73 °F (23 °C) may substitute ingredients complying with properties
and use levels of PPI TR-2 Parts A.2 – A.6 without the need to submit any additional
hydrostatic data providing the substituent is within the range limitations of TR-2.
PVC Resin made in new plant:
E.2.1.1 For equivalent PVC resin listed in TR-2 that is made in a new plant, grant a
provisional listing based on manufacturer’s data supporting equality of resin.
E.2.1.2 E-2 data required for standard grade listing.
E.2.2 A manufacturer who has a PVC pipe compound with a PPI Standard Grade recommended
HDB for 73ºF (23ºC) may substitute an apparently identical ingredient from a different
supplier with no change in amount for an ingredient that is present in no more than 5 parts
per hundred parts (by weight) of resin provided the least squares regression line for the
substituted compound obtained with E2 test data produces: (1) a 100,000-hour hydrostatic
strength that is not less than required to give the same hydrostatic design basis as that
recommended for the base compound and, (2) a 50-year strength value that is not less than
85 percent of the 50-year strength value of the base compound (to assure that the slope for
the substituted compound is approximately the same as that for the base compound). In
this case the substituted formulation will be considered to be identical to the original
formulation in regard to the hydrostatic design stress. The manufacturer shall make available
to the PPI HSB Chair, on a confidential basis, the results of the evaluation studies
undertaken to show apparent material identity.
E.2.3 The HSB shall be consulted for minimum data requirements for other formulation
modifications and stress recommendations at temperatures other than 73ºF (23ºC).
NOTE 1: Consult Part E.3 for an alternate method for analyzing stress-rupture data for PVC.

The use of this method is optional and its inclusion here does not in any way preclude the
use of the procedures that are published elsewhere in TR-3.
E.3.1 Applicability:
E.3.1.1 This procedure may be applied in the evaluation of stress-rupture data developed
for PVC compounds.
E.3.1.2 This procedure may be used in evaluating the stress-rupture data for:
E. Second and third lots of pipe required in Part A to obtain a Standard
Grade rating.
E. Lots of pipe used to demonstrate the effects of substitution of
"apparently identical ingredients" as described in Part E.2.
E. Lots of pipe used to show the effects of changes in the level of
compounding ingredients (excluding stabilizers) up to  50 percent from the
levels contained in a compound with an established recommended hydrostatic
design stress.
E. One lot of pipe is used to qualify a substitute resin, as described in Part
E.3.2 Alternate Method:
As soon as five or more stress-rupture data points are developed, compute the long-term
hydrostatic strength (LTHS), the 95 percent upper (UCL) and lower (LCL) confidence
levels, and the lower confidence level ratio (RLCL = LCL/LTHS) (Note 1). Check these
results against the following requirements:
E.3.2.1. If the RLCL is 0.85 or greater, evaluate data in accordance with 2.2, 2.3, or 2.4
below. If RLCL is less than 0.85, incorporate additional data points as they
become available and re-compute until RLCL  0.85.
E.3.2.2. If the 100,000-hour LCL stress value is greater than 4,000 psi, this lot will always
exceed the present 3,830-psi long-term hydrostatic strength requirements
(NOTE 2). This test work can be stopped and the data can be submitted to
fulfill the requirements listed in Part E.2 above.
E.3.2.3. If the 100,000-hour UCL stress value is less than 3,830 psi, this lot will not attain
the required long-term hydrostatic strength (Note 2). The tests should be
E.3.2.4. If the 100,000 hours UCL stress value is more than 3,830 psi, and the 100,000
hour LCL stress value is less than 3,830 psi, the test should be continued to
obtain more data points (Note 2). As additional data points are developed, re-
compute and re-examine data to see whether it meets the requirements.
Continue testing until the lot qualifies or fails either under this method or
another part of PPI TR-3.
NOTE 1. Calculate the lower confidence level (LCL), and the lower confidence level ratio (RLCL)
in accordance with ASTM D 2837 (see Section of the 1990 edition). Consult any
standard treatment on analysis of regression equations for the calculation of the upper
confidence level (UCL).

NOTE 2. The 3,830-psi value is the minimum long-term hydrostatic strength that qualifies for a
4,000 psi HDB category. Minimum required long-term hydrostatic strengths for other
HDB categories are given in ASTM D 2837.
NOTE 3. As an approximation, the UCL may be estimated from the LCL by the following
Log UCL = log LTHS + (log LTHS - log LCL)

Consent of the PPI HSB Chair is required to substitute an alternate resin (resin B) in a PVC pipe
formulation for the original resin (resin A). Such consent shall be awarded when the following
conditions are satisfied:

E.4.1 The listing for the subject formulation is for the Standard Grade (per 1.2 of Part A) at 73ºF
E.4.2 The PPI HSB Chair shall be advised in writing (see Note 1) by the owner of the
"independent" listing (per D.3) that the proposed resin substitution has been determined to
be an acceptable formulation variation on the basis of established requirements that the
owner has set for that formulation and upon demonstrated compliance to the following:
E.4.2.1 Resin B is an originally specified resin in at least one PVC compound
formulation that carries a Standard Grade HDB recommendation at 73ºF (23ºC)
of the same value as that of the subject compound (see Note 2.)
E.4.2.2 Resin B satisfies all of the property requirements established by its manufacturer
for the use of the resin in pressure rated PVC pipe compounds;

E.4.2.3 The cell classification, when determined in accordance with ASTM D 1784,
"Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and
Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds", or D 3915, "Standard
Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) and Related Plastic Pipe and Fitting
Compounds for Pressure Applications", of the compound made from the
subject formulation, is the same with resin B as when using resin A; and,
E.4.2.4 Both resin A and resin B satisfy the following property requirements:


Type of Material ------ PVC Homopolymer
Inherent Viscosity ASTM D1243 0.88 - 0.96
Heat Loss (water); % by weight 1 Hr @ 221oF (105oC) 0.5 max
Apparent Bulk Density, gm/cc ASTM D1895 0.46 - 0.62
Compacted Bulk Density, gm/cc ------ 0.54 - 0.72
RVCM ------ 10 ppm max

E.4.3 Results of hydrostatic rupture tests at 73ºF (23ºC) shall be submitted to the PPI HSB Chair
which demonstrate, when evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 2837 but with the
exceptions herein given, that the long-term hydrostatic strength, the lower confidence limit,
and the 50-year intercept of pipe made on commercial equipment from the formulation
using the substitute resin (resin B) continue to satisfy the D 2837 requirements established
on pipe made from the original formulation. The exceptions to D 2837 are that
circumferential expansion tests need not be made and minimum data point and test
requirements are relaxed to the following:
E.4.3.1 The stress-rupture dataset to qualify for a standard-grade listing shall be in
accordance with the E-2 requirements shown in Part A.1.2.1, where the data-set
represents one commercially-produced extrusion lot. (see Note 3)
This policy is intended only to cover the alternative use in PVC formulations of PVC resins that are
judged by the criteria herein presented as sufficiently similar in nature to produce pressure pipes that
are essentially the same in performance. The requirements given are not to be considered as
specifications or standards that describe the requirements for all the PVC resins suitable for PVC
pressure pipes. Proposed substitution of PVC resins not meeting the requirements of this policy
may be evaluated in accordance with other policies and procedures in TR-3.

NOTE 1. The Appendix includes a suggested letterform that may be used to transmit to the PPI
HSB Chair the information required in Part E.4.
NOTE 2. PPI TR-2, Table 1 PVC Resins demonstrate compliance with this section.
NOTE 3. The Alternate Method described in Part E.2 may be used based on a presentation to the
PPI HSB Chair.

The content of one or more ingredients of PVC pipe and fittings compositions may be varied
without changes in the recommended HDB for 73oF (23oC) provided the formulation variations and
the procedures for establishing the recommendation comply to provisions given herein:

E.5.1 Allowable formulation variation for a fixed composition formulation:

E.5.1.1 The formulation shall have a Standard Grade recommended design stress at 73ºF
(23ºC) per section 1.2 of Part A.
E.5.1.2 The originally specified content of any number of the following components
may be adjusted within the given limits provided each adjusted component meets
the indicated property requirements and the resultant formulation can be
processed into pipe of acceptable quality:

Titanium dioxide  20%
Calcium stearate  10%
Calcium Carbonate  20%, but not to exceed 5.0 phr, or the original specified
amount if greater than 5.0 phr.
Paraffin Wax  10%
Polyethylene Wax  20%, but not to exceed 0.30 phr, or the original specified
amount if greater than 0.30 phr.
Colorant  20%
Process Aid  20%
Stabilizer  20%, but the resultant change not to exceed
 0.2 phr
*Original specified content is that which was contained in the formulations upon which the LTHS was established.

E.5.2 To establish a range with greater component variability:

Select the maximum and minimum levels for one or more ingredients, and proceed as follows:
E.5.2.1 Test data shall be provided as required by Part A of PPI TR-3 for both the compound
when prepared with all additives (all ingredients except resin) at the specified maximum
level (maximum range formula) and when prepared with all additives at their minimum
level (minimum range formula). To assist in the processing of the data, the maximum
and minimum range formulas shall be treated as separate entities until the requirements
given in b, c and d below are fulfilled. As long as both the maximum and minimum
formulas carry a recommendation of the HSB for the same design stress, and other
requirements herein stipulated are satisfied, any formula of that compound which lies
within the maximum/minimum range also enjoys that recommendation. For range
formulas, the provisions for formulation variation for "fixed" composition formulas do

not apply; component content beyond that indicated by the maximum/minimum range
is not permitted.
E.5.2.2 Stress-rupture data obtained on pipe made from the maximum range formula shall be
provided for at least one lot in accordance with the schedule given in Part A of PPI TR-
3 until the full requirements of ASTM D 2837 are satisfied.
E.5.2.3 Stress-rupture data obtained on pipe made from the minimum range formula shall be
provided for at least one lot for the E-2 level of Part A.
E.5.2.4 To advance the recommendation for the range formula combination to the Standard
Grade, in addition to the above, E-2 level data shall be provided for one other lot of
pipe extruded on commercial production equipment that is made from any formula lying
within the maximum/minimum range. The Standard Grade recommendation for the
range formula shall be granted upon each of all the submitted data lots qualifying for the
same hydrostatic design basis per ASTM D 2837.
Formulation changes outside these guidelines, including those for recommended HDB at
temperatures beyond 73oF (23oC), may be evaluated in accordance with other policies and
procedures in TR-3.

This policy presents conditions under which stress-rupture data at the E-2 level per Part A are
acceptable in demonstrating that the recommended HDB that has been assigned to a PVC pipe
composition are not compromised by the use in that composition of a new, or modified, stabilizer
(stabilizer B) as a substitute for the original stabilizer (stabilizer A). Under this policy, consent from
the PPI HSB Chair is required before the so-modified composition can be accepted under the
recommended values assigned the original, or base, composition. Such consent shall be available
provided the following conditions are met:

E.6.1 The composition under consideration is either an independent listing, or is dependent upon
an independent listing that carries a Standard Grade recommended value for the temperature
in question.
E.6.2 If the composition is a dependent listing, then the owner of the independent listing shall
advise the PPI HSB Chair in writing that the proposed stabilizer substitution is an acceptable
formulation variation.
E.6.3 Both the original stabilizer (stabilizer A) and the substitute stabilizer (stabilizer B) shall be
identified along with the use levels of each. (This information shall be kept administratively
confidential by the PPI HSB Chair.).
E.6.4 The substitute stabilizer (stabilizer B) shall be an originally specified stabilizer in at least one
PVC compound that carries a Standard Grade hydrostatic design stress recommendation.
E.6.5 The cell classification, when determined in accordance with ASTM D 1784 or D 3915, shall
be the same for the composition when made with stabilizer B as was established when made
with stabilizer A.
E.6.6 The stabilizer level in the compound must be within the range from 0.3 to 1.0 parts per
hundred parts of resin and the amount cannot be varied more than allowed by PPI
formulation variability policy (See Part E.5). In the case of a range formulation, only the
highest usage level of stabilizer must be tested.
E.6.7 Pipe manufactured under commercial production conditions from a compound made with
stabilizer B shall, when subjected to hydrostatic testing per ASTM D 1598, yield stress
rupture data that when evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 2837, with the exceptions
given herein, produces calculated values of the long-term hydrostatic strength, the lower
confidence limit and the 50-year intercept that satisfy the ASTM D 2837 requirements for
the hydrostatic design basis assigned the compound when formulated with stabilizer A. The
exceptions to ASTM D 2837 are that circumferential expansion tests need not be made and
the test data only need satisfy the E-2 level requirements of Part A. These tests are to be
carried out for each temperature for which recommended HDB equivalence is being
Proposed substitutions outside these guidelines may be evaluated in accordance with other policies
and procedures in TR-3.



F.1.1 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB up to 140°F
Thermal stabilizers designed for use in polyethylene (PE) compounds may be used interchangeably
in a PE plastic pipe formulation that has a recommended HDB without having to submit additional
long-term strength test data provided:
F.1.1.1 Thermal stability requirements in ASTM Standard D 3350, "Standard Specification for
Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials", are met;
F.1.1.2 The total content of the stabilizer package in the formulation is less than 0.5 parts per 100
parts of resin;
F.1.1.3 The quantity of the substituted stabilizer is within 50 percent of the level of the stabilizer in
the original formulation.
F.1.1.4 The quantity of the substituted thermal stabilizer does not exceed 0.25 parts per 100 parts of
The compound with the stabilizer change does not become a new base compound to which
additional changes can be made.

F.1.2 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB at 180°F

F.1.2.1 Thermal stabilizers may be substituted provided they are chemically
equivalent (same CAS#) to those used in the original formulation.

Proposed substitutions outside these guidelines may be evaluated in accordance with other policies
and procedures in PPI TR-3.

F.2.1 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB up to 140°F
In the case of a polyethylene (PE) pipe compound with a recommendation at the E-6 Grade or
higher, the amount of stabilizer may be changed up to  50 percent from the specified amount for
the base composition without the need to submit additional hydrostatic strength data, provided the
so altered composition satisfies the thermal stability requirements in ASTM Standard D 3350,
"Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fitting Materials".
The compound with the stabilizer change does not become a new base compound to which
additional formulation changes can be made.

F.2.2 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB at 180°F

Changes to the amount of stabilizer in a polyethylene (PE) pipe compound with a recommended
HDB at 180oF are considered to be a new compound subject to the full testing requirements of Part
A, and Part F.4. However, the HSB will review, on a Special Case basis, a request to consider
different testing requirements upon review of the proposed modification.


Permitted Ultraviolet Light Stabilizer Changes Without Need for Additional Testing
F.3.1 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB up to 140°F
Ultraviolet (UV) light stabilizers designed for use in non-black polyethylene (PE) compounds may
be used interchangeably in a polyethylene plastic pipe formulation that has a recommended HDB
without the submission of additional long-term strength test data provided:
F.3.1.1 The total content of the UV stabilizer package in the formulation is less than 0.75 parts per
100 parts of resin;
F.3.1.2 The quantity of the substituted stabilizer does not exceed 0.75 parts per hundred.

The compound with the stabilizer changes does not become a new base compound to which
additional changes can be made.

F.3.2 PE Compounds with a Recommended HDB at 180°F

F.3.2.1 Ultraviolet light stabilizers may be substituted provided they are chemically equivalent (same
CAS#) to those used in the original formulation.
Proposed substitutions outside these guidelines may be evaluated with other policies and procedures
in PPI TR-3. No consideration is given to the effectiveness in UV light protection in that this
characteristic of the compound is not considered by PPI nor ASTM pipe standards and is between
the purchaser and seller.

Part F.4 offers several methods to validate that the stress regression curve extrapolation will
continue in a linear manner to at least 100,000 hours. A recommended HDB at 73F will not be
given to a material that does not validate the ductile stress regression extrapolation.
For a 73F HDB it is most common to use the Part F.4.1, Table F.4.1.1 for validation. For an
elevated temperature HDB at 140F, any of the methods may be appropriate – Table F.4.1.2, Part
F.4.2, or Part F.4.3 – depending on the material and the chosen test conditions. If brittle failures
occur at the temperature for which an HDB is desired before 10,000 hours, then Part F.4.4 shall be
used to determine the elevated temperature HDB. For PE Compounds with a recommended
HDB at 180°F, Part F.4.5 shall be used.

F.4.1 Standard Method - Validation of HDB

Develop data in accordance with Part A for the temperature at which an HDB is desired. If a
brittle failure occurs before 10,000 hours, this standard method is not applicable and Part
F.4.4 must be used to establish the elevated temperature LTHS and HDB.
F.4.1.1 Analyze the data to determine the linear regression equation. Extrapolate this equation
to 100,000 hours to determine the LTHS. If the 97.5% LCL at 100,000 hours is less
than 90% of this LTHS, consider the data unsuitable for use by this method. If all
conditions are satisfied, use Table 1 of ASTM D 2837 to determine the HDB category at
this temperature.
F.4.1.2 When the HDB category has been determined by section F.4.1.1, use tables F.4.1.1 or
F.4.1.2 to define the time and stress requirements needed to validate this HDB.
Test at least six specimens at the stress level determined by the tables. These specimens
must have a minimum log average time exceeding the value shown in the table to
validate the HDB. For example, to validate an HDB of 1000 psi at 140ºF, this required
time is 3800 hours at 193ºF (90ºC)/690 psi or 11,300 hours at 176ºF (80ºC)/775 psi.
If a temperature/stress condition in the table results in a premature ductile failure for a
particular PE material, the stress at that temperature may be lowered by 15%. The
corresponding required time for this lowered stress is then six times the value in the
table. For example, when validating an HDB of 1600 psi at 73F, if testing at 80C/825
psi results in ductile failures, lower the stress to 700 psi and retest. The required time to
validate using this condition is now 1200 hours. If ductile failures still occur, the stress
may be lowered to 595 psi and the corresponding time is increased to 7200 hours.
If a temperature/stress condition in the table results in a premature ductile failure for a
particular PE material, the stress at that temperature may also be lowered by less than
15%. In this case, consult with the PPI HSB Chair to determine the appropriate
required time at the selected stress level.

Table F.4.1.1
Validation of 73F (23C) HDB

HDB to be 193F (90C) 176F (80C)

Validated (psi) Stress (psi) Time (hrs.) Stress (psi) Time (hrs.)
1600 735 70 825 200
1250 575 70 645 200
1000 460 70 515 200
800 365 70 415 200
630 290 70 325 200
500 230 70 260 200

Table F.4.1.2
Validation of 140F (60C) HDB

HDB to be 193F (90C) 176F (80C)

Validated (psi) Stress (psi) Time (hrs.) Stress (psi) Time (hrs.)
1250 860 3800 970 11300
1000 690 3800 775 11300
800 550 3800 620 11300
630 435 3800 490 11300
500 345 3800 390 11300
400 275 3800 310 11300

Note: When an elevated temperature HDB is validated by this standard method, all lower
temperature HDB’s are considered validated for that material.

F.4.2 Rate Process Method (RPM) Validation of the HDB

Develop data in accordance with Part A for the temperature at which an HDB is desired. If a
brittle failure occurs before 10,000 hours, or if the HDB does not validate using this RPM
protocol, then the HDB may be determined using Part F.4.4.

1. Select an elevated temperature to test the PE pipe specimens. The maximum temperature
chosen should not be greater than 203F (95C).
2. Select a stress at this temperature at which all failures occur in the slit mode (a crack through the
pipe wall with no visible evidence of material deformation). Test at least six pipe specimens at
this Condition I until failure. Ideally, the selected stress should result in failure times of about
100 to 500 hours.
3. At the same temperature, select another stress about 75 to 150 psi lower than for Condition I.
Test at least six specimens at this Condition II until failure. Ideally, the selected stress for
Condition II should result in failure times of about 1,000 to 5,000 hours.

4. Select a temperature 18oF (10.0oC) to 36oF (20.0oC) lower than Condition I and use a stress
approximately the same stress as for Condition I. Initiate testing for six specimens at this
Condition III. Ideally, the selected temperature for Condition III should result in specimens
that are on test for at least 1,000 to 5,000 hours.

5. To validate the ASTM D 2837 long-term hydrostatic strength (LTHS) on a given material lot at
a desired temperature, use the 12 data points from Conditions I and II, and the value of the
LTHS at 100,000 hours determined at the desired temperature as determined from method D
2837. Using all these points, calculate the A, B, and C coefficients for the following three-
coefficient rate process method equation:

B C Log S
Log t = A + +
where: t = time, hours
T = absolute temperature, K (K = C + 273)
S = hoop stress, psi
A,B,C = constants

6. Using this model, calculate the mean estimated failure time for Condition III. When the log
average time on test for the six specimens tested at Condition III have reached this time, the
ASTM D 2837 extrapolation to 100,000 hours to obtain the LTHS at the desired temperature
has been validated.

F.4.3 ISO 9080 Based Method for Validation of 140F (60°C) HDB
F.4.3.1 Develop data in accordance with Part A for the temperature at which an HDB is desired.
Analyze the data to determine the linear regression equation as per ASTM D 2837.
Extrapolate this equation to 100,000 hours to determine the LTHS. If the 97.5% LCL at
100,000 hours is less than 90 % of this LTHS, consider the data unsuitable for use by
this method.
If a brittle failure occurs before 10,000 hours, this method is not applicable and Part F.4.4
shall be used to establish the elevated temperature HDB.
F.4.3.2 Develop a regression based on ductile stress-rupture data at either 80 or 90C. Use
Table F.4.3.2 to determine the appropriate data level for the temperature to be validated.
The regression data must satisfy the following requirements:
F. The 97.5% LCL ratio for these data must be greater than 90%.
F. Non-failed specimens at the longest running times may be included in the
regression, provided their inclusion does not decrease the LTHS (See ASTM
D2837, section 5.2.2).
F. The log average of the five highest times (used in the regression) must exceed
the minimum time tmax indicated in Table F.4.3.2.

Table F.4.3.2

193F (90C) 176F (80C)

Temperature to be Regression Regression
Validated (oF) Data Level1 Min. tmax2 Data Level1 Min. tmax2
140 (60oC) E-6 5500 E-10+ 17,000
Per data interval requirements
tmax = log average of 5 longest times (included in regression)

See example below.


140F (60C) regression data are determined in accordance with Part A and support an HDB
of 1000 psi. No brittle failures are obtained within 10,000 hours.

According to Table F.4.3.2, minimum data requirements for a 193F (90C) regression are an
“E-6” data level (Part A) and a tmax of 5,500 hours. The following data are obtained:

Stress Failure Time Failure Mode

760 71 Ductile
755 102 Ductile
745 514 Ductile
740 693 Ductile
740 717 Ductile
735 908 Ductile
730 1478 Ductile
730 1726 Ductile
725 2155 Ductile
720 2943 Ductile
720 4087 Ductile
715 4382 Ductile
710 5207 Ductile
705 5928 Ductile
700 6174 Ductile
700 7000 Non-Failure

LCL Ratio = 98.4% (> 90%)

Longest 5 times:
Log Avg. 5667
[5,667 > 5,500]

HDB is validated.

F.4.4 Determination of Elevated Temperature HDB When Brittle Failures Occur Before
10,000 hours.
If the previous methods to validate an elevated temperature (i.e. above 73F) HDB are not
appropriate for the material and test data, then use this alternate method to determine the elevated
temperature HDB.
F.4.4.1 Develop data in accordance with Part A for the temperature at which an HDB is desired.
Using only the ductile failures, determine the linear regression equation. The failure
point data must be spread over at least two log decades and meet the LCL requirements
of section 1.1. The stress intercept at 100,000 hours using this equation is the “ductile”
F.4.4.2 To determine the brittle failure performance, solve for the three coefficients of the rate
process equation using steps 1-4 Part F.4.2, or another recognized rate process method
protocol. All failures must be in the brittle mode. Data developed under ASTM D 2837
to validate a 73F HDB can be used to solve for the three-coefficient equation as long as
all specimens at the three conditions were tested to failure and resulted in brittle type
failures. Use the failure points at the three conditions to solve for the three unknown
Using this brittle failure model, calculate the stress intercept value at 100,000 hours for
the temperature at which an HDB is desired. This resulting stress intercept is the
“brittle” LTHS.

F.4.4.3 The LTHS used to determine the HDB category as per Table 1 in ASTM D 2837, shall
be the lower value of the ductile failure LTHS from section 2.1 or this brittle failure
Rate Process Equation:

B C Log S
Log t = A + +
where: t = time, hours
T = absolute temperature, K (K = C + 273)
S = hoop stress, psi
A,B,C = constants

Note: The ISO 9080 four-coefficient model may be used if it has a better statistical fit to the data,
subject to review of the PPI HSB Chair.

F.4.5 ISO 9080 Based Method for Validation of 180°F (82°C) HDB
For a polyethylene (PE) compound with a recommended HDB at 180°F, only a single method to
validate that the stress regression curve extrapolation will continue in a linear manner to at least
100,000 hours is provided. However, the HSB will review, on a Special Case basis, a request to
consider different testing requirements upon review of the proposed modification.
When an elevated temperature HDB is validated, all lower temperature HDB’s are
considered validated for that material.
F.4.5.1 Develop data in accordance with Part A for the temperature at which an HDB is
desired. Analyze the data to determine the linear regression equation as per ASTM D
2837. Extrapolate this equation to 100,000 hours to determine the LTHS. If the 97.5%
LCL at 100,000 hours is less than 90 % of this LTHS, consider the data unsuitable for use
by this method.
If a brittle failure occurs before 10,000 hours, this method is not applicable and the
material cannot be validated.
F.4.5.2 Develop a regression based on ductile stress-rupture data at 100°C or 110°C. The
temperature chosen must be at least 15°C below the melting point (Tm as
measured by DSC per ASTM D3418) of the PE material. Use Table F.4.5 to
determine the appropriate data level for the temperature to be validated. The
regression data must satisfy the following requirements:
F. The 97.5% LCL ratio for these data must be greater than 90%.
F. Non-failed specimens at the longest running times may be included in
the regression, provided their inclusion does not decrease the LTHS
(See ASTM D2837, section 5.2.2).
F. The log average of the five highest times (used in the regression) must
exceed the minimum time tmax indicated in Table F.4.5.

Table F.4.5
Temperature to 230°F (110°C) 212°F (100°C)
be Regression Regression
1 2
Validated Data Level Min. tmax Data Level1 Min. tmax2
180oF (82oC) E-10 8,350 E-16+ 25,000
Per data interval requirements
tmax = log average of 5 longest times (included in regression)

Note: The reader may find the calculation example in part F.4.3 useful.


When it is desired to show that a PE material has additional ductile performance capacity than is
required by validation of the 73F (23C) time/stress curve to 100,000 hours, one of the following
three procedures may be used to further substantiate that the stress regression curve is linear to
the 50-year (438,000 hour) intercept. Only F.5.4 shall be used to substantiate a PE material
with a recommended HDB at 180°F.

F.5.1 If the 140F HDB has been validated by Part F.4.1 or F.4.3, then the 73F extrapolation is
considered to be substantiated linear to 50-years (438,000 hours).
F.5.2 Use the twelve data points from Condition I and II obtained from Alternate Method of
ASTM D 2837 (rate process method), along with the 50-year (438,000 hour) intercept, to
solve for the three-coefficient rate process extrapolation equation. Then using this new
model, calculate the mean estimated failure time for Condition III. When the log average
time for six specimens tested at Condition III has reached this time, linear extrapolation of
the 73F (23C) stress regression curve to 50-years (438,000 hours) is substantiated.
F.5.3 When the Standard Method of ASTM D 2837 (TR-3, Part F.4.1 or F.4.3) is used to
validate the 73F (23C) HDB, linear extrapolation of the stress regression curve to 50-
years (438,000 hours) is substantiated when the log average failure time of six test
specimens at 176F (80C) surpasses 6000 hours, or at 193F (90C) surpasses 2400 hours
at a stress of no more than 100 psi below where all failures are ductile. A ductile failure
reference stress shall be established by 3 specimens all failing in the ductile mode at the
same temperature.
F.5.4 If the 180F HDB has been validated by Part F.4.5, then the 73F extrapolation is
considered to be substantiated linear to 50 years (438,000 hours).

NOTE 1 The Long-Term Hydrostatic Strength (LTHS) at 50-years is not to be used for
pressure rating calculations. The maximum stress is still calculated using the HDB
(with the appropriate design service factors) obtained from the LTHS at 100,000
PE materials meeting this additional substantiation of the 73F (23C) extrapolation shall be
denoted by an asterisk (*) in PPI TR-4.

The Independent listing holder of a polyethylene pipe compound with a Standard Grade
recommended HDB or MRS may modify that compound provided that either 1) the changes are
minor (per F.6.1), or 2) the listing holder submits test data (per F.6.3) to confirm that the modified
compound has an equivalent HDB or MRS to the original compound at each listed temperature.
F.6.1 Minor Modification(s) in PE Compounds
Minor modification(s) in PE compounds that require no testing and reporting to the HSB
are covered in the following sections of TR-3:
Colorant changes Part D.1
Thermal Stabilizer Substitution Part F.1
Stabilizer Variations Part F.2
UV Stabilizer Substitution Part F.3
F.6.2 Other Modifications
Other modifications to the composition of a piping compound could significantly affect its
long-term service life and will require hydrostatic test data to confirm the modified
compound’s HDB or MRS is unchanged, per F.6.3. Examples of such compositional
modifications include:
Changes in color concentrate, which may include:
A change in pigment level or type not permitted in Part D, and/or A change in the
concentrate carrier resin. The concentrate carrier resin is not considered to have
changed if the following characteristics are the same as that of the carrier resin used in
the original composition:
- nominal melt index and density,
- polymer manufacturing process technology and catalyst system
- comonomer
Changes in PE resin manufacturing process or specifications.
Changes in the PE pipe compound manufacturing process.
It is recognized that a change in PE resin manufacturing process conditions will generally,
but not always, result in no adverse change in long-term strength characteristics, provided
the resin and compound are made to the same manufacturer's product specifications. The
determination of which process change could affect long-term strength has to be
determined by the listing company using the best judgment. Past experience can be a guide.
Whenever there is reasonable suspicion, testing (per F.6.3) should be conducted to confirm
that the compound's long-term strength characteristics have remained unchanged. Some
examples of process changes that should be considered during the decision making process
1. Changes in the type of manufacturing process.
2. The start-up of new reactors at existing or new plant sites.
3. Changes in the type of compounding equipment used in the pelletization process.

F.6.3 Test requirements to establish equivalence
For compound modifications determined to require test data, stress-rupture testing shall be
developed on one (1) lot of the modified compound to confirm that all HDBs and MRSs assigned
to the original compound are maintained, as detailed below.

F.6.3.1 HDB Equivalence

The minimum levels of data required are:
F. E-2 per Part A at 73°F
F. E-2 per Part A at the highest other listed temperature, if any
F. Validation at the highest listed temperature
F. If applicable, 50-year substantiation according to Part F.5

F.6.3.2 MRS Equivalence

An abbreviated data set (less than the full ISO 9080 data requirement) is acceptable to establish
equivalence of a modified compound with MRS listing, provided the following conditions are
satisfied (Note: Modified compounds not meeting these criteria must be tested to the full requirements of ISO9080
to establish equivalence or a Special Case can be requested to present an alternate qualification requirement):
F. The original compound has a Standard Grade recommended HDB listing at
F. The modified compound meets Part F.6.3.1 requirements for HDB equivalence.
F. The ISO 9080 data set used to establish the original compound’s MRS listing
consists of:
a. Data from only one lot
b. At least three temperatures (per B.1.2.1).
c. The 20°C /50-year LPL is based on Type A (ductile) failure mode

For compounds meeting the above criteria, test data on the modified compound shall be
developed per ISO9080 and Part B.1.2, with the following exceptions:
F. All observations must be generated from a single lot and on the same nominal
pipe size used to generate the original data set.
F. Minimum data levels (per Part A):
a. E-2 at 20º or 23ºC
b. E-2 at a temperature between 40 ºC and 70ºC (inclusive)
c. E-6 at 80ºC or above. Also, the log average of the 5 longest times (failure
or non-failure) included in the LPL determination, shall exceed 5000 hours
F. The ISO 9080 LPL (20°C, 50-years) of this abbreviated data set, must be based
on “Type A” (ductile) mode and support the same MRS (per ISO 12162) as that
of the original full data set.
Modifications that are not within the scope of those defined in this Part are considered to result in
a new compound subject to the full testing requirements of Part A, and Part F.4. However, the
HSB will review, on a Special Case basis, a request to consider different testing requirements upon
review of the proposed modification.
A PE material that meets the following requirements qualifies for a recommended design factor
of 0.63. PE materials not meeting these requirements will have their HDS established as per Part
1. 50-year substantiation according to Part F.5.
2. Minimum slow crack growth performance by ASTM F 1473 of 500 hours as required by
ASTM D 3350.
3. LCL/LTHS ratio of at least 90% as per ASTM D 2837.
These requirements apply to the PE material – meaning that all compounding ingredients and
colorants are included matching the material formulation to be listed. The HDS calculated with
this design factor will be used to establish the pipe material designation code to be listed in TR-4.



For all PEX data submissions the listing holder shall supply the PEX Material Designation
Code for the compound based on ASTM F876. PPI does not review nor warrant the basis for
the Material Designation Code. Changes permitted in Part G do not consider the impact on the
long-term oxidative stability of the resulting formulation. It is the responsibility of the listing
holder to consider these effects and the impact on the PEX Material Designation Code.


G.2.1 Modifications Not Requiring Long-term Strength Data
The following formulation modifications to cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) compounds may be
made without having to submit additional long-term strength test data provided
a. The formulation changes fit within the guidelines below;
b. The required additional supporting data detailed below is provided;
c. The gel content of the new compound as determined according to ASTM D2765,
"Standard Test Methods for Determination of Gel Content and Swell Ratio of Cross-
linked Ethylene Plastics" is not lower than that for the original compound for which the
recommended HDB was obtained.

G.2.2 Colorant Changes:

Colorant changes as detailed in Part D.1 of PPI TR-3.

G.2.3 Thermal Stabilizers:
G.2.3.1 Thermal Stabilizer Substitution:
Thermal Stabilizers for use in PEX compounds may be used interchangeably in a PEX plastic pipe
formulation provided:
G. The requirements for Stabilizer Validation in Section 6.8 of ASTM Standard
F876, "Standard Specification for Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing",
are met;
G. The total content of the stabilizer package in the formulation is less than 0.75
parts per 100 parts of resin;
G. The quantity of substituted stabilizer is within  50 weight percent of the level
of the stabilizer in the original formulation;
G. The quantity of the substituted thermal stabilizer does not exceed 0.75 parts
per 100 parts of resin.
G.2.3.2 Change in Amount of Thermal Stabilizer:
The amount of thermal stabilizer may be changed up to  50 weight percent from the specified
amount for the base composition. An increase in thermal stabilizer does not require testing. If
the level of thermal stabilizer is decreased the new compound must satisfy requirements for
Stabilizer Validation in Section 6.8 of ASTM Standard F876, "Standard Specification for Cross-
linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing".

G.2.4 UV Light Stabilizers:

Ultraviolet (UV) light stabilizers designed for use in cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) compounds
may be used interchangeably in a PEX plastic pipe formulation provided:
G.2.4.1 The total content of the UV stabilizer package in the formulation is less than 0.75 parts
per 100 parts of resin;
G.2.4.2 The quantity of the substituted stabilizer does not exceed 0.75 parts per hundred of
No consideration is given to the effectiveness in the UV light protection in that this
characteristic of the compound is not considered by PPI or ASTM standards and is
between the purchaser and seller.
NOTE 1: For those PEX products which specify a UV resistance of 1, 3, or 6 in the
Product code, it is suggested that any changes contemplated above satisfy the
requirements for UV resistance changes per ASTM F-876 "Standard Specification for
Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing" section on UV stability.

G.2.5 Catalyst Changes:
For PEX pipe manufacturing processes that utilize a catalyst to accelerate the cross-linking
process, the level of this catalyst may be changed up to  50 weight percent from the specified
amount for the base composition.
The type of catalyst may also be changed provided the same carrier fluid or resin is utilized. Also,
the level of the substituted catalyst must be within  50 weight percent of the original catalyst

G.2.6 Carrier Resin Changes:

Carrier resins for the addition of additives, colorants, catalysts, etc to the PEX formulation may be
used interchangeably provided:
G.2.6.1 The substituted Carrier Resin has the same Cell Classification according to ASTM
D3350, "Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials";
G.2.6.2 The total Carrier Resin substitution cannot exceed 6% of the total listed formulation.
G.2.6.3 The level of any substituted resin is the same as for the original base formulation.

NOTE 1: Due to the chemical nature of the PEX manufacturing process changes to formulations
may result in an interference with the cross-linking process or the cross-linking process
may interfere with the functioning of the additive. The manufacturer should make
adequate tests to assure users that the formulation changes do not adversely affect the
performance properties other than long-term hydrostatic strength.

NOTE 2: The compound to which any one of the above mentioned formulation change is made
does not become a new base compound to which additional changes can be made.

Proposed substitutions outside these guidelines may be evaluated with other policies and procedures
in PPI TR-3.


A manufacturer who has a cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) compound with a PPI Standard Grade
recommended HDB may modify that compound provided that the changes are minor, as herein
defined, or adequate testing is performed to confirm that the new material has an equivalent HDB
to the original PPI listed material at each of the temperatures for which the material is listed.
Minor modification(s) in PEX compounds that require no testing and reporting to the HSB are
covered in TR-3 Part G.2.
Other modification to the composition of a piping compound could significantly affect its long-
term service life. Accordingly, such changes will require certain hydrostatic pressure testing to
confirm the modified compound has the same HDB as the original listed compound. Examples
of possible compound modifications include:
For PE Base resin (prior to cross-linking):
• Changes in the manufacturing specifications for the PE resin
• The start-up of new reactors at existing or new plant sites for PE base resin manufacture
• Changes in PE base resin manufacturing process

Changes such as those outlined above will require certain minimum confirmatory stress-
rupture testing and validation in accordance with Part A of this report. Test data on one (1)
lot of the modified compound shall be developed to confirm the same HDB as the original
compound. The levels of data required are:

Listing Temperature Minimum Data Requirement for Listed Temperature

73 F (23 C) E-2 per Part A
Highest Rated Temperature E-6 at highest rated temperature

In addition to the above stress-rupture testing, data shall be supplied to confirm that the Gel
content of the modified PEX composition as determined according to ASTM D2765,
"Standard Test Methods for Determination of Gel Content and Swell Ratio of Cross-linked
Ethylene Plastics", is not lower than that for the original compound for which the
recommended HDB was obtained.

Modifications that are not within the scope of those defined in this Part are considered to
result in new materials subject to the full testing requirements of
Part A. However, the HSB has the authority, on a case-by-case basis, to recommend different
testing requirements upon review of the proposed modification.



H.1.1 Equipment
Clause E.1.1 applies.

H.1.2 Single Batching

Clause E.1.2 applies.

H.1.3 Double Batching

Double batching of CPVC compounds is not allowed at this time.


H.2.1 A manufacturer having a CPVC compound with a PPI Standard Grade recommended
HDB at 73 °F (23 °C) and 180°F (82°C) may substitute ingredients complying with
properties and use levels of PPI TR-2 Parts A.2 – A.6 without the need to submit any
additional hydrostatic data providing the substituent is within the range limitations of TR-
H.2.2 A manufacturer having a CPVC pipe compound with a PPI Standard Grade
recommended HDB at 73ºF (23ºC) and at 180ºF (82ºC) may substitute an apparently
identical ingredient from a different supplier with no change in amount for an ingredient
that is present in no more than 5 parts per hundred parts (by weight) of resin provided the
least squares regression lines for the substituted compound obtained with E-2 test data at
73°F (23°C) and E-6 test data at 180°F (82°C) produces: (1) a 100,000-hour hydrostatic
strength that is not less than required to give the same hydrostatic design basis as that
recommended for the base compound and, (2) a 50-year strength value that is not less than
85 percent of the 50-year strength value of the base compound (to assure that the slope
for the substituted compound is approximately the same as that for the base compound).
In this case the substituted formulation will be considered to be identical to the original
formulation in regard to the hydrostatic design stress. The manufacturer shall make
available to the PPI HSB Chair, on a confidential basis, the results of the evaluation studies
undertaken to show apparent material identity.
H.2.3 PPI will grant an experimental acceptance of the substituted ingredient at 180ºF (82ºC)
based on presentation to the PPI HSB Chair of acceptable E-2 stress rupture data at both
180ºF (82ºC) and 200ºF (93ºC). The owner of this experimental acceptance shall submit
E-6 stress rupture data at 180ºF (82ºC) to PPI within six months to retain acceptance of
the substituted ingredient.

H.2.4 The HSB shall be consulted for minimum data requirements for other formulation
modifications and stress recommendations at temperatures other than 73ºF (23ºC) and
180ºF (82ºC).
NOTE 1: Consult Part H.3 (for an alternate method for analyzing stress-rupture data for CPVC.


The use of this method is optional and its inclusion here does not in any way preclude the
use of the procedures that are published elsewhere in TR-3.
H.3.1 Applicability:
H.3.1.1 This procedure may be applied in the evaluation of stress-rupture data developed
for CPVC compounds.
H.3.1.2 This procedure may be used in evaluating the stress-rupture data for:
H. Second and third lots of pipe required in Part A to obtain a
Standard Grade rating.
H. Lots of pipe used to demonstrate the effects of substitution of
"apparently identical ingredients" as described in Part H.2.
H. Lots of pipe used to show the effects of changes in the level of
compounding ingredients (excluding stabilizers) up to  50 percent
from the levels contained in a compound with an established
recommended hydrostatic design stress.
H.3.2 Alternate Method:
As soon as five or more stress-rupture data points are developed, compute the long-term
hydrostatic strength (LTHS), the 95 percent upper (UCL) and lower (LCL) confidence
levels, and the lower confidence level ratio (RLCL = LCL/LTHS) (Note 1). Check these
results against the following requirements:
H.3.2.1 If the RLCL is 0.85 or greater, evaluate data in accordance with 2.2, 2.3, or 2.4
below. If RLCL is less than 0.85, incorporate additional data points as they
become available and recompute until RLCL  0.85.
H.3.2.2 If the 100,000-hour LCL stress value is greater than 4,000 psi at 73ºF (23ºC) and
1,000 psi at 180ºF (82ºC), this lot will always exceed the long-term hydrostatic
strength requirements (Note 2). This test work can be stopped and the data can
be submitted to fulfill the requirements listed in H.2 above.
H.3.2.3 If the 100,000-hour UCL stress value is less than 3,830 psi at 73ºF (23ºC) and
960 psi at 180ºF (82ºC), this lot will not attain the required long-term hydrostatic
strength (Note 2). The tests should be stopped.
H.3.2.4 If the 100,000 hours UCL stress value is more than 3,830 psi at 73ºF (23ºC) and
960 psi at 180ºF (82ºC), and the 100,000 hour LCL stress value is less than 3,830
psi at 73ºF (23ºC) and 960 psi at 180ºF (82ºC), the test should be continued to
obtain more data points
(Note 2). As additional data points are developed, re-compute and re-examine

data to see whether it meets the requirements. Continue testing until the lot
qualifies or fails either under this method or another part of PPI TR-3.
NOTE 1: Calculate the lower confidence level (LCL), and the lower confidence level ratio
(RLCL) in accordance with ASTM D 2837 (see Appendix X3 of the 2004 edition).
Consult any standard treatment on analysis of regression equations for the calculation
of the upper confidence level (UCL).
NOTE 2: The 3,830 psi value is the minimum long-term hydrostatic strength that qualifies for a
4,000 psi HDB category at 73 °F (23 °C ); the 960 psi value is the minimum long-term
hydrostatic strength that qualifies for a 1,000 psi HDB category at 180 °F (82 °C ).
Minimum required long-term hydrostatic strengths for other HDB categories are given
in ASTM D 2837.
NOTE 3: As an approximation, the UCL may be estimated from the LCL by the following
Log UCL = log LTHS + (log LTHS - log LCL)

Consent of the PPI HSB Chair is required to substitute an alternate resin (resin B) in a
CPVC pipe formulation for the original resin (resin A). Such consent shall be awarded when
the following conditions are satisfied:
H.4.1 The listing for the subject formulation is for the Standard Grade at 73ºF (23ºC) and 180ºF
H.4.2 The PPI HSB Chair shall be advised in writing (See Note 1) by the owner of the
"independent" listing (per D.3) that the proposed resin substitution has been determined
to be an acceptable formulation variation on the basis of established requirements that the
owner has set for that formulation and upon demonstrated compliance to the following:
H.4.2.1 Resin B is either:
H. Derived by chlorination of a PVC resin designated an originally specified resin in
at least one PVC compound formulation that carries a Standard Grade
hydrostatic design stress recommendation at 73ºF (23ºC) (either a private listing
with PPI or a listing in Table 1 of TR2) of the same value as that of the subject
H. an originally specified resin in at least one CPVC compound formulation that
carries Standard Grade hydrostatic design stress recommendations at 73ºF
(23ºC) and 180ºF (82ºC) of the same value as that of the subject compound;
H.4.2.2 Resin B satisfies all of the property requirements established by its manufacturer
for the use of the resin in pressure rated CPVC pipe compounds;
H.4.2.3 The cell classification, when determined in accordance with ASTM D 1784, "Standard
Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Compounds and Chlorinated
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Compounds", or D 3915, "Standard Specification for
Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) and Related Plastic Pipe and Fitting Compounds for
Pressure Applications", of the compound made from the subject formulation, is the
same with resin B as when using resin A; and,

H.4.2.4 Both resin A and resin B satisfy the following property requirements:


Type of Material CPVC Homopolymer
Percent Chlorine 66.5 % Min.
Inherent Viscosity ASTM D1243 0.88 - 0.96
Heat Loss (water); % by weight 1 Hr @ 221oF (105oC) 0.5 max
Apparent Bulk Density, gm/cc ASTM D1895 0.46 - 0.66
Compacted Bulk Density, gm/cc ------ 0.54 - 0.76
RVCM ------ 10 ppm max

H.4.3. Results of long term hydrostatic stress rupture tests at 180ºF (82ºC) shall be submitted to
the PPI HSB Chair which demonstrate, when evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 2837
but with the exceptions herein given, that the long-term hydrostatic strength, the lower
confidence limit, and the 50-year intercept of pipe made on commercial equipment from
the formulation using the substitute resin (resin B) continue to satisfy the D 2837
requirements established on pipe made from the original formulation. The exceptions to
D 2837 are that circumferential expansion tests need not be made and minimum data
point and test requirements are relaxed to the following:

H.4.3.1 For initial approval (experimental grade) for the use of the substitute resin (resin B), The
following data shall be provided:
• E6 at 180ºF (82ºC).
• E2 at 180ºF (82ºC) and E2 at 200ºF (93ºC)
H.4.3.2 For final approval (standard grade) for the use of the substitute resin (resin B), E10 data
at 180ºF (82ºC) shall be provided.

Unless it can be demonstrated that they are part of the same regression line, do not use failure points
for stresses or pressures that have failure times less than 100 h. Include failure points excluded from
the calculation by this operation in the report, and identify them as being in this category.
This policy is intended only to cover the alternative use in CPVC formulations of CPVC resins that
are judged by the criteria herein presented as sufficiently similar in nature to produce pressure pipes
that are essentially the same in performance. The requirements given are not to be considered as
specifications or standards that describe the requirements for all the CPVC resins suitable for CPVC
pressure pipes. Proposed substitution of CPVC resins not meeting the requirements of this policy
may be evaluated in accordance with other policies and procedures in TR-3.

NOTE 1: The Appendix includes a suggested letter form that may be used to transmit to the PPI
HSB Chair the information required in Part H.4.
NOTE 2: The intention of the Board is to eventually drop this requirement and change initial
and final approval, after it has been demonstrated, as expected, that the longer time
data per this requirement confirm the 'initial' approval results.

The content of one or more ingredients of CPVC pipe and fittings compositions may be varied
without changes in the recommended HDB for 73oF (23oC) and 180F (82C) provided the
formulation variations and the procedures for establishing the recommendation comply to
provisions given herein:

H.5.1 Allowable formulation variation for a fixed composition formulation:

H.5.1.1 The formulation shall have a Standard Grade recommended design stress at 73ºF (23ºC)
and at 180ºF (82ºC) per section 1.2 of Part A.
H.5.1.2 The originally specified content of any number of the following components may be
adjusted within the given limits provided each adjusted component meets the indicated
property requirements and the resultant formulation can be processed into pipe of
acceptable quality:

Titanium dioxide  20%
Calcium stearate  10%
Calcium Carbonate  20%, but not to exceed 5.0 phr, or the original
specified amount if greater than 5.0 phr.
Paraffin Wax  10%
Polyethylene Wax  20%, but not to exceed 0.30 phr, or the original
specified amount if greater than 0.30 phr.
Colorant  20%
Process Aid  20%
Stabilizer  20%, but the resultant change not to exceed
 0.2 phr
*Original specified content is that which was contained in the formulations upon which the LTHS was established.

H.5.2 To establish a range with greater component variability:
Select the maximum and minimum levels for one or more ingredients, and proceed as follows:
H.5.2.1 Test data shall be provided as required by Part A of PPI TR-3 for both the compound
when prepared with all additives (all ingredients except resin) at the specified maximum
level (maximum range formula) and when prepared with all additives at their minimum
level (minimum range formula). To assist in the processing of the data, the maximum
and minimum range formulas shall be treated as separate entities until the requirements
given in b, c and d below are fulfilled. As long as both the maximum and minimum
formulas carry a recommendation of the HSB for the same design stress, and other
requirements herein stipulated are satisfied, any formula of that compound which lies
within the maximum/minimum range also enjoys that recommendation. For range
formulas, the provisions for formulation variation for "fixed" composition formulas do
not apply; component content beyond that indicated by the maximum/minimum range
is not permitted.
H.5.2.2 Stress-rupture data obtained on pipe made from the maximum range formula shall be
provided for at least one lot at the maximum temperature for which recommended HDB
equivalence is being established in accordance with the schedule given in Part A of PPI
TR-3 until the full requirements of ASTM D 2837 are satisfied.

H.5.2.3 Stress-rupture data obtained on pipe made from the minimum range formula shall be
provided for at least one lot for the E-2 level of Part A at 180ºF (82ºC) for initial
approval. The following data shall be provided for final approval:
• E-6 at 180ºF (82ºC).
• E-2 at 180ºF (82ºC) and E2 at 200ºF (93ºC)
H.5.2.4 To advance the recommendation for the range formula combination to the Standard
Grade, in addition to the above, E-2 level data shall be provided for one other lot of
pipe extruded on commercial production equipment that is made from any formula lying
within the maximum/minimum range. The Standard Grade recommendation for the
range formula shall be granted upon each of all the submitted data lots qualifying for the
same hydrostatic design basis per ASTM D 2837.

Formulation changes outside these guidelines, including those for recommended HDB at
temperatures beyond 180oF (82oC), may be evaluated in accordance with other policies and
procedures in TR-3.

This policy presents conditions under which stress-rupture data at the E-2 level per Part A are
acceptable in demonstrating that the recommended HDB that has been assigned to a CPVC pipe
composition are not compromised by the use in that composition of a new, or modified, stabilizer
(stabilizer B) as a substitute for the original stabilizer (stabilizer A). Under this policy, consent from
the PPI HSB Chair is required before the so-modified composition can be accepted under the
recommended values assigned the original, or base, composition. Such consent shall be available
provided the following conditions are met:
H.6.1 The composition under consideration is either an independent listing, or is dependent
upon an independent listing that carries a Standard Grade recommended value for the
temperature in question.
H.6.2 If the composition is a dependent listing, then the owner of the independent listing shall
advise the PPI HSB Chair in writing that the proposed stabilizer substitution is an
acceptable formulation variation.
H.6.3 Both the original stabilizer (stabilizer A) and the substitute stabilizer (stabilizer B) shall be
identified along with the use levels of each. (This information shall be kept
administratively confidential by the PPI HSB Chair).
H.6.4 The substitute stabilizer (stabilizer B) shall be an originally specified stabilizer in at least
one CPVC compound that carries a Standard Grade hydrostatic design stress
H.6.5 The cell classification, when determined in accordance with ASTM D 1784 or D 3915,
shall be the same for the composition when made with stabilizer B as was established
when made with stabilizer A.
H.6.6 The stabilizer level in the compound must be within the original range and the amount
cannot be varied more than allowed by PPI formulation variability policy (See Part H.5).
In the case of a range formulation, only the highest usage level of stabilizer must be tested.
H.6.7 Pipe manufactured under commercial production conditions from a compound made with
stabilizer B shall, when subjected to hydrostatic testing per ASTM D 1598, yield stress
rupture data that when evaluated in accordance with ASTM D 2837, with the exceptions
given herein, produces calculated values of the long-term hydrostatic strength, the lower
confidence limit and the 50-year intercept that satisfy the ASTM D 2837 requirements for
the hydrostatic design basis assigned the compound when formulated with stabilizer A.
The exceptions to ASTM D 2837 are that circumferential expansion tests need not be
made and the test data only need satisfy the E-2 level requirements of
Part A. These tests are to be carried out at the maximum temperature for which
recommended HDB equivalence is being established.
Proposed substitutions outside these guidelines may be evaluated in accordance with other
policies and procedures in TR-3.



X.1.1 Checklist for HSB Submissions

The minimum information required by PPI's HSB to develop recommendations of
HDB/PBD/SDB/MRS for specific thermoplastic pipe and fitting materials is summarized in
the following two submission checklists (one for non-PVC compounds and one for PVC and
CPVC compounds). The HSB may require additional information for certain cases.

Complete all sections, then send to the PPI HSB Chair, along with the signed certification


I do hereby certify that the data and other information included with this submission are
truthful and accurate; that the data are derived from testing actually performed on the samples
identified in the submission by (INSERT NAME OF COMPANY OF OUTSIDE
____________________________________); that the data do not, in any way, misrepresent
the performance or other characteristics of the material covered by the submission; and that
this submission does not omit any data or information known to my company (including that
derived from any testing summarized in this submission) which would be material to an HSB
decision on the action requested.

Signed: ________________________________________________
Authorized Representative

Print Name: _____________________________________________

Title: __________________________________________________

Company: ______________________________________________


Consult PPI TR-3 for Definitions, etc. Date:

1 - Owner of Proposed PPI Listing

Phone: ( ) Fax: ( )

2 - Data Submission:
Compound Designation:
Compound is Intended for Extrusion Only
Molding Only
Either Extrusion or Molding
Data Submission is for a: New Formulation
Modified Formulation
Base, (or Parent), Formulation is:

Description of Modification

3 - Type of Request:
Routine Request: The data and other information herewith presented are in full
compliance with PPI TR-3 requirements for the requested level, (E2, E4,
E6, etc.) of PPI listing.
Special Case: Some of the information, as follows, is not in full compliance with the
TR-3 requirements:

Notwithstanding this, it is believed that the data presented are sufficient

for granting the request listing based on the following reasons:

(Note: Special Cases are referred to the HSB for adjudication)


Consult PPI TR-3 for Definitions, etc. Date:

4 - Requested Action:
Based on this data submission the following action is requested:
A listing of the subject formulation (see Note) for the listing level,
(Standard, E2,
E4, E6, etc.) of ,
for a recommended psi,
for a temperature of F (or 0C, specify), and
external environment of .
Acceptance of the subject formulation as equivalent to the base formulation. It is
requested that this equivalent formulation be listed under:
Its own identification, which is: ,
The Base formulation.
(Note: Consult PPI TR-3, Parts A & B for listing grades, conditions and requirements)

5 - Other Data or Listings:

Does this material have a PPI listing at
other temperatures or conditions?
Yes (Provide the details)

Are there stress-rupture data available for
other temperatures?
Yes - Have been previously submitted
(List the temperatures in 0C or 0F)

Yes - Are now being submitted via separate data

(List the temperatures in 0C or 0F)


Consult PPI TR-3 for Definitions, etc. Date:

6 - Pipe or Fitting Material Designation and Classification:
ASTM Standard:
Cell Classification or Material
Identification (all cell class
values must be listed).
Actual Values (indicate the units):
Physical Property Test Method Average Value, or Range
Density, g/cc ASTM D 1505
Melt Index, g/10 min. ASTM D 1238
Tensile strength, psi or MPa ASTM D638
Flexural Modulus, psi or MPa ASTM D790
Stress Crack Resistance, hrs. ASTM F 1473


7 - Compound Mixing:

Material is: Pre-Compounded or Blended In-Plant

8 - Hydrostatic Stress/Time Data:

8.1 - Use the form in Section 10 to provide the stress, time and failure mode for each lot of pipe that was tested
(make copies if necessary). All data points must be reported even though they may not be considered
appropriate for the calculation. The reason for the latter is to be given.

8.2 - Indicate the Mode of Failure in Section 10, using the following codes:
N - Non-failure point B - Brittle
S – Shatter ? - Other, Specify
D – Ductile


Consult PPI TR-3 for Definitions, etc. Date:

8 - Hydrostatic Stress/Time Data (cont’d):

8.3 - Is Creep the controlling factor?

(See Paragraph 5.3, “Circumferential Expansion”, of ASTM D2837 for details on data requirements for
evaluating creep as a potential limiting factor. Based on historical data, PPI’s HSB recognizes the following
materials as having long term strengths which are not limited by the ASTM D2837 creep criterion: PVC,
medium and high density PE, CPVC, PA & PB.)

No Present the basis for this conclusion if the material is other than those listed above.

Yes Present the circumferential expansion data summary and resultant calculations on a separate data
8.4 - Calculate the 100,000-h LTHS, 50-year intercept, LCL and LCL Ratio and show these results in Section 10.

8.5 - Computer printouts of the data and calculations are acceptable if they provide the information requested in
Section 10 in an easy to read format.

8.6 - Polyethylene materials, which are to be listed with an HDB at 73F and at higher temperatures, must also
undergo supplemental validation of the long-term hydrostatic strength in accordance with Clause 5.6 of
ASTM D2837, or Part F.4 of TR-3.
Remember to submit these validation data on a separate data sheet.
8.7 - For crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) pipe data, what is the measured level of cross-linking for specimens tested?

What is the measurement method? ___________________________________________

The listed HDB/MRS for this PEX pipe will be based on this minimum crosslink level.

9 - Hydrostatic Stress Summary (indicate the units)

HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS requested: psi or MPa


Consult PPI TR-3 for Definitions, etc. Date:

10 - Data Submission for Lot #_________:
10.1 - Actual Stress/Time Data 10.2 - Fabrication Process
Average Outside diameter, in: 10.2.1 - Extrusion:
(approximate values)
Minimum Wall Thickness, in: Extrusion was done on:
Laboratory Equipment and Conditions
Stress Time Failure or
psi h Mode Production Equipment and Conditions
(see 8.2)

10.2.2 - Molding:

Type of Mold:

Side Gated
End Gated

(indicate the units)

Outside Diameter:
Wall Thickness; /
Minimum Average

10.3 - Hydrostatic Properties

100,000 h LTHS: psi or MPa

50 year intercept: psi or MPa

LCL: psi or MPa

LCL Ratio: %

Temperature: 0C or 0F


Inside Pipe:

Outside Pipe:

2 4 6 8 1
E Level:

Consult PPI TR-3 for Definitions, etc. Date:
1 - Owner of Proposed PPI Listing

Phone: ( ) Fax: ( )

2 - Data Submission:
Compound Designation:
Submission is a: New PVC Formulation (see 6.1.1)
New Compound (See 6.1.3), for: PPI Range Formulation
(check one of the following:) Private Formulation
PVC Resin (6.1.2) Other component not
Process Aid to the guidelines of PPI TR-3:
Heat Stabilizer
Commercial Designation Specify
of the new Component:
(Attach Physical Property Data Sheet)
Special Case (Attached an explanation of why it should be considered)

3 - Compound Mixing:
Equipment: High Intensity Mixer Low Intensity Cooler
or or

Describe Other Describe Other

Procedure: Double Batching o Single Batching

(Describe the procedure
followed in preparing
the compound. See Note
7 of TR-3)

Consult PPI TR-3 for Definitions, etc. Date:
4 - Fabrication Process:

4.1 - Extrusion:
Laboratory Equipment and Conditions
Extrusion was done on: or
Production Equipment and Conditions

4.1 - Molding: Type of Mold Side Gate or End Gate

Specimen Dimensions, in or mm (Indicate Units):
Outside Diameter: Wall Thickness: / Length:
Average Minimu Averag Averag
m e e

5 - Resin and/or Compound Properties:

5.1 - Resin Properties:

(Only required if PVC Resin box was checked in Section 2) Lot Lot Lot
1 2 3
⎯ (if required) ⎯
Inherent Viscosity ASTM D1243 (0.88 - 0.96)
Heat Loss (water) % by wt. 1 hr @ 2210F (1050C) (0.5 max.)
Apparent Bulk Density, g/cc ASTM D1895 (0.46 - 0.62)
Compacted Bulk density, ASTM D1895 (Method C) (0.54 - 0.72)
RVCM ASTM D3749 (10 ppm

5.1 - Compound Properties:

Cell Classification per ASTM D1784:
Actual Values (indicate units):
Base Resin PVC
Izod Impact Strength, ft-lb/in or J/m ASTM D256 Method A
Tensile strength, psi or MPa ASTM D638
Modulus of elasticity, psi or MPa ASTM D638
Deflection temperature under load, 0F or 0C ASTM D648
[264 psi (1.82 MPa) load]

Consult PPI TR-3 for Definitions, etc. Date:
6 - Hydrostatic Stress/Time Requirements
6.1 - Data Required:
6.1.1 - New PVC Formulation: Provisional Listing Standard Listing
 E2 E10 on one lot
followed by  E4, E6, plus  E2
etc. on two additional
every 6 months. lots.
6.1.2 - New PVC Resin:: Provisional Listing Standard Listing
(stabilizer and calcium carbonate must be at the  E6 E10 on one lot
maximum of range). followed by  E8, etc. plus  E2
every 6 months. on two additional
6.1.3 - New Component: Provisional Listing Standard Listing
(subject component must be at the maximum of  E6 E10 on one lot
range). followed by  E8, etc. plus  E2
every 6 months. on two additional
6.1.4 - Special Case:
(what protocol is proposed?)

6.2 - Stress/Time Data:

6.2.1 - Use the forms in Section 8 to provide the stress, time and failure mode for each lot of pipe that was tested. All data
points must be reported even though they may not be considered appropriate for the calculation. The reason for
the latter is to be given.
6.2.2 - Indicate the mode of failure using the following codes:
N - Non-failure point B - Brittle
S - Shatter ? - Other, Specify
D - Ductile
6.2.3 - Calculate the 100,000-h LTHS, 50-year intercept, LCL and LCL Ratio and show these results in Section 8.
6.2.4 - Computer printouts of the data and calculations are acceptable if they provide all the information requested in
Section 8 in an easy to read format.

7 - Hydrostatic Stress Summary: (Indicate the units)

HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS requested psi or MPa

Consult PPI TR-3 for Definitions, etc. Date:
8 - Actual Stress/Time Data:
Lot # _____________ Lot # _____________
Size, In: Size, In:
SDR # or SCH #: SDR # or SCH #:
Stress Time Failure Stress Time Failure
psi h Mode psi h Mode
(see 6.2.2) (see 6.2.2)

100,000 h LTHS: psi or MPa 100,000 h LTHS: psi or MPa

50-Year intercept: psi or MPa 50-Year intercept: psi or MPa
LCL: psi or MPa LCL: psi or MPa
LCL Ratio: % LCL Ratio: %
Temperature: 0C or 0F Temperature: 0C or 0F

Environment: Environment:
Inside Pipe: Inside Pipe:
Outside Pipe: Outside Pipe:

2 4 6 8 1 2 4 6 8 1
0 0
E Level: E Level:


X.2.1 Additional Information

Supplemental information useful in the development of new or improved policies and in enhancing the quality
of correlation, interpretation and extrapolation of stress-rupture data is welcomed by the HSB. For example,
data obtained on poor quality pipe (i.e., pipe that does not meet the latest standards and/or specifications), will
be helpful and will be used to study the method and other auxiliary procedures used to develop recommended
HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS values and in preparing effective product specifications. The sources of such data and
the detailed data itself will be kept confidential if those submitting such data so request. For this purpose, the
material identification may be omitted from the report. Data in this category will not be used as a basis for
developing recommendations for hydrostatic design stresses for plastic pipe materials. It should be noted that
design stresses cannot be recommended for pipe materials that do not meet current standards and specifications.
The submission of results of research and development studies on the stress rupture behavior of thermoplastic
pipe and field experiences on the effect of changes in formulations are also requested. Such data are helpful in
determining whether or not changes in or additions to these policies and procedures should be made, thereby
improving plastic pipe engineering.
X.2.2 Release of Recommendations
The HSB will not issue any recommendations for HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS values for specific commercial
materials without the written approval of the manufacturers of the materials. Data and other information should
be sent to: PPI Hydrostatic Stress Board Chair
Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc., 105 Decker Court, Suite 825, Irving, TX 75062
X.2.3 Appeals of HSB Actions
It is PPI's hope that a thorough understanding of the policies and procedures for developing recommended
HDB/PDB/SDB/MRS values for thermoplastic piping materials will minimize any disputes or disagreements
regarding HSB actions on requests for recommendations. However, if a manufacturer disagrees with an action
taken by the HSB in regard to his product, he may request that the HSB review its initial determination. The
action on any request for review will be subject to approval by PPI's President and Counsel.
A request by a manufacturer for review of a disagreement with the HSB must be in writing and contain a
complete description of the manufacturer's original proposal and sufficient information to accurately explain the
nature of the disagreement and the decision or action sought by the manufacturer. Upon receipt by the HSB,
the Board will consider the matter and reply in writing to the manufacturer within thirty (30) days. The
manufacturer may, if he so chooses, request a conference call with, or appear before the Board to discuss the
issue. If necessary, the HSB may request any additional information needed to reach a decision.
X.2.4 Confidentiality
Neither PPI staff, PPI members, nor any member of the HSB will make any public comment on the status of a
particular manufacturer's products or test results, except to note whether the product is publicly listed in PPI's
X.2.5 Request Templates
Request templates are available on the PPI HSB web section:




GIVEN: A typical PVC pressure pipe compound formulation is expressed in PHR, or parts of a specific
ingredient per 100 parts resin used. This makes batching calculations easier. PHR is not the same as weight
percent, but the conversion from one basis to the other is fairly straight forward.

An example of such a formulation is given in the Table below.

Ingredient per Weight

100 parts of resin Percent
Ingredient [phr] [%]
Resin 100.00 92.57
Heat Stabilizer 0.70 0.65
Paraffin Wax 1.20 1.11
PE Wax 0.15 0.14
Calcium Carbonate 5.00 4.63
Titanium Dioxide 0.50 0.46
Pigment 0.03 0.03
Calcium Stearate 0.45 0.42
TOTAL 108.03 100.00

DETERMINE: What is the weight percent for each individual ingredient?

1. Write down the PVC compound ingredients expressed as parts by weight for every ingredient in the
formulation (see column headed "PHR").
2. Add the PHR column of individual ingredients to obtain a total number of parts utilized (i.e. - pounds / one
hundred lbs. of PVC resin) (e.g. 100+0.7+ 1.2+0.15+5.0+0.5+0.03+0.45 = 108.03.
3. To calculate the corresponding weight percent for each ingredient, divide the PHR for each ingredient by the
total number of parts utilized. Then multiply by 100 (e.g. (1.20 / 108.03) x 100 = 1.11%).
4. Record these results in the column labeled "weight percent".
5. Check - If the calculation was performed correctly, the total weight percent must equal 100 percent.


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