Biography Alfred Adler

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 Alfred Adler was born in 1870 ; suburb of Vienna (Penzing),Austria, and died in 1937.
 The second son in a family of four boys and two girls.
 His family was financially comfortable; his father is was a grain merchant & one of the
few Jewish families in his village .
 Adler married a Russian named Raissa and had four children.

 As a young child, Alfred was unhealthy and suffered from rickets.
 Alfred's younger brother, had died in bed .
 He was run over twice when he was 4 or 5.
 At five, Alfred's pneumonia was so serious that he would die.
 He decided to become a doctor himself,
 in “order to overcome death and the fear of death”

 He also compensated for early shortcomings in the academic and sport.

 Become popular with his classmates but not with his brother.
 Adler loved music and singing.

 Adler received his medical degree from Vienna University in 1895.
 Began practice as an ophthalmologist, later becoming a general practitioner.
 Alder had interests toward the field of psychiatry; defend Freud's book on dreams and
defended it in print against critics.
 In 1902 Freud invited Adler to join Vienna Psychoanalytic Society.
 He took over many Freud cases and become Freud personal physician.
 Become Freud successor as president.
 He left Freud's circle, resigning the presidency of the Psychoanalytic Society in 1911.
 Because of disagreement;
Freud questioned Adler's intellectual ability and accused Adler of failing to recognize the importance
of the unconscious, thereby fundamentally missing the point of psychoanalysis.

Adler, from his side, regarded Freud as a pampered child who had never overcome the self-indulgence
of childhood and who clung to authority
 In1 1912, established the Society for Individual Psychology.
 In 1914, he founded his own journal.
 During World War I, Adler served as a physician in the Austrian army, treating war
neuroses (later to be called shell shock).
 He set up nearly 50 child-guidance clinics in Vienna and elsewhere in Europe.
to resolve problems with children, including the prevention of delinquency and of psychological
difficulties related to physical handicaps, poor parenting, and problems in getting along with other
children (Ansbacher, 1992).

 Adler emigrated to the United States to take a professor position at the Long Island
College of Medicine. 
 Published about 300 articles and books.


 Called his approach Individual Psychology.
 Adler focused on the uniqueness of each person.
 People must be understood from a social perspective, not a biological one.
 More on consciousness.
 Individual responsible for their faulty choices.
 Health involves love, work and social interaction.
 Parenting, relationship with siblings and birth order have an important influence on
personality development.


Three fundamental tasks of life; WORK, LOVE AND SOCIAL INTERACTION
Success in all three areas is evidence of mental health.
• An occupation, earning a living by some socially useful job.
• Division of labor is a means for organizing cooperation among people in providing
for the necessities and wants of everyone.
• Any occupation that contributes to the community is desirable.
• When children describe their occupational aspirations, they provide insight into their
whole style of life.
• Occupational aspirations may change as the child learns more about reality.

• The love task refers to sexual relationships and marriage between men and women,
including the decision to have children.
• Adler recommended monogamy as the best solution to the love task
• Remonstrated against premarital sex, saying it detracts from "the intimate devotion of
love and marriage".
• Someone who falls in love with two people simultaneously is, by doing so, avoiding
the full love task .
• ALDERIANS; love tasks can be met in homosexual as well as heterosexual
• Sexual dysfunctions and perversions, and even disinterest in one's partner, stem from
lack of social interest rather than from purely physical causes.
• Equality between men and women is essential for success in the task of love.
• He did suggest that birth control and abortion should be a woman's choice.

• The task of social interaction refers to "the problems of communal life“- social
relationships with others, including friendship.
• All social relationships should be based on a strong sense social interest which
prevents a self-centred, narcissistic attitude.
• None can be solved adequately unless there is sufficient social interest.

1. Carl rogers therapy called as ?

a. Unconditional positive regard therapy
b. Client-centred therapy
c. Counsellor-centred therapy

2. Which one is the correct component of person-centred therapy?

a. Show congruence
b. Affectation
c. Unconditional support

3. What is the most important principle of client-Centred Therapy?

a. Client is always wrong
b. Therapist leads the session
c. Client knows the best about himself

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