Practical Research: Identifying The Inquiry and Stating The Problem (Module 2)
Practical Research: Identifying The Inquiry and Stating The Problem (Module 2)
Practical Research: Identifying The Inquiry and Stating The Problem (Module 2)
Identifying the Inquiry and
Stating the Problem
(Module 2)
Learning Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
INSTRUCTIONS: Read carefully the sentences below and do what are asked.
From the ancient time to the present modern time, man has been continuously
finding ways to make daily life better and richer. A better and richer life include
not only the economic phases of life but as well, holistically the intellectual,
social, emotional, moral, spiritual, and aesthetic aspects.
Through technological research, man can communicate with each other better.
Through engineering research, man can build structures better. Through
educational research, man as teacher educates their learners efficiently and
effectively. Through psychological research, man has learned to deal with day-to-
day stress. Through economic research, man has learned to increase his wealth.
Thus, research, is here to serve man - to give him this better life.
The word research is derived from the old French word cerchier, meaning to seek
or search. One seeks exhaustively for three reasons: (1) for more explanations, (2)
for verifiable truth , and (3) to make discoveries. The prefix re, meaning "again,"
signifies replication of the search. The goal of searching is to become certain of
the occurrence or existence of a certain phenomena (Estolas, 1973).
Salmorin (2005) mentioned that the first major step in conducting a research work
is the formulation of a good research topic or problem. A research topic or problem
is something that starts from a situation of need, usually characterized by
difficulties (Andres 1998).
Finding the ideal research problem means going through the process of
discovering and then developing a topic with all the initial anxiety and uncertainty
such a choice entails. This is how you develop your capacity for independent
thought (Reis, 1999).
Then after discovering a topic of your interest, the next task is how to set the
limitations to the topic, it might be too broad or narrow. The problem in tackling
very broad topic is the volume of information it generates, that you might have a
hard time in sorting and analyzing them. On the other hand, sources of
information for a very narrow topic maybe so limited that you might find it hard to
the information you need.
So, it is worthy to note that the most successful topics are narrowly focused and
carefully defined, but are important parts of a broad-ranging, complex problem
(Reis, 1999).
A primary source is one containing the full research report including all details
necessary to duplicate the study. A primary source includes the description of the
rationale of the study, its participant or subjects, materials or apparatus,
procedures, result and references. In order to use primary sources, you have to
use documents such as letters and diaries that were created at the time when the
event you're researching occurred.
The International Journal of Research (1JR) Volume -1, Issue 4, May 2014
discussed important things to be considered in choosing the research topic or
According to Salmorin, et al. (2005), there are some functions that the title serves
as it is used in a study among which are the following:
The following are suggestions of Salmorin et al. (2005) in selecting and writing the
research title:
The research title provides a terse summary of the content of your study. It
may also inform the readers of the findings and result of your research.
Therefore, it should be specific, concise and most importantly, informative.
A misleading title can rightly lose the interest of the reader, sane is rue when
the title is too wordy and uses words that are difficult to understand. However,
we must also be sensitive of using too catchy titles as it can also distract
serious note-takers and readers. A good research title is straightforward,
interesting and uses keywords, new phrases and informative words that are
related to the field being studied.
1. Do not use passive voice in your research title and avoid being
wordy and lengthy. Lengthy titles are often too difficult to
understand in a single skimming situation. Wordy titles are
overlooked and are uninteresting to read for most researchers that
values time and effort in doing their research.
2. Do not use unusual acronyms. Some usual acronyms are HIV, STD,
DENR, and DEPED. However, it is still important to note its
definition in your study as acronyms and abbreviations overlap
across subjects and fields.
Finding Sources
Under three chosen areas of primary and secondary sources, specify the topics
which you believe can be good topics for research.
Primary Sources:
Secondary Sources:
Aguilar, J.C. B. et al. (2017). Research in Daily Life (Practical Research) 2 .
Jenher Publishing House, Inc.