Cephalometric Point "A" Position Following Palatal Expansion

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Cephalometric Point “A” Position Allan G.

PhD(odont), DSc(odont),
Paul M. Cottone, DDS, MS
Following Palatal Expansion The University of Louisville
Scholl of Dentistry,
Louisville, Kentucky 40292,
Položaj kefalometrijske točke “A” nakon širenja USA

Summary Acta Stomatol Croat

1997; 91—98
Objectives: Palatal expansion is used to treat severely constricted
maxillary arches associated with a posterior unilateral o f bilateral cro­
ssbite. The purpose o f this study was to evaluate the affects o f such tre­
atment on the position o f the “A ” point.
Material and Methods: Ninety six cases where palatal expansion was
the first orthodontic treatment were retrospectively analyzed using la­
teral cephalographs taken before and after the expansion phase. Ver­
tical movement o f “A ” point was assessed relative to the perpendicu­
lar distance from the Frankfort Horizontal Plane and from the anteri­
or cranial base (Sella-Nasion). Horizontal movement o f “A ” point was
measured parallel to the Frankfort Plane using a line tangenital to the
posterior limit o f the pterygomandibular fissure and also parallel to
the anterior cranial base from point Sella. Subgroups o f “rapid” and
“slow” palatal expansion were compared.
Results: Here was a mean downward and forward movement o f po­
int “A ” during palatal expansion, with displacement being greater on
average with rapid than with slow palatal expansion therapy. The me­
an vertical component changes relative to speed o f palatal expansion
was statistically significant (p<0.1). The horizontal component avera­
ged > 1 mm more with rapid palatal expansion compared to slow ex­
pansion; however, no statistical significance was proven. Mean incre­
ase in the mandibular plane angel was 1.4° to 2.0°.
Conclusions: Palatal expansion is generally associated with a dow­
nward and forward movement o f point “A ” which is greater on avera­
ge with rapid than with slow activation therapy.
Key words: cephalometrics, orthodontic therapy, palatal expansi­ Received: February 20. 1997
on therapy. Primljeno: 20. veljače 1997.

Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 31, br. 2, 1997. 91

Allan G. Farman et al Palatal expansion/Point “A"

The constricted maxillary arch is often associa­ le was present to ascertain magnification. The film
ted clinically with bilateral or unilateral crossbite of used was either BB-4® or XL-1® (Eastman Kodak,
the dentition and may also hinder development of a Rochester, NY). Exposures were made at 75 kVp
normal mandibular arch. Rapid palatal expansion is and 5 mAs.
frequently used in orthodontic practice to treat this Tracings were digitized using the short regimen
condition. In the process, the mid-palatal suture is of the Dentofacial Planner® (Toronto, Canada) cep­
forcibly separated over a period of two to four we­ halometric program. To determine the accuracy of
eks using a screw expansion appliance activated to digitization by the second author, every fourth case
approximately 0.5 mm per day. To prevent relapse was traced by a second orthodontist for comparison
this is followed by passive retention for a period of of pre-expansion measurements. A 10% magnifica­
three months while bone fills in at the open suture tion was factored in all linear measurements. The
(1,2). The alternative to rapid palatal expansion is posterior and anterior cranial base lengths (Sella-Ba-
a slower activation regimen using activation of ap­ sion [SBa] and Sella-Nasion [SN] respectively) were
proximately 0.5 to 1.0 mm per week. With this slo­
used be expected during the relatively short treat­
wer regime a long period of retention is not needed
ment regimens applied.
as bone fills in during treatment and skeletal side-
effects are minimized (3-5). It is accepted that both
methods produce equal stability(l,6-9). However, a
side effect reported in rapid palatal expansion is the
downward and forward migration of the cephalome-
tric “A” point (the position of great bony concavity
on the maxillary anterior surface). Such “A” point
translocation could exacerbate a pre-existing skele­
tal Class II or anterior open bite situations, and it
can complicate the treatment of patients with a high
mandibular plane angulation. Conversely, the dow­
nward and forward movement of point “A” could
aid in the correction of skeletal Class III and ante­
rior deep overbite conditions.
The purpose of this study were: (1) to quantify
“A” point migration during palatal expansion; (2) to
quantify changes in the mandibular plane angle sub­
sequent to palatal expansion; and (3) to compare
changes occurring through use of rapid and slow pa­
latal expansion regimens.

Material and methods

A retrospective analysis was made of cephalo-
graphs taken both before, and one to three months
following, palatal expansion in 96 individuals; 60 fe­ Figure 1. Linear cephalometric measurements SHOR and SyER
males and 36 males. The subjects ranged in age from employed, based upon Sella/anterior cranial base
six to 22 years, with an arithmetic mean age of 12.7 Slika 1. Linearna kefalometrijska mjerenja SHOR i SVERprema
liniji sella/baza prednje lubanjske jame
years. Palatal expansion was the first orthodontic tre­
atment; hence no other treatment could have affec­
ted the position of the cephalometric “A” point. The
period of expansion ranged from 17 to 113 days,
averaging 40 days. Vertical movement of cephalometric point “A”
A Wehmer® cephalometer (Forrest Park, Illino­ was assessed relative to the perpendicular distances
is) standardized the beam geometry and a metric sca­ from the Frankfort Horizontal (FH) and, using SN,

92 Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 31, br. 2, 1997.

Allan G. Farman et al Palatal expansion/Point “A ”

from the anterior cranial base (Figure 1, 2). Hori­ Table 1. Acronyms and Definitions
zontal movement of the “A” point was measured pa­ Tablica 1. Skraćenice i tumačenje pojmova
rallel to FH, from a vertical line tangential to the po­
sterior limit of the pterygomandibular fissure (PH) ACRONYM DEFINITION
and perpendicular to FH (Figure 2). Horizontal mo­ "A" point Greatest contavity of anterior surface of
vement of the “A” point was also assessed parallel bony maxilla
to the anterior cranial base from point Sella (Figure D Difference between pre- and post-expansion
1). Parallel descent of the maxilla was determined value
by comparing pre-and post-expansion relationships
FH Frankfort Horizontal plane (Orbitale to
of the palatal plane to the FH and to the SN planes. Porion)
FH-MP Angle between FH and to mandibular
plane (MP)
FH-PP Angle between FH and palatal plane (PP)

™ VER Perpendicular distance from FH to "A"

MP Mandibular plane (Gonion to Menton)
PP Palatal plane (Anterior Nasal Spine [ANS]
to Posterior Nasal Spine [PNS]
PT Most posterior surface of pterygomaxillary
PTH O R Distance from PT to "A" point parallel
to FH
SBa Distance from Sella to Baison (posterior
cranial base)
SN Distance from Sella to Nasion (anterior
cranial base)
SN-MP Mandibular plane angle
SN-PP Palatal plane angle

Distance from Sella to "A" oint parallel
to SN

Figure 2. Linear cephalometric measurements PTHOR and S VER

Perpendicular distance from SN to
FHver employed, based upon vertical line tangential "A" point
to posterior extent of pterygomaxillary fissure and ho­
rizontal line parallel to Fran1<fort Horizontal
Slika 2. Linearna kefalometrijska mjerenja PTHOR i FHyER
prema okomici koja dodiruje stražnji dio perigomak- the time over which palatal expansion was accom-
silarne fisure i vodoravnoj crti usporednoj s Frank­ plished (rapid = 17 to 24 days; intermediate = 25 to
furtskom ravninom 41 days; slow = 42 to 113 days). For fast palatal ex­
pansion the average patient age was 14.2 years (the
age difference was statistically significant when su­
Opening of the bite was measured by comparing bjected to the unpaired t-test).
the pre- and post-treatment SN to mandibular plane Overall changes were evaluated using two-tailed
(MP), and the FH to MP angles. [The cephalome­ t-tests. Measurements from the rapid palatal expan­
tric abbreviations are explained in Table 1], sion subgroup were compared to those from the slow
The subject sample was divided into three equal palatal expansion subgroup using unpaired t-tests.
size subgroups of 32 individuals each based upon These measurement included; (1) the palatal expan-

Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 31, br. 2, 1997. 93

Allan G. Farman et al Palatal expansion/Point “A ”

sion rate, (2) changes in the distance from Sella to Table 2. Summary of Findings
the cephalometric “A” point parallel to the plane Tablica 2. Sažetak nalaza
(AShor), (3) changes in the distance from the most
posterior portion of the pterygomaxillary fissure to CRITERION (17-24 days) (25-41 days) (42-113 days)
FH to the cephalometric “A” point, parallel to the STUDIED Average (±sd) Average (±sd) Average (±sd)
FH plane (APTH0R), (4) changes in the perpendicu­
Subject age (years) 11.6(±1.9) 12.4(±2.1) 14.2(±3.0)
lar distance from SN to “A” point (A S ^ ), (5) chan­
ges in the perpendicular distance from the FH to “A” Duration (days) 22.0(±1.7) 31.4(±4.8) 65.6(±17.9)
point (AFHVER), (6) changes in the MP angle mea­ SN start (mm) 66.2(±3.1) 67.6(±3.4) 68.2(±3.8)
sured between SN and Gonion-Menton (ASN-MP),
(7) changes in the MP angle measured to the FH SN end (mm) 66.3(±3.3) 67.7(±3.6) 68.2(±3.8)
(AFH-MP), (8) changes in the SN to palatal plane ASN (mm) 0.09(±0.51) 0.03(±0.54) -0.06(±0.54)
(PP) angle (ASN-PP) and (9) changes in the FH to
SBa start (mm) 43.6(±2.3) 45.1 (±2.9) 44.3(±3.5)
PP angle (AFH-PP) The a priori a was set at p <
0.05 for all statistical inferences. SBa end (mm) 43.6(±2.5) 45.0(±3.1) 44.3(±3.4)
ASBa (mm) 0.08(±1.63) -0.05(±1.21) -0.02(±1.42)
Results SN-MP start 39.0(±5.3)° 36.7(±5.0)° 37.5(±5.6)°
Controls: For the controls (SN and SBa), diffe­ SN-MP end 41.2(5.3)° 38.4(±4.6)° 39.0(±5.4)°
rences in the pre- and post-treatment measurements
were 0.02 mm and 0.01 mm respectively (Table 2). ASN-MP 2.22(±2.00)° 1.68(±1.76)° 1.50(±2.14)°
These discrepancies were not statistically significant FH-MP start 28.8(±5.3)° 27.1 (±4.0)° 27.4(±4.7)°
(p>0.1). There was a high degree of correlation bet­
FH-MP end 30.9(±5.2)° 28.6(±3.7)° 28.8(±4.7)°
ween the two orthodontics independently making
these and the other measurements: regression anal­ AFH-MP 2.05(±1.98)° 1.54(±1.66)° 1.39(±2.02)°
yses yielded R2 values ranging from 0.94 to 1.00 SN-PP start -8.0(±4.2)° -6.3(±3.7)° -7.9(±2.8)°
(Table 3).
SN-PP end -8.4(±4.2)° -6.5(±4.1)° -8.0(±3.3)°
Angular measurements (mandible): For all
subgroups combined, AFMA and ASN-MP angula­ ASN-PP -0.36(±1.84)° -0.23(±1.33)° -0.07(±1.34)°
tion increased an average of 1.66° and 1.80° respec­ FH-PP start 2.2(±4.3)° 3.3(±3.1)° 2.1 (±3.4)°
tively. These differences were statistically signifi­
cant (p<0.01). Regression analyses for AFMA and FH-PP end 2.0(±4.1)° 3.2(±3.5)° 2.2(±3.9)°
ASN-MP yielded R2 values of 0.84 and 0.86 respec­ AFH-PP -017(±1.95)° -0.09(±1.32)° 0.04(±1.30)°
tively (Table 3). Opening of the bite was observed
SH0R start (mm) 55.9(±4.6) 58.2(±4.2) 57.2(±4.2)
in most cases; however, in 16 there was slight clo­
sing of the bite relative to SN and in 17 there was SH0R end (mm) 56.9(±4.5) 58.9(±4.0) 57.9(±4.1)
slight closing of the bite relative to FH. AShor (mm> 0.97(±0.83) 0.73(±1.04) 0.72(±1.12)
Angular measurements (maxilla): For all sub­
PThor start (mm) 49.0(±2.9) 50.4(±2.8) 50.3(±4.0)
groups combined, the average changes in ASN-PP
and AFH-PP angulations were -0.20° and 0.08° re­ PThor end (mm) 50.2(±3.1) 51.6(±2.6) 51.2(±3.8)
spectively. These changes were not statistically sig­ APThor (mm) 1.19(±0.86) 1.18(±0.92) 0.89(±0.96)
nificant (p>0.1), suggesting (on average) an absen­
ce of maxillary rotation. Nevertheless, there was wi­ SVER start (mm) 53.4(±3.9) 52.2(±4.3) 55.7(±3.4)
de individual variation: the range of change for SVER end (mm) 54.8(±3.9) 53.4(±4.3) 56.5(±3.5)
ASN-PP was from -4,5° to +4.2°; for AFH-PP it was
ASver (n™) 1.48(±0.85) 1.23(±0.76) 0.79(±0.86)
-4.8° to 4.2°. A positive change in these angles in­
dicated an inferior movement of the posterior nasal FHver start (mm) 25.1 (±3.2) 24.0(±3.6) 26.9(±3.1)
spine (PNS). Of the 96 individuals studied, 46 regi­ FHver end (mm) 26.3(±3.1) 25.0(±3.7) 27.5(±3.2)
stered a change within the range ± 1° for ASN-PP;
AFHver (mm) 1.24(±0.86) 0.96(±0.70) 0.66(±0.71)
52 displayed a ±1° range for AFH-PP.

94 0E0 Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 31, br. 2, 1997.

Allan G. Farman et al Palatal expansion/Point “A ”

Table 3. Summary of Regression Analyses

Tablica 3. Sažetak povratnih raščlambi

CRITERION Constant Std. error Y (est.) R2 X coeff. Std. error coeff.

DSHOR 4.65 0.98 0.95 0.93 0.02
DPTHOR 4.66 0.90 0.92 0.93 0.03
DSVER 2.90 0.84 0.96 0.97 0.02
DFHVER 1.79 0.79 0.95 0.97 0.02
DSN-MP 5.32 1.95 0.86 0.91 0.04
DFH-MP 4.32 1.88 0.84 0.90 0.04
DSN-PP/DSN-MP 1.74 1.96 0.05 -0.30 0.13
DFH-PP/DFH-MP 1.64 1.89 0.04 -0.26 0.12

[n=96; dof=94 throughout]

Distance measurements from cephalometric rapid palatal expansion subgroup were larger than
point “A” : The average tendency for cephalome­ those found for the slow palatal expansion subgro­
tric point “A” was downward and forward during up.
palatal expansion. With respect to SN, “A” point Subgroup analyses of angular measurements
moved, on average, 0.81 mm forward and 1.17 mm (mandible): For the rapid expansion subgroup, the
downward; with respect to FH, it moved 1.09 mm average change in ASN-MP and AFH-MP were
forward and 0.95 mm downward. 2.22° and 2.05° respectively (Table 2); for the slow
These changes were statistically significant (p < expansion subgroup these changes were 1.50° and
0.1). Pre- and post-treatment values demonstrated li­ 1.39° respectively. The differences were not stati­
nearity and a high degree of homoscedasticity. stically significant (p>0.1).
Regression analyses of the pre- and post-treat­ Subgroup analyses of angular measurements
ment means yielded R2 values of 0.95, 0.92, 0.96 (maxilla): For the rapid palatal expansion subgro­
and 0.95 for ASH0R, APTH0R, ASVER, and AFHVERre­ up, the average change in ASN-PP and AFH-PP we­
spectively; however, there was wide individual va­ re -0.36° and -0.17° respectively; for the slow pala­
riation (Table 3). Although the average tendency tal expansion subgroup these changes were - 0.07°
was for point “A” to move downward and forward, - and +0.04° respectively (Table 2). The differen­
some cases showed downward and backward tran­ ces were not statistically significant (p>0.1).
slocation and some showed superior and forward Subgroup distance measurements from “A”
movement of the cephalometric point “A”. Of the point: The average values for changes in ASHORand
96 cases, 21 showed retro positioning of point “A” APThor during rapid palatal expansion were 0.97
relative to SN, while only six demonstrated the sa­ mm and 1.19 mm respectively; for slow palatal ex­
me relative to FH. Point “A” moved superiorly re­ pansion the changes in the comparable values were
lative to SN, while in 10 individuals point “A” mo­ 0.27 mm and 0.89 mm respectively. The horizontal
ved superiorly relative to FH. measurement change differences were not statisti­
Palatal expansion pace subgroup overview: A cally significant (p>0.1) (Table 2). The mean chan­
summary of he mean values and standard deviati­ ges in ASver and AFHVER were 1.48 mm and 1.24
ons for each of the three subgroups (rapid, interme­ mm with rapid palatal expansion, and 0.79 mm and
diate and slow palatal expansion) is given in Table 0.66 mm respectively for slow palatal expansion
2. There was a wide individual variation within each (Table 2). The vertical measurement change diffe­
of these subgroups; however, mean changes for the rences were statistically significant (p<0.01).

Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 31, br. 2, 1997. 95

Allan G. Farman et al Palatal expansion/Point “A ”

Discussion 1.0 mm, while the vertical change (ASVER) averaged

1.5 mm. Previously, Haas (1961) reported an ave­
The results of this investigation concur with pre­
rage horizontal increase of 2.1 mm relative to the
vious studies in that movement of the cephalome­
tric “A” point secondary to palatal expansion was facial plane for 10 subjects, half of whom exhibi­
found on average to be both downward and forward. ted an inferior movement of the cephalometric “A”
Unique to our work was the use of two different re­ point (8). In 1969. Davis and Kronman reported that
ference planes (SN and FH). Measurements derived 22 of 26 subjects displayed forward movement of
from the SN plane showed greater movement of the the “A” point relative to he pterygoid vertical (11).
cephalometric “A” point vertically than horizontal­ Wertz, 1970. described a study of 60 cases in which
ly, while those derived from FH showed more of le­ there was routine downward displacement of the ma­
ss equivalence of the cephalometric “A” point tran­ xilla, but in whom forward horizontal displacement
slocation in these two dimensions. The FH plane was rarely greater than 1.5 mm relative to Sella, pa­
was found to more nearly parallel the PP than the rallel to the SN plane (12). In a further and study of
SN plane; hence , FH is to be the preferred referen­ 56 cases, Wertz and Dreskin, in 1977, showed cep­
ce plane. halometric point “A” advanced and moved inferi-
It might be considered that the high R2 results orly on average 0.5 mm relative respectively to the
from the regression analyses would make predicti­ pterygoid root plane and FH (13). In 1978, Bhatt and
on of change in the cephalometric “A” point possi­ Jacob reported seven cases for whom the average
ble. This would certainly be valuable information in advancement of point “A” from Sella, parallel to
determining outcomes. Unfortunately, however, the SN, was 2.1 mm (14).
prediction limits within the actual regression plots Relative to clinical relevance, accepting a chan­
were somewhat variable, and hence the response of ge of 1 mm or greater in the cephalometric “A” po­
the individual patient is unpredictable. int relative to PTH0R as being clinically important (as
Proffit (1986) characterized rapid palatal expan­ in the correction of a pseudo-Class III anterior cro­
sion as that achieved within three weeks and that for ssbite), 69% of individuals in our rapid palatal ex­
slow palatal expansion as occurring beyond 10 we­ pansion subgroup evidenced such a change. In com­
eks (10). The mean periods of expansion for our fast parison, only 47% of individuals in the “slow” pa­
subgroup (Table 2) fit within Proffit’s parameters; latal expansion subgroup achieved such a change.
however, in our “slow” expansion group almost two- Conversely, one individual in the “rapid” subgroup
thirds of the patients had expansion rates somew­ had a negative change in PTH0R compared to three
hat “faster” than “slow”. To have adhered strictly in the “slow” palatal expansion subgroup. Haas fo­
to Proffit’s criteria would have resulted in too small und the advancement of the cephalometric “A” po­
a “slow” expansion subgroup given the available int is most pronounced when Class III elastics are
materials for our study. Semantics aside, the less employed post-expansion (15). Admittedly, other
than optimal case selection available might account changes secondary to palatal expansion, including
for some of the ambivalent findings when compa- an increased mandibular plane angulation with con­
ring mean changes in SH0R, PTH0R, SVER and FHVER comitant backward rotation of the mandible, might
between the subgroups with only the vertical mo­ also help correct a pseudo-Class III anterior cros­
vement differences evidencing statistical significan­ sbite.
ce. Nevertheless, horizontal differences in translo­ Regarding changes in the maxilla, as referenced
cation of point “A” were approximately 30% grea­ by the SN-PP and FH-PP angulations, translocati­
ter for the fast palatal expansion subgroup than they on was on average in parallel to its original positi­
for the slow palatal expansion subgroup. on for all expansion pace subgroup. This is in ac­
The mean linear changes in the position of the cord with the previous literature (11,13,14). Never­
cephalometric “A” point relative to the pterygoid theless, wide variations in the individual responses
vertical FH(APThor and AFHVER) for the rapid pa­ makes generalizations to the individual case imprac­
latal expansion subgroup were both 1.2 mm. Rela­ tical. While it seemed logical that there should be a
tive to SN, the mean horizontal change (ASH0R) was relation between changes in SN-PP and and FH-MP

96 Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 31, br. 2, 1997.

Allan G. Farman et al Palatal expansion/Point “A ”

on the one hand, and between changes in SN-MP an average downward and forward movement of po­
and FH-MP on the other hand, regression analyses int “A” during palatal expansion, with the greatest
(Table 3) produced very low correlations of deter­ translocation occurring with rapid rather than slow
mination. The mechanism by which tipping of the activation. Changes in the position of the cephalo­
palatal plane occurs is, at best, obscure. Perhaps va­ metric “A” point of a magnitude considered clini­
riable disruption of the articulations of the maxilla cally important were found in more than two-thirds
with the other bones of the facial skeleton accounts of patients that underwent rapid palatal expansion,
for this phenomenon. but in less than half of patients in the subgroup who
Somewhat surprisingly, the opening of the man­ received relatively slow palatal expansion therapy.
dibular plane angle was not large overall, being me­
rely 1.8° and 1.7° respectively relative to the SN and Acknowledgments:
FH planes. The mandibular plane opening was not We wish to acknowledge with especial thanks
greatly affected by the pace of palatal expansion (Ta­ that the access to the records of the cases studied
ble 2). Increases in the mandibular plane angulati­ was provided by Dr. Andrew J.Haas without who­
on consequent to palatal expansion had been empha­ se kindness this investigation would not have been
sized previously (8,11,14,15). possible. Dr. David Judy made important inputs to
the inter-operator consistency determination. Profe­
Conclusions ssor John M. Yancey provided guidance on data ma­
nagement and statistical analyses. The encourage­
This study indicates that the best plane to refe­ ment provided by Drs. Clarence Wentz, Frederik
rence linear changes in the cephalometric “A” po­ Regennitter, Glen Casey, Bahter E. Johnson and
int is the FH. It confirms earlier reports that there is Bruce. Haskell is recognized and appreciated.

POLOŽAJ KEFALOMETRIJSKE TOCKE “A ” Adress for correspondence:

NAKON ŠIRENJA NEPCA Adresa za dopisivanje:

Širenje nepca koristi se u terapji uskih maksilarnih lukova udruže­
nih sa jednostranim ili obostranim kriznim zagrizom. Cilj je ovog ispi­
tivanja bio utvrditi djelovanje takvog tretmana na točku “A ”.
Laterolateralni rendgenkefalogrami devedeset i šest pacijenata gdje
je širenje nepce bi prvi ortodontski zahvat analizirani su prije i poslije
tretmana. Vertikalni pomaci točke “A ” promatran je u odnosu na ver-
tiklanu udaljenost od Frankfurtske horizontale do prednje kranijalne
baze (sela -nasion). Horizontalni pomak točke “A ” mjeren je paralel­
no s Frankfurtskom horizontalom od tangente stražnjeg ruba pterigo-
maksilarne fisure i paralelno s prednjom kranijalnom bazom od točke Professor Allan G. Farman,
sela. Podgrupe ‘forsirano” i “sporo” širenje nepca također su među­ PhD(odont), DSc(odont),
sobno uspoređene. School of Dentistry
The University of Louisville
Točka “A ” značajno se pomiče prema dolje i prema naprijed, s tim Louisville, Kentucky 40292,
da je pomak značajniji u grupi s forsiranim širenjem. USA
Tel: +1(502) 852.1241
Vertikalni pomak u značajnoj je vezi s brzinom širenja nepca Fax: +1(502) 852.7595
(p<0,l). Horizontalna komponenta pomaka prosječno je za više od 1 E-Mail: agfarmOl @ul-
mm veća kod fosriranog nego kod sporog širenja; statistička značaj- kyvm. louis ville.edu

Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 31, br. 2, 1997. [ÄTsTcl 97

Allan G. Farman et al Palatal expansion/Point “A ”

nost nije pronađena. Povećanje inklinacije mandibularne ravnine izno­

silo je od 1,4° do 2,0°.
Sirenje nepca je povezano s pomakom toćke “A ” prema dolje i pre­
ma naprijed koje je veće kod pacijenata gdje se nepce forsirano širilo.
Ključne riječi: kefalometrija, ortodontska terapija, širenje nepca.

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98 Acta Stomatol Croat, Vol. 31, br. 2, 1997.

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