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POJ 2021:13(1) 25-30
POJ 2021:13(1) 25-30
orbitale. The angle between SN and FH plane are shown in this figure: Sella-Nasion plane
was recorded in degrees. Other recorded (SN) is the plane connecting midpoint of sella
measurements were; the closest distance from to anterior point of frontonasal suture,
the FH to the N (NFH), the closest distance Frankfort-Horizontal Plane (FH) is the plane
from the FH to the S (SFH), and the difference connecting upper most point on the external
between the NFH and SFH (Δ). All auditory meatus and the lower most point on
measurements were done twice, and then the orbital border, Nasion- Frankfort
averaged by single examiner. Horizontal plane (NFH) is closest distance
The data were analyzed in SPSS version 20. from FH plane to nasion point (N) and Sella-
Frequencies and percentages were calculated Frankfort Horizontal plane (SFH) is the
for all categorical variables like gender and closest distance from Frankfort plane to sella
class of malocclusion and mean and standard point(S).
deviation were calculated for continuous
variables like age and SN-FH angle. Student t
test was applied to define any significant
differences between genders in each of the
three classes of malocclusion. ANOVA was
applied to see the difference in SN-FH angle
among the three classes of malocclusion.
P≤0.05 was considered at significant level.
POJ 2021:13(1) 25-30
0.9mm for NFH and SFH respectively and for SFH-NFH (Δ) Male 5.30±3.83
-2.57 -4.3, -.74 0.01*
sagittal class III the mean difference was Female 7.87±3.18
Male 21.53±4.45
1.033mm and 0.933mm for NFH and SFH Age (years)
Female 21.43±4.01
0.1 -2.1, 2.3 0.93
POJ 2021:13(1) 25-30
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