1.cephalometrics Sinai
1.cephalometrics Sinai
1.cephalometrics Sinai
Once taken, the lateral cephalometric film should be traced; either by hand or
digitally and analysed to help with treatment planning and diagnosis.
Value of Cephalometric in Orthodontic Diagnosis
• Orbitale (Or) The most anterior, inferior point on the infraorbital rim
• Anterior Nasal Spine (ANS) The tip of the anterior nasal spine
• Posterior Nasal Spine (PNS) The tip of the posterior nasal spine
• point (A) The point of the deepest concavity anteriorly on the maxillary alveolus
• point (B) The point of the deepest concavity anteriorly on the mandibular symphysis
Cephalometric Landmarks
• Pogonion (Pog) The most anterior point on the mandibular symphysis
• Gnathion (Gn) The most anterior, inferior point on the mandibular symphysis
• Gonion (Go) The most posterior, inferior point on the mandibular angle
• Articulare: point on the intersection between the posterior border of the ramus
and lower border of the cranial base
Point A (Subnasale)
Point B (Supramentale)
Articulare ANS
A Point
B Point
Gonion Pogonion
Menton Gnathion
Cephalometric Lines & Planes
• SN line The plane demonstrated by a line through the nasion and sella
• Frankfort Plane The plane demonstrated by a line through the orbitale and
• Maxillary Plane (MxPl) The plane demonstrated by a line through the anterior
and posterior nasal spines
• Mandibular Plane (MnPl) The plane demonstrated by a line through the gonion
and menton.
• Occlusal plane the plane connecting anterior point of occlusion and posterior
point of occlusion
S – N Line
Palatal Plane
Occlusal Plane
Mandibular Plane
S – N Line
Palatal Plane
Occlusal Plane
Mandibular Plane
Anteroposterior skeletal relation
Angular measurements
Linear measurement
Angular measurements
• Y-axis angle: the acute angle formed by intersection of a line from sella turcica to
gnathion (S-Gn) with Frankfurt plane
Vertical skeletal relation
Linear measurements
Face height ratio (Jarabak ratio): the ratio of posterior facial height (S-Go) to
anterior facial height (N-Me).
A ratio of less than 62% express vertical growth pattern whereas more than 67%
express a horizontal growth pattern
25 ± 3
25 ± 3
Y- Axis
59 ± 3
Face height ratio
67 %
Dental relation
• Upper incisor to palatine plane angle: the angle formed by the intersection of the
long axis of the upper central incisor and the palatine plane
• Lower incisor to mandibular plane angle: the angle formed by the intersection of the
long axis of the lower central incisor and mandibular plane from gonion to menton.
• Interincisal angle: the inside angle formed by the intersection of long axis of the
lower central incisor and long axis of upper central incisor. The angle is decreased in
bimaxillary protrusion and increased in cases of retroclined incisors (i.e: Class II div 2)
U1- PP
112 ± 5
L1 to Man. Pl.
98 ± 6
L1 to U1
128 ± 5
The cervical vertebral bodies change in shape in a typical sequence, progressing from
trapezoidal to rectangular horizontal, to square, and to rectangular vertical. Typically,
cervical stages (CSs) 1 and CS 2 are considered prepubertal, CS 3 and CS 4 circumpubertal,
and CS 5 and CS 6 postpubertal
The purpose of hand and wrist radiograph analysis is to determine parameters such
as patient's skeletal age
▪ In orthodontics, the primary indication for
obtaining a posteroanterior cephalometric
film is the presence of facial asymmetry.
▪ it is also important in cases of dentoalveolar
asymmetries, dental and skeletal
crossbites, and functional mandibular
displacements. (transverse discrepancies)
▪ The posteroanterior cephalometric
projection, also called as the Caldwell
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