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TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2102/2021

B.TECH/ME/3RD SEM/MECH 2102/2021


(MECH 2102)

Time Allotted : 3 hrs Full Marks : 70

Figures out of the right margin indicate full marks.
Candidates are required to answer Group A and
any 5 (five) from Group B to E, taking at least one from each group.
Candidates are required to give answer in their own words as far as practicable.

Group – A
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)

1. Choose the correct alternative for the following: 10 × 1 = 10

(i) For a Newtonian fluid (CO1)
(a) shear stress is proportional to shear strain
(b) rate of shear stress is proportional to shear strain
(c) shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain
(d) rate of shear stress is proportional to rate of shear strain
(ii) In a differential manometer, a head of 1.8 m of fluid A in limb 1 is found to
balance a head of 0.9 m of fluid B in limb 2. The ratio of specific gravity of A to B
is (CO2)
(a) 2.0 (b) 0.5 (c) 3.0 (d) 0.18
(iii) Non-zero value of convective acceleration indicates (CO2)
(a) Laminar flow (b) Turbulent flow
(c) Non-uniform flow (d) Unsteady flow.
(iv) A metal block is thrown into a deep lake. As it sinks deeper in water, the
buoyant force acting on it (CO2)
(a) increase (b) remains the same
(c) decreases (d) first increase and then decreases
(v) Streamline and Pathline are identical when the flow is (CO3)
(a) uniform (b) steady
(c) laminar (d) turbulent.
(vi) Example of steady, non-uniform flow is the flow of a liquid at (CO3)
(a) constant rate in a conically tapered pipe
(b) constant rate in a straight pipe
(c) variable rate in a conically tapered pipe
(d) variable rate in a straight pipe.

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(vii) Boundary layer thickness is the distance from the boundary to the point where
velocity of the fluid is (CO4)
(a) equal to 10% of free stream velocity
(b) equal to 50% of free stream velocity
(c) equal to 90% of free stream velocity
(d) equal to 99% of free stream velocity.
(viii) Minor losses in a pipe flow are those losses (CO5)
(a) which are always insignificantly small
(b) which can be neglected always
(c) caused by local disturbance due to pipe fittings
(d) caused by frictional resistance.
(ix) In flow through pipes, the transition from laminar to turbulent flow does not
depend on (CO5)
(a) lengthof pipe (b) density of fluid
(c) diameterof pipe (d) velocity of flow.
(x) Dimension of kinematic viscosity is (CO6)
(a) 𝑀0 𝐿−1 𝑇 −1 (b) 𝑀−1 𝐿−1 𝑇 −1
(c) 𝑀0 𝐿2 𝑇 −1 (d) 𝑀0 𝐿−2 𝑇 −1 .

2. (a) A block having dimensions 250 mm on each edge is pulled up an inclined
surface on which there is an oil film of viscosity 0.037 kg / ms . Weight of the
block is 45 N. If the speed of the block is 0.6 m/s and the oil film is 0.025 mm
thick, find the force required to pull the block. The surface is inclined at an angle
of 25° from the horizontal. [(CO1)(Evaluate/HOCQ)]
(b) How viscosity change with temperature for liquid and gas? Explain with
reasons. [(CO1)(Understand/LOCQ)]
6 + 6 =12

3. (a) A simple U-tube manometer is used to measure the pressure of water in a pipe
line, which isin excess of atmospheric pressure. The right limb of the
manometer contains mercury and it is open to atmosphere. The contact
between water and mercury is in the left limb. Determine the pressure of water
in the main line, if the difference in level of mercury in the limbs of U-tube is 10
cm and the free surface of mercury is in level with the centre of the pipe.
[(CO2) (Evaluate/HOCQ)]
(b) What do you mean by piezometric head? What are the limitations of
piezometer? [(CO2) (Remember/LOCQ)]
7 + (2 + 3) = 12

Group - C
4. (a) A vertical rectangular gate 3.5 m wide and 5 m high contains water on one side
to a depth of 2.4 mand an oil (specific gravity =0.9) to a depth of 1.5 m on the
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other side. Determine the resultanthydrostatic pressure force on the gate and its
point of application with respect to the bottom. [(CO2) (Analyze/IOCQ)]
(b) A barge with flat bottom and square ends has a draft of 2.0 m when fully loaded
and floating in theupright position. The length of the barge is 15 m and its width
is 8.0 m. The centre of gravity of thebarge when fully loaded is on the axis of
symmetry and is 1.5 m above the water surface. Find out that whether the barge
is in stable equilibrium or not? [(CO2) (Analyze/IOCQ)]
6 + 6 = 12

5. (a) A 40 cm diameter pipe, conveying water, branches into two pipes of diameters
30 cm and 20 cm respectively. If the average velocity in the 40 cm diameter
pipe is 3 m/s, find the dischargein this pipe. Also determine the velocity in 20
cm diameter pipe if the average velocity in the30cm diameter pipe is 2 m/s.
[(CO3) (Analyze/IOCQ)]
(b) In a two-dimensional incompressible flow over a solid plate, the velocity
component perpendicular to the plate is given by: v  2 x 2 y 2  3 y 3 x , where x is the
coordinate along the plate and y is perpendicular to the plate. Hence find out
the velocity component u, along the plate, assuming x=0, u=0.
[(CO3) (Analyze/IOCQ)]
6 + 6 = 12

Group - D
6. (a) For a steady incompressible fluid flow through a nozzle, the velocity field is
given by V  u 0 1 
2x 
i where x is the distance along the axis of the nozzle from
 L 
its inlet plane and L is the length of the nozzle. Find
(i) an expression of the acceleration of a particle flowing through the nozzle,
(ii) the time required for a fluid particle to travel from the inlet to the exit of the
nozzle. [(CO3) (Analyze/IOCQ)]
(b) A vertical venturimeter carries water and has inlet and throat diameters of 150
mm and 75mm respectively. The pressure connection at the throat is 250 mm
above that at the inlet. If the actual rate of flow is 40 litre/sec and the coefficient
of discharge is 0.96, calculate
(i) the pressure difference between inlet and throat and
(ii) the difference in the levels of mercury in a vertical U-tube mercury
manometer connected between these points, the tubes above the mercury
being full of water. [(CO3)(Evaluate/HOCQ)]
(2 + 2) + (5 + 3) = 12

7. (a) A 0.3 m diameter pipe carries water under a head of 20.6 m with a velocity of 4
m/s. If the axis of the pipe turns through 45° in horizontal plane, then find the
magnitude and direction of the resultant force on the bend.
[(CO3) (Analyze/IOCQ)]

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(b) Find the displacement thickness (  * ) and the momentum thickness (  ) for the
u y
velocity distribution in the boundary layer given by  , where u is the
U 
velocity (parallel to the plate) at a distance y(measured vertically upward) from
the plate and u  U at y   , where  is the boundary layer thickness.
6 + 6 = 12

Group – E
8. (a) A crude oil of kinematic viscosity 0.4 stoke is flowing through a pipe of diameter
300 mm at the rate of 300 litres per sec. Estimate the head loss due to friction
for a length of 50 m of the pipe. [(CO5) (Evaluate/HOCQ)]
(b) Two reservoirs are connected by three cast iron pipes in series. The length and
diameter of the pipes are L1 =600m, D1= 0.3m; L2= 900m, D2= 0.4m; L3= 1500m,
D3=0.45m respectively. The density and viscosity of water are 1000kg/m3 and
1.1× 10-3 N-s/m2, respectively. The friction factor in each pipe is 0.02. The
discharge is 0.11m3/s. Determine the difference in elevation between the top
surfaces of the reservoirs. Include the entry loss to pipe 1 and exit loss between
pipe 3 and its adjacent reservoir but neglect the minor loss due to sudden
expansion. [(CO5) (Evaluate /HOCQ)]
6 + 6 = 12

9. (a) The Reynolds No. for flow through a 5 cm diameter pipe is 1700. If the
kinematic viscosity of oil is ν =1.02×10-6 m2/s, find the velocity at a point
0.625cm from the wall. [(CO5) (Analyse /IOCQ)]
(b) The variables controlling the motion of a floating vessel through water are the
drag force F, speed V, length L, density ρ, and dynamic viscosity μ of water and
acceleration due to gravity g. Using Buckingham’s π theorem, obtain an
expression for drag force F in terms of ρ, μ, V, L and g. [(CO6)(Analyse/IOCQ)]
4 + 8 = 12

Cognition Level LOCQ IOCQ HOCQ

Percentage distribution 30% 43.33% 26.67%

Course Outcome (CO):

After the completion of the course students will be able to
1. Examine and use different properties of fluid.
2. Apply the fundamental laws to solve problems in fluid staticsof incompressible
3. Analyze fluid flow problems with application of fluid kinematics and fluid dynamics
principles in engineering systems.
4. Develop the concept of boundary layer growth and boundary layer separation.

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5. Examine different flow parameters for viscous flow through pipe and evaluate
different losses in pipe flow.
6. Perform the dimensional analysis for fluid flow problems.

*LOCQ: Lower Order Cognitive Question; IOCQ: Intermediate Order Cognitive Question;
HOCQ: Higher Order Cognitive Question

Department &
Submission Link
ME - A https://classroom.google.com/c/NDAxNTA2MTc3MTQz/a/NDc1MTQ2MDI2NTYx/details
ME - B https://classroom.google.com/c/NDAzODMwNDI1MjQ1/a/NDc1MTQ3ODA0Njgy/details
BACKLOG https://forms.gle/4X3arTTM88RWY51TA

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