2022 SUP EXAM QP 83E A Version

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B∆«M•⁄ O⁄}⁄¬° “
Question Paper Serial No.
Jlflo »⁄flfl¶√}⁄ Æ⁄‚¥lV⁄◊⁄ —⁄MSÊ¿ : 16 ]
Total No. of Printed Pages : 16 ]
Jlflo Æ⁄√ÀÊ-V⁄◊⁄ —⁄MSÊ¿ : 38 ]
Total No. of Questions : 38 ] CCE RR
—⁄MOÊfi}⁄ —⁄MSÊ¿ : 83-E

Code No. : 83-E
…Œ⁄æ⁄fl : …e¤k´⁄
Subject : SCIENCE
(»èñÜ ËþÝ®Ü, ÃÜÓÝ¿á®Ü ËþÝ®Ü ÊÜáñÜᤠiàÊÜ ËþÝ®Ü / Physics, Chemistry & Biology )


( BMW«ŒÈ »⁄·¤®⁄¥¿»⁄fl / English Medium )

Æ⁄√ÀÊ-Æ⁄~√OÊæ⁄fl´⁄fl-}Ê¡Êæ⁄flƒfl B∆« O⁄}⁄°¬“

( Æ⁄‚¥´⁄¡¤»⁄~%}⁄ À¤≈¤ @∫⁄¥¿£% / Regular Repeater )

¶´¤MO⁄ : 27. 06. 2022 ] [ Date : 27. 06. 2022

—⁄»⁄flæ⁄fl : ∑Ê◊⁄VÊX 10-30 ¬M•⁄ »⁄fl®¤¿‘⁄-1-45 ¡⁄»⁄¡ÊVÊ ] [ Time : 10-30 A.M. to 1-45 P.M.
V⁄¬Œ⁄r @MO⁄V⁄◊⁄fl : 80 ] [ Max. Marks : 80

General Instructions to the Candidate :

1. There are three parts in the question paper :
Part A : Physics, Part B : Chemistry, Part C : Biology.
2. This question paper consists of objective and subjective types of
38 questions.
3. This question paper has been sealed by reverse jacket. You have to cut
on the right side to open the paper at the time of commencement of the
examination. Check whether all the pages of the question paper are
4. Follow the instructions given against both the objective and subjective
types of questions.
5. Figures in the right hand margin indicate maximum marks for the
6. The maximum time to answer the paper is given at the top of the
Tear here

question paper. It includes 15 minutes for reading the question paper.

600 RR (A)-(600)-13002 [ Turn over

83-E 2 CCE RR



I. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions /

incomplete statements. Choose the correct alternative and write the

complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 2×1=2

1. The correct statement among the following related to the concave

lens is

(A) converges the light rays

(B) diverges the light rays

(C) forms inverted image

(D) forms real image.

2. The SI unit of resistivity is

(A) ohm (B) volt

(C) watt (D) ohm-metre.

RR (A)-(600)-13002
CCE RR 3 83-E

II. Answer the following questions : 3×1=3

3. Calculate the power of convex lens with a focal length of + 0·5 m.

4. What are the reasons for occurring overload in an electric circuit ?

5. What is a solar cell ?

III. Answer the following questions : 3×2=6

6. An electric bulb with a resistance of 50 Ω is connected to 10 V

battery in an electric circuit. Calculate the electric current flowing

through the electric bulb and electric power of the bulb.

7. Draw the diagram of a simple electric motor and label ‘Split

rings’ ?

8. Write any two limitations of producing electricity from wind


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83-E 4 CCE RR

IV. Answer the following questions : 3×3=9

9. a) State the two laws of refraction of light.

b) “The refractive index of diamond is 2·42.” Write the meaning of

this statement.

10. Draw the ray diagram of image formation when the object is kept at

2 F 1 of the convex lens. With the help of the ray diagram, mention

the position and nature of the image formed.

[ F 1 : Principal focus of the lens ]


Draw the ray diagram of image formation when the object is kept

between C and F of the concave mirror. With the help of the ray

diagram mention the position and the nature of the image formed.

[ F : Principal focus of the mirror, C : Centre of curvature of mirror ]

RR (A)-(600)-13002
CCE RR 5 83-E

11. List the properties of the magnetic field due to the flow of electric

current in a solenoid. What are the two methods of increasing

magnetic field in a solenoid ?

V. Answer the following questions : 2×4=8

12. a) Write any four uses of concave mirror.

b) An object is placed at a distance of 15 cm on the principal axis

in front of a concave lens with a focal length of 10 cm. Find the

image distance.

13. a) State Joule’s law of heating. Name any two devices that work

on the application of this law.

b) Why are the alloys like nichrome used in electrical heating

devices ?


a) State Ohm’s law. In domestic electric circuit electrical

appliances are not connected in series. Why ?

b) Write the factors on which resistance of a conductor depends.

RR (A)-(600)-13002 [ Turn over

83-E 6 CCE RR



VI. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions /

incomplete statements. Choose the correct alternative and write the

complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 2×1=2

14. The metal that displaces copper from copper sulphate solution is

(A) mercury

(B) gold

(C) iron

(D) silver

15. Number of single bonds found in the molecular structure of propanal


(A) 8 (B) 6

(C) 7 (D) 5

RR (A)-(600)-13002
CCE RR 7 83-E

VII. Answer the following question : 1×1=1

16. State the modern periodic law.

VIII. Answer the following questions : 2×2=4

17. Draw the diagram of the arrangement of apparatus used to show the

electrolysis of water and label the ‘graphite rod’.

18. The chemical reaction that takes place between sodium sulphate and

barium chloride is called double displacement reaction. Why ? Write

the balanced chemical equation for this reaction.


What is the type of chemical reaction in which quicklime is obtained

by lime stone (calcium carbonate) ? Write a chemical equation for

this reaction.

RR (A)-(600)-13002 [ Turn over

83-E 8 CCE RR

IX. Answer the following questions : 3×3=9

19. Draw the diagram of arrangement of the apparatus to show the

reaction of zinc granules with dilute sulphuric acid and testing

hydrogen gas by burning. Label the following parts :

i) Zinc granules

ii) Soap solution.

20. a) What is neutralisation reaction ? Give an example.

b) What is the common name of the compound that has

molecular formula CaSO 4 . H 2 O.

21. Write the two reasons for placing oxygen and sulphur in a same

group of modern periodic table. Which one of these elements has

larger atomic size and why ?

[ Atomic number of oxygen = 8, Atomic number of sulphur = 16 ]


Write the limitations of Mendeleev’s periodic table. Why is silicon

called metalloid ?

RR (A)-(600)-13002
CCE RR 9 83-E

X. Answer the following question : 1×4=4

22. a) Write any two differences between saturated and unsaturated

carbon compounds.

b) Write the structural formula of the following carbon

compounds :

i) Benzene

ii) Butane

XI. Answer the following question : 1×5=5

23. a) Explain the formation of ionic bond between sodium atom and

chlorine atom. [ Atomic number of sodium is 11, Atomic

number of chlorine is 17 ]

b) List any four general properties of ionic compounds.

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83-E 10 CCE RR



XII. Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions /

incomplete statements. Choose the correct alternative and write the

complete answer along with its letter of alphabet. 4×1=4

24. In plants the major function of xylem is the transportation of

(A) water

(B) food

(C) amino acids

(D) oxygen.

25. An example for positive geotropism in plants is

(A) growth of shoot

(B) growth of roots into deep soil

(C) growth of tendrils of creepers

(D) upward growth of roots.

RR (A)-(600)-13002
CCE RR 11 83-E

26. Primary consumers in any food chain are always

(A) carnivores

(B) herbivores

(C) higher carnivores

(D) producers.

27. Part of a flower in the plant that develops into fruit is

(A) petal

(B) stigma

(C) ovary

(D) style.

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83-E 12 CCE RR

XIII. Answer the following questions : 4×1=4

28. Which hormone inhibits the growth of plants ?

29. What is the sex of a child born by receiving X chromosome from

father ?

30. Nowadays Chlorofluorocarbon ( CFC ) free refrigerators are being

manufactured. Why ?

31. What is ‘biological magnification’ ?

XIV. Answer the following questions : 3×2=6

32. Mention any two effects of non-biodegradable substances on the



Mention any two methods that reduce the problems caused while

disposing the wastes.

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CCE RR 13 83-E

33. Can the wing of butterfly and the wing of bat be considered as

Analogous organs ? If yes, why ? If no, why ?

34. Draw the diagram showing the structure of human excretory system

and label ‘ureter’.

XV. Answer the following questions : 3×3=9

35. Explain the stages of ‘double circulation’ of the blood in humans.


Mention the events that occur during photosynthesis in plants.

What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory

products ?

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83-E 14 CCE RR

36. How does uterus prepare to receive the fertilized egg in woman ?

What happens if egg does not fertilise ? Explain.

37. “An individual organism cannot pass the experiences acquired

during its life time to the progenies of the next generation.” Explain

this concept with the help of an illustration.


Pure ‘short’ pea plant is crossed with pure ‘tall’ pea plant. Represent

the results obtained in F 2 generation of monohybrid cross with the

help of checker board and mention the ratio of the types of plants


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CCE RR 15 83-E

XVI. Answer the following question : 1×4=4

38. Draw the diagram showing the structure of the human brain and

label the following parts :

i) Cerebellum

ii) Mid-brain.

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83-E 16 CCE RR

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