Teacher Consent Form and Questionnaire
Teacher Consent Form and Questionnaire
Teacher Consent Form and Questionnaire
Email: [email protected]
Dear Teacher
Please find attached an invitation for you to take part in a study that will look at thoughts,
feelings and attitudes towards Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD)..
Apprehensive feelings towards children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have een shown to
impact upon Teachers in schools. !ith the increase of children with ASD entering the
typical"mainstream classroom, this study aims to look at Teacher#s preparedness attitudes
and feelings concerning the increased demand and responsiilities of teaching children with
$f you would like to participate and help in this study, please fill in the consent form elow.
This study will e aiming to help awareness and in due course help figure out strategies and
programmes to etter help and prepare teachers to handle the increase of children with ASD
within the typical classroom, eventually helping a more positive outcome for oth Students
and Teachers on all levels
This has received ethical clearance y the Psychology %esearch &thics 'ommittee.
Thank you for your consideration,
(ours sincerely,
)atherine Dunlop (MSc Stuent!
Please turn over
Teacher profile
Highest Degree of education
Post Doctrine
The year I received my highest level of education?
In which Country, state, region did you received you degree.
Current professional role and grade level
Year(s of professional e!perience wor"ing with Disa#ilities
Year(s of professional e!perience wor"ing with children with
$utism %pectrum disorder
&um#er of students I've wor"ed with who have $utism %pectrum
0 students
1-6 students
7-13 students
14+ students
Other please specif!"
&um#er of students with an autism spectrum disorder that I've
wor"ed with in my professional career
0 students
1-10 students
11-#0 students
#1-30 students
31+ students
Other please specif!"
(y certification)endorsement (chec" all that apply
$eneral %ducation
&pecial education
%arl! 'hildhood %ducation
&e(ere)*ultiple disa+ilities
&chool ,d*inistration)&uper(ision
Other please &pecif!"
I am certified to teach in which regions (countries, states,
-nited &tates of ,*erica
'ontact e*mail
Signed ++++++++++++++++++++++++++