BV I5139gb
BV I5139gb
BV I5139gb
BV-I5139 GB
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© by Schenck Process LLC, 7901 NW 107 Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64153. A subsidiary of Schenck Process Group, Germany
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1. Refill Systems
The weighing electronics monitor the fill level by the weight of the hopper. At the set minimum
level, refill is requested and the scale switches to volumetric mode. When the desired maximum
level is reached, refill is stopped and after a certain settling time, the scale goes back to
gravimetric mode. The refill system performs all tasks between these two points and it may
become quite complex.
The filling device must be capable of delivering the required amount in the allowable time.
This time is usually between 3 to 10 seconds. As a rule of thumb, the required refill rate is
about 10 to 20 times the maximum dosing feed rate.
It is generally preferable to refill a small amount frequently, rather than a big amount only a
few times. Many customers are concerned that frequent refill may reduce accuracy, yet the
opposite is true, especially when feeding fine or difficult flowing powder. For manual refill,
consider 6 refills per hour. For automatic refill, consider 30 (for a small hopper) to 60 (large
hopper) refills per hour as a maximum.
A system with definable feed rate or capacity (e.g. screw, flexible screw feeder, rotary star
feeder, vibratory feeder, pneumatic hopper loader) should be sized and controlled to have
start, conveying and stop finished within the specified refill time.
For a system with gravity flow (e.g. flap or slide gate), we specify the suitable diameter
according to our experience and ask you not to deviate or to consult us before doing so. A
smaller diameter may increase the refill time. A larger diameter may lead to overfilling of the
We generally prefer using a butterfly type on/off valve rather than a slide gate. The butterfly
valve is quick acting, lightweight and economic. The rotating movement when opening
helps to get powder flowing. In case of abrasive bulk solids, select a suitable flap sealing
material. For granules, a metallic sealing is best. Hard granules, however, may pinch
between flap and sealing. In this case, a special slide gate design is preferred, but do
consult SCHENCK Process LLC anyway.
Slide gates in standard design have a closing time of > 1 sec, which may lead to overfilling
of the hopper. Therefore, a large vent must be provided for the pneumatic cylinder as a
minimum. For nominal diameters from DN 250 especially, the air connections should be
oversized to ensure quick opening and closing. With a slide gate, you have more mass to
move and more weight to be supported from the piping. Compressed air consumption is
also much higher than with a butterfly valve of identical size. Using a slide gate does make
sense when feeding very difficult flowing bulk solids or those that bridge even between
vertical walls, such as: large flakes or fibres, agglomerating sticky powder, recycling plastic
flakes. Here, it is an advantage to have the full open diameter available without an obstacle.
Take care of eventual delays. When the weighing electronics send the command to stop
filling, the refill system should be completely closed within one second, so that the powder
stops falling into the weigh hopper. Delay may result from:
- inertia of the refill device (e.g. of a screw). A motor with break may be used.
- signal run time or processing time (e.g. in a PLC or fieldbus). We recommend controlling
the refill system via digital contacts of our weighing electronics. In cases less critical,
fast fieldbus (Profibus) may be used.
- long closing time of valves: pneumatic instruments or piping sized too small,
compressed air pressure too low.
- long stop time of a bin vibrator or scraper, sometimes several seconds. A motor with
break may be used.
After the refill system is closed, no powder must drop into the weigh hopper. This results in
a weight increase and leads to remarkable dosing error even if the quantity is small. Such
errors may occur:
We will gladly assist you in the planning of a refill system, or design and supply a complete
package. You are welcome to share our experience.
During refill mode, the refilled amount suddenly displaces an equivalent volume of air or gas
from the hopper, which may be laden with dust. This portion of air needs to be vented and the
dust must not pollute the surroundings. In normal mode, the amount of bulk material discharged
by the feeder needs to be replaced by an equivalent volume of air. The feeder sucks in air,
which must not be inhibited, otherwise the hopper becomes under-pressurized. To enable this
“breathing“ of the feeder, the hopper is provided with a vent stub.
Highly dusty or somewhat dangerous bulk materials or a surrounding with requirements for
cleanness require advanced solutions. Below, we will address the expansion tube, jet filter,
balancing pipe and suction system.
The larger the diameter of the pipe and filter selected, the less
air velocity and dust load you get in the filter. As a rule, the
speed should not exceed 2 m/s. Select the diameter as large
as the vent stub as a minimum, and avoid narrowing.
Pipe volume is R2 L 1 to 3 x Refill volume, depending on
the dust concentration.
The pipe is fixed by the user to a rigid support and connected
flexibly to the vent stub.
A jet filter uses several filter hoses or cartridges to enlarge the filter surface within a relatively
small housing. The clean gas side (vent stub) of the filter must have atmospheric pressure.
Selection and sizing of such a filter requires extensive experience and should be done by the
filter vendor. The operating principle is to deform the filter cloth regularly by short blasts of air
jets, so that the dust layer falls down and the cloth remains clean.
This filter type is recommended as the best de-dusting method for a Loss-In-Weight feeder
because it combines the essential requirements: individual and independent de-dusting, best
filtering efficiency and low maintenance requirements.
1. The prehopper is a day bin (i.e. it is not refilled during operation of the
feeder) and it has atmospheric pressure at all time.
2. The prehopper is refilled with a bag discharge device which is open to
the atmosphere during bag discharge and emptying of a bag does not
generate pressure fluctuation.
3. For nitrogen purge or blanketing, where the system cannot be open to
the atmosphere to avoid contact with oxygen and loss of nitrogen, see
below. Also, pressure in the hopper must be constant and near
A balancing pipe is against the basic rule to vent the feeder independent of
other equipment. Even if the user has originally planned the prehopper
carefully and avoided pressure influences, which is difficult, it is likely that
an operating staff, ignorant of the impact on the feeder, connects a pipe
here or closes a vent there, and the feeder begins to have strange errors
or accuracy losses, the cause of which is hard to detect. Please try to
influence engineering to avoid balancing pipes. Notify the user that he is
probably about to reduce the reliability of the dosing system.
Overview of disadvantages:
Pressure fluctuations in the prehopper (e.g. during its refill) propagate to the weigh hopper
and disturb the measurement. To avoid this, you need to ensure that the prehopper is never
filled during gravimetric operation. This is possible only with a day bin.
Therefore, you would have to shut the balancing pipe in gravimetric operation and open it
for refill of the feeder only. For this task, you need a valve that opens simultaneously with
the refill device. On the other hand, you must ensure the feeder can breath to replace the
discharged volume with gas, even if the balancing line is closed. This means you need an
additional vent to the atmosphere, also closed with a valve and equipped with a filter for
refill, or you need to provide infeed of gas at minimum pressure.
The investment in piping and control to get a reliable solution is expensive. Further, much
maintenance is required that only well trained operating staff can understand and perform.
Connection to a suction system is possible, but generally not recommended. Remember the
feeder is largely influenced by pressure fluctuation. Some hints:
If a gas tight connection is desired (i.e. from the suction pipe to the weigh
hopper via a flexible connection), a pressure of 5 to 10 mbar and a
fluctuation of 0.5 mbar must not be exceeded, which is hard to realize, and
the hopper must be fitted with a pressure compensation device. Otherwise,
you have to close the suction pipe with a valve only to be opened during
refill, and make provisions for the breathing of the feeder, see balancing
pipe. Such systems may eventually be used in case of inert gas blanketing to
facilitate recycling of the expensive nitrogen.
Favourable and often used is an open connection. You leave the vent stub
open or extend it with a short pipe, and at a certain distance place a “chinese
hat” inlet piece to the suction system. This way, the weigh hopper is free from
any pressure influence and additional shut-off valves are not needed. Pay
attention to the speed in the suction pipe; it should be >10 m/s to ensure that
all particles are carried away and layers of dust on the weigh hopper are
avoided. For adjusting pressure and air speed during commissioning, you
would provide a throttle valve near the inlet.
A chinese hat is best combined with an expansion pipe as well, otherwise, a
layer of dust may form on the weigh hopper and lead to changing of tare
weight and pollution.
Many common bulk solids, particularly polymers and coal dust, are carbon-based and form a
combustible combination of oxygen and dust if exposed to or mixed with air. By sparks (in case
of dust clouds) or by self ignition (in case of a dust layer on a hot surface), this mixture may
ignite and a dust explosion result. The user of a system handling combustible dust or operating
in a hazardous area has to consider provision of explosion prevention, explosion surpression or
explosion relief.
Please note that, although this is often mixed up, the measures to be taken against dust
explosion are very much different from those against gas explosion.
Coal dust feeding systems are designed flameproof for this purpose (i.e. the hopper can
contain the explosion pressure of up to 10 bar without damage). For chemical or polymer
plants, such a design is not reasonable because the weight and price are too high.
For very big Loss-In-Weigh feeders, a bursting disk may be applied. It bursts at a defined
pressure (well below the design pressure of the hopper) and opens to vent the hot explosion
gas to the atmosphere through a wide and short (max. 3 m) vent pipe. The investment and the
space required in the building for explosion venting are high, therefore, it is only mentioned for
the sake of completeness. Applicable standards of authorities and local laws must be observed.
The recommended and common method is to reduce the level of oxygen in the system by
replacing it with inert gas, typically nitrogen, to a level where a fire or explosion cannot occur.
The nitrogen should mix with the powder or form a blanket on the powder surface. Inert gas is
constantly fed to the hopper at a low pressure, 0.5 to 5 mbar. The required flow is equal to the
volumetric feed rate (i.e. the volume discharged must completely be replaced by nitrogen). Inert
gas infeed is done:
4. Pressure Compensation
Over-pressurization or pressure fluctuation may also act on the discharge nozzle, resulting from
downstream equipment (e.g. turbulances from a high-speed mixer, process gas from a reactor).
In this case, the discharge should be equipped with a mechanical compensation device.
Methods and criteria are the same as for the hopper. The feeder can then be safely operated in
the range -0.5 to +5 mbar. Cases of higher pressure must be checked.
In case of under-pressurization at the discharge nozzle, there is the additional risk that powder
may be sucked through the helix, resulting in uncontrolled flow. It may be necessary to provide
a balancing tube from the discharge to the weigh hopper to ensure that the hopper is at the
same pressure level. This balancing pipe can be integrated into the feeder.
5. Requirements for the Installation Site[Type a quote from the document or the summary of
an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the document. Use the Drawing
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For further hints and values for allowable inclination, acceleration and frequency of vibration of
building or machines, see your equipment instruction manual..