Vocab - Animal Behavior

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Ani rna
Read the words, definitions, and examp es. Use your dictionary to find additional word forms for each word.

Word Definition Example

migration (n) movement of animals or humans The term migration is used to describe the
from one place to another movement of populations of butterflies,
population (n) the people who live in a country, birds, or other animals.
or the total number of animals in
a region
decline (v or n) decrease The number of bird species has declined
habitat (n) natural home of a plant or animal because of changes in their natural
climate (n) general weather conditions Rising temperatures due to climate
trigger (v or n) cause change have triggered changes in
migratory patterns.
pattern (n) repeated or regular way in which 1
something is done
endangered (adj) may soon disappear Whales and polar bears are two examples
extinct (n) does not exist any more of endangered species that are at risk of
becoming extinct.

h- pecies (n) ra related group of plants or

Some species of insects such as ants and
honey bees live together in groups known
colony (n) group as colonies, where group members have
-- - highly specialized functions.
function (n or v) purpose, role
mechanism (n) device, method Small fish have developed defence
predatory (adj) killing and eating other animals mechanisms to avoid predatory fish
such as sharks.
herbivore (n) organism that eats only plants Giraffes are herbivores that live on a
average (n or ad]) typical diet of leaves and eat an average of
75 pounds of food a day.
theory (n) an idea or set of ideas that tries to Darwin's theory of natural selection
explain something explains why some genetic traits tend to
17-ait (n) characterist ic survive while others do not.

research (n or v) study Behavioral research on chimpanzees and

contribute (to) (v) help other primates has contributed to our
understanding of the human brain.


Practice Exercises DICTIONARY SKILLS

A Choose the words from the chart that best replace the words in italics. CD POWERED BY COBUILD

Changes in animal numbers' can be caused" by lower temperatures. The suffix -yore indicates something
connected with diet (from Latin
a vorare-: to devour). Check your
dictionary for the meaning of these
Different types° of birds follow different traveling' patterns. words: herbivore, carnivore, omnivore
a Adjectives can be made with -porous:
herbivorous, carnivorous, omnivorous.
Some animals have a genetic characteristic° that enables them to What is the meaning of voracious?
change color as a protection" against hunters'.
Honey bees five in groups° called hives, where worker bees perform the role' of collecting food.
Many species of fish are at risk° due to overfishing and may become lost" if fishing is not restricted.
One idea° for the decline in the penguin population is the disappearance of ice fields, which are
their natural environment".
Although pandas eat a typical amount° of 80 pounds of bamboo shoots a day, they are not
vegetarian?, as they can also digest meat.
The study of color production methods° in animals can give° useful insights to modern science.
a Ii
B Complete the paragraph with the correct form of words from the chart. Use your dictionary to help you.

Changes in Bird Migration

Rising temperatures are causing a shift in the migratory ' of birds
in North America, pushing them to 2 earlier in the year. This could
species that are not able to adapt successfully to
change Recent shows that birds accelerated their schedule by an
of 08 days per degree Celsius of temperature increase. Some studies
suggest that changes in 7 could 8 to population
putting many species at risk of 10


Read and listen to science- and medicine-related artides in the newspaper or online to keep up-to-date
with the latest topics and to expand your vocabulary. For example, www.dsc.discovery.com has short
videos on academic topics and www.nprorg has short stories on health, science, and other topics. As
lectures are sometimes spoken in British or Australian English, it is also helpful to listen to news articles
on the BBC (www.bbc.co.uk) or lectures on TED (www.ted.com).


Test Practice
Read the passage and answer the questions.

Social Organization of Ant Colonies

Ant colonies are divided into queens, males, and workers. The job of the queen is to lay eggs. The males
generally do not work, but receive food from the workers until it is time for them to mate. They die
almost immediately after mating. Workers are sterile females. Instead of reproducing, they perform a
variety of roles that benefit the colony. They forage for food, defend the colony from attack, construct the
nest, and take care of the queen. Only a small percentage of worker ants are foragers They face greater
risks as they are constantly exposed to external dangers from predators while hunting for food.

1. The author mentions the queen, males, and workers in the passage in order to illustrate
functions of ant colonies.
types of ant colonies.
functions of ants.
types of reproduction.

2. According to the paragraph, which of the following is NOT true about ant colonies?
Each type of ant has a different function.
Workers do not hunt for food.
Males do not reproduce.
Workers and queen ants are all female.

3. The word forage in the passage Is closest in meaning to

search. 0 carry.
eat. 0 store.

4. The word sterile in the passage is closest in meaning to

inactive. 0 defensive.
uncooperative. 0 infertile.

5. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence
In the passage?
Forager ants do not put their lives at risk when they hunt for food.
The function of forager ants is to defend the colony from danger.
Forager ants do not hunt for food unless they are safe from danger.
Forager ants hunt for food despite facing constant danger outside the colony.

TEST TIP: Reading section

Look for words around the highlighted word to help you identify the meaning. Som
a similar meaning can be found later in the same sentence or paragraph. For examp
food... while huntine for food.


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