Fas Diet

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Predator diet and prey adaptive responses: Can

tadpoles distinguish between predators feeding
on congeneric vs. conspecific prey?
Bastien Ferland-Raymond and Dennis L. Murray

Abstract: Predator diet can play an important role in facilitating detection of predation risk among prospective prey, and
such detection should have adaptive significance in reducing mortality in environments where not all predators confer sim-
ilar risk. In the laboratory, we tested behavioural and morphological responses of tadpoles from two congeneric frog spe-
cies (bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana Shaw, 1802) and mink frog (Rana septentrionalis Baird, 1854)) to cues from an odonate
predator (genus Aeshna Fabricius, 1775). In a separate experiment we found that both frog species had similar baseline
vulnerability to Aeshna predation, implying that species’ responses to predators feeding on conspecific vs. congeneric prey
also would be similar. Both species reduced their activity in the presence of predators feeding on tadpoles of either species
vs. those fed invertebrates (Libellulidae) or not subjected to predators (controls). Bullfrog tadpoles grew bigger than con-
trols when exposed to predators fed mink frog tadpoles only, whereas mink frogs failed to show a comparable response.
Neither species exhibited changes in shape that were attributable to predator diet. Our results suggest that closely related
frog species do not distinguish between predators feeding on conspecific vs. congeneric prey, implying that selection fa-
vours generalized antipredator responses when prey species are subject to similar predation risk.
Résumé : Le régime alimentaire des prédateurs peut jouer un rôle important en facilitant la détection du risque de préda-
tion chez les proies éventuelles; une telle détection devrait avoir une valeur adaptative en réduisant la mortalité dans les
milieux où tous les prédateurs ne représentent pas les mêmes risques. Nous avons testé, en laboratoire, les réactions com-
portementales et morphologiques des têtards de deux espèces de grenouilles appartenant au même genre (le ouaouaron
(Rana catesbeiana Shaw, 1802) et la grenouille de nord (Rana septentrionalis Baird, 1854)) à des signaux provenant d’un
odonate prédateur (le genre Aeshna Fabricius, 1775). Dans une autre expérience, nous avons trouvé que les deux espèces
de grenouilles ont des vulnérabilités de base semblables à la prédation par les Aeshna, ce qui fait croire que les réactions
de chacune des deux espèces devraient être semblables lorsque le prédateur utilise l’une ou l’autre des espèces comme
proies. Les deux espèces réduisent leur activité en présence de prédateurs en train de se nourrir de têtards de l’une ou
l’autre espèce, ce qui n’est pas le cas lorsque les prédateurs se nourrissent d’invertébrés (Libellulidae) ou lorsque les pré-
dateurs sont absents (témoins). Les têtards de ouaouarons atteignent une plus grande taille que les témoins lorsqu’ils sont
en présence de prédateurs nourris seulement de têtards de grenouilles du nord, ce qui n’est pas le cas dans la situation in-
verse chez les têtards de grenouilles du nord. Ni l’une, ni l’autre espèce ne subit de changements de forme qui pourraient
être attribuables au régime alimentaire des prédateurs. Nos résultats laissent croire que des grenouilles fortement apparent-
ées sont incapables de distinguer entre les prédateurs qui se nourrissent de proies de leur propre espèce et ceux qui con-
somment des proies appartenant au même genre qu’elles, ce qui implique que la sélection favorise des réactions
généralisées à la prédation lorsque les espèces de proies font face à des risques similaires de prédation.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction rectly by causing changes in behaviour, morphology, or

body condition (Harvell 1990; Lima and Dill 1990; Kats
Predator–prey relationships play an important role in de-
and Dill 1998; Benard 2004). In many cases, adaptive
fining the structure and function of ecological communities.
changes can be elicited by mere exposure to predators or
Predation is known to directly limit, and sometimes regulate,
their chemical cues (Harvell 1990; Chivers and Smith 1998;
animal populations (Taylor 1984; Messier 1994; Oksanen et
Kats and Dill 1998), and a wide variety of prey species are
al. 2001); however, predators also may influence prey indi-
known to recognize and respond to such cues (Tollrian and
Harvell 1999; Van Buskirk 2002). Predator chemical cues
Received 14 February 2008. Accepted 22 September 2008. are believed primarily to constitute kairomones released by
Published on the NRC Research Press Web site at cjz.nrc.ca on the predator and used by prospective prey to evaluate risk
7 November 2008.
(Petranka and Hayes 1998; Dicke and Grostal 2001; Blaus-
B. Ferland-Raymond1 and D.L. Murray.2 Department of tein et al. 2004; Kusch et al. 2004). Although recent studies
Biology, Trent University, 1600 West Bank Drive, reveal that predator diet affects the composition of the kair-
Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8, Canada. omone and thereby influences the magnitude and intensity
1Corresponding author (e-mail: of prey responses to perceived predation risk (PPR; Belden
[email protected]). et al. 2000; Kiesecker et al. 2002; Li and Jackson 2005),
2Corresponding author (e-mail: [email protected]). currently little is known about the mechanisms by which

Can. J. Zool. 86: 1329–1336 (2008) doi:10.1139/Z08-117 # 2008 NRC Canada

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such cues operate or the range in cues that can be detected should be greater than those elicited by a heterogeneric
by a given prey species. (family Libellulidae) predator diet. However, if prey species
Predator diet should be an important determinant of prey differ in their baseline vulnerability to predation, then the
responses to PPR. Dietary cues from conspecific prey should species suffering higher risk should exhibit less discrimina-
serve as a reliable index of high prey vulnerability to a tion and therefore respond more strongly to all predator di-
given predator (Persons et al. 2001; Wirsing et al. 2005), ets.
and it follows that predators consuming heterospecifics
should pose a lesser threat to prospective prey than those Materials and methods
feeding on conspecifics (Persons and Rypstra 2000; Lind
and Cresswell 2005). Because antipredator responses of Experimental design
prey can be costly (Van Buskirk 2000), selection should fa- During summer 2006, mink frog and bullfrog egg masses
vour prey possessing finely tuned abilities to assess the risk were collected in permanent wetlands near Peterborough,
imposed by individual predators (Kusch et al. 2004). How- Ontario (44817’N, 78819’W). Dragonfly (genus Aeshna Fab-
ever, although comparisons showing prey discrimination of ricius, 1775) larvae were collected from nearby ponds.
predators feeding on conspecifics vs. heterospecifics have Dragonfly larvae were present in the ponds where frog eggs
been published (Chivers and Mirza 2001a), such studies were collected, but for convenience they were collected in
tend to compare predator diets that are vastly divergent ponds where they were easier to catch. Egg masses were
from a taxonomic (and presumably a chemical) perspective stored separately in 140 L bins in the laboratory until they
(vertebrate or invertebrate: Murray and Jenkins 1999; Chiv- reached the appropriate size or stage (Gosner stage 25) for
ers and Mirza 2001b; Brodin et al. 2006; fruit or meat: recruitment into experiments. All the animals were cared
Nolte et al. 1994). However, prey discrimination between for in accordance with the Guide to the Care and Use of Ex-
predator diets is not universal (e.g., Wirsing et al. 2005; perimental Animals by the Canadian Council on Animal
Smee and Weissburg 2006), probably implying that not all Care and the protocol was approved by the Trent University
predators feeding on heterospecifics confer lesser mortality Animal Care Committee (#06011).
risk. Indeed, if predators are opportunistic and have general- First, we conducted a simple assessment of risk of tad-
ized feeding patterns, limited benefits should be derived poles from either frog species to predation by dragonfly
from predator diet differentiation, which should lead to non- larva (predation experiment). For each species, tadpoles
specific predator diet assessment (Smee and Weissburg from three broods were raised separately until they reached
2006). a mean (SE) mass of 0.019 ± 0.001 g; groups of 20 tadpoles
The level at which prey sensitivity to predator chemical were placed in 11 L plastic bins filled with river water and
cues is sufficiently finely tuned to allow distinction between including 50 cm of hemp rope to provide refuge cover. Tad-
closely related prey diets remains unclear. Studies involving poles were allowed to acclimatize for 3 h before a dragonfly
closely related predator food types have provided mixed re- larva was introduced as a potential predator and allowed to
sults, with some showing the capacity for prey to distinguish move freely in the tanks. Each dragonfly larva was new to
diets sharing taxonomic order (e.g., fathead minnows (Pime- our study and used in a single experiment, and predators
phales promelas Rafinesque, 1820) vs. green swordtails (Xi- were captured (and not fed) 4 days prior to the onset of the
phophorus hellerii Heckel, 1848); Brown et al. 1995) and experiment. After 12 h (from 2000 to 0800) the experiment
others failing to show comparable effects (e.g., European was terminated and remaining tadpoles were tallied to obtain
toads (Bufo bufo (L., 1758)) vs. European frogs (Rana tem- a mean survival rate per container. We conducted 24 and 29
poraria L., 1758); Laurila et al. 1997, 1998). To date the trials for mink frog and bullfrog, respectively; differences in
single study evaluating predator diets among congeneric levels of replication were due to seasonal disparity in the
prey (Relyea and Werner 2000) revealed that tadpoles availability of dragonfly larvae.
(wood frogs (Rana sylvatica LeConte, 1825) vs. northern In a second experiment, we exposed groups of 25 tadpoles
leopard frogs (Rana pipiens Schreber, 1782)) failed to dis- to dragonfly-induced PPR to evaluate responses to predator
criminate between prey species. However, this study only diets (diet experiment). We tested the two tadpole species
examined prey discrimination of predator diet in one of the separately and used mink frog tadpoles (Gosner stage 25,
two prey species, and species-specific asymmetry may exist 0.018 ± 0.001 g) first followed by bullfrog tadpoles (Gosner
depending on the respective life-history pattern and natural stage 25, 0.014 ± 0.001 g). Tadpoles from three broods were
association with predation risk of each species. Additional placed in 15 L experimental containers interspersed into four
efforts clearly are needed to further elucidate mechanisms treatments. Broods were kept separate to control for varia-
of chemical signalling between predators and prey, and the tion owing to parental lineage. Experimental containers
extent to which prey responses are finely tuned to reflect were kept in an inside laboratory at constant temperature
specific predator diets. (20 8C) and 12 h light : 12 h dark photoperiod. Tanks were
The goal of the present study is to compare responses of cleaned twice a week and tadpoles were fed half a teaspoon
two closely related (congeneric) prey species (bullfrogs of boiled spinach after each cleaning.
(Rana catesbeiana Shaw, 1802) and mink frogs (Rana sep- Tadpoles were exposed to four predator diet treatments —
tentrionalis Baird, 1854)) sharing similar life-history strat- (1) dragonfly larva (genus Aeshna) fed mink frog tadpoles,
egies and habitats to PPR elicited by predator dietary cues. (2) dragonfly larva fed bullfrog tadpoles, (3) dragonfly larva
We predict that if both prey species are comparably vulner- fed invertebrates (Libellulidae larvae, mostly from genus Li-
able to predation, then each should respond similarly to con- bellula L., 1758), and (4) control (no predator). Each treat-
specific vs. congeneric predator dietary cues; such responses ment was replicated 15 times, with 5 replicates per brood.
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Predators were kept in transparent MarinaTM breeding float- amine the composite role of landmarks in determining shape
ing traps (0.6 L), allowing tadpoles to be exposed to visual of tadpoles. Tadpole pictures from every individual con-
and chemical cues but preventing direct contact between tainer were then isolated and superimposed using general-
predators and prey. A wooden perching stick was added to ized least square Procrustes superimposition to obtain the
each predator cage, and an empty cage with a stick was mean tadpole shape (consensus) for each container. Centroid
placed in the control treatment. Dragonflies were fed size, which consists of the square root of the sum of the
~0.12 g (1 Libellulidae or 3–4 tadpoles) twice per week squared distance of all landmarks to the centroid, was also
after each cleaning. Feeding occurred outside the main ex- calculated as a size variable. Mean size and shape per con-
perimental containers to ensure that no alarm cues poten- tainer were used to calculate shape variables (partial warps
tially released by dying prey were present in the (PW) and uniform components) using CVAGen version 6j
experimental containers; this methodology allowed only po- (Sheets 2003). We selected relative-warp analysis over prin-
tential cues associated either with predators, their diet, or a cipal components analysis (PCA) because of the former’s
combination of the two, to be released. The experiment was superiority at discriminating size from shape (Zelditch et al.
terminated after 3 weeks and then repeated after 5 days us- 2004) and increased power in discriminating between minor
ing bullfrog tadpoles. All experimental methods and tad- shape differences (Birch 1997). Paired analyses for our data
poles used were similar between species’ trials. revealed that PWA and PCA provided comparable results
(B. Ferland-Raymond, unpublished data).
Behaviour The 22 PW and two uniform components were used as
Tadpole behaviour was evaluated twice per day (morning dependent variables in a multivariate analysis of covariance
and afternoon), 5 days a week, for the entire duration of the (MANCOVA) with centroid size as covariate and treatment
experiment. The same observer performed all behavioral and brood as independent variables. Analysis was conducted
tests by checking tadpoles while standing still and moving in SAS version 9.0 (SAS Institute Inc. 2002). Difference in
carefully between aquaria. All individuals that displayed tadpole size between treatments was evaluated using AN-
any movement within a 30 s period were counted (any tail OVA on log of centroid size, with treatment and brood serv-
movement; Laurila et al. 1997) and divided by the total ing as factors. A similar ANOVA was performed on body
number of tadpoles present in the container. This proportion mass data and produced similar results due to the close cor-
represents a snapshot measure of activity. relation between body mass and size (r > 0.94, p < 0.001);
accordingly, we present only size data in the present paper.
Morphology All tests were considered significant with a < 0.05.
At the end of the experiment, each tadpole was weighed
and photographed to evaluate the role of treatment on mor- Results
phology. Tadpoles were kept alive for photography, put in a
small transparent display with a ruler, and photographed at a Predation experiment
fixed distance from the camera lens using a Nikon D70 dig- We failed to detect a difference in survival rate of bull-
ital camera equipped with a Tamron 90 mm macro 1:1 lens. frog and mink frog tadpoles (bootstrap statistic: P = 0.70).
Pictures with bent, blurry, or deformed tadpoles were cen- Mean (SE) mortality rates were 43.3% ± 5.6% (n = 29) and
sored from the analysis (bullfrog: 6.3%, n = 1379; mink 39.8% ± 6.7% (n = 24) for bullfrog and mink frog tadpoles,
frog: 14.1%, n = 1241). respectively. This implies that both frog species are subject
to comparable baseline predation risk from dragonfly larvae,
Statistical analysis and thus are expected to have comparable responses to PPR
Survival rates from the predation experiment were ob- when predators are feeding on either frog species.
tained by counting the number of tadpoles that survived at
the end of the 12 h predation trial. Species were compared Diet experiment
with a distribution-free t test based on bootstrapping with
1000 replicates to compensate for the lack of normality. Behaviour
Data were also tested using nonparametric statistics, which Activity of bullfrogs varied among broods (F[2,113] = 52.8,
provided qualitatively similar results to the bootstrapping P < 0.001); activity levels of broods ranged from 20.5% ±
exercise and thus are not presented formally herein. 0.7% to 28.8% ± 0.7%. However, we detected no relation
In the behavioural experiment, the number of tadpoles between time of day and bullfrog tadpole behaviour
that were active was converted to a proportion, but propor- (F[1,113] = 0.61, P = 0.44). Diet treatment elicited differential
tions were left untransformed because of closer adherence bullfrog tadpole behaviour (F[3,113] = 21.5, P < 0.001;
to basic statistical assumptions. Difference in activity across Fig. 2A), with post hoc tests revealing that activity was
treatments was analysed using a repeated-measures ANOVA lower (all P < 0.001) among bullfrog tadpoles exposed to
with date as the repeated measure. Tukey’s HSD test was cues from dragonfly larvae eating tadpoles of either species
used for further post hoc analysis. We blocked for brood compared with those feeding on invertebrates or controls
and time of day (morning or afternoon). Tests were con- (Fig. 2A). Bullfrog tadpoles had comparable activity pat-
ducted using STATISTICA version 7.0 (Statsoft Inc. 2004). terns both between bullfrog and mink frog diets (P = 0.99),
Shape and size of tadpoles were analyzed from digital im- as well as between control and invertebrate diets (P = 0.96).
ages (1292 for bullfrog, 1066 for mink frog). We acquired Mink frog tadpoles responded similarly to bullfrog tad-
14 landmarks (Fig. 1) using tpsDig version 2 (Rohlf 2006) poles to our treatments. Both brood (F[2,113] = 6.84, P =
and used relative-warp analysis (Zelditch et al. 2004) to ex- 0.002) and time of day (F[1,113] = 49.9, P < 0.001) influ-
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Fig. 1. Position of tadpole landmarks (LM) used to assess morphological response of bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and mink frog (Rana
septentrionalis) tadpoles to predator diet. LM1: tip of the tail; LM2–LM11: perpendicular to the tail muscle at 20% distance of the tip of the
tail; LM3–LM10: perpendicular to the tail muscle at maximum tail height; LM4–LM8: perpendicular from imaginary line between LM6 and
LM13 with LM4 at the limit junction of the fin and body; LM5: eye; LM6: tip of the nose; LM7: mouth; LM9: anus; LM12–LM13–LM14:
junction between body and tail muscle at the lower end (12), muscle line (13), and upper end (14). A mink frog tadpole is displayed.

Fig. 2. Proportion of activity level of (A) bullfrog (Rana catesbei- criminate either between tadpole diets (P = 0.58) or between
ana) and (B) mink frog (Rana septentrionalis) tadpoles relative to control vs. invertebrate diets (P = 0.22).
dragonfly predator diet (C, control; L, Libellulidae; M, mink frog
tadpoles; B, bullfrog tadpoles). Values are means ± SE. Morphology
Bullfrog tadpole size varied among broods (F[2,54] = 64.6,
P < 0.001), with size ranging from 15.9 ± 0.3 to 17.4 ±
0.3 mm. A significant effect of treatment on size also was
observed (F[3,54] = 2.91, P = 0.043). Post hoc analysis re-
vealed that bullfrog tadpoles exposed to predators feeding
on mink frogs grew bigger than those in control treatments
(mink frog: 17.0 ± 0.3 mm; control: 16.6 ± 0.3 mm; P =
0.024; Fig. 3), but that bullfrog tadpole sizes were compara-
ble among bullfrog, mink frog, and Libellulidae treatments
(Libellulidae: 16.8 ± 0.3 mm; bullfrog: 16.8 ± 0.3 mm; P >
0.58). Bullfrog and Libellulidae diet treatments did not dif-
fer from control (P > 0.35).
Mink frog tadpoles differed in size accordingto brood
(F[2,54] = 12.0, P < 0.001), with size ranging from 16.3 ±
0.5 to 17.3 ± 0.4 mm. However, no size-related responses
to predator diet treatment were observed for mink frogs
(control: 16.5 ± 0.4 mm; Libellulidae: 16.6 ± 0.4 mm; mink
frog: 16.8 ± 0.5 mm; bullfrog: 16.7 ± 0.4 mm; F[3,54] = 1.0,
P = 0.50).
After removing the effect of size, bullfrog tadpoles were
similarly shaped in all predator diet treatments (Wilks’
l[72] = 0.123, P = 0.13). However, tadpole shape differed
among broods (Wilks’ l[48] = 0.00535, P < 0.001) and var-
ied according to tadpole size (Wilks’ l[24] = 0.292, P =
0.002). Large bullfrog tadpoles had larger tails in relation to
body size, compared with smaller tadpoles (Fig. 4A). The
shape response of mink frog tadpoles was similar to that of
bullfrogs, in that shape was comparable among predator
treatments (Wilks’ l[72] = 0.114, P = 0.12) but variable
among broods (Wilks’ l[48] = 0.0176, P < 0.001) and tad-
pole size (Wilks’ l[24] = 0.254, P < 0.001). However, larger
mink frog tadpoles did not exhibit increased tail size as did
bullfrog tadpoles. Rather, size affected mink frog tadpole
enced activity patterns. Activity ranged from 13.2% ± 0.4% shape mostly through larger tadpoles having an upright posi-
to 15.7% ± 0.5% among broods and, on average, tadpoles tioning of the nose and tail tip (Fig. 4B).
were more active in the morning (16.3% ± 0.4%) than after-
noon (12.2% ± 0.3%). Diet treatment also influenced mink
frog tadpole behaviour (F[3,113] = 13.6, P < 0.001; Fig. 2B). Discussion
Post hoc tests revealed that mink frog tadpoles reduced their Bullfrog and mink frog tadpoles did not differ in vulner-
activity when exposed to cues from dragonfly larvae feeding ability to dragonfly predation, leading us to predict that both
on either tadpole diets relative to control (P < 0.001) or in- species would respond similarly to cues associated with
vertebrate (P < 0.05) diets. However, tadpoles failed to dis- predator diet. Both species reduced their activity when ex-
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Fig. 3. Centroid size (mm) of bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) tadpoles Fig. 4. Shape progression of (A) bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) and
relative to dragonfly predator diet (C, control; L, Libellulidae; M, (B) mink frog (Rana septentrionalis) tadpoles with increase in size.
mink frog tadpoles; B, bullfrog tadpoles). Values are means ± SE. Arrow origins represent the shape of small tadpoles, while arrow
heads represent the shape of large tadpoles. Vectors are magnified
10 times to emphasise differences.

posed to dragonfly larvae feeding on tadpoles, but only bull- may fail to cause comparable patterns (Laurila et al. 1997).
frogs grew larger when dragonfly larvae were present. Bull- This lack of consistency among studies hints at the sheer
frog size responses were limited to the mink frog treatment; complexity of mechanisms eliciting prey responses to preda-
however, the absence of size difference between bullfrogs tor dietary cues, and the need to consider more broadly ex-
exposed to mink vs. bullfrog tadpole diet emphasized the perimental protocols when examining such issues. Indeed,
lack of a discernible diet effect. These results reveal that prey discrimination of predator diets may be importantly in-
both tadpole species responded to predators feeding on con- fluenced by factors such as absolute and relative mortality
specific and congeneric prey but not on more distantly re- risk incurred by the predator in question and structure and
lated prey, and that such responses were primarily function of chemical cues specific to the predator. These
behavioural rather than morphological. Furthermore, the ab- need to be considered carefully in future comparisons of
sence of response to heterogeneric prey diet compared with prey responses to predator dietary cues.
the control treatment emphasizes the general importance of Theory suggests that prey antipredator responses should
predator diet in influencing adaptive responses of prey in be especially sensitive to predators incurring high mortality
this system. Our results were also marked by a significant risk, and predators feeding mainly on the conspecifics
effect of brood, which is explained by the fact that baseline should be potentially more harmful than those feeding on
characteristics differed between parental lineages. Side anal- heterospecifics. Because antipredator responses to predators
ysis showed no interactions between brood and response to with low risk may be costly and thereby maladaptive to
PPR, thus making the response to PPR similar between prey (Lima and Dill 1990; Lima 1998; Van Buskirk 2000),
broods and the brood effect of little consequence. Collec- the ability to recognize predator diet should be adaptive
tively, our findings support the hypothesis that under compa- where predators have diverse diets and pose different risks
rable predation risk, prey should not differentiate between to prey. It follows that if prey species share similar preda-
predator dietary cues from closely related prey species. tion risk to a given predator, then prey may benefit by ‘‘pig-
These results contribute importantly to our understanding gybacking’’ antipredator responses to include multiple prey
of factors influencing perceived predation risk and prey sen- species. On the other hand, when risk consistently differs
sitivity to predator diet. They are also supported by other between prey species, antipredator responses that are spe-
studies showing prey discrimination of vastly different pred- cific to individual prey species should be advantageous.
ator diets (Murray and Jenkins 1999; Chivers and Mirza In our case, both tadpole species suffered similar mortal-
2001b; Brodin et al. 2006), or prey failure to exhibit differ- ity risk from dragonfly larvae and therefore the similarity in
entiation among congeneric diets (Rana spp.; Relyea and their antipredator responses to predator diet should not be
Werner 2000). However, our study is the first to (i) relate surprising. Along the same lines, Persons et al. (2001)
the responses of closely related predator dietary cues relative showed that the wolf spider Pardosa milvina (Hentz, 1844)
to vulnerability to predation and (ii) document the spectrum avoided substrate conditioned by predators (the wolf spider
of symmetrical responses across a range of predator dietary Hogna helluo (Walckenaer, 1837)) fed conspecifics; because
cues ranging from congeneric to vastly different taxonomic Hogna is known to exhibit consistent dietary preference,
phyla. These findings add context to our understanding of Pardosa dietary sensitivity to predator dietary cues naturally
the importance of predator dietary cues in eliciting antipre- should be adaptive. On the other hand, northern quahogs
dator responses by prey, and are consistent with the hypoth- (Mercenaria mercenaria (L., 1758)) respond to blue crab
esis that phylogenic proximity promotes overlapping (Callinectes sapidus M.J. Rathbun, 1896) predator cues that
responses to predator dietary cues (Schoeppner and Relyea are independent of diet (fish vs. clam diet; Smee and Weiss-
2005). However, the above arguments are not above chal- burg 2006), likely because of the predator’s variable and op-
lenge in light of other studies revealing that highly dissimi- portunistic feeding patterns (Smee and Weissburg 2006).
lar predator diets can elicit similar antipredator responses Thus, we infer that mortality risk disparity among prey spe-
(Smee and Weissburg 2006) or that closely related diets cies consumed by a given predator should play a role in
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driving evolution of predator diet sensitivity. We note that of the transmission of information via chemical cues in
similar mortality risk between frog species is unlikely to be predator–prey systems.
an artefact of low statistical power in our predation experi- Although our results indicate that prey species failed to
ment. Our a priori power analysis revealed that a reasonable distinguish between predator cues from two closely related
level of replication (>24 replicates per species) should pro- diets, such low sensitivity may not be ubiquitous across
vide a robust test given expected variability between species taxonomic groups. We found bullfrogs and mink frogs to
and detectable effect sizes. However, we conducted a post live sympatrically in the wild and they generally share habi-
hoc equivalence test to confirm the absence of mortality tat requirements and have comparable life history strategies
rate differences (Dixon and Pechmann 2005). Equivalence (Stewart and Sandison 1972). Presumably, this implies that
tests require the selection of thresholds where a result would both species are subject to comparable risk incurred by drag-
be considered to have no biological significance. In our onfly and other predators. In contrast, congeneric prey that
case, the threshold used is the level of differences in mortal- either occupy different habitats or have disparate life-history
ity rates of bullfrogs and mink frogs that have a limited im- strategies may not necessarily piggyback their responses to
pact on species evolution. By setting this threshold of predator dietary cues even if they are taxonomically related.
mortality rate >15%, our results are robust given our sample However, to date apparently no study has shown that prey
sizes, whereas if we set the threshold <10%, our results are can distinguish predator diets between congeneric prey, but
equivocal. In light of the 3.5% difference in observed mor- at the level of taxonomic order, prey differentiation of pred-
tality rates between species, and considering that a differ- ator diet has been revealed for prey occupying nonoverlap-
ence of 15% in mortality rate is not likely to have major ping habitats in the wild (Brown et al. 1995). This
biological impact on prey survival and evolution, we con- observation implies that genus-level sensitivity to predator
firm that our test had enough power to show the absence of diet may be especially relevant among prey species having
a trend. overlapping distributions.
It is notable that the chemical structure of predator dietary Most studies evaluating the role of predator dietary cues
cues themselves may elucidate the mechanism by which tad- on antipredator responses have assessed discriminatory abil-
poles failed to differentiate between genus-related predator ity of prey without considering the broader context of preda-
diets. Indeed, the only means by which tadpole prey would tion risk differences among species under consideration
have distinguished between predator diets is if chemicals re- (e.g., Wilson and Lefcort 1993; Kiesecker et al. 2002; Li
leased by the predator (i.e., kairomones) were diet-specific. and Jackson 2005). Our results suggest that selection may
To date, conflicting accounts exist on whether the source of have shaped antipredator responses to be fine-tuned among
predator chemical cues is alarm pheromones released by related groups of prey when they share similar mortality
prey (Bryer et al. 2001), kairomones produced by the preda- risk, but alternatively a general lack such fine-tuning among
tor (Blaustein et al. 2004), and (or) prey leftovers from di- closely related species also may explain our observations.
gestion (Brown et al. 1995; Lefcort 1996; Stabell et al. However, our findings point logically to the prediction that
2003; Jacobsen and Stabell 2004). However, a mechanistic congeneric prey species that are either allopatric or have dis-
understanding of the source of predator chemical cues may similar mortality risk should have disparate responses to
inform our understanding of the evolution of prey sensitivity predator dietary cues, with species having higher mortality
to predator diet. Our experiment allows us to reject the pos- risk also exhibiting stronger responses to heterospecific diet-
sibility that tadpole responses were elicited by direct alarm ary cues. Thus, we propose that comparing PPR relative to
pheromones, given that predators were fed outside the ex- predator diets, across a spectrum of prey species with differ-
perimental container yet antipredator behaviours still were ences in baseline predation risk, phylogenic relatedness, and
manifest. Secondly, it seems unlikely that any kairomone in life-history strategy, will provide a fruitful avenue for fur-
the tadpole–dragonfly system is a basic metabolic waste ther understanding the mechanisms underlying the ecology
emitted by the predator, because under such circumstances and evolution of antipredator responses.
tadpoles should have revealed similar responses to all preda-
tors irrespective of diet. Therefore, we suspect that in our Acknowledgements
case the dietary cue likely was a by-product of prey diges- We are grateful to Tom Hossie for help in collecting ani-
tion (see also Lefcort 1996; Murray and Jenkins 1999; Dicke mals and assisting with implementation of the experiment.
and Grostal 2001; Stabell et al. 2003). This would imply Funding for this project came from the Natural Sciences
that from the evolutionary perspective, prey that share meta- and Engineering Research Council of Canada. This research
bolic similarities owing to their genetic proximity (genus- complies with the laws of Canada, where the research was
related species) should invoke similar predator kairomones. performed. We are grateful to anonymous reviewers for
Therefore, if the chemical signature of the predator is the helpful comments.
same irrespective of diet, prey should not distinguish be-
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