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1/12/23, 3:52 PM 6.3.

Digital privacy – Wachemo University e-Learning Platform

.3. Digital privacy

Introduction to Emerging Technologies  Chapter 6  6.3. Digital privacy

Activity 6.9
➢ What do you think about privacy in general? Is it really important?
➢ In this digital world, what do you mean by digital privacy? Give concrete examples?
Digital Privacy is the protection of personally identifiable or business identifiable information that is collected from
respondents through information collection activities or from other sources.
It is a collective definition that encompasses three sub-related categories; information privacy, communication privacy, and
individual privacy It is often used in contexts that promote advocacy on behalf of individual and consumer privacy rights in
digital spheres, and is typically used in opposition to the business practices of many e marketers/businesses/companies to
collect and use such information and data.
6.3.1. Information Privacy
Activity 6.10
➢ What do you think that private information like passwords, PIN numbers, will be guarded or shared with the public?
In the context of digital privacy, information privacy is the notion that individuals should have the freedom, or right, to
determine how their digital information, mainly that pertaining to personally identifiable information, is collected and used.
Every country has various laws that dictate how
information may be collected and used by companies. Some of those laws are written to give agency to the preferences of
individuals/consumers in how their data is used. In other places, like
in the United States, privacy law is argued by some to be less developed in this regard, For example, some legislation, or lack
of, allows companies to self-regulate their collection and dissemination practices of consumer information.
6.3.2. Communication Privacy
Activity 6.11
➢ Do you think communication privacy is the only one who is accessing the message will be the sender’s intended receiver?
If your answer is yes, why?
In the context of digital privacy, communication privacy is the notion that individuals should have the freedom, or right, to
communicate information digitally with the expectation that their communications are secure; meaning that messages and
communications will only be accessible to the sender’s original intended recipient. However, communications can be
intercepted or
delivered to other recipients without the sender’s knowledge, in a multitude of ways.
Communications can be intercepted directly through various hacking methods; this is expanded upon further below.
Communications can also be delivered to recipients unbeknownst to the sender due to false assumptions made regarding the
platform or medium which was used to send information. An example of this is a failure to read a company’s privacy policy
regarding communications on their platform could lead one to assume their communication is protected when it is in fact not.
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1/12/23, 3:52 PM 6.3. Digital privacy – Wachemo University e-Learning Platform

Additionally, companies frequently have been known to lack transparency in how

they use information, this can be both intentional and unintentional. Discussion of communication privacy necessarily
requires consideration of technological methods of protecting information/communication in digital mediums, the
effectiveness, and ineffectiveness of such
methods/systems, and the development/advancement of new and current technologies.
6.3.3. Individual Privacy
Activity 6.12
➢ Do you think that it is good to make yourself exposed to every information on the internet? Why?
In the context of digital privacy, individual privacy is the notion that individuals have a right to exist freely on the internet, in
that they can choose what types of information they are exposed to, and more importantly that unwanted information should
not interrupt them An example of a digital
breach of individual privacy would be an internet user receiving unwanted ads and emails/spam, or a computer virus that
forces the user to take actions they otherwise wouldn’t. In such cases the individual, during that moment, doesn’t exist
digitally without interruption from unwanted
information; thus, their individual privacy has been infringed upon.
6.3.4. Some digital privacy principles
Activity 6.13
➢ Give some examples you have to consider to make your data as well as communication private?
➢ Data Minimization: collect the minimal amount of information necessary from individuals and businesses consistent with
the Department’s mission and legal requirements.
➢ Transparency: Notice covering the purpose of the collection and use of identifiable information will be provided in a clear
manner. Information collected will not be used for any other purpose unless authorized or mandated by law.
➢ Accuracy: Information collected will be maintained in a sufficiently accurate, timely, and complete manner to ensure that
the interests of the individuals and businesses are protected.
➢ Security: Adequate physical and IT security measures will be implemented to ensure that the collection, use, and
maintenance of identifiable information are properly safeguarded and the information is promptly destroyed in accordance
with approved records control schedules.

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