JacKup Barge Crew

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JacKup Barge Crew

Contractual requirement Actually Employed

1- Master 1 Master 2
2- Chief Engineer 1 Chief Engineer 2
3- Chief Officer 1 Chief Officer 2
4- 2nd Engineer 1 2nd. Engineer 2
5- Mechanics 2 Mechanics 2
6- Able Seaman 4 Able Seaman 4
7- Chief Cook 1 Chief Cook 1
8- Crane Operator 2 crane operator 2
9- 2nd Cook 1 2nd Cook 1
10- Mess man 2 Mess man 2

11-Chief Steward 1 Chief Steward 1

Room Boy 2

Electrician 1

Total Required 17 Total Employed 24

The officers are on Six (6) Weeks On and six (6) weeks Off.
Officers are paid for 365 days i.e. during off periods they are
paid full salary.
On Jack up barge “Khadija” Masters are Europeans, Chief
Officer is Ukrainian and Chief and 2nd Engineers are from

The contractor’s crew is to maintain the barge and its

equipment whereas 15 to 20 Aramco Personals are staying on
the barge for all the operations.

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