Soal Jawab Ujian Keahlian Pelaut
Soal Jawab Ujian Keahlian Pelaut
Soal Jawab Ujian Keahlian Pelaut
+hips cost a lot of money to build. A general cargo *essel costs se*eral million pounds
and giant tanker can costs o*er 4& million pounds. On reason for this is the high cost of steel
and other materials used in shipping building. Another reason is the high cost of labour.
A modern shipyard is designed for building ships are cheaply an quickly as possible.
5any of the old processes ha*e disappeared or been combined into one fully mechanized
process. 5achines are now used instead of men. Today/ ship can built in about sixteen
months costs can be kept to a minimum.
<ho designs ships? +hip are designed by na*al architects. The largest shipping
companies ha*e their own na*al architects. In Europe and (apan/ shipyards employ na*al
architects to design a ship for a customer/ or offer basic design which can be *aried to suit the
customer>s needs. +hip owners may also go to independent firms of shipping consultant and
ask their na*al architects to design a ship for them.
6angunan Kapal
+ebuah galangan kapal yang moderen di rancang untuk membangun sebuah kapal
semurah dan secepat mungkin. 6anyak dari proses yang lama tidak nampak lagi atau telah
dikombinasikan kedalam dengan proses mekanik sepenuhnya mesin mesin sekarang telah
dipergunakan untuk mengganti tenaga manusia. Dewasa ini kapal dapat dibangun 16 bulan
dan biayanya dapat ditekan seminum mungkin
5engemudikan Haluan
Perintah kepada jurumudi/yang mengemudikan kapal yang diberikan oleh perwira/ Perwira
memerintahkan jurumudi untuk merubah kemudi kekiri dan kekanan untuk menjaga kapal
tetap pada haluan kompas yang baru.
(urumudi mengulang semua perintah yang diberikan oleh oleh perwira kepadanya/ sehingga
perwira tahu bahwa perintah telah dimengerti. Ketika jurumudi telah selesai tugasnya
mengemudikan kemudi/ Dia menyatakan dengan jelas haluan yang harus dikemudikan
jurumudi penggantinya.
Pada saat kapal dalam perjalanan angin dan ombak mempengaruhi pergerakan baling baling
dan dapat menyebabkan arah haluan kapal/ oleh karena jurumudi harus membalas pergerakan
kapal dengan memberi kemudi kearah berlawanan dengan pergerakan kapal tersebut.
+eorang jurumudi yang berpengalaman mampu mengantisipasi sifat kapal. Dia juga mampu
menjaga kapal tetap pada haluan yang tepat dan dapat membuat pelayaran lebih pendek.
Kebanyakan kapal E kapal dilengkapi dengan kompas gyro. +ebuah kompas gyro adalah suatu
peralatan electromekanik tapi setiap kapal yang dilengkapi kompas magnetik/ pergerakannya
dipengaruhi atau bergantung pada magnetisme bumi.
Daun kemudi yang dipasang diburitan kapal digerakkan oleh sebuah mesin/ jika mesin
kemudi rusak/ sangat perlu menggunakan sebuah system darurat yang harus dilengkapi oleh
setiap kapal.
I. Please make format communication between 5V ABRO GO<A and TOKFO PI8OT
The data of 5V. ABRO GO<A
a. Call sign FTCD
b. Her position is 6 miles south of entrance buoy
c. +he is proceeding to enter Tokyo harbour
d. Her nationality is Indonesia
e. Her agent in Tokyo is PT. D(AKARTA 88FOD
f. Her draught is 9.5 meters
g. Her maximum height is 1$ meters
(awaban. 6.
Tokyo pilot station: 5*. Anro Gowa FCTD
This is Tokyo pilot station
Huestion : <hat is your draught and your height/ o*er
1. Information.
2. Huestion.
3. Instruction.
4. <arning.
5. Information.
<ere any of the ships that you had though of mentioned here?
A summary of a reading passage can sometimes be made in the form of a tree diagram.
Complete the one below using the information from the reading passage.
I. 0se your diagram and the passage to complete the sentence these sentence
a. 5erchant ships can be designed as MMMMMMMMMMMM..
b. Cargo ships can be de*ided into MMMMMMMMMMMMM..
c. Dry cargo ships include MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...
d. MMM.. are examples of liquid cargo carriers
e. Three types of passenger ships are MMMMMMMMMMMM.
a. Two types such as Cargo ship and Passenger ship
b. Two types such as Dry cargo and 8iquid cargo
c. Include 5ulti deck *essel/ Dry bulk cargo/ Container ship/ and
Refrigerated ships
d. Oil tanker
c. Passenger liners/ Cruise ship and ferries.
II. 7ill the blank with the applied terminology relating to a ship mo*ement.
a. A ship is said to be MMM.
<hen she is borne by the water
b. A ship is said to be MMM
<hen she is mo*ing without means of propulsion.
c. A ship is said to be MMM.
<hen she is mo*ing sideways through the water
d. A ship is said to be MMMM
<hen she stopped at sea
e. A ship is said to be MMM.
<hen she is mo*ing sideways through the water being blown by the wind.
a. A float
b. A drift
c. 5o*ing broadside on
d. Ho*e at sea
e. 8eeway.