Viru 5 36
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Viru 5 36
Keywords: sepsis, innate immunity, pattern recognition receptors, pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMP), danger-
associated molecular patterns (DAMP), neutrophil extracellular traps (NET), myeloid related protein (Mrp)-8/14, coagulation,
activated protein C, protease activated receptors
shock proteins, fibrinogen, S100 proteins, hyaluronic acid, and Toll–interleukin 1 (IL-1) receptor (TIR) domain is required for
high-mobility group box-1 protein (HMGB-1).22,23 PPRs can downstream signal transduction, leading to the transcriptional
be categorized on the basis of their cellular localization. After activation of inflammatory mediators.24 Thirteen mammalian
the discovery of mostly cell-membrane bound TLRs in the mid- TLRs have been identified: ten functional receptors in humans
1990s, several classes of cytosolic PRRs were identified, including and 12 in mice; of these TLR1–9 are shared by both species,
Nod-like receptors (NLRs), C-type lectins (CLRs), and RIG-I- whereas TLR10 and TLR11–13 are exclusively expressed in
like receptors (RLRs). Here we focus on PRRs that have been humans and mice respectively. TLRs can be expressed on the
studied most in the context of sepsis, i.e., TLRs and NLRs. cell surface (TLR1, TLR2, TLR4, TLR5, TLR6, and TLR10)
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) or intracellularly (TLR3, TLR7, TLR8, and TLR9). The cellu-
TLRs express ectodomains containing leucine-rich repeats lar localization of TLRs is considered to be important for ligand
that mediate the recognition of PAMPs; the intracellular accessibility and the preservation of tolerance to self-molecules. Virulence 37
Many if not all TLRs are dimeric, with some acting as homodi- tissue injury, as may occur during sepsis. Likely, TLR activation
mers and others as heterodimers (e.g., TLR2/TLR1 and TLR2/ by DAMPs released from injured cells play a major role herein.
TLR6). Some TLRs depend on other proteins to signal efficiently. TLR4 has been considered an attractive therapeutic target in
For example, proficient LPS signaling requires LPS-binding pro- severe sepsis considering its role in cellular activation by several
tein, which transfers LPS to CD14, and the extracellular protein PAMPs (most notably LPS) and DAMPs. Eventually this led to
MD-2. The interaction between LPS and its receptor complex the pivotal phase III ACCESS trial examining the effect of the
is further dependent on the glycosylation status of LPS: smooth TLR4/MD2 antagonist eritoran in patients with severe sepsis.31
LPS (with abundant O-glycosylation) requires CD14 for its Unfortunately, although a phase II sepsis trial with this com-
detection, whereas rough LPS or lipid A do not.25 In general, pound had shown promising results,32 the phase III trial revealed
ligands of TLRs are lipoproteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. TLRs no benefit whatsoever for patients treated with eritoran.31
expressed at the cell surface mainly sense microbial components Positive and negative regulation of the TLR signaling
located on the surface or in membranes of bacteria, such as lipo- TREM-1 (triggering receptor expressed by myeloid cells-1) is
proteins, lipids, and proteins. For example, the best characterized a receptor expressed on neutrophils and monocytes that has been
ligands for TLR2 are lipoproteins: TLR2 forms heterodimers shown to amplify the inflammatory cascade in response to infec-
with TLR1 and TLR6 that recognize triacyl and diacyl lipopro- tion.33 Antibody-mediated activation of TREM-1 induces mod-
teins respectively. Relevant for sepsis pathogenesis, TLR2 also est cellular activation and pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion.
senses peptidoglycan (bacterial cell wall component), lipoteichoic Importantly, co-stimulation of TREM-1 together with certain
acid (gram-positive bacteria), and zymosan (fungi). Dectin-1 (a PRRs, most notably TLRs, results in a synergistic increase in
C-type lectin) and CD36 can enhance TLR2-mediated recog- inflammatory signaling. Blockade of TREM-1 in rodent sepsis
nition of PAMPs. TLR5 recognizes flagellin, which forms the models resulted in decreased systemic cytokine production and
bacterial flagella. TLRs located in endosomes and endolysosomes improved survival, accentuating the detrimental role of excessive
mostly recognize nucleic acids from pathogens. Of these, TLR3 inflammation in fulminant sepsis.33 However, a recent murine
recognizes viral double-stranded RNA, while TLR7 and TLR8 study reported that TREM-1 deficiency resulted in a marked
recognize viral single-stranded RNA. TLR9 senses microbial increase in mortality following induction of Pseudomonas pneu-
(unmethylated CpG) DNA derived from either bacteria, viruses monia, at least in part due to deficient epithelial transmigra-
or parasites. Cleavage and trafficking of the intracellular TLRs tion of neutrophils to the primary site of infection.34 These data
are necessary for signaling. Unc-93 homolog B1 (UNC93B1) again are an example of the delicate balance of innate immu-
binds to intracellular TLRs and mediates their trafficking to the nity, wherein pro- and anti-inflammatory processes in response
endolysosome where signaling is initiated.26 Of note, TLR13, to infection must be balanced to protect against infection and to
which is mouse-specific, was recently shown to recognize 23S avoid tissue damage and organ failure.
rRNA from bacteria.27 Several mechanisms are involved in the negative regulation of
The entire TLR family signals via four adaptor proteins: TLR signaling.35,36 Transmembrane receptors that act as nega-
myeloid differentiation primary-response protein 88 (MyD88), tive regulators of TLR-mediated inflammation include single
TIR domain-containing adaptor protein (TIRAP, also known immunoglobulin IL-1R-related molecule (SIGIRR and TIR8),
as Myd88 adaptor like [Mal]), TIR domain-containing adaptor IL-1 receptor-like 1 (ST2), and radioprotective 105 (RP105).
protein-inducing IFN-β (TRIF) and TRIF-related adaptor mol- Cells that lack either one of these receptors respond more avidly
ecule (TRAM). TLR-mediated signaling can be roughly divided to TLR stimulation. In addition, the adaptor proteins involved
into two major routes: the MyD88- and the TRIF-dependent in efficient signaling by TLRs (MyD88, TIRAP/Mal, TRIF,
pathways. Most TLRs use MyD88 for signaling, except TLR3 and TRAM) are targets for negative control by several mecha-
that utilizes TRIF. TLR4 can utilize both MyD88 and TRIF nisms. For example, TAG (TRAM adaptor with Golgi dynamics
as signaling adaptors. TIRAP connects TLR2 and TLR4 to domain) is a TRAM variant that competes with TRAM for TRIF
MyD88, thus acting as a sorting adaptor in MyD88-dependent binding, thereby inhibiting the TRIF-dependent pathway.37 TAG
pathways. TRAM connects TLR4 to TRIF and permits TLR4 to also mediates internalization of TLR4 to the endosomes for sub-
traffic to endosomes. sequent degradation. Together with TMED7 (transmembrane
TLRs play a central role in sepsis pathogenesis. TLRs on the emp24 protein transport domain containing 7) TAG disrupts the
one hand are essential for the early detection of pathogens and TRAM–TRIF complex, resulting in inhibition of TLR4 signal-
the initiation of an adequate innate immune response. Indeed, ing from the endosome.38 SARM (sterile α- and armadillo-motif-
deficiency of TLR function leads to a strongly enhanced sus- containing protein) is another TIR-domain containing protein
ceptibility for infection, as demonstrated by the vulnerability of that can bind and inhibit TRIF.39 Moreover, inflammatory sig-
MyD88-deficient mice for a variety of infectious diseases.19 In naling can be shut down by ubiquitination, a process during
accordance, children deficient for MyD8828 or its direct down- which proteins are “tagged” with ubiquitin for proteasome-
stream mediator IRAK-429 develop frequent purulent infections. mediated degradation. SHP (small heterodimer partner) inhibits
Not surprisingly, polymorphisms in TLR encoding genes have TLR signaling by suppressing the ubiquitination of an essen-
been associated with an altered susceptibility to bacterial infec- tial downstream signaling molecule (TRAF6).40 Consequently,
tions.30 On the other hand, however, uncontrolled TLR stimu- SHP-deficient cells release increased levels of pro-inflammatory
lation potentially leads to disproportionate inflammation and cytokines upon LPS stimulation. USP4 (ubiquitin-specific Virulence 39
days by an invasive pathogen that continues to cause injury and cannot be made: some cytokines act as DAMPs and some
tissue damage for days after onset of illness. DAMPs actually are cytokines. A good example to illustrate
Cytokines: orchestrators of the septic innate immune this is myeloid related protein 8 (MRP8, S100A8) and MRP14
response (S100A9), which are the most abundant cytoplasmic proteins
The most extensively studied cytokines in sepsis are TNF-α in neutrophils.64 These proteins function as endogenous danger
and IL-1, both of which are capable to activate target cells and proteins that promote systemic inflammation through activation
induce the production of more inflammatory mediators.8 Other of RAGE or TLR4.64,65 They can form MRP8/14 heterodimers
cytokines of known importance in regulating the septic host that are released upon cell stress stimuli. MRP8/14 has direct
response include IL-6, which has both pro-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects and has been implicated in phagocyto-
anti-inflammatory properties, IL-8, IL-12, interferon (INF)-γ, sis.64,66 Patients with sepsis display elevated circulating levels of
granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), and the anti- MRP8/14.67 Mice lacking MRP14 (and thereby incapable of
inflammatory cytokine IL-10.8 IL-17, mainly produced by Th17 forming biologically active MRP8/14 heterodimers) are pro-
cells, is a novel pro-inflammatory cytokine implicated in sepsis tected from LPS-induced shock and E. coli-induced abdominal
pathogenesis by virtue of its capacity to mediate pro-inflam- sepsis.64,67 On the other hand, MRP14-deficient mice display
matory responses by triggering the production of among others enhanced bacterial dissemination, increased distant organ dam-
IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α and to provide crosstalk between lym- age, and a reduced survival during K. pneumoniae pneumosep-
phocytes and phagocytes.51 Increased IL-17A levels have adverse sis.66 These results identify MRP8/14 as an important player in
effects during experimental sepsis: in a murine model of sepsis the innate immune response to sepsis with pleiotropic functions
induced by cecal ligation and puncture IL-17A blockade was that can both harm or benefit the host depending on the caus-
associated with reduced bacteremia, reductions of systemic pro- ative pathogen and most probably the severity, the phase and/or
inflammatory cytokines and improved survival.52 compartment of the septic response.
Another cytokine involved in the septic inflammatory response Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs)
is macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), which regulates Neutrophils can be regarded as the frontline soldiers against
immune responses through modulation of TLR4. MIF-deficient sepsis, not only because of their sheer number—they are the
mice have a defective response upon LPS challenge as a direct most abundant leukocytes—but also because of their impressive
result of decreased TLR4 expression.53 Inhibition of MIF activ- weaponry to kill invading bacteria. In addition to phagocyto-
ity with neutralizing anti-MIF antibodies protected mice from sis and the release of soluble anti-microbials from their granules,
septic shock.54 Plasma MIF levels are elevated in septic patients neutrophils are capable to entrap bacteria in ejected DNA-based
and are associated with early mortality.55-57 Intriguingly however, structures containing anti-bacterial proteins such as elastase,
polymorphisms associated with higher MIF expression may have cathepsin G, MRP8/14, and myeloperoxidase, which have been
a beneficial effect in patients with pneumosepsis prompting cau- named neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs).68-70 Virtually
tion in the clinical application of anti-MIF strategies in infec- all microbes that cause sepsis are able to induce NET forma-
tious diseases in order to avoid placing patients at increased risk tion.66,68,69,71 It was recently shown that NETs released into the
of adverse outcomes.58 vasculature are able to catch bacteria from the bloodstream and
The pro-inflammatory cytokine HMGB-1, which is elevated prevent dissemination in a mouse model of E. coli sepsis.72 Plasma
during sepsis, received a lot of attention since it acts as a late from patients with severe sepsis induces platelet–neutrophil inter-
mediator of sepsis and is therefore seen as an attractive treatment actions in a TLR4-dependent fashion leading to the production
target.59,60 Along with the receptor for advanced glycation end of NETs.73 Interestingly, platelets seem to have a more potent
products (RAGE), HMGB-1 interacts with TLR2 and TLR4, NET-inductive capability than other known inducers of NETs.
which may provide an explanation for the ability of HMGB-1 NET formation can be triggered even before phagocytosis which
to generate inflammatory responses that are similar to those ini- makes sense in the event of sepsis since NETs seem to be able to
tiated by LPS.61 HMGB-1 may do so by binding other ligands entangle far more bacteria simultaneously than neutrophils can
for PRRs, considering that purified HMGB-1 triggers cells to by phagocytosis alone.73,74 Some bacteria, such as certain strains
produce TNFα strictly via TLR4.62 Treatment of mice with of S. pneumoniae and P. aeruginosa, have developed mechanisms
antibodies to HMGB-1 diminishes endotoxin lethality.63 Taken to circumvent NET-mediated killing.68,71,75 Importantly, how-
together, it is now well established that bacterial infection leads to ever, overwhelming NETosis or a reduced clearance capacity
the activation of a whole range of pleiotropic pro-inflammatory of NETs can be detrimental for the host and can contribute to
cytokines. The balance between these mediators and anti-inflam- ongoing inflammation and/or exhaustion of the immune system
matory cytokines or soluble inhibitors of pro-inflammatory cyto- during sepsis.68 Indeed, in the context of sepsis, free circulating
kines eventually determines the net pro-inflammatory activity of DNA should be regarded as a DAMP by itself.76 Of note, human
the cytokine network. DNA can only become immune stimulatory by associating with
Mrp8/14 as an example of DAMPs nuclear, cytoplasmic, and serum proteins upon which it can be
Invasive infection and accompanying inflammatory mecha- internalized in cells and sensed by DNA receptors such as TLR9;
nisms can cause tissue damage that is associated with release of this in contrast to bacterial DNA which CpG motifs directly act
DAMPs. A clear distinction between cytokines and DAMPs as powerful immune stimulants.76 Virulence 41
than the anticoagulant, effects of APC are important for protec- which can probably be seen as a PRR-mediated dysregulation of
tion against sepsis lethality: studies using APC mutants that lack the immune system following the invasion of pathogens. Indeed,
anticoagulant properties were as protective as wild-type APC.91,92 two decades of failed sepsis trials have forced one to rethink the
Considering the abundant preclinical evidence that interfer- pure hyperinflammatory sepsis paradigm. New human sepsis
ence with coagulation may beneficially impact on sepsis outcome, studies should also consider the substantial heterogeneity in the
it is not surprising that anticoagulant therapies have been stud- patients and type of infections included in sepsis trials as well
ied extensively in patients with severe sepsis.93 These investiga- as the predominant phenotype of the immune response, pro- or
tions focused on the restoration of (supra) physiological levels of anti-inflammatory/immune suppressive, at time of inclusion.13,99
antithrombin, TFPI, and APC. Antithrombin and TFPI failed to Furthermore, in recent times it has become clear that the host
reduce mortality in randomized clinical trials in sepsis patients.94,95 response to infection and non-infectious injury is not funda-
Recombinant human APC did reduce 28-d mortality in a first mentally different; whole blood genome response in patients
pivotal phase III trial (PROWESS),96 but did not show any ben- with trauma, burn, or sepsis result in highly similar genomic
efit in a subsequent study in septic shock patients (PROWESS- responses.100 In depth knowledge of the interconnections between
SHOCK),97 which resulted in retraction of this protein from innate immune pathways should help to unravel the mystery of
the market by the manufacturer. Nonetheless, the debate on the sepsis and identify new treatment strategies to cope with this
possible value of APC for sepsis treatment has continued.98 APC endemic syndrome.
mutants lacking anticoagulant properties would be attractive drugs
to study in clinical trials: these proteins retain the capacity to pro- Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
tect animals from sepsis induced death (via an effect on PAR1) but No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.
do not expose patients to the risk of bleeding complications.
Conclusion W.J.W. is supported by research grants of the Netherlands
Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMW)
A careful balance between the inflammatory and anti-inflam- and The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
matory response is vital for a successful host response to sepsis, (NWO).
9. Angus DC, Linde-Zwirble WT, Lidicker J, Clermont 17. Merrell DS, Falkow S. Frontal and stealth attack strate-
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