Immune Activation in Sepsis 2018 Critical Care Clinics
Immune Activation in Sepsis 2018 Critical Care Clinics
Immune Activation in Sepsis 2018 Critical Care Clinics
Andrew Conway-Morris, MB ChB, PhD, FFICMa,b,*, Julie Wilson, MB ChB
Manu Shankar-Hari, MSc, MD, PhD, MB BS, FRCA, FFICMc,d
Sepsis Inflammation Immunosuppression
Sepsis is a dysregulated multisystem response to infection.
The immune responses begin as compartmentalized, progressive processes of microbial
recognition, followed by triggering and amplification of inflammation and homeostatic
How these immune responses become dysregulated and maladaptive remains a key
The process whereby signals from pattern recognition receptors are transduced into
inflammatory cytokine release results in an exponential amplification of multiple im-
mune responses through feedback loops. A key molecule that provides exponential
amplification is nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB). This increases transcription of
precursor proteins (eg, pro-IL-1beta), so providing further substrate for the inflamma-
some. The products of inflammasome activation can in turn induce further NF-kappaB
activation in neighboring cells,20 leading to a self-sustaining and amplifying inflamma-
tory response. Conversely, a recently identified negative feedback loop involving
NF-KappaB-mediated elimination of damaged mitochondria will constrain inflamma-
some activation.21 A greater understanding of how these positive and negative feed-
back loops interact will bring crucial new insights into the processes by which
32 Conway-Morris et al
inflammation spreads from the site of primary infection to the systemic manifestations
that characterize sepsis.
Immune Activation
(continued on next page)
Conway-Morris et al
Table 1
(continued )
Cytokine Main Source Normal Physiologic Role Evidence in Sepsis
IL-17 Th17 cells Induces synthesis of a wide [percentage of IL-17-producing T cells vs controls37
variety of cytokines and May have a role in development of renal failure in septic shock38
chemokines Animal models suggest that neutralisation of IL-17 may improves outcomes39
IL-18 Macrophages, monocytes Induces production of a [serum levels vs controls27,29
wide variety of cytokines Increased plasma levels associated with poor outcome40
and chemokines May be able to distinguish between Gram-positive and -negative
IL-33 Macrophages, mast cells, Induces production of [serum levels vs controls42
dendritic cells, cytokines by eosinophils, May contribute to sepsis-induced immunosuppression through promoting
endothelial cells, mast cells and Th2 cells expansion of regulatory T cells43
TNF-a Activated macrophages, Activates inflammatory [serum levels vs controls27
CD4+ T cells, NK cells, cascade Associated with development of renal failure44
neutrophils, eosinophils Potential as therapeutic target45
and mast cells
IFN-b Monocytes, fibroblasts Stimulates chemokine and Evidence of contribution to both hyperinflammatory and
cytokine production, immunosuppressed states46
activates adaptive Inhibits secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines47
immunity; also has some
IFN-g CD4 and CD8 T cells, NK Activator of macrophages [serum levels but Y in septic shock48
cells Important in anti-viral Yproduction by NK cells49
GM-CSF T cells, macrophages, mast Stimulates neutrophil, Yserum levels in non-survivors50
cells monocyte and Potential therapeutic agent51
development from stem
Macrophage Monocytes, macrophages; Recruitment of leukocytes [serum levels vs controls52
migration endothelial/epithelial to sites of inflammation Levels correlate with mortality53
inhibitory cells Inhibits immune cell
factor (MIF) apoptosis
suppression of
inflammatory response
Monocyte Macrophages, monocytes, Recruits CD4 T cells, [serum levels in non-survivors27
chemotactic dendritic cells monocytes, and May play a role in the development of liver and lung injury in sepsis54
protein (MCP)-1 dendritic cells to site of
Leukotrienes Leukocytes, mast cells, Regulation of [serum levels vs controls, but Yproduction in non-survivors55
neutrophils inflammatory mediators, Potential role for leukotriene inhibitors suggested by animal studies56
neutrophil chemotaxis
Immune Activation
Conway-Morris et al
Table 1
(continued )
Cytokine Main Source Normal Physiologic Role Evidence in Sepsis
Anaphylotoxins Plasmalytic cascade, Recruits and activates Direct role in vasodilatation and capillary leak, and recruitment of immune
(C3a, C5a) multiple mechanisms of neutrophils, monocytes cells to sites of organ damage2
activation and macrophages Excessive levels can impair neutrophil antimicrobial responses57
IL-1ra Monocytes, macrophages, Anti-inflammatory; binds [serum levels vs controls58
neutrophils, fibroblasts IL-1 receptor and so [serum levels in septic shock compared with uncomplicated sepsis59
prevents IL-1 binding
IL-4 Activated T cells, mast cells, Promotes proliferation of B IL-4 mRNA expression higher in sepsis survivors60
basophils, eosinophils and T cells. In mouse studies blockade of IL-4 prevents shift toward Th-2 profile, and
Promotes differentiation improves survival61
of CD4 T cells into Th2
Induces release of IL-13
from macrophages.
IL-10 B cells, CD4+ Th2 cells, Inhibits synthesis of pro- [serum levels in sepsis vs controls,27 and in septic shock compared with
monocytes inflammatory cytokines uncomplicated sepsis62
by macrophages and Sustained upregulation associated with worse prognosis27
helper T cells Mediator of monocyte endotoxin tolerance63
IL-11 Epithelial cells, fibroblasts Induces expression of IL-4; Uncertain role in human sepsis, animal studies suggest increased mRNA
inhibits production of levels64
IFN-g and IL-2
IL-13 Th2 cells Inhibits pro-inflammatory [serum levels in non-survivors65
cytokine production [serum levels in septic shock.62 Mouse studies suggest a protective role in a
Associated with prolonged model of fecal peritonitis through suppression of inflammatory cytokines
monocyte survival in tissues66
IL-35 Regulatory T cells Converts naı̈ve T cells into [serum levels vs controls, with levels correlating with severity67
regulatory T cells
Stimulates proliferation of
regulatory T cells
TGF-b Macrophages, smooth Inhibits B cell proliferation Negative effects on T cell and NK cell function suggested by animal models68
muscle cells Promotes development of
CD4 T cells into Th17 cells
Inhibits activated
Prostaglandin E2 Macrophages, antigen- Inhibition of B and T cell Some evidence from animal studies of a role in sepsis-induced
presenting cells proliferation immunosuppression69
Promotion of T cell
Immune Activation
38 Conway-Morris et al
hyperinflammatory cytokine levels and recruitment of immune cells at the site of infec-
tion may not be reflected in the blood compartment,71 and septic plasma may have a
net immunosuppressive effect.63 In conditions such as pneumonia26 and abscess for-
mation,72 immune cell function is frequently as (if not more) impaired in cells taken
from the site of infection as in cells taken from the blood compartment.
Gene transcription responses to an infective insult also vary markedly from organ to
organ.73 This is particularly the case in the lung, which is among the most common
sites of secondary organ damage. In contrast to other phagocytes resident in other
tissues, alveolar macrophages do not demonstrate tolerance to lipopolysaccharide.74
Indeed, they may demonstrate enhanced TNF-alpha release following a prior insult
such as trauma-haemorrhage.75 These differential and compartmentalized responses
may explain the typical patterns of infection focus and organ damage commonly seen
in patients with sepsis.
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