Sepsis in 2018: A Review: Learning Objectives
Sepsis in 2018: A Review: Learning Objectives
Sepsis in 2018: A Review: Learning Objectives
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 1 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Wentowski C, et al., Sepsis in 2018: a review, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),
from nosocomial pathogens. T-cell exhaustion, apoptosis and understanding of sepsis pathophysiology. The Third Interna-
anergy are now recongnized immunosuppressive mechanisms tional Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (‘Sepsis-
observed in patients with fatal sepsis.5,6 3’), released in 2016, recongnized sepsis as more than an in-
flammatory response and acknowledged that both pro- and anti-
Definitions inflammatory processes, as well as major alterations in non-
immunologic systems play a role in the disease process.4 After
Over the course of the last three decades, considerable effort has
eliminating the term ‘severe sepsis’, sepsis was re-defined as
been expended in improving the recognition, categorization, and
‘life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host
the algorithmic treatment of sepsis. From the early 1990s until
response to infection’. The statement further defined septic shock
recently, sepsis was diagnostically defined as a suspected infec-
as a ‘subset of sepsis in which profound circulatory failure,
tion accompanied by a pronounced systemic inflammatory
cellular, and metabolic abnormalities are associated with a
response syndrome (SIRS) (See Table 1). Patients were then
greater risk of mortality than with sepsis alone’. For a compari-
further categorized as having sepsis, severe sepsis or septic shock
son of differences between the Sepsis-2 and Sepsis-3 definitions,
based on organ dysfunction and fluid responsiveness. Though
please refer to Table 2.
this approach became critical care dogma, it failed to detect many
In addition to these conceptual definitions, the consensus
cases of sepsis – as many as one in eight for severe sepsis.7
committee also established a set of practical clinical guides to
The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and the Euro-
facilitate diagnosis at the bedside. The authors selected the
pean Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) sought to revise
Sequential Organ Failure Analysis (SOFA) assessment to identify
the definition of sepsis by employing recent advancements in the
organ dysfunction (see Table 3). The clinical criteria for the
diagnosis of sepsis were modified to a SOFA score of 2 or more
Systemic inflammatory response syndromea (or a change of 2 in SOFA score), plus persistent hypotension
requiring the use of vasopressors to maintain a MAP >65 mmHg
Two or more of the following: and a serum lactate >2 mmol/L that persists despite adequate
fluid resuscitation (Table 4).
Temperature <36 C or >38 C
The SOFA score requires the knowledge of multiple laboratory
Heart rate >90/min
values (i.e. platelets, bilirubin, creatinine) that are not readily
Respiratory rate >20/min OR PaCO2<32 mmHg
available at the bedside outside of an acute care setting. Thus, the
WBC <4,000/mm3 OR >12,0000/mm3, or 10%
more cumbersome SOFA score was adapted to a quick SOFA
(‘qSOFA’) to allow for simple, rapid assessments in the prehospital,
one RC, Balk RA, Cerra FB et al. American College of Chest Physicians/Soci- clinic, or emergency department environment (see Box 1). Based
ety of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference: definitions for sepsis and upon a cohort study of nearly 150,000 patients with suspected
organ failure and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis. Crit
Care Med. 1992; 20 (6):864e874.
infection, the Sepsis-3 authors determined that the qSOFA assess-
ment was more predictive of the development of sepsis in at risk
Table 1 patients outside the ICU setting than the traditional SIRS criteria.8
Table 2
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Please cite this article in press as: Wentowski C, et al., Sepsis in 2018: a review, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),
PaO2/FiO2, mmHg 400 <400 <300 <200 with respiratory <100 with respiratory
support support
Platelets, x 103/mL 150 <150 <100 <50 <20
Bilirubin, mg/dL <1.2 1.2e1.9 2.0e5.9 6.0e11.9 >12.0
MAP70 mmHg MAP<70 mmHg Dopamine<5 or Dopamine 5e15 or Dopamine>15 or
dobutamine norepinephrine 0.1 or norepinephrine>0.1 or
(any dose)b epinephrine0.1b epinephrine>0.1b
Central nervous system
Glasgow Coma Scale scorec 15 13e14 10e12 6e9 <6
Creatinine, mg/dL <1.2 1.2e1.9 2.0e3.4 3.5e4.9 >5.0
Urine output, mL/day <500 <200
Table 3
Sepsis-3 criteria for sepsis/septic shocka It should be noted that the new definitions proposed by
Sepsis-3 have not been universally accepted. Almost immedi-
Sepsis qSOFA2 plus evidence of infection ately, investigators attempted to compare SIRS and qSOFA as
Septic shock Sepsis plus persistent hypotension requiring sepsis screening modalities. In a recently published study, Fer-
administration of vasopressors to maintain a nando et al. performed a retrospective meta-analysis comparing
MAP>65 mmHg and a lactate >2mmol/L the prognostic accuracy of SIRS to qSOFA and found qSOFA to
despite adequate fluid resuscitation have poor sensitivity and moderate specificity to predict short-
Adapted from: Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW et al. The Third In- term mortality; SIRS criteria displayed superior sensitivity.9
ternational Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis-3). Though Sepsis-3 incorporated the qSOFA methodology, some
JAMA. 2016; 315 (8):801e810. clinicians still prefer SIRS and this remains an active area of
discussion in the critical care community.
Table 4
Irrespective of debates over the definition of sepsis, the corner-
Quick Sequential Organ Failure Analysis (qSOFA) scorea
stone of effective treatment is indisputably early identification
and aggressive, targeted management. Successful treatment re-
qSOFA criteria: ‡ 2 of the following quires fluid resuscitation with a focus on perfusion and early
administration of antibiotics. The most recent 2018 Surviving
Respiratory rate >22/min Sepsis Campaign (SSC) Bundle Update introduced the ‘1-hour
Change in mental status Bundle’.10 This new bundle combines elements of the prior 3-
Systolic blood pressure <100 mmHg and 6-hour Bundles into an algorithm that emphasizes the im-
a mediate treatment of septic patients. The first elements of the
Adapted from: Singer M, Deutschman CS, Seymour CW et al. The Third
International Consensus Definitions for Sepsis and Septic Shock (Sepsis- bundle are diagnostic: measuring a lactate level and obtaining
3).JAMA.2016; 315 (8):801e810. blood cultures prior to administration of antibiotics. The
remainder of the bundle addresses management: early antimi-
crobial administration, fluid resuscitation, and if required,
Box 1 vasopressor support (see Box 2).
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 3 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Wentowski C, et al., Sepsis in 2018: a review, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),
Community acquired: C Colonization with MDROs C Liver transplant C Central venous catheter
C IV antibiotic use within 90 days C Recent MRSA infection C Known colonization C Broad spectrum antibiotics
C Colonization with MDROs C Known MRSA colonization C Prolonged use of broad C Plus one of the following
Hospital acquired: C Purulence or abscess of the spectrum antibiosis C Parenteral nutrition
C IV antibiotics within 90 days skin or IV access site C Profound C Dialysis
C Five or more days of hospitalization C Severe rapidly progressive immunosuppression C Recent abdominal surgery
prior to onset necrotizing pneumonia C Necrotizing pancreatitis
C Requiring acute renal replacement C Immunosuppressive agents
C Septic shock
C Colonization with MDROs
Adapted from Derensinski, Stan. ‘Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Antibiotic Guide.’ Stanford Antimicrobial Safety and Sustainability Program. Stanford Health. May 2017.
Table 5
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the infusion of 30 mL/kg of IV crystalloid fluid within 1 hour of lower than expected for a shock state.23 The use of low-dose
sepsis identification if hypotension is present.10 However, the vasopressin or terlipressin is an effective treatment for refractory
type of fluid to be used for resuscitation remains an active area of shock. Furthermore, the addition of vasopressin has been noted
debate. In 2004, the SAFE trial compared clinical outcomes in to have a ‘dose sparing’ effect on norepinephrine requirements,
critically ill patients receiving volume resuscitation with either potentially decreasing the risk of tachyarrhythmia24,25 and other
normal saline or albumin.15 No significant difference in all-cause catecholamine-associated side-effects.
mortality was noted between the two groups, though a sub-group In low doses, adrenaline/epinephrine is an inotrope, but at
analysis did show unfavourable outcomes when albumin was higher doses it demonstrates vasoconstrictive properties. A head-
administered to patients with traumatic brain injury. The com- to-head comparison of norepinephrine to epinephrine in septic
bination of the increased expense of albumin infusion and an shock showed no difference in mortality, but increase in adverse
absence of data to support a clear benefit led the Surviving Sepsis events in the epinephrine arm.26 It is important to note that
Campaign (SSC) to recommend crystalloids as the volume epinephrine infusions often cause hyperlactatemia, limiting the
resuscitation agents of choice. usefulness of lactate clearance as an indicator of response to
Which crystalloid to use is also a matter of active debate, but therapy.
as more data become available, balanced salt solutions such as The choice between adrenaline/epinephrine and vasopressin
lactated Ringer’s or PlasmaLyte are likely to emerge as the rec- as a second-line agent should be based upon the patient’s current
ommended options. For example, a recently completed trial of hemodynamic status and underlying physiology, particularly the
nearly 8000 patients found the use of balanced crystalloids in presence of (or risk for) tachyarrhythmias or elevated lactate
critically ill patients slightly decreased mortality, the use of renal levels.
replacement therapy, and persistent renal dysfunction when Previously considered the first-line vasopressor for septic
compared to 0.9% saline solution.16 shock, dopamine has fallen out of favour. A 2015 meta-analysis
While adequate resuscitation is essential, fluid overload is compared the use of norepinephrine to dopamine in patients
associated with increased mortality,17 making perfusion assess- with septic shock and found decreased all-cause mortality in the
ment an essential part of the treatment algorithm. Careful norepinephrine treated patients.27 The abundance of data on its
attention to fluid management with de-resuscitation 24e48 hours arrhythmogenic properties in conjunction with a less favourable
after successful resuscitation decreases the ICU length of stay and hemodynamic profile overall make dopamine a less desirable
increases ventilator-free days.18 choice in the treatment of septic shock. Consequently, it should
be reserved for a select patient population (e.g. septic patients
Perfusion assessment with bradycardia, low risk of tachycardia).22,28
Once initial fluid resuscitation has been completed, frequent There are little data about the use of phenylephrine in patients
reassessment of systemic perfusion using dynamic variables is with septic shock. Due to its potential to cause splanchnic
recommended. While prior iterations of the SSC recommended vasoconstriction, and an absence of robust clinical data sup-
the use of early goal-directed therapy-based resuscitation pro- porting its safety in septic shock, its use should be limited in
tocols, where perfusion was assessed by a combination of central patients with sepsis.22
venous pressure (CVP) and central venous oxygen saturation The ATHOS-3 trial presented a new option for management of
levels, the most recent SSC guidelines favour alternative dynamic vasodilatory shock e angiotensin II (ATII). In this recently
measures.19 Techniques such as passive leg raising maneuvers, published multicenter randomized controlled trial (RCT) of pa-
pulse pressure variation, and point-of-care ultrasound assess- tients with catecholamine refractory vasodilatory shock, the
ments are now recommended as means to gauge whether a pa- group treated with ATII demonstrated a significant increase in
tient requires further volume resuscitation. These dynamic blood pressure, and no significant difference in adverse events
assessments and reassessments of perfusion are now regarded as was noted between the groups.29 Though large scale clinical data
essential to improving patient outcomes. are not available at this time, ATII appear to be a promising
Serum lactate continues to play a role as an indirect marker of therapy for catecholamine refractory shock.
tissue perfusion. The SSC guidelines recommend a serum lactate A subset of patients with septic shock will develop septic
assay at baseline, and, if elevated, serial monitoring until cardiomyopathy. These patients typically have little cardiac
normalization. Several randomized controlled trials using lactate reserve at baseline and are unable to generate a compensatory
guided resuscitation have shown significant reductions in cardiac output during vasodilatory shock. If cardiac output re-
mortality.20,21 mains low despite use of vasopressors, initiation of inotropic
therapy is appropriate. The Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guide-
Vasopressors lines recommend dobutamine as the preferred inotrope, though
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) is the driving factor behind sys- data show similar improvements in cardiac output with the use
temic perfusion. When hypotension persists despite adequate IV of epinephrine as a single agent as with dobutamine paired with
fluid resuscitation, vasopressors should be administered. At norepinephrine.10
present, the SSC recommends noradrenaline/norepinephrine as
the first-line vasopressor.22 If a second agent is necessary to Diagnostic techniques
achieve MAP goals, vasopressin or adrenaline/epinephrine are
the recommended options. Microbiological cultures
Patients with septic shock are hypothesized to have a ‘relative Positive blood cultures are demonstrable evidence of systemic
vasopressin deficiency’, meaning that levels of vasopressin are infection. If sepsis is suspected, current guidelines recommend
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 5 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Wentowski C, et al., Sepsis in 2018: a review, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),
drawing two sets of blood cultures, both aerobic and anaerobic. 33 trials and concluded that corticosteroids generally reduce
However, blood culture yield is variable and is dependent upon mortality among patients with sepsis (though the evidence was
sampling technique. Care must be taken to adequately prepare rated as low quality).34 Based on this, the 2016 Surviving Sepsis
the skin with antiseptic agent and to inoculate each bottle with a Campaign Guidelines recommended 200 mg per day of IV hy-
minimum of 10 mL of blood. Ideally, cultures should be obtained drocortisone for patients who have persistent circulatory failure
prior to the administration of antibiotics. Cultures of other bodily despite adequate fluid resuscitation and vasopressor therapy.
fluids should also be obtained as clinically indicated (e.g. However, the role of steroids in septic shock does remain an
sputum, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.). active area of research. The recently published ADRENAL trial
(ADjunctive corticosteroid tREatment iN criticAlly ilL) random-
Lactate ized critically ill patients to receive hydrocortisone 200mg/day
Elevated serum lactate is a marker of disease severity in sepsis. versus placebo. No difference in mortality was noted but there
The etiology of the rise in lactate is multifactorial, including was a significant improvement in reversal of shock, length of stay
anaerobic metabolism resulting from inadequate oxygen delivery in ICU, ventilator-free days and fewer blood transfusions.35
and accelerated aerobic glycolysis. Several randomized Conversely, a multicentre, randomized controlled trial adminis-
controlled trials reported that a lactate-guided resuscitation tering hydrocortisone plus fludrocortisone (versus placebo) to
strategy in patients with septic shock reduced mortality.22 As patients in septic shock did find a reduction in all-cause mortality
such, measurement of lactate is a mainstay of sepsis treatment in the treatment group.36 Much like the evidence, the critical care
protocols and is included in the current clinical criteria for the community remains divided on the use of steroids in septic
diagnosis of septic shock. shock.
ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 6 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Wentowski C, et al., Sepsis in 2018: a review, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),
Anticoagulants (including thrombomodulin and 5 Hotchkiss RS, Tinsley KW, Swanson PE, et al. Sepsis-induced
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ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 8 Ó 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Please cite this article in press as: Wentowski C, et al., Sepsis in 2018: a review, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2018),