Classification of Adhesives For Structural Use
Classification of Adhesives For Structural Use
Classification of Adhesives For Structural Use
Yearbook 2015 81
of adhesives for
structural use
Hugh Mansfield-Williams summarises
how recent changes to standards are
helping to make the classification of
structural adhesives easier
However, all these benefits are lost if the adhesive bond is not
up to scratch. A quality control check will pick up a mechanical
fastener that is missing or poorly installed, but a poor adhesive
bond cannot be identified by visual inspection. A poor bond may
be strong enough to survive handling and installation, but that
will be of little comfort if it fails under a high load, a very rare
Glulam arches in Bishop Edward King Chapel. Photo: Niall McLaughlin
occurrence fortunately.
Timber Industry CONNECTIONS
Yearbook 2015 83
By far the best way to ensure consistent performance of an adhesive Classification Standards
bond is carefully to follow established fabrication processes that
ensure adhesive manufacturers’ instructions are met. Factories The Standards containing classification systems for adhesives for
manufacturing structural products that rely on adhesive bonds load-bearing timber structures have recently been revised.
tend to automate the process as far as possible, as consistent
performance follows a consistent process. BS EN 301:2013 Adhesives, phenolic and aminoplastic, for
load-bearing timber structures – Classification and performance
The classification of structural adhesives is the tool that specifiers requirements classifies thermosetting adhesives into two types,
can use to understand if the adhesive is suitable for the intended Type I and Type II. Type I is suitable for prolonged exposure to
end use. The recent publication of new editions of the European temperatures above 50°C or for conditions which would result in a
Standards for adhesives for load-bearing timber structures has moisture content of more than 20%. Type I adhesives to BS EN 301
made major changes to the classification systems for these are therefore suitable for service classes 1, 2 and 3. For Type II
adhesives. Classification codes combine information about the type adhesives to BS EN 301, the 2013 edition has restricted their
of adhesive and its intended end use. use to service class 1 conditions. In practice this means heated
interior use only.
Adhesive groups
A new Standard has been published for emulsion polymerized
Adhesives can be placed into one of six groups, based on their isocyanate adhesives: BS EN 16254:2013 Adhesives – Emulsion
composition, but only four of the groups are generally suitable for polymerized isocyanate (EPI) for load-bearing timber structures –
load-bearing connections: Classification and performance requirements. It contains the same
restrictions on the use of Type II adhesives to service class 1 as BS EN
• formaldehyde resin (phenolic or aminoplastic) 301. Type I EPI adhesives are assigned to service classes 1 and 2, but
• one-component polyurethane adhesives not to service class 3.
• polyisocyanates
• epoxy resin adhesives. An equivalent classification system is provided for one-component
polyurethane adhesives in BS EN 15425:2008 Adhesives – One
The two groups that are not generally suitable for structural component polyurethane for load-bearing timber structures –
applications are not considered here. They are: Classification and performance requirements. The classification does
yet not match the revised BS EN 301 or the new BS EN 16254 since
• elastomerics it still allows Type II adhesives to be used in service class 2 conditions,
• polyvinylacetate adhesives. where there may be occasional wetting. Type I PUR adhesives are
assigned to service classes 1, 2 and 3, but their moisture performance
Adhesives can also be grouped according to their behaviour under above 50°C is not specified.
elevated temperature as thermosetting or thermoplastic.
Thermosetting adhesives are polymers that cannot easily be Table 1: Assignments of glue types to service classes
softened or dissolved once set. The chemical reactions during
curing tend to form a network of bonds, so the gluelines are strong Standard Service Class 1 Service Class 2 Service Class 3
and rigid under load. Some adhesives cure more quickly or their
properties change when heat is applied during curing. BS EN
Type I or Type II Type I Type I
Thermoplastic adhesives are polymers that even after curing will
soften when they become hot and harden when they cool. Some BS EN
are less rigid when cured than thermosetting adhesives, or more Type I or Type II Type I -
inclined to creep under load, in which case they are not suitable
for structural use, but others are similar to thermosets and can be
suitable for structural use. Type I or Type II Type I or Type II Type I
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Classification codes
The options in the classification system introduced in BS EN 301
and BS EN 16254 are summarised in the table below. Not all
combinations are allowed.
Table 2:
Adhesive classification options in BS EN 301 and BS EN 16254