Soil Compaction
Soil Compaction
Soil Compaction
W:- .
, JJ15liJGtJJL\91EJallll
+ 100 ·
18.525 = 2.65(9:81)
1 + 0.95
w = 14.46%
Ywet = Ydry (1 +· w)
~ weighl of SOIi
Ywet = 18.525(1 +. 0.1446)
umeot hole
Y~et = 21.2 kNlm3
- -- •·--·•-i5iriiiN "'
<J ....,. ,olullt of botrOW soil
fl ont cu.m:
Ycty - 1 ♦ t
136 \ Problem: -.
"Oldwto dellrmine lht lllative denlly of
I IOII sample the follollllng data •re
s ,I);·
14.9 m3 rnp1dlv1ly.
ycty --~ 1.6
abtaklld llllng a compaction mold hl¥ing
11'11111 of 5325 g 111d avolume of 941 cm3.
,..,= 1625kN/m3 <D Compute the t\ry unit weight In the
field. Mau of IIIOUkt filled wltll aoii pourld in
F a ~ soil: ~ For field conditions compute the looeely•UMg
Yd" 18.525 • relative dunslty ol compaction. ·· 11111 of mould filled wllh 1011 dynamicaly
w COlllplded=7311g
V • , Solution: (D s,.;.otlOII: I Ille dry dtntity of the soil In-situ 11
w,= 18.525 o ... • <D Dry unit weight .y•= 18.SkNJml 1.65 wcxn3 and of the soil la 170.
R: Yd fie/~ (relative compadlon) S=97%
w CD . Compulie lhe max. !MA denally.
~vb =1625 Yd max •=29.5
. ~ COlllplll ttlt max. va6d ratio.
W'ield COlllpUle tht relatift density ol lhe .!"
Ws =16.25 Vb -+ O o.94 = 161 ·Se=wG1
du soil
Y.4,field= 15.23Wm3 29.51l G1
16.25 Vb= 18.525 t •= 97'1 Solution:
Mu.tra• density.
e•0.3Ga ©
Vb= 1,8.525 ~ Relative danslly_of com~:
mass d b>ae d nl.-r
16.25 lYd field. Yd mil)) lYd max) . _ Gs(1+~9.81 Aln bullc ~ Yn., • vcune d mocal
Dr= -- y-,- 1 + e •
Vb= 1.14m' (ydl!lax • Yd mm)-lYd field) 6964 · 5325
D • (15.,~-1uf{162) _ G (1 + 0.295) 9.81 Ymil= 948cm3
18 5 1
r - (162-_14.9) (15.23) · - 1 + 0.3 G, Ymil= 1.729 ~cm3
Dr =017 18.5 + 5.55 Gs= 12.7 G1
Dr=27% 7.15 Gs= 18.5 Max. but density Ymar:
(181ative de!,88 o t ~ G,= 159 mass r:J compacted soil and waler
. I Ymu = volume of mould
All lllldllturted sample of material taken
from a borrow pit has a void ratio of 0.10": ~ Void 11110; 7368 - 5325
rmu= 948
Results of the Proctor compaction test e =0.3(2.59)
indicate that the material as compacted on
the roadway ~II hav, a void ratio of 0.~.
135 Problem: ~(-.,r
·."__ ,;,;;.t':'•' •= 0.71 · Ymax = 2.155 r;cnr1
What shrinkage factor should be used in ® _Pamlty. CZ> Mu. void rallo:
computing borrow and embankment A compacted soil with a wet den1lty of
18.5 kMlml has 97% of Its pore spactl e G, . Yma.r
q~1 · n =+-
IDied with water at a moisture content of 1 e _ Yw
emil= - - -
Solution: 29.5'/,. 0.78 !'a!fl.
n= 1.78 •1
Shrinkage factor= ~ 100 Yw
1 + e1 <D Dttennlne the of soil n= 0.44
~ Determine the void ratio. 2.70 - ~
Sllrinkage factor =(O~o♦-i~S) (100) Determine the porosity.
@ . •mil= 2.155-1
Shrinkage fador =12.9-4% lmi, =0.472
(iQll.. Q.Q_. . .o-nolil ILDDWIPAa"naNj
~------- IJI
- G,· ~
~ Dry unltwuighr of
l'll' znU"voids (yzJ .y
mu1+&t,,Mttf@:-~ 0,y w W8iiJt ot a tr11
!l!!l. '1
__ Gsrw
1+ G8 ,u 'Be follov.ling data v.we obtained from a
. 1+w
I -1-729
_ 2.65 (9.81) fllld-dtn•ltY lest on a compa~ fill of'
Yz- ~ + 2.65 (0.10) llllitY ,clai Laboratory mo1sture density
err..z =- 1 729 = U32
Yz =20.55 lcN/m' 11,1t on the fill material Indicated 1 !d;1+0.136
-~ m dry ~•lty of 1924.8 kg/ml at an Yd.f fl.11 kNJnr'
® lallafiwldtnSJty: @ Degrtt of saluratlon: .-,m water content of 11 percent
@ " of Compaction fill:
- emac e For unit volume:
Ii, - ...,_ , e,tlgJd of moist soil removed from test
A-• e ·
- · llole =1038 g - "of
compaction =1924.8 (9.81) i 100 .
- Gsr• _ . of IOU after OVlll-drying =914 g 1000
r0rr-1+e Gs y., Vs __.. of test hole from rubber-balloon %o/ compaction= 91. 1"
t~= 2.7(1} . I •IIJClll'IUII =0.000'79 rriJ
1 ♦ e ~ ,rr, r ,;
e=0.636 Vs=~ ~ -
GsY• Ci) Dlflrmlne tfle ~ntent .., . .....
,, 1.332 • 0.636 1982.7 ~ Dellnnlne the dry unit weight of soil
.,.: 1.332-0".472 Vs=2.65(1000) =0.748 ·@ Defermtne the percent compaction of
0,4: 0.809 =I0.9" Ille fill. An embalkrnent wltll I total vol111M pf
', 2DOOQ cu.m. la to bt con~ a part er
Vv = 1 - 0.748 • highway project The soil to be used In ·
Vv=0.252 Solutio,t: .
the tn1bankllltnt wlll come from a bomlw
1J7 Problem: i,,t~: · ,JY .:
W= Ww = Wr-W,
(I) . . , . c.onflnt
pit tllere Ole nenge moist unit Wlight llld'.
Ws Ws . M ofmoisl d= ...... content of the 101111 17.I kNJml and ,
A fiMd ·compacted of sandy loam was .. . ffll l'llplCtiftlJ, Assuming that thJ IOlt
bald to bave I wet density of 2181 kg/m3 0.10;:
2181 (1) • Ws
W wr. of moist soi= 1.038 kg . wUI be compacted lo a dry density ol
II I water content of 10 pen:ant. The \I· , 8
M of dry soil= :~ 1UkNlm3 at a moisture content of fft. .·
lllliin!Ulla dry density of the sol obtained W5 =1982.7 kg
Ww::; t181 - 1982.7 M rl dry soil =0.914 kg - [., /
tn a Standa'd Proctor Tnt·wa 2000 kglm1. © Compute the volume of dry ton
aa... tpeCiflc gmity·{G.¼ ti t,e 2.6S. W19 = 198.3 kg Wt of water =l .038 - 0.914
c-... 1he fDllowkig: 198,.3 0 198
Vw=1000 :: ·
\, Wlofwater= 0.124 kg • ~
Compute thl voluint of borrow
~· Ort ut1k weight tya) _ . 0.124
Wa. ler conlitlt (w) =0.914 · a, Compute tht-lDIII quaia, of Wltar 11\
~ Ory unll ..;ghut uro 'IOldl tvc) s,= ~:~;~(100) =78.57~ llten that must " added to 1M fin:
~ Degree of Ubntlon lSt) Water c:otilenl (-0)) =0.136 during compact;on to brtng about •
© POP!lltyln) @ Porosity (n) Water contantJw} =f l.I%
_ desired tlnll IIIOll1url CDlllll'lt of f&tt..
~flflcent eomolC\loA Gt the fleld
IIIQlle. n=vVv QI Dry unit wtlQlit
SOiution: . '
0252 lH weight of~ (rl (i) IJoL of "'1 d:
p=v ..· .
tolutJon: n=7-:o(100) . Bom,wde:
© D,y unit wtlghr tv, n= 25.2%
7• 17.6 kNfml
Pcs= _Y_ ~ p= 0.000479 y
· 1+ w
Percant compadfon of tllt
field sampw: p=2167~ Yd•,;:;
· 2181
Pd= 1 • 0_10 = 19817 ~m3
i'd =1Q.a kWd
%compacticn =
1 7
:0 (100)
2167 (9.81)
yd • 1 + 0.12
%canpacUr;n =99.14" Yd•15.71"'1r1'
21 .21WMll3
I ._ie••ii•&itiw IJJ
Scwdon: .• 00, IIJf wt If flf'D aholda:
'Nol• ff all the air wt/8 squeezed out
(zero ,,; voids), the dry unit WaitJlit WOIJd
•= -1Vv,
·•fl I be: .
--=~QIJII. 134.81
~ •= ffi:ig
Yd= V,+ Vw
~ ~)
18.10 .
Yd= 0.69 +0.097
Yd= 2UN/m1 ~
- 0.14= ~:
W8 + Ww= W
W8 + 0.14Ws =20.63
- ,....._. by digging a hole In the ioi~
- - - the lllrlcb!d IOI 111d llllllllring
the volume of the hole. The aoll (11101st)
Vv= 128.15
•max= Vs
MlghlCI 900 91'11111, 11d Ille voluale of the
W.,= wW, w,;, 18.1PkN 11o11 . . 420 cm3. After d,ylng the ump1e
~--= (0.16 -0.12) 364,000 w. =20.63 - 18.10 MlglM:d no grams. Of the dried soil 410 e..,.=
Ww =14.560 kN Ww=2.53~N . . . . . . pourlCI Into I msel In I very emer =0.84 .
II - ~
14560 kN
Dry density:
looN atate. Its volume WII subsequently
dltlnnlned to be 210 cm3. The 11111t 410
. . . of dried soil was then vibrated and
lamped to I volume of 220 cm 3• If the
"Wter tamping)
Vw= 9,81 kWm3 18.10 of tht'loll lllllplt ls 2.70• Vs= 2.7(1)
Vw= 14842m3 Vs= 151 .85
CD Compute the void ratio of soft In situ
Vw =1,"4,200 liters Yd= 18.10 AN/nr state. , Vv=V-Vs
(Z) Compute the void ratio in the denlest Vv= 220-151.85
® Volume of r1/r: state. Vv= 68.15
Ws = Vs Yw ( @ CQmpute the relative density of the
CE f!o.ard NoJ/tfl f! ~ :i-~ 18.10 = V5 ('3.81)(2.67)
V5 =0.69m:1 •m=v;
Vv=V - V5
Solution: 68.15
A limpl.e of soil compacted according to © Vold ratio of soil In situ lflft: 9rrJn =151.85
th' Stafl4ard Proctor Test has a unit weight
of 20.63 \Mlm 3 at 100 percent' compaction
Vv= 1-0.69
Vv= fl.31 m:. Vs=-.-
w, 9miJ =0.45
.ct at the optimum water content of 14 per Vv (yJ ( Ww · 770 ~ Rtlallv,-d#lslty:
·ctnt. A11ume that the soUd matter lias a Vw(9.81)(2.67) =2.53 V,= 2.70(1)
ipeclflc gravity c,/ 2.67. Vw =0.097 m3 . v,= 285.19 cm 3 o,~ 1~)100
'-mu· •IIWI
Vv=V-V, n _ /Q.84 • 0.4I\
•11 Oe\trmlne \he dry unit weight of soil. V8 =Vv-Vw Vv=420·285.19 ..,,.- \o.8' -0.45'
Detemi1ne the volume of air. '✓a= 0.31 - 0097
1 Vv= 134.81 D,=M8"'
Determine tht dry unit weight of z.ero
airvoids. Va= 0.213 nil
.;1 \
f_?y 11
1to• ;. , .. ,"4,_
~J. .
"' .......
•oM PA OT lo' ij
~ ·· ~
'!L·~ ~ -. '
~ -l d i:fkilik@.:4~
lpldlkdon• fol I proposed •rlh flU
- - • Ille IOI be compacted to 85%
,1 ..... .. proctor dty density. Ttstl
gfldll dll borrow 1111terl1I Indicate, .
BIP&•i+ .~sz~l
Sand cone equi!lment 11111e111o deten.ine
an 1"1!1act unit -.tght (field density lest)
_ • ti.St kHlm1 It en oplhnum water •tgh t dttennina~on tnt Plrlonnec1 on the on I COffll)ICted llrth fill. Olt~ hnd Is
1 ume eoll by mean, of tllld cone method. ,....its of a field unit weight determination Used in lbe cone and ii known to·11avt
ct/llllli11fol 12%. TIit borrow lllllerlll In Its
..... , cundltioll 1111 I ,old lllio of G.60. I . lelt uelng sand cone method. bulk dllllity of 1604 kgllnl. The laboratory
Volume of aoD CICIVltad from the hole moislwl-unlt Wliglt CUr.t lndicatn I dry
.... . us, • 0.00144cu.111, . ' Volllffll of soil exc:wa:Id from the hole
=0.0013371113 unit wt of 19.20 kN/m3 and an optimum
Weight of 1011 from the bole When wet molltu11 ~ of 13'4.
~ Compute the void ·ratio of the IOIL =3.007 kg Weight of soil from the hole when wet
~ Cofflputa the volume of the 1olidl.
Weight of 10II YA!endN:d "2.6'() kt . =22209
Soil llmpl e dug from the lest hole.
• ~ the maximum volume of the Weight of soil when dry• 1890 g.
· llamw required to make one cu.m. of (i) Determine the ftelhater tonte
nL Wet wtlgtt of soil aample :: 2200 g
Dried weight of soil 1amp1e =1930 a
(i) Determine the field unit weight of
(2) Determine tl'11 ~ dry
aeptable ~ fill? untt
weight · ~ What ii the In situ water content of soil. Weight of sand to fiUthe lest hole= 1U6 11
~ Determine the relative compaction , Is
Solution: @· Determine Ille r.ta n.a ~
© Vold ratio: within the allowable range for relative
Solution: of compaction of 95 ± 0.20? CD Compute Ille field Mtll' content
Dy llllit weight
<D Field war,r·conrtnt Ql Compute the in place dry unit welgl
·_G1 r.. . _ (3,007 - 2.6401100 Solution: of the tested 10II.
Tl)y - 1 + e 2.640 Fil!ld unit weigh tof soil: of
(J)- (I) @ Compute the percentage
· _ 2220 1m 3
fdty• 0.95 (19.51) fl:) =U.9% COlllplction of the talld loll.
Ywet - 0.001 337 m3 (,oo cm)
Telly=18.5.3 kN/m3
Yd,y : I • e
18.53 =2.65(9
.81 l
® C o ~ dtydtnslty:
Motn Oensiry = *3.007
© FltJd Wit« coallnt:
Moist density= Mai«
1+ e CO: 1890 X 100
w = 1930
e =0.403 Moist density =2088.19 kg/m3 co= 17.46"
Moist umlweight =20.49 kN/m3 w =0.14 say ""
~ Volume of solids: mo/st unit IW. @ .Rela~ve oompaction:
Vv Compacted ary unit 1'11. = f + water content
e=v s y
Ydry = Ywet
1 + (J) Q> In p4K, dry unit wt of fistld soil:
V=Vv+Vs Yd "' 1 + ro W=VD
~ - 1.66
V=eV8 +V6 20.49 dry-, •0.1746 1.636 =V(1604)
V: V5 (1+e) Yd = 1 +0.139 Ydry = 1.413 ~cm3 V: 0.00102 m3
, :: V; (1 + 0.403) Yo= f7.SUWm3
Va" 0.713 ml R= ~ 2200
nit Iii Pmoist =- -
CJ) Rlfalflrt ctl~ ~t/on: Yd,y ">al 0.0)102 _
Campaded dly_u r 100
~ Vol111nt borrow: Rafatt.a CDll$ lll~ '" · Max dry un~ wt.
R- 1.413
-U86 X )00 Pmoist =2156.9 kglm
V•l/5 (1+ e)
, _ 17.99 100 R=9S.10%
V•0.113(1 +0.60) Re/atht8COl'V)8Cfl'on - 19 x R:: 95.10%· > 94.80%
V= f.t4n,,1 Re/alive O'Jmi,action =94. 68% 95.10% < 95.20% •
Y-, /f Is Within the allowable
J3' iri rii iri '••·•
n...,a.8mi ....,conflntoldtt fNfld IOI:
.........rvtllt _,.. ol a ~ f:oc&orT11t111 gtven 1n the following tale.
..... J 1 ♦ (I)
1410-t:.'37 111'19"':'•r •
2156.9 oo•
--voiiiiierlof mold I ~ of moist
IC ' In mold
I u.. ..... 1eo.
(l):S ' " ' ~j _
__.I_ _- 0.0172
• 1892 (9.81)
1000 Q) ,,,.,. . dry llllf Mlgflt of ... . . . ,
I . 0.0111
0.0177 ·
Yclr aflaW
,.0009455 _ __.____
of tflt Pim =0.000708
ii ,.__ ..,. of Cllllpl efloa
llllllflDI: Pn-iist=1~1.Ski'ln3 d> ._ _ . Ille mu. ~ unit Might of COlllplCtlon,
• _,.. .. the void ratio at tit o,timum moiltul't con11nt. G, =
18 56 2J1
- - ·0 X 100
. =19915 (9.81) • '. l)lllflllntthe optimum moiltull COMn ,
I d ~ = ll"' . Ymoilt 1000
~ ~ the degree of utul'ltion at the optimum moisture
Ylllllill =19.54 kN/ln3
(0 1111. -, 1Mtlwtlf/tlt
1.J6 ' Problu:1: ~ - Ymy =Ill!liE
1 ♦ (I)
lV)Vol. of Weiljl.. I Moist unil wt. MoiaJrel Dry um weight
A ••u~tfpl lppllll u1 11 sued to
~ Ii ..... .... Wlight for a soil
Ydry =110.14
mold ofd(W ) I r,lfv) Content (Y(rf=Yrrost)
f + Ill
• ...., • Thi voluine of.the test Yer,= 17.10Wm3 15.58 kN/m.
lt000945 0.0162 10
hall, ..... ... .., llldlng 111e . . 1eve1 16.25 kN/m
9ndallioll1 on Ille apparaws· cylinder 0.000945 • 12
PtRenfafl olCOll!pldlon: 14 .• 16.61 kN/m
~bib'I ud. after dltllnl ~ tat hole Is ® .,, 0.00094S 0.0179
16.15 kN/m
I.Gllffll -1. Thi wet weight of 1011 %of"""'n~.,,,.17.14(100)
18.57 ).I o.000945 16
olllllald hmlll elllth olt II 1410 g. The ...,. • ..,......v .. - .
. o:IXM>945 0.0173 18 15.52 kN/m
IOI .... ... dried Oft I ftelcl stone and 0.0166 20 14.64 kN/m
. . . . 1237g. " of compaction =-~ n.000945
(i) Compute the water content of the Max.'d/y unitwe91f = 1UI tw,,,1
~ -~ \ht.In-place dry unit weight -~ Vold raOow flt ~'IIC IGlln cOIMllllt
. ...._-.cs toll. . Ydr{= 16.68 kN/m3
@ Dttvilllne tbf percentage of
COllplCtlon for the .t ell mull H the ·.,..... ~
. 11111 l1·part of I ce>mpaclejl_earth. fill -, 1 +e
.._ maximum un~ Might (from .:. ~
~rato ry compaction t11t1) 11 '1668
. - 1♦ 8
11.57kN/m3. . ·
( ·- ■L C ..... OTii..'U
'" _.,
~ -- ~11 ·•r1 tht fllults Of a .field unit
_._ dtttrmlnltlon tat Ptrfonned on the Volume ol hole =~
...... toll by fflllhl of tht llnd cone 1570
_.aod. Volume a hole= 0.0014427 m'
. , dln•lty of 11nd • 1570 kQfrn3 libst density a compacted sc:ii = 3.007
• of 11nd to 1111 tht cont= 0.545 kg 0,0014427
libst density of compacted sol/
· . . . of contalhlf +cone+ 11nd =2084.3 kgimJ
jllllfor9 UN)• 7.59 kg Mast Unit weight of ~ s d a)I
.... of contllnV ♦ cont ♦ und (attar UII) _2084.3(9.81)
•4.71kg - 1()00
11111 of moilt toll frorl) holt • l.007 kg =20.45Wffll
lloiltW'I contlnt of moist soil• 10.2%
(I) 0$rmlnt Ult mollt unit Wllgflt of ~ D,y unlr Wtlght of com,,,cttd IOI:
compactad IOII. 20.45
rl> Detarmlnt the dry unit Wllght of yd :1 +P.102
compadld In tilt fleld. Yd= 1UUlihr,J
~ OlttnniM till fllltlvt compactJon ID
-tllllilld. ~ Rtlativt Compaction In tht lltld:
Solution: Yd field
(I) llolst unit MWtf of r:oni,,tftd •oll: Relative compadion =Yd (max)
Mass of sand used In fill the hole and coot , 18.56(100)
. =7.59-4.78 =2.8, kg Relalive (X)tr,{)adion = 19.0
Oplimum moisture content = 14.4% .&fna d S#ld Ull8CJ.ID fl the lllie Rel1we compaction =87.81%
=2.81 -0.545 =2.265~
@ °'9r'N of Sllurltion ,r the opamum moJslu,. C411ttnt: ~
U) Gs
e 1.,·
S= « .4(2.6&}
J;" '?''"
148 1
Problem: . ,~:; rJJ.J'}:
·Lalloratory Compaction tell mu.Its for • clayey silt are given in the fo llowlng table.
Moisture Content Dry Unit Weight l •,
(w)'I. (kN/m 3)
6 11.40
a 17.oi5
9 18.52
l 11 18.90
f2 · 18.50
f I 14 18.90
t \.!.,.;.
'"'(i••· ... .e@ --i l (&i !i:C DM PAO YH aNl 141
-- - "
- Problem: ~.. · ~
Iii' 1 m&,ankment tor • highway 30 m. wide
TIii maximum and minimum dry and 1.5 m. In compactlcl thickness 1, to be Ari earth dam -'flquiru 1 mi\l\on cu.m. o1
FolloWinl art 1M dllllll for lilt blCkftll weights of a sand wer. determ1n1c1 In1111~ ~ct ed from a undy toll truclled from 1oil compacted to a -coid rltio (II o.aa. 1n
n r nplQilli
ftllllrill In • • laboratory to be 1•• 31 ktt/11\3 _the 1- ,
bOrTOW pit. The water content of the the vicinity ol the propo1ed dam, \hru
borrow pitl were ldtntified u having
~5.25 kNJm3 mpec:tiYety. toll In th• borrow _pit Is 15% and its
O,a•o.•• •nd wold ratio ls 0.1{1. the 1pecfflcation requires suitable materials. 'The cost ol purchailng
thl en,bankment to be compact~ to a dry the soil and the cost ol e1cava\iC1n are the
l)a•0 .52• ©. What II tho relative comPICtion same for each borrow pit The onl't COi\
1>5o•tG• unit walght of 18 kH/m3, of IOII =2.7.
field If the relati_,. density Is 64%.111 "'- difference Is transportation cost 1he table
for 1 1 km. length of embankment,
Ors• us 11111 ~ What II th~ dry \!I'; It weight In the 111d eofflPUllthtfoll.
below provides the "oid ratio and the
0i5• 0.•• · transportation cost for each bonow pit
@What 11 the moist unit Weight kl •
field If Its n~litu• 1 content Is 21\.1111 <D Volum e of borrow pit soil required to
© o.,ni ni tbe sultlbllY number SN. Borrow Void
Ql DIWfflN the rating of this backflll
construct the emb an~ 1ransportation I
~ 0etennln1 the weight of water per . Pit Ratio ~"lltperm3
.-,;an Solution: t,ucklold of sandy soil, If the capacity A 1.a Po.:n
~ 0111, • • 1be sorting coefficient of of 1 trucllload 11 10 cu.m. B u P1.00
(i)° Rellffvl COlllplCfion In UM fiNd:
. Re ~ 0etennlne the degree of saturation of C . 1.5 P0.75 l
R- --- - tht IIMY soil in situ.
Solufjon: -1-D,(1-R,.J © Compute the volume of 10\\ it taken
© SuMIIJ ,...,.-: Solution: from borrow pit C.
SN= 1.7
-- -- - 3 1 1
CD . Vount of f1otrOW pit llqlllnld:
· _Gsvw _2.7(9.81)
® Compute the transportation cost ol the
soil if taken from borrow pit B.
"iii;fto;fN2 15.25 Yd - 1 + e - 1 + 0.69 '® Which borrow pit would be the m'ltt
Ro= 18.31' -Yd =15.7 IIN/m3 . . economical?
3 1 1
SH= 1.7 R =0.8329
(1.42)2 + (0.52)2 + (0.36}2 . 0 Vol. d embanlanent =30(1.5)(1000) Solutlon:
SH=UO · . 0J329 Vol d embankment =45000 m3 © Vol. of soil from borrow pit C:
R = 1 -·0.64(1 - 0.8329) V 18 Ve - 1 + ec
~ Rating of this backfill: R = 0.93S say-93.3'!' \ 45800 =15.7 V -1+ e
V =51.8 x 1ol m3 (Vol. of bon'oW pit) Ve 1 + 1.5
SuitabilifY No. Rating as backfill 1x 1o6 =1 + 0.80
<z> Ory unit.weight in thi field: ~ Wllgbt of water per truddold:
0-10 Excellent Ve= 1,388,883 rrr1
10-20- .- Yd
Relativ& com pact ion= --
\: No: dtruc b ....,,,__,i =51.6 X 103
· ,...,..,_ 11
Good .· \ ~ Transpo,tdon cost of soil If tmn from
20-30 Fair Yd max-lab NQ. of truc:fls required =5160
30-50 bomlW pit 8: .
Poor 0 _Ydfield · ~ d'dry sol In ooe
lrucflbad Ve 1 +0.9
>50 Unsuitable ·933 - 18.31 r =10(15.7) =157 kN 1(10)6 =1 + 0.80
Rating of ibis backfill =Excellent . Yd field= 1'.7.0S f<N/m3 Weight d water= mWao1 Ve= 1,055,555 m3
. ~o(w atar= 0.15( 157)
·@ Sotting coefficient:
We/ght-dwrter= 23.IIIN. Tran.,po,tation cosl =1,055.555(1)
@ Moist unit w"ight In the field: Transpo,talio, 1cost =P1, 055,555
S0 -
~-To is
\J Dis Ymolst (Ji . ·- - of Slfuraflon:
® Most ,conomlcil bonow plr:
Yd= 1+ w S=~ j. l
e VA ·; +1.8
S 0
'\Jo.60s Ymoist =17 .01\(1 + 0.28) - S= ~
. , 0:69
1(10)6:; 1+ 0.80
VA =1,555.555 m3
S0 = 1.66 Ymoist =21.8& lrN/m3 S=58.0%
14.J •
'Malst urit ~ I Wai.00n11n1
. 1
• 17.10 SA ···
n1+0.054 8 1s n,
•19.CI) I 8.12
-- rtd,,,,..,..A: I
•20.M I
1 72 ■ 11.49
lllllllcm•IGIMlllaGa•Ua Tlletast,__.__ • •20.92
ta.10 I
1 +0.1491 •1&.21
____20.30 17 0
r ~!!-~' I· &~
1+0.1a10• ·
'i nu
11.1'4 1:
•i l0.o3
. . . of tbe uiplJ mold ••.•..•... 1.970 kg
, . O.000944m3
~ Ciapulill llllUIIIIJI dry UDil Wligbl.
• ~--~mail'lurec:oolel'l t.
• Ciilpllillhe dlglff alabntloo at the optimum moisture content
© 11K. 1ty &nit weight:
TestNo. Massofwater Mas&ofDrysoit Water Conlel1
(a) ta\ jo/o)
t 205.74 • 196.33 =9.41 9.41(1()(Jl = 5.4 From the C0ll'lP8dim c:u,w. ma drJ unit M/gtd =fUO tJl/ttl
1'96.33-22.11 =174.22 174.2.2 - ~ . Opfingn molsfure_eobfMI■ 1U1' {SH 00ll'.-,:ifbl aive)
19il.20-18'l.54 =13.66
19&.24-1n.s2 = 1s.3.2
1S0.54 • 23.85 =156.69
1n.92.19.14 = 1sa.1s
~ .
~ - Pro4lem: ~
" -·•-=lril•NI
~ ~
155 Problem: •. ,
A sand cone tell ha been Plrf°"111d In
compadtd fin polfoffllld on a sou ....._ GIVIII beloW ire !ht tabulated mulls Inthe field CO'!IPlttlon lat
TIit test multl -..... • follows:
~ Unit .igtlt ~IRltlon:
1n111a1111111.of sand cone~ WI 1111d _.....TEST NO. 1 2 s I
• 5.912kg
flnll mw of 1111d cone apparatu, W/ llncl.
~ soil 5.9 ka
6.2 kg
42 kg
6 3ka
4.2 ka
6 1kg
6.0 kij
4.2 ka
Mau of son recovered from hole • 2.113 • vokfne ot mold 0.00094 m3 0.00094 ml o.~ m3 0 00094 m3 o.00094 m: l
Moisture content uf 1011 from hole • 7'4
a. Water content dttennlnatlon:
Density of 1111d • 1300 kwffl3
Volume of cone bdow valve• 1.114 x 10-l a,3 - TEST NO. 1
42.4 0
3 4 5
llax. dry unit welg ht • 19 kNlml Wt. of a>ntainer + Wet soil 40.3 Q 52.7 a 56.2Q
WI- of a>ntainer + Orv soil 40.90 39.9a 37.1g 47.0 a 48.80
CD Compute the moist unit weight WI. of container 14.5 a 14.6 o · 13.7 a 12.90 14.0a
(2) Compute the dry unit weight
IJl Compute the relative compaction_ ID Compute the ma. dry unit weight In kNJml.
12>· Compute the optimum water content
Solution: IJ) eomputa the degree ol saturation 11 the optimum moittuni content If the 1peciflc gravity of
~~~?~:;,. j - ~ .. (i) lfoJst unit wa.'ght soil Is 2.70.
";,v<· . • .I
~....:,. ;,t Mass of sand in cone & hole =5.912. 2.371
~/: '.r;• . ,..j 7'"..--:-.- Mass of sand mcone &hole =3.534 kg Solutiolt:
~.~ , ~~:( .') CD 1111. dry ..,,r...,_t
,rt', "'•• Vol. of cone & hole =~:
;~~:~;- , TeltM>. aolfka) Wet unit of soil fkN/m3J
Vol. of cone &hole= 2.718 x ,o-3 m3 1.7(9.81) _ 111,
:: ''' : ._:,.~ Vol. of hole = 2.718 x10-3 · 1.114 x10-J 1 S.9-41 =1.7 1000/0 0009,4\ - ·
f·. t ! ~. . ...•\ Vol. of hole = 1.604 x 10-3 m3 2(9.81) =20 87
.. ;, 2.883 (9.81)
w..l..h/ of soil :: f 2· 8.2 • 4.2 =2.0 11m10.00094l ·
"'''II'' 1000 1
"i .. : ' ' ,-\~.;4
2.1(9.81) _ 21
We~ht of soil :: 0.02828 kN -; 3 8.3-4.2 • 2.1 1000/0.000941- ·92
~ '
': :1 Moist unit weight:
· = 0.02828 _= f7&HN/m3
4. 6.1-42= 1.9 ~,fill_ 19.83
1rmtC.00094l =
Soll --,.
y 1.604 X ,o•J . .
.._,_ 1.8(9.81) - 18 79
5 ~- 42:s 1.8 10M'0,00094l - .
Q) D,y unit we/gilt:
"-""" y Test'No. ~d 1M. riWllfll . W8tfll content
Ydry = 1 + w ~ -568
1 40.9- 1.C.S "'26.4 42.4 -14.5 • 26.4 =1.5 26.4 - ·
17.63 '- 1
Ydry= 1 + 0.07 =16.5 l<Nlm- 42.1• 14.8 -25.3 : 2.2 ~~~~).:8.70
2 39.9 • 14.6 =25.3
® Re/advt com,-·aclion:
3 37.1 - 13.7 • 23.4 40.3 -13.7 • 23., =31 ~ '.~ 1- 13.68
R= ...1!!r,:_ 5.7(100) 6 72
Ydrymar 4 47.0 ! 12.9 =34.1 52.7 • 12.9 • 34.1s 5.7 ~ .1 'J .
16 5 7'(100) _2 .26
R= 19· x 100 = 86.14" SU-14-34.8=7.4
5 48.8\•14.0. 34.8 34.8 - 1