Eng Physics Notes 9th

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Course Notes

Class 9th

Prepared By:

M.Sc. Physics
The University of Lahore

Aim’s Institutes of Sciences.

“Aim’s to light”
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PreparedBerg Society Thokar Aim’s
by: Ali Raza MultanInstituteRoad, Lahore.
of Sciences.
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Chapter No # 01 waves, their production, properties and applications.
Physical Quantities and Measurement It is the study of physical aspects of light,
properties, working and use of optical instruments.
1. Abbreviations of Science and Physics. 6. Define Electricity and Magnetism.
Ans. Ans. It is the study of charges at rest and in
SCIENCE motion, their effects and their relationship with
S Systematic and Science magnetism.
C Comprehensive Club 7. Define Atomic Physics.
I Investigation and Is Lhr.2017
Ans. The branch of Physics which deals with the
E Exploration of Essential study of the structure and properties of atoms.
N Nature’s Necessary for 8. Define Nuclear Physics.
C Causes and Continues Lhr.2016, 17
E Effects Evolution Ans. The branch of Physics which deals with the
study of properties and behavior of nuclei and the
PHYSICS particles within the nuclei is called nuclear physics.
P Positive Practical 9. Define Plasma Physics.
H Humble Hypothetical Lhr.2013, 16, 18
Y Yonder Yielding of Ans. The branch of Physics which deals with the
Studious Scientific study of production, properties of the ionic state of
matter—the fourth state of matter.
I Inexperienced Intellectual
10. What is Geo-Physics?
C Communicative Conceptual Lhr.2013, 18
S Scientific Skills Ans. The branch of Physics which deals with the
study of internal structure of the earth.
11. Define physical quantity? Lhr.2019
2. What is Science and Physics? Ans. All measurable quantities are called physical
Lhr.2014, 15 quantities such as length, mass, time and temperature.
Ans. The knowledge gained through observations Physical quantities are divided into base and
and experimentations are called science. The word derived quantities.
science is derived from the Latin word “Scientia”
12. What is base quantity?
which means knowledge. Lhr.2016, 17, 18, 19
“The branch of science which deals with the Ans. Base quantities are the quantities on the basis
study of matter, energy and their interaction.” of which other quantities are expressed.
The law and principles of Physics help us to These are length, mass, time, electric current,
understand the nature. temperature and intensity of light.
3. What are natural philosophy and its types? 13. What is derived quantity?
Lhr.2019 Lhr.2013, 15, 16, 17
Ans. Not until eighteen century, various aspect of Ans. The quantities that are expressed in terms of
material objects were studied under a single subject base quantities are called derived quantities.
called natural philosophy. There are two types: These are area, volume, speed, force, work, energy,
(i) Physical science which deals with the study of power, electric charges and electric potential etc.
non-living things.
14. Define system international unit (SI Units).
(ii) Biological science which deals with the study of Lhr.2013, 16
living things. Ans. The Eleventh General Conference on weight
4. Define Mechanics and Heat. and measures held in Paris in 1960 adopted a
Ans. The branch of Physics which deals with the worldwide system of measurements called
study of motion of object, its causes and effects. international system of units.
It deals with the nature of heat, modes of The units of seven base quantities are metre,
transfer and effects of heat. kilograms, second, ampere, Kelvin, candela and mole.
5. Define Sound and Light.
Ans. It deals with the physical aspects of sound
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15. What are base units and derived units? scale is not coinciding with the zero of main scale.
Lhr.2013, 19 Positive Zero Error. If zero line of vernier
Ans. The units that describe base quantities are scale is on the right side of zero of the main scale.
called base units. e.g length(l), mass(m), time(t) etc. Negative Zero Error. If zero line of vernier
The units used to measure derived quantities scale is on the left side of zero of the main scale.
are called derived units. e.g speed, force, work etc. 23. What is meant by zero correction?
16. What are Prefixes with example? Lhr.2014
Lhr.2016, 18, 19 Ans. Zero correction.
Ans. The words or letters added before SI unit and (i) To correct the positive zero error subtracts the
stand for the multiples or sub-multiples of that unit is value of error from final answer.
known as prefixes. i.e. kilo, mega, milli, micro, etc. (ii) To correct the negative zero error adds the value
17. What is Scientific Notation? of error from final answer.
Lhr.2016, 18, 19 24. Define screw gauge.
Ans. A number is expressed as some power of 10 Ans. A screw gauge is an instrument that is used to
multiplied by a number between 1 and 10 is called measure small lengths with accuracy greater than
scientific notation or standard form. Vernier Caliper. It is also called as micrometer screw
e.g 365000 = 3.65 ×105 . gauge.
18. What is meter rule and measuring tape? 25. Describe Pitch of screw gauge.
Ans. A meter rule is a length measuring Ans. The thimble completes one rotation, hundred
instruments. It is commonly used in daily life to division spindle moves 1mm distance. This distance
measure length of an object or distance between two is called the pitch of screw gauge.
points. It is one metre long and has 100 centimetres. 𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑤 𝑔𝑎𝑢𝑔𝑒
Least Count = 𝑛𝑜. 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝑐𝑖𝑟𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒
Measuring tapes are used to measure length 1𝑚𝑚
in metres and cetimetres. A measuring tape used by = 100 𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 = 0.01 mm
blacksmith carpenters. A measuring tape consists of a L.C = 0.01mm or 0.001cm
thin and long strip of cotton, metal or plastic 10m, 26. What is zero error of Screw Gauge?
20m, 50m, or 100m long. Measuring tapes are marked Ans. Zero error will exist if zero of the circular
in centimeter as well as inches. scale cross or below the index line.
19. Write two names of measuring instruments. Positive Zero Error. If zero of the circular
Lhr.2017 scale is behind the index line.
Ans. The names of two measuring instruments are Negative Zero Error. If zero of the circular
(i) The meter rule scale has cross the index line.
(ii) The measuring tape 27. What is meant by Stopwatch?
20. What is vernier caliper? Ans. A stopwatch is used to measure the time
Ans. An instrument used to measure small lengths interval of an event.
such as internal or external diameter or length of a There are two types of stopwatch;
cylinder is called as vernier calipers. mechanical and digital stopwatch.
The accuracy obtained in measurement using a metre (i) A mechanical stopwatch can measure the time
rule is upto 1mm. interval up to a minimum 0.1 second.
21. What is least count of vernier calipers? (ii) A digital stopwatch can measure the time
Lhr.2014, 15, 16, 17 interval as small as 1/100 seconds or 0.01 sec.
Ans. The difference between the one small 28. What is measuring cylinder?
division on main scale and one vernier scale division Ans. A measuring cylinder is made of a glass or
is 0.1mm. It is called least count of vernier calipers. transparent plastic material. It has a scale that
𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑛 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 indicated the volume in milimetre (ml). It has
L.C of vernier calliper = 𝑛𝑜.𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒
1𝑚𝑚 different capacities from 50 ml to 1000 ml. They are
= 10 𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 = 0.1 mm used to measure the volume of a liquid or powered
L.C of V.C = 0.1mm= 0.01cm. substance. It is also used to find the volume of an
22. What is meant by zero error? irregular shaped solid insoluble in a liquid by
Lhr.2014 displacement method.
Ans. Zero error will exist if zero of the vernier

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29. What is meant by significant figures of a 37. How is precision related to the significant
measurement? figures in measured quantity?
Ans. All the accurately known digits and the first Ans. Precision means how close the measured
doubtful digits in an expression are called significant values to each other. More significant figure means
figures. It reflects the precision of a measured value greater precision. Thus, a measured quantity having
of a physical quantity. more significant figures will be more precise.
30. Write two rules to find the significant digits 38. Which telescope orbits around the earth?
in a measurement. Lhr.2016 Ans. Hubble Space telescope orbits around the
Ans. Following are two rules to find the significant Earth. It provides information about stars.
digits in a measurement: 39. Describe Andromeda Galaxy.
(i) Non-zero digits are always significant. Ans. Andromeda is one of the billions of galaxies
(ii) Zeros between two significant figures are also of known universe.
significant. 40. Your hairs grow at the rate of 1mm per day.
31. On what factor depends physical quantity in Find their growth rate in nm s-1.
significant figures? Lhr.2016, 18
Ans. The accuracy of measured physical quantity 1𝑚𝑚
Ans. Rate of hairs growth = 𝑑𝑎𝑦
depends upon
1× 10−3 𝑚
(i) The quality of measuring instrument. = 1 ×24 ×60 ×60 sec
(ii) The skill of the observer.
(iii) The number of observation. 1× 10−3 𝑚
= 86400 sec
32. Estimate your age in seconds.
Lhr.2014, 15, 16, 17, 18
Ans. Suppose the age of students is 15 year = 1.157 × 10−5 × 10−3 𝑚s-1
Age = 15 year = 1.157 × 10−8 ms-1
= year × day × hour × mint × sec = 11.57 × 10−1 × 10−8 ms-1
= 15 × 365 × 24 × 60 × 60 = 11.57 × 10−9 ms-1
= 473,040,000 seconds. Rate of hair growth = 11.57 nms-1
= 4.73× 108 seconds.
33. What rule SI units have played in the
development of science?
Ans. With the developments in the field of science
and technology, the need for a commonly acceptable
system of units was seriously felt all over the world
particularly to exchange scientific and technical
34. What do you understand by the zero error of
a measuring instrument?
Ans. In measuring instruments there may be
systematic error, due to which a measurement may be
less or greater than actual measurement.
35. Why use of zero error is necessary in
measuring instruments? Lhr.2013
Ans. The use of zero error in measuring makes the
measurement taken by it precise. The use of zero
error is a measurement which is known as zero
36. Why do we need to measure extremely small
interval of time?
Ans. We need to measure extremely small interval
of times for obtaining greater accuracy in the result.

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Chapter No # 02 Ans. A vector quantity is described completely by
Kinematics its magnitude and direction. i.e. velocity,
displacement, force, momentum, torque etc.
41. Define kinematics. 52. Define position and origin.
Ans. Kinematics is the study of motion of an Ans. The distance and direction of a body from
object without discussing the cause of motion. fixed point shows the position of a body.
42. Define rest and motion. The terms position described the location of a
Ans. A body is said to be rest if it does not change place or a point with respect to some reference point.
its position with respect to its surroundings. 53. What is distance and displacement?
A body is said to be motion if it change its Lhr.2016, 17
position with respect to its surroundings. Ans. Length of a path between two points is called
43. Describe absolute rest or absolute motion. the distance between these points.
Ans. Rest and motion are always relative. There is Displacement is the shortest distance
no such thing as absolute rest or absolute motion. between two points which has magnitude and
44. What is translatory motion? direction.
Lhr.2016, 18
Ans. In translational motion, a body moves along a
line without any rotation. This line may be straight or
curved. i.e. A cars moving in straight line, earth and
sun revolve.
45. Define linear motion. Lhr.2014
Ans. If a body moves along a straight line then the
motion of a body is known as linear motion. A cars
moving in straight line etc.
46. What is circular motion? 54. Define speed.
Ans. The motion of an object in a circular path is Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 16
known as circular motion. i.e. motion of earth around Ans. The distance covered by an object in unit
the sun and motion of moon around the earth. time is called its speed.
47. What is random motion? S=vt
Lhr.2013, 14, 18 The SI unit of speed is ms-1.
Ans. The irregular or disordered motion of an 55. Define uniform speed. Lhr.2016
object is known as random motion. i.e. motion of Ans. A body has uniform speed if it covers equal
birds, insects, dust or smoke particle, gas molecule is distance in equal interval of time however short the
random motion. interval may be.
48. What is rotatory motion? Lhr.2013 56. Define velocity.
Ans. The spinning motion of a body about its axis Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 16, 19
is known as rotatory motion. i.e. The motion of wheel Ans. The rate of change of displacement of
about its axis and that of a steering wheel. a body is called velocity.
49. What is vibratory motion? Lhr.2017, 19 V = 𝑑𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒

Ans. To and fro motion of a body about its mean The SI unit of velocity is ms-1.
position is known as vibratory motion. i.e. a baby in a 57. Define uniform velocity. Lhr.2016
cradle. Motion of pendulum in clock. A baby in a Ans. A body has uniform velocity if it covers
cradle moving to and fro, Motion of a pendulum in a equal displacement in equal interval of time however
clock. short the interval may be.
50. Define scalar with example. 58. Describe acceleration with unit.
Lhr.2014, 15, 17, 18, 19 Lhr.2015, 16, 17, 18
Ans. A scalar quantity is described completely by Ans. The rate of change of velocity of a body is
its magnitude only. i.e. mass, length, time, speed called acceleration.
volume, work and energy. a = 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑖𝑛 𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑛
= 𝑡
51. Define vectors with example. The SI unit of acceleration is ms-2.
Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19

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59. Define uniform acceleration. 67. How are vector quantities important to us
Lhr.2016, 17 in our daily life? Lhr.2016
Ans. A body has uniform acceleration if it has Ans. Vector quantities important to us in our daily
equal changes in velocity in equal interval of time, life because with the help of vector quantities we can
however, short the interval may be. explain the position of an object with distance and
60. What is negative and positive direction.
acceleration? In our daily life, the vector quantities are
Ans. Acceleration of a body is positive if its completely expressed or explained only when their
velocity increases with time. The direction of this directions are also considered.
acceleration is the same in which the body is moving 68. What is the speed of animals?
without change in its direction. Ans. Falcon can fly at a speed of 200kmh-1.
Acceleration of a body is negative if velocity Cheetah can run at a speed of 70kmh-1.
of a body decreases. The direction of negative 69. Describe LIDAR GUN.
acceleration is opposite to the direction in which the Ans. A LIDAR gun is a light detection and
body is moving. Negative acceleration is also called ranging speed gun. It uses the time taken by laser
deceleration or retardation. pulse to make a series of measurements of a vehicle’s
61. Write equations of motion. distance from the gun. The data is then used to
Ans. There are three equations of motion. calculate the vehicle’s speed.
(i) vf = vi + at 70. Define velocity of paratrooper. Lhr.2019
(ii) S = vit + ½ at² Ans. A paratrooper attains a uniform velocity
(iii) 2as = vf² - vi² called terminal velocity with which it comes to
62. Define gravitational acceleration and write ground.
its value. Lhr.2016
Ans. The acceleration of freely falling bodies is
called gravitational acceleration. It is denoted by g. on
the surface of the earth. Its value is 10 ms-2.
63. Can a body moving at a constant speed
have acceleration? Lhr.2014
Ans. Yes! A body moving at a constant speed has
acceleration if the direction of moving body changes,
which produce acceleration, e.g. particle moving in a
circle with uniform speed.
64. How do riders in a Ferris wheel possess
translatory motion but not rotatory motion?
Ans. Riders moving in a Ferris wheel are also in
translational motion. Their motion is in a circle
without rotation.
65. How can vector quantities be represented
Ans. Graphically, a vector can b represented by a
straight line with an arrow head at its one end. The
length of the line AB gives the magnitude of the
vector V on a selected scale. While the arrow head of
the line from A to B gives the direction of the vector
V. A B
66. Why vector quantities cannot be added
and subtracted like scalar quantities?
Ans. Vector and scalar quantities cannot be added
and subtracted by same method because vector
quantities are added by head to tail rule while scalars
are added by algebraic method.

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Chapter No # 03 F=ma
Dynamics The SI units force is Newton (N).
77. Define mass and weight.
71. Define Dynamics. Lhr.2014, 15, 17, 18
Ans. The branch of mechanics that deals with the Ans. Mass. Mass of a body is the quantity of
study of motion of an object and the cause of its matter possessed by it.
motion is called dynamics. It is a scalar quantity and does not change with
72. Define force and unit of force. change of place.
Lhr.2014, 15, 16, 17 m = w/g
Ans. A force moves or tends to move, stop or tends The SI unit of mass is kilograms (kg).
to stop the motion of the body. The force can also Weight. Weight of a body is the force of
change the direction of motion of a body. gravity on it.
A force can also change the shape or size of a It is a vector quantity. It varies depending upon the
body on which it acts. value of g, acceleration due to gravity.
Unit of Force. w = mg
The unit of force is newton (N). According to The SI unit of weight is newton (N).
Newton’s 2nd law of motion. 78. Define third law of motion with example?
One newton (1N) is the force that produces Lhr.2017, 19
an acceleration of 1ms-2 in a body of mass of 1 kg. Ans. Newton’s third law of motion states
1N = 1kg ms-2 To every action there is always an equal but
73. Define law of inertia. opposite reaction.
Lhr.2014, 15, 16 Consider a book lying on a table. The weight
Ans. Inertia of a body is its property due to which of the book is acting on the table in the downward
it resists any change in its state of rest or motion. direction. This is the action. The reaction of the table
Inertia of a body with its mass, greater is the acts on the book in the upward direction.
mass of a body greater is its inertia. 79. Define Action and Reaction.
74. Describe momentum, its formula and unit. Ans. The force exerted by first body on the second
Lhr.2014, 15 body is called action.
Ans. Momentum of a body is the quantity of The force exerted by the second in the
motion it possesses due to its mass and velocity. response on the first body is called reaction.
The momentum P of a body is given by the 80. What is friction and Co-efficient Friction?
product of its mass m and velocity v. Ans. The force that opposes the motion of moving
P = mv objects is called friction.
Momentum is a vector quantity. Its SI unit is Friction is highly desirable when climbing up a hill.
kgms-1. Friction is a force that comes into action as soon as a
75. Define first law of motion with example. body is pushed or pull over a surface.
Lhr.2016, 18 Limiting Friction. The maximum value of friction is
Ans. A body continues its states of rest or of known as the force of limiting friction (Fs).
uniform motion in a straight line provide no net force Fs = µ R = µ mg
acts on it. Co-efficient Friction. Lhr.2019
i.e. a book lying on a table remains at rest as long as The ratio between the force of limiting
no net force acts on it. friction FS and the normal reaction R is constant. This
Since Newton’s first law motion deals with constant is called the coefficient of friction and
the inertial property of matter. Therefore, Newton’s represented by µ.
first law of motion is also known as law of inertia. Fs = µ R = µ mg
76. Explain second law of motion. 81. Define sliding and rolling frictions.
Ans. When a net force acts on a body, it produces Ans. The force between the sliding objects which
acceleration in the body in the direction of the net opposes the relative motion between them.
force. The magnitude of this acceleration is directly The force between the rolling body and the
proportional to the net force acting on the body and surface over which it rolls.
inversely proportional to its mass.

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Rolling friction is lesser than the sliding 89. Why is the law of conservation of
friction. momentum important?
82. What are centripetal force and centrifugal Ans. By using law of conservation of momentum
force.? Lhr.2014, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 it is possible to calculate force, velocity and
Ans. Centripetal force is a force that keeps a body acceleration of a body. It is applicable universally not
to move in a circle. only for the small bodies like electrons and protons
Fc = 𝑚𝑣²⁄𝑟 but for large bodies like planets and stars.
Centrifugal Force. 90. When a gun is fired, it recoils. Why?
According to newton’s third law of motion, Lhr.2016, 18
there exists a reaction to the centripetal force. Ans. Consider a system of gun and a bullet. Before
Centripetal reaction that pulls the body outward firing the gun, both the gun and bullet are at rest. So
during the circular motion. the total momentum of the system is zero. As the gun
83. Why is it dangerous to travel on the roof of is fired, bullet shoots out of the gun and acquires
a bus? momentum. To conserve momentum of the system,
Ans. it is dangerous to travel on the roof of a bus the gun recoils.
because when the driver applies the brakes. The 91. Describe two situations in which force of
passengers on the roof may fall due to inertia. friction is needed.
84. Why does a passenger move outward when Ans. Friction plays very important role in our daily
a bus takes a turn? lives.
Ans. When a bus takes a sharp turn, passengers (i) Friction is required by birds to fly in the sky.
fall in the outward direction. It is due to inertia that (ii) Friction is needed to walk on the ground. We
they want to continue their motion in a straight line cannot run on slippery ground.
and thus fall outwards. (iii) Friction is needed to hold a pen and to write a
85. How can you relate a force with the word on your notebook.
change of momentum of a body? 92. How does oiling the moving parts of a
Ans. Newton's second law of motion as machine lower friction?
When a force acts on a body, it produces an Ans. Because liquid friction is less than solids. No
acceleration in the body and will be equal to the rate surface is completely smooth. By oiling the surface,
of change of momentum of the body. the pits and bumps are filled with oil and so friction is
𝑃𝑓 − 𝑃𝑖 reduced. Also surface becomes slippery due to oiling.
t 93. Describe ways to reduced frictions?
86. Action and reaction are always equal and Lhr.2013, 14, 19
opposite. Then how does a body moves? Ans. The friction can be reduced by following
Ans. Action and reaction act on different bodies. methods.
They do not balance each other. Action is on the one (i) Making the sliding surface smooth.
body and reaction is on the other body. As action and (ii) Making the fast moving objects a streamline
reaction are equal in magnitude but opposite in shape as cars, aero planes.
direction, thus a body moves. (iii) Lubricating the sliding surface is oily or
87. A horse pushes the cart. If the action and grease.
reaction are equal and opposite. Then how does a (iv) Using the ball bearings or roller bearings.
body moves? 94. Why rolling friction is less than sliding
Ans. A horse applies action force by feet on the friction? Lhr.2013, 14, 18
road, this is action and the reaction is given by roads
Ans. The rolling friction is less than sliding
on horse, due to which horse moves. The cart which friction because
is tied with the horse also moves. (i) The contact between wheel and surface in
88. What is the law of conservation of only at one point.
momentum? (ii) There is no relative motion between wheel
Ans. The momentum of an isolated system of two and surface.
or more than two interacting bodies remains constant.
95. What do you know about braking force?
total initial momentum before collisions = total initial Ans. The braking is a force between brakes bushes
momentum after collisions and wheels of vehicles. It helps to stop wheels.
m1 u1 + m1 u1 = m2 v2 + m2 v2
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96. What do you know about seatbelts and the moving parts of machine.
skidding of vehicles? (iii) In machines, friction causes wear and tear
Ans. Seat Belts: A seat belt, also known as a on their moving parts.
safety belt, is a vehicle safety device designed to
secure the occupant of a vehicle against harmful
movement that may result during a collision or
sudden stop.
Skidding of Vehicles:
When a vehicle stops quickly, a large force of
friction is needed. But there is a limit to this force of
friction that tyre can provide. If the brakes are applied
too strongly, the wheels of the car will lock up
(rupturing) and vehicle slide over the road. It is called
skidding of vehicles.
97. What would happen if all friction suddenly
Ans. If all friction suddenly disappear then bodies
can’t be moved and can’t be turned and even not
change its state.
98. Why the spinner of the washing machine is
made to spin at a very high speed?
Ans. The spinner of the washing machine is made
to spin at a very high speed to provide required
centrifugal force, due to which undesired particle can
be easily removed from the clothes.
99. Describe Atwood Machine.
Ans. An Atwood machine is an arrangement of
two objects of unequal masses. Both the objects are
attached to the ends of a string. The string passes over
a frictionless pulley. This arrangement is sometime
used to find the acceleration due to gravity.
100. Write any some advantages and of
Ans. Advantages of Friction:
(i) It cannot be written if there would be no
friction between paper and pencil.
(ii) Friction enables us to walk on ground.
We cannot run on a slippery ground because it
offers very little friction.
(iii) Birds could not fly, if these are no air
resistance. The reaction of pushed air enables the
birds to fly.
(iv) Friction is highly desirable when
climbing up a hill.
Disadvantages of friction:
(i) Friction is undesirable when moving with
high speeds because opposes the motion and thus
limits the speed of moving objects.
(ii) Most of our useful energy is lost as heat
and sound due to the friction between various
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Chapter No # 04 Ans. The particle of the body move in circles with
Turning Effect of Force their centers all lying on the line, this line is called the
axis of rotation of the body. Forces that produce
101. Define parallel forces and its types? turning effect are very common.
Lhr.2014, 15, 17, 19 109. What is torque? Lhr.2013, 17
Ans. Such forces are parallel to each other is Ans. The turning effect of a force is called the
called parallel forces. torque or moment of force.
Like parallel forces. The forces that are The torque 𝜏 is determined by the product of
parallel to each other and have the same direction, force F and moment arm L.
Unlike parallel forces. The forces that are Torque = 𝜏 = F × L
parallel but have direction opposite to each other. The SI unit of torque is Nm.
102. Describe addition of forces. 110. Define line of action and moment arm.
Ans. A resultant force is a single force that has the Lhr.2015, 16, 18
same effect as the combination effect of all the forces Ans. Line of action.
to be added. The line along which a force act is called line
One of the methods for the addition of forces of action of force F.
is a graphical method called head to tail rule. Moment arm.
103. Define head to tail role. The perpendicular distance between the acts
Ans. Take any one of the vectors as first vector A. of rotation and the line of action of the force is called
Then draw next vectors B such that its tail coincides the moment arm of the force. It is denoted distance L.
with the head of the first vectors A and so on. It is 111. Define principle of moments and its types?
called head to tail rule. Ans. A body is balanced if the sum of clockwise
104. Define resultant vectors. Lhr.2013 momentum acting on the body is equal to the sum of
Ans. A vector R such that its tail is at the tail of anticlockwise moments acting on it.
vector A, the first. While its head is at the head of Clockwise moment.
vector B, the last vector. is called resultant vector. A force that turns a spanner in the clockwise
105. What is resolution of forces? Write its direction generally used to tighten a nut. The torque
components? Lhr.2017, 18 or moment of the so produced is called clockwise
Ans. The process of splitting up of a force into two torque.
mutually perpendicular components is called the Anticlockwise moments.
resolution of forces. To lose a nut, the force is applied such that it
F = Fx + Fy turns the unit in the anticlockwise direction. The
(i) Horizontal components. Fx = F cos𝜃 torque or moment of the force so produced is called
(ii) Vertical components. Fy = F sin𝜃 anticlockwise.
106. What are perpendicular components? 112. Define Centre of mass.
Lhr.2014 Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 16, 17
Ans. If a force is formed from two mutually Ans. Centre of mass of the system is such a point
perpendicular components then such components are where an applied force causes the system to move
called its perpendicular components or rectangular without rotation.
components. 113. Define Centre of gravity.
F = Fx + Fy Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 16, 17
(i) Horizontal components. Fx = F cos𝜃 Ans. A point where the whole weight of the body
(ii) Vertical components. Fy = F sin𝜃 appears to act vertically downward is called centre of
107. Define rigid body. gravity of a body.
Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 17, 18 114. What is couple? Lhr.2013, 16
Ans. A body is composed of large number of small Ans. A couple is formed by two unlike parallel
particles. If the distance between all pairs of particles forces of the same magnitude but not acting along the
of the body do not change by applying a force then it same line.
is called rigid body. Couple = F × r
108. Define axis of rotation. 115. What is the example of Couple?
Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 17 Ans. A cyclist pushes the pedals of a bicycle. This

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forms a couple that acts on the pedals. The pedals Join head to first vector to the tail of second.
cause the toothed wheel to turn making the rear wheel Step.3
of the bicycle to rotate. Draw a vector from the tail of first vector to head of
116. Write first 1st conditions of equilibrium. second vector called resultant vector.
Lhr.2014, 15, 18 120. When a body is said to be in equilibrium?
Ans. “A body is said to be satisfy first condition of Lhr.2016
equilibrium if the resultant of all the forces acting on Ans. A body is said to be in equilibrium if no net
it is zero.’’ ⅀𝐹 = 0 force acts on it.
Sum of x-component forces is zero. 121. Why there is a need of second condition
⅀Fx = 0 for equilibrium if a body satisfies first condition
Sum of y-component forces is zero. for equilibrium?
⅀Fy = 0 Ans. For a body to be in complete equilibrium,
117. Write second 2st conditions of equilibrium. both conditions should be satisfied i.e. both linear
Lhr.2018 acceleration and angular acceleration should be zero.
Ans. “If the sum of all the torque acting on the In case of couple, two equal but opposite forces act.
body is equal to the zero then this is called second First condition of equilibrium is satisfied i.e. linear
condition of equilibrium.’’ acceleration is zero, yet it may rotate. It has angular
⅀𝜏=0 acceleration. For angular acceleration to be zero, the
118. Define Stable equilibrium. Lhr.2014, 19 net torque acting on it should be zero.
Ans. A body is said to be in stable equilibrium if 122. Give an example of a moving body which
after a slight tilt it return to its previous position. is in equilibrium.
Consider a book lying on the table. Tilt the Ans. If the body is moving with uniform velocity
book slightly about its one edge by lofting from the it is said to be in dynamic equilibrium.
opposite side. It returns to its previous position when A paratrooper coming down with terminal velocity
sets free. (constant velocity) also satisfies first condition for
Unstable Equilibrium: equilibrium and is thus in equilibrium.
If a body does not return to its previous 123. Think of a body which is at rest but not in
position when sets free after a slightest tilt is said to equilibrium. Lhr.2015, 16
be in unstable equilibrium. Ans. In simple pendulum when the pendulum is at
Take a pencil and try to keep it in the extreme position it is at rest for a while but at that
vertical position on its tip. Whenever you leave it, time gravitational force remains acting on it. So the
the pencil topples over about its tip falls down. This pendulum is at rest but not in equilibrium.
is called unstable equilibrium. 124. Why a body cannot be in equilibrium due
Neutral Equilibrium: to single force acting on it?
If a body remains in its new position when Ans. When a single force act on a body. Body in
disturbed from its previous position, it is said to be in the direction of force. This force is not balanced by
a state of neutral equilibrium. any other force. Hence body in not in equilibrium.
Take a ball and place it on a 125. Why the height of vehicles is kept as low as
horizontal surface. Roll the ball over the surface and possible? Lhr.2013
leave it after displacing from its previous position. It Ans. The height of a vehicle is kept as low as
remains in its new position and does not return to its possible so that its center of gravity remains as low as
previous position. possible. A lower center of gravity keeps the body ore
119. How head to tail rule helps to find the stable.
resultant of forces? The height of vehicles is kept as low as
Ans. Head to Tail Rule: possible to convert them into streamline shape or fish
Head to tail rule helps to find the resultant shape so that less friction will act upon them.
forces. Method is given as.
Select a suitable scale and draw the representative
lines of vector to be added.

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Chapter No # 05 134. Define geo-stationary satellite? Lhr.2017
Gravitation Ans. A geostationary satellite is an earth-orbiting
satellite, placed at an altitude of approx. 35800 km
126. Who gave the idea of Gravity? directly over the equator that revolves in the same
Ans. The first man who came up with the idea of direction the earth rotates.
gravity was Isaac Newton. It was an evening of 1665 135. What is the height of geo-stationary
when he was trying to solve the mystery why planets satellite?
revolve around the Sun. Suddenly an apple fell from Ans. The height of a geostationary satellite is
the tree under which he was sitting. The idea of about 42,300 km from the surface of the Earth. Its
gravity flashed in his mind. He discovered not only velocity with respect to Earth is zero.
the cause of falling apple but also the cause that 136. What is communication satellite?
makes the planets to revolve around the Sun and the Ans. Communication satellites take 24 hours to
moon around the Earth. complete their one revolution around the Earth. As
127. State force of gravitation. Earth also completes its one rotation about its axis in
Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 24 hours, hence, these communication satellites
Ans. Everybody in the universe attracts every appear to be stationary with respect to Earth.
other body with a force which is directly proportional 137. What is orbital velocity?
to the product of their masses and inversely Ans. The critical velocity of a satellite in order to
proportional to the square of the distance between keep on moving around the earth at a specific height
their centers. is called orbital velocity.
𝑚1 𝑚2
F = 𝐺 d² Vo = √g(R + h)
-1 138. What is orbital speed of a low orbit
The value of gravitation is 10Nkg .
128. What is gravitational field? satellite? Lhr.2016
Ans. according to Newton’s law of gravitation, the Ans. A satellite revolving around very close to the
gravitational force between a body of mass m and the earth is known as low orbit satellite.
earth is given by Vo = √R g
m Me -1
F = 𝐺 r² g = 10 ms , R = 6400km, Vo = 8 kms-1
129. What is a field force? Lhr.2016, 18, 19 139. Why earlier scientists could not guess
Ans. The gravitation pulls of earth acting on a about the gravitational force?
body whether the body is in contact with earth or not Ans. Due to very small value of gravitational
is called field force. constant G, the gravitational force around us is very
130. What is meant by gravitation field small and we do not feel it. This was the reason that
strength? Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 18 the earlier scientists could not guess about the
Ans. “In gravitation field of the earth, the gravitational force.
gravitation force per unit mass is called gravitation 140. How can you say that gravitational force is
field strength of the earth.” Near the surface of the a field force?
earth, the gravitation field strength is 10Nkg .-1 Ans. When a body attracts other body, whether it
131. Define Satellite and give example. is in contact with other or not, then this attracting
Ans. Satellites are such objects that revolve force is called a filed force”.
around a planet. i.e. earth revolve around the sun. Gravitational force is a non-contact force. The
132. What is artificial satellite? Lhr.2013 gravitational pull of the Earth acting on the body
Ans. Scientists have sent many objects into the whether the body is in contact with the Earth or not.
space. Some of these objects revolve around the earth. So, gravitational force is a field force.
These are called artificial satellite. 141. Why is law of gravitation important to us?
133. Write uses of artificial satellite. Ans. Law of gravitation is important to us because
Ans. Artificial satellites are used for the motion of objects in space, motion of planets
around the sun. It helps us to find the gravitational
(i) Worldwide communication.
force of other planets in the universe. It is used to
(ii) Navigation purpose. understand variation in the value of gravitational
(iii) Weather observation. acceleration ‘g’ with altitude. It is used to find the
(iv) Military Purposes. weight of the bodies in the universe.
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142. Can you determine the mass of our moon? 148. What is GPS? Or what are
If yes, then what you need to know? navigation systems? Lhr.2014
Ans. yes, the mass of our moon ‘Mm’ is determine Ans. Global positioning system (GPS) is satellite
by the following formula. system. It helps us to find the exact position of an
𝑔 𝑅2 object anywhere on the land, on the sea or in the air.
F = 𝑚G 𝑚
GPS consists of 24 earth satellites. These satellites
So, gm is the gravitational acceleration on the surface revolve around the earth twice a day with a speed of
of moon. G is the gravitational constant. Rm is the 3.87 kms-1.
radius of the moon. 149. Why can we not feel gravitational force
143. Why does the value of G vary from place between the bodies around us? Lhr.2017, 18
to place? Lhr.2016 Ans. As from formula of law of gravitational
Ans. As we know that force,
gh = (R + H)² Gm m
F = d12 2
The value of ‘g’ is inversely proportional to Where G is the proportionality constant and
the square of the radius of the earth. It does not value of G is 6.673 × 10-11 Nm-1 Kg-2.
remain constant. It decreases with altitude. Due to small value of G, the gravitational
According to this equation value of “g” force of attraction between objects around us is very
depends upon the height. That is why value of “g” small and we don’t fell it.
varies place to place. 150. What is the distance of the moon from the
144. Explain how the value of g varies with earth?
altitude. Ans. Moon is nearly 3, 80,000 km away from the
Ans. By the equations Earth. It completes its one revolution around the Earth
gh = (R + H)² in 27.3 days
We can see that the value of “g” is inversely
proportional to the height so as we go higher, the
value of “g” becomes less and as we move towards
earth its value increases.
145. How Newton’s law of gravitation helps in
understanding the motion of satellites?
Ans. The satellites are moving around the Earth
with centripetal acceleration. This acceleration is
caused by the gravitational force between the satellite
and the Earth according to Newton’s second law of
146. On what factors the orbital speed of a
satellite depends? Lhr.2016
Ans. The orbital speed of a satellite depends upon
the height of the satellite from the surface of the earth
and value of g at that height.
Vo = √g r
The greater is radius of orbit, the smaller is
orbital speed of satellite.
147. Why communication satellites stationed at
geostationary orbits? Lhr.2014
Ans. Since Earth completes its rotation in 24 hours
and communication satellites also take 24 hours to
complete its one round. So communication satellites
are stationary with respect to Earth. So they are called
geostationary satellites.

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Chapter No # 06 grind grains and pump water. Wind power is used to
Work and Energy turn wind turbines.
160. How does heating affect the motion of
151. Define work. molecule of a gas? Lhr.2015, 18
Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 17, 18 Ans. When a gas is heated, the velocity of a gas
Ans. “Work is done when force acting on a body molecules increases due to which kinetic energy and
displaces it in the direction of force.” temperature of a gas increases.
Work is a product of force F and When a body is heated, the kinetic energy of
displacement S in the direction of force. its molecules increases, the average distances between
Work done = Force × Displacement the molecules increase. Thus, the motion of molecules
W = F.S of gas increases of heating.
The SI unit of work is joule (J). 161. What is Einstein mass energy equation?
152. Define unit of work, joule. Lhr.2013, 14, 15
Lhr.2013, 14, 15, 17, 18 Ans. A loss in the mass of a body provides a lot of
Ans. The SI unit of work is joule (J). energy. This happen in nuclear reactions.
“ The amount of work is one joule when a The relation between mass and energy is
force of one Newton displaces a body through one given by Einstein’s mass-energy equation.
meter in the direction of force” E = m c²
1J = 1N × 1m Here c is the speed of light (3 × 108 ms-1).
153. Define kinetic energy and write its 162. Define efficiency and its formula.
equation. Lhr.2014, 15, 19 Lhr.2014, 18
Ans. The energy possessed by a body due to its Ans. Efficiency of a system is the ratio of required
motion is called kinetic energy. form of energy obtained from a system is output to
K.E = ½ mv2 the total energy given to the input.
154. Define potential energy and write its required form of output
Efficiency = total input energy
equation. Lhr.2013, 19 required form of output
Ans. The energy possessed by a body due to its Efficiency = × 100
total input energy
position is called potential energy. 163. What is power?
P.E. = w.h = mgh Lhr.2014, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
155. Define heat energy. Ans. Power is defined as the rate of doing work.
Ans. Heat is a form of energy given out by hot work done 𝑤
bodies. Large amount of heat by burning fuel. Heat is Power = time taken = 𝑡
also produces when motion is opposed by frictional SI unit of power is watt (W). It is a scalar
force. Sun is the main source of heat energy. quantity.
156. Define mechanical energy with example. 164. Define the unit of power.
Lhr.2014, 15, 16, 17 Lhr.2014, 15, 16, 17, 18
Ans. The energy possessed by a body both due to Ans. SI unit of power is watt (W).
its motion or position. i.e. moving car, lifted hammer. The power of a body is one watt if it does
157. Define sound energy. Lhr.2014, 15 work at the rate of 1 joule per seconds (1 Js-1).
Ans. Sound is a form of energy. It is produced 165. When does a force do work?
when a body vibrates, such as vibrating diaphragm of Ans. “Work is done when force acting on a body
a drum, vibrating string of a sitar. displaces it in the direction of force.” It is our
158. Define nuclear energy. Lhr.2018 common observation that sometimes force and
Ans. Nuclear energy is the energy released on the displacement are in the same and opposite direction.
form of nuclear radiations in addition to heat and light 166. Why do we need energy?
nuclear reaction. Fission and fusion reaction heat Ans. We always need energy to do any type of
energy released in nuclear reactors. work. The energy is an important and fundamental
159. Write the uses of wind energy. Lhr.2014 need of our daily life.
Ans. Wind energy has been used as a source of 167. Define energy; give two types of
energy for centuries. It has powered sailing ships mechanical energy.
across the oceans. It has been used by windmills to Ans. A body possesses energy if it is capable to do

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work.” Energy is a scalar quantity. (ii) A storage device
Mechanical energy is two types. (iii) A distribution system
(i) Kinetic energy (K.E) 174. Describe the pole vaulter.
(ii) Potential energy (P.E). Ans. A pole vaulter uses a flexible vaulting pole
168. Why fossils fuels are called non-renewable made of special material. It is capable to store all the
form of energy? Lhr.2013 vaulter's kinetic energy while bending in the form of
Ans. They are usually hydrocarbon. When they are potential energy. The vaulter runs as fast as possible
burnt, they combine with oxygen from the air. Then to gain speed. The kinetic energy gained by the pole
energy is released as heat. Fossil fuels took millions vaulter due to speed helps him/her to rise up as the
of years for their formation and they cannot be vaulter straightens. Thus he attains height as the pole
generate renew sources in the short time. They are returns the potential energy stored by the vaulter in
called non-renewable resources. the pole.
169. Which form of energy is most preferred 175. Why geothermal wells are made?
and why? Ans. Geothermal well can be built by drilling deep
Ans. Solar energy is more preferable because it near hot rocks at places, where magma is not very
can directly obtain from sun and it does not have any deep. Water is then pushed down into the well. The
type of pollution in it. It is also renewable sources of rocks quickly heat the water and change it into steam.
energy. It expands and moves up to the surface. The steam
170. How is energy converted from one form to can be piped directly into houses and offices for
another? Explain heating purposes or it can be used to generate
Ans. Energy cannot be destroyed but it can be electricity.
converted from one form to another form and the total
amount of energy remains constant at any time.
For example heat energy is converted into
mechanical energy and electrical energy can be
converted into mechanical energy and electrical
energy can be converted into light and heat energy.
171. Define biomass?
Ans. Biomass is fuel that is developed from
organic material, a renewable and sustainable source
of energy used to create electricity or other forms of
172. Write two disadvantages of fossil fuels.
Lhr.2017, 18
Ans. (1) Fossil fuels are non-renewable
energy resources. Their supply is limited and they
will eventually run out…
(2) Fossil fuels are release carbon dioxide
when they burn, which adds to the greenhouse effect
and increases global warming.
(3) Fossil fuels release harmful waste
products which pollute the environments.
173. Describe Solar House Heating.
Ans. its use in houses and offices as well as for
commercial industrial purposes is quite recent.
Complete solar house heating systems are
successfully used in areas with a minimum amount of
sunshine in winter.
A heating system consists of
(i) A collector

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Chapter No # 07 182. What are upthrust and principle of
Properties of Matters floatation?
Ans. A floating object displaces a fluid having
176. State the characteristics of kinetic weight equal to the weight of the object.
molecular model of matter. Lhr.2013, 14, 16 The upthrust is always equal to the weight of
Ans. The kinetic molecular model of matter has the fluid displaced by the object.
some important characteristics. These are: 183. Define ships and Submarine.
(i) Matter is made up of particles called Ans. A wooden block floats on water. It is because
molecules. the weight of an equal volume is greater than the
(ii) The molecules remain in continuous motion. weight of the block. Ships and boats are designed on
(iii) Molecules attract each other. the same principle of floatation.
Kinetic molecular model is used to explain Submarine:
the three states of matter – solid, liquid and gas. A submarine can travel over as well as under
177. Define plasma. water. It also works on the principle of floatation. It
Ans. “Ionic state of matter is called plasma.” floats over water when the weight of water equal to
The collision between the atoms and its volume is greater than its weight.
molecules of the gas become as strong that they tear 184. Define elasticity. Lhr.2016, 17, 18, 19fi
off the atoms. Atoms lose their electrons and become Ans. The property of a body to restore its original
positive electrons. This ionic state of matter is called size and shape as the deforming force ceases to act is
plasma. Plasma is also formed in gas discharge tube called elasticity. There are two types of elasticity is
when electric current passes through these tubes. stress and strain.
178. Define density and its units. 185. Define stress and strain. Lhr.2016, 18
Lhr.2013, 17, 19 Ans. The force acting on unit area at the surface
Ans. Density of a substance is defined as its mass of a body is called stress.
per unit volume. Force F
mass m
Stress = Area = A
Density = D = volume = v the units of stress is Nm-2.
the unit of density is kgm-3. Strain:
179. What is pressure and Atmospheric The ratio of change in size to the original size
pressure? Lhr.2015, 16, 18 is called strain.
Ans. The force acting normally per unit area on ∆L
strain = L
the surface of a body is called pressure.
Force F 186. State Hook’s law. Lhr.2013, 17, 19
Pressure = P = Area = A Ans. The strain produced in a body by the stress
the units of pressure is Nm-2 or 1 Pa. applied to it is directly proportional to the stress
Atmospheric pressure: within the elastic limit of the body.
The earth is surrounded by a cover of air is stress ∝ strain
called atmosphere. It extends to few hundred stress ∝ constant × strain
kilometers above sea level. Atmosphere is a mixture stress
= constant
of gases. It is called atmospheric pressure. strain
180. Define Pascal law. Lhr.2015, 17, 19 187. State Young’s Modulus. Lhr.2013, 17, 19
Ans. Pressure applied at any point of a liquid Ans. ‘The ratio of stress to the tensile strain is
enclosed in a container, is transmitted without loss to called young modulus”.
stress F Lo
all other parts of the liquid. Y = Tensie strain = A ∆L
F2 = F1 a SI unit of young’s modulus is Nm-2.
181. States Archimedes principle. 188. Can we use hydrometer to measure the
Lhr.2016, 18, 19 density of milk?
Ans. When an object is totally or partially Ans. Yes, we can use hydrometer to measure the
immersed in a liquid, an up thrust acts on it equal to density of milk. But for this purpose, a special kind of
the weight of the liquid it displaces. hydrometer known as locometer is used.
Up thrust of liquid = 𝜌 g V 189. Show that atmosphere exerts pressure.
Ans. In atmosphere of the Earth, there are gases,

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water vapours and dust particles. All of these consist means that there is rapid increase in atmospheric
of material particles. Due to the force of gravity pressure. It means that it will soon followed by a
acting on these particles the object inside the decrease in the atmospheric pressure indicating poor
atmosphere experience pressure in all around equally. condition ahead.
190. It is easy to remove air from a balloon but 197. Explain how a submarine moves up the
it is very difficult to move air from a glass bottle. water surface and down into water.
Why? Ans. When a submarine is not filled with sea
Ans. The air inside balloon is compressed air. water, its weight is less than upthrust acting on it. So
Pressure inside the balloon is greater than the it floats on the surface of sea water. But when it filled
atmospheric pressure. So it is easy to remove air from with water, then its weight is greater than the upthrust
a balloon. But air inside a glass bottle is already at acting on it. So it sinks into water.
atmospheric pressure. So it is very difficult to remove 198. Why does a piece of stone sink in water
air from a glass bottle. but a ship with a huge weight floats?
191. What is a barometer and hydrometer? Lhr.2014, 15
Ans. It is the instruments which are used to Ans. A piece of stone sink in water because up
measure the atmospheric pressure. thrust force acts on it is less than its weight but on
Hydrometer: ship up thrust force is greater than its weight due to
Hydrometer is a glass tube with a scale which it floats on water.
marked on its stem and heavy weight in the bottom. 199. How mechanical energy changes into heat
Hydrometer is used to measure the energy? Lhr.2014
concentration of acid in a battery called acid meter. Ans. During the rubbing of our hands we use
192. Why water is not suitable to be use in muscular energy as a result heat is produced. In this
barometer? Lhr.2014 process mechanical energy is converted into heat
Ans. Since the density of water is much less than energy.
mercury so we cannot use water in barometer. A glass 200. What is Deforming force?
tube more than 10m is required to make a water Ans. If the stress is increased beyond the
barometer. If we use water in barometer a long glass elastic limit of a body, the body permanently changes
tube is required. and does not recover to its original shape. This force
193. What makes a sucker pressed on a smooth is called deforming force.
wall sticks to it?
Ans. A sucker is disk shaped. When pressed
against a smooth surface, the air is forced from
beneath the sucker. The rubber makes an air tight seal
and the air pressure outside is greater than the air
pressure beneath the sucker, thus forcing the sucker to
stick it on a smooth wall.
194. Why does the atmosphere pressure vary
with height?
Ans. With the increase of height quantity of air
began to decrease due to which atmospheric pressure
also become low. Atmospheric pressure decreases due
to decrease in density of air. That’s why the
atmosphere pressure varies with height.
195. What does it mean when the atmospheric
pressure at a place fall suddenly?
Ans. When the atmospheric pressure fall suddenly
at a place it may be storm or rain at that place to occur
in few hours’ time.
196. What changes are expected in weather if
the barometer reading shows a sudden increase?
Ans. Sudden increase in the barometer reading

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Chapter No # 08 209. Define specific heat capacity. Lhr.2017, 18
Thermal Properties of Matter Ans. Specific heat capacity of a substance is the
amount of heat required to raise the temperature of
201. Define heat. Also write its uses. 1Kg mass of that substance through 1K.
Lhr.2013, 14, 16, 19 c = 𝑚∆𝑇
Ans. Heat is the energy that is transferred from SI units of specific heat is J kg-1 K-1.
one body to the other body in thermal contact with 210. What is meant by latent heat of fusion?
each other as a result of the difference of temperature Lhr.2016, 18, 19
between. Ans. Heat energy is required to change unit mass
(i) It is necessary for our survival. of a substance from solid to liquid state at its melting
(ii) We need it to cook our food point without changes in its temperature is called
(iii) Heat is need in industrial process. latent eat of fusion.
202. Define temperature. Lhr.2013, 14, 16, 19 ∆Qf = m Hf
Ans. Temperature of a body is the degree of 211. What is meant by latent heat of
hotness or coldness of a body. vaporization?
SI unit of temperature is Kelvin (K). Ans. The quantity of heat that changes unit mass
203. Describe internal energy of a body. of a liquid completely into gas at its boiling point
Ans. The total sum of kinetic energy and potential without any change in its temperature is called its
energy associated with the atoms, molecules and latent heat of vaporization.
particles of a body is called its internal energy. ∆Qv = m Hv
204. Define thermometer. Lhr.2013 212. Define evaporation.
Ans. A device which is used to measure the Ans. Evaporation is the changing of a liquid into
temperature of a body is called thermometer. vapors (gaseous state) from the surface of the liquid
Example some substances expand on heating. Change without heating it.
their colours change their electric resistances. 213. What is the effect of temperature on
205. Write scales of temperature. evaporation? Lhr.2013, 15
Lhr.2013, 17 Ans. At higher temperature, more molecules of a
Ans. There are three scales of temperature: liquid are moving with high velocities. Thus, more
(i) Celsius scales or Centigrade scales molecules escape from its surface. Evaporation is
(ii) Fahrenheit scales faster at high temperature than at low temperature.
(iii) Kelvin scales 214. What is meant by thermal expansion?
206. Write different scale of temperature. Ans. Most of the substances solids, liquid and
Ans. Scale of Temperature gases expand on heating and contact on cooling. Their
(i) from Celsius to Kelvin scale thermal expansions and contractions are usually small
T (K) = 273 + C and are not noticeable. However, these expansions
(ii) From Kelvin to Celsius scale and contractions are important in our daily life.
C = T (K) – 273 215. What is meant by thermal equilibrium?
(iii) From Celsius to Fahrenheit scale Lhr.2014, 15
F = 1.8C + 32 Ans. Temperature determined the direction of flow
207. What is meant by freezing and melting of heat. Heat flows from a hot body to cold body until
point? Lhr.2017 thermal equilibrium is reached.
Ans. The temperature at which substance changes 216. Define the coefficient of linear expansion.
from liquid to solids is called freezing point. Lhr.2014
Melting point is that point at which a solid Ans. The expansion of substance along their
starts melting. length is called linear expansion.
208. What is Heat Capacity? Lhr.2014, 15 L = L (1 + 𝛼∆𝑇)
Ans. Heat capacity of a body is the quantity of The fractional increase in its length per
thermal energy absorbed by it for one Kelvin (1K) Kelvin rise in temperature is called coefficient of
increase in its temperature. linear expansion.
∆𝑄 𝑚𝑐 ∆𝑇 ∆𝐿
Heat capacity = ∆𝑇 = ∆𝑇 = mc 𝛼 = 𝐿˳ ∆𝑇

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217. What is meant by Bimetal Strip? molecules escape out from the surface of the liquid.
Lhr.2015 Molecules that have lower kinetic energies are left
Ans. A bimetal strip consists of two thin strips of behind. This lowers the average kinetic energy of the
different metals such as brass and iron joined liquid molecules and the temperature of the liquid.
together. Since temperature of a substance depends on the
On heating the strip, brass expands more than average kinetic energy of its molecules.Hence cooling
iron. This unequal expansion causes bending of the is produce due to evaporation.
strip. 223. On what factors the evaporation of a
218. Write uses of Bimetal Strip. liquid depends?
Lhr.2015 Ans. The rate of evaporation factors depends.
Ans. Bimetal strip are used for various purpose. i. Temperature
(i) Bimetal thermometers are used to measure ii. Surface area
temperature in furnace and ovens. iii. Wind
(ii) Bimetal strip are used in thermostats. iv. Nature of the liquid
(iii) Bimetal thermostat switch is used to control 224. Why gaps are left in railway tracks?
the temperature of heater coil in electric iron. Lhr.2013, 17
219. Why does heat flow from hot body to cold Ans. Gaps are left in railway tracks to compensate
body? thermal expansion during hot season.
Ans. Temperature determines the direction of flow 225. Why we use gap in rollers in bridge?
of heat. Heat flows from higher temperature to lower Ans. Bridges with rollers below one of their ends
temperature. As the temperature of hot body is more allow movements due to expansion and contraction.
than the cold body, therefore heat flows from hot Bridges made of steel girders also expand during the
body to cold body. The flow of heat will continue till day and contract during night. They will bend if their
the bodies attain thermal equilibrium. ends are fixed. To allow thermal expansion, one end
220. How does heating affect the motion of is fixed while the other end of the girder rests on
molecules of a gas? rollers in the gap left for expansion. Overhead
Ans. When a gas is heated, the kinetic energy of transmission lines are also given a certain amount of
gas molecules goes on increasing. This causes the gas sag so that they can contract in winter without
molecules to move with higher velocities. During snapping.
their random motion they collide with each other and
also with the walls of the container. Thus, they put
pressure on the walls of the container.
221. What is thermometer? Why mercury is
preferred as thermometric substance?
Ans. A device that is used to measure the
temperature of a body is called thermometer.
It is highly boiling point, less specific heat,
low freezing point.
Mercury is preferred as a thermometric
substance because it has all the thermometric
properties. Mercury freezes at -39 C and boils 375 C.
Thus mercury is one of the most suitable
thermometric materials.
222. What is meant by evaporation? Explain
how cooling is produced by evaporation.
Ans. Evaporation is the changing of a liquid into
vapors (gaseous state) from the surface of the liquid
without heating it.

Evaporation takes place at all temperatures but

only from the surface of a liquid when fast moving
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Chapter No # 09 232. What is meant by convection currents?
Transfer of Heat Lhr.2013, 18
Ans. Gases also expand on heating, thus
226. Describe transfer of heat. convection currents are easily set up due to the
Ans. When two bodies at different temperature are difference in the densities of air at various parts in the
in thermal contact with each other. Thermal energy atmosphere.
from a hot body flows to a cold body in the form of 233. Difference between land breeze and sea
heat. This is called as transfer of heat. breeze. Lhr.2014, 18, 19
There are three ways by which transfer of heat takes Ans. The breeze which blows from land to sea
place. These are: during night time is called land breeze.
i. Conduction The breeze which blows from sea to land
ii. Convection during day time is called sea breeze.
iii. Radiation 234. What cause a glider to remain in air?
227. Describe conduction. Lhr.2014, 19 Lhr.2013, 17
Ans. The mode of transfer of heat by vibrating Ans. A glider is a small aero plane without engine.
atoms and free electrons in solids from hot to cold Glider pilot uses upward movement of hot air current
parts of a body is called conduction. due to convection of heat. These rising of hot air are
In solid, heat is transferred from one part to other called thermals. Glider rides over these thermals.
parts from atoms to atoms or molecule to molecules The upward movement of air current in
due to collisions. thermals helps them to stay in the air for long time.
228. Describe thermal conductivity.Lhr.2014, 19 235. What is radiation and on what factors
Ans. The rate of flow of heat across the opposite radiation depends? Lhr.2018, 19
faces of a meter cube of a substance maintained at a Ans. Radiation is the mode of transfer of heat from
temperature difference of one Kelvin is called thermal one place to another in the form of waves called
conductivity. electromagnetic waves.
229. What is the effect of length of the solid on Factors radiation depends.
thermal conductivity? Lhr.2015 Radiation depends upon various factors such
Ans. Larger is the effect of length between the hot as given below
and cold ends of the solid, more time it will take to (i) Colour and texture of the surface
conduct heat to the colder end and smaller will be the (ii) Surface temperature
rate of flow of heat. Thus (iii) Surface area
𝑄 1 236. Define greenhouse effect. Lhr.2015, 17
Rate of flow of heat 𝑡 ∝ 𝐿
Ans. As the concentration CO2 in air increases,
230. Write the uses of conductors and Non-
less heat energy is lost from the surface of the earth.
conductor’s. Lhr.2019
The average temperature of the surface gradually
Ans. Good conductors are used when quick
increases. This is called greenhouse effect.
transfer of heat is required through a body. Thus
cookers, cooking plate, boiler, radiators and
The greenhouse effect is a natural process
condensers of refrigerators, etc. are made of metals
that warms the Earth's surface. When the Sun's energy
such as aluminum or copper. Similarly, metal boxes
reaches the Earth's atmosphere, some of it is reflected
are used for making ice, ice cream, etc.
back to space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated
Uses of Non-conductor’s:
by greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases include
Insulators or bad conductors are used in
water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
home utensils such as handles of sauce-pans, hot
plates, spoons, etc. They are made up of wood or
237. What is global warming?
plastic. Air is one of the bad conductors or best
Ans. During the recent years, the percentage of
carbon dioxide has been increased considerably. This
231. What is meant by convection?
has caused an increase in the average temperature of
Lhr.2016, 17, 19
the earth by trapping more heat due to greenhouse
Ans. The transfer of heat by actual movement of
molecules from hot place to a cold place is known

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238. Why metals are good conductor of heat? is greater as compared to solids so transfer of heat
Ans. Metals are good conductors of heat because cannot be done by conduction process. So in liquids
they contain free electrons which transfer heat, from heat is flow due to convection process only.
one end to another end. 246. How does heat reaches us from the sun?
239. Why a metal feels colder to touch than Ans. One sun is a major source of energy. Since
wood kept in a cold place? there is a space between the earth and sun, so the
Ans. Good heat absorber is also good heat emitters mode of transfer of heat from one place to another is
and bad heat absorber are also bad heat emitters. As called radiation.
metals are good heat absorber as compared to wood, 247. We wear white and light coloured clothes
thus, a metal emits heat at faster rate than the wood in summer. Why? Lhr.2017
which is a bad heat emitter. Ans. We wear white and light coloured clothes in
240. Why land breeze blows from land towards summer because white and light colours are bad
sea? absorbed and good reflector of heat. That’s heat is not
Ans. At night, the land cools faster than the sea. absorbed by white or light coloured clothes.
Therefore air above the sea is warmer, rises up and 248. Why is it not advisable to wear dark
cold air from the land begins to move towards the sea. colours in summer? Lhr.2014
It is called land breeze. Ans. Because they have the tendency to absorb
241. Why doubled glass vessel is used in more amount of radiation which causes hotness, so it
thermos flask? is not advisable to wear dark colours in summers.
Ans. A thermos flask consists of a double walled 249. What are the four faces of Leslie’s cube?
glass vessel. It reduces the transfer of heat by Ans. A Leslie cube is a metal box having faces of
conduction, convection and radiation. different nature. The four faces of Leslie's cube may
242. Why deserts soon get hot during the day be as follows
and soon get cold after sunset? (i) A shining silvered surface
Ans. Deserts are good heat absorber due to high (ii) A dull black surface
thermal conductivity of sand .Since good heat (iii) A white surface
absorbers are good heat emitters. Thus, deserts soon (iv) A coloured surface
get hot during the day and soon get cold after sunset. Due to difference in nature of faces, the
243. Why conduction of heat does not take emittance, absorption and reflection of heat is of
place in gases? different amount from sides of Leslie cube.
Ans. Conduction is the mode of transfer of heat by 250. Why sauce pans are made of metals?
vibrating atoms and free electrons in solids from hot Ans. Sauce pans are made of metal for quick heat
to cold parts of a body. In gases atoms are far apart. transfer. Because metals are good conductor of heat
Thus, there is a very small chance of collisions and contain free electrons. These free electrons
between their atoms. Gases do not have free transfer heat to other parts of solid quickly.
electrons. That is why conduction of heat does not
take place in gases. Most Important (100) Definitions
244. What measure do you suggest to conserve
energy in houses? Lhr.2016 2, 3, 7, 8, 9,
Ans. Following measure suggest conserving 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
energy in house. 16, 17, 21, 27, 32, 40, 44, 47,
i. Hot water tanks are insulated by plastic or 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 58, 59, 72, 73,
foam lagging. 74, 75, 77, 78, 82, 90, 93, 94, 101, 105, 107,
ii. Wall cavities are filled with plastic foam or 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114, 116, 118, 123, 127,
wool. 129, 130, 138, 143, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154,
iii. Ceiling of rooms is covered by insulating 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 172,
materials (False Ceiling) 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 184, 185, 186, 187,
iv. Double glazed window panes are used. 198, 201, 202, 205, 208, 209, 210, 213,
245. Why transfer of heat in fluids takes place 215, 218, 224, 227, 228, 231, 232,
by convection? 233, 234, 235, 236, 244, 247
Ans. Since the distance between liquids molecule

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