Health 9 Q2 WK3
Health 9 Q2 WK3
Health 9 Q2 WK3
Learning Objectives:
o Describe the three major drugs of abuse in the Philippines
o Enumerate the classifications of drugs according to their effects on the body
o Give importance why drug abuse/substance abuse is dangerous to teenagers, family
and country
Classification of Drugs of Abuse
Drug should be used properly to prevent drug abuse. But despite how careful we are it can
still lead to abuse, addiction, legal offense, serious health problems and even death. The three major
drugs of abuse use in the Philippines are methamphetamine hydrochloride or “shabu”, cannabis
sativa or “marijuana”, and inhalants known as “solvent”. These drugs of abuse are included in the
six classifications of drugs.
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Narcotics are drugs which relieve pain
and induce sleepiness. In medicine,
these drugs are administered in
moderation to patients with mental
disorders and those in severe pain like
cancer. Narcotic drugs include cocaine, heroin and marijuana. These drugs are
File:CocaineHydrochloridePowder.jpg illicit and dangerous if taken.
Both legal and illegal drugs have chemicals that can change how your body and mind work.
They can give you a pleasurable “high,” ease your stress, or help you avoid problems in your life.
Alcohol affects everyone differently. But if you drink too much and too often, your chance of an injury
or accident goes up. Heavy drinking also can cause liver and other health problems or lead to a more
serious alcohol disorder. If you’re a man and you drink more than four drinks on any day or more
than 14 in a week, you’re drinking too much. For women, heavy drinking means more than three
drinks in one day or more than seven drinks a week.
This illegal drug is the natural version of manmade prescription opioid narcotics. Heroin gives you a rush
of good feelings at first. But when it wears off, everything slows down. You’ll move and think more slowly,
and you may have chills, nausea, and nervousness. You may feel a strong need to take more heroin to
feel better.
This drug speeds up your whole body. When you use cocaine, you may talk, move, or think very fast.
You may feel happy and full of energy. But your mood may then shift to anger. You may feel like
someone is out to get you. It can cause you to do things that don’t make sense. It is also know Blow,
Bump, C, Candy, Charlie, Coke, Crack, Flake, Rock, Snow, Toot
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Marijuana is made from the hemp plant, Cannabis sativa. The main psychoactive (mindaltering)
chemical in marijuana is delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC It can make you feel silly and laugh
for no reason. Or you may feel sleepy and forget things that just happened. Driving while high on pot
is just as dangerous as drunk driving. And heavy marijuana use can leave some people “burned out”
and not think or care about much.
Methamphetamine is a powerful, highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system.
Also known as meth, blue, ice, and crystal, among many other terms, it takes the form of a white,
odorless, bitter-tasting crystalline powder that easily dissolves in water or alcohol.
When you first start taking a substance, you may think you can control how much you use. But over
time, you may need more of the drug to get the same feeling or effect. For some people, that can lead
beyond abuse to addiction. Signals that you may have a problem with substance abuse include if
Exercises / Activities :
Give the description of the following major drugs of abuse in the Philippines. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Shabu –
2. Marijuana –
3. Inhalants –
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Activity 2. The Drug Concept Map
Copy the concept map on a whole sheet of paper and add information to complete the map.
Classifications of Drugs
Harmful Harmful
Effects Effects
Poster making: Create a poster that showcasing the dangerous effects of drugs/substance of abuse
to teenagers, family and country.
Category 4 3 2 1
Title Title can be Title can be Title can be Title is too
read at 6ft. read at 6ft. read at 4ft. small and
away and away and away and does not
quite creative describe describe describe the
content well content well content well.
Attractiveness Poster is Poster is Poster is Poster is too
exceptionally attractive in acceptably messy, not
attractive in terms of attractive attractive and
terms of layout, design though it may poor design.
layout, design and neatness bit messy
and neatness
Graphics- Several on the One or two on The graphics No graphics
originality graphics used the graphics are made by made by the
reflects the used reflects student, but student are
students the students based the idea included
creativity creativity on others.
Obregoso, Health Grade 9, Alternative Delivery Mode, Quarter 2, Wk. 3-Module: 3
Drugs of Abuse, First Edition, 2020
email address:
Answer Key
Activity 1.
1. Shabu – is a stimulant drug that speed up a person’s central nervous system. It makes a
person’s energy high. Also known as meth, blue, ice, and crystal, among many other
terms. It takes the form of a white, odorless, bitter tasting crystalline powder that easily
dissolves in alcohol or water.
2. Marijuana – Is made from the hemp plant, Cannabis, sativa. It can make you feel silly
and laugh for no reason or you may feel sleepy and forget things that just happened.
3. Inhalants – are found in ordinary household chemical products and anesthetics. Inhalant
intoxication is similar to the signs and symptoms of alcohol intoxication. Examples of
household products use as inhalants are acetone, rugby, spray paints and cleaning
Activity 2:
1. Gateway drugs – your chance of injury or accident goes up, can cause liver and other health
problems or lead to a more serious alcohol disorder.
2. Depressant drugs- slow down a person’s Central nervous System
3. Stimulant drugs – depression and tiredness
4. Narcotics – these drugs are illicit and dangerous if taken and it can make you silly and laugh
for no reason.
5. Hallucinogens – It distorts reality and facts. It affects all senses and makes a user see, hear
and feel things that don’t exist in the time being
6. Inhalants – leads to delusions, brain damage, liver damage, coma, and death
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