Business Card Dungeon Delve
Business Card Dungeon Delve
Business Card Dungeon Delve
by Melv Lee
Business Card Dungeon Delve is a Solo Role Playing Game that requires 12+ Dice to play.
Recommended 20+ Dice for ease of play.
How to Play
You are an adventurer traveling through the realm. Your goal is to earn 120 Gold, enough to
buy a piece of farmland to retire from the risky adventurer’s life.
You start at a Settlement. Starting Stat: Str 0, Dex 0, Int 0, HP 12 (Max 12).
Starting Gear: D6 Gold, 6 Torches, 6 Ration, 1 Random Potion & 1 Random Spell.
You can restock or use facilities in the Settlement before starting your Journey.
Wilderness Sequence of play:
Roll on Quest to receive Roll on Journey till Explore the Roll on -1 Ration per Wilderness
Quest. You will need to Dungeon to determine Wilderness. Roll Encounter & Exploration
reach a Settlement to the number of on Wilderness & Resolve test, If you run out of
gain the reward Wilderness Explorations Resolve test Fight enemy or ration, -1 hp per
(You also always decline Roll further Wilderness or Dungeon
your current quest to tables Exploration
get a new one)
Dungeon Sequence of play:
Roll on Dungeon Size Explore the Roll on Encounter & -1 Torch per dungeon room explored
to determine the Room. Roll on Resolve test, Fight enemy If you run out of torches in a
number of Room Dungeon & or Roll further tables Dungeon, Your Adventurer is lost
Explorations Resolve test forever in the dark. Game over.
Level up: You can spend 6x Stat level XP to upgrade stat level by 1. E.g. Level up Str from 0 to 1 requires 6xp, Level
Str from 1 to 2 Requires 12 XP, Each stat can be levelled up to max of 3.
Test: During your journey, you will be required to resolve different tests. Roll 1D6 + stat. If the result is higher
than the test requirements, you pass the test, otherwise, you failed the test. E.g. Dex 4 requires the player to roll
5,6 to pass the test. Rolling 1 s will always result in a failed test.
Spell / Potion: Potions and Spells can be used anytime. Unless specified, all spell/potion effects last through 1 whole
wilderness or dungeon phase. Pass an INT 5 test and you get to keep the spell used!
Combat: During your journey, you will fight different enemies. The player always acts first. Roll 1D6 + Atk higher
than Monster Atk to deal 1 damage. The player then defends the monster attack by rolling 1D6 + Def higher than
Monster Atk to block damage. A failed defense roll results in 1 damager to the player. Rolling 1 s will always result
in a failed attack or defense. When enemy HP is reduced to 0, the enemy is defeated and you may gain 1 XP and
collect the loot.
flee: You may try to escape from combat by passing a Dex test at Monster ATK – 1 (to a minimum of 1). E.G To escape
from a Wyvern, you will need to roll higher than Dex 5. (atk 4 – 1), failing a flee test will result in a free attack
by the monster
Weapon / Armor: During your adventure, you will gather weapons or armor. The player can have 1 weapon and 1
armor at a time. Weapons and Armours may get damaged during your journey
Torch / Ration: You can carry up to 12 Rations and 12 Torches.
Rest: After completing a whole dungeon, you can take a rest and heal up to 1D6 hp. If you skip the dungeon by using
spells or potions, you will also miss the resting bonus.
Wilderness Dungeon Encounter Enemy Torch Ration
Dex 4, -2 ,+2xp
1. 2g +2 or +2 5. Raider npc x 2 3. Sword +2 Atk 5. Shaman
4. Herbs +1 Potion 4, 2D3, 1xp & 3g
6. Swamp
2. 3g
3. 6g
Restore 1hp
+1 Potion
4, 2, 4g 6. Throne 5. Tome +1 Spell
Str 5, -2hp, +5g 4. 15g +1 Spell 6. Wyvern Enemy x 2 6. D3x10 Gold 6. Guardian
5. 20g Training +5xp 5, 3D3, 4xp 5, 2D6, Treasure
6. 30g Resurrection x10
x10 Return to Life in Settlement
Journey till next dungeon 1-2: 3, 3-4: 4, 5-6: 5 Dungeon Size 1-2: 3, 3-4: 4, 5-6: 5
Spell max 3:
Quest: Wilderness Npc: Spell max 3:
Hazards: Dungeon Npc: 4. Lighting
Objective, Reward Test, Fail, Success 1. Healing hand
Test, Fail Test, Fail, Success Damage D6 hp
Restore D6 hp
1. Hunt: Return 4 Rations 1. Wizard 1. Pit 5. Morphing
+3xp & +2D6g Int 3, -5xp, +1spell 2. Fire Ball 1. Tomb Robber
2. Deliver: Pass 3 npc test 2. Thief Damage D3 hp Dex 3, -1hp Dex 3, -5xp, +5g Temporary +D3 Stat
+3xp & + 10g 2. Spikes 2. Vampire 6. Teleport
3. Scout: Explore 5 Rooms
Dex 3, -5g, +1xp 3. Light Int 4, -3hp, +1 potion
Dex 3, -2hp
3. Merchant Add D3 Torches Teleport to Settlement
+3xp & + 15g
3. Poison Darts 3. Dwarf Miner
4. Destroy:D6+3 Dungeon or Int 3, -10g, +5g Potion max 3: Str 3, -5g, +10g
Potion max 3:
Dex 4, -2hp
Wilderness 3+ Enemies 4. Wrench 1. Healing 4. Strength
+6xp & + 25g Str 3, -2xp, +2hp 4. Cave In 4. Barbarian
Restore 3 hp Str 3, -1hp Str 4, -2 Atk, +2hp +2 Str or +2 Atk
5. Map: Journey through 5. Knight 5. Invincibility
3 Swamps Str 4, -1 Atk, +2xp
2. Invisibility 5. Gas 5. Hermit
+6xp & + 35g Sneak pass location Str 3, -2hp Int 4, -1 Def, +2xp Auto pass test
6. Assassin
6. Retrieve: 3 Tomes from
Dex 5, -2hp, +1 Treasure 3. Accelerate 6. Maze 6. Assassin 6. Rock Skin
Dungeon Int 3, -1 Torch Dex 5, -2hp, +1 Treasure +2 Def
-3 or +3 Journey or
+6xp & + 50g
Str: Dex: Int: hp: Str: Dex: Int: hp:
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