Melcs Creative Writing

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
GRADE LEVEL: Grade 11/12
SUBJECT: Creative Writing

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning K to 12 CG Code

Standards Standards Competencies
S1/2 The learners have an The learners shall be able to Use imagery, diction, figures of HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Ia-b-4
Q1/3 understanding of imagery, produce short paragraphs or speech, and specific experiences
diction, figures of speech, vignettes using imagery, diction, to evoke meaningful responses
and variations on language. figures of speech, and specific from readers
The learners have an The learners shall be able to Identify the various elements, HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c-f-6
understanding of poetry produce a short, well- crafted techniques, and literary devices in
as a genre and how to poem specific forms of poetry
analyze its elements and Write a short poem applying the HUMSS_CW/MP11/12c- f-10
techniques. various elements and literary
devices exploring innovative
The learners have an The learners shall be able to Identify the various elements, HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i-11
understanding of fiction as produce at least one striking techniques, and literary devices in
a genre and are able to scene for a short story. various modes of fiction
analyze its Write journal entries and other HUMSS_CW/MPIg-i-13
elements and short compositions exploring
techniques. key elements of fiction
S1/2 The learners have The learners shall Identify the various elements, HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-15
Q2/4 an understanding of drama be able to compose at least one techniques, and literary devices in
as a genre and are able to scene for a one-act play that can drama
analyze its elements and be staged. Understand intertextuality as a HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-16
techniques. technique of drama
Conceptualize a HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-17
character/setting/plot for a one-act
Championing Human Aspirations with Respect, Modesty, Empathy and Dynamism -CHARMED MNHS

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
0917-874-3799 / 0917-656-2178
[email protected]
Explore different staging modalities HUMSS_CW/MPIjc-18
vis-à-vis envisioning the script
Write at least one scene for one-act HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-20
play applying the various elements,
techniques, and literary devices
The learners have an The learners shall be able to Write a craft essay demonstrating HUMSS_CW/MPIIc-f-23
understanding of the produce a craft essay on the awareness of and sensitivity to the
different orientations of personal creative process different literary and/or socio-
creative writing. deploying a consciously selected political contexts of creative writing
orientation of creative writing
The learners may choose from Create an online portfolio the
any of the following: outputs produced: poetry, fiction,
1. Design a group blog for script, etc. applying ICT skills/any
poetry and fiction appropriate multimedia forms
2. Produce a suite of poems, a
full/completed short story,
or a script for a one-act
play, with the option of
3. Create hypertext literature

Championing Human Aspirations with Respect, Modesty, Empathy and Dynamism -CHARMED MNHS

Managpi National High School

Calapan City Oriental Mindoro
0917-874-3799 / 0917-656-2178
[email protected]

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