Intertextuality Quiz

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Let Us Assess 9.

Maleficent is a 2014 American dark fantasy film

directed by Robert Stromberg. The movie was inspired
Multiple Choice. Read each statement/passage by a classic Disney story _________.
carefully and answer the questions that follow. Write A. Cinderella C. Sleeping Beauty
only the letter of your choice in CAPITAL LETTER on B. Beauty and the Beast D. Snow White
your sheet.
10. Hypertext is a word or words that contain a link to a
1. Who was the originator of the theory of website. Which of the following does not utilize
intertextuality? hypertext?
A. Sigmund C. Karl Jung A. Facebook C. printed document
B. Julia Kristeva D. Immanuel Kant B. newspaper D. Both B & C

2. Which of the following is a “text”? 11.The following are scenarios of students utilizing
A. novel C. song hypertext in making their assignment, EXCEPT:
B. movies D. All of the above A. a student using his/her cell phone to browse Google
B. a student going to the library to search from books
3. Which of these is not a type of intertextual C. a student goes to the internet cafe to check some
relationship? websites
A. pastiche C. parody D. Both A and C
B. allusion D. None of the above
12. A filmmaker decides to make a re-make of the Great
4. Intertextuality can take place __________. Wall set on Mars in 2327 AD. How did the filmmaker
A. within the same medium or style utilize intertextuality in his/her work?
B. across mediums or styles A. intertextuality in printed materials
C. across cultures B. intertextuality in newspaper
D. All of the above C. intertextuality in advertisement
D. intertextuality in films
5. The concept of intertextuality refers to the idea that
the authors can use the literary 13. “No film exists on its own and consciously or not all
relationship as a way to ___. films borrow ideas from other films, past or present.
A. communicate C. retire Nothing exists on its own.” This statement is
B. make money D. enjoy ____________.
A. False C. Not clear
6. Ernest Hemingway draws language from metaphysical B. True D. an opinion
poet John Donne’s “Meditation XII” in naming his novel
For Whom the Bell Tolls. _________ is shaping of 14. Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus is a horror
text’s meaning by other novel by Mary Shelley. The reference here to the Titan
text. Prometheus relies on centuries of interpretation
A. hypertext C. hyperlink through Greek myth and drama.
B. hyperdemia D. intertextuality the A. parody C. rhetoric
B. allusion D. metaphor
7. The Reading and Writing students will present their
recreated advertisement that promotes 15. Shrek is a giant example of intertextuality. It has a
products using allusion to past literary work. In what special beginning, “Once upon a time” and the whole
way will the students utilize intertextuality movie is about a potion called “happy ever after.” It
A. intertextuality in printed materials also has a number of references to other fairytales.
B. intertextuality in advertisement How do the original stories of the fairy tales changed
C. intertextuality in newspaper in the movie Shrek?
D. intertextuality in films. A. The original story is changed in such a way that it
becomes comical and makes fun of the original concept
8. Ms. Sunga, a teacher of Reading and Writing subject, or characters.
assigned her students to research about the works of B. There was no deeper meaning to the intertextuality.
Shakespeare posted in Her C. The film is a parody of dozens of fairy tales stories.
students will then visit the above link as reference D. Both A and C
to their assignment. Which of the following uses
computer-based text retrieval system where user could
access particular locations or files in web pages by
clicking on links?
A. hypertext C. hyperlink
B. hyperdemia D. intertextuality

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