Class 3 English Syllabus

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Listening and Speaking

Listening and speaking are enhanced by bigger chunks of language such as stories
narratives and poems. Activities like role play etc. engage the children with the

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
tell a story, or recount an experience with appropriate and relevant facts;
give descriptive details, speaking clearly at an understandable pace;
speak clearly in front of an audience using volume and pitch suited to the purpose and respond
to questions asked;
narrate stories / recite poems aloud with expression for enjoyment;
use grammatically correct language and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas and
supporting details;
engage in drama/ role play activities;
take dictation of short stories.

Listening and Speaking

Suggested Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Areas/Content Processes Resources
 Picture stories  Reviewing and building on previous  Audio/video clips/cartoons
 Narrate stories on various learning. for poems/stories
themes with expressions  Encouraging children to participate in  magazines, newspapers,
and actions role play /dialogue and contribute to picture books etc.
 Narrate experiences with conversations.  Realia/ Flashcards/
relevant facts, descriptive  Creating opportunities for listening to Posters/ puppets/ Models/
details. a poem/ story/ dialogue and enacting Charts etc.
 Recite poems aloud with it.
the required expression.  Setting a cooperative, positive
 Drama/ role play activities classroom tone for discussion.
based on poems, stories,  Providing opportunities for children to
incidents share information that is relevant and
 Dictation in content/short interesting to them (e.g., asks children
stories to share ideas, in small groups, about
items, situations and experiences
based on values and focusing on
 Providing opportunities for children to
retell the stories orally, using props
such as puppets, costumes, story
maps, and felt boards.
 Using illustrations in a picture book to
unfold the story with children.
 Developing childrens’ background
knowledge (schema) and vocabulary

Listening and Speaking
Suggested Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Areas/Content Processes Resources
related to the topic of the text and real
life experiences.
 Periodically scheduling book talks,
reading conferences, and literature
circles, as appropriate for the physical,
social, emotional and developmental
needs of individual children or groups.
 Giving dictation of some familiar
words and simple sentences to enable
children to listen and write (listening
is linked to speaking and writing)
 Setting aside time for extensive
reading (reading for leisure /pleasure).

NOTE: The activities/tasks suggested above are not necessarily restricted to

listening and speaking. As the language teacher is aware, all four language skills are
inter-related and often overlap.

Reading and Writing

Children read a text with fluency, interpret and raise critical questions. They write with
sense of purpose that is drawn from personal experience.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
interpret a picture and raise critical thinking questions;
read aloud appropriate level prose, poetry and other texts with fluency and expression;
write a paragraph of approximately 100 words with one central idea that introduces a topic.
makes use of linking words (e.g. ‘because’, ‘and’, ‘also’ etc.) to provide a sequence and a
conclusion. topics could be personal, narrative or descriptive;
draw from personal experiences or real life situations;
write a simple letter (to a parent, friend, relative etc.).

Reading and Writing

Suggested Learning
Suggested Areas/Content Suggested Transactional Processes
 Picture reading with  Reviewing and building on previous  Picture reading books with
stimulating questions. learning. chunks (group of words in
 Read aloud age appropriate  Supporting child’s development as an language)
prose and poetry with independent reader with books that  Big books, Cartoons with
fluency and expression on are consistent with developing her/his audio or text.
themes. phonic knowledge.  Self / teacher created
 Paragraph writing of  using films / documentaries to develop materials.
approximately 100 words inference and critical skills.  Magazines, newspapers
with one central idea that  creating opportunities for children to  Activities/tasks (for
introduces a topic. ask questions about what they are recognizing words,
 Use of linking words (e.g. reading. associating letters and
‘because’, ‘and’, ‘also’ etc.)  creating opportunities for recitation sounds with words).
to provide a sequence and and performance.  Text types: Very short
conclusion. Topics could be  using drama to support writing. stories, articles, poems and
personal narrative or Inviting children to write in the role of songs, texts with visuals,
descriptive. real or imagined others. etc.
 Draw from personal  fostering talk amongst children to  Age appropriate
experiences or real life generate ideas, rehearse orally and to magazines, newspapers,
situations to express in reflect on the process of writing. picture books, story books
writing.  organizing of ideas reading and etc. (for reading and
 Write a simple letter (to a reviewing. connect it to their own
parent, friend, relative etc. (e.g. using drama and role play, experiences.)
annotating text, teacher modelling,  Realia/ Flashcards/
guided writing.) Posters/ Puppets/ Charts
etc. (to stimulate
 Establish and use a Book
/Reading Corner

Grammar and Vocabulary in Context

Use of vocabulary and grammar is supplemented with the introduction of Dictionaries.

They distinguish between various uses of language functions.

Learning Outcomes:
Children will be able to:
understand the concept of subject and predicate;
learn to use collective nouns and material nouns;
understand and apply the functions of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs in general
and their use in a particular sentence;
form and use regular and irregular and plural nouns, forms and uses simple tenses (past,
present, future);
learn the use of adjectives and their kinds.
understand and use sequencing through an alphabetical order (first two letters of the words)
distinguish between definite and indefinite articles and their appropriate use;
use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the
meaning of words and phrases.
use vocabulary in context appropriate to their age level.
learn to use an apostrophe to show singular possession and know the difference between plurals
and possessives.
learn to use prefixes and suffixes.

Grammar and Vocabulary in Context

Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Suggested Areas/Content
Processes Resources
 Subject and predicate.  Reviewing and building on  Self / teacher created
 Collective nouns and material previous learning. materials e.g. worksheets,
nouns.  Providing visuals/ verbal clues activities and tasks.
 Functions of nouns, pronouns, to introduce use of  Audio, video, print / text.
verbs, adjectives and adverbs grammatical elements at this  Authentic tasks and activities
in general. level. of short duration (These would
 Regular and irregular and  Providing worksheets with bring in an engagement with
plural nouns. pictures, illustrations etc. to • words,
 Singular possession. help children use grammar in • expressions in dialogue.
Difference between plurals and context. • formula use
possessives.  E.g.: using pictures to teach • collections
 Simple tenses (past, present, position. The cat is sitting on • word chunks
future). the table. • word / Languages games.)
 Sequencing through an  Giving /Assigning meaningful  Realia/ Flashcards/ Posters/
alphabetical order (first two exercises that allow / puppets/ Charts etc. (to
letters of the words) encourage children to practice stimulate language.)
 Definite and indefinite articles grammar, vocabulary and
and their appropriate use. specific language points.
 Use of dictionaries, glossaries  Providing authentic and real-
both print and digital. world / practical /
 Vocabulary in context assignments/ tasks to make
appropriate to the age level e.g. children aware of their
prefixes and suffixes. usefulness.

Grammar and Vocabulary in Context
Suggested Transactional Suggested Learning
Suggested Areas/Content
Processes Resources
 Dictation of language chunks.  Giving dictation of language
 Generating ideas about a
potential topic, using a variety
of strategies and resources
(e.g., formulate and ask
questions to identify personal
experiences, prior knowledge,
and information needs and to
guide searches for
information; brainstorm and
record ideas on the topic)


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