• Inclusion of prescribed subjects as per subject scheme.
• Complete E- learning material based on textbook
• In the form of audio-visual
• Presentation of chapterwise content and inclusion of questions as
per necessity
• Inclusion of various activities, pictures, figures/diagrams, etc.
• Use of animation for easy and simple learning
• Inclusion of exercises.
Standard One
Dear Children,
Now you are in Standard One. A most hearty welcome! We are happy to
place this textbook English Balbharati for Standard One in your hands.
Standard One is the beginning and foundation of education. To establish
this foundation you should be able to speak, read and write in English properly.
Until now you have heard English sometimes at home and outside the home.
Now you have to learn, read and write it. This textbook is full of songs, rhymes,
poems, stories and activities. It will make your learning interesting and easy.
There are various types of rhymes and poems. You will be very happy to
sing them and dance to them all together. You will enjoy to listen and tell stories
also. Everyone will be very happy to listen to your experiences while chatting
about pictures in your textbook.
There are many colourful pictures for reading, letters and words that you
would love to learn. At the beginning, you will surely enjoy the fun of learning
words and letters from pictures. Learn to read, to look and to say, to write in the
‘Word’ file; everything is fun. There are also some language games. Learning
the language in a playful manner will help you to read the words, sentences and
lessons. From all of these you will have the pleasure of learning on your own.
Q. R. Codes have been given to songs, stories, letter groups, picture reading and
other activities too. You will definitely like everything.
At the end of the Standard One, I hope you will be able to speak, read and
write confidently. Friends, grow up while studying with joy. Wish you all the best
for your studies!
(Dr Sunil Magar)
Date : 16 May 2018
Indian Solar Year :
Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook
26 Vaishakh, 1940
Production and Curriculum Research, Pune.
For Teachers / Parents
Learning should be enjoyable, interesting, Instructions for Teachers / Parents
motivating and constructive for the children. To develop (1) Listen, sing and act : The teacher may add other
child’s language skills like listening, speaking, reading, happy actions to the song; for the practice.
writing and study skills all the activites and games have (2) Look and Say : Use flash cards and make the
been planned in this book. children read the words at sight.
Each unit has following sections. (3) Game : ‘Arya says’ Page 3. Give ample practice
Let’s listen : Use of rhymes, poems, simple instructions, of action time to the children. Ask any one child
to play the role of Arya and give instructions.
polite requests, words, sentences and stories.
Children can use their own names in the place of
Let’s speak : Use of some of the basic functions of
‘Arya’. Let each and every child get the chance
language such as greetings, introduction, expressing
in the game.
feelings, conversations and answering open - ended
(4) For Page 5, 6 : Prepare and use several sets of
small and capital letter cards to give practice of
Let’s build words : Use of flash cards, various games all the activities given.
and activities for increasing and enriching vocabulary. (5) Word game Page 6 : Make each child say a word
Let’s communicate : Use of conversations and games. that does not start with the first letter of his/her first
Let’s read : Use of alphabet, sight words, rhymes and name. If he/she makes mistake he/she will be out
stories. of the game. Give enough time to each and every
Let’s write : Use of different writing forms. child to tell the word. This will provide ample
Let’s assess : Through various activities and games scope for collection of maximum vocabulary.
recognise alphabet and sounds. (6) Soham’s Ball Page. 10 : Give more emphasis on
differentiate between small and capital letter the thought provoking questions given in the story.
arrange alphabetically (7) Magic words Page 11 : Provide more examples/
situations for motivating children to use magic
reciting poems, follow instructions
words in their day-to-day life.
giving verbal and non - verbal responces
(8) Guessing Game Page 16 : Tell at least three
understand sequence in the stories sentences about classroom things and ask the
speak about self/ situations/pictures children to guess them.
enact or dramatize an event, conversation or story For example : It is black. It is on the wall. It is used
for writing. What is it? Give more examples.
‘Word’ file : The ‘Word’ file activity will develop (9) Picture describing Page. 14, 18, 61, 63, 75.
interest in learning process and develop vocabulary. Motivate the children to answer different types
Parents/teachers should allow the child to find, cut, draw of questions, to observe and talk about the given
pictures or write / copy words etc. pictures.
The present textbook is a child - friendly, child - centred, (10) Game : Just whisper Page 19 : Whisper a word/
activity - oriented and based on constructivism. It will words/sentence to any child and ask him/her
surely develop confidence and interest in the child for to whisper the message to his/her friend sitting
beside him/her. Continue the game upto the last
English. The techniques and strategies recommended /
participant in the game. Then ask him/her to tell
used in this book will help in the all round development
the message aloud.
of the children.
The teacher must make sure that each child
The book has been integrated into various types of themes participates in all the activities.
which promote collaborative learning.
English Balbharati - Standard One - Learning Outcomes
Examples :
Sing a song Wave your hands
2. Nature
3. Action Time
Hello! What
is your name?
Hello! My
name is Soham.
What is your
I am Reema.
How old are
I am six years
Good morning !
This is my father.
His name is
He is a doctor.
Good morning !
This is my mother.
Her name is Priya.
She is a teacher.
5. Let’s Learn Alphabet
4. Arrange the following letters in alphabetical order.
(1) d, k, w, a, (2) E, J, B, Y, S
5. Alphabet Game : Stand in a row alphabetically as per the first letter of
your name.
aA bB cC dD eE
fF gG hH iI jJ
kK lL mM nN oO
pP qQ rR sS tT
uU vV wW xX yY
z Z
h i e N I D
m f d M F H
w p s W P S
n E
11. Word game : Tell a word that does not start with the
first letter of your first name. If you make a mistake
you will be out of the game.
6. Frame Words
c. p pin d. b bow
t tin c cow
h o w how
b i n bin
n now
f fin
w wow
w win
e. f fun
r u n run
s sun
b bun
2. Look, listen and circle the odd man out.
1. bat bed boat hut
2. sun lock sack soap
3. cock cat dog clap
4. ladder leaf rose lemon
5. key pot pen purse
6. top toy axe tree
3. Copy the words in ‘Word’ file.
7. Letters on a Tab and Computer Keyboard
im ic ty pi ng on the keypad/keybo
Children can m do
th e cl as sr oo m it self. Allow them to
shown here, in
their own ideas.
more typing using
8. Sounds in the Middle of Words
b j
c t f t
g m
t n b n
n n
b d
c w p n
y n
4. Read the words and join each one to its starting sound.
vase hat
house doll
duck van
yell tap
rope yolk
tree ring
9. Soham’s Ball
2. Magic word.
Can you give Sure, here
me a pencil? it is.
10. Things that Go Together
11. Number Song
2. Write the number names from the song. One is done for you.
1 One 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10
3. Count and write.
UNIT 1. Rain
1.Look, listen, sing and talk about the picture.
ship sea
2. Things in My Classroom
e ca rd s fo r as m any things seen in or,
prepar air, desk, bench, do
1. Teachers should am pl e : ta bl e, ch
ible. For ex
classroom as poss ar d, duster, chart, dustbi
n etc.
l, co rn er , bo r about a
window, wal
ea ch ob je ct an d keep them there fo
Place them on / n re ad th e words from time to
ch ild re tch it.
month. Let the
an d as k th e ch ild ren to point to it/ fe
• Say one of these and them out to th
e children.
ct al l th e ca rd s. H .
• Colle
pl ac e th e ca rd s in the proper places
Ask them to
2. Write and label the things in your classroom.
3. Let’s talk.
(A) Teacher : Seema, please give me your notebook.
Seema : Here it is, Madam.
Teacher : Thank you.
Seema : My pleasure, Madam!
(B) Seema : Swapnil, please give me a pencil.
Swapnil : Here it is, Seema.
Seema : Thank you.
Swapnil : Welcome.
4. Guessing Game.
Tell any three sentences about the classroom things.
Ask the children to guess the thing.
For example : It is black.
It is rectangular.
It is used for writing.
(a) It is white.
It is small.
It is used for writing on the board.
3. Colours
4. Look at the picture and speak about it. Make phrases of colours.
For example : Green grass
....................... , ......................... , ....................... .
5. Identify the colours and its object.
5. Who are you?
Student 5 : Hello, I am a green leafy vegetable.
Who are you?
Student 2 : I am a smart white rabbit, and I eat
vegetables . . . .
Student 5 : Aaaa.......... (Runs away.)
2. Name and label the pictures of various vegetables in your ‘Word’ file.
3. Enact the story.
th is sk it , us e an other names of ve e:
e nu m be r of ch ar acters. For exampl
and increase th
big fat pumpkin.
Pumpkin : I am a .
er : I am a le af y curly cauliflower
ny purple brinjal.
Brinjal : I am a ti
: I am a lo ng an d strong radish.
Radis h
6. Be Quick
1. Listen and say. Listen to the names of the vegetables and add other names
to it.
Speak! Speak!!
What to speak?
Vegetables name, be quick!
Tomato, be quick !
Potato, be quick !
Radish, be quick !
Onion, be quick !
Cauliflower, be quick !
Lady’s finger, be quick !
Carrot, be quick !
Peas, be quick !
Oh ! I didn’t get it !
1. Bow, Wow UNIT
1. Listen, repeat and sing.
1. Look at the pictures for a minute. Close the book and tell the names of
2. Draw pictures of these animals in your ‘Word’ file. Write their names.
3. Look at the pictures and answer.
(i) the sound ‘l’ ( ii) the sound ‘t’ (iii) the sound ‘k’
(i) the letter ‘b’ (ii) the letter ‘t’ (iii) the letter ‘s’
(c) Spot the names of animals which end with -
(i) the letter ‘e’ (ii) the letter ‘t’ (iii) the letter ‘y’
4. Spot the given letter in the words and join all the letters you spot.
Example : lion elephant fly camel
3. Toto - The Hen
“Oh! My God! The coop is on fire”, he shouted. The coop was in a
Rahish ran to the tap of water and took the pipe.
Then he showered the water and put out the fire.
4. Let’s know more about animals.
2. Let’s talk.
Sunny : Hello, Rani.
Rani : Hi, Sunny.
Sunny : Can you make the sound of a dog?
Rani : Yes. I can. Can you make the sound of
an elephant?
Sunny : No. I can’t.
5. Surprise Birthday Party
Ducky, Lucky, Jin and Jenny came out and shouted, ‘‘ Happy Birthday
to you… Happy Birthday dear, Manku.”
“ We were waiting to give you a surprise”, all said.
“ I baked cake for you”, said Jin.
“ I bought you some grapes,” said Jenny.
“ And we have made this table for you”, said Ducky and Lucky.
“ It’s really a surprise for me. Thanks, my dear friends. You all are
really great ! I love you all,” said Manku.
Then they all danced together.
2. Talk about your favourite animal. Write a few lines about it.
bell clatter
horn bangs
clock beat
drums rings
door ticks
dishes honks
1. An Action Song UNIT
1. Listen, sing and act.
Touch your head
And touch your toes.
Shut your eyes
And pull your nose.
Clap your hands
And turn around.
Jump up high
And sit on the ground.
2. Read aloud.
2. Sunny and Mini
1. Listen carefully.
It was Sunday morning. Sunny was in his bed.
“ Get up Sunny, brush your teeth”,
said his mother.
“ Wow, Sunny you are looking neat and tidy. Let’s play.”
“ Thank you, Mini. Let’s play and enjoy Sunday.”
Mini and Sunny are playing with each other.
2. Complete the following sentences.
Sunny is ……………………
3. Good Habits
2. Put a for the good habits and for the bad habits.
• Priya wastes food.
• Rohan closes the tap while brushing.
• Mini brings chips everyday in her tiffin.
• Aman kicks his pet dog.
• Sohan takes care of his cat.
3. Jump in and jump out.
4. Favourite Things
5. The Helpful Girl
6. Word House
Home Numbers
7. Bicycle
Raj and Varad both want the bicycle. What could they do?
“Varad can have the bicycle, when I have finished my turn. I’ll ride
three times,’’ said Raj. Then it’s your turn.
“Ok. I’ll count.’’
They have worked it out.
Raj is having a turn on the bicycle.
Now, it is Varad’s turn.
They both had a turn.
How is Raj feeling now?
How is Varad feeling now?
8. Where is the cat?
(7) in
(6) far
near behind
(4) under
2. Enact the activity with the children with the help of table/bench/ chair/etc.
UNIT 1. We are opposites.
1. Listen, sing and enact.
We are opposites,
And I’ll tell you more!
I say after,
And you say before.
I come in,
And you go out,
We are opposites,
Let’s give a shout!
I look up,
And you look down,
I like to walk,
You run to town.
I am small,
As smaller can be,
You are big,
Much bigger than me.
I say stop,
And you say go,
We are opposites, We are opposites,
I told you so. It’s like I said before,
Think on your own,
If you want any more.
I think it’s hot,
You think it’s cold,
I say it’s new,
You say it’s old.
2. Read aloud and say faster and faster.
brown, frown
dear, near
walk, talk, chalk
cold, old, gold
small, ball, all
3. Read aloud the words in the two boxes given below and find the pairs of
opposite words.
For Example : lost × found
5. Circle the word that does not rhyme with the rest.
(a) more, score, door, dare
(b) go, so, do, no
(c) down, town, brown, own
(d) fun, ran, gun, sun
(e) game, same, name, come
(f) bush, brush, rush, crush
2. Dough Shapes
• Mix well.
• You can knead the dough, you can press the dough.
• You can squeeze the dough, you can roll the dough, and give it
‘Word’ file. Write the names of the shapes below the picture.
3. Which of the shapes you like most that you made? Use it in your own
3. A Surprise for Grandma
“ Come on Sohan!
Come on Sweety!’’
Grandpa, Sohan and Sweety work in the
kitchen. They are busy.
4. Tasty Treat
5. Me, Myself and I
3. About Myself.
My name is .
I am studying in standard.
I am years old.
I live in .
My friend’s name is .
My hobby is .
My favourite colour is .
4. Tell about yourself and write it in a few lines .
5. Copy the words in your ‘Word’ file.
6. Throw the ball.
(1) Stand in a circle.
(2) Take the ball, tell your name.
(3) Throw the ball to your friend.
(4) Ask him / her ‘‘What’s your name?’’
(5) Catch the ball and tell your name.
Continue the game until everyone
What’s your name? gets a chance.
My name is Sonal.
I am Riya.
1 Alphabet Song UNIT
1. Listen, repeat, read and sing.
a ate an apple
b bounced a ball.
c cut a carrot and
d dressed a doll.
i is on an island
j jumps and jogs.
k keeps kittens and
l lifts logs.
m makes mistakes,
n needs a nurse.
o obeys orders and
p patches a purse.
q queued up quickly
r rolled and rose.
s spoke slowly and
t touched his toes.
u uses an umbrella
v has a voilet van.
w washes windows
(whenever he can!)
x hides in boxes
y says ‘yummy’ and ‘you’
z says ‘zig-zag-zoom’.
Hurrah ! We are through.
2. Say the letters from ‘a’ to ‘z’ and fill the missing letters.
a e o r f j
3. Listen and tell the next letter.
m: j : n: v:
4. Listen and tell the letter before.
: b : m : s : z
5. Choose any letter from ‘a’ to ‘z’.
Write within two minutes, at least five words which have that letter.
6. Make up meaningful phrases/sentences by using words which begin with
the same sound.
big : a big blue ball for baby.
green :
cold :
dogs :
eight :
a g
8. Frame meaningful words using the letters given in the following shape.
n o m
c t d
y a r
i l s
e g b
2. Shyam’s Horse Cart
Madhu was frightened. Meera
fell on the frog. The frog fell on
the horse.
The horse was so frightened that
he ran helter-skelter.
Shyam, Madhu, Meera, the dog, the peacock and the frog were all
panting when they reached.
Till then the horse became quiet and relaxed. In the evening they
returned happily in the horse cart.
3. Buying Things
2. Look and say.
shop last
3. Complete the following sentences using your own ideas.
• We are going to
• I want to read
• I want to buy
• Shall we
• I must give you
4. Read and complete the following table.
4. Everyday Things
2. List more examples of each of the things given above. Then choose any one
example and write one or two lines about it.
il dr en ab ou t ea ch item and enco
Talk to the ch m an y examples as poss
d de sc ri be as
them to list an ey can talk/write ab
out the
nt ou t th at th
orally. Poi
(s of t, ro ug h, ha rd, etc.) smell,
fe el
colour, size, shape,
sound, etc. of each t
ce . It is w hi te , soft and tasty. I ea
For example, ‘I ea
t ri
n you
or be ll go es di ng -dong/ trrring whe
it hot.’ ‘Our do
press the button.’
5. A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place
6. The Ant and the Pigeon
1 2
One day an ant fell into a A pigeon sitting on a tree
pond and could not come saw it and decided to
out. help the ant. He threw a
leaf into the pond.
5 6
The hunter screamed in
The ant saw this and
pain. He missed his aim.
quickly climbed up his
The pigeon heard his
arm and stung it.
scream and flew away.
3. Look and say.
s - r - a m - d
p i - e - n
a i - e d
1. Traffic Rules UNIT
1. Listen, learn and read aloud.
6. Draw / Stick pictures of various kinds of vehicles and paste them in your
‘Word’ file. Write the name of each picture below it.
• truck • tractor
• tempo • bicycle
• bus • scooter
• car • autorickshaw
• jeep • boat
• ship • train
• motorcycle/motorbike
g out
he r sh ow s th e ca rd, without readin
The teac are a
d. In re sp on se , ch ildren imagine they
the wor propriately.
vehicle, and act ap
2. A Shapes Mobile
(2) cloud, star, rainbow, crescent moon, mango, flower, leaf, butterfly
ake a
ctio ns an d de m onstrate how to m
st ru children
1. Read out the in te pr io r pr eparation, let the
eq ua also be
mobile. With ad e cl as sr oom itself. It may
il es in th
prepare the mob
done as a group-ac
ex pr es s th ei r ow n ideas when they
ildren to one should get an
4. Encourage the ch th e sh ap es . E ve ry
speak and write ab
opportunity to spea
3.The Egg
3. Who lived in the nest?
5. ‘‘Now you’ve got a new baby sister to play with!’’ Who said this?
7. Write one line each about the characters you have met in the story.
• comfortable
• eggshell
• monkey
9. Find out the words from the story which contain blends (double letters) in
their spellings.
For Example : 1. parrot 2. ............
3. ........ 4. ............
5. .......... 6. ...........
7. ......... 8. ...........
9. ......... 10. .........
11. ........ 12. ........
13. ........ 14. .........
4. This - That
5. The Monkey and the Log
It’s tough. Help!
Out it came.
UNIT 1. The Sun
1. Listen and repeat.
2. Tommy is Lost.
3. It’s a Funny World !
7 9
6 m
a 8 6
1 2 3 4
E-learning material for the Standards I to XII
Available in Marathi and English medium
• Inclusion of prescribed subjects as per subject scheme.
• Complete E- learning material based on textbook
• In the form of audio-visual
• Presentation of chapterwise content and inclusion of questions as
per necessity
• Inclusion of various activities, pictures, figures/diagrams, etc.
• Use of animation for easy and simple learning
• Inclusion of exercises.