DLP Guide
DLP Guide
DLP Guide
6 Major Categories
Level 1: Recall Level 2: Interpretation Level 3: Problem Solving
Recall data or Understand the Use a concept in Separates Builds a Make
information. meaning, translation, a new situation material or structure or judgements
interpolation, and or unprompted concepts into pattern from about the
interpretation of use of an component parts diverse value of ideas
instructions and abstraction. so that its elements. Put or materials.
problems. State a Applies what organizational parts together
problem in one’s was learned in structure may be to form a whole,
own words. the classroom understood. with emphasis
into novel Distinguishes on creating a
situations in the between facts new meaning or
work place. and inferences. structures.
cite associate solve analyse arrange appraise
count classify translate appraise assemble assess
define compare utilize break down categorize choose
describe comprehend show compare collect compare
discover compute apply contract combine conclude
draw contrast calculate contrast compile contrast
identify convert complete criticize compose criticize
indicate defend use debate construct critique
know describe demonstrate deconstruct create defend
label differentiate dramatize detect design describe
list discuss change diagram detect determine
match distinguish employ differentiate devise discriminate
name estimate examine discriminate explain estimate
outline explain compute distinguish formulate evaluate
point explore construct experiment generalize explain
quote express illustrate identify generate grade
read extend discover illustrate integrate interpret
recall extrapolate interpret infer manage judge
recite generalize manipulate inspect modify justify
recognize give modify inventory organize measure
record infer interpolate outline plan rank
relate interpolate locate question prepare rate
repeat interpret operate relate prescribe recommend
reproduce locate prepare select produce relate
select paraphrase order separate propose revise
state predict predict summarize rearrange score
tabulate report practice reconstruct select
tell restate relate relate summarize
trace review report reorganize support
write rewrite produce revise test
summarize restate rewrite
translate review specify
schedule summarize
sketch synthesize
2. Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (skills)
List of Values:
Maka-Diyos Maka-tao Makakalikasan Makabansa
Love of God Concern for Others Care for the environment Peace and order
Faith Respect for human rights Disaster Risk Management Heroism and Appreciation of Heroes
Spirituality Gender equality Protection of the Environment National Unity
Inner Peace Family solidarity Responsible Consumerism Civic consciousness
Love of truth Generosity Cleanliness Social responsibility
Kindness Helping Orderliness Harmony
Humble Oneness Saving the ecosystem Patriotism
Concern for others Environmental sustainability Productivity
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy
Remembering Understandin Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
define convert apply analyze appraise categorize
describe defend change break down compare combine
identify distinguish compute compare conclude compile
label estimate construct contrast contrast compose
list explain demonstrate diagrams criticize create
match extend discover deconstruct critique devise
name generalize manipulate differentiate defend design
outline give modify discriminate describe explain
recall infer operate distinguish discriminate generate
recognize interpret predict illustrate evaluate modify
reproduce paraphrase prepare infer explain organize
select predict produce outline interpret plan
state rewrite relate relate justify rearrange
summarize show select relate reconstruct
translate solve separate summarize relate
use support reorganize