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Project Identification Details

Project Summary

The project will focus on developing a climate change adaptation focussed sustainable water
resources and sustainable agro-ecological management strategy for mountain region, through
appropriate institutional framework. The action will be to operationalise the systems and
management practices through an appropriate institutional framework for integrated water
resources planning and ago climate management.

What does this project intend to do?

The project intends to promote application of integrated technologies and practices for resilience of
local communities to handle problems due to climate change in fragile eco-system

Why does it intend to do so? Justification

Life and livelihood in the mountain have been abruptly affected due to climate change. Needs
integrated approach, engaging all stakeholders for long term sustainability

Where, which geog. area will be covered? State, Districts, Number of Villages

Himachal Pradesh- Kullu, high hill temperate wet and Champa districts, high hill temperate dry
zones; covering 20 villages in each district; total 40 villages.
How- Key words indicating strategies/ activities

Spring shed management and water conservation models, climate resilient farming, land
development and farm bunding, energy efficiency, automated weather stations, community
sensitization, action research

With Whom- who are the key beneficiaries

Primary target group would be small, poor and marginalised women farmers in fragile mountain
eco-system of Himachal Pradesh. In addition, 75 NGO members of Mountain Collective, a network of
NGOs engaged in working in mountain regions, will also benefit

 Problem Statement

 Q- What is the problem that the project aims to address?


Changing climatic conditions poses a great threat to the already vulnerable food production in the
fragile hill eco-system. The major constraints resulting from climatic variability includes; water
scarcity, recurrent droughts, cold wave, heat wave, flood, pest and diseases, fodder scarcity, poor
access to appropriate seeds/planting material and critical inputs and farm machinery. There is a
continuous fall in the productivity of horticultural groups like Apple. Also, there is mass migration
from hills to the plains. Women, who contribute 80% of labour force, are most affected. Life and
livelihoods are abruptly affected. The Programme will be implemented in two mountain districts of
Himachal Pradesh- Chamba and Kullu. Chamba has population is 0.52 million with Schedule caste
population of 0.11 million. Total agricultural labour is 9193 and other workers 83653. Kullu has
population of 0.44 million and 43.4% people engaged in agriculture. Main workers are 15190;
marginal 4105 and cultivators 11227. Horticulture is the main livelihood but due to climate
variability apple productivity in these areas will decrease by 1% by 2020 and 4% by 2030. Similar
impacts are seen in vegetable, pulses and rabi crops grown.

Proposed purpose

Overall objectives and specific objectives

Overall objective:

To improve climate resilience and build adaptive capacities of the communities to handle impacts of
climate change like low productivity in mountain state, Himachal Pradesh.

Specific Objectives:

 Improved soil and water regime for better crop productivity and resultant increase
in income of farmers.

 Increased adaptation to climate change through climate resilient farming system

and diversification such as providing seeds of tolerant varieties, organic farming and
multi-cropping, which will also help check stress related out-migration

 Integration of risk mitigation measures like digitised weather advisory and crop
insurances for the farmers.
 Creation of knowledge management system for climate change adaptation

Project Beneficiaries

List out type and number of beneficiaries to get impacted directly or indirectly through the proposed
methodology (covering individual as well as other stakeholders such as government departments,
PRI, government institutions (schools, hospitals, etc.), frontline workers, partner organizations, etc.)

 Direct beneficiary groups farmers, self-help groups, NGOs, Women, PRIs, Women
headed families

 Projected number of beneficiaries- 20000 (12000 female, 8000 male)

 Indirect beneficiary groups population of 40 villages, PRI members, larger civil


 Projected number of indirect beneficiaries- 60000 (35,000 Female, 25,000 Male)

Sustainability and Exit Strategy

The action will engage in promoting social, institutional and economic sustainability of local
communities and their associations. Sustainability will be ensured through capacity building,
collective action and empowerment processes. Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Federations
and their local networks that would emerge as outcome of the long-term development intervention
in the region through sustained efforts will further nurture and strengthen the ongoing initiatives
under the project, ensuring its sustainability.

Actions at the grassroots and state level will also be supported through greater awareness among
local communities. Structured training and capacity building initiatives will be undertaken during the
project phase with Panchayat Raj (local self-governance) Institutions, government authorities,
Judiciary, elected peoples’ representatives, local communities, community groups and associations.
Our role will be of facilitation of project activities. Empowered collectives of local communities
formed through the project, will access government resources including development schemes and
vocational training facilities on a sustainable basis, which will contribute towards ensuring
sustainability of the interventions beyond the project period. 

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