EVS Project
EVS Project
EVS Project
Environmental management can be so important because our environment gives a part of what we
are whether our culture are dirty people or clean, it is also nice to live in a nice, clean place which is
not polluted. It is also important to get people live in that place if a certain city, country is polluted no
one will think of living there and visitors will have a negative point of view on that place.
Why should you care about loss of waterfowl or other animals? In addition to
habitat, wetlands provide flood protection. A single acre of wetlands can store
up to 1.5 million gallons of water. A study by the Wetlands Initiative states
that restoration of the 100-year flood zone on the Upper Mississippi could
have mollified the property damage and crop loss of the the Great Flood of
1993. Environmental management also includes the protection of human
health through projects such as the Department of Energy's cleanup of
nuclear waste sites.
The key environmental challenges that the country faces relate to the nexus of
environmental degradation with poverty in its many dimensions, and economic
growth. These challenges are intrinsically connected with the state of environmental
resources, such as land, water, air, and their flora and fauna. The proximate drivers
of environmental degradation are population growth, inappropriate technology and
consumption choices, and poverty, leading to changes in relations between people
and ecosystems, and development activities such as intensive agriculture, polluting
industry, and unplanned urbanisation. However, these factors give rise to
environmental degradation only through deeper causal linkages, in particular,
institutional failures, resulting in lack of clarity or enforcement of rights of access
and use of environmental resources, policies which provide disincentives for
environmental conservation (and which may have origins in the fiscal regime),
The principal Objectives of this policy are enumerated below. These Objectives
relate to current perceptions of key environmental challenges. They may,
accordingly, evolve over time:
Conservation of Critical Environmental Resources:
To protect and conserve critical ecological systems and resources, and invaluable
natural and man-made heritage, which are essential for lifesupport, livelihoods,
economic growth, and a broad conception of human well-being
Intra-generational Equity: Livelihood Security for the Poor:
To ensure equitable access to environmental resources and quality for all sections of
society, and in particular, to ensure that poor communities, which are most
dependent on environmental resources for their livelihoods, are assured secure
access to these resources.
Inter-generational Equity:
To ensure judicious use of environmental resources to meet the needs and
aspirations of the present and future generations.
Integration of Environmental Concerns in Economic and Social Development:
To integrate environmental concerns into policies, plans, programmes, and projects
for economic and social development.
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management has to be
incorporated in business
The Microsoft Mobile Environmental
Management System (EMS) according to the ISO
14001 standard covers our cell phone production
sites and large offices. All cell phone production
sites are included in the ISO 14001 single
certificate. Microsoft Mobile also requires a
certified EMS of contract manufacturers and
suppliers of mobile phone components.
The Microsoft Mobile Environmental Management System
consists of:
identification of environmental aspects, and evaluation of
their significance
objectives and programs for achieving environmental
compliance with legal and other regulatory requirements
audits, management reviews, and continuous
operational management (data and processes) for
energy and water consumption, waste, etc.
The goal of the Environmental Management System is to
improve our environmental performance, focusing on:
energy consumption
water consumption
air emissions
waste management
national environment
A diverse developing society such as ours provides numerous challenges in the
economic, social, political, cultural, and environmental arenas. All of these coalesce
in the dominant imperative of alleviation of mass poverty, reckoned in the multiple
dimensions of livelihood security, health care, education, empowerment of the
disadvantaged, and elimination of gender disparities. The present national policies
for environmental management are contained in the national forest policy,1988
National Conservation Strategy and PolicyStatement on Environment and
Development, 1992 Policy Statement on Abatement of Pollution,1992 , the ; and the
. Some sector policies such as the ; ; and ; have also contributed towards
environmental management. All of these policies have recognized the need for
sustainable development in their specific contexts and formulated necessary
strategies to give effect to such recognition. The National Environment Policy seeks
to extend the coverage, and fill in gaps that still exist, in light of present knowledge
and accumulated experience. It does not displace, but builds on the earlier policies.
National Forest Policy, 1988 National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on
Environment and Development, 1992 Policy Statement on Abatement of
Pollution,1992 National Agriculture Policy, 2000 National Population Policy, 2000
National Water Policy, 2002
The principal Objectives of this policy are enumerated below. These Objectives
relate to current perceptions of key environmental challenges. They may,
accordingly, evolve over time: To protect and conserve critical ecological systems
and resources, and invaluable natural and man-made heritage, which are essential
for lifesupport, livelihoods, economic growth, and a broad conception of human wellbeing. To ensure equitable access to environmental resources and quality for all
sections of society, and in particular, to ensure that poor communities, which are
most dependent on environmental resources for their livelihoods, are assured
secure access to these resources. To ensure judicious use of environmental
resources to meet the needs and aspirations of the present and future generations.
To integrate environmental concerns into policies, plans, programmes, and projects
for economic and social development. i. Conservation of Critical Environmental
Resources: ii. Intra-generational Equity: Livelihood Security for the Poor: iii. Intergenerational Equity: iv. Integration of Environmental Concerns in Economic and
Social Development:
Efficiency in Environmental Resource Use: vi. Environmental Governance: vii.
Enhancement of Resources for Environmental Conservation: To ensure efficient use
of environmental resources in the sense of reduction in their use per unit of
economic output, to minimize adverse environmental impacts. To apply the
principles of good governance (transparency, rationality, accountability, reduction in
time and costs, participation, and regulatory independence) to the management
and regulation of use of environmental resources. To ensure higher resource flows,
comprising finance, technology, management skills, traditional knowledge, and
social capital, for environmental conservation through mutually beneficial
multistakeholder partnerships between local communities, public agencies, the
academic and research community, investors, and multilateral and bilateral
development partners.
This policy has evolved from the recognition that only such development is
sustainable, which respects ecological constraints, and the imperatives of justice.
The Objectives stated above are to be realized through various strategic
interventions by different public authorities at Central, State, and Local Government
levels. They would also be the basis of diverse partnerships. These strategic
interventions, besides legislation and the evolution of legal doctrines for realization
of the Objectives, may be premised on a set of unambiguously stated Principles
depending upon their relevance, feasibility in relation to costs, and technical and
administrative aspects of their application. The following Principles, may
accordingly, guide the activities of different actors in relation to this policy. Each of
these Principles has an established genealogy in policy pronouncements,
jurisprudence, international environmental law, or international State practice
Economic Efficiency:
In various public actions for environmental conservation, economic efficiency would
be sought to be realized . This Principle requires that the services of environmental
resources be given economic value, and such value to count equally with the
economic values of other goods and services, in analysis of alternative courses of
action. Further implications of this Principle are as follows:
Polluter Pays : 6 7
Equity, in the context of this policy refers to both equity in entitlements to,
and participation of, the relevant publics, in processes of decision-making
over use of environmental resources
Legal Liability:
The present environmental redressal mechanism is predominantly based
on doctrines of criminal liability, which have not proved sufficiently
effective, and need to be supplemented.
Civil liability for environmental damage would deter environmentally
harmful actions, and compensate the victims of environmental damage.
Conceptually, the principle of legal liability may be viewed as an
embodiment in legal doctrine of the polluter pays approach, itself
deriving from the principle of economic efficiency
The State is not an absolute owner, but a trustee of all natural resources,
which are by nature meant for public use and enjoyment, subject to
reasonable conditions, necessary to protect the legitimate interest of a large
number of people, or for matters of strategic national interest.
Decentralization involves ceding or transfer of power from a Central
Authority to State and Local Authorities, in order to empower public
authorities having jurisdiction at the spatial level at which particular
environmental issues are salient, to address these issues
draft, in English and Hindi was posted on the website of the Ministry of
Environment and Forests and responses were invited from individuals and
organizations, through advertisements in national and regional newspapers..
The draft was open for public consultation from 21 August, 2004 to 31
December, 2004. Consultations were held with concerned Ministries of the
Central Government, and all State/UT governments at meetings of the State
Environment Ministers and senior officials. The latter were encouraged to
undertake local level public consultations. The draft was also provided to the
Members of Parliament and their views and suggestions were invited. The
Ministry of Environment and Forests also held consultations with
representatives of major academic and research institutions, and key Industry
Associations, Voluntary Organisations, and individuals who are well known in
the field. Detailed summaries of responses were prepared and the various
concerns expressed by the respondents were addressed. Many of the
suggestions received have been incorporated in the Policy