CH Pres 02
CH Pres 02
CH Pres 02
6: Summary
Mean-Variance Analysis
George Pennacchi
University of Illinois
Mean-Variance Utility
ep ) = U E [R
U(R ep ] + R
ep e p ] U 0 E [R
E [R ep ]
+ 21 R ep ]
E [R ep ] + :::
U 00 E [R
+ n! ep
R ep ]
E [R ep ] + :::
U (n) E [R (1)
ep ] + 1 V [R
= U E [R ep ]U 00 E [R
ep ] (2)
m(t) = E (e tX ) = exp t+ 2 2
t (3)
1 2 2
cm(t) = exp t (4)
1 2t2
ep 1 d exp 2
E [R ] = =0 (5)
ep d 2 exp 12 2t2
E [R ]2 = = 2
dt 2
ep d3 exp 21 2t2
E [R ]3 = =0
dt 3
ep d 4 exp 21 2t2
E [R ]4 = =3 4
dt 4
U 0 (Rp + xi p) < U 0 (Rp xi p) (12)
due to the assumed concavity of U.
@E [U (Rep )] ep )]
@E [U (R
since we showed @ p2 < 0 and @ Rp
> 0.
Tangency Portfolios
Mean/Variance Optimization
Given the means and covariances of returns for n individual
assets, …nd the portfolio weights that minimize portfolio
variance for a given portfolio expected return (Merton, 1972).
Let R = (R1 R2 ::: Rn )0 be an n 1 vector of the assets’
expected returns, and let V be the n n covariance matrix
whose i; j th element is ij .
V is assumed to be of full rank. (no redundant assets.)
Next, let ! = (! 1 ! 2 ::: ! n )0 be an n 1 vector of portfolio
weights. Then the expected return on the portfolio is
Rp = ! 0 R = ni=1 ! i Ri (16)
and the variance of the portfolio return is
2 0 Pn Pn
p = ! V! = i =1 j =1 ! i ! j ij (17)
George Pennacchi University of Illinois
Mean-variance analysis 18/ 52
2.1: Assumptions 2.2: Indi¤erence 2.3: Frontier 2.4: R f 2.5: Hedging 2.6: Summary
min 12 ! 0 V ! + Rp ! 0 R + [1 ! 0 e] (18)
V! R e = 0 (19)
Rp !R = 0 (20)
1 !e = 0 (21)
= 2
& Rp
= 2
George Pennacchi University of Illinois
Mean-variance analysis 20/ 52
2.1: Assumptions 2.2: Indi¤erence 2.3: Frontier 2.4: R f 2.5: Hedging 2.6: Summary
is positive.
But since & R V 1 R is a positive quadratic form, then
& 2 must also be positive.
Rp 1 & Rp 1
! = 2
V R+ 2
V e (27)
& &
Mean/Variance Frontier
1 Rp
p = + 2
which is a hyperbola in p , R p space. Di¤erentiating, this
hyperbola’s slope can be written as
@R p & 2
= p (30)
@ p Rp
E¢ cient Frontier
Every portfolio on the mean-variance frontier can be replicated by
a combination of any two frontier portfolios; and an individual will
be indi¤erent between choosing among the n …nancial assets, or
choosing a combination of just two frontier portfolios.
@R p
Rp = R0 + p = 1p p (35)
@ p
@R p
where @ p p = 1p
is the slope of the hyperbola at point
1p ; R 1p and R 0 is the tangent line’s intercept at p = 0.
@R p & 2
R 0 = R 1p p = 1p 1p = R 1p 1p 1p
@ p R 1p
" 2#
& 2 1 R 1p
= R 1p + 2
R 1p &
& 2
= 2
R 1p
= R 2p
The intercept of the line tangent to ! 1 is the expected return
of its zero-covariance counterpart, ! 2 .
George Pennacchi University of Illinois
Mean-variance analysis 31/ 52
2.1: Assumptions 2.2: Indi¤erence 2.3: Frontier 2.4: R f 2.5: Hedging 2.6: Summary
Let us prove this result for the case Rf < Rmv . We assert that
the e¢ cient frontier line R p = Rf + & 2 Rf + Rf2 2 p
can be replicated by a portfolio consisting of only the riskless
asset and a portfolio on the risky-asset-only frontier that is
determined by a straight line tangent to this frontier whose
intercept is Rf .
If we show that the slope of this tangent is
& 2 Rf + Rf2 2
, the assertion is proved.
George Pennacchi University of Illinois
Mean-variance analysis 36/ 52
2.1: Assumptions 2.2: Indi¤erence 2.3: Frontier 2.4: R f 2.5: Hedging 2.6: Summary
h i
f = max b r [R f +! 0 (R R f e)]+ 21 b r2 ! 0 V !
maxE U W e (50)
! !