18.704 Notes: 1 Introduction To Representation Theory
18.704 Notes: 1 Introduction To Representation Theory
18.704 Notes: 1 Introduction To Representation Theory
704 Notes
Seminar in Algebra
Wanlin Li
Fall 2020
18.704 Course Notes Wanlin Li
• Definition. Index: number of distinct cosets of H in G, written |G : H| = |H|
2.2 September 8
• If H is a subgroup of G and G is finite, the index [G : H] = |H| and the right
cosets Hx partition G
• A normal subgroup N C G if N is closed under conjugacy, which allows for the
quotient/factor group G/N to be a group
• A group G is simple if it has no nontrivial proper normal subgroups, similar to
prime factors
• Group homomorphism is a map that preserves group structure
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3.2 September 8
• Functions from a set S to a vector space form a vector space as well
• Vectors {vi } span an F -vector space V if every element of V is a linear combina-
tion of vi
• Vectors are linearly independent if λi vi = 0 means λi = 0 ∀i
• A basis of a vector space is an independent set that spans the entire space
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4 Group Representations
4.1 Definitions and Properties
• Definition. Representation: homomorphism ρ from group G to GL(n, F ) for
some integer n and field F, where n is the degree of ρ
• Definition. Equivalent representations: two representations ρ : G → GL(m, F ), σ :
G → GL(n, F ) with m = n such that for some invertible n × n matrix T, gσ =
T −1 (gρ)T ∀g
• Definition. Faithful representation: ρ : G → GL(n, F ) with ker ρ = {1}
• A representation is faithful iff the image of the representation is isomorphic to
4.2 September 8
• Link group theory and linear algebra by representing group elements as invert-
ible matrices
• Representation must be a homomorphism so that it gives information about the
group structure
• Every group has a representation of every degree by the trivial map gρ = In
• To convert representations into another one, it suffices to convert an invertible
matrix into another invertible matrix while maintaining group structure
• Use change of basis T to get an equivalent representation by sending gρ to
T −1 gρT for all g
• Transforming to an equivalent representation can give more a more intuitive
and understandable representation for the same group
• Trivial representation sends all of G to In
• All representations that are equivalent to a faithful representation are also
5 FG-Modules
5.1 Definitions and Properties
• Definition. FG-module: given group G, an F -vector space V such that multi-
plication vg is defined satisfying group laws and behaves with vector addition
and scalar multiplication
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• Think of G acting on V
• Notationally let [g] denote the matrix of the endomorphism v 7→ vg of V (relative
to some given basis)
Theorem. Suppose that V is an FG-module with basis B and let ρ be the repre-
sentation of G over F given by ρ : g → [g]B . If B 0 is a basis of V, then the represen-
tation φ : g → [g]B0 of G is equivalent to ρ. Conversely if φ is a representation of G
that is equivalent to ρ, then there is a basis B 0 of V such that φ : g → [g]B0 .
5.2 September 10
• Let ρ : G → GL(n, F ) be a representation and V a vector space over F
• V is an F G-module if multiplication by G is defined, distributes over vector ad-
dition, and associates with scalar multiplication
• Given representation ρ and V = F n , setting V g = v(gρ) makes V into an F G-
module and there exists a basis B of V such that gρ = [g]B
• Conversely if V is an F G-module with basis B, g → [g]B defines a representation
• Circumvent representation by starting with group action on a basis and extend-
ing the action to be linear on V
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6.2 September 10
• Given an F G-module V, W is an F G-submodule if it is a subspace of W and is
closed under multiplication by G
• Irreducible F G-module has no proper non-trivial submodules
• If V is reducible then there is an F G-submodule
W with dimension less than
Xg 0
dim V and choosing a basis of W gives [g]B = in block form
Yg Zg
7 Group Algebras
7.1 Definition and Properties
• Definition. Group algebra: for a finite group G with elements g1 , . . . , gn and
a field F, a vector space F G over F with natural basis {gi } and natural defini-
tions for addition and scalar multiplication, additionally with multiplication of
vectors defined by
λg g µh h = λg µh (gh)
g∈G h∈G g,h∈G
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8 FG Homomorphisms
8.1 Definition and Properties
• Definition. FG-homomorphism: a function φ : V → W of F G-modules if φ is
linear and satisfies (vg)φ = (vφ)g for all v ∈ V, g ∈ G; i.e. if φ sends v to w, it
sends vg to wg
• [g]B = [g]B0 means that multiplying by g changes B in the same way that it
changes B 0 , e.g. if g swaps the first and second basis elements of B then it also
swaps the first and second elements of B 0
• If V is an F G-module that is a direct sum U1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Ur of F G-submodules with
bases Bi , combining these bases gives a basis B of V such that [g]B is diagonal
when viewed as a block matrix with [g]Bi along the diagonal
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9 Maschke’s Theorem
9.1 Definitions and Key Properties
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9.2 September 15
• For Maschke’s Theorem, it is important that F = R or C
• This allows an F G-module to be broken into a direct sum of irreducible F G-
• Use projection map to create another projection map with an F G-submodule as
the kernel
• Maschke’s Theorem says there exists some submodule that completes the direct
sum, not necessarily a unique one (even though this is true)
• Maschke’s Theorem is stronger than the result of picking a direct sum out of
irreducible submodules
• Maschke’s Theorem holds in characteristic 0 fields or any field in which the
characteristic does not divide |G|
10 Schur’s Lemma
10.1 Definitions and Properties
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Theorem. Let G be the abelian group Cn1 ×· · ·×Cnr . The representations ρλ1 ,...,λr
of G are irreducible and have degree 1. These account for all |G| irreducible rep-
resentations of G over C.
Z(CG) = {z ∈ CG : zr = rz ∀r ∈ CG}
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• This is because elements in the center commute with arbitrary group elements
and so multiplication by z is a CG-homomorphism
• Center Z(G) of G is a normal subgroup of G and a subset of Z(CG)
10.2 September 15
• Use Schur’s Lemma to characterize representations of finite abelian groups: ev-
ery irreducible CG-module is one dimensional which allows for diagonalization
• Schur’s Lemma is a powerful tool for CG-homomorphisms of irreducible modules
• A finite group is abelian iff all irreducible CG-modules have dimension 1
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11.2 September 17
• Group algebra CG is C-vector space with basis G along with multiplication in-
duced by G
• Working over C, Maschke’s Theorem holds for finite groups G
• As a consequence of Maschke’s Theorem, every finite dimensional CG-module
can be decomposed into irreducible CG-submodules
• Goal to determine the irreducible CG-modules up to isomorphism
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12.2 September 17
• Let HomCG (V, W ) be the set of all CG-homomorphisms from V to W as a vector
• If V and W are irreducible, the dimension of HomCG (V, W ) is either 0 or 1 de-
pending on whether these modules are isomorphic
• If HomCG (V, W ) is non-trivial, then V and W have a common composition factor
using Maschke’s Theorem with kernel decomposition
• If V = U1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Un where each Ui is an irreducible CG-module, then for any
irreducible CG-module W, the dimension of HomCG (V, W ) is equal to the number
of Ui satisfying Ui ∼
= W using direct sum property of the vector space Hom
• If U is a CG-module, then dim(HomCG (CG, U )) = dim U
• Take CG = U1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Un as a decomposition into irreducible submodules
• For each Vi in a complete set of non-isomorphic irreduciblePCG-modules, P dim Vi =
di is the number of different U j with V i
= Uj , so dim CG = dim Ui = di (dim Vi ) =
• Can use this to characterize finite groups by their irreducible decompositions,
although this does not uniquely determine the group
13 Conjugacy Classes
13.1 Definitions and Properties
• Definition. Conjugacy class: the set xG = {g −1 xg : g ∈ G}
CG (x) = {g ∈ G : g −1 xg = x}
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|xG | = |G : CG (x)| = .
|CG (x)|
Proof. If g −1 xg = h−1 xh, then hg −1 ∈ CG (x) and so CG (x)g = CG (x)h. Then the
function f : g −1 xg → CG (x)g is a bijection from xG to the set of right cosets of CG (x),
proving the desired result.
where |xG G
i | = |G : CG (xi )| and both |Z(G)|, |xi | divide |G|.
• In the symmetric group Sn , the conjugacy class xSn consists of all permutations
with the same cycle-shape (cycle lengths) as x
• In the alternating group An , if x commutes with some odd permutation in Sn
then xSn = xAn and otherwise xSn splits into two conjugacy classes of equal size,
represented by x and (12)−1 x(12)
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13.2 September 24
• Conjugacy classes xG = {g −1 xg : g ∈ G} partition a group
• Conjugacy classes of the symmetric group are sets of permutations with the
same cycle shape
• Center of group algebra is the set of elements that commute with every element
in the group algebra
• Class sums are the sums of elements in conjugacy classes and these form a basis
for Z(CG)
14 Characters
14.1 Definitions and Properties
• Definition. Character: for a given CG-module with basis B, the function χ :
G → C defined by χ(g) = tr[g]B
• The character is independent of the basis, so given a representation ρ : G →
GLn (C) the character can be defined as χ(g) = tr(gρ)
• Irreducible character is the character of an irreducible CG-module
1. χ(1) = dim V
3. χ(g −1 ) = χ(g)
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Proposition. If χreg is the regular character, then χreg (1) = |G| and χreg (g) = 0
for g 6= 1.
14.2 September 24
• Trace is the sum of diagonal entries of a matrix and tr(AB) = tr(BA), so trace
is invariant under conjugation
• Character of an element g is the trace of gρ
• Degree of a character is the degree of the representation
• Isomorphic CG-modules have the same character because under appropriate
bases, the matrices of the representation are identical
• Conjugate elements have the same trace and thus characters are constant on
conjugacy classes
• Value of permutation character correspond to the number of fixed points
• χ(1) = dim V and if ord(g) = r, χ(g) is a sum of rth roots of unity because there
exists a basis under which g is diagonal
• If g is conjugate to g −1 , then χ(g) is real because χ(g) = χ(g −1 ) = χ(g)
• As a special case if g has order 2, χ(1) ≡ χ(g) mod 2
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• The kernel of the representation is the same as the kernel of the character,
where the kernel of the character is defined as the set of elements mapping
to χ(1)
• Definition. Regular character: character of the regular CG-module
• The regular character is zero on any element other than the identity
• Let G be a subgroup of Sn and define ν(g) = π(g) − 1 where π is the regular
character; then ν is a character
• This is because the character contains the trivial character as a component
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15.2 September 24
• Given characters χ, ψ, hχ, ψi = hψ, χi is an integer
• hχ, ψi = hψ, χi
• Simplify inner product of characters using fact that characters are constant on
conjugacy classes
1 X 1 X
• hχ, ψi = χ(g)ψ(g −1 ) = χ(g −1 )ψ(g) = hψ, χi = hχ, ψi
|G| |G|
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16 September 29
• Definition. Class function: ψ : G → C such that ψ is constant on conjugacy
• Vector space of class functions is equipped with inner product, and the canonical
basis of this space is 1 on one conjugacy class and 0 everywhere else
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• Column orthogonality:
χi (gr )χi (gs ) = δrs |CG (gr )|
• The inner product of two different columns will be 0, but the inner product of
one column with itself is the size of its centralizer
1 X
λi = hψs , χi i = ψs (g)χi (g).
1 G χi (gs )
λi = |gs |χi (gs ) =
G |CG (gs )|
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as claimed.
• Either set of relations can be used to determine the missing elements of a char-
acter table
• Note that writing CG ∼ = W1 ⊕ · · · ⊕ Wk is canonical where Wi is the sum of dim Vi
copies of Vi , but the breakdown of Wi is not canonical
17 October 1
• Relate characters of groups to avoid doing extensive group theory and algebra
each time
Proposition. The group G is not simple iff χ(g) = χ(1) for some non-trivial
irreducible character χ of G and some non-identity element g.
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Theorem. The linear characters of G are precisely the lifts to G of the irreducible
characters of G/G0 . In particular, the number of distinct linear characters of G is
equal to |G/G0 | and divides |G|.
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χψ(g) = χ(g)ψ(g) ∀g ∈ G.
• Proof by fixing g and choosing basis such that matrix of g is diagonal so that the
trace is easy to compute
1 α1 α12 · · · α1r−1
1 α2 α2 · · · αr−1
• Definition. Vandermonde matrix: invertible matrix 2 2
. . . ... .
1 αr αr · · · αr r−1
for distinct αi
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18 October 6
• Relate character of G to subgroup of G
• Restrict a CG-module V to subgroup H of G, giving a CH-module denoted V ↓ H
• If V ↓ H is an irreducible CH-module, then it must be an irreducible CG-module
as well
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X 1 X
• This follows from d2i = hχ ↓ H, χ ↓ HiH = χ(h)χ(h) and hχ, χiG = 1
i=1 h∈H
• Previous proposition implies that all constituents of χ ↓ H have the same degree
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• Constituents must satisfy d2i ≤ [G : H] = 2
• From G/H ∼ = C2 , the non-trivial linear character of G/H lifts to the character
λ(g) = 1 if g ∈ H, −1 otherwise
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ψ(g) g ∈ H
Proposition. Given a character ψ of H ≤ G, define ψ̇(g) =
0 g∈/ H.
Then the values of the induced character are given by
1 X
(ψ ↑ G)(g) = ψ̇(y −1 gy).
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• Proof by showing this function is a class function whose inner products with
irreducible characters χ of G agree with inner products of ψ ↑ G with χ
• Then the degree (ψ ↑ G)(1) = |H| ψ(1)
G 1 y ∈ xG
• For x ∈ G, define fx (y) = as a class function, where xG is the
0 y∈ / xG
conjugacy class of x
• Not difficult to see hχ, fxG iG = |CG (x)|
19 October 8
• Definition. Algebraic integer: complex root of monic integer polynomial; equiv-
alently, an eigenvalue of some integer matrix
• Set of algebraic integers forms a ring
• Clean proof using tensor products
• Since χ(g) is a sum of roots of unity, χ(g) is an algebraic integer; thus if χ(g) is
rational, then it is an integer
• If C is conjugacy class of G, then C = x ∈ CG
• Because C is in the center of CG, there exists λ ∈ C such that uC = λu for all
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• Thus [x] = λI and taking the trace gives |C|χ(g) = λχ(1)
Lemma. Let r = αg g ∈ CG, where each αg is an integer. If u is a nonzero
element of CG such that ur = λu, then λ is an algebraic integer.
|G| χ(gi )
Proof. If g1 , . . . , gk are representatives for the conjugacy classes of G, then |CG (gi )| χ(1)
X |G| χ(gi )χ(gi )
and χ(gi ) are both algebraic integers. Then is an algebraic
|CG (gi )| χ(1)
integer which is equal to χ(1) by the inner product on χ. This value is clearly rational,
so it must be an integer and χ(1) divides |G|.
• Example. If |G| = p2 , χ(1) < p because the sum of squares of degrees of irre-
ducible characters is |G| and so every irreducible character has degree 1, which
implies G is abelian
• No simple group can have an irreducible character of degree 2, by considering
representation ρ : G → GL2 (C) with character χ
• Kernel of ρ is {1} because G is simple, so G is non-abelian and has no nontrivial
linear characters since its group of commutators must be all of G
• Since g → det(gρ) is a linear character, det(gρ) = 1 for all g and additionally G
has even order, thus containing an element of order 2
• The subgroup generated by this element is normal, contradicting G being simple
Corollary. Suppose that p is prime and the degree of every irreducible charac-
ter of G is a power of p. Then G has an abelian normal p-complement, meaning
there exists a normal abelian subgroup N of G with |G : N | a power of p and |N |
coprime to p. In particular this means G cannot be simple unless it has prime
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• ω i is an integer by inducting on n
• If order of g is upν , then au + bpν = 1 and setting x = g au , y = g bp works
• The element y is the p0 -part of g
• With ζ a primitive nth root of unity, pZ[ζ] = {pr : r ∈ Z[ζ]} which is a principal
ideal of Z[ζ]
• Because there are only finitely many ideals of Z[ζ] containing pZ[ζ], there is a
maximal ideal containing pZ[ζ]
• This maximal ideal P is prime, and P ∩ Z = pZ
• If ord(g) = m = upν then y = g bp with order u and both of these divide |G| = n
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• Both χ(g), χ(y) can be written as ωi for ωin = 1
ν ν 2ν
• If s is an mth root of unity, then s = sau+bp and sp = sbp ; by binomial expan-
ν ν ν
sion (s − sbp )p ∈ pZ[ζ] and s − sbp ∈ pZ[ζ], so applying this term by term shows
χ(g) − χ(y) is in this ideal
• As a corollary if χ is a character such that χ(g), χ(y) are both integers, then
χ(g) ≡ χ(y) mod p
• If the order of g is a power of p and χ(g) ∈ Z, then χ(g) ≡ χ(1) mod p because the
p0 -part of g is the identity
20 October 15
• Recall that U ↑ G is the CG-module obtained by multiplying elements of U by
elements of the group algebra
Alternatively, let IndG
H (W ) = s∈R sW where R is a set of representatives of
the cosets of H
• Definition. Double coset: if K, H are subgroups of G, the double coset KgH =
{kgh : K ∈ K, h ∈ H} and the set of all double cosets K\G/H partition G
• With H, K ≤ G, choose ρ : H → GL(W ) a linear representation of H and let
V = IndG
H (W )
• For s ∈ S, let Hs = sHs−1 ∩ K be a subgroup of K and set ρs (x) = ρ(s−1 xs) for
x ∈ Hs
• Induce this representation to K: IndK
Hs (Ws )
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21 October 20
• G is a finite group and V is a finite dimensional complex vector space
• Representation of G is group homomorphism ρ : G → GL(V ), where GL(V ) is
isomorphic to GLn (C) for some chosen basis
• CG-module is a vector space V equipped with a linear action of G on vectors,
which carries the same information as a representation
• Degree of representation corresponds to dimension of module and equivalence
of representations corresponds to isomorphism of modules
• CG-submodule is a subspace that is stable under G; this corresponds to a change
of basis such that the representation matrices are all upper/lower block-triangular
• Maschke’s Theorem goes further to say that such matrices can be simultane-
ously block-diagonalizable, i.e. if U ⊆ V then there is another CG-submodule W
such that V = U ⊕ W
• The proof first picks any subspace W 0 with U ⊕ W 0 = V, where W 0 is not neces-
sarily G-stable
• Instead, construct a projection from V to U with kernel that is G-stable
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for u ∈ G
• Normal convolution over an image is defined as (f ∗K)(x) = f (x−u)K(u)
for a filter/kernel K of size w × w
• Given set X and vector space V, denote LV (X) as the space of functions f : X →
V where elements of X are neurons and f (x) is the activation of x
• Definition. Multi-layer feed-forward NN: let X0 , . . . , Xl be a sequence of index
sets with vector spaces V0 , . . . , Vl and linear maps φ1 , . . . , φl where φi : LVi−1 (Xi−1 ) →
LVi (Xi ) and σi : Vi → Vi are non-linear functions; then the multi-layer feed-
forward NN is a sequence of maps f0 7→ f1 7→ · · · 7→ fl with fi (x) = σi (φi (fi−1 (x)))
• Each Xi is a layer of neurons and each map fi sends one layer to the next by
combining linear transformation with pointwise non-linearity
• Feed-forward component comes from input signals always moving forward to
deeper layers and never going backwards
• Definition. G-convolutional NN: with N a multi-layer feed-forward network in
which the ith index set is G/Hi for Hi ≤ G, N is a G-CNN if φi is a generalized
convolution of the form φi (fi−1 ) = fi−1 ∗ Ki for some filter Ki
• CNN has fewer parameters than fully connected feed-forward network, and since
it applies the same filter everywhere in the image, it can identify the same fea-
ture under translations in the image
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• A CNN feature map takes an image as input and passes it through several layers
of convolutions, feature maps, subsampling, etc. to produce some output
• Convolution can be unrolled to be represented as matrix multiplication (although
it is inefficient), but it is easier to think about
• CNNs are already equivariant to translation, but they do not perform well under
• Definition. Wallpaper group: discrete group of isometries of the Euclidean
plane containing two linearly independent translations, with point group the
subgroup generated by elements fixing the origin (excludes translations)
• Rather than making each filter equivariant, make the entire set of kernels equiv-
• Apply the group element to each kernel in the original set of filters to produce
a larger set of filters and apply each filter to the image to produce separate
channels, so that applying G to the image will just cyclically permute the order
of results in the channels
• Represent image as f : Z2 → Rk (0 outside the image pixels) and let FS be the
set of all images with domain pixels S
• Definition. Steerable CNN: define a CNN Φ : FS → FF with a filter bank
Ψ : FB → Rk where the size |B| of the filter is much smaller than the image size;
make the filter bank H-invariant to make φπ (g)f = π 0 (g)φf for all g ∈ G and
f ∈ FS
• Due to convolution, this setup causes each layer to become G-equivariant using
the induced representation of H to G
• Steerable CNN uses Z2 o H, but other G-CNNs may use other groups, e.g.
SO(3) o H (spherical CNN)
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• Overall strategy is to make the kernel invariant under the G-stabilizer of some
particular point
• Fast Fourier Transform exists for abelian groups and Sn but not in general
– An :
– Dn :
– E6 :
– E7 :
– E8 :
• These graphs correspond to integral solutions of p1 + 1q + 1
r > 1 where branches
of length p − 1, q − 1, r − 1 emanate from a central node
1 1 1
• There are many mathematical structures relating to solutions of p + q + r >1
and thus ADE diagrams
• Symmetries of platonic solids must satisfy this relation
• Given a platonic solid, barycentrically subdivide the faces and project the re-
sulting triangles onto a sphere
• There are 2p, 2q, 2r triangles around each edge, vertex, face respectively, so the
internal angles of the spherical triangles are πp , πq , πr
• Surface area of each triangle is R2 πp + πq + πr − π , so p1 + 1q + 1r > 1
• Platonic solids usually described in terms of symmetries, which are finite sub-
groups of SO3
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has at most one vertex of degree 3. Therefore G must consist of a central vertex of
degree ≤ 3 with at most 3 lines emanating from it, so G is represented by some triple
(p, q, r) like in the ADE problem. The goal from here is to constrain p, q, r and show
1 1 1
p + q + r > 1.
This is done by casework showing that otherwise G must contain as a subgraph at
least one of (3, 3, 3), (2, 4, 4), (2, 3, 6).
• Definition. Cartan matrix: given a finite (directed) graph G indexed by {1, . . . , r},
the matrix with entries (2δij − nij ) where δ is the Kronecker delta and nij is the
number of edges connecting i and j
• Definition. Positive definite matrix: matrix M for which there exists a vector
(xj ) such that cij xj > 0
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However, removing the trivial representation makes this product strictly positive.
Then the Cartan matrix is positive definite, and the reduced McKay diagram is an
ADE diagram.
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26 December 8
• Glauberman correspondence as way of relating characters of different groups
• Group S acts on group G by (g, s) 7→ g s and on functions f : G → G by f s (g) =
f (g s )
• Denote S-invariant character by IrrS (G) = {χ ∈ Irr(G)|χs = χ ∀s ∈ S}
• Example. If G acts on itself by conjugation, then IrrG (G) = Irr(G)
Lemma. If K is a conjugacy class of G and x ∈ K, then λχ (K̂) = χ(1) .
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• Glauberman map from IrrS (G) → Irr(CG (S)) constructed using map from irre-
ducible character χ to the central character λχ , then a restriction map to CG (S),
and finally back to G