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Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol. 17, Jul., 2015 (p.


Appraisal of Geotechnical Characteristics of Soil for Different

Zones of Faisalabad (Pakistan)
Kamal M.A.*1, Arshad, M.U.2, Khan, S.A.3 and Zaidi, B.A.4
1. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan.
3. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan.
4. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Taxila, Pakistan.
* Corresponding Author: E-mail: [email protected]
Appraisal of Geotechnical Characteristics through ground investigation is essential to obtain
subsurface information and parameters for foundation design. Technologically advanced countries
had already developed geotechnical zoning maps to facilitate geotechnical engineers and geologists
for preliminary scheduling, feasibility studies and to design a variety of engineering projects. As rich
speckled data is available for sub soils of Faisalabad, the study aimed to develop geotechnical zones
of Faisalabad based on SPT statistics and appraisal of bearing capacity for all the proposed zones.
The subsurface soils up to 1 meter depth comprised of slightly cohesive fill material/ Clayey Silt
overlaying medium dense non-cohesive Silty Sand/Fine Sand that is underlain by dense poorly graded
fine Sand to very dense Sand. Faisalabad has been divided into three zones I, II & III based on
geotechnical characteristics. Zone-I comprised of areas having SPT values < 4, Zone-II from 5-8 and
the bearing capacity was evaluated based on shear failure and settlement criteria for Zone-III the N-
value ranged from 9-15. For each zone bearing capacity can be assessed by assigning type of footing
and its width. This would facilitate the engineers to assess the bearing capacity with confidence, for
feasibility studies, preliminary scheduling and designing of variety of engineering projects.
Key Words: Bearing capacity; Foundation design; Geotechnical zones; Shear failure; SPT

1. Background physical growth of the area. The trunk roads are

surrounded by foremost trade and production and the
Faisalabad plays an important strategic
total area comprised of 12115 hectares. [1]
industrial and administrative role as the second
largest city of Punjab, Province. It has been a hub of The land development can be divided into three
agriculture, trade, and business since its setting up as types;
district back in 1904. It’s rapidly increasing industry
and resulting population demands more infrastructure  Slums: Private land development without any
and housing facilities. approval from the concerned authorities.
Realizing the importance of geotechnical zoning  Squatter: Katchi Abadis: These are settlements
and to assist the designers, a study was focused to built on an adhoc basis illegitimately engaged
describe characteristics of subsoil, development of by squatter.
geotechnical zones, assessment of allowable bearing
capacity for each zone and guidelines for foundation  Planned developments: The schemes
design. developed following building by laws.
Land use pattern The land use in Faisalabad as revealed by
A diverse nature of land use exists in the town survey carried out during 1996 is tabulated in
from which it could be assessed to have a balanced Table 1.

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.17, Jul., 2015

Table 1: Land-Use Distribution covered by the deep alluvial deposits. The basement
high, depicted by outcrops of basement rocks near
Land Use Area (in Percentage
Sargodha, Chiniot, Shahkot and extending from
Sargodha to Faisalabad and further southeast towards
Residential Area* 5706 47.31
Indian border, shows a concentration of earthquakes
Commercial Area* 376 4.23
with magnitude up to 5.5 on the Richter scale. A
Industrial Area* 713 6.35
moderate earthquake originating from the basement
Educational Area 435 3.56
high in Punjab plain could produce appreciable
Open Space 189 1.59
ground shaking at sites due to the thick alluvial
Public Buildings 512 4.02
Agricultural Area 3985 31.12
Major Roads 221 1.83 According to the Seismic Zoning Map of
Total Area 12115 100.00 Pakistan, the project sites falls in Zone 2A,
*contain trivial roads and streets consequently the structures should be designed in
accordance with the requirement of seismic design
Geology after due consideration to other structural design
Faisalabad is situated in gentle sloping plains of
Upper Indus Basin as shown in Figure-1. These Soil Exploration and Sampling
plains are covered by Quaternary Unconsolidated
The aim of the subsurface investigation was to
deposits of enormous thickness and bedrock
obtain a detailed understanding of the engineering
belonging to Indian Basement exists at a greater
and geological properties of the soil/rock strata and
depth. The Quaternary deposits comprised of silty
groundwater conditions. Soil exploration techniques
clay and sand in varying proportions which are
accumulated by braided tributaries of Indus river include in-situ and laboratory testing, appraisal of
sub-soil characteristics and evaluation of bearing
system, originating from the north-west Himalayas
The geologic study is based on general site In-situ tests carried out during geotechnical
reconnaissance and detailed geologic and investigations were Standard penetration tests (SPT),
geotechnical investigations. The project sites are cone penetration tests (CPT), flat plate dilatometer
located on nearly horizontal flood plains covered by tests (DMT), pressure meter tests (PMT), and vane
fine grained loamy soils. Bedrock is not exposed shear tests. SPT and CPT are the most frequently in-
situ tests being used in Pakistan.
within the project sites and its vicinity not
encountered within the investigated depth of Geotechnical Maps
boreholes. Geotechnical maps are prevalent nowadays due
The substrata comprised of alluvial deposits of to the existence of Geographical Information Systems
the Indus river system. The sediments are (GIS) and Global Position Systems (GPS). These
unconsolidated as deep as 900 feet. The unlined maps provide a powerful database and strong visual
irrigation canals and distributaries including water presentation of data. The use of such maps saves
courses are the main source of groundwater recharge. effort, time, and provide quick source of
Rain fall contribution to groundwater recharge is not information for engineering projects, especially in
considerable. Ponds also slightly contribute towards civil engineering field, such as the construction of
the recharge. buildings, dams, roads and tunnels, etc. [4] The
standardized methodology and procedures of
2. Seismicity regional geotechnical mapping proposed by the
The Punjab Plain, in which the city is located, Council for Geosciences in South Africa follows a
shows low to moderate level of seismicity which is systematical approach and can be divided into the
associated with the faulting in the basement rocks following phases:

Appraisal of Geotechnical Characteristics of Soil for Different Zones of Faisalabad (Pakistan)

Fig. 1: Geological map of Faisalabad region, Pakistan 2008 [3]

Qfx = stream bed and meander plain
QC = Loess and flood plain deposits, middle terrace deposits
Qtx = Deltaic Flood Plain
CK = Older Alluvial Complex deposits

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.17, Jul., 2015

1. Data gathering or desk study. contained, standard penetration test N values, soil
2. Reconnaissance survey. classification, soil stratigraphy, sub-soil
3. Field mapping. characteristics of top 3- meter soil.
4. Laboratory analysis.
5. Compilation of the engineering geotechnical Geotechnical Zoning
map and Zoning of Faisalabad city has been proposed on
6. Report writing. the basis of SPT–N values for 3- meter overburden
soils. The area was divided into three zones, zone I, II
Geotechnical maps had already been developed
& III and has shown in Figure 2, 3 & 4 based on N-
by some countries across the globe which includes;
values suggested by Terzaghi for soft, medium and
Australia [5], South Africa [6]and Nablus – Palestine
hard consistency soils [7] as shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Selected Zoning Criteria (Terzaghi and
The importance of developing geotechnical map
Peck, 1948)
for Faisalabad region is the fast and simple access to
the information regarding foundation and allowable Sr. No. Zone Range of N values
bearing capacity. In addition, this map will help in
1. Zone – I 1-4
preliminary studies, feasibility studies, and land use
policies. 2. Zone – II 5-8

3. Methodology 3. Zone – III 9-15

Geotechnical data for 115 sites at scattered

locations throughout the Faisalabad city was Figures: 2, 3 and 4 show SPT profiles for Zone-
collected. The collected data from these locations I, Zone-II and Zone-III respectively.

Fig. 2: SPT Profile for Zone-I

Appraisal of Geotechnical Characteristics of Soil for Different Zones of Faisalabad (Pakistan)

Fig. 3: SPT Profile for Zone-II

Fig. 4: SPT Profile for Zone-III

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.17, Jul., 2015

Geotechnical zoning map based on SPT has dense sand, shown in Figure 6. Water table was
been developed and has been shown in Figure 5, with encountered at 2 sites only out of 115.
Fig. 5: SPT Profile for Zone-III
colored lines showing the boundaries of each zone.
4. Bearing Capacity Appraisal
Zone-I generally consists of a top 1-meter fill Geotechnical Zones have been proposed based
material comprised of lean clay with pieces of pottery on SPT database for 3- meter overburden soil. The
and brick bats underlain by non-cohesive sandy position of station points have also been marked on
silt/silty sand as shown in Figure 6. Zone-II generally the administrative map. Typical stratigraphic and
consists of top 3-meters layer of silty sand followed SPT profile for each zone, analysis of laboratory and
by 4-meters layer of sand with silt that is underlain field data and foundation design parameters have
by fine sand as shown in the Figure 6. Zone-III been made, based on which allowable bearing
generally consists of top 1-meter fill material capacity have been calculated for each zone. These
consisting of clay with brick bats underlain by silty parameters are tabulated in the Table 3, 4 & 5 for
sand that is underlain by poorly graded sand and then zone-I, II and III respectively.

Appraisal of Geotechnical Characteristics of Soil for Different Zones of Faisalabad (Pakistan)

Fig. 6: General Stratification for Zone-I, II and III

Table 3: Zone-I, Parameters for Foundation Design

Soil Depth Bulk Undrained Coefficient of Angle of Internal

Identification (m) Density Cohesion compressibility Friction
(kg/cm3) (kg/cm2) (cm2/kg) (Degree)
From To

Lean Clay/Fill 0 1.5 0.0016 0.2 0.02 -

Silty fine sand 1.5 5.0 0.0017 - - 28

Fine Sand with silt 5.0 10.0 0.0019 - - 32

Fine Sand with Silt 10.0 18.0 0.0019 - - 32

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.17, Jul., 2015

Table 4: Zone-II, Parameters for Foundations Design

Soil Depth Bulk Undrained Coefficient of Angle of
Identification (m) Density Cohesion compressibility Internal
(kg/cm3) (kg/cm2) (cm2/kg) Friction
From To (Degree)

Silty sand 0 3.0 0.0017 - - 28

Sand with Silt 3.0 7.0 0.0017 - - 30

Fine Sand 7.0 18.0 0.0019 - - 32

Table 5: Zone-III, Parameters for Foundations Design

Soil Depth Bulk Undrained Coefficient of Angle of Internal
Identification (m) Density Cohesion compressibility Friction
(kg/cm3) (kg/cm2) (cm2/kg) (Degree)
From To

Silty Clay/Fill material 0 1.0 0.0016 0.3 0.02 -

Silty sand 1.0 5.0 0.0017 - - 28

Fine Sand 5.0 9.0 0.0019 - - 32

Dence Sand 9.0 18.0 0.0019 - - 33

Geotechnical design criteria adopted for Foundation proportioning curves for three Zones
evaluating the allowable bearing capacities for have been plotted and shown in Figure 7. The
foundations of lightly loaded structures was based on allowable soil pressures are quite low for Zone-I and
no shear failure of the supporting soil using a factor the soil is weak at shallow depth. Therefore to have
of safety 3.0 for an allowable settlement of 25 mm increased bearing capacity proper compaction of top
for strip and square footings. layerup to the influence Zone has been suggested.
For lightly loaded structures, spread foundations The allowable capacities for Zone-II are fairly
like square or strip, are appropriate. Allowable good at shallow depth, even better for Zone-III as
bearing capacities in overburden soils have been compared to Zone-II with very good soil
evaluated for 1.0 to 4.0 m wide spread footings. The characteristics at shallow depth.
depth of foundation is taken as 1.5 m from NSL for
zones I and II and 1.0 m for zone III. 5. Conclusions
Foundation proportioning curves for three Zones 1. The study area primarily consist of top 1 to 1.5
have been plotted and shown in Fig. 7. The allowable meters thick lean clay (CL) or fill material that

Appraisal of Geotechnical Characteristics of Soil for Different Zones of Faisalabad (Pakistan)

Fig.7: Foundation Proportioning Curves for Zone-I, II and III

is overlying medium dense silty Sand which in 6. Zones I and II can be used for the construction
turn is overlying dense Sand. of single/double storey dwellings without soil
2. Poorly graded non-plastic sands are improvement. Zone III can be used for
encountered at shallow depth with varying construction of multistoried structures and
amount of Silt. These soils fall in SP-SM and industrial units.
SP/SM group according to Unified Soil 7. The data base developed in this study can be
Classification System. used for feasibility studies and preliminary
3. For Zone-I, settlement criterion controls the design with a reasonable level of confidence.
allowable bearing capacity.
8. Generally the allowable bearing pressures for
4. For Zone-II, for small foundation widths, shear strip footings are less than the bearing pressure
failure criterion controls the allowable bearing for the square footings of the same width. But
capacity while for large foundation widths for sandy soils as encountered in this research,
settlement criterion controls the allowable allowable bearing pressures for strip footings
bearing capacity. are higher than the bearing pressure for the
5. For Zone-III, shear failure controls the square footings of same width. This is due to
allowable bearing capacity. the elimination of Cohesion factor.

Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. Vol.17, Jul., 2015

6. Recommendations [3] Building Code of Pakistan-Seismic Provisions,

1. The GIS technology has taken a considerable Ministry of housing and works, Government of
role in engineering field; the technology may be Pakistan, 2008.
used to improve the accuracy of geotechnical [4] IsamJardaneh, Geotechnical Map for the City of
data base. Nablus – Palestine, An-Naja University journal
for research-Natural Sc., Volume 21, 2007.
2. Similar studies for other major cities of Pakistan
and compilation of such individual results may [5] Bui, E.N., Moran, C.J. and Simon, New
be carried out to produce provincial or national geotechnical maps for the Murray-Darling
level geotechnical data base. Basin, D.A.P. CSIRO Land and Water
Technical Report 42/98, Australia, 1998.
7. References
[6] Kleinhans I, A critical appraisal of regional
[1] Integrated Slums Development Programme geotechnical mapping in South Africa, MSc
(ISDP), Faisalabad city profile and selection of dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria,
wards, March 2001. 2003.
[2] Commission on Engineering Geological Maps [7] Terzaghi, K., and Ralph B. Peck, Soil
of the International Association of Engineering Mechanics in Engineering Practice, John Wiley
Geology - CEGM-IAEGC, No. 15, 1976. and Sons, New York, 1948.


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