Engineering Geology: Behrooz Samadian, Ali Fakher

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Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11

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Proposing a framework to combine geological and geotechnical

information for city planning in Sanandaj (Iran)
Behrooz Samadian a,⁎, Ali Fakher b
Department of Civil Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A proposed framework that combines geological and geotechnical characteristics is very useful in planning and
Received 9 August 2015 designing construction activities in a large area, such as a city. A step-by-step process of the proposed framework
Received in revised form 20 April 2016 is presented for the city of Sanandaj, Iran. Sanandaj was developed on Cretaceous rock units as well as Quaternary
Accepted 28 April 2016
alluviums. Identifying engineering variables related to these rock units and alluvial deposits is essential for deter-
Available online xxxx
mining their behavior in construction projects. In the presented research, first, all rock types and alluvial layers in
Sanandaj were determined and their properties, including their formation and origin, were described, and then,
Sanandaj city soil the area was geologically classified. A database including the results of 211 geotechnical boreholes at Sanandaj
Urban geology was compiled and data were completed and validated through the excavation of 9 pits in different locations
Iran around Sanandaj. Finally, a geological and geotechnical framework was proposed for Sanandaj to identify the
Geotechnical tests city's underlying geological layers.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the number of buildings' floors as well as the construction of deep base-
ments. An increase in the heights of buildings and the depths of excava-
Identifying the ground geotechnical properties in a large area by en- tions increases the importance of identifying the ground geotechnical
gineering tests and borehole drilling is very difficult because it is expen- properties of this city. To ensure that the urban development in Sanan-
sive and time consuming. The identification of large areas initially daj is conducted with an in-depth understanding about the city's geo-
requires geological studies followed by the inclusion of geotechnical in- technical conditions, it is very important that a geological and
formation. Finally, a geological and geotechnical classification is pre- geotechnical classification be prepared. In this research, major geotech-
pared for the entire area. This type of classification might not only be nical studies on Sanandaj are presented.
used in urban planning and regional development, but it might also be
applied in the quick selection of geotechnical variables and initial de- 2. Similar research
signs in small-scale projects. Furthermore, these types of studies pro-
vide useful information on the effects of construction projects, on the Geological and geotechnical classification of urban areas has been
possible changes in environmental conditions and on the surrounding proposed at several sites. Here we provide a brief overview on some
landscape. In this paper, an example of such a classification process is of these researches, which were used as examples in this study. Tehran's
presented for Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdistan province. The city of Sa- coarse-grained alluvia have been divided into four geologic categories
nandaj is situated in the west of Iran covering an area of 80 km2 and is (Rieben, 1966). In the Rieben (1966) the geological classification system
economically important due to its vicinity to Iran–Iraq border. From of the age and general geological characteristics of alluvia are consid-
2006 to 2011, the population of the city has grown from 330,000 to ered. Fakher et al. (2007) added geotechnical characteristics to the
400,000. The Sanandaj site is a combination of rock and soil layers, Rieben geological classification system, and consequently, a new geo-
which is an interesting and complicated site for such a study. In Fig. 1, technical–geological classification was presented for Tehran's soils,
the location of Sanandaj and its main roads are shown. Construction in which is widely used in Tehran. Cheshomi et al. (2009) investigated
this city is rapidly expanding due to population growth and urban de- the influence of grain shape factors on the friction angle of Tehran's
velopment. Because Sanandaj is located in a large valley and surrounded soils and recommended empirical relations for Tehran's soils in various
on all four sides by high mountains, there is limited potential for the de- geological zones. Skipper et al. (2005) identified geological properties of
velopment of the city surface area, which has resulted in an increase in the Quaternary deposits in Dublin and presented the characteristics and
hazards of clay in this city. In another similar study, Maharaj (1995)
⁎ Corresponding author. combined the geological and geotechnical information to identify the
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (B. Samadian). physical and mechanical properties of Jamaican soil and evaluated the
0013-7952/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11

Fig. 1. a) Map of Iran, including main cities. b) Map showing the location of roads in Sanandaj and trace of the sections presented in Fig 7.

geotechnical hazards of Jamaican soil. Geotechnical studies on the de-

velopment of Suez were conducted in Egypt by Arnous (2011) to devel-
op the selection and construction of appropriate sites. Fuchu et al.
(1994) conducted an engineering geological study on Tong Chuan in Table 1
China, whereby the research, geotechnical, and geological problems of Steps considered in the proposed framework.
the city were investigated along with the problems induced by con- Step Title Purpose
struction activities, such as the constructed slopes. Additionally, several
1 Geological desk study Identifying basic geological
urban geological-geotechnical studies have been conducted for some characteristics and origins
cities, aimed at understanding the interplay of natural processes and 2 Determining apparent evidence Determining rock units and soil layers
urban development (Haworth, 2003; Raspa et al., 2008; El May et al., from field visits with outcrops and studying their
2010; Touch et al., 2014; Jannuzzi et al., 2015). appearance
3 Understanding the subsurface Determining the layers and drawing
layers the transverse and longitudinal
3. Steps of the proposed framework profiles of the considered area
4 Geological classification Determining the geological units of
the area and their formation
The proposed framework for combining geological and geotechni-
5 Determining geotechnical (i) Collecting the available geological
cal information of the Sanandaj site was conducted in six steps, as properties of the geological units information for each geological unit
presented in Table 1. These steps are described in the following (ii) Controlling the available
sections. information
(iii) Completing the information for
unknown units
3.1. Step one: studying the general geology of the considered area 6 Presenting the geological and (i) Determining a
geotechnical classification for the geological-geotechnical classification
The study area is located in a highly active seismic zone, not far from studied area (ii) Determining the geotechnical
the Main Recent Fault in the Zagros fold and thrust belt. Floods and
B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11 3

Table 2
Apparent comparison of the alluvial and residual clays in Sanandaj.

Clay Formation origin Aggregates and rock fragments Limestone and andesitic Thickness Consistency
type cobbles
Percentage Size Shape

Alluvial Washing of shale rock and limestone Up to 30% Max 20 mm Rounded corners Cobbles with a diameter of 5–40 m Medium to very stiff
and sometimes volcanic rocks around and flakiness 100 mm and maximum of 20%
Sanandaj by floods and erosion
Residual Weathering of shale rock in Sanandaj Up to 40% Max 40 mm Angular – Smaller than 5 m Soft to medium

slope processes occur, too. Based on the Sanandaj map, as shown in activities with deep Flysch–Turbiditic deposits. The late Cretaceous de-
Fig. 1, some parts of Sanandaj were established on both sides of an Old posits in the Sanandaj area are primarily composed of 1700 m of dark
River, with some parts being located on the side of the Qeshlaq River. gray shale (Sanandaj shale) with minor sandstone and micritic lime-
The Old Sanandaj River originated in the western highlands of the city, stone (Sahandi, 2005). Its geomorphology is represented as large and
spanning from the west to the east of Sanandaj and finally joining the small dome-shaped hills, in which some parts of the hills are covered
Qeshlaq River. The altitude of the central part of Sanandaj is 1450 m with a thin layer of clay soil (Zahedi, 1990). According to Zahedi
above sea level. The maximum height of the mountains surrounding Sa- (1990), the units of the Sanandaj region are shale, limestone, volcanic
nandaj is also approximately 2600 m. Iran is divided into three main rock and Quaternary alluvial deposits. Fig. 3 shows the main units of
sedimentary-structural zones (Stocklin, 1968): northern, central and the Sanandaj region. The alluvial deposition is enhanced by the pres-
southern Iran or Zagros. Central Iran is divided into four subzones: ence of the Qeshlaq River. Other factors accelerating the formation of
(1) Sanandaj–Sirjan, (2) Alborz, (3) the central Iranian micro- soil layers in Sanandaj are the topography and climate conditions in
continent and (4) the Iranian east mountains (Nabavi, 1976; the area. Flooding events and seasonal rivers rapidly produce sedimen-
Eftekharnejad, 1980; Berberian and King, 1981; Alavi, 1994). In Fig. 2, tation, forming alluvial layers with a thickness of several meters.
the subzones of Central Iran are shown. The Sanandaj–Sirjan zone is a
metamorphic belt in the southwest of central Iran, which is located in
3.2. Step two: field reconnaissance
a prolongation of the major Zagros thrust. The length of the Sanandaj–
Sirjan zone is approximately 1500 km, and its width is 150–200 km, ex-
Many field visits were extensively conducted for this project at dif-
tending from northwest Sanandaj to southwest Sirjan in the western
ferent times from 2012 to 2014. The apparent evidence and primary
part of Iran (McCall, 2002). All of the rocks of the Sanandaj–Sirjan
rocks observed in the Sanandaj region along with the soil layers is de-
zone are located within three tectonic-stratigraphic units, namely,
scribed in this section.
(a) late Precambrian–middle Triassic, (b) late Triassic–Cretaceous and
(c) Tertiary set (Ghasemi and Talbot, 2006). The geological characteris-
tics of northern-mid and south of this zone are not the same. In the 3.2.1. Rock units
northern-mid of this zone, where Sanandaj city is located, the middle The location of Sanandaj in a valley and its topography is such that all
Cimmerian events, especially the Laramide orogeny, are Plutonism of the rock units have apparent outcrops on the walls of the valley. The
and Metamorphism components (Aghanabati, 2010). In the late units found in the Sanandaj region consist of shale, limestone and an-
Triassic–Cretaceous, this zone was characterized by massive volcanic desite, each of which is described separately.

Table 3
Simple illustration of the stages of the formation of the geological units found in Sanandaj, from youngest to oldest.

Approximate time Important event in Sanandaj Figure

250 ka to 2 Ma Formation of alluvial and residual deposits in Sanandaj valley (high rate of erosion and deposit formation due to
(million years ago) topography, faults and floods in the region)

Less than 70 Ma Tectonic pressure and the formation of andesite rocks in Cretaceous deposits, with a thickness of approximately 300 to
400 m in the eastern and northern parts of Sanandaj, and the formation of shale hills in Sanandaj (presence of several
faults in Salavat Abad Col, east of Sanandaj, spanning several kilometers)

Less than 70 Ma Drying of the sea and severe erosion of limestone and shale, and the formation of Sanandaj valley

70 Ma Presence of a shallow sea in Sanandaj and the formation of calcareous sediments with a thickness of 200 to 300 m on top
of shale rocks

80 Ma Rise of the Cretaceous sea level (presence of a deep sea in Sanandaj) and the formation of fine-grained shale deposits on
the sea floor (with limestone and conglomerate interlayers in small quantities)
4 B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11

Table 4
Classification of the main geological units found in Sanandaj.

Geological period Unit Age Thickness (m) Locations of observations

Quaternary Residual soil 250 ka Up to 5 Abidar Mountain Range and Tekieh and Chaman
Alluvial soil 2 Ma 5 to 40 Around Old River, Azadi Square
Upper Cretaceous Volcanic rocks 70 Ma 300 to 400 Salavat Abad Mountain, Faraje, Saheli Town and Dr. Hosseini Boulevard
Limestone 200 to 300 Abidar Mountain Range towards the Hassan Abad ring-way and Amiriyeh Square
Shale 80 Ma Up to 1700 In most parts of Sanandaj including Abidar Mountain Range and the hills within Sanandaj

• Shale (late Cretaceous) 3.2.2. Soil layers

This rock unit is formed of quartz, feldspar and clay minerals accord- Relatively deep soil layers are present in different parts of Sanandaj,
ing to XRD and microscopic studies (Sahandi, 2005). The discontinu- especially in the axial part of the valley. Here, the soil layers are
ities of the unit are sometimes high and significant on the surface. described.
However the fractures reduce with an increase in the depth. The Two types of clays, namely alluvial and residual, can be found in Sa-
rock unit is highly weathered and crushed due to exposure to air nandaj. The distinction is based among all on the shape of coarse aggre-
and moisture. The spacing of discontinuities in this rock is usually gates, which are more rounded in alluvial clays and more angular in
less than 20 cm. This rock outcrops in many places of the Sanandaj re- residual ones.
gion, such as the Abidar Mountain Range, Abidar–Hassan Abad Belt,
Sadi Town, Zagros Town, Vahdat Town, Baharan Town, Payam Town, ■ Alluvial clay
Besat Town, Ghopal, area behind the Shadi Hotel, Degayran, Sheikh The presence of this clay in Sanandaj is the result of floods that oc-
Salam Hill and many other locations and hills in the city. Fig. 4a curred from west to east, especially in the center of Sanandaj. The
shows an example of the observed shale. Shale is considered to be thickness of this layer varies between 5 and 40 m, whereas the thick-
the dominant rock in Sanandaj. Based on the observations in this ness in the central part of Sanandaj (Azadi Square) is approximately
study, it is estimated that 70% of the city was formed by shale rock. 35 m. Fig. 5a and b show the outcrops of alluvial clay in the excava-
Loading and unloading processes during the geological periods play tion. The alluvial clay of Sanandaj has a relatively uniform gradation
an important role in shaping properties of the shale. Shale expands and a small percentage of coarse aggregates (less than 30%), with a
during unloading, creating joints and cracks (Terzaghi and Peck, maximum size of 2 cm. Most of the aggregates have rounded corners
1976). and/or a flaky shape. In some areas, the amount of aggregates in-
• Limestone (late Cretaceous) creases and the alluvial clay is renamed from CL to SC or GC, accord-
The rock unit is gray and dark gray and consists of detrital limestone ing to the unified soil classification system. In Fig. 5c, the increased
and sand limestone. The thickness of the rock unit is 200 to 300 m, amount of aggregates in the clay soil can be seen. However, the ag-
and its age dates back to late Cretaceous (Zahedi, 1990). The spacing gregates are not in contact with each other, thus they do not play
of discontinuities in this rock varies between 1 and 2 m and the sepa- an important role in the mechanical behavior of the clay. The wan-
rating of joints is also less than 1 mm. The limestone can be found in dering limestone cobbles with diameters of 7 to 15 cm, which have
the mountains of the Sanandaj region, such as Abidar Mountain and flooded from Mount Abidar and the western mountain ranges of Sa-
its mountain range and some other locations. Fig. 4b shows an outcrop nandaj to the central part of the city, can also be seen within the clay
of limestone in Sanandaj. This rock is typically located above shale layers. Moving farther from the surrounding mountains, the diame-
rock; however, it can also be found within the layers of shale. The ter of aggregates in the clay becomes smaller. The accumulation of
limestone gradually created an alluvial fan at the foot of Mount alluvial deposits and the flooding from Sanandaj's western moun-
Abidar. However, calcareous rubble was also found in places farther tains have caused the formation of alluvial fans.
away from Mount Abidar towards the center of Sanandaj. ■ Residual clay
• Andesite (late Cretaceous) This clay resulted from the weathering of rocks, especially shale, and
The areas in Sanandaj with the most extensive amount of Creta- is usually seen in the western highlands and some shale hills in Sanan-
ceous volcanic rock outcrops include an area between Sanandaj daj, which have been highly weathered. The thickness of residual clay
and Divandarah (in 90 km north of Sanandaj), recognized by usually does not exceed a few meters. The unit contains rock frag-
Zahedi (1990) as an inter-stratigraphic Cretaceous volcanic rock. ments that are 3–4 cm in size. These fragments have sharp corners,
Field studies indicate that volcanic rocks with a greenish-gray to evidence of weaker water erosion in respect of alluvial clays. Fig. 6
dark color are located within the layers of coal shale and the light shows an example of residual clay with rock fragments embedded
to gray limestone. In the aforementioned region, volcanic rocks in the clayish unit. Table 2 also compares two types of Sanandaj clays.
have been found in large and scattered masses along a north- ■ Sand and gravel
south direction. The thickness of this rock is approximately 300 Clean sand and gravel can be seen along the Qeshlaq River (Kurdistan
to 400 m, which belongs to the late Cretaceous (Zahedi, 1990). Boulevard) and its surrounding areas as well as along the Old River
Only some parts of this rock on the ground surface are weathered. with a thickness of a few meters. In the deeper part of the Sanandaj,
The spacing of discontinuities in this rock varies between 0.5 and such as Shebli Boulevard, Chamran Boulevard, South Mardoukh
2 m and the separating of joints is less than 1 mm. Fig. 4c shows and Azadi Square, alluvial clay there are also sand and gravel
an outcrop of andesite rock in Sanandaj. interlayers.

Table 5
Characteristics of the pits.

Pit S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9

Location Ghods high 13 Aban Hayat Tayyebe Namaki Palestine Molavi Saheli Town Abidar Mountain Vahdat Town
school school school Boulevard Building Complex Range
Depth (m) 10 10 10 10 15 15 10 3 10
Soil type Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Alluvial Residual Alluvial
B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11 5

Table 6
The number of tests performed in this study.

Sand cone test Gradation test Plastic limit and liquid limit tests Direct shear test (Consolidated Drained) Triaxial test (Unconsolidated Undrained) Consolidation test

93 93 93 18 18 18

Table 7
The number of tests performed on rock samples in this study.

Rock type Sampling location in Sanandaj Specific gravity and water Durability Load point index
absorption Percentage index

Shale Sadi Town–5 Azar–Pardis–Tekieh and Chaman–Shadi 65 samples 39 samples 260 samples
Abad–Shalman–Keshavarz Town–Villa Shahr–Baharan Town
Limestone Zagros Town–Abidar Mountain Range–Baharan Town 15 samples 9 samples 15 cylinder samples D = 50 (mm), L/D = 2
Andesite Pardis–Feyz Abad–Farajeh 15 samples 9 samples 15 cylinder samples D = 50 (mm), L/D = 2

In this Table, D is diameter of the sample and L represents height of the sample.

3.3. Step three: understanding the subsurface layers and drawing the gen- between boreholes in Sanandaj was a few kilometers and the depth of
eral profiles boreholes in some areas was less than 5 m. Therefore, one could not
use only the boreholes data for geotechnical evaluation. Some limita-
During the third step, it is necessary to image the subsurface stratig- tions, including the lack of data, can be resolved through the combina-
raphy. Here, the results of the boreholes must be used. The borehole tion of geological and geotechnical data. Fig. 8 shows the location of
data include bedrock depth, groundwater level, and the physical and the boreholes from which the data was collected. The information was
mechanical properties of the layers in different parts of Sanandaj City. implemented in a geographic information system (GIS) program and a
Because Sanandaj is located in a valley, all of the units and layers were database was established.
observed in the field visits and these observations were verified by bor-
ings and subsurface identifications. The boreholes used in this study are 3.5.2. Verification of the boreholes data and providing additional data
described in the following steps. Fig. 1 shows the location of the B–B′ In this study, a number of pits were manually excavated with a di-
cross section along the Old River and the D-D’ cross section perpendic- ameter of 1 to 1.2 m and a series of tests were also performed. The pur-
ular to the B–B′ cross section, passing from Sanandaj center. Additional- pose of preparing new pits and tests was to check and compare the
ly, Fig. 7 shows the cross sections. It must be noted that the Old River is previous data and to provide additional data. Nine locations were select-
presently dry because of drought. ed in different parts of Sanandaj for the excavation of pits (Fig. 8), whose
characteristics are presented in Table 5. These locations were selected
3.4. Step four: geological classification based on the stages of unit formation because of their proximity to the previously drilled boreholes, thus
allowing a direct comparison. For the sake of identification, a series of
In this step, it is necessary to classify the geological units determined tests were planned according to the ASTM standard (ASTM D1556-00,
in the second and third steps based on the formation stages, presented 2000; ASTM D2435-03, 2003; ASTM D2487-00, 2000; ASTM
in Table 3. Additionally, Table 4 presents the classification of the D2850-03a, 2003; ASTM D3080-03, 2003; ASTM D422-63, 2002;
observed geological units in Sanandaj. ASTM D3418-00, 2000; ASTM D6473-99, 1999) (Table 6). It must be
noted that there was a limitation regarding the depth of the pits because
3.5. Step five: determining the geotechnical properties of the geological of the level of the groundwater and bedrock. Additionally, a geological
units survey was used when deeper pits or boreholes were needed. After
completion of the necessary tests, on samples taken from the tips, the
This step should be performed over several phases. First, the avail- collected boreholes data were recognized to be acceptable.
able geotechnical information should be collected, and then, the collect- Rock units are strong enough to be used for urban construction.
ed information should be checked. Eventually, the missing information However, in previous projects in Sanandaj, characterization was some-
will be obtained through field investigations. times overlooked, so there was not much information available on
them. In the presented research, rock properties were studied via labo-
3.5.1. Collecting the available geotechnical data ratory investigations. To identify the rock properties in Sanandaj, rock
The information obtained from the previous geotechnical site inves- units were classified according to the RMR classification system
tigations was collected in order to provide the data for the engineering (Bieniawski, 1989) and the Franklin (1981) system for rating shale
characterization. The information was obtained from 211 boreholes at a rock. Accordingly, in addition to the tests for specific gravity and
maximum depth of 40 m. It must be noted in some areas, the spacing water absorption, durability index and point load tests were also

Table 8
Physical properties and deformability of soil layers in Sanandaj.

Layer Physical properties Deformation properties

γ (kN/m3) PI LL ω% Unified classification E (MN/m2) ν Cc Cs

Residual clay 16–18 10–25 30–48 20–30 CL, SC 5–15 0.3–0.45 0.2–0.3 0.02–0.03
Alluvial clay 18–20 10–25 30–48 10–25 CL, SC 7–35 0.25–0.40 0.1–0.2 0.01–0.02
Sand and gravel 17–19 – – – SM, SP 20–50 0.2–0.3 – –

In this Table, Cs is the swell coefficient, Cc is the compressibility coefficient, ν is the Poisson's ratio, E is the elastic modulus, ω is water content, LL is liquid limit, PI is plasticity index and γ is
the specific gravity.
6 B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11

Table 9 3.5.3. Summarizing the geotechnical properties

Strength properties of Sanandaj soil. According to the prepared data bank and the complementary test re-
Layer Strength properties sults, the physical and deformation properties as well as strength prop-
cu (kPa) ϕu c′ (kPa) ϕ′ SPT
erties of Sanandaj soil are presented in Tables 8 and 9, respectively.
Additionally, the properties of the rock units are shown in Table 10. In
Residual clay 30–60 0–5 0–3 25–30 3–10
this table, the physical properties of three types of rocks including spe-
Alluvial clay 60–100 0–10 3–10 25–32 6–25
Sand and gravel – – 0 32–36 10–25 cific gravity, water absorption, durability index, and RQD are shown.
Moreover, the elasticity modulus, point load and uniaxial compressive
In this table, SPT is the standard penetration test, c is the cohesion, and ϕ is the friction angle.
strength of rocks are determined, and finally the mentioned rocks are
classified based on the RMR system.
performed (Franklin and Chandra, 1972). The point load test was select-
ed due to its simplicity, speed and correlation with the uniaxial com- 3.6. Step six: geological and geotechnical classification for the study area
pressive strength test (Bieniawski, 1975). Because limestone and
andesite in Sanandaj are regarded as good rocks and are not degradable, As previously mentioned, the geological–geotechnical classification
a limited number of durability index tests were conducted on them. of an urban area could be used in planning as well as in the rapid and
However, shale rocks weather quickly during excavation and their preliminary identification of the ground in a project. In addition to the
strength decreases significantly; therefore, they are regarded as degrad- ground geotechnical properties, this type of classification must also be
able rocks. Table 7 presents the various tests that were conducted on the able to determine the possibility of finding various units in the study
rock units in Sanandaj. area. The following summary is noteworthy in this regard.

Table 10
Characteristics of rock units in Sanandaj.

Rock type Slake durability % Specific gravity Absorption % Point load (MPa) RQD % qu (MPa) EM (GPa) RMR
(kN/m3) Is(50)

Shale 85–97 2.71–2.75 2.5–4.5 0.5–2.9 0–40 5–30 0.05–2 IV–V

Limestone 98–100 2.68–2.71 0.1–1.0 3.2–8.5 40–80 30–200 5–50 II–III
Andesite 97–100 2.71–2.81 0.2–2.0 2.3–13.3 30–90 30–250 5–50 II–III

In this table, RQD is the rock quality designation, EM is the deformation modulus of rock mass, and qu is uniaxial compressive strength.

Table 11
Geological–-geotechnical classification proposed for Sanandaj in combination with Fig. 9.

Number Type of layer Physical properties Mechanical properties

obtained from Fig. 8

1 Residual clay γ (kN/m3) = 16–18 Deformation properties Cc = 0.2–0.3

PI = 10–25 Cs = 0.02–0.03
LL = 30–48 E (MN/m2) = 5–15
ω % = 20–30 ν = 0.3–0.45
Strength properties cu (kPa) = 30–60
ϕu = 0–5
c’(kPa) = 0–3
ϕ’ = 25–30
2 Alluvial clay γ (kN/m3) = 18–20 Deformation properties Cc = 0.1–0.2
PI = 10–25 Cs = 0.01–0.02
LL = 30–48 E (MN/m2) = 7–35
ω % = 10–25 ν = 0.25–0.40
Strength properties cu (kPa) = 60–100
ϕu = 0–10
c’ (kPa) = 3–10
ϕ’ = 25–32
3 Sand and gravel γ (kN/m3) = 17–19 Deformation properties E (MN/m2) = 20–50
ν = 0.2–0.3
Strength properties c’ (kPa) = 0–5
ϕ’ = 32–36
4 Bedrock or shale rock outcrops Slake durability % = 85–97 Point load (Mpa) = 0.5–2.9
Specific gravity (kN/m3) =2.71–2.75 RQD = 0–40
Absorption % = 2.4–4.5 qu (MPa) = 5–30
EM (GPa) = 0.05–2
5 Bedrock or limestone outcrops Slake durability % = 98–100 Point load (MPa) = 3.2–8.5
Specific gravity (kN/m3) = 2.68–2.71 RQD = 40–80
Absorption % = 0.1–1 qu (MPa) = 30–200
EM (GPa) = 5–50
6 Bedrock or andesite rock outcrops Slake durability % = 97–100 Point load (MPa) = 2.3–13.3
Specific gravity (kN/m3) = 2.71–2.81 RQD = 30–90
Absorption % = 0.2–2.0 qu (MPa) = 30–250
EM (GPa) = 5–50
B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11 7

Table 12 River (Dareh Bayan River), and c) the distance from fault A shown
Geotechnical hazards of the Sanandaj layers. in Fig. 3. These factors are described in the following section.
Layer Geotechnical hazards

Residual clay ● Low strength and compressible, even in dry conditions

(i) Altitude level
● High possibility of long-term collapse in excavation with vertical Mountains surround Sanandaj with some hills within the city.
walls The closer to these mountains (either the surrounding moun-
Alluvial clay ● Low strength and compressible in case of water absorption tains or the hills within the city), the higher the possibility of
Sand ● Instability of vertical trenches
finding rock units. Therefore, the altitude can determine the pos-
Shale ● Quick decomposition and weathering when exposed to weather
● Instability in vertical excavation and trenching with respect to sibility of finding certain units. Additionally, residual clay can be
the direction of joints seen at high altitude levels and in mountain ranges, especially in
Andesite ● Without hazards in normal construction projects the vicinity of shale rock due to the weakness of these rocks.
Limestone ● Without hazards in normal construction projects (ii) Distance from Qeshlaq River and Old River in Sanandaj
Generally, Sanandaj soil is primarily composed of clay, especially
alluvial clay. The thickness of this soil in the central part of Sa-
nandaj, which is located along the river, is greater than in other
areas. Near the Old River, some 2–3 m thick inter layers of sand
can be observed. Most of the soil near the Qeshlaq River in west-
ern Sanandaj is composed of sand and gravel. Therefore, the dis-
tance from the river can also be considered a factor affecting the
Sanandaj possibility of encountering different soil layers.
(iii) Distance from fault A
According to Fig. 3 and the description in Table 3, considering
fault A, from the southeast to north of Sanandaj, the rock units
east of this fault are typically andesite rock and the rock units
to the west are shale or limestone. It is likely that the presence
of the Salavat Abad fault, which is a few kilometers in length
and runs in a north-south direction a short distance from and
parallel to fault A, caused such a boundary.
(iv) Determining the rock units and layer type at a project location
The workflow in Fig. 9 shows the possibility of finding a rock unit
-Sanandaj-Sirjan -Iranian east mountains and Sanandaj soil. From this figure, in addition to the bedrock
-Central Iranian micro-continent -Alborz type and rock outcrops, it is also possible to determine the soil
type. Once the soil type and possible bedrock at one point is de-
Fig. 2. The sedimentary-structural subzones of Central Iran.
termined according to Fig. 9, its characteristics can be estimated
using Table 11.
a) Determining the bedrock type at a project location:
Data collected in this research allow to recognize the factors af- To determine the bedrock type at a project location, refer to the
fecting the possibility of finding certain units. These factors include: workflow's right part. If the project is located on the east of
(a) the altitude level, (b) the distance from Qeshlaq River and Old fault A, the bedrock is andesite. To determine the rock's

-Fault A separating andesite and shale

-Alluvial channel deposits
-Quaternary alluviums
A -Andesite
-Shale (Sanandaj shale)
Besat Town Qeshlaq River

Sheikh Salam Hill

Senadej Castle
Abidar Mountain


Zagros Town

Baharan Town

Fig. 3. The main geological units in Sanandaj region.

8 B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11

Fig. 4. Outcrops of Sanandaj rocks: a) Shale in Sadi Town, b) Limestone in Abidar Mountain Range, and c) Andesite in Dr. Hosseini Boulevard.

geotechnical characteristics, see the row 6 in Table 11. However, if the altitude of the project location is less than 1700 m, the
if the project is located on the west of fault A, the bedrock is lime- soil type is alluvial clay or gravel and sand. To recognize the soil
stone or shale. If the altitude of the project location is more than type, its distance from Old River soil should be determined. If
1700 m, the rock type is limestone, and for its geotechnical prop- the project site is less than 50 m from Old River, the soil type is
erties, see row 5 in Table 11.However, if the altitude of the pro- alluvial layer (CL or SC or SM).To determine its geotechnical
ject location is less than 1700 m, the bedrock is shale, and for properties, see rows 2 and 3 in Table 11. However, if the distance
its geotechnical properties, see row 4 in Table 11. from Old River is more than 50 m, to determine the type of soil,
b) Determination of the soil type at a project location: the distance from Qeshlaq River should be taken into account.
To determine soil type at a project location, refer to the If the distance from Qeshlaq River is less than 50 m, the soil
workflow's left part. If the altitude of the project location is type is gravel and sand (SP or SM or GM). To determine its geo-
more than 1700 m, the soil type is residual clay (CL or SC), and technical properties see row 3 in Table 11. However, if the dis-
see row 1 in Table 11 for its geotechnical properties. However, tance of the project site from Qeshlaq River is more than 50 m,

Fig. 5. Sanandaj alluvial clay: a) old outcrops in Senadej Castle, b) outcrops in one of the excavations in Namaki Boulevard, and c) rounded aggregate in alluvial clay in Kurdistan Boulevard.

Fig. 6. Rock fragments embedded in Sanandaj residual clay: a) Abidar Mountain Range and b) Tekieh and Chaman.
B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11 9

Cross section B-B' Ground Surface

a 1560 1
Shale & Andesite

1520 × Intersection B-B' and D-D'

Elevation (m asl)

1480 × 3

1400 5
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Distance (m)

b Ground Surface
Shale & Andesite
Cross section D-D'
1600 × Intersection B-B' and D-D'
Elevation (m asl)

6 10
1520 7 8
1480 ×
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Distance (m)

Fig. 8. Location of the previous boreholes from which the data was collected and the new
pits excavated in the study.

considered. Additionally, vertical excavation in this soil type should be

performed with great caution. The other type of Sanandaj clay is alluvial
clay. This clay is at great distance from the mountain ranges and is
thicker, older and has a larger preconsolidation pressure and smaller
settlement rate in comparison with the residual clay. In terms of consis-
d tency, this type of clay is medium to stiff. However, a vertical excavation
more than 5 m deep in this soil should be performed with great caution.
Additionally, in a vertical excavation of a lesser depth and in the pres-
ence of water and leakage, the strength of the clay decreases with the
possibility of collapse. River sand and gravel exist in the clay in the
form of inter layers, but the thickness of the river sand and gravel in-
creases in areas near the Qeshlaq River and Old River. This soil does
not have a high density and is not cemented.

4.2. Rock layer hazards

Fig. 7. Longitudinal and transverse cross sections along with characteristics of the
boreholes: (a) B–B′ cross section along the Old River shown in Fig. 1, (b) D–D′’ cross
In general, there are three types of outcrops in Sanandaj, shale rock,
section passing from Sanandaj center shown in Fig. 1, (c) and (d) the layers observed limestone and andesite rock. As presented in Table 11, according to the
from boreholes in points 1 to 11 - CL, SC, SM and GC are lean clay, clayey sand, silty sand RMR rating system, the andesite rock and limestone have fair to good
and clayey gravel respectively. characteristics and generally do not pose geotechnical hazards during
normal construction operations; however, the shale rock is considered
the soil type is alluvial clay (CL or SC).Geotechnical properties of to be among the very poor to poor rocks according to this classification.
the soil type can be seen in row 2, Table 11. The shale easily crushes and weathers during unloading and often
shows a high hazard of collapse during trenching and excavation. In
4. Geotechnical zoning and hazards in Sanandaj the case of high weathering and decomposition of the shale rock, this
rock can be considered to be a soil in the design procedure to extract
Using Fig. 10 and Table 11, an initial estimation for the properties of and calculate its geotechnical characteristics. Based on the durability
the possible layers can be made. Then, to complete the classification, the index and point load test, the diagrams proposed by Franklin (1981)
hazards are determined. Finally, the geotechnical zoning map of Sanan- and Richardson and Wiles (1990) can be used to obtain some of the geo-
daj is presented and can be used in urban planning. technical parameters of the shale rock. The geotechnical hazards of the
Sanandaj layers are briefly summarized in Table 12.
4.1. Soil layer hazards
4.3. Geotechnical zoning map of Sanandaj
Residual clay is minimally thick. As one gets closer to the mountains
and hills, the thickness and age of the clay becomes smaller, and there- The geotechnical zoning map of Sanandaj, prepared using the col-
fore, it is expected that the preconsolidation pressure in this soil would lected borehole data as well as the results of field investigation and lab-
be smaller. Additionally, the residual clay in Sanandaj typically has a oratory tests conducted in this study, was presented in Fig. 10. This map
high water content due to its low thickness and position. Therefore, can be used for preliminary geotechnical evaluation and urban plan-
when encountering this soil type, the settlement issue should be ning. Based on the map, Sanandaj was divided into 6 zones. The
10 B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11

Fig. 9. Workflow for determining the possible bedrock and layer type at a project location — CL, SC, SM, SP and GM are lean clay, clayey sand, silty sand, poorly graded sand, and silty gravel

properties of the layers including geotechnical classification, layers image of the geotechnical conditions in large areas such as cities. The
depth, underground water level and the geotechnical hazards of the presented approach can be applied, especially in the areas where
layers were indicated in the map. there is not sufficient borehole data. In many urban studies, sufficient
geotechnical borehole data is available. For example, Raspa et al.
5. Discussion (2008) used more than 2000 boreholes in their investigations of
Roma. Touch et al. (2014) also used 1200 boreholes to study Phnom
The presented research shows an approach for combination of the Penh City. In the presented study, the number of the boreholes was
geological and geotechnical information which can provide a good 211 and in some parts, the spacing of the boreholes was more than

-Zone 1 made of andesite

-Classified according RMR to II and III
-Zone 2 made of limestone
-Classified according RMR to II and III
-Zone 3 made of shale
-Classified according RMR to IV and V
-Zone 4 made of clay and sand
-Classified according unified system to CL and SC
-Depth of bedrock is 5 to 20m
-Groundwater level 1to 12m
-Zone 5 made of clay and sand
-Classified according unified system to CL and SC
-Groundwater level 1 to 18m
-Depth of bedrock is 5 to 40m with settlement risk
-Zone 6 made of sand and gravel
-Classified according unified system to SM and GM
-Groundwater level 0 to 5m
-Depth of bedrock is 10 to 20m

Fig. 10. Geotechnical zoning map of Sanandaj.

B. Samadian, A. Fakher / Engineering Geology 209 (2016) 1–11 11

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