Fasil Report
Fasil Report
Fasil Report
This report is submitted to Atnafu Demelash for sub surface investigation and
foundation recommendation work located in Gelan city with the understanding that
it will be held in strict confidentiality and will not be used in part or in whole for
This report Describes the geotechnical investigation work executed for a proposed G+5 building,
owned by Atnafu Demelash.
The purpose of the current geotechnical investigation was to explore and evaluate the surface and
sub-surface conditions of the project site in order to provide geotechnical design parameters and
recommendations useful for the design and construction of the project.
The geotechnical investigation program comprised field investigation, laboratory test as well as
preparation of interpretative geotechnical investigation report. The field work which comprised
excavation of two test pit and soil sampling.
This report describes purpose and scope, methodology, and standards of investigation, brief
description of local geology and sub- surface conditions of the study area, geotechnical
characteristics of sub-surface layers at the study site, bearing capacity engineering analysis and
recommendations on foundation type and depth and related issues. Test pit logs and laboratory
test results are also annexed with the main report.
Assess and describe the surface and sub-surface conditions at the proposed building site,
Collecting relevant data from existing site conditions,
Determine the type and extent of geotechnical layers,
Determine the engineering properties of the geotechnical layers constituting the sub
surface geology of the site,
Investigate the presence of ground water and identify its level if encountered.
Conduct laboratory tests on samples recovered during field work to determine
appropriate index and engineering parameters useful for foundation recommendation for
the proposed building.
Preparation of interpretative soil investigation report with engineering recommendation
to guide the design engineer in designing economical and appropriate foundation.
Excavation of two test pit to investigate the sub –surface condition of the site and recover
soil/rock sampling for laboratory test.
Carrying out laboratory tests on representative soil samples collected from the boreholes;
Ground water level measurement in drilled boreholes and
Preparation of geotechnical investigation report
Gelan basalt is extensively crops out along akaki,kebena,and dukem rivers at the east to
southeastern part of addis ababa,and represents the oldest unit of the area.it consistsof essentially
sub-horizontal lava flows with thickness ranging from few meters up to 20m.
gelan unit cropes out east of addis ababa and consists of scoria and spatter cones with associated
tabular lava flows and phreato-magmaticdeposits.alluvial deposits covering these units consists
of regolith,reddish brown soils talusand alluvium with maximum thickness of about two meters.
The methods of investigation are generally categorized as desk study, field investigation and
laboratory test. All filed and laboratory investigations were made in accordance with soil
investigation method for building specified in the ES EN -7(ES EN 1997:2015)
GEOTECHNICAL DESIGN and other international standards, namely BS and ASTM.
Desk study which involved collection and analysis of pertinent data (Regional and local
geological reports, maps ,site investigation reports etc.),
Walk over survey at and around the building site to assess and record engineering
geological conditions (soil and rock type , geohazards such as
landslides,subsidence,expansive soils, floods etc.)that could affect the building ,
Excavation of test pits to identify subsurface conditions and recover samples for
laboratory tests,
Ground water measurements in test pits, and
Laboratory tests on selected representative soil samples to determine their engineering
Sub-surface investigation at all tests pits has confirmed that from geotechnical point of view, the
project site is dominantly covered by uniform geology composed of grey,silt and clay mixed
with some sand soil. Therefore it is conservatively considered as the only layer which has a
significant contribution for the failure of foundation by settlement.
Then taking a safety factor is 3 due to the soil without causing failure of soil in shear or
excessive settlement being tolerable for that structure and also to avoid estimation of the
equivalent free surface stress on the bearing capacity factor so to take as a safety factor for
Q ult
allowable bearing capacity (Q all = ,242.12KPas)
Depending on the foundation width at a depth of 3.0m below the natural ground level for
settlement limited to 25mm.
Table 2: Allowable bearing pressures based on from converted SPT test results
As general remark, the following points are recommended for consideration during design and
constriction of foundation.
B. Surface Drainage
It is recommended to provide at least 1.00m water tight apron all around the building
with surface drainage ditch to drain away from the building.
Remove at least 0.9m thick soil below the apron and replace with well compacted and
well graded select material.
It is recommended to perform construction during dry season which would make the
excavation work easier and also helps to place the foundation on a dry and stable
The Engineer in charge shall conduct intermittent supervision of the foundation excavation
works during construction to verify/check the actual subsurface conditions, and shall make
adjustments to the foundation recommendation given in this report where actual site conditions
warrant such changes.
Drainage during construction provides grading with positive slope to keep the surface
runoff away from structures. Also provide drainage so that water will not pound on the
uphill of the structure due to sloping nature of the site.
Pavement provides paving around the structures to width of 1 to 1.5 meters. This will
reduce moisture fluctuation under the structures.
Slopes in gravel and sand deposits are generally stable at inclination from 1.5H: IV with
the steeper inclination used in the more granular soil units with higher relative densities.
They can be also used when cutting or excavation slopes adjusted and to increase the
stability of cut slope the following parameters are essential: -
o Flattering Slopes
o Benching slopes
o Structural systems such as retaining walls or reinforced slopes.
Since this the proposed residential building of foundations shall be safely placed on dark
yellowish fractured gravel, stiff to hard, non-plastic occasional to some sand clay and occasional
to significant fractured gravel derived from highly weathered rock stratum, so these coarse-grain
or gravel and sand are rating as sub grade and they have an essential engineering characteristic
such as:-